New Lad in Hollyoaks

By Mark Wright

Published on Jan 30, 2022



DISCLAIMER: Anything you read on these stories is purely fictional and the situations they find themselves are purely that of me and not the actors who potray them. No copyright infringement is intended. If you are forbidden, or you are underage, please seize reading this fiction as it contains explicit gay sex throughout.

Note: This is an original character called Jack who arrives at Hollyoaks as the new owner of The Dog in the Pond pub. If you want reference to what I think he looks like he is based on Dane Stewart (

Some of the stories that currently feature in Hollyoaks have been changed for the purpose of this fiction!


Damon and Brody: A Reunion To Remember

I stood in the full length mirror and looked at my naked body. I was skinny- I worked out but not sufficient to get proper ripped. I had some muscles when I flexed. My cock was the best part of my body- It was eight inches when erect with big balls that bounced! I had lots of tattoos- some of them rubbish, some of them a work of art which meant personal things to me. I had 'Serenity' tattooed on my upper chest and that word got me through a substantial amount of tough times growing up. Homelessness, drug addiction, You name it. My name is Jack Hooper and I have lived a pretty brutal life. I got kicked out of my home aged 17 for being gay, and for doing drugs. I then became dependant on said drugs which caused me to lose all sense of purpose. I sold my body for sex. I did unquestionable things to earn quick pounds to feed my drug habit. I had sex with gross men for the most meagre amounts of money. From the ages of 17 - 24 I was a mess. Sex became my go to thing to earn some money, I let the most vulgar of people suck me, fuck me, do whatever they want to me to earn some money for heroin, cannabis, cocaine.. You name it. I snorted it. I injected it. I lived it and I breathed it.

Things changed when I was 24. A man saved my life. He found me in the street, took pity on me- took me back to his house and he changed my life. He told me I was worth so much more than what I was doing. The 32 year old man saved me from a life of homelessness and perhaps death. We became lovers. It was the first time I would ever had meaningful sex. He taught me a lot. He taught me how to love and to live. He proposed to me and I accepted. We were due to get married on the 19th of January. Then he died. Gone. Left me. Buried. I could have turned back to drugs, I could have begun to sell my body but I did not. I realized that I was worth more than that.

At the age of 26 I began selling my body again. This time for better money. The man who saved my life always in my mind. I became a pornstar. By the age of 28 I was one of Britain's best known gay pornstars and I had earned a bomb. I was having sex for fantastic money. I had my own house (which my fianceé had left me), Money in the bank and I was living a good life.

At the age of 29 I joined OnlyFans and became an instant success. Now, at the age of 33, I am worth more then £15,000,000 due to my insane popularity on the site. People want to see me wanking for £30 a pop. My fans adore me. They called themselves "The Hooperites". I sell custom videos for £100 and they are insanely popular. Having a quick wank and calling out some random dude or lasses name for £100.

I never forgot where I came from though. I donated to charity regularly, especially homeless charitys and cancer charitys.

Right now, I have taken a break from porn. My fans don't mind- as long as I keep in constant update via social media- they will follow me everywhere. I've bought a pub in a quiet village in Hollyoaks. It's time for some "me" time.

My first visit is going to be a tough one. I needed to visit Brody Hudson and Damon Kinsella. From the ages of 11 to 16 we were "The Three Musketeers" and we did EVERYTHING together. Until I went off the rails that is! I quit my old life after being kicked out. I stayed with Damon for a while until my drug addiction became too much and I stole from his parents. I stayed with Brody for 2 days until he found out that his father was one of my regular clients who paid £30 to fuck me. I was a mess back then and I lost good friendships because of my selfish ways. I kept an eye on them on social media, but I never messaged them. They never messaged me either. I was not sure if they would recognise me- My face had changed a lot! I had my teeth fixed for an insane amount of money, ,My hair was no longer its blonde it used to be- I dyed it regularly deep black. I was getting older so every few months I would treat myself to Botox, and teeth whitening every three months too. My ears- which used to be massive had been scaled back, and I had also changed my nose because it used to be too small. Rhinoplasty cost me a fortune but it was so worth it. My nose is plump now.

