New Jail Pussy

By moc.loa@32guhTelcsuM

Published on May 15, 2023


Why are you being so mean to me officer . I am a victim, I am the one that was attacked. I swear this is how it happen. I didn't know him and I would never help a criminal escape. I am a student. I am on the deans list. I am a good guy. I simply should never had pull over. I should have never pick-up a hitchhiker I know better and that hitchhiker are so 1960 .We have had Prison brake outs in the area before. What was I thinking picking up a hitcher even if he was beautiful. I wasn't thinking .I was horny.

It happen like this. We pulled up in my car and parked on the far side of the small parking pad, I was thinking I have to make a quick get away. He motioned me to follow him. I was afraid. My book bag had my cell phone in it, but I could reach it in the back seat. It was a little right saddle bag I used for transporting school stuff. We walked across the lawn to the far side of the house, he didn't go up to the front door. I don't why did I pick him up. I should have just went back to my Parents house. I was driving home for the weekend. I just came back from the gym and I just wanted to nut and sleep. It was Friday night and I had a long week at school.

My parents didn't live far away from the jail house, An easy five minutes and we were there. My parents lived in the ruff area but worked hard to get me to a good college and I live on campus with my new girl friend Trisha. I was thinking as he took me, damn I will never see her again.

I am high but it not my fault he drugged me. I was so far gone from the stuff he pushed in my face when he got in my car. It didn't even occur to me to scream. I pass out from this intoxication I was feeling.As we were turning a long curve through this subdivision all went foggy.

Maybe I did ask for it. He was so hot. When I pick him up I got a whiff...oh, man, I could smell...sniff-sniff...I could smell his hair. It was shampoo, clean smelling, with a hint of musk. I remember thinking, what am I doing? I believe he was Sniffing me also. Sniffing me and smiling or was it a mocking smile? I was too turned on to decided. It was late. I was under a strange sexual spell .

You are a pretty one...he said as we drove moderately. How old are you?

I am 17 years old. I felt stupid telling him my age ." So how does a kid afford a car like this? You are one of those spoil black preppy boys huh. Damn you are only 18 .I could be your Papi ".

Am not a kid ,I am a man I said in a deep voice and I have a part time job.

"Bet you have a nice little coco brown black pussy. Nice and tite, young" At this point I felt uneasy I wasn't planning to do more than blow the dude.

I have a weakness for Ricans. He was hot about 34 year old .This dude was beautiful ,Muscled and ripped.He was dressed in regular clothes . I found out he had stolen them from some ones house and got rid of the prison gear, The clothes they didn't fit him.....He's huge cheat burst from the shirt being held by a few buttons.

I pulled over as he requested and he began to rub my nipples . They have always been big and stuck out from under all my shirts. " You have some nice fuking tites he Grawled". There was something so animal about him. I felt an electric charge from his touch. This is when he got crazy. He kid I Know a place we can go.

DAY 1/ Friday May 11, 2007 / 9:23 PM .THE ABDUCTION

Without warning he was behind me first grinding his dick on my but , then he reach in his pocket and cover my mouth with a rag that has some strong smelling drug on it. I was light headed. He put me in the trunk and drove off. We drove for 2 hours I was totally dazed. Suddenly the Car stop.Am I going die I began to cry.

He unlocked the trunk . And lifted me to my feet gently pushed me down the path. I thought he wood kill me in the woods. The path wounded around a large old house down a slope to a basement door. He opened the door, and whooshed me in like the wind. Laughing, he turned on the light. It looked like a den, or a family room of some kind, it was really funky . He saw me pause, and stop with tears in my eye. He motioned for me to come to him, and pointed right next to him. Why was I obeying at this point he didn't even have a gun? I felt stupid. "Come here you little black Cock sucking fag he yelled" I staggered across the wood floor.

When I got there, he grabbed my jacket front, kind of roughly, his blue eyes seemed to smolder, and his nostrils flared. I had never seen a Latin guy with dark skin and blue eyes before. I was scared and turned on at the same time.

