New Life Down South

By hank fawkins

Published on Mar 12, 2008


Subject A New Life Down South Chapter 2: The Next Move

We arrived at the restaurant to find that they had double booked our table. They were very apologetic about the mess up and John was very understanding. The manager said it would be an hour before the next table became available and we mentioned that we would sit at the bar until then. I was doubly impressed with John's behaviour as my previous partner, Aidin would have created a scene by ranting and raving. I was very much like John as there was nothing that one could do about it.

I mentioned to John that I was party to a similar mixup and the person (I did not tell him it was Aidin) went off the deep end. John laughed and said he had a similar situation and he wanted to crawl under the carpet from embarrassment.

The hour sped by and soon we were taken to our table. We had placed our order at the bar and soon after being seated, our meal arrived. Our conversation flowed from present jobs, our families and friends.

On the family front, he mentioned that he was always keen to have kids and that was one of the reasons that he got married. They had tried for kids however his wife (now ex) had five miscarriages and was advised by her gynaecologist that she would place her life in danger should she fall pregnant again. Soon thereafter they drifted apart and that had led to the divorce.

He told me that he always knew that he had feelings for guys even though he was married. After the divorce those feelings became stronger and now he feels complete when he is with a man. He laughed and said that it was not from experience that he was saying this as he had only been with the ski instructor. I laughed too and said that I had had several more guys and felt the same way.

We left the restaurant around 11pm and while we were waiting for a taxi, John received a call from Jess to say that he was at one of the clubs and that we should meet up. John asked whether I wanted to go to the club and we both agreed that we would meet up with Jess for a while. John phoned the taxi company to request that we are picked up at the club at a later time. The club was nearby and we walked and talked. I felt so comfortable in John's company.

The club was one of two gay clubs in our town and Jess met up with us at the door. Jess knew the security guys and we were whisked through the throng of people queuing. The club was packed and Jess led the way to a large table at the back of the packed dance floor. There I was introduced to over 10 guys who were Jess' friends. We sat down on the spare seats which meant I was separated from Jess and John. I had no problem with this however I noticed that John was looking uncomfortable and I recall Jess saying that John did not like clubs. The guy next to me asked me whether John and I were seeing each other.

I replied, `No, he is my next door neighbour and I moved into his apartment block a few days ago.'

The guy said, `I went out with John a few times and it did not progress. I liked him but I think that he was not interested'

I said, I am sorry to hear that.' I did not know what to say and the start of a new song saved me. It was one of my favourites and I began singing with the music. I got up to dance and looked over to John and mouthed, Let's dance'

He shook his head and motioned that I crack on. Within two steps I was on the dance floor and as I started to move to the music, I noticed that the guy whose name I could not remember had got up and was dancing too. Jess was up too and dancing with us. We must have stayed there for several songs and when we got back to the table, I noticed that John was not there. I assumed that he had gone to the toilet however after five minutes, I asked Jess if he knew where John was?

Jess said, He must be around somewhere.' And hauled me back up on the danced floor once again. After one song, I shouted to make myself heard above the music, I am going to look for John.'

I checked out both bathrooms and the busy bar area where I thought that he may have been waiting to order a drink and did not find him there either. I walked over to the front entrance and found John sitting on the pavement edge. I sat down quietly next to him. We sat there for a time before John spoke up, `I had a great time tonight. Thank you for making it a night to remember.'

`John, I had a great time too.' I did not feel that I had to say anything more. We got up and went in to say goodbye to Jess and his friends. We took a taxi home and John asked me whether I wanted to come in for coffee.

Three hours later we were still talking and laughing. John told me that the guy, Mike who I had spoken to at the club, had firstly pursued him and when he, John decided he liked Mike and told him that, Mike was not keen. I said to John that many guys like the chase and when they succeed in this, they lose interest.

It was after four am when I said to John that it was time for bed.

John laughed, `That is the best invitation that I have had all year!'

I blushed and tried to say that I did not mean that way. We both got up at the same time and I thanked John once again. At the front door we both hesitated and he touched my arm and send goodnight. I thanked him for a great night and said we should do it again soon.

