New Man of the House

Published on Jan 21, 1998



New Man of the House

by I. J. Penn

Tim put the key in the lock, opened the door and entered the front hall. Slowly he closed the door behind himself and looked around, probably for the last time. His eyes travelled over the front hall, the stairs to the second floor, and the oriental rugs. With more than a bit of bitterness Tim thought about all the hard work and money he had put into this house. Now, this was the last day before his divorce agreement became final, the last day he could get into the house without a hassle from his soon-to-be ex wife or her lawyers.

Tim had come to pick up the last of his possessions, some financial records that were stored in the basement. Lois, his ex wife, was at work at the hospital, and she knew he was coming over to the house that day. It was better for both of them that she was not at home. The divorce had gotten nasty near the end. Lois had hired a sharp lawyer - she had gotten their home, plus the two small appartment buildings that Tim had bought and renovated with much hard work and shrewd financing. Tim would be starting all over again at the age of 33.

"Well, not exactly starting all over again," Tim thought to himself with a slight smile. Not for nothing was he an accountant - Tim had managed to hide plenty of cash and some property through good planning and some clever bookkeeping. Also, he still had his successful accounting practice, his health, and he was looking forward to his new start.

Tim headed for the cellar door to get the boxes of records. He stopped abruptly at the deep voice which said, "Who the hell are you?" Tim looked up to see a man leaning in the kitchen doorway, staring at Tim.

Recovering from his shock, Tim said, "Who are you? What are you doing in my house?" Tim looked at the man, whom he did not recognize. The man filled the doorway, and was wearing only gym shorts, and stood there with his arms crossed in an arrogant lean against the door frame.

"Your house?" said the man with a sarcastic grin, "I think you're in the wrong house....I live here." The stranger stood up straight and looked down at Tim, who stepped back involuntarily at the man's challenge.

Tim looked up at the stranger. The man was very tall and powerfully built, slightly balding, perhaps 5 or 6 years older than Tim. Tim's quick glance took in the man's huge, veined forearms that were crossed over a powerful bare chest. Tim felt the familiar sense of intimidation and inadequacy that had always haunted him when he compared himself to bigger men. "L...look, my name is Tim McCrue," said Tim regaining his composure, "this is my house, or half mine, until're trespassing on my property."

The stranger said, "Nice to meet you Tim, I'm Leo, I'm Lois' new man, and she told me I could move fact I've been here for two weeks now." And Leo put out his big hand to shake with Tim. "You don't have a problem with that do you?" asked Leo in a careless manner.

Tim did have a problem with that, but his sense of anger was lessened as they shook hands and Tim felt Leo's massive hand close around his own small hand and practically crush it as they shook. "You've been living here for two weeks?" asked Tim, not pleased to be meeting his replacement, mortified that Lois had replaced him so soon.

"Yeah," answered Leo confidently, "been living here about two weeks, but I've been banging Lois for 6 months now. You got a nice set up here, real nice...I think I'm going to like it real fine. I'm feelin right at home." Leo shrugged his broad powerful shoulders and his big pectorals flexed involuntarily as he said this, as if he were settling in very comfortably.

Tim saw red. He could see the deal right away...he knew how Lois worked. This big jerk Leo was going to sponge off of Lois, really off of Tim's hard work and planning, while Lois worked and "kept" Leo. Wasn't it obvious - here it was 10 AM and the guy was hanging around the house..obviously he had no regular work. But what really steamed up Tim was the fact that Leo was a slap in the face to Tim. Leo was certainly no Tim: Tim was less than average height, 5'7", athletic but slightly built at 138lbs, neatly groomed. Leo was tall - 6'4" or so, and heavily muscled, an easy 250lbs or so, very masculine looking, longish hair, stubbly 2 day beard al la Sylvester Stallone etc. Lois could not have picked anyone who would better bring out all of Tim's insecurities. Leo was of the same kind of guys who had in high school and college made Tim feel both anxiety and admiration.

