New Man of the House Revisited

By moc.loa@W654321B

Published on Jun 21, 2003



New Man of the House Revisited by Brad Wheatley

Author's note: This is a continuation of "New Man of the House" by I. J. Penn (Jan 21, 1998). I read his story and related to Tim. I liked it so much that I decided to continue it. Thanks to John in Atlanta for help with editing.

Comments or suggestions for future chapters are welcome. Please put "New Man" in the subject line so I can distinguish your email from the spam. Email: Homepage:

Part 1

Read "New Man of the House." /nifty/gay/authoritarian/new-man-of-the-house

Part 2

After a time, Leo dismissed his toy. But before doing so, he took Tim's cock and balls in his huge hand and squeezed. "You know boy," Leo warned, "^these belong to me now. No one touches them^not even you. You don't cum without my permission. No jacking off from now on. I want you horny for me all the time. You understand, boy?"

The pain Leo was applying terrified Tim. "I understand Sir. I promise I won't jack off." Tim said in a frightened voice.

"Okay boy, you can leave now. I will call when I'm ready to use you again." Said Leo.

"Thank you Sir." Tim said as he got himself dressed, minus his shirt. He knew his way out.

As Tim drove home he started to sort through his conflicting emotions. For the first time in his adult life, he felt comfortable with his role. Instead of pretending to be the dominant man, he could assume the submissive role with which he was more comfortable. He didn't consider himself gay, but worshiping Leo's mammoth cock seemed like the most natural thing in the world to him.

Tim was conscious of his intense fear of Leo. Clearly the powerful man could injure or even kill him with little effort. But for some reason that made Tim want to be near him rather than avoid him. The fact that Tim was completely powerless in Leo's presence had a great appeal to him. Tim was afraid that there was nothing he wouldn't do to please this man who was fucking his wife for the last six months of their marriage, and is now living in Tim's house.

Of course, Tim couldn't get Leo off his mind for the rest of the day. He wanted very badly to jack off but he had instructions not to and he wasn't about to disobey his Master's directives. He wasn't scheduled to go to work that day, so he ran some errands. First he ran across town to an adult bookstore and purchased a series of butt plugs in progressively larger widths. Tim was going to be ready for when his Master decided to fuck him.

Next, Tim went to an athletic club near his office and signed a one-year membership contract. He also signed up to work with a personal trainer. He was determined to get his body in better shape for his Master. He marveled at the fact that he was more motivated to keep his body in good shape now than he ever was before.

Part 3

Tim resumed his ordinary life, working at his accounting practice, going to the gym. But always on his mind was his Master. He was going to the gym regularly and working with his trainer. He wore a butt plug most of the time and was progressing to the larger sizes.

Tim hadn't ejaculated since the morning Leo took control of him. As Leo demanded, Tim was incredibly horny and couldn't stop thinking about his Master. He was hard and leaking all the time, and felt like he could explode. However, he was determined not to relieve himself. It actually gave him some pleasure to be following his Master's orders.

Two long weeks had passed since Leo had made Tim his slave. Tim had begun to worry that Leo would never summon him. But shortly thereafter, while sitting at his desk at his accounting firm, the phone rang. Tim immediately recognized Leo's deep masculine voice. "I want to play with my toy little boy. Get your ass over here," he ordered.

"I'm on my way Sir," Tim immediately responded. Then he ran to the bathroom where he removed the large butt plug he was wearing and cleaned himself out. Then he told his assistant that he needed to postpone his appointments for the day, and was out the door.

Tim knocked on the door of the house he had paid for -- but ironically now Leo owned -- within fifteen minutes of the call. The huge man opened the door and Tim walked in. As usual, Leo was wearing nothing but shorts. "You got here in a hurry boy. You must be eager to serve your Master," he growled.

"Yes Sir," he replied rather sheepishly.

Leo was pleased that his plaything was coming around so nicely. Leo put his huge hands on Tim's shoulders and forced Tim to his knees. "Kiss my feet boy," he demanded.

