New Life at Ramapo

By moc.liamg@70rohtuaytfin

Published on Nov 8, 2007


Good day readers. I was happy for the feedback of the second installment. I'm glad that the majority of you are happy with where the story is going. It will get more interesting and have you on the edge of your seats. Again all questions and comments are welcomed and encouraged. So please hit me up. I try to respond to everyone who writes.

Ok. Here's The Rules: If its illegal for you to see this stuff they dont. If you're looking for raunchy inhibited sex, you're gonna have to wait. This story isnt based on anything and if it seems like it is then its just a really weird coincidence.

A New Life at Ramapo Chapter 3

Spencer awoke the next morning first. He checked his watch to see that it was 6:30 in the morning. He normally didn't wake up this early but was awake so he figured he would get a move on with heading home. He didn't want to wake Rider so he found a piece of paper and a pan and wrote down a little thank you note and his cell phone number. Spencer then took the note and put it on the bed where he slept next to the pile of folded clothes that Rider had lent him the previous night.

Spencer then quietly made his way out of the room, careful not to let the door slam shut. He made his way outside to a beautiful sunny day. There were trees down here and there but the tempature was perfect. It had that after storm calmness. Spencer enjoyed the nice brisk walk down to his car from the hill that Rider's dorm sat on.

When Spencer got back home his mom and dad were sitting at the kitchen table having coffee and a light breakfast before they left for work. "Hi honey." Spencer's mom said.

"Hey Ma. Hi Pop." Spencer replied.

"Crazy storm last night. How were the roads coming home this morning?" Spencer's dad asked.

"Not bad. There were trees down and stuff but they were clreaing them up pretty fast."

"Did you thank Rider for letting you spend the night?" Spencer's mom asked.

"Yup. He was sleeping when I left. So I just left him a little note."

Spencer then excused himself so that he can to his room and relax. When he got to his room he had to reset all of his clocks and power up his computer again. After that Spencer was too awake to go back to bed and it was only 8:00. So he decided to go for a run. It was Katie and his old thing to do. They would always go for runs around the lake in their neighborhood. Katie lived about 3 blocks away from Spencer and would always take turns leaving from each other's house to run around the lake.

Spencer put his cell phone on the charger and changed into some running gear. When he got out of his room his parents were just walking out the door to head to work. He thought it was cute how they always left at the same time to head to work. It was always like that since he was a little kid. He went into the kitched to grab a quick drink of water to take his multi-vitamin and eat a banana. He then went outside and stretched on the driveway for about ten minutes. When he was done stretching he put his iPod on and headed through his backyard to get to the road that surrounded the lake behind his house.

As Spencer was making his way around the lake he started to realize how much he missed his friends. This was Katie and his thing to do. At least three times a week they would do the 5 mile run around the lake and back to one of their houses. They also had the same playlist on each of their iPods and would sing the songs together. Meeting Rider made the transition of college life and losing his friends from his daily routine much easier.

When Spencer got back him home he felt like he got so much accomplished and looked at the clock to see it was only 9:15. He didn't know what to do. He had cleared his schedule for the day to do his homework for the previous day's two classes but they were canceled. He hoped in the shower and it felt so good after a nice run. Spencer loves taking long steaming hot showers. He loves watching the water cascade down his muscular tone body. Spencer was exactly jacked but he stood a strong five foot eleven. He had a nice six-pack for abs and nice pectorial muscle definition. Spencer enjoyed taking care of his body.

As Spencer got out of the shower he heard his cell phone message tone going off. He quickly dried himself off and ran to his room to check it. When he got to his room he picked up the phone to read it. It was from an unknown number. As Spencer read the text message he noticed it was from Rider. He texted Spencer to thank him for hanging out last night and to see what Spencer was up to for the day.

Spencer called Rider and explained that he had the day to himself with nothing to do. "Yup. Nothing since yesterday's classes were cancelled."

"I met this hot chick at breakfast this morning. How about the three of us hang out today?" Rider asked.

Spencer agreed and they made plans to hang out. Spencer would drive down to the school to pick up Rider and this girl he met. He told Rider he would show him all around Northern New Jersey and where everything was. Plus any time spent with Rider was worth it to Spencer.

Spencer pulled into the commuter's lot to find Rider and this cheerleader type blonde waiting for him. He came to a stop and hit the button to unlock the doors. Rider got in the front and the girl got in the back. Spencer did a quick hand shake and buddy hug with Rider. He then turned and said hi to the girl. "This is Tracy." Rider said.

"Hi Tracy. I'm Spencer."

"Oh my gawd! It's like so totally nice to finally meet you. Rider talks like so much about you!" Tracy said.

Spencer was speechless. All he could do was bug his eyes out. He quickly caught himself and turned around to drive out of the parking lot. He couldn't believe what type of girl Rider was into. He convinced himself at the moment that there was no way in hell Rider could ever fall for him. He liked dumb blond cheerleader types. She fit the stereotype to a tee.