"Hey buddy," said Leo glancing down at his own gym shorts, "sorry I'm kind of dressed informally...I was just about to start my workout in the cellar."

"You workout down the cellar?" asked Tim.

"Yeah," said Leo, "I set up a home gym there last week...I like to stay in shape for Lois."

Tim's mind quickly pictured very petite, sexy Lois with this huge guy and he forced the thought out of his mind. He knew he had to get his records and get out, but he didn't like feeling as if he were an intruder in his own home. "Look Leo," said Tim, "I've just come for a few boxes of records and that's the last you'll see of me around here. They're down the cellar." Tim turned and went down the cellar stairs with Leo following behind. Tim went to the corner of the cellar where he had neatly stacked the boxes some months before, and as he did, his eyes took in all the benches, free weights, and mirrors that Leo had installed.

Tim looked around where the boxes should be, but they were not there. "Um...ah...I had three boxes here, boxes of records...Lois knew I was coming back to get them," said Tim uncertainly as he looked around the cellar.

"Oh those, yeah, probably those are the boxes I shitcanned last week to make room," said Leo without concern.

"What!!" yelled Tim, reddening quickly, "you dumb bastard, those were important records, you had no right.... ." But before Tim could finish the sentence Leo had grabbed the front of Tim's oxford shirt in both his huge hands and was lifting Tim off the floor like a child. The collar of Tims shirt closed tight around Tim's slim neck and Tim involuntarily grabbed Leo's thick veiny wrists in his hands to take the pressure of his own weight off the shirt. "Hey!" squealed Tim as Leo shook him like a doll.

"Who you calling a 'dumb bastard', you little wimp," growled Leo as he lifted Tim higher, almost bumping him into the cellar ceiling.

"Hey put me down!!" cried Tim, "you had no right to touch my boxes!"

The bigger man laughed and said, "Yeah, and what are you gonna do about it?" And Leo shook Tim again to show off his strength. Tim was swept by a feeling of helplessness and frustration, but also a bit of excitement as he felt Leo's power. As Leo shook Tim, there was a ripping sound as the seams of Tim's shirt ripped apart and Tim fell to the floor, his costly oxford shirt in tatters.

Leo ripped the remnants of the shirt off of Tim, and collared him around the neck with one of his huge hands. He led Tim over to the mirror and they stood there, looking at the reflection.

What Leo saw was a man who looked like a boy next to Leo's powerful, muscular physique - a trim, athletic boy, lightly muscled, smooth and defined, small boned, the top of his head barely up to Leo's shoulder.

What Tim saw was a man who was a veritable giant compared to Tim - Tim stared in the mirror at Leo's bulging pectorals, Leo's thick veiny biceps, Leo's massive veined forearms, Leo's tree trunk thighs, Leo's huge calves, and Leo's big taut dark nipples. And Tim thought involuntarily of his own small boyish nipples. Tim felt completely intimidated by Leo's super masculine presence. Leo said, "Guess I can see why Lois dumped you, Timmy boy.....she wanted a real man."

The way Leo said that gave Tim a shiver of fear and jealousy...Tim knew that Leo was referring to more than his physique. Then Leo said, "Tim boy, lets you and me have a man-to-man talk, you know, no point in being enemies, we gotta settle this in a sensible way, right?" And Leo, his big hand still on Tim's shoulder and neck, guided Tim over to one of the benches.

Tim relaxed a bit, hearing Leo's conciliatory tone, and he felt a sincere desire to make peace with Leo, not to upset the big man. Then Leo said, "Well, maybe I lied, maybe you and me will have a man-to-boy talk, and guess who is the man?" Before Tim could answer, Leo grabbed Tim under the arms and lifted Tim up onto the weight bench with apparent ease. Now at least they were eye- to-eye as Tim stood nervously on the padded bench. "Now Tim boy," said Leo in his 'sincere' voice, "let me give you some advice if you want to hang onto any gotta start thinking big and put on some muscle, like THIS." And Leo raised his right arm and flexed it slowly, bringing up his huge thick bicep into a massive head.

