New Modern Family

Published on Nov 3, 2013


before i began i would like to send a thank you to all the readers who have sent me emails. i am happy to know you guys are liking the story. it helps to know people are out there enjoying my work. please continue reading and i will continue writing. i would also like to apologize for taking so long in getting this out, halloween week has been crazy. also im a sorry about the formatting getting messed up in the last chapter. if its not obvious the ? were supposed to be quotation marks and commas. i hope the problem is fixed in this one now for the boring part:

Please note all characters in the upcoming story are properties of their individual owners, the writer makes no claim on anything

Also please note this story may not be legal to read in all areas of the globe, read at your own risk.

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two weeks had passed since luke and his father had the experience. since then phil dunphy had avoided even talking to his son. going so far as to climb out of the living room window when luke entered the room. luke was confused and a little hurt, he had taken to inviting manny over every night. currently the two were in the kitchen arguing.

" you told me you would show me whatever this big secret is two weeks ago!" the pudgy brazilian kid said a bit angryily, waving his arms in the air for aided effect

" yes i did, and maybe if you would stop asking i would," luke returned with a slight snear on his face

dude just tell me


their voices raised together as they argued mixing until it sounds like random yelling. claire comes walking in and quiets them down her voice barely above a yell. she begans taking food out of the freezer with an exasperated sigh

" ok i have dinner to make, laundry needs to get done, and your sister somehow thought it was prudent to sign me up to bake 4 dozen cookies for her schools food day which she forget to tell me is tommorrow. so whatever this is you both better tell me or figure it out yourselves"

" its ok claire" manny began collecting himself " my childish counterpart and i were simply debating on the finer points of basketball"

claire rolled her eyes in annoyance behind the fridge door as luke and manny filed out of the room. phil was shifting through the mail by the front door when the two entered.

"oh...hey hows things..." phil gives a quick look of worry to the camera and then suddenly throws the mail at their faces, they both step back temporally shielding their eyes. phil turns around and tries to open the locked door, rattling the handle a couple of times before bolting upstairs tripping on the broken step. he can be heard yelling back " im going to fix that step" as he slams his bedroom door

manny turns to luke " you have a very odd family you know that"

intro music starts

cut to phil sitting on the couch, it takes him a while to start talking

" im not good under pressure,... so when i had to have that unavoidably awkward talk with luke the day after we,you know. i just didnt." he wringes his hand nervously

" now i cant even talk to my own son,i mean do you know what its like to see the monster truck rally is in town and not being able to tell him? its horrible"

luke and manny were sitting in lukes room the door closed, the two boys were sitting on the ground looking at one of their history notebooks. or at least manny was, luke was busy zoning out. his mind was at it again jumping from subject to subject. mostly it was swimming around his dads peculiar behavior. more then once it landed on the feeling of his first handjob. he tried to wrench his mind away from the subject but it keep circling around. finally he couldnt take it anymore and turned to manny,

"hey, you still want to know what i was talking about?"

"no, ive decided not to care anymore" the chubbier lad says half ignoring his step-nephew

" come on, im willing to tell you"

"alright fine" manny sighs putting the notebook down " but this better be good"

"Oh it is" luke says almost jumping halfway across the room to close the door and lock it with the chair.

"why are you closing the door?

"i told you, its a secret. you have to promise me right now you wont tell gloria or jay"

" i dont know luke, i tell my mom and jay everything" manny starts to look nervous " im not a good liar"

"well you better become one" the other boy says walking across the room " if you want to see what ive been hiding"

manny looks pensive for a moment before nodding" ok, its a deal"

luke began undressing before he finishes the sentence, his shirt and shoes coming off in a flash,his pants quickly follow their counterparts on being tossed to the floor. manny looks on in silence, this was not uncommon, luke was prone to shedding down to his boxers. and considering this was lukes room manny couldnt object anyway. it wasnt until his stepnephew/friend pushed down his boxers did manny realize where this was going. he was left staring at luke in his full glory and felt a familiar stirring in his groan.

"luke?" manny begans

" hurry up and strip" luke says eagerly bouncing onto the bed already sporting a hard on from the excitement of the situation

" lukes that a private matter'' manny begans again

"dude im sitting here naked, kind of unfair"

manny lets out a sigh and stands up stripping out of his clothes slowly, each article he folds neatly placing it on the desk. its five minutes before he is down to his underwear. slowly he pulls them down to lukes eager eyes. luke is taken back manny has sparse hair around his cock and it rests at an easy 3 and 1/2 inches soft.

"dude you have hair" luke says taken back

" yes, the men in my family grow hair very early, my fathe says he had hair at the age of nine"

" oh thats cool" luke says a little embarassed of his cock again

manny sits on the bed gingerly " so luke what was this secret you wanted to share"

" oh right", luke pops up hitting his head on the bottom of the top bunk. " ow, ok so you know sometimes how it gets hard? well apparently we can use our hands to make it feel good"

" luke, are you talking about jerking off?"

"you know about it too?"

" yes, for the last two years actually"

" two years...."luke ponders that for a second " did your dad teach you too?"

"your dad..."

