New lovers

By moc.liamtoh@daehregna

Published on Feb 7, 2001



"New Lovers"

This was a serious matter. Andrew had come over to confront his friend Bernie about a secret that had been brewing for many months. Apparently Bernie was homosexual and was in love with Andrew. In the business of psychiatry this would never do. For his entire professional career, Andrew believed one ought to be friendly toward coworkers but still keep a certain distance. Now he had to enlighten Bernie to his philosophy.

Andrew hated to do it because Bernie was such a great guy. Many nights they had hung out at bars, gone to baseball games, ordered Chinese take out, and even gone to see a movie or two. There was no one funnier or more intelligent than Bernie, and it was a real shame because what Andrew had to tell him tonight would most likely end their relationship entirely. But what else was he to do? Swing to a side he was never interested in checking out? No, he had to tell Bernie to let this love die because it wasn't bound to reach maturity anyway.

On Wednesday Andrew had asked Bernie, "Hey, what are your plans Friday night? Say around seven?"

Bernie smiled and said, "The usual...just sit around the house alone with a good book or a movie. Nothing special."

"Good," Andrew said, "because I'm going to come over. We have to talk."

He had walked away before Bernie could inquire. Wednesday and Thursday rolled by without anything unique happening, but all day Friday Andrew was nervous. He couldn't concentrate on his cases or even sit in his chair; he kept pacing his office, waiting for the day to end and hoping Bernie wouldn't confront him ahead of time as to what this get together was all about. In this case Andrew lucked out; Bernie didn't approach him. They didn't even see each other on Friday.

Seven came crawling on by to find Andrew running late. He was going to dress somewhat fancy for the visit to Bernie's, but when he became frustrated with the tie he just resorted to a T-shirt and jeans. Not even bothering to tie his sneakers Andrew rushed out to the car and took off for Bernie.

On the walk up to the front door Andrew stopped to tie his shoes. Once that was done he rang the doorbell. Beyond the door he could hear classical music playing. Eventually Bernie answered, dressed in a similar fashion to Andrew.

Smiling, Bernie said, "Finally! I thought you'd never get here."

While stepping in Andrew immediately spotted the dining room ahead, with the table set for a romantic dinner. A plump chicken (partially carved up) sat in the center. Candles flickered on either side of it.

"Can I take your coat?" Bernie asked.

"Yes, of course," Andrew said as he slipped out of it.

After hanging it up Bernie said, "Let's eat. Hope you're hungry."

"I am actually," Andrew said as he followed his host into the dining room.

They ate at first without any dialogue. Andrew was still nervous so he helped himself to a couple glasses of wine. By the fourth one he felt relaxed enough to bring up his reason for coming over, but Bernie spoke first.

"You know, I never thought I'd have you over. I was so happy when you asked what I was doing tonight," Bernie said.

"Yeah, well...Bernie, there's something I gotta tell you about. I hear this rumor around work that you are gay...and that you are in love with me," Andrew said.

Bernie smirked. "You know, you pick one person out to tell. You think you can trust them, and the next thing you know..."

Andrew was so stunned he nearly dropped his glass. "You mean this is true?"

Without a single blink from his soft, warm brown eyes Bernie looked at Andrew and said, "Yes, it is."

"But why?" Andrew stammered. "Why do you love me?"

Chuckling, Bernie said, "Why does anyone love anyone? It's a mystery...but I mean, I have a few good guesses."

"Go on," Andrew encouraged.

"You bring fresh air into my life, Andrew. The way you look at things is completely different from anyone else I've ever met...your way of always seeing the good in bad things, turning negative energy into positive. And there is even more. I've watched you interact with other people, and they always come away smiling. You have healed more people in that mental institution than any other psychiatrist in its history. And that is what attracted me to you. I had a broken heart, and you healed it."

Stunned, still sipping his wine, Andrew didn't know what to say. He finished his fourth glass and started a fifth. The wine got tricky on him and Andrew spilled a couple drops on the pure white tablecloth.

"Andrew, you're a little tipsy."

"No, I'm drunk," Andrew said with a grin.

"There's no way you're going home like this. You're staying the night here," Bernie said.

Andrew looked from his glass to Bernie, then said, "All right, I'll stay."

"You make it sound like you have a choice," Bernie said with a laugh.

Andrew shrugged his shoulders and sighed. A yawn came rumbling up, and he said, "Hey, I'm kind of tired. Where's the sleeping arrangements?"

Without a word Bernie came down to Andrew's chair and took hold of his hand. It took a gentle tug for Andrew to realize Bernie was summoning him out of the chair. As Andrew stood up Bernie simply said, "Follow me." Then he started walking off while holding Andrew's hand.

Like a brainwashed cult member Andrew followed Bernie into his bedroom. Beside the bed Bernie stopped and turned to face his coworker.

"Uh oh," Andrew said. "I didn't bring anything to sleep in."

"Sure you did," Bernie said. "It's a suit you bring with you everywhere you go."

"What kinda suit is that?"

"Your birthday suit," Bernie said.

Andrew merely replied with an "oh yeah" as Bernie set about undressing him. When the deed was done he just stood there looking Andrew up and down.

"My, my, my," Bernie said while looking down at one obvious feature.

In spite of himself Andrew found his sex growing hard at Bernie's admiration.

"You know I'm feeling a little awkward here seeing as how I'm the only one naked," Andrew finally broke the silence.

"Oh yeah," Bernie whispered. "How thoughtless of me."

As Andrew collapsed on the bed Bernie undressed. By the time he joined Andrew, the reluctant overnight guest had stretched out on his stomach and was nearly asleep.

"No, no," Bernie said. "You're not falling asleep on me."