I found out where Brody and Damon lived- they lived together. Of course they did! They'd always been inseparable. And I was dreading knocking on the door and reopening old scars. This needed to be done though.

I knocked on the door and it only took a couple of seconds for Damon Kinsella to open the door.

"Hello Damon" I said in a casual voice "Bet you never expected this visit!"

I honestly do not know what I was expecting when I knocked on the door, but it was not the warm embrace which I had got from Damon.

"It is so good to see you Jack!" he grinned and pulled me into a hug "You look so good!"

We seized the hugging and he looked at me. "You've changed your nose!" he laughed.

"Of course. My nose was shit before" I replied back.

He walked me into the living area. It was a cosy place, inviting. "Brody!" Damon shouted "We have a visitor". It didn't take long for Brody to come out. He looked a lot less pleased to see me but I understood. It was inevitable really.

"Jack Hooper as I live and breathe" he commented "I'm.. You look good!" he said. "Do you want a drink?"

"No it's fine" I replied back "I don't plan on staying for long.. It's just, I needed to see you both. To apologise".

Brody hesitated as he pulled open the fridge and pulled out a four pack of beers. Damon joined him and sat on a barstool placed at the table.

"I fucked up a lot. I made a lot of mistakes back then and I'm still paying for some of them now. Shit, Damon, I stole money from your mother and she has been nothing but fucking good to me. Moreover, Brody, like, I don't think words can describe how sorry I am for what happened between us. It's been over 15 years and the events of that day still haunt me".

Brody chucked Damon a beer and Damon caught it. He chucked one over to me too even though I had said no. They were both listening to me, that was a start I guess.

"I made some shitty decisions. Drugs defined my life for the longest time and if it wasn't for the love of a good man. A fucking saint of a man then I might not be alive to do this". I dug into my North Face hoody and pulled out two envelopes. "This" I said pointing to the envelopes "Doesn't change a thing about what happened. I just need you both to know how sorry I am for what I did. You two were the kindest, most generous and helpful friends a guy could have wished for and all I did was piss away your trust because of my addiction to fucking drugs". I walked casually over to the counter and placed the envelopes on the table in front of them. Brody had opened his beer and was slowly taking sips from it, Damon was playing with the unopened can. "Brody, I saw the trial with Buster on the telly. I so wanted to get in contact and like, be here for you, but I was still working on myself. Just know that even though I wasn't there I was thinking of you and I hope the small gift that I donated helped in some way".

It was like a light bulb had switched on in Damon's head. "Wait, you were the mystery person who paid for the lawyers and court fees?".

I shrugged it off. "I had to do my bit to help even if I wasn't around to see you the result that you deserved". I was looking at Brody and he looked like he was either about to cry or lamp me one. I deserved it, honestly. I'd been a shitty friend and a shitty person. "I've got help. I've quit the drugs. I'm doing a job I fucking enjoy and I'm in a headspace where I'm actually, for once in my life, can envision my future".

Damon had finally opened his beer and was drinking it. Brody had stopped drinking and was pacing up and down the living area/kitchen area.

"The money helped, " Brody said. His voice was small. "I would have preferred you here".

I nodded at that. "I fully understand. Brody, for fucks sake, you literally cleaned me up when I'd done too many drugs and defecated on myself. You both were fucking Gods to me and I repaid you in the worst possible way. Ways in which I know can't be fixed, but I'm going to try".

Brody was still pacing. "You helped me.. Back then, you know, even though I didn't admit to anything.. Having you two around helped me. So much. And.. The bond between us. You messed up. We all messed up back then".

Damon had somehow finished his beer. I would have been so fixated on Brody I had not seen him demolish it. "You know I tried to contact you. About 6 years ago. You answered the phone and I went to speak but then I hung up and never called back again. I wanted, no, we needed you here with us but I could not bring myself to be that pathetic. To be the one who begged".

I felt close to tears now. These guys were fucking saints to have put up with me all years ago. I should have been there.

"Honestly, I remember the call. 19th of January, yeah? The date I was I due to get married. Anniversary of what would have been my wedding".

"Sorry, " Damon replied gruffly.

"Don't you dare apologise to me Damon Kinsella" I spoke passionately "I had the love of a good man for a while. He took care of me when I needed it and he honest to God he fucking saved me".