He pulled me closer and put his hand against the bookcase and leaned into me. I was so tempted to lean back away, he didn't know how scorching this was. His smile dropped a fraction. Suddenly, the bookcase was moving towards me. What the fuck! I jumped out of my skin. He broke up laughing. It was a door, built into the book case. He'd pulled me to him because I had been standing right in front of the door. This is my gangs old hide out. This is where we hide while we decide what to do next when we need to cool off.

Damn these clothes are tite he yelled. I am glad to be out of that fuking jail....7 months is to long. The clothes were normal size, this guy was just to big for the stolen clothes. I am 5'9 he was a towering 6'4". He ripped off the tiny fitted shirt. The he dropped his pants.This revealed his body in such an easy manner, I felt dizzy.

Am locking you up slut up, you little black cunt, . I am exhausted , I need some sleep. He kicked me until I was down. He put me in the little room,In the dark . There was no escape. I laid there hurt . I use my watch to look around. There was only wrappers of some type on the floor and rats. I soon fell asleep or passed out.

DAY 2/ Saturday May 12, 2007 / 12:52 AM PM .THE RAPING.

I woke up brutally he was dragging me out by my throat. Hes hairy hand was gripping hard . I looked away, my cheeks rising in color . I snuck a look at him, he was rock hard Yes, he had a thick, big floppy cock, uncut. He has a inch of skin even when he was hard covering the hood. It just swung over big balls,and dark bush of pubes. All his body hair was matted down to his skin .I could see the wondrous hair pattern on his chest and abs. His hair wasn't curly, it was more straight, and covered from his collar bone over the immense mass of his muscular chest, met in the center and followed down his abs in a herring bone pattern. It flaired out again over his 8 pack of abs, and down to his bush.

His legs and arms were covered in tats anf fur. Where his thighs met his hips there was a line. Hair on his thighs, above his hips went to his front, his abs, his pubes. His ass was hairy. He had no hair on his back or sides of his torso, except for this almost imperceptible down that snaked from the center of his neck down his spine, between the corded muscles of his back. The backs of his hands, up his forearms, and up his triceps were covered in that metallic looking black hair. He had a that herring bone pattern on the outer edge of his forearm where the upper hair and the underside hair meet, creating that sexy line down the outer forearm from the wrist to the elbow. I noticed with his heavy 5 O'clock shadow, not some 6 hours later, if let grow in, would have grown right down into his chest hair, meeting his collar bone. He was one beautiful, hairy, masculine ball of sex.Hes head was shaved with a tat on the back of his neck . the tat had some gang meaning am sure. He was buck azz naked. and ready to fuck. Damn I wanted him. Why couldn't we do this nicely.

I closed my eyes, so couldn't look anymore. I felt his breath on my face. I could tell he had more liquor at some point in the evening yesterday. Suddenly, he seemed to pull back, and then I felt his head and shoulders at my midsection. Oh, my god, I gasped. He head butted me to the floor. He hurt really bad he laughed..You are a faggot....I see you looking at my dick, Punta Cunt. NOOOO..I wasn't looking. I am just trying to regain my clarity. What did you give me last night. "Stupid Cunt he snapped didn't I ask you to speak".

Stop complaining, I was in that ditch 4 hours hiding hoping some hot girl would pick me up and I get your Bitch AZZ..He seemed displease with me. I was scared.

He walked through the book case, left it open and walked around the couch. I was tossed down onto the cushions with such ease. As he did this, he turned away, and walked to the fireplace, then over to the door. He flipped off the lights. His body was silhouetted by the ambient light crossing the room through the windows. He flicked on another switch on the wall behind the fireplace. The gas hissed then in a slight gasping sound the fire flared up. Flickering, primal light cascaded into the room, dancing around, creating fantastic shadows on the walls. He turned back to me. He was naked and moved towards me, blocking the fireplace, his shadow crept up my body. Every muscle in my body was strung so tightly. He smiled I notice that this God had no physical flaws, he was just crazy. It actually made him sexier. Fucking preppy black bitch he snapped. I could have went to school I was smart he yelled.

