New Jail Pussy

By moc.loa@32guhTelcsuM

Published on May 10, 2023


"Show me your azz Puta. I want you so bad. This is for you, sweet thing,"The crowd yep as he was let into his cell. I myself launched spit a huge gooey glob spunk into the corridor as hell passed by to tests him.

From my bunk I could see into the cell across from mine. It was occupied by the sweet looking blond kid he was beautiful with an angelic face and cute bubble butt that I could see hanging out of his prison uniform.

He was new to the county. