New Jeddah Khamsin

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Jan 8, 2021



STORY SYNOPSIS: Khamsins (desert sandstorms) on the planet New Jeddah are far more dangerous than the ones on Earth, so when one blows up on an archeological dig, our hero has to share a "Khamsin tent" with a New Norway man of prodigious size. Lying naked together this small capsule-like shelter barely big enough for both of them and trapped for days with nothing to do, they make love.


By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


The small archaeological camp had erupted into frantic action by the men all around my family and me. "Khamsin! Khamsin!" was the alarm I was hearing again and again.

On Earth, the Khamsin is a hot, windy sandstorm that assails the desert of the Arabian Peninsula, northern Africa and the lands east of the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea. It is a nasty thing to endure, but here on New Jeddah, the Khamsin was much, much worse!

I looked out at the desert sand dunes toward the south, normally that view was just sand dunes and blue sky, the dunes tiny and shifting, the sky solid blue ungraced by clouds. Not now.

There was the Khamsin, a tremendous wall of sand-brown tones stretching from horizon to horizon and up into the sky. Hurricane-force winds carrying sand capable of killing a man by slicing him to shreds and it would be here within fifteen minutes, I'd been warned.

My father was talking to the camp director while we his family clustered nearby, the group of us immobile while all the men around us raced about. "Where do we go?" Daddy asked. The equipment shed?" It was the sole bit of building around us, the rest of it was small tents which were being taken down and hauled into the shed. In their place were small bundles of metal being laid out and triggered, expanding to pods the shape of a medicine capsule but seven feet long and three feet wide. The Khamsin Tents.

I watched Larz Sevesen move, a massive New Norway man next to the diminutive New Jeddites. He towered a foot over all of them and four or five inches above my father's six-foot height, and he was busily shoving our family's flivver into the shed, filling it to the maximum and dogging the doors shut.

"Jollen!" my father barked at me and I startled, turned, realized that he had spoken to me.

"I'm sorry, what is it?"

"We have to get to shelter right away."

"The shed?" I asked. We couldn't all fit inside, I'd seen how the small building had been stuffed to bursting with the supplies.

"No, no, we have to get into one of the tents."

"That's what I'm trying to explain." the director said urgently, "We have twelve Khamsin Tents, each is meant to hold two people. We have nineteen members of our camp and the five of you."

"That makes twenty-four, just enough." my father declared.

"Yes, but one of them is for Larz, and he is such a big man that nobody can share his tent with him. We can put you and your wife in one, the two girls (my sisters, Molisa and Karinelle, aged sixteen and thirteen) in the second, but your son is without a tent!"

"Put him in with Larz." my father declared. "Jollen is small and thin, he should be able to fit in a tent with Larz." Larz looked to be the same size as the tents to me!

"I hope so. He'll have to." the director mourned. "Oh, we must move fast, now, now, to the tents!"

Larz was coming to us, the man with the director must have signaled to him when I did not see. "Larz, take young Jollen to your tent, he must share with you or die in the Khamsin."

"Yes." Larz said and reached me as he said it and I was picked up and hauled over his right shoulder like a sack of flour away from my family. I saw them going with the director to where others were setting up other tents.

The Khamsin was getting closer. New Jeddah doesn't have weather satellites, we had only the man watching the southern horizon with binoculars and his vigilance, so the storm had reached very close before we had learned of it. Already it was looming over us the size of a skyscraper, if one had been large enough to consume the immense southern horizon of this flat world. It crept closer like the edge of the universe consuming all in its path.

"Here." Larz tossed me down and tugged out his Khamsin Tent, laid it out in a rectangle only three feet wide and seven feet long. He looked at me. "Strip!"


"All your clothes off, fast as you can. Move!" he barked at me and tugged a cord on the metal "tent" and it began to blow up (if metal can be described as blowing up, say "deployed" if that makes you feel better, it blossomed out as if inflating) and looked at me again, unmoving. "I said strip!" he barked and began to pull off his own clothes with rapid speed. "The Khamsin will be here in less than a minute!"

With his example to inspire me, I pulled my clothes off hastily. He was naked well before me and snarled, came over, and yanked off my boots (I hadn't taken them off before I pushed down my pants and now was struggling). He then yanked off my pants and briefs, quick as one, two, three (briefs and pants went together) and even my socks, then I was as naked as he was.