"Look dude what is your problem take my car and my wallet just leave me alone I yelled back".

He' s hand went back and he bitch slapped me.I nearly shed tears. I wanted to run, to bolt, I was confused. There was an element of something bad happening here, but then again, In a moment, I felt his body come crashing down on the couch next to mine on the sectional. I could feel his weight shifting. I glanced sideways at him. There he was, inches away, looking at the fire. He was reclined, naked, covered by no towel, and his leg farthest away drawn up. His body's hair was glimmering in that flickering light like spun gold. He idly stroked his chest. When he glanced over and saw me looking at him, he smiled."Do you like me?" he asked, raising one brow.

I need some Pussy. Its Months You are a poor substitute for a girl cunt but I have fucked worst in jail. You like for it to hurt.

"What?" I croaked, my mouth dry. What kind of fucking question Is that? ou are was a sick bastered. He punched me in my gut.

I was in a bad state...gripped in fear and lust."" he asked again, slowly annunciating each word to cover his thick accent. He stroked his chest hair running his hands through that glinting forest.He made me get naked on the couch . You are smooth like a girl. I was so ashamed as he laughed.

I gasped as his hands ran down my sides, and snaked underneath me. He gripped my ass cheeks, one in each hand. He put his fingers in my crack and I felt him flick his middle finger over my asshole. FUCK. I started to quiver. He stuck his tongue in my ear. I groaned, and reached up and ran my fingers through the hair on the back of his head. I thought I had blacked out. I felt as if I couldn't breathe.I realized He was sucking the breath out of me. And inside, I was freaking. I wasnâ^À^Ùt freaking that he was depriving me of oxygen, but that I wanted him to do exactly what he was doing, I liked it.

When I felt as if my lungs were completely empty, He blew air back into me, filling me up. All the while, he sucked on my tongue in his mouth."Yeah, I know you want me...donâ^À^Ùt you?" He looked down into my eyes. He began pressing his finger against my pucker. My breath caught in gasps. He fully twisted his body on top of mine. He pinned me down. This is when I notice his Monster uncut dick.It leaked precum, plastering his hair to his belly. "You like that?...Huh? gonna be my Pussy , In jail you would be a hot sale. I have hoes in jail I sale out to get cigs and stuff. I dont fuck them myself. I prefer to take the unwilling he smiled again.....

The idea of being raped scared me .l.He licked my throat, and I tilted my head back. And then that smell hit me...that smell that was in my helmet...musky, with a tinge of shampoo. His smell. It seemed to envelope my head. I drew in a huge lung full of that smell. And I became even more randy. As I quivered from the effect that smell had, I felt him insert his fore finger into my hole to his first knuckle. I tensed, just as he licked my chest to my pecs. He started sucking on my nipples. He locked his teeth over my right one, then sucked it totally into his mouth. And while he kept up that pressure, his tongue raked across my nipple hard. FUCK. My dick head pulsed and more precum oozed out of my body.My hole spasmâ^À^Ùd around his finger each time he scraped that big tongue across my nipple. My cock spewed more pre-cum. My balls, were now, swollen, and they hurt. His big cock head was nearly the size of my testicles. It held them apart, nestled in between them. I ran my hands over his chest hair He groaned...and bit my nipple. I long as he held my nipple in a tweak, he had me. It was so connective.