Tim was hoping to maintain some dignity, but knew he had no choice. He went to the floor and began kissing his Master's feet. It made Leo feel so powerful to have this man completely subservient to his will. "On your knees boy," Leo ordered. Tim rose from the floor as Leo moved forward slightly to position his crotch in Tim's face. Tim had to lean back slightly to look up at Leo. "I have two new rules for you to remember boy," Leo said. "First, you will always address me as Sir. And second, whenever you're in my presence, you're to be naked." Tim immediately began shucking his clothes as Leo continued in a voice that frightened Tim, "You don't want me to ever have to repeat my rules."

"You won't have to Sir," Tim responded as he discarded the last of his clothes, "I will always be obedient."

"I see you're glad to be here." Leo observed, noting Tim's hard, dripping tool, "Now I'm going to work out. You're going to watch."

Tim followed the huge man to the basement where Leo had his well-equipped gym with mirrored walls. Leo liked having an audience when he worked out his awesome body. Tim assumed a kneeling position where he watched in awe as his Master went through his workout routine. Tim's little cock stuck straight out as he admired his Master's incredible body. He was mesmerized by the awesome display of super-human strength. Leo worked incredibly hard and was sweating profusely. After about forty-five minutes Leo said to Tim, "Get over here and lick the sweat out of my armpits."

Tim hesitated only an instant before he jumped to his feet and went to his Master. He buried his face in his Master's pungent, hairy, wet underarm and hungrily lapped at the cavernous pit. After a few minutes, Leo took Tim's head in his giant paw and moved his soft face to his other pit and put him to work there. When satisfied with Tim's work Leo gave him a shove and resumed his workout.

Tim returned to his supplicant position, face wet with his Master's sweat and man scent, and contemplated what he had just done. He realized that licking his Master's armpit felt more natural and more pleasurable than sex with his wife ever had. Further, he took great satisfaction in serving this powerful man.

After about two and a half hours, Leo finished his extraordinary workout. He had worked his entire powerful body, and his muscles stood out in sharp relief, hard as granite. Leo walked over to where his boy was kneeling and pulled down his shorts revealing that beautiful crotch. "I'm going to piss in your mouth now boy, and you're going to swallow every drop. Now open your mouth," Leo commanded in an even voice, noticing the shock and fear in Tim's face.

"Who owns you boy?" he reminded Tim.

"You do Sir," Tim replied meekly.

"Then do as you're told, boy." Leo said in a calm voice that didn't allow for question. Tim opened his mouth. Leo pointed his soft but still impossibly large cock at Tim's mouth and began to piss. "Drink it down boy. And don't you dare spill any." Tim looked up into his Master's eyes as Leo was pissing. Leo had a contented smile on his face as he relieved himself in his boy's mouth. Tim's obedience made him feel more and more powerful. Without being told, Tim reverently removed the last few drops from his Master's forceful cock with his soft lips. "Thank you Sir," Tim said softly.

Leo patted his boy on the head. "You know how to take care of a big man don't you boy? Now it's time to play. You going to make your Master's powerful body feel good?" Leo asked.

"Oh yes Sir. I'll do anything to please you Sir." Tim said eagerly.

"I know you will boy. I know you will," Leo said with a chuckle. Then he stopped. "You haven't jacked off have you?" Leo asked in a menacing tone.

Frightened, Tim stammered, "No Sir, I wanted to because I couldn't stop thinking about you, but you told me not to Sir, so I didn't."

Leo flexed his right arm with his huge rock hard bicep in Tim's face to show him his power. "Kiss it," he ordered. Tim leaned forward an inch and applied a reverent kiss to his Master's muscle^feeling his power. "You better not ever break one of my rules or I will hurt you," Leo warned. The threat wasn't lost on Tim.

"Now get upstairs boy," Leo barked.

When they got to the bedroom, Leo instructed Tim to undress him. Leo was wearing only the gym shorts and a jock. Tim got on his knees and pulled down his Master's shorts and jock. Leo's enormous semi-hard cock sprang out. Tim admired it for a moment. It was twice the length and girth of his five-inch boy cock and it was perfect. Hanging below were his two huge balls in a low hanging hairy sack. All surrounded by ample pubic hair. "Kiss it boy." Leo ordered.