Tim stared with awe and fear at Leo's arm..Leo's bicep looked nearly as big around as Tim's slim 28" waist. Tim had looked at lots of pictures of guys in bodybuilding magazines, but he had never been so close to such a big, threatening man. "Go ahead, boy, feel it," commanded Leo with a voice that didn't allow for any argument. Tim felt a need to satisfy Leo, if only for his own survival. Tim put both his small hands on Leo's huge bicep and felt its size and hardness.

"Christ, that's awesome," whispered Tim, before he even knew he was going to say it. And he continued to run his hands over Leo's arm as Leo held his flex.

"You like that, huh?" said Leo proudly, expanding his big chiseled pectorals and feeling quite powerful. "Bet a little guy like you likes a big man like me, huh? Maybe that's why Lois thought you weren't very passionate about her....maybe women aren't your bag... ."

"What the hell are you talking about !"shouted Tim angrily, blushing deeply. But the mere suggestion by Leo had unleashed a tide of conflicting feelings in Tim. Sure, he wasn't the most passionate guy, but not every guy is, and besides, Lois was a pretty demanding little bitch. But Tim could not deny that he was feeling a sense of both fear and excitement at Leo's teasing, and it wasn't a bad sensation. With a jolt of embarrassment, Tim realized he was still caressing Leo's massive bicep.

Without a word Leo wrapped his big right arm around Tim's slim waist and lifted Tim off the bench against his powerful chest. Leo walked over to the mirror so Tim could see them both, and the sight of himself in the big man's grip was terrifying. Tim tried to push away, his hands against Leo's big rocky shoulders. "Hey put me down!" shouted Tim, as he felt Leo's huge arm tighten slowly around him.

Leo laughed deeply and said, "Yeah, maybe a little guy like you really is into big masculine men..maybe that was your trouble with Lois." And Leo crushed Tim against his bulging right pectoral. Tim tried to push away, and was mortified to realize that his entire chest barely covered the width of Leo's big right pectoral. Tim was swept by a feeling that he realized was sexual in a way...a feeling of vulnerability and helplessness, a feeling of wanting to please this big man......

Leo, perhaps reading Tim's mind, slowly put Tim down on the floor, still holding him firmly under the arms with his huge hands. Leo bent over Tim, bringing his big grinning lips down to Tim's mouth. Tim tried to push away but was held firmly, and Tim knew with a flash of desperation that he was totally in Leo's power. Leo's big lips covered Tims small mouth as he kissed him roughly while Tim still struggled to get free. The roughness of Leo's stubbly face hurt Tim's smooth-shaven face, but that also brought home to Tim the sense of Leo's overpowering masculinity and of Tim's vulnerability. Tim, struggling to push Leo away, gulped for air, and the next moment he felt Leo's big thick tongue force its way into his mouth. Like an electric shock, an explosion of emotion ran through Tim, as he felt invaded, and he liked the feeling! And the thought hit him that he didn't have to struggle to play the masculine role.... a struggle that was constant for him in his relationship with Lois....he always was self-conscious about his manliness with her, and it had been a strain, a constant strain....but now....he could give in to his need to be passive, to relax, let Leo be the aggressor, and God knows, thought Tim to himself, Leo had what it took to be the aggressor.