Brody was still pacing around the living area. "So you do not do drugs anymore?"

I laughed. "No, been clean for 9 years now. No going back for me".

"Fuck me sideways" Damon said from out of nowhere. I turned back around and saw that he had opened the envelope. "£100,000?" What the fuck is this for?"

I sighed. "I've got money, More money then I know what to do with. You two helped me in ways you will never, ever know this.. Is just a small token of appreciation"

Brody had stopped pacing and ripped open his envelope. "We can't accept this"

"You can and you will, " I said. "Buy a house, get a car, invest in it. Do what you want with it. You guys helped me when I was at my lowest point- and even though I didn't accept the help at the time. Even though I fucked away the trust you guys had in me. I always knew you both loved me, and I loved you guys, we where The Three Musketeers!".

"How did you earn this money? Is it dirty money?" Brody asked, and ouch. A legitimate question though because that is a huge amount of money.

"No, it's not dirty money. I have a wonderful paying job" I left it at that.

"I had to ask" Brody replied back.

"You've not touched your drink, do you not drink booze?" Damon asked.

"I do, yeah, but I'm kinda not in the mood for beer" I replied hesitantly "Please guys. just take the money for me yeah".

Brody looked at the cheque, then looked at me, then looked at the cheque again. "Dude I love you man" he said before he pulled me into a great, big hug. "Even if you did fuck my father".

Damon burst out laughing at that. I laughed despite myself. We shared a three-way hug as Damon got into the act too.

"I'm sticking around in Hollyoaks" I decided to admit the truth to them "I've made an investment and it opens next week".

"Please" Brody said "Don't tell me your the new owner of The Dog in the Pond?"

"Landlord Jack Hooper at your service" I winked at them.

I hadn't expected to be this warmly received by both Brody and Damon. It was thrilling to be back with my former best friends. I know that maybe things would never be what they where back in the day, but I just loved how much they welcomed back with open arms. Despite everything.

"I can't believe your going to be the owner of that pub" Damon laughed "We drink there everyday".

"Any of you two fancy a bartender job?" I grinned and they both laughed.

"I'm a mechanic" Brody laughed "Can't quit the cars to pull beer".

"Your a mechanic" I laughed "Of course you are!"

"If you are serious then I would seriously jump at the chance. I'm between jobs at the minute, " Damon replied.

"Of course. If you have no experience, then my friend owns a Pub a few miles away. I can get you to spend the day there and train up".

"I knew you were a legend" Damon grinned "But honestly, thank you. For this, and for everything".

"Please don't say thank you. It's just my pathetic way of buying my way out of trouble. I just hope you guys realize how much you mean to me". They both grinned at me. "Listen, I have my vices. I give up the drugs but I'm still addicted to nicotine, so do you have a garden where I can go have a quick smoke?"

"No garden, but Damon smokes so you can smoke in his room".

"Yeah, I'll come join you Jack" Damon said and he pulled his smokes out of his pocket.

We walked into Damon's messy room. Their were clothes EVERYWHERE. As soon as the door closed, Damon spoke.

"I lied before" Damon told me as we sat on his double bed. "I've been following you for a while, On er.. OnlyFans". He turned beet purple after he had admitted to it. "I found you there by accident last year when I was trying to find information on you. And well, yeah, there's ALOT of pictures on the internet".

"Oh Damon, Cancel your subscription immediately and I'll give you lifetime access" I laughed. "But, like, I'm quite surprised- you were always "the straightest" out of the three of us"

Damon shrugs. "Things change. People change. I'm not gay, well bicurious I guess you could say" He spoke as he lit up a cigarette "I've been with guys, like, for blowjobs and stuff but never know.. bum stuff".

I laughed. "Bum stuff is the best!"

"I mean, you do scream when your riding that dildo" Damon laughed.

"Oh my God" I said as I lit up my cigarette. "I can't believe you actually watch my OnlyFans".

Damon took a drag of his own cigarette, then exhaled the smoke. "You should be honoured- I only subscribe to you. And your fucking expensive!".

