New Life at Ramapo

By moc.liamg@70rohtuaytfin

Published on Oct 30, 2007


A New Life at Ramapo Chapter 1

Ok. Here's The Rules: If its illegal for you to see this stuff they dont. If you're looking for raunchy inhibited sex, you're gonna have to wait. This story isnt based on anything and if it seems like it is then its just a really weird coincidence.

"Remember freshman year when we couldn't wait for this?" Spencer said in his driveway.

"Yup!" the group responded all together.

The group had been friends since before freshman year. They were well known all over the school. Josh was the all-star quarterback since freshman year and had been going to school with Spencer since sixth grade. Katie was Josh's girlfriend that he had meant on the first day of school. Katie was a kick ass girl who was tough and brought best out of Josh. Paul was the fat guy who told the funniest jokes and was always there to talk to. Last was Allison, the tough soccer player. She could kick anyone's ass but never would.

They had all gone to Spencer's house, the usual meeting/hang out spot, before heading over to graduation. Katie was near tears and hugging everyone. No one had ever seen her like this. Usually she was tough as hell, but today was different. Josh was holding Katie after her display of affection. "Dude, I never thought this day would come. It's cool, but I'm gonna miss all this."

Everyone nodded in agreement. Allison was smoking her cigarette and sharing it with Paul. They were discussing who was going to get laid the most while away at school. Paul of course was talking out of his ass and Allison was laughing so hard she had to sit down in the middle of the driveway. Spencer was just staring into the street thinking to himself. Katie spoke up, "What's up baby boy?"

"This is it." Spencer replied.

"What ya talkin' about buck?" asked Josh.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to Spencer. He looked at everyone with this blank stare and decided to state the obvious without holding back.

"After tonight we will barely see each other. Sure we'll chat here and there but thats it. Josh you'll be leaving for football camp in 2 weeks. Katie you'll be moving with your folks and getting some last fucking time with Josh. Allison you'll be working be busy on vacation with your fam and Paul you'll be in that summer program abroad thing."

No one wanted to say it but it was true. Spencer was going to be left alone in town while everyone was doing their own thing. Sure they would see each other here and there throughout the summer but nothing witll ever be the same again. Especially once school started. Josh got his football scholarship to Georgetown, Katie would be attending the Culinary Institue of America in upstate New York. Allison got into John Jay in New York City and Paul is going to Penn State. Spencer was going to be spending his college experience at home at a local state college, Ramapo.

Everyone was stunned into silence and just looked around. A single tear escaped Spencer's eye. Paul and Allison noticed and pulled everyone into a group hug. Just as the embrace began Spencer's parents came outside. "Awwww!!!" they said in unison.

The group hug broke and they all looked at Spencer's parents walking down the driveway towards them. Josh had known Spencer's parents since 6th grade. Their parents were good friends and so were their older brothers. Josh and Spencer smiled and slapped each other five. "Let's make a pact!"

Spencer's parents rolled their eyes due to the fact that Spencer and Josh were well known throughout town for their infamous "pacts". One common known fact about these infamous pacts: Josh and Spencer have never ever forgotten or not gone through with one of their pacts. Some have been funny, others have been mischevious and others have been momentous. The group knew that this one would fall under the momentous category.

"I propose..." Spencer began.

"Oh shit." Paul interrupted. Which was followed by Spencer's mom slapping Paul upside the head while Allison punched him in the gut.

"Continue." Allison and Spencer's mom replied in unison.

" That we meet here," Spencer began, "every year until the end of time."

"No matter what happens," Josh continued, "or what point we are at in each of our lives, we will meet here every year. Every year until we die."

Paul begins twirling around and does a dramatic jump and pose with spirit fingers and screams, "Flash forward to 30 years!"

The group, including Spencer's parents, erupt into an uproar of laughter and everyone hugs and kisses Paul. "Ewwwwwwwwwww cooties!!!" Paul yells.

They all pile into Spencer's Chevy Blazer. Spencer waived goodbye to his parents and headed to the ceremony at the high school. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Flying down the main road by the school Spencer flies into the commuter's parking lot on campus. It was the first day of his English Lit class and he was on the verge of being late. Spencer was crazy prepared for his first day. He has folders and binders and notebooks set aside for each of his 4 classes. Spencer was always great in school. He just wasn't ready to go off to a far campus and wanted to stay local for school.

As Spencer parked his car and grabbed his bookbag he began running down the parking lot to the building. When he made it to the sidewalk he dropped his cell phone and it fell with everything coming loose. "Ah shit!" Spencer said to himself as he bent down.

"It's no biggie." he heard a stranger say.

Spencer looked up to see the most beautiful set of blue green eyes he ever laid sight on. He was dumbfounded and speechless. The stranger began to pick up Spencer's cell phone and piece it back together. "See, like I said."

Spencer took his phone back and looked it over, "Thanks. I am idiot and running late for class."

"It's ok. I'm Rider. What class are you headed to?"

"I'm Spencer and headed to English Lit with Prof. Whitter." Spencer replied.

"Me too. We better hurry before we're late." Rider suggested.

The two young men quickly headed to the assigned classroom. It was about a 2 minute quick-walk for them. As they turned the corner in the corridor of the building they noticed a group of students standing outside a classroom. As Spencer and Rider got closer they realized that was the classroom to their class. Spencer went up to the door and asked one of the students, "What's going on?"