He stood up and pointed down to the floor in front of the fireplace. "Get on the floor." I let go of my feet and let them hit the floor and pulled myself up. Standing a bit unsteadily, I sank to the floor in front of the fireplace on my back. he came around me. Standing above my head, his face towards my feet. I looked up at the fire making rippling shadows over his hairy body, I could see most of his body hair was now wet and stuck to his body with sweat, precum or spit. He knelt so that his knees were on either side of my head. Then he slapped that big cock all over my face...ropy precum streaks laced my face. I was about to become some jail thugs New Pussy. He rolled his hips three times and then held his cock tight, balls deep in my face. He flexed his biceps, and turned his head to the side and licked his left bicep. The fire made all the sweat glisten on his torso, rivulets of sweat cascaded down his body.

"You're so stupid he laugh picking up strangers." I could kill you.. I just might. He had my wallet and glance at my I.D. Terrance. So whats your name I asked. He didn't respond.

That a sissy name. He mocked me. I have me a smooth muscle little Pussy boy. He point at my dick. Damn you are teh first black dude ive seen with a small dick.

Obvious! A tinge of shame flooded back over me. And I felt my face turn bright red. ." I looked away. Directly at the fire. I could feel tears well in my eyes.

He rolled his hips. "Hey, look at me."

I kept my eyes on the fire. I could feel one lone tear leak out the corner of my eye nearest the floor. He punched me. I yelled out in pain.

Am gonna breed and seed you. Look at me." He barked . He push my legs back as he hammered his cock hard against my ass hole. I was horrified. I had never had raw anal sex before. I had been with dudes but nothing like this.

I gasped and looked at him. My hole wouldn't open up.

"Yeah, like that...fucker .....look at me." He rolled his hips and I groaned. He then reached down and ran his hands up and down my torso. He cupped my pecs and flicked the nails of his thumbs over my nipples. "Such a hot fuckinâ^À^Ù boy you are...and you really get off on me, huh? You fuckinâ^À^Ù get off on my hairy body?" He then pinched my nipples, and my ass tightened on his cock. "Oh, fuck, I love that," he closed his eyes feeling my hole grip his his finger . "Oh, yeah...hold my cock just like that with your body when am in you."

I squeezed down hard on his finger as he twisted my nipples. It just happen. Flames shot down from my nipples to my cock, causing it to wave. The flames then shot through my balls, causing them to tighten, then down to my hole, causing it to clamp down fiercely.

"Oh, yeah, fuck, I love that...Hold my cock with your asshole, Fletcher." He let go of my nipples and brought both hands around and under and slapped my ass cheeks. SLAP! My buttery anus spasmed around his finger.

He closed his eyes, feeling my hole wink and suck around his finger. When he opened his eyes, he shook his head. "What the fuck. your puzzy is begging for me slut.

He hammered his finger in and out really hard on my hole quckliy and Hard. I hurt like nothing i had ever done before. I have been fucked once before but this was crazy. No lube nothing to help me take him. "I said, fucking look at me." His hands still behind his head. His torso still spread in that hooded cobra pose.He grabbed my throat.

He big cock, curved slightly upwards. And it was in this position, he reached down, put his hand under my neck, tilted my head back, and then said, "Open up your mouth." I opened my mouth. "Wider." I opened it up wide. "Wider, I wanna fuck your throat." FUCK. I opened my mouth as wide as I could. "Aw, thatâ^À^Ùs such a pretty fuckinâ^À^Ù sight...damn." He pushed his cock into my mouth. Wow! It felt as if I had put a plum in my mouth whole. He pushed it further till it hit the entrance to my throat. "Take a deep breath...through your nose," he directed. Then he slowly started to push his cock into my throat. I could feel myself start to gag. "Cup your tongue, let it go right over your tongue down the center of your throat." He demanded...then he pushed it into my throat. "Aw, yeah, fuck!!! Thatâ^À^Ùs hot!"

I felt like I wanted to gag, but his cock now moved all the way down my gullet. I could no longer dislodge it by mere gag reflex, My gaging simply milked his dick. He pushed until his huge balls were against my nose. He let it soak in my throat. I started spasming around his cock...I needed a breath. He pulled out a bit, and said, "breathe, no, through your nose...thatâ^À^Ùs it." Then he slid his cock back into my throat. "Damn thatâ^À^Ùs nice." YOU HAVE A NICE THROAT .. Am going to go back and fourth from your cunt to your throat he whispered.