We sat their in silence for a couple of minutes as we smoked our cigarettes. We both dogged our smokes out in the empty ashtray. "You know, back when I was a teenager, I always fancied you". I vomited out and why did I admit this "Their was this one picture of you that I stole from your house when we was 16- you was in a right tight pair of speedos and I used to vigorously wank to that when I was high on drugs".

Damon did not respond to that. "I very much want to have sex with you" Damon said like he did not just say that. "If I could, I would have you on this bed right now".

"What's stopping you?" I spoke and then of course. It hit me. "Brody is. You love Brody, right?"

He sighed. "Yes, I knew you fancied me back then. Also, well, honestly, Brody fancied you. Moreover, I fancied Brody. We were a messed up bunch of teenagers?"

"Wait" I said "Brody fancied me?"

"I did not say this.. But he told me he was in love with you. And he was about to tell you the same thing.. and then he.."

It hit me and I felt sick. "He caught me in bed with his father".

Damon nodded.


--------------------------------------------------- "Don't say sorry, You didn't know. Like, I kinda knew you were obsessed with Damon back then but I had no idea he fancied me though" Brody laughed "We were a right bunch of teenagers".

I paced up and down. "I will forever hate myself for what I have done to you guys".

Brody shrugged it off. "We can't change the past, but we can solidify the future".

No-one spoke at that.

"I love Damon" Brody said "Damon has been my rock since we were kids. We tell each other we love each other all the time, but it's always as bros. No, Damon, I love you.. with all of this" he said, pointing to his heart. "I've never told you because we've always had girlfriends or problems, but yeah, dude I am in love with you".

Damon didn't have to speak because his face said it all.

"You two should probably kiss right about now" I laughed.

"Not yet, " Brody said. He stood up and walked over to the envelope on the table. "This money could change mine and Damon's lives.. We could buy a house together, get married and all that usual shit- How do you feel about that".

"I feel that perhaps it's way too soon to talk about marriage, but I do know you have always had my heart, " he said.

"I really hope you two have a fantastic future together. And I mean that, you guys deserve it". I spoke and I meant it. These two had finally had the courage to say what they had been keeping in for years and that was fucking awesome.

"If you are serious about all of this" Brody said speaking to me and pointing at the envelope "I want you in our lives. You're gonna be best man at our wedding, " Brody contemplated.

"Of course, " I replied honestly. "I would love that".

Brody then grinned. "I look forward to spending the rest of my life with Damon as my future husband. That's not a proposal, that will happen shortly" He paused for a moment. "Things will be tricky- I've never been with a man before. I know Damon has been with a few, but I know that we are going to have the most amazing sex together".

Damon already looked liked he'd cum in his pants already!

Brody then turned around to face me. "Damon, how would you feel about giving Jack a welcome home party tonight".

Damon looked confused. I wasn't though. I knew exactly what was coming.

"Be here tonight, 9.00pm sharp. Us three are going to have some great sex".

Brody and Damon both looked at me.

"I can't wait to welcome you to the community officially" I said as I headed for the door. "With my cock". I then left with a swagger.

Arriving at Brody and Damon's flat at 9.00pm sharp was thrilling. I wasn't nervous- I never get nervous when it came to sex. If their was one thing I was good at it was satisfying men. For all my faults- and believe me their are a lot- I've never been someone who isn't good in the bedroom. I'm giving, and I make sure any man I'm with is thoroughly fulfilled. It's just standard good practice. However, Brody and Damon had been my best friends from the ages of 11 to 17 and we were all different now, We had different body types. We weren't the skinny 15 year old lads who smoked weed outside the bus stop before school. So no, I wasn't nervous. Apprehensive maybe? These two had just confessed their love for each other. After years and years of hiding it, They should be enjoying their holiday period and exploring each other sexually- not having me as a third party on their first time together. I was, however, a willing participant and if they wanted me to join them on their first time together then I was going to do a stand-up job.

I knocked on the door and it opened within seconds.

"You're timekeeping has improved" Damon said as he answered the door then closed it behind me after I walked into the living area. "You used to be late for the stupidest of things".

"Well I've let you guys down a lot in the past. I'm here to prove to you guys I've changed" I replied meekly.