Tim leaned forward and began tenderly kissing his Master's bull cock. Tim was experiencing complete contentment. He felt like this was where he belonged. Leo effortlessly picked Tim up, put him on his back on the bed, and crawled on top of him. He just lay there for a while, enjoying the feel of his toy's body. He then moved up to straddle Tim's little chest, and began rubbing his hairy crotch in Tim's smooth face.

"Suck my balls boy," Leo growled.

Tim took one of Leo's balls in his mouth and started working it with his tongue and mouth. He tried to get the second one in but it was just too large, so he had to service them separately. Leo was enjoying himself and continued to rub his huge pole and balls in Tim's face for a good ten minutes. All the while, dripping pre-cum, which he spread all over his slave's face and into his hair. Finally Leo declared, "It's time for you to ride my bull cock boy."

Tim had been expecting it, and preparing for it for two weeks. He was afraid of having Leo in him but wanted it so that he could be a part of his Master. "I have been dreaming about being impaled on your manhood Sir. I am your toy Sir and I want you to use me Sir," Tim admitted with some trepidation.

"Good boy," Leo said, "Now run to the bathroom and get some lube for your Master's tool."

Tim went to the bathroom and returned with a jar of Vaseline. Leo was lying on his back on the bed and said, "Lube it up good boy so I don't hurt you too bad." Tim opened the jar and lovingly applied a liberal amount to his Master's powerful tool. When finished, he applied some to his virgin hole.

Leo effortlessly took his toy in his powerful arms and placed him on the center of the bed. "Get on all fours boy. I'm going to fuck you now," Leo said.

Tim was thankful that he had the last two weeks to prepare for this. Leo towered over his slave boy. He pulled Tim's cute ass cheeks apart and slowly pushed his giant weapon in. It was extremely painful for Tim to have such a large cock in him. But after the initial shock, it became bearable and eventually pleasurable. In spite of the pain, it was a wonderful feeling to have his Master inside him.

"Beg," he said, "beg me for it."

"Please," Tim gasped, "please, use me, fuck me, cum in me, anything... anything you want Sir. Fuck me, Master, fuck me."

Leo grabbed his slave around the waist and used him like a rag doll. He pulled back and shoved again, out, then again, out then once more. "Yeah fuck, you want it," Leo moaned in a primal tone. "Fuck yeah bitch, I'll breed your ass, I'm going to fucking use you more," all the while thrusting his huge manhood into his little slave boy.

For Tim the experience was exhilarating. He was impaled on his Master's enormous pole and it was exciting and frightening and mind blowing. Tim had never felt so alive or so valuable. Being used to bring pleasure to this powerful man was the best thing that had ever happened to him.

Leo was in total control and focused only on the pleasure he was experiencing. "That's my boy, take my load slave. Take my fucking seed." Leo moaned with growing excitement. His cock swelled and spewed jizz deep inside his slave boy as he let out a primal scream.

They both collapsed on the bed with Leo on top, still inside Tim. Leo pulled his softening member out. He turned Tim over and again straddled his chest with his cock in Tim's face. "Now clean me up boy." Leo ordered.

Tim proceeded to tenderly lick the cum off his Master's beautiful cock. When Tim finished his labor of love Leo moved down and said, "Now it's time to get you off little boy."

Leo took Tim's little cock in his big hand and gently stroked him. The feel of his Master's hand on his member was incredible. Tim had not cum in two weeks and was on the verge ever since he arrived. Leo quickly brought Tim to a climax. It was the most intense orgasm he had ever experienced and he shot his biggest load ever. After it was over, Leo scooped up the jizm with his fingers and fed it to Tim. He stuck his big cum covered fingers into Tim's mouth so he could lick them clean.

Afterwards, Leo lay back on the bed with his hands behind his head. As he did so, Tim worshiped his Master's awesome body. He gently kissed and licked his whole body and sucked on his Master's nipples. "Sir," Tim said, "Becoming your slave is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I have finally found my purpose in life. I admire you and I am devoted to you. There is nothing I would rather do than please you and serve you. Thank you for using me Sir." He finished by cleaning his Master's feet, top and bottom, with his willing tongue.

Leo carried Tim to the shower, where Tim had the honor of washing his Master's body.

Tim went home that afternoon the most contented he had ever felt in his life. He was already looking forward to the next time he would get to serve his Master.

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