"Into the tent, now and hurry!" As he said that, I felt the heat rush upon us and the sand began to bite my skin.

I dove at the small opening and crawled fast as I could into the tent and Larz was right behind me, he reached the back of the tent as his feet just barely fit, he slapped the button that clamped the tent shut, sealing us in completely. As the door closed, a light came on near our heads, a bulb the size of a cherry tomato, it gave a feeble yellowish light.

We were side by side and not really fitting, Larz said, "Climb on top of me." I did as he lay on his back and the curve of the capsule let us just barely fit that way. I was on his hairy chest and felt the rapid beating of his heart, he was afraid of the Khamsin. I didn't blame him.

"How long do we have to be here?" I asked Larz.

"Depends. At least two days, probably four, could be more."

"Two days?" I squeaked. The starship that was to take us home to New Paris was leaving in two days, we'd never be able to catch it, have to wait the four months for the next vessel and book a berth aboard it.

"More, most likely." Larz grunted. His hair was deep black, his skin was fair as a piece of old parchment, pale golden toned, and his eyes, I now saw, were a pair of blue sapphires as he regarded me. "Be glad you're in here. I saw a man stuck out in the Khamsin once. Or what was left of him. Half his skeleton had been reduced to a white powder. We didn't see it happen, but we heard it. His screams of pain, they lasted twenty minutes, getting fainter and fainter until we couldn't hear it any more."

I shuddered. "I'm scared."

He looked at me, smiled. "Don't be. These tents are made of silverine, the toughest metal blend Man can make. The Khamsin won't leave a scratch on it worthy of the name. It may knock us about a bit, though, make us roll. That happens, just brace yourself best you can and wait until you come to rest. Then we'll try to roll ourselves back to where we're on top again." Our space was only the top half of this capsule, the bottom half I knew contained water, food, even oxygen if we needed it.

"What do we do now?" I asked.

"Sleep as much as you can." Larz told us. If we get buried by the sand, we have the oxygen, but the less we use now, the more we'll have later. For now, the air filter is working, just hope it doesn't get clogged by the sand and stop."

I shuddered again.

"Stop worrying. Nothing we can do about it for now, just wait it out." He took his own advice and closed his eyes. Soon, he was snoring.

I was too scared to sleep.

I felt it, then, his cock. It was pressed under my left leg, and it was fattening up, stiffening. Larz must be having a wet dream. Lucky Larz.

I carefully moved my leg and that let it spring up in all its glory and it slopped against my bare buttocks in my spread-leg position. Trust the enormous Larz to have an equally enormous dong. I could just see it over my shoulder, it was like eleven inches or so in length, large as a salami and as round.

"Wow!" I sighed.

I considered that I was in this place for four solid days and from the sound of those winds I was unsure of my own survival. I heard something large bouncing about and rattling metallically as it tumbled away from us. One of the tents, probably, blown about despite the tent shooting pitons into the sand to help anchor it. That could have been us. And his cock was lying now between my buttocks, atop the cleft but my anus could feel the heat from it.

What did I have to lose? I sidled down his legs gently as I could, he stirred and grumbled but the snores resumed. The cock wiped its precome on my stomach and chest as I squirmed down to where I was at his legs. I had more room down here, actually, almost a foot of room, where on his chest I had been pressed against the metal roof. His legs were spread wide as they could get and I had a small triangular space thus to fit into.

Now his cock was right in front of me. Free from my obstructions, it bobbed about at a forty-five degree angle toward his nipple, giving me a view of the small seam of flesh that runs the length of the penis and divides the testicles into two sides. His crotch was aromatic but not disgusting, he was quite clean and the hair in this area was no thicker than anywhere else, I suspected he might have trimmed the hairs for his comfort, but I could see the lush balls in their velvet sac in the small gaps between the hairs, a darker brown, the color of sand.

Larz stirred and grumbled again and his body made small movements to thrust upwards, as if he were dreaming of fucking someone. Maybe me. My stomach gave a lurch as I thought that, but it was not fear, it was...desire.

I reached up with my right hand and gently wrapped my fingers around the thick shaft, it felt soft and warm and welcoming and just holding this cock of this powerful, strong man made me feel safe. Larz gave a low moaning sound and then a gentle snore resumed, softer now, not as strident. His shaft pulsed and I gently slid the cockskin up and down the shaft and a gush of precome rewarded my efforts, I felt it run over my index finger and pulled the shaft upright to see the gleaming tip glowing like a globe of golden-toned glass in the yellow pin-light, inviting me to peer into its depths and foresee thus my future. Again I moved my hand up and down and again a rush of liquid gold poured from his glans, and this time it flowed toward me, inviting me to drink, and I reached my head up with my tongue extended and I pressed it against the shaft's side and ran it up the length, capturing that glistening thread of his desire.