Damon rolled his eyes. "Oh you prune" he laughed.

Brody walked into the room. Shirtless.

It was a thrilling sight. He had a buffed up body, and was hairless. His arms were big as well.

"Glad you could make it, " Brody said. He was wearing a pair of shorts and nothing else. Damon, looked sexy in a white tank top. He was clearly the bigger of the lads- with a bit of belly on sight in the tank top and a slithering of hair. I liked the chunky man though, and Damon looked thoroughly intoxicating.

This was the thing that was my new addiction. Sex and men, So much better addition for you than drugs.

"Like I would miss this for the world" I replied coolly. I took off my LaCoste jacket and Damon threw it on the sofa after taking it off me.

"I would offer you a drink" Brody said as he approached me "I know you are thirsty. But not for liquid, am I right?"

I laughed at that. "Oh I'm thirsty alright".

Brody looked at Damon and winked. "Let us start things off. We all know my Damon loves a blowjob- and I am looking forward to being able to give a satisfactory one soon. However, I am a cock-sucking virgin so I think it is only fitting that Jack here gets on his knees and services my man".

I licked my lips at that. Brody had an insane grin on his face, and Damon looked like he had lost a tenner but found 50 quid. He looked thoroughly jubilant!

"It would be my honour to bestow upon Damon's cocks my lips" I joked as Brody laughed. Damon just looked confused.

Brody continued to laugh as Damon looked between us. "He's gonna suck your dick babe".

"Wicked" Damon grinned.

"Jack" Brody warned "Us 2" he said as he pointed to himself and Damon "are in charge tonight, however, you have the most experience in all things gay sex so I'll let you take the rein.. for now".

"Brody am I allowed to kiss Damon" I asked because I really didn't want to cross any lines.

Brody shook his head. "Affirmative".

Damon walked closer to me and I took control. I pulled him close to me and leaned close to him as our lips touched. He kissed with caution, not a lot of tongue but just the right amount, and slowly. He was a good kisser and Damon was going to be so fucking lucky to experience this fulltime. As we kissed, still slowly but his tongue making a campaign to tickle my tonsils, I worked my hands slowly down Damon's warm furry body, and inside his jogging bottoms to grab hold of my prize. He groaned into the kiss as my cold hand wrapped around his semi stiff prick- the cut cock expanding at the touch. He wasn't hung- not by a long shot- but his dick seemed just the right size to fuck me silly and I couldn't wait.

I was nothing if not a slut for being fucked.

We stopped kissing. Damon was grinning as I pulled down his tracksuit bottoms. He wasn't wearing any underwear but I could smell the faint whiff of mint shower-gel.

"Sit on the sofa and I'll relish the opportunity to take that cock down my throat". Damon literally ran to the sofa and I took the moment to look at Brody who was palming upon his own growing cock. His eyes not leaving Damon.

I walked over to near the sofa and dropped on my knees as Damon's cock stood- in charge- just waiting for a sucking.

"So Damon, how do you want this- slow and teasing or fast and powerful". I asked as I wrapped my hands around Damon's solid cock. "Your wish is my command".

"I love blowjobs fast and messy" he admitted and I hoped Brody was taking notes. Actually, I knew he was taking mental notes. Bless him.

"I'm gonna start sucking you're dick, you can thrust your hips and fuck my mouth. I love nothing more then gagging on hot guy's cocks" I stated and Damon's grin hadn't left his mouth at all. It was adorable. I had always loved this guys smile. Damon had always been the one for me. I had missed that chance though, but I knew that Brody would make him happy. For now, I was just excited to give these guys a gay night to remember.

I didn't tease him. Their was no point. We had wasted years before finally getting to this moment, and If it was over quickly I didn't care. I took his cock into my mouth. I'm no expert at sizes but I'd guess he was somewhere between 6 and 6 and a half inches. I took his cock all the way down my throat easily and enjoyed the hot moans and groans that I was making Damon do.

"He's so good at this Brody" Damon breathed as I continued to assault his cock with my mouth. "I may not last long".

Their was no response from Brody.

