New Modern Family

Published on Oct 21, 2013


Please note all characters in the upcoming story are properties of their individual owners, the writer makes no claim on anything

Also please note this story may not be legal to read in all areas of the globe, read at your own risk.

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Luke dunphy had just turned 13, it was an interesting age. His father, who seemed to pander to him as his only son, had installed a basketball hoop in the back yard. Luke had immediately thrown a ball that, while managed to make it through the hoop, had rebounded smacking him in the face. He now sat in the kitchen clutching an ice pack to his eye as his mother rounded on his dad. His father was responding with horrible puns and quick timed jokes. Luke was lost to the conversation; his mind was skipping from subject to subject. he started in on an idea to combine his baseball bat with his mitt to catch balls just out of reach and wound up thinking about his math class yesterday, he remembered watching the various kids going up to the board and their asses in their various pants. The girls in their skinny jeans and tights and the boys in their jeans and shorts

Again it happened as Luke felt a tightening in his pants; he let out a loud oh!

His parents turn in unison and asked him what?s wrong, his dad tacking on a buddy to the end.

"Nothing". Luke answered back discreetly dropping his shirt lower over his lap " I just remembered I have a five page essay due tomorrow" he jumped off the stool as best as possible and ran upstairs almost tripping on the broken step

"that?s my boy" his father said from the kitchen," always pushing forward with the academics"

His mother turned and gave a snarky look into the camera

Cut to Luke sitting on the couch facing the camera, he begins talking in earnest

?It?s not that I don?t know what?s going on, I mean I?ve gone through health class at school. I?ve seen the films, the graphic films. When I say graphic, I mean graphic, I?ve probably seen more than a lot of doctors at this point.

He shudders

It?s just... well, hearing about it from some geeky coach from the sixties and having it happen to you is completely different. I mean how embarrassing it is to have an erection in the middle of the kitchen with your parents four feet from you. That?s not even the worse one, the worse one was when I was swimming at my grandpas and the whole family was there. I accidently swam by one of the jets; let?s just say I couldn?t get out until my hands looked like grandpas

Cut to his Phil and Clare sitting on the couch

His dad starts in, ?we know about Luke?s recent... problems,

His mother interrupts " kind of hard not to, honestly who walks around the house with a book covering their front end for no reason. Get this; his excuse was he was trying to become a road scholar.

Dad looks down "he?s a special boy"

Mom grabs his hand smiling ?so... special. So special"

Cut to Luke?s room, he?s currently laying on his stomach on his bed playing with his nds. His father knocks opening the door

"Hey buddy can I come in?"

?Sure dad" Luke says putting his game down. ?What?s up? Need help cleaning out the gutters again, I can grab my helmet and squirt gun in half a second."

?No buddy, it?s not about that" Phil sits on the desk chair facing his son ?I need to have a talk with you, dunphy man to dunphy man"

?What?s up dad" Luke asked getting up

?Well, recently my mother and I have noticed certain problems you've been having"

"Is this about me clogging up the toilet? Alex dared me to eat a whole block of cheese I didn?t want to"

?No it?s not about that either" his father returned after a quick quizzical look at the camera ?this is about certain something that?s been popping up a lot lately. Something that only use men have to worry about"

?So this is about my penis" Luke blurts out in his haphazard way a eww can be heard from his sister as she walks by in the hallway

?Yes pal that?s exactly...?

?I don?t want to talk about it" Luke says turning away

?Well that?s too bad buddy" his father said looking at him uncomfortably ?your mother and I, mostly your mother, wanted me to have a talk with you to assure it is perfectly normal and there?s nothing wrong with you. I just wanted to tell you that. And tell you if you ever have any questions about stuff like that, come ask me and we will talk about it man to man"

Phil got up to leave

?Well actually I do have a few questions"

cut to Phil on the couch

I did not expect that to come back to bite me so fast

?sure buddy let them rip" Phil said turning around

?Well, I guess the fruit of the matter is... how do I make it go away? I can?t keep staying at my desk for twenty minutes after class organizing my bag; it?s starting to look suspicious"

?Well... buddy, um, you can always hide it, I used to push mine into the waistband of my underwear to keep it from bulging out."

?oh ok, is that the only option?"

?Well no, I mean you could relieve a bit of the tension"

?What do you mean?"

?Oh come on buddy I was your age once, you mean to tell me you don?t know about jerking off?"

"Jerking off? Is that like flipping off? Because mom said I?m not allowed to do that anymore"

?You really don?t know?"


?Well it?s when you stimulate it with your hand to simulate having sex"

?you can do that!?"