Larz moaned again softly and his hand came up slowly, to find and caress my head. He didn't speak, so I didn't. I just licked again and again, and he moaned, and I got brave enough to rise up to place my lips on his cockhead and as I did, I looked up at him. He was looking at me, a gentle smile on his face, and I smiled myself, then slid my mouth over his cock and he closed his eyes and hissed in his desire. Each move I made on his shaft, sliding down and then up garnered me another soft sigh of his desire, but he let me do this at my own pace, his hand never forced me to move in the slightest.

But his moans increased in volume and I sped up, wringing the sounds of joy from him more and more, faster and faster, until the bonds of his voice snapped and he began to writhe under me, his body wanting to thrust up into me but his main forcing it not to, and he squirmed and moaned and grunted and groaned, and I knew from this and from his cock getting warmer and warmer, that he was close to climax.

He began to pant hard, and he spoke his first words, "I am about to come. Shall I warn you so you can pull away?"

I thought about that for about five seconds then murmured "Nuh-uh!" around his cock, and he sank back and gave himself over to his glory.

"Uhh, uhh, uhh, uhh, uhh, uhh!" he grunted rapidly as if his heart were about to explode within him and then he clenched with a loud hiss sucked in between his teeth, his body tensed up and a long, low moan guttered out, "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Then a tense silence of some ten seconds only, then with a single sound, "Gh-hhhhhhhhhh!" he slumped down again and his cock exploded into my mouth, a lush rush of thick, raunchy male goo and I found my mouth full of it, I swallowed only to have more flood in to take its place, I gulped again and again, more and more, and Larz's only sounds were a harsh breathing ragged and uneven as if his lungs couldn't function right and then the gush of his hot spunk eased and he was silent except for the panting clutching for breath as his chest heaved up and down.

"Ohhhhh, you were marvelous, Jollen, marvelous." he said softly so that the words were a sincere benediction.. "Such loving lips, such soft, willing tongue, I am grateful to you, so glad to share this tent and these days of the khamsin with you."

I started to say more but then the tent gave a lurch and I started. "What was that?"

"A piton came loose. Come, up into my arms, fast as you can."

I did, slid up his body and he folded his arms around me and before I could ask why he wanted this, I learned why.

The tent came loose and was besieged by the Khamsin winds that picked us up and tossed up carelessly as an idle child tosses a baseball, and we were flung about, saved only by the soft padded mattress (the heavier weight of the machinery beneath us helped the tent stay upright mostly) and the fact that with me on his chest, we were packed as tightly as any two can be and then we landed, rolled down a soft sand dune and that got us out of the worst of the winds and we came to rest, tilted about ten degrees right from properly back in place, and our heads higher than our feet by about the same degree.

Larz gave a shove and the tent obliging rolled in the direction he had shoved and we were upright once more, and even our heads were close to level again. "That was all of it, I think." he said to me. "Now we wait again."

"I'm scared." I said.

"So am I, but we are now just below a sand dune I think on the leeward side. When the Khamsin is done, I have a beacon we can trigger to let us be found. We are in no danger, the tent is built for all of this."

"Okay." I said. "So, where were we?"

"Here." Larz said and pulled my face to his and we kissed.

The Khamsin blew for four days. We spent that time in talking, telling each other stories of our native planets, eating the rations the tent provided us, sleeping a lot, and in the other times, we made love again and again. Larz wanted to suck my cock, but we found the tent's confines prevented him moving more than a few inches in any direction. Best we could do was me to fold myself up to get my cock up to his face and then he could hold it in his mouth while my body did the motions to bring me to my pleasure. I could and did suck him frequently, and on the third day, I asked if he could try to fuck me.

"I could try." he allowed with that soft, non-threatening smile of his. "You can take the waste tube well enough, that is not so different than being fucked." The "tube" he spoke off was a real tube, you peed by sliding the tube over your dickhead and a gentle vacuum helped you relieve yourself into it. For solid wastes, you released a second, inner tube you had to shove up your rectum a few inches, this tube would catch your waste, a small fanlike thing inside it chopped up your waste and the vacuum was stronger to pull the fragmented pieces into its depths as well. This device kept us from stinking up our small space, and the vacuum dumped the waste outside where the winds could dispose of it and the sands bury it.