There was that smell. The same smell hit me again that he use to abduct me. He had that rag again. I cried in fear he would put me out gain with it and I would never wake up I didn't wanna die... He Slapped me hard again. Harder than the first time. He suck his hand in the powder substance he had in a vail and then stuck his powder laced finger in my hole, he said it was coke. That stuff was like lidocane from the dentist. My opening and numb in no time at all. He then place a vial to my noise .He said it was Poppers. I scream...I burned my nose."I will show you what my idea of Rough you little pussy!" he said.

I couldnâ^À^Ùt control myself. I started to gasp and pant I was dizzy. My cock spewed another long rope of precum. "Easy, there, Pussy." He nuzzled my neck as I sought to catch my breath. He placed his mouth right next to my ear. "Feel me." He whispered and pushed all the way to his balls. I felt his balls against my hole. I screamed out .and he cover my mouth with his sucking the air out of me again. I cant believe he got in me like that. " Popper makes your Pus open he said with a wink."

With out any warning, he pulled all the way out and place his cockâ^À^Ùs helmet in my anus, then slammed his hips forward slapping them against my ass cheeks."Mmmm! Nice grip you got on my cock."

"Aw, FUCK!" I groaned. PLEASE STOP. I GIVE YOU WHAT EVER I GOT. Am gonna take what I want sissy, he snapped.

Then he moved my legs up. "Hold you feet, Pussy boy." He looked down into my eyes,I knew I must obey I closed my eyes and swallowed heavily and again grabbed the soles of my feet. He did that slapping of his cockhead against my hole. My hole was so yearning at that point, I felt it getting wet by itself. The poppers made my dizzy ,I had a head ache .IThe coke

made my hole horny as hell. I could feel it involuntarily spasm, and open, trying to catch that big fuckinâ^À^Ù head. "Oh, you have one beautiful smooth hole, damn, that makes me so hot ......he spit into my face , degrading me.

I opened my eyes and a long line of spit dropped out into my mouth into my eyes. I was blinded from his spit.He slammed his cock in and out like a piston punching my spasming anus. He raked my prostate again and again. My nuts blew a huge load out. "Oh, fuck, oh, fuck, Iâ^À^Ùm cumminâ^À^Ù inside you!" He looked down at me, his eyes wild with fire. I could see again.He grab my throat. He stayed deep in me for a moment. I was to afraid to move and could feel my New Pussy accepting this Rican Thugs babies. I could feel each jet. It hurt I was glad he shot his load. I was glad it was over. He laid on top of me with his had around my throat. I passed out for hours. As I passed out I felt his dick get hard again.

DAY 3/ Saturday May 13, 2007 / 5:00 AM PM .THE SUBMISSION

I was dazed. I saw him across from me eating a apple. I was so hungry but would dare ask for food.He sat back on his heels. His cock, thick, still hard, freshly pulled from my ass.

I looked down, and saw I was covered in dry cum. He wrapped his hand around his dick, and jacked his shaft. . He brought up his hand and said, "Open your mouth." I put a good 4 loads in you while you passed out.... My hole hurt badly so I believed him. I gave up any hope to live. I submitted. I was lost in my sadness.This was my faith. I no longer felt like a man or a human.

I tasted his loads, and the juices of my ass in my mouth. . Then he took both hands and slid them down his torso, from his chest to his pubes. . He stuck out his tongue and spit on me. He bent back down, across me. He eased my legs down his waist they were in pain from being bent back earlier. I locked my ankles around the small of his back. He grunted as he pushed his cock hard into me I felt a flood of his nutt floating out of me .... My hole was open and wet. He's throbbing cock was back deep into my body. Holding my head with his sticky hands, he kissed me. He forced open my lips with his, finger and stuck his tongue in my mouth. I sucked his finger and found that my load came with it. Then he started sucking the air out of my lungs again. In four minutes I was lightheaded again.