" oh yeah, you in for a world of pleasure buddy, I remember my first time going at it with my hand, im going to go buy some hand lotion and a magazine for you that you?re never going to tell your mother about."

Cut to an hour later as other side stories are building around the other families

Phil burst into Luke?s room that is currently following a fly around the room watching it land and buzz off again over and over.

?here we go buddy" he throws a bottle of lotion and a magazine on luke?s bed.

?awesome" Luke flops down and begins looking through the magazine" oh my god this girl is totally naked!"

Again an EW can be heard from the hallway as the other sister walks by

Phil turns to leave giving the camera a proud glance

?Wait dad,"

?Yes my son"

?I still don?t know what to do"

?I?m sure you?ll figure it out"

?Could you...i dont know, show me"

?What? No"

?Why? I thought you said it was nothing to be ashamed of"

Phil looked around in desperation caught by his own words

"I don?t think its right buddy"

"I really want to make sure I get this right, please dad?"

That got him, he could never say no when his only son actually begged. He looked around one more time before grabbing the chair and wedging it under the door knob

?Who do we never tell about this?"

?Mom" Luke said eagerly scooting over to make room for his father

Phil pulled his pants down quickly sitting ?well get ready"

Luke took some time pulling his shorts down and his boxers took even more time. He was embarrassed, it wasn?t like him and his father hadn?t seen each other naked before, as the only two males in a house of woman they would often have to share a single changing room or even take showers together on the rare days the water heater was freaking out. but this was different, he only now realized how developed his father was, the man had easily four inches hanging there with a lot of hair, compared to luke?s hairless two inch soft one.

He sat next to his father realizing how embarrassing this situation he engineered was.

his father flipped through the magazine finding the centerfold," ok buddy, I?m going to start off, you watch at first then try to imitate what I?m doing, ok?"

Luke just nodded swallowing hard

Phil dunphy started jerking off grabbing his cock and shaking it until it got engorged enough to stroke its full seven inches. Slowly he started to stroke it focusing on the picture trying to ignore the fact his son was sitting right next to him

Luke for his part was already swelling up the combination of the picture and his dad making him horny. He looked down at his penis as it swelled to its full 3.5 inches " I wish my was as big as yours"

Phil turned his attention to his son, looking in depth at his son?s penis for the first time. Your young yet, you?ll grow as big as mine, probably bigger judging by your width.?

Luke smiled at his dad and looked back over placing his hand on his young penis feeling it jump in excitement. He slowly started to stroke it copying his dad, except him pulling a little too hard

? buddy you?re doing it wrong? Phil said noticing his kids technique ?it got to be gentler more like your stroking a stick of butter and less like a twig?

Luke continued to mess it up his hand no coming to far up and making him having to refine his grip every time

?Dad I don?t think I get it?

?Here? Phil said grabbing his son?s hand wrapping his own around it and the younglings dick. ?more like this? he began to stroke it in earnest

Luke was lost in pleasure, he body started to buckle as he moved his hand away letting his father take over he slowly lowered himself back onto the bed panting and bucking his hips

Phil for his part was suddenly shocked how this had gone from him giving his son a talk to showing him how to jerk off, to actually jerking his young son, his boy who hadn?t even gone on a date yet. The kid who still needed help getting dressed in the morning sometimes. Oddly he didn?t stop, he looked down at his son wreathing in pleasure and knew he wanted to show him how good it all felt

So he continued jerking him off the young lad lost in ecstasy

Luke was hit with a suddenly urgent feeling, he felt his body tense up and his balls tingle and he told his father ?dad, I think? I?m going to pee? he tried to hold it in but he couldn?t, it bubbled to the surface

He let out two ropes of string cum which landed on his father?s hand and his own shirt

His father stood up as Luke laid there panting ?I?m going to get going buddy; you might want to clean up?

cut the Phil on the couch

?I don?t know what just happened, I mean my son?and I? I think it may have really freaked him out?

Cut to Luke on the couch

THAT WAS AWESOME! If I had known that could happen I would have talked to my dad a long time ago

The camera pans out to show many sitting next to him giving him a weird look

?Dude what are you talking about?

?Oh I?ll show you, don?t worry about that?

To be continued?

Please drop me an email at, let me know what you thought of the story and if you?re interested in more of the series, for anyone who was a fan of my walking dead series: Carl learns to take charge I have shelved the series for now as I wasn?t feeling the direction it was taking. If you would like to see more of the Carl saga send me an email and if I get enough replies I will consider it

Next: Chapter 2

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