"That's why I want to do it." I said. Larz helping me insert that tube had me dreaming about him inserting something else up inside me.

Larz smiled beneficently and said, "Very well, it will take some time but we have time, don't we?" Outside, the winds were howling as much as ever, I'd almost forgotten how to hear it.

"Yeah." I said.

He reached into the medical supplies portion of the tent and brought out a small tube of lubricant.

"Why is that in the supplies?" I asked.

"Two men trapped naked together for days on end and nothing to do." Larz explained. "Sometimes they do this, and we want to be prepared for it."

"Sensible." I said. We spent the next several hours with him using the lubricant liberally to reach in and stretch out my anus, coaxing it to relax and let him work his finger inside me easier and easier. Then he added a finger and did the whole thing all over again. Then three fingers. We took breaks and I would suck his cock while we waited for my ass to think it over and decide to relax more the next time he came at it.

After the three fingers were pushed all the way in and we rested, he asked me, "Are you ready to begin again?"

"Uh-huh." I had learned that his fingers felt really good up inside my body when he stuck them in, and I was looking forward to how his cock felt. He got me on top of his body where he could reach me like always and I waited for his fingers to go back inside me.

What I got instead was the feeling of a large, warm globe of soft-coated warmth pushing against my ass. I looked at Larz, eyes wide open and mouth open, too, and he grinned, nodded. "You're ready as you'll ever be."

I nodded and let him gently push my body back against his raging erection. Now I understood why he wouldn't let me suck him all the way to orgasm during all these hours of finger-in-butt action; he wanted to be fully hard and loaded to stuff it in my ass.

I moaned as my sphincter slowly relaxed as his glans pushed inwards. I felt the stretch going wider, wider, wider, then, a sort of popping feeling and my lower hole relaxed a little. I looked at him again and he said, "That's got the head of it inside. How's it feel?"

"Amazing." I assured him and he chuckled.

"Well, then, let's give you some more and see about that, then."


His cock grew again from the narrow part below the flare of the glans, but only a little, by the slow pushing in of his glans he had reminded my ass to let it in and it had. He pushed in a little at a time and stopped, said, "That's got the first two inches in past the head. Feeling okay?"

"Mmm, yeah." I said because it was feeling nice, so nice. "You push in a little more and I think you'll get it to my prostate."

"Like this?" Larz pushed in and I gasped and crooned as my prostate was brushed by the huge glans. "Yeah, that hit your love button, didn't it."

"Sure did." I moaned. "Do it again."

He pulled out and pushed back in, that made the glans brush me twice more, and I moaned. "Oh, God, it all feels so good."

"Glad you like it."

"It's amazing." I said again. "How are you feeling?"

"Amazing." he chucked and I laughed, snuggled into his chest a little more. He was so warm and comforting, I think it was nighttime outside as it was feeling cooler and the wind was picking up again. The Khamsin blows more at night, I think. This one did.

As I relaxed against his body, he pushed in more, and I gasped again, this time in both pleasure and pain, because now he was pushing further than his fingers had reached into me. "Oh, oh, careful." I groaned. "That hurt a little."

"Then I'll hold still a while and see how that works for you."

"Okay." I gasped. "Sounds good."

He stroked his fingers over my back and crooned a soft melody to me. It was like I was floating on a warm bed of peace and harmony and all was right with the world and the sky. I sighed, and as I did, I felt my ass release its pressure on his cock.

Larz felt it, too. "Ready for more?"

"I think so." I gasped.

Larz didn't push in further, he pulled out slightly and then pushed back in to where he was before, and this time I didn't feel any pain. He moved back and forth like that a few times and he said, "Feeling better?"


"Then let's push in more." Larz said and pushed inwards on me as I felt my bowels giving way to him. So warm, so very warm!

I felt my body tingle all over and I suddenly felt it intensify and I moaned, "I'm coming, I'm coming!" and I shook and moaned and thrashed atop his powerful chest.

He rode out the waves without moving but when I stopped, he pushed in again, this time I felt his balls pressing against my buttocks.

"You got all of it in me." I crooned. "You got it all inside me."

"Yes, I got it all inside you." He agreed.