And Tim began to relax as Leo's big tongue explored Tim's small mouth. Tim's hands no longer pushed in defiance against Leo's giant arms and shoulders. Tim realized that instead he was caressing and admiring Leo's huge muscles. Tim felt the size of Leo's arms, his shoulders, Leo's strong, thick neck. Leo laughed slightly as he kissed Tim and felt the little man's resistance melt. Finally Leo stood up, still holding Tim firmly under the arms, and looked down at Tim's blushing face. "You're a cute little guy," he said, admiring Tim's good looks and Tim's boyish build. Tim was about to say something when he felt Leo's big hand cup the back of his head and press Tim's face into Leo's massive right pectoral. The big man rubbed Tim's face around against his hard pectoral muscle, as he flexed the pec to show off his power. Tim had been pleased to hear the big man's compliment, but this brought Tim back to reality..the reality where Tim was nothing more than a toy for this man's pleasure...and Tim felt sensually wanted and comfortable with this realization.Without planning it consciously, Tim brought his soft lips to Leo's huge dark nipple and took it in his mouth and tongued it reverently. The center hardened, big and taut, as Tim licked it, and Tim couldn't believe how big it was...Leo was so masculine. "Good, I like that, " said Leo, "you like my big nipples?"

"Oh God, your nipples are so masculine," said Tim as he briefly stopped his worship to look up at Leo. Leo smiled slightly and put Tim back to work, enjoying the sight of Tim's small mouth eagerly taking in Leo's huge erecting nipple. Leo growled deeply...Tim could almost feel the vibrations deep in Leo's groin, and then Leo moved Tim's eager lips and tongue to his other huge nipple.

"That's a good little boy, you're doing just fine,"said Leo, as he felt his manhood begin to get hard. "I can see that you're a natural when it comes to pleasin a big man like me....I'm gonna let you feel all my big muscles." Leo's big hands still held Tim under the arms, and Leo let his big rough thumbs find Tim's small, pink nipples and began to massage them. Almost immediately Tim let out a groan, the sensation causing his knees to shake. Lois had never done it like that! Now the big man lifted Tim up to chest height and brought Tim's small pink nipple next his own huge dark macho nipple. The comparison was terrifying and exciting for Tim - the erect center of Leo's big nipple was bigger than Tim's entire nipple. Leo let the two nipples rub together and said, "Take a look little boy, look how big a man I am." And he growled hungrily.

Tim was filled with the desire to please this huge aggresssive man, and blurted out, " Oh god, sir, you're so big, so brutal, I'll do anything you want."

Leo laughed and said, "You don't have to tell me that little're totally in my control." Slowly Leo put Tim down as Tim's hands caressed the big man's huge biceps and forearms. Leo took Tim's small white-collar hand in his own huge rough workman's hand and started to lead Tim to the doorway. Tim, scared more than excited for a moment, tried to hang back. Leo closed his hand into a huge fist and rubbed it against Tim's bare smooth stomach. The threat of the size and power of Leo's fist terrified Tim...Tim put both his hands on the huge fist and felt the big knuckles and veins...Leo's fist stretched the width of Tim's small, flat tummy. Tim lifted the big man's brutal huge fist to his mouth and kissed it and licked it subserviently, acknowledging the man's power. Leo picked Tim up in the bend of one huge arm and carried him towards the door, like a warrior carrying his prey.

"Wh...what are you going to do with me?" asked Tim in a weak voice.

"What am I going to do?" laughed Leo, "I'm going to do whatever I please, got any problem with that?"

Leo's answer, his tone of voice, his confidence, exited and scared Tim, but he knew he was Leo's toy and could do nothing...and he liked the feeling so far. "No sir," said Tim, "no problem."

Leo carried Tim up to the second floor, and into Tim's former bedroom. The irony was not lost on Tim, who had never expected to see the master bedroom again. Now here he was back again, except this time he was not the man of the house. If he faced reality, he was now the little girl being carried into her master's bedroom, and the master was so big and masculine and demanding. Leo lifted Tim up on the bed so that Tim stood facing Leo. "Now little boy, you and I are gonna get naked... I know you wanna see my big muscles in their full glory, and I wanna have your little naked bod to play with," said Leo. Leo unbuckled Tim's belt and unzipped the fly and took down Tim's slacks. Tim kicked off his loafers and stepped out of his slacks, and Leo ran his huge hands up and down Tim's slim, smooth athletic legs. "Mmmm, very nice, very nice," said Leo, mentally comparing Tim's boyish legs to his own huge muscular legs. Leo knew his massive calves were much bigger around than Tim's thighs. The feel of Leo's huge rough hands caressing Tim's legs excited Tim quickly, and Tim felt his cock beginning to rise. Leo saw the bulge in Tim's white jockeys and said, "Well now, what do we have here," and he pulled Tim's underpants down slowly over Tim's hips and legs.