Opening my front door I thought what an incredibly lame thing to say, `we should do it again..' At times with John I felt like a young teenager, at times we had such great conversation and then at other times I wanted to grab him and not let him go. I was glad that we were getting to know each other first. With Aidin we had sex on our first night and I felt that we had not moved beyond that point on a emotional and mental level.

My last thoughts before I fell asleep was of John.

The next three weeks sped by as I immersed myself in a new project at work. We were hosting a new product launch and this was a first for the company. My boss had approached me to ask whether I wanted to lead the team for the launch. I eagerly accepted and only afterwards I realised what a huge task I was letting myself in for. Our team of five worked late most nights of the week and I spent most Saturday on the launch. John and I saw each other late at night and the latter part of weekends together. The previous weekend John had hugged me and I could not hide the fact that I became hard at his touch. The moment passed when the telephone rang.

I was offered three tickets to pass onto my friends and the weekend before the launch I went over to John's to ask whether he wanted to go. Jess was staying there as his apartment was being renovated and I invited both of them. Jess was his usual forward self and wanted to know why I was ignoring him. I mentioned that I had been incredibly busy with the launch and would make it up to both of them after the launch. I asked John and Jess whether they would look after Casey after the launch as I was staying over at a hotel in London that night. They said it would be no problem.

Our president of our parent company was coming over for the first time. My boss had been over to Boston several times since he had taken over as president. I was asked to look after the president and his wife on the night. I agreed to as I knew that Jess and John could look after themselves.

The launch at the Dorchester was a huge success and the president, who said that we must call him Harry, requested that the team celebrate by having dinner at a restaurant nearby. He specifically mentioned that we could bring our partners and looked at me and asked whether I had a partner. I said I did not however I did have a friend at the launch. I realised that my boss had mentioned that I was gay to Harry because he said, `Bring him along.' I went over to John and Jess and mentioned the invite. Jess said that he could not come as he had an early start in the morning. John said he would love to come and we said goodbye to Jess. Jess said that he would take Casey over to John's apartment as I would not be coming back that night.

The restaurant we went to was Quaglino's and the meal was superb. It was not a quiet restaurant, in fact it was very noisy and it was difficult to speak to the person two away from oneself. My boss was unable to make it and his last words to me before he left was that I look after Harry and his wife. John was a big hit with Harry's wife and at the end of the evening Harry had invited me to Boston for the US launch of the product. Harry was a down to earth guy who loved his family and his job, in that order. He told me that he always took his wife away when he travelled and this enabled him to spend quality time with her and the corporate functions did not degenerate into wild parties that could happen when partners did not attend.

The evening sped by and after paying the bill, we said our goodbyes to everyone and I walked John back to the underground to catch the last train back to Newhaven. On the way I realised that I wanted John to stay with me at the hotel. I was unsure of whether he would agree and sort of asked him by saying, Have you to get up early tomorrow?' To which he replied that he had decided to take the day off as he had a few jobs to do in the apartment. I then said, Are the jobs going to take long?' To which he replied that they would not take more than two hours to do. By then I almost lost my courage and remained silent for a few seconds. I then blurted everything out and said, `I have a double room and you can stay if you want. I know that you do not have fresh clothes and I can loan you socks and jocks and the hotel must have new toothbrushes. If you don't I will not be offended.'

Yes' was all he said and he took my hand and we turned around and walked back to my hotel. I squeezed his hand and I found that I could not wipe the smile off my face. Too soon we were back on my room and John said that he wanted to have a shower. I said that I would shower after him. He took off his clothes and walked through to the bathroom in his jocks. I did not want to stare at his body so busied myself in sorting out the airconditioning whilst he undressed. I started to remove my clothes when he popped his head around the bathroom door and asked, Do you want to shower with me. The shower cubicle is big enough for both of us.' I must have looked at him hesitantly because his next words were, `I am so excited to be here with you and you will soon see how excited I am. I would love you to shower with me'

`That is a invite that I am not going to turn down' I joked and this broke the tension. I dropped the rest of my clothes on the floor and stepped into the bathroom. I have always been almost shy about my body. I was what one calls a lean physiqued guy. In the past few years I have been able to muscle up however I have still retained the leanness. In the past I was teased by my family for being too thin and as the years passed, they have stopped doing so and have become impressed by my physique when we are on holiday. I do know that being physically fit has helped to maintain a healthy and young feel.