Getting into a push-up position, with his hands on either side of my shoulders, I could feel his big blunt head at my anus. He lowered himself down on me. He was so Muscular so beautiful...He was such a Papi. Our lips met in a kiss. I had given in totally. My knees came to rest over his shoulders. I no longer talked back or fought his wishes. He

stuck his tongue into my mouth, his cock pushed into my ass. My hole spread wider and wider. I sucked in his tongue and tried to swallow him. My hole opened wider and wider, I felt as if I might tear...but then I felt him slide further, and further in. I prefer fuking you while you are awake sexy . Hes cock raked across my prostate and I moaned uncontrollably. My cock spewed out a long drizzle of precum.He pulled out of me to prevent cumming .My hole winked and flowered, angry at losing his cock.His hairy pits, drenched with sweat drip in my face as he was in this push up position. Hes hair matted to his skin.

"Damn, you have such a tight hole even now." He moaned between kisses. I hate a loose sluts Pussy. In jail that's all I got. Those fukin hoers.

"What are you doing to me?" I moaned, my eyes rolled back in my head. He

looking at his evil but beautiful eyes. I was soooo high so in lust. I sucked in breath as I felt him jab me in my cunt with his Monster. He grabbed my hands and pushed my arms up over my head. This brought his hairy, sweaty chest squarely down on mine. His face was nose to nose with mine. His voice swelled with something that sounded like a grunt and groan combined. The pupils of his eyes dilated until his corneas."" His brows arched up at the ends, and his grin faded to a near frown. He brought his cockhead just to the gates of my ass. My anus was bloated, winking and flowering. Just his piss slit touched my outer Cunt lips."Where do you want my seed ? He nuzzled my throat with his hard grip hand .I chocked and gasped.he thrust his cock in brutally. I didn't get a chnace to answer.

Motherfucker!" he moaned and kissed me deeply. I felt his cock expand and then he came again inside of me.

"AW!" I cried as my hole spread back oh-so-wide around his fucking thick piece of meat. I pressed my cheek against his as he stuck his tongue in my ear. He jabbed my prostate in sync with his tongue jabbing my ear."So, Iâ^À^Ùm a hairy fuckinâ^À^Ù brute, huh?" He rolled his hips again, sending shivers up my spine. You do like pain Pussy boy, I knew it. YOU like my jail dick in your little cunny hole."I watch how you look at me when I got in your car.He licked my jaw and chin. When I felt his cream fill me, I gripped down hard on his cock with my anus to keep his seed inside, and felt his cock mash on my prostate. I grunted and came again...and again between our abs.

"You wanted me to take you, You are a bad boy I had to punish you with my dick . I had to hurt you." I had this bad-ass nasty need to have you

inside me I responded.. . Me to I had to be in your body to use you to hurt you. and feel you quiver on my dick...what the fuck is this am thinking to myself in a moment of clarity.

This man is a sickest fucker I have ever came across he is criminal and crazy.I loved it. With that thought he put the rag firmly against my face again. I could not breath I passed again. I didn't try to stop him. I belong to him. He could do what ever he wanted too . I promise not to be bad again," I babbled .

DAY 3/ Saturday May 13, 2007 / 5:00 AM PM .THE DISGUARD

A heavy pressure on my back. I was sore from all the fucking. . It was early morning. I was lying on my back. I felt tired, but somehow peaceful. I was at easy being my Papi's Toy. I cant believe it I wasn't even hungry, I guess I was full from his seed.