Holding on to Damon's balls, I took the cock further into my mouth. Damon's breathing was getting more rapid and I knew this would probably be over soon. He began thrusting his hips and my own dick was getting hard as his cock hit the back of my throat. Their was a bit of gagging, no lie I'm not a cocksucker champion, but that turned me on even more.

"Gonna cum real soon" he warned but I didn't care. Brody had walked over to the sofa and he began kissing Damon as I sucked on the fella's dick. Their kiss was hella passionate, and it was clear that this was their first kiss. If I wasn't too busy sucking on Damon's cock I'd be enjoying watching the kiss. I continued to take Damon's cock down my throat, he was thrusting into my mouth and kissing Brody at the same time. The kissing stopped as Damon told Brody "I'm about to bust, can I cum in that beautiful mouth".

"No, " Brody said. "Take your cock out of his mouth and finish on his face".

Hot. I love being covered in hot cum. They had no idea that was my fetish.

"Are you sure you've not been watching my OnlyFans?" I laughed after Damon had removed his cock from my mouth. He stood up and stood above me, wanking his dick. Brody walked over and took over from Damon- taking Damon's cock into his hands and wanking his member.

"Damon might have showed me a few of his favourite videos" Brody admitted "Do you know how hard it was watching those videos and not wanking? I think Damon came twice without touching his cock!".

Damon's groans became louder and more guttural as Brody wanked on the stiff dick. "Gonna blow babe" Damon warned as Brody picked up the pace on his wanking. It wasn't long before the cum was slinging out of Damon's cock, and straight onto my face, in my mouth and in my hair. Brody continued to wank Damon until he was sure their was no more cum, and Damon collapsed on the sofa.

"That was one good blowjob" Damon groaned.

I stood up and wiped some of Damon's cum from my face. I put it into my mouth. "You taste almost as delicious as you look".

I was still fully clothed, but as if reading my mind- Brody said "Go clean yourself up, take off your shirt and trousers and come back in your underwear".

I went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I was covered in Damons cum. I took some more into my mouth, before wiping the rest on a tissue and flushing it down the toilet. I took off my t-shirt and trousers, and stood in the mirror looking at myself. I was just wearing my AussieBum boxer shorts.

I walked back into the living room and Brody and Damon were kissing passionately. Damon was still naked from the bottom half, and his cock was still semi erect- Brody's kissing was obviously getting him in the mood again. I did not announce myself and waited for themself to finish kissing. They did after a couple of minutes and Brody stood up.

Brody took in my naked chest and ran his finger over my "Serenity" tattoo.

"It means a lot to me. That tattoo. It was the last thing my ex said before he, well, died".

I realised I had turned the mood sour, I should not have said that.

"You look good" Brody complimented. He pulled me into a deep hug, it was not sexual at all. It was meaningful.

"I am glad we have found each again" Damon said from the sofa. He was smiling and looked content. "The Three Musketeers back together again- as it should be" he finished.

We all grinned at each other before Brody spoke.

"You up for being fucked now?" Brody asked and damn if that was not the sexiest thing he had ever said.

"Oh God yes! " I grinned back.

"Okay, We have spoken and Damon is going to fuck you and I am going to do something I have always wanted to and that is to rim Damon".

"Can you record that for my OnlyFans?" I joked but I was not really joking. That would break the internet.

Damon laughed. Brody did not, but he had a grin on his face.

"I have never licked a bum before, obviously, not even with my girls, but we watched your video on your web site and damn you look like you know what you are doing".

I giggled. "Rimming is fun, look my only tip is to not just focus on the same area. Licking and pushing your tongue deeper is hot but can get boring after a while. Vary it up man! Make patterns with your tongue, long strokes and zigzags etc, and do not forget to focus on his balls as well. Especially the taint. Men go wild for that".

Brody looked like he was taking it in. "Noted".

Brody then pulled me close to him and kissed me. It was unexpected. And so different from the kiss from Damon which was slow. The kiss with Brody was fast. Tongues clashing. It only lasted about 30 seconds but that was sufficient to get me from semi to erect. "Jack, I want you to suck my dick while Damon sucks your dick" Brody commanded. "Fuck my hole with your finger while you suck, I love it. Damon's gone to get some lube. You do not stop sucking until my load is empty, and your mouth is full. Got it?". His instructions went straight to my dick. I love a bossy lad. "Damon's only sucked a cock twice so he does not have much experience but he wants to suck you off. When I have cum, and he is hard enough, You are going to sit on his dick and he is going to fuck you while I make love to Damon's sweet arse with my tongue",

"I love this side to you" Damon commented as he walked back into the room with the lube and condoms. "I cannot wait for you to use that voice on me in the bedroom".