John was already in the shower with his back to me. He was soaping his hair and with his hands in his hair, I had a perfect view of his body from behind. It was breathtaking, his shoulders tapered down to the small of his back and his arse was like two watermelons, well formed and hard. I noticed that his tan line suggested that he wore a speedo and that was even more erotic to me. His back was hairless and his arse had a sparse light dusting of tiny hairs. His legs were muscular and were quite hairy. This contrasted with his bald head.

Just then John turned around and I noticed that his cock was curved upwards in full glory. I looked up at John and he smiled saying, `Come join me and leave that for me' and looked down at my cock. I realised that I was inadvertently feeling myself.

John was more breathtaking from the front. He was hairless except for a path of hair from his navel to his crotch area which was unshaven. His chest and arms were well developed, not overly so and he had a flat stomach without the six pack.

`Well come on then' I heard John say which brought me back from my dream. I walked into the shower and John asked me to turn around. I turned around and John took a dollop of shampoo and started to massage it into my scalp. This was the first for me and it was the most sensual feeling. After what seemed like a lifetime, he rinsed the shampoo from my hair and then proceeded to place shower gel in his hands and massage my shoulders. This was even better and my legs were like jelly. John then wrapped his arms around me and gave me a huge hug. All I felt was his stiff cock against my back as I pressed against his body.

I turned around and looked up into his deep brown eyes and saw in them what I had been looking for all my life, yet did not know it until that very moment. They had the look of tenderness, yet full of joy, the look of love, yet full of lust and the look of completeness, yet knowing there is more to some. Later that night I would find out that John saw and felt a similar feeling that very moment when I turned to face him. We both drew closer and had the most intense kiss. All I can do to describe it, is to say that it was better than many of the orgasms that I had had. John broke away first and said breathlessly.

`Lets finish up here as I am over excited and if this carries on, I am not sure that the cubicle will survive.' I laughed and said that I felt the same way. John and I washed separately and climbed out the shower cubicle. Before I could dry myself, John grabbed me and we kissed again. I could not remember how we landed up on the bed.

His body was as great to look at as it was to touch. I could not get enough of John and I wanted to devour him. My legs were all over him and I was out of control and at the same time knowing that I did not want it to stop. It felt like an out of body experience even though I did not know what that felt like. I slid my hand down his stomach into his naval hair and placed my hand around his cock. I started to stroke it slowly and could feel it throbbing. We continued to kiss and John's breathing was becoming more ragged. All I wanted to do was to have him in my mouth. I slid down the bed and opened my mouth and slid it over his cock. John immediately placed his hands on my head and said,

`Don't move' and I took it that he did not like it. In fact he said if I had moved, he would have cum and he did not want to yet. John slipped his cock out of my mouth and he started to kiss me again. He then slipped down and had my cock in his mouth in a second. Every fibre of the head of my cock was on fire and my pelvic movements had become uncontrollable. John stopped and lay down beside me and took both our cocks in his hand. He slowly started to stroke our cocks and I could see that his cock was as pulsing as mine. I do not know how he knew what excited me but he was doing just that. It was the slow rhythmatic movement which was driving me over the edge.

I looked over at John and I could see that he was enjoying it as much as me. I squeezed his nipple and it had the desired effect. John came and his first shot hit the headboard, then his chest and his stomach. John leant over, kissed me and started to stroke my cock again. He slid down and took my cock in his mouth. It was as good as before and soon I could hold it back no longer. I pulled out of his mouth and came almost immediately. It was the most intense orgasm that I had experienced.

John pulled me over and we hugged for what was a few minutes. We climbed out of bed and went to have a shower. That night we could not get enough of each other and it was light when we finally fell asleep.

I woke up at around 11am with a huge smile on my face.

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