I looked up to see that the ceiling wasnâ^À^Ùt spinning as it was when I passed out. Then the previous night flooded into my head. I realized though on my stomach,. I luxuriated in the feel of his hairy body against my back Then I froze. I could feel his half hard cock in my ass!! I was heart started to race. Then I heard him moan. He had fuked me all night. I wasn't even awake for most of it. his cock pulsed, it didnâ^À^Ùt inflate to full hard on, but pulsed, like a beast. Just as I was trying to decide whether to pull off his cock, or try and get up . I felt it get hard again and ready to fuck again , so I thought., Wow I awoke with this horse cock up my ass,"

My hole hurt so bad I started to cry a little. I could believe what had happen to me. again My tears woke him up. They were tears of Joy and Pain. I heard his husky accented Rican voice in my ear, making me jump."Hey, slut boy." He rubbed the back of my neck with the tip of his nose."Fuck, thatâ^À^Ùs amazing he stated as he looked down at my smooth beaten hole." He reached around and tweaked my nipple. My butt quivered. His cock got a fraction harder. He lay there for a few more minutes, head turned to the side, dick still thick in my hole. Then he raised his head, looked me in the eyes with a smile and said, "Ready to go again?" I was too excited and stunned to say one word, so when he rolled me over on to my stomach, dragged me to my feet and bent me over a table for another good fucking, I just smiled to myself and thanked my good fortune. He

was flat out fucking the shit out of me for lack of a better discription. I could hear and feel his heavy nuts slapping against my ass. It still took another 2 or 3 minutes before I stopped wanting to tell him to slow down, or even stop. But then that feeling of shear anal pleasure washed over my body. I could feel him enter and exit at a radid pace like he was a part of me. I didn't want to say it but it's one of those things that is unavoidable when you getting a nice hot ass fucking.

He stopped in the middle of the fuck.

"Oh, man...damn..."I gotta take a wicked piss." He nibbled my ear lobe. and bit my neck.. "Oh, so this isnâ^À^Ùt arousal, itâ^À^Ùs a piss hard on?" he nearly barked as he pushed his cock all the way in my hole. Now it was two thirds hard...and then I felt him tremor. "!"

I felt a pressure building in my ass...then a slight burning. "Iâ^À^Ùm pissing in your ass." He grunted.Hey!!!" he barked. "You fuckinâ^À^Ù settle down." He then groaned and finished emptying his bladder in my ass.

Fuck! The dude pissed in my ass! I was appalled. He slowly released me, stroking my sides, and then pinched both my nipples. I moaned.Shh..." he whispered in my ear. "Let it soak in there for a few minutes.He paused for a few seconds longer. Then he took in a deep breath, grabbed the sides of my neck and pulled my face towards his until lip-to-lip contact was made. I couldn't speak .He wouldn't let me release it, his dick plugged me tite until it absorbed in my body .He just picked up the pace and started to fuck me like a jack rabbit. The sound of his slapping balls almost became a constant tone. I started to lightly jack my cock and as I was cumming, he reached down and caught my load in the palm of his hand and then licked it clean while he fuck me for 5 more minutes straight. He was dripping sweat and moaning loudly. He fell forward and jammed his tongue into my mouth and kissed my for about a minute. He moaned with his tongue in my mouth as he started cumming up my ass. I could feel the heat of his cum and the extra slipperyness. He came for 15 seconds straight and I could already feel it oozing back out of me as he was still pumping more into me.He then pissed again.

.. He looked at me and made me get dress. I didn't care if I died at this point . I felt worst because I enjoyed most of what happen to me. I was marched to my car and we drove deeper in the woods. You better hold my piss fagot. I knew I was dead as we walked deep in the woods. To my surprise at this point he release me.He then pick me up and hugged me. I

was lost in his embrace, participating fully in the act.

I had been reduced to Pussy slut: A thugs toy. I was new pussy. I loved the attacking cock . I was vigorously kissing him and enjoying the taste of his mouth. I gotta go he said, when he pulled me away. He had managed to walk backwards. I had almost forgotten that this same Rican that had been cruel to me. I still felt him inside me though he wasn't in me. I wanted to be with him. I was insane for the moment . He didn't say anything else. he just drove away. That the story officer.

Next: Chapter 8

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