The three spent the next twenty minutes driving to the Garden State Plaza mall in New Jersey. It is the biggest mall in New Jersey. Once they got there they all hopped out of the car. Tracy immediately took Rider's hand and walked with him across the parking lot. It was at that point that Spencer realized he should be happy for Rider. He seemed to really like this girl, even if she had the IQ of a sleeping two-year old.

The three spent the afternoon together shopping at the mall. Most people couldn't pick up on Spencer being gay, not even his parents. The one and only obvious gay trait expressed by Spencer would be his passion for shopping. Three hours later and 5 shopping bags in Spencer's hand, they decided to head back to campus.

Spencer dropped off Tracy at her dorm room across campus and then he went to drop off Rider. "So what do you think of Tracy?" Rider asked.

Spencer was taken back with the question. He wasn't quite too sure how to answer that, but he had to. "She seems like totally nice!" Spencer replied in Tracy's bimbo-ish tone of voice.

Rider chuckled loudly, "Yea, I know she's a bit much. Nice as hell though. Awesome body."

Spencer smiled and pulled the car over. "Want to come to a party at my house this weekend?" Spencer asked.

"Sure. What's the occasion?" Rider asked.

"Mom and Dad are going away on Friday night and coming back Sunday afternoon. Don't forget your over for Sunday dinner."

"Cool. I'll see you Saturday then."

"Yea. How about guys night Friday night and you can crash the whole weekend at my place."


The friends hugged and Rider began his walk up the hill to his dorm. Spencer drove home and decided who to invite to his party.

Friday morning Spencer picked up Rider after his last class to go back to his place. "So what do you want to do tonight?" Rider asked.

"I figure we can set up for the party and just watch a movie. i'm mad tired." Spencer replied.

"Yea that definately works. I'm wiped."

The boys headed back to Spencer's where he popped in a frozen pizza in the oven for them to eat while they re-arranged the furniture and made a table for all the alcohol Spencer had his cousin by him on Thursday night. They ate and ended up crashing on the couch.

They awoke early the next morning and Rider joined Spencer for a run around the lake. They came back home and spent the day hanging out together. While they were getting showered and dressed for the party Rider asked Spencer for directions to his place to give Tracy so she could drive over later on to come to the party. Spencer relunctly gave it to Rider and dreaded seeing Tracy again.

Everyone starting arriving at around 8. Spencer invited a lot of his old friends who didn't go away to school or who were home for the weekend. The party was having a pretty nice flow. Spencer's cousin even brought his college roommate who was gay, but not really Spencer's type. All was going well, until Tracy showed up. She came with her roommate, who looked like she came out of the same box as Tracy. They were both obviously already a little tipsy. Rider was noticeably irritated by this. Spencer tried not to pay any notice at how Tracy was throwing herself all over Rider.

"Dude, your girl a little drunk?" Spencer joked to Rider.

"Shut up Spence." Rider replied.

Spencer was shocked by how Rider responded to him. He then decided to go talk to his cousin's roommate. Spencer spent the majority of the night there until he heard some arguing. He went out the front door to see Tracy and Rider arguing and Tracy's twin just standing there watching. "Just get the fuck out of here Tracy." Rider said.

"Hey it's like not my fault that fag couldn't get some decent alchy!" she said.

"Trace thats fucking it. You dont disrespect my friends because of how he was born!"

"Whatever, you're a fag too!"

"What did you call me!?! Don't you ever call me that! You hear me you slut! Get the fuck out of here. We're done!" Rider yelled out to Tracy and she and her blond twin got back into the car they came in and left.

Spencer quickly ran inside and started to break up the party. He wanted to go to bed. The arguement totally killed his buzz. He was happy that Rider stood up for him, yet he felt hurt that Rider took such an offense to being called a fag and that's why he would dump her. It was late too so everyone pretty much had already begun leaving when Spencer decided to end it. Not to mention it starting raining.

Spencer's favorite thing in the world was to stand in the rain and enjoy it in the warm evenings. When everyone left and Spencer was done waving goodbye to them he stood there and let the water cascade over his body and just get rid of all the booze and drama of the night. "Are you okay?" he heard.

Spencer turned around to see Rider standing on the porch. "Fine."

"What's wrong?" Rider asked as he walked out into the rain.

"I said i'm fine!"

"Look Spencer, I might only know you for about a week now, but I can tell when something is bothering you. Like when you first looked at Tracy." Rider said in the rain

"Go inside Rider."

The rain started to pick up and so did the wind, causing Rider to raise his voice. "No! Why won't you talk to me?"

"Let's see Rider. Yea you defended me when Tracy called me a fag but you decided to end it when she calls you a fag. Thanks for making it seem like something so bad!" Spencer yelled over the pouring rain.

"You heard that?" Rider said lowering his voice but still audible to Spencer.

"Yes I did!" Spencer said rather coldly.

"Spence, it's not that..." Rider began.

"Then what is it!?!" Spencer questioned.

"It'''s this!" Rider said as he ran and grabbed Spencer and held him and kissed him.

Alrighty fellas! Chapter 3 is done! Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions? Praise? No Praise? let me know: and yes there is plenty more to come!

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