Tim, now entirely nude, stood on the bed, and felt Leo's big hands on his body, exploring, as Leo said, "Man oh man, what a nice little bod you got Timmy boy, just the right size for me to play with," and Tim watched as Leo put his massive arm between Tim's slim thighs and instinctively Tim tightened his thighs around Leo's bulging bicep. Leo growled and lifted Tim off the bed and spun around to face the closet mirror, and said, "There little man, how do you like riding a big man's bicep, huh?" and Leo laughed deeply.

Tim felt a wild surge of erotic fear and pleasure as he glanced in the mirror and saw them both before Leo turned further a deposited Tim back on the bed. "Oh, god, shit, I can't believe what a giant you are!" gasped Tim, with admiration and fear that was genuine. The big man growled with pleasure and closed his huge hands around Tim's waist and lowered Tim to the floor.

Leo's huge chiseled pectorals rose and fell as he breathed heavily, looking down at Tim. Leo put his big hand in Tim's crotch and felt Tim's balls and cock. Tim felt a shock of desire and felt an orgasm coming, and looked down to see his erection looking so small in Leo's huge hand. "You got a nice little cock," said Leo, his big thick fingers rolling Tim's penis like a pencil, "you gotta a nice bod," and Tim was surprised to realize that he liked the big man's compliments...that he felt good about his body as an object of excitement for Leo. "Yeah," continued Leo, "you got a nice little cock...would you like to see a man's cock?"

The thought of seeing Leo's manhood excited Tim - he could only guess how big and sexy the man was. "Y..yes," whispered Tim nervously, "I'd love to see your....your....your penis!"

Leo laughed cruelly, "My penis! No, you tell me you want to see my big bull cock, and you call me sir!!" Leo grabbed Tim's head and rubbed Tim's face against one of his big pectorals to remind Tim of his awesome power.

"Oh please sir," moaned Tim, "I want to see your big bull cock... I want to please are so big.... ." Leo took one of Tim's hands and placed it on the crotch of his bulging gym shorts and rubbed Tim's hand up the length of the big hard bulge.

"Feel my power," growled Leo as he held Tim's hand to the growing bulge. Leo was feeling as big and horney and masterful as he had ever....the experience of sexually dominating another man was better than he had ever imagined. Leo felt himself growing, his huge muscles hardening and flexing, he felt as if he could crush Tim with one hand....quickly Leo pulled down his gym shorts and let his big cock spring free. Tim caught only a glance of Leo's partly erect monster before Leo grabbed him under the arms and lifted Tim like a toy above his head and strode over to the full length mirror. Leo growled like an animal and lowered Tim, then raised him, as the big man admired his own huge physique in the mirror, and saw how small and helpless Tim looked. Tim watched the big man's massive body, nude, brutal, muscles rippling, as Leo toyed with Tim, and Leo's erection grew each time Leo lifted Tim to the ceiling. Tim felt the incredible need to please Leo, to satisfy the big man, to worship Leo's awesome masculinity. And Tim realized that the strength of this passion was more than anything he had ever felt with Lois.

Slowly, easily, Leo lowered Tim down towards the floor, but stopped at the point where Tim's small erection hung next to his own huge erect manhood, and he said, "Look little boy, now you know why Lois is you're seeing a man's cock!" Tim felt Leo's huge cock jab into his tender balls, and looked down....he couldn't believe how long and thick Leo's cock was. Tim's small boyish erection was barely half the length of Leo's monster, and like a pencil next to Leo's blood engorged thick rod. Leo's cock was as big around as Tim's arm. Tears came to Tim's eyes as he gazed in humiliation at the desire.....and Tim ejaculated at the sight of his erection laying across the huge angry ram-head of Leo's brutal tool. Tim's hot semen dripped over Leo's huge cockhead and the big man lowered Tim the rest of the way to the floor. "Now we gotta clean up that mess, don't we, boy?" said Leo.