"Feels good." I said. "Only hurts a little."

"Then we'll wait. A little." Larz assured me. I giggled.

I saw his left nipple then, a brown nub nearly buried in chest hair but a triumphant little nub at its top and I moved my head over and gave it a quick kiss.

"Mmmm, do that again."

I did.

"Don't forget his twin brother."

I moved over and kissed his right nipple, twice.

"I think you're ready." Larz informed me.

"I think I am, too."

Larz moved slowly and I gasped and crooned in my delight at the feel of his huge cock in my ass. As he found me not hurting and my noises only ones of pleasure, he began to move me faster. But he was flat on his back and his movements were awkward in most ways, he was having to make an effort.

So I took charge and began to move myself on his cock. He groaned and closed his eyes and I sped up on him.

"Oh, God, so good, so good." he murmured to me. "I've waited khamsins in my tent alone, hearing the men in the tent next to me making love over and over and over, and it was enough to drive me nearly mad. Poor Larz, lying alone in the khamsin for days on end and just his hand for company. Guhhh!" He grunted when I drove his cock into my ass especially deep and fast.

"Well, this time you're not alone." I said.

"Yeah." he sighed.

I rode his rod for about ten minutes as he moaned and wriggled under me, and I was beginning to get tired and need to stop when he said, "Oh, oh, I'm coming, Jollen, can I come in your ass, boy? Can I fill your ass full of my come?"

"Yeah." I said slowly and forced my body to speed up and he grunted, groaned, moaned, gave a long drawn-out groan and I felt his cock explode its juice into me as I watched his face, softened and in pleasant glory, an agony of delight, as he panted and gasped and his chest bucked me up and down as I kept milking at his rod as he climaxed, and I when he was done, I sank onto his chest and sighed.

"That was nice." I murmured against his hairy chest.

"It was." Larz agreed. "And we can do it again soon as you want to." He shifted and said, "I'm stuck inside your ass, you'll have to pull it out for me. I can't reach there."

"I don't want it out. Leave it in me." I said. "It feels nice."

Larz laid back. "All right."

We ate a ration each with me like that and talked and then Larz yawned and said, "I think I'd like to sleep now."

"Me, too."

With his cock's glans still holding sway over my sphincter like an armed guard, we slept as the khamsin continued to howl outside.

We spent nearly three more days in the tent, and Larz fucked me again and again, as often as he could get an erection hard enough, I would feel it and mount him once again. We tried to sidle around so he could be on top, but it was just too tight a space for him. Larz filled the khamsin tent from side to side.

On the fifth day, we heard the winds drop off and when they had died down to a low howl, Larz activated our beacon. The wind stopped and we heard the flivver overhead less than a half hour later.

I sighed, and so did Larz, and we rose and went outside to be rescued. The khamsin had ferried us in the air for over three kilometers, we were told. The equipment shed had stood and Mom and Molisa complained that they could have bunked in the flivver's seats easier than the tents."

"And how about you, Jollen?" Molisa asked me. "How did it feel to be jammed into a tent with that huge man? He looks bigger than the tent to me."

"No, no, he and I fit just perfectly." I assured her. "No problem at all."

"Well." my father said. "You'd better get used to the tents because I have talked with the director and since we're stuck here for the next four months I have agreed to help work on this site. You all can go back to Niemat'Allah (the planet's capital city and location of the sole spaceport on the planet) to stay in a hotel there if you'd prefer."

"I would!" Mom said and my sisters agreed.

"How about you, Jollen? Want to stay and help us here? You'll have to live in one of their tents which aren't much roomier than the khamsin tents if you do."

"Sure, I'll stay on one condition." I said. "I want to share Larz's tent with him. He's now my best friend." Larz was nearby, my father looked at him and he nodded.

"Very well, Son." Dad said. "More room for me in my tent that way, anyhow, for my equipment."

I felt a sense of rising glory then, as the Sun, shining on us for the first time in five days, beamed its crimson glories of red and orange in the western sky much more vividly than any I'd seen on any other world. Its colors were so rich, I was told, because of lingering minute airborne particles of sand from the New Jeddah Khamsin.

[This story is a sample from my brand-new book "Naughty Boys Don't Need Santa" available for sale only at my website, the URL is below. The book contains 20 stories with 20 illustrations as well. This story has been modified slightly, in ways that do not affect the storyline overall, in order to comply with Nifty's guidelines for publication.]


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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