"Massage my back. It's been a rough week," Andrew ordered.

With that Bernie straddled his coworker and moved his soft hands in slow circles over Andrew's tense shoulder blades. His fingers slid up to Andrew's neck and caressed it. Bernie heard Andrew moan, and that was when he replaced his fingers with his tongue. Now his movements became more daring as the wet muscle started to slowly progress down Andrew's back; all the while he could sense Andrew was becoming more and more aroused. Upon reaching the small of Andrew's back Bernie pressed several kisses into each of Andrew's tender, hairless buttocks, then started to lick the dividing line.

Andrew gasped at this exploration, tensing partially out of cringing and pleasure. The tongue moved in slow, long drags up and down his crack. After a few passes he was even lifting his buttocks up to encourage the tongue's further experimenting.

"You want to do more than that, don't you?" Andrew gasped.

Bernie could hardly be bothered to take any time out from his activity, but for a second he pulled away to free up his mouth to say, "Yes."

Andrew was quiet again while the tongue went on its travels, letting the weight of what Bernie desired sink in. Eventually he said, "You can, you know. I won't object...but you have to show me where I should be or what I should do." After another pause, Andrew added, "Guide me."

As Bernie heard this news he became more aroused, and consequently his tongue started to dig deeper between the buttocks, no longer passing over Andrew's back entrance but now actually slipping into it. The sensation brought Andrew (who had gone soft) to attention once again.

Then he felt Bernie's hands on his hips, tugging, urging Andrew to get up on his knees while keeping his head down on the mattress. Bernie reached off to the side, to the night stand, where he opened a drawer and took out a container of Vaseline. Andrew gathered up one of the pillows in his arms to hold on to and squeeze.

"You want me this way?" Andrew asked while looking back at his soon-to-be lover. Bernie nodded. "And what do I do?"

"You don't have to worry about a thing, sweetheart," Bernie said softly. "Just relax."

Andrew kept looking in time to see Bernie unscrew the jar of Vaseline and dig out a scoop with two fingers. As he replaced the cap and put the jar back on the night stand, the eager Andrew looked forward again. He was surprised when Bernie not only returned to licking the backside division but also reached underneath to stroke Andrew's erection. The double sensation was almost enough to finish Andrew off right away. He looked backward between his legs and could see Bernie smearing the lubricant all over his own mighty erection.

When he was done, Bernie swabbed what remained of the Vaseline between Andrew's buttocks. Then he started to gradually work himself into Andrew's backside. He pushed in slightly while holding his erection at its base and let go, but not enough had gone in and he slipped away. Bernie grabbed hold of himself again and positioned the tip against Andrew's waiting rear end again. His left hand was on Andrew's hip, lightly stroking up and down in a soothing motion meant to help the new guy relax, while the other hand still held the throbbing member at its root. This time Bernie was careful, and he waited until the head and a little bit of the shaft had gone inside to let go and put his hand on Andrew's other hip. Andrew gasped and gritted his teeth as the penetration was finally initiated. He sucked in his breath and held it as the sex gradually pushed forward. His eyebrows arched, mouth agape, Andrew was finding the sensation to be quite uncomfortable and unpleasant.

Before he knew it, Andrew could feel Bernie's groin pressed flush up against his buttocks. Then he felt Bernie withdraw nearly all the way only to surge ahead. Even though the pace was still calm, Andrew started to sweat. It was still rough going for him by this point. He had no idea when it let up until Bernie's voice entered his head.

"Relax, baby. Oh, my sweet Andrew, I love you. You feel so wonderful."

Bernie's cooing continued as his pace picked up slightly. Andrew started letting out low-volume but frequent gasps. However, as the motion increased these were made more out of pleasure than pain. Something inside him adjusted, and Andrew's agape mouth went from a painful expression to a smile. He even found himself rocking with Bernie's motion. Other things came to him to make the situation even more intense. Andrew started thinking to himself, this man loves me...he wants to make love to me, and even though it isn't my style I'm letting him...he wants to make me happy, to feel more loved than any woman could ever make me...God, this is so wonderful...the way his cock is lovingly gliding in and out of me now...I've fully adjusted to his entire length penetrating my anus, and by God do I enjoy it.

Andrew started shouting out to Bernie, first just simple calls like "yes, yes!" that would let his lover know how much this new activity was being enjoyed, then expanding his category dramatically to spur Bernie on to a wilder pace. There was plenty to enjoy in this moment, but Andrew suddenly became confused and dizzy when there was a sudden flood of pleasure and he realized he had had an anal orgasm, expending his seed on Bernie's sheets. Bernie announced the onset of his own explosion, and Andrew leaned his buttocks back hard just as the powerful ejaculation began. The flurry of this precious fluid from Bernie brought a shower of warmth down upon Andrew's nerve endings that started in his anus and spread out from there like ripples on a pond. He could feel (and how he loved feeling it) every time the sex pulsed to emit another burst of semen.

Eventually (and unfortunately) the rush came to a conclusion. Bernie collapsed on to the mattress. Although Andrew was exhausted he found the energy to crawl over and lay his head on Bernie's chest.

Gasping, Bernie said, "My Lord, I don't know why you picked tonight...but I'm so glad you did."

Looking once again into Bernie's mesmerizing eyes, Andrew said, "You and me both."

And then Andrew opened up in a way that was more thrilling than what he had just allowed to be done to his backside.

He leaned forward and kissed Bernie...gently at first, light smooches using only the lips, then eventually letting the tongue get involved.

"Does this mean you 're mine now?" Bernie asked innocently.

Andrew nodded and said, "Yours...forever."

And with twin smiles on their lips, they fell asleep.

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