" yeah my dad showed me this" luke gushed in his usual manner

" thats why hes been acting so weird lately" manny began to daydream about phil. like luke manny had reached that stage where he was actively imagining other people. unlike luke however manny had a very specific group of people running through his head. phil dunphy was one of them. the goofy older man was constantly in mannys dreams.

" yeah so do you want to?"

manny observed luke for second, he did not have a crush on his crushes son, but he had to admit to himself luke was cute sitting there naked staring at him hopefully. " ok", manny said grabbing himself and rubbing it. his cock grew to a stiff five inches,enough to make luke smile. his own penis was still hard and had impressively remained so during the entire conversation and he wastes no time in joining his friend in jerking off

it wasnt long before the situation changed, luke eagerly reached out and grabbed manny, he had wanted to do the same with his father but was to wrapped up in the pleasure to think about it unitl after.

"oh its that kind of session is it?" manny turns to luke asking without a look of shock or uncomfortableness

"do you mind"the other lad asks

"no, in fact in my family this not uncommon"

" you and my grandpa?" luke asks staring at manny in disbelief

manny rolls his eyes " no luke, my mothers family. this is just one of the many things i have been introduced to by my heritage"

" thats cool" luke says still pumping his friend, for a couple of seconds manny is afraid he wont take the bait. finally luke catches on with a widened eye and turns back to his step-uncle with a look of excitement " what other things?"

" i knew you would ask, lay back on the bed" manny eagerly crawls to his knees facing his friend who is crawling further onto the bed and laying down his young stiffy sticking straigh into the air. manny takes a few seconds to admire the smooth slightly pudgy body of his friend before bending down close to his pelvic area, " ok dont freak out" luke is looking down at him and gave a slight nod

manny truly is an old hand at this from spending years at his uncles and aunts houses and wastes not time in taking lukes entire 3 1/2 inches into his mouth swirling his tongue around it. luke lets out a mild surpised yell and manny has to grab onto his thighs to keep him from kicking. " he brings his head up to look the lad in the eye and says " when you have to cum tell me right before" luke doesnt answer just nods again this time to eager to get him to start again

it isnt long before the young dunphy is buckling his hips manny is having a hard time keeping his mouth on it. luke feels the pressure rising and before he can let out a warning shoots into the mouth of his friend who rears back in surprise

luke looks down wideyed " um, im going to cumming?"

manny gives a look of anger to the camera

cut to luke sitting on the couch

" its not like i meant to shoot into his mouth, i just couldnt hold it back anymore. besides ive seen him moms cooking, he's eaten far worse before"

cut to manny on the couch

" accident or not, thats not how its done. in some parts of brazil you do that and your'll either wind up dead or like my mothers third cousin toothless juavier,....who had to clean up the guys house for an entire year."

manny gives a sigh of exsparation " whatever its your turn now"

" my turn for what" luke asks groggily with half closed eyes

" thats how it works, luke. if you get a blowjob you give a blowjob"

" but i dont know how to give a snowjob" the boy says sitting up

"blowjob" manny corrects him

"that either"

" just do your best"

manny lays back with his legs dangling to the floor forcing luke to have to get off the bed and squat on the floor. luke is left to stare at his friends dick, which seems larger up close. gingerly luke pushes manny legs further apart and brings his head in close. he slowly brings his tongue out and lightly licks his counterparts penis.

cut to luke on the couch

he is smiling

" i expected it to taste weird, like piss. i know what piss tastes like after a dare at school when i was in the second grade. let just say i may have had to throw up but i got that entire box of oreos all to myself. im known at school as the dare master, you know? no kid has ever won a dare contest with me, except for jimmy stevens. but i dont think it should count, he never showed up to collect the bet, actually i never saw him again. he must of moved, i hope he's as popular in his new school as he was in this one. guy got an entire page of the school yearbook dedicated to him. anyway it just tastes like skin"

luke decides to just go for it wrapping his mouth around his friends cock. the slight groan of pain from manny makes him realize his teeth are not optimal for this. he tries to tuck them in his mouth as much as possible as he lightly sucks in his friends head

manny is now groaning in pleasure, playing it up a bit to give luke the convidence to do more. luke pulls more into his mouth trying to swirl his tongue as his friend did. he gets almost four and a 1/3 inches in before he gags a little bit, mannys cock head hitting the beganing of his throat. he pulls of just a bit and works on the parts he can get to.

manny is panting and groaning for real now, bucking his own hips luke takes this as a good sign and starts to suck harder. the latino boy feels his own seed start to build up,

"luke im about to"

luke pulls his head off of mannys cock to ask " do what" in just enough time for manny to cum sending the liquid all over his face"

"dude thats fucking sick" lukes spits out grabbing a nearby pair of used underwear and wiping his face

"at least i warned you" manny says smiling


Please drop me an email at, let me know what you thought of the story and if you?re interested in more of the series, for anyone who was a fan of my walking dead series: Carl learns to take charge I have shelved the series for now as I wasn?t feeling the direction it was taking. If you would like to see more of the Carl saga send me an email and if I get enough replies I will consider it

Next: Chapter 3

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