"Yessir, please, yes sir," said Tim, looking at Leo's giant manhood from floor level. Tim put his hands on the huge shaft and felt its heat, its size, as Leo growled with pleasure. Tim suddenly felt that he was happy to be so small, so boyish, so helpless next to Leo, that he was merely a toy for the big man's cock. "Oh god sir, what a man you are...I love your huge bull cock," and Tim stroked the massive rod and felt the huge heavy hairy balls which hung below. Tim bent down and began to kiss and lick the huge head, cleaning off his own semen, letting his soft tongue roam around the enormous mushroom top. It seemed too big to take in his mouth, but Tim wanted it, wanted to show his obedience to Leo's huge genitals, so he stretched his lips and took as much as he could, and felt Leo's strong hand on the back of his head, urging him to take more.

"That's it boy," growled Leo, "feel my power, feel my size..I am a giant..." and Leo gazed down with the eyes of a conqueror as he watched his huge erection stretch Tim's mouth. Leo began to thrust his pelvis slowly, rythmically, his big powerful ass and hips swinging his big cock from side to side, practically tossing Tim around like a doll. Leo felt a tidal wave of semen building, felt the incredible desire to thrust, to ram, with his tool, and he exploded in Tim's mouth. Tim choked and gasped and pulled off, and Leo held Tim in front of his cock as he pumped stream after stream over Tim's face, shoulders, chest.

"Oh my god, sir, you are so potent!" sputtered Tim, tasting the salty strong taste of Leo's sexual power.

Leo laughed, flexed his big biceps, and looked down at Tim. "You haven't seen anything yet," and he collared Tim with a big hand and lead him to the masterbath. Leo picked up Tim and carried him into the shower; Tim spent the next 15 minutes soaping and massaging Leo's big muscles as the big man gave Tim orders. Then Leo picked Tim up and said, "Now little man, how would you like to ride my cock?" and Tim could feel one of Leo's big fingers playing between his small neat butt cheeks. Fear swept Tim as he thought of the size of Leo's huge erection, and Tim bent his face to one of Leo's big hard pectorals and nuzzled and licked the huge taut nipple.

"Please, sir, " begged Tim, " you are so big....I'm not ready for that yet...but I do want to have your huge manhood in me ..I want to be impaled on your giant cock...I am your toy.....but can we wait?"

Leo laughed cruelly, feeling his cock erecting again as Tim begged for time...shit he loved to feel his power over this much, he knew, as Tim loved to feel his obedience and worship for Leo's absolute power. Leo decided to point in rushing the little man..he'd have him soon enough. Meanwhile.....

Leo carried Tim to the bedroom and tossed Tim on the bed, nude. Leo stretched out his big nude, man's body on the bed and Tim snuggled up next to him. Leo said, "Yeah, there's plenty of nights and weekends when Lois is on duty at the hospital...and I'll be feeling like having something different for a change...something like a little slave boy like you...," and Leo ruffled Tim's hair and let his big hand cover both of Tim's small smooth butt cheeks. "Now, do I own you, little man?" asked Leo, and in reply Tim lifted his face and licked and kissed one of Leo's big macho nipples. "So see, you haven't really seen the last of this house after'll be back a lot, won't you?" asked Leo.

"Yes sir,anytime you want, just snap your fingers and I'll be here to serve your huge needs," whispered Tim as he kissed one of Leo's big biceps and felt his total subservience to his wife's new man. Leo snapped his fingers and pointed down to his big erect cock, and obediently, happily, Tim crawled between Leo's big muscular thighs and began to worship his master.

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