I sat on the sofa while Damon got on his knees. Brody sat on the top of the sofa- pulling his boxers down and revealing an obese dick. It was not a long dick. It was actually quite short, shorter than Damon's- but it was thick. Like really thick, It would definitely fill me up. I hope to experience it one day! For now, I'd have to make do with it in my mouth.

Damon pulled my boxers down and gasped. It must have been intimidating- I was clearly had the biggest dick and it was going to be challenging- especially for a newcomer- to take it down their throats. "I have seen it in the videos and it is big, Yet, somehow, I was not expecting it to be this big" Damon commented.

"Do not do anything you 're not comfortable with" I whispered to Damon "Even if you only wank me off I will be happy".

Damon said "Shut up" and then proceeded to take my dick in his mouth. It was very inexperienced. A substantial amount of saliva, and he was only focusing on the head of my cock and not much else, but that was okay. It was still fucking arousing and he would learn the art of sucking cock. We all started from somewhere! As Damon sucked me, I took Brody's meaty member into my mouth. He groaned as the coldness of my mouth engulfed his cock, but he was soon moaning into the blowjob. Brody picked up the lube from the sofa and demanded "Rub this on my arse and around my hole". I did as he was told, Multi-tasking God I was. I sucked on his member, and got his hole ready for finger penetration.

Damon was actually doing an admirable job with my cock. He had gave up on trying to take all the cock, and was focusing on only the top half while he wanked me off simultaneously. Brody's hefty cock felt so amazing and full in my mouth. He thrust lightly as I continued to suck on it. I began fingering Brody's hole. I teased him, but he grabbed my finger and rammed it into his hole. Atta boy! "Fuck me with two fingers as I fuck your throat" his throaty voice demanded. I stuck a second finger in his hole, he groaned as he felt his hole opening up more. Brody fucked my throat, as I fucked his hole with two fingers and Damon sucked on my hard cock. Damon was wanking his now erect again cock as he sucked on me, clearly enjoying this new experience.

Brody came first. As soon as I entered a third finger in his hole- loosening him up some more- he let out a guttural cry and his load hit the back of my throat. It was warm, salty and fucking delicious. I carried on finger fucking him until his cock started to deflate in my mouth. I swallowed the lot because, hey, I always appreciate a salty gift.

It took a few seconds for Brody to get back to reality, but soon he was standing up. "Stop sucking Jack. While you prepare yourself to fuck him Damon- I am going to get Jack ready to take that delicious cock of yours".

Damon took my place on the sofa and began wanking his cock, he was hard so he was only wanking slowly. He did not want to bust again just yet!

" Jack, I am going to get your hole good and ready to get fucked". Brody demanded. I bent over and Brody got on his knees and I cold feel the coldness of the lube hitting my hole. He then, without warning, stuck two fingers in my hole and opened me up. Okay, so this is not new to me. I have taken a whole God-damn fist in my hole before, but Christ, some warning would not have hurt.

"Holy fuck" I groaned as Brody got his revenge on my fucking that I did on his hole by finger fucking my buns. This went on for about three minutes- and soon a third finger was inside me.

"You love that, do ya not? " Brody rhetorically asked.

"Hell yes I do" I whined as his fingers continued to assault me in good ways.

Brody then abandoned my arse and walked over to Damon. They kissed before Brody picked up a condom and put it on Damon.

"He's ready to be fucked. Have no mercy on him. Fuck him hard, and rough, and don't stop until you've both cum". You could tell he has been watching my OnlyFans because then he then added "And suck on his nipple as you destroy his bum. You know his a whore for his nipples being bitten".