"We don't know. The door is locked and the professor hasn't shown up yet." the student replied.

Spencer walked back over to Rider and told him what the student said. As Spencer was speaking he was admiring Rider's looks. Rider was your average good looking college guy. He had the dark black hair the was short on the back and the sides and had about an inch or so on the top. He was wearing a sleeveless blue t-shirt that showed just the right of definition in his arms. He had on a pair of cargo shorts and flip flops. His skin was amazingly flawless and just the slightest hint of hair on his arms and legs.

"So uh is that a yes?" Rider asked.

"Um I totally just spaced out. What just happened?" Spencer blushed.

"I asked you if this was your only class today?"

"Oh no. I have one in like 4 hours." Spencer replied.

Just as Spencer answered him a lady in a pants suit that appeared to be the department supervisior walked over to the door and hung up a piece paper and walked away just as quietly as she came. Everyone crowded around and began to read the paper. "To all of Prof. Whitter's Students: His classes have been canceled for the day due to a personal emergency. Thank You."

"Well that sucks. What am I going to do until my next class?" Spencer said to himself.

"Why don't you come chill in my dorm room? I have a single and there is a couch in there to crash on if you get tired or what not." Rider offered.

Spencer was so ecstatic and quickly offered to go to Rider's room. They began the walk up to the dorm buildings and began to know each other. Spencer talked about high school and how he was varsity track and volleyball, had a 3.9 GPA, the editor of the school newspaper and about his group of friends. Rider talked about his family and how he was from Pennsylvania and that he played soccer and baseball in high school.

"So your parents still together?" Rider asked as he opened the door to his room.

"Yea. Yours?" Spencer asked as he walked into Rider's room.


Spencer nodded as he was looking around Rider's room. It was pretty big for a dorm room. There was enough room for two beds, a 3 seater couch, a small fridge, a microwave, tv and computer, not to mention a tiny walk-in closet. "How'd you score all this?" Spencer asked.

"Weirdest thing. We moved in like 2 days ago and my roommate, who is a fucking weirdo by the way, was always crying. This morning I wake up and all his shit is packed away. There's a note taped to my laptop saying that he missed home to much and was leaving."

"Whoa. That's intense Rider."

"Tell me about it. To top it all off I'm not getting another roommate until probably next year. Which is both good and bad."

Rider sat down on his bed and Spencer sat on the couch. Rider was using his old roommate's bed as a laundry basket basically. It was just full of clothes. "Laundry?" Spencer asked pointing to the bed.

"Nah. Just finished unpacking finally. Have to hang all that or put in into the dresser over there. Not in the mood yet though."

The two new friends sat there and kept getting to know each other: Favorite movies, tv shows, music, food. Spencer was really beginning to like this guy and enjoy college to. Spencer looked at his cell phone and saw the time. He realized he still had like 2 hours until his next class.

"How much time you got left?" Rider asked

"About two hours."

"Wanna watch a quick movie before you have to go?"

"Sure." Spencer replied.

Rider hoped off his bed and picked out She's the Man for them to watch. "Well it looks like this will be the movie of the afternoon." he said holding up the box to movie.

"Cool. Channing's hot." Spencer said grabbing his mouth too late.

Rider chuckled seeing Spencer's actions. "It's all good bud. No biggie."

Spencer's face got all red. "You mean you don't care that I'm gay?" Spencer asked.

"Nah dude. My uncle is gay. I'm not gonna fault you for how God made you. You're a cool guy." Spencer's shade of red-embarassment changed to one of red-blushing and flattery.

"Thanks man."

Rider spralled out on his bed and Spencer strecthed out on the comfortable couch. As the movie began the weather outside started to get really bad. It got really windy and dark and it started raining. All of a sudden the sky started to clap rather loudly and deep with thunder. Then the sky lite up with a rather dramatic light show. The boys decided to ignore it and kept watching the movie.

About an hour into the movie the power went out. Rider jumped off his bed and flew across the room to right by the couch. "Ya alright?" Spencer asked

"Yea yea. I just hate the dark."

"It's ok. I'm sure the lights will come on soon. No biggie."

They waited around for about 20 minutes just talking and realized that the power still wasn't coming back on. "Uh I don't think the power is coming back on." Rider stated all nervous.

Spencer sat up and reached out his cell phone. He called his mom who happened to be the secretary to the dean of students. "Hey mom." Spencer said into the phone.

Rider was looking out the windoe while Spencer was on the phone. He looked away from the window just as another bolt of lightning hit. He jumped and ran right into Spencer. "You okay Rider?" Spencer asked all worried.

Spencer's first impression of Rider was this calm put together kid and this storm brought out this little scared kid. "Yea i'm fine."

"Well I just found out classes are canceled for the day and the faculty is being sent home for the day. I'm gonna head home too. Mom works for the school and she said a couple of the electrical poles on the main road got knocked down so school wont have power for awhile."

"Stay the night. Please?" Rider requested rather insistantly.

End of chapter 1

I used to post awhile ago but stopped. Now im back and hope you guys like it. Send me love-mail or hate-mail or just mail

Next: Chapter 2

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