We walked into Brody's bedroom. This was the first time I had been in Brody's bedroom and it was a lot tidier than Damon's dump. Brody pushed me onto the bed and told me to lay down with my legs in the air. Damon pulled me closer. He finger fucked me twice before he rammed his cock into me. And he definitely had no mercy! I groaned with delight as Damon held onto my chest while he fucked me. He leaned over a couple of times to bite on my nipples. I could hear Damon moaning as well, which obviously meant that Brody was going to town on that tight little arse. He wished he could see that.

Damon's solid length felt so good inside me. He was doing as Brody told him to do and going to town on my arse, fucking me good and proper. The groans from Damon and I became louder as the fucking got more frenzied, and Brody was clearly giving Damon some pressure on the arse. Damon was sweating and he honestly looked so fucking good.

"Your arse feels so good" Damon whimpered out as his fucking got more aggressive "Got Brody your tongue feels so good inside me".

Damon was biting my nipples as I furiously wanked my cock. It didn't take me long and before I knew it I busted out a fat load of cum which went over my head and landed onto the pillow. More cum flew out of me as Damon continued to pleasure me with his cock- seeping into my abs. Damon let out a cry as he came inside the condom, he kissed me on the lips as he continued to cum. His sweat trickled onto me and it was so fucking hot.

Brody stood up and took his length in his hand. Damon joined me on the bed after he pulled his length from me. The last thing I remember before I crashed asleep was Brody about to cum and Damon begging for it in the mouth.

I awoke. Naked and alone in the bed. I looked around and saw that the clock on the wall side 12.15pm. I'd been asleep for about an hour. I got up and walked out into the living area where Brody and Damon were cuddling on the sofa.

"Well that was an eventful night" I commented. I found my clothes on the sofa next to them and began to get dressed.

"Damon and I have been talking" Brody said "And we are going to make a thing of this. Me and him, we are going to be a couple. We have wasted so much time in the years so.. with the money that you gave us we are going to buy a house".

I finished putting on my shirt and was buttoning it up when Brody said this. "I am so happy for you two" I said honestly "I cannot wait to watch you attempt to do this".

It was a joke, obviously. They both took it that way and were grinning.

"That does not imply that this is finished" Damon added on as he pointed to me. "Like, me and Brody are going to date. We will get married and buy a house in the future but their might be a time when we might fancy spicing up the relationship with a third".

I grinned. "It would be my honour". I put on my jacket.

"Thank you" Brody said "For what you did. Coming back and helping us two idiots see what was in front of us the whole time".

"I meant what I said" I replied "You two guys.. I love you both. And you two getting together is the icing on the cake".

"Now I just need to tell my girlfriend that I'm kinda in a relationship with my best friend" Damon added. Well, that was unexpected!

"Night guys" I said as I got ready to walk into the night air "Damon, I meant what I said, the job is yours in the bar if you want it. Let me know what shifts you would prefer to do and I will ensure your top of the list".

Damon grinned at me. I nodded at them both and walked out of the door.


The night, which started off so well, had gradually got worse as Sylver's wife Mercedes was snogging some random bloke on the dancefloor and Sylver looked like he wanted to punch him, or her, or anyone.

"Eight time's she's fucked someone else while I play the dutiful house husband. No fucking more!" Sylver, the Greek God, was fuming.

"Jack" Sylver whispered into my ear before I was about to get into the taxi. "Fuck off that taxi, I'm in the mood for living dangerously".


He ripped off his shirt in one move and walked over to me. "I'm sick and tired of being treated like a piece of shit from my wife. You clearly want me and I clearly want you. I suggest we fuck the consequences and give each other what we want".

It felt like I was a in a dreamworld or something. This guy had muscles on muscles, his body was shredded as fuck and yet here he was- butt naked on my bed presenting his arse to me.

"I want you to fuck me" Sylver said "When the wife's out- probably fucking some random dude- I'm here alone. Fucking on a dildo. We've all got our fantasties Jack, and mine is to be dominated. Take control of me. Fuck this virgin arse and make me yours".

WELL, That was long! Honestly it wasn't mean to be that long but my writing got the better of me. Haha! Anyway, next chapter is half way written and won't be as long and it features Sylver McQueen. Next few chapters will include Romeo Quinn, Joel Dexter and Warren Fox. Let me know if you have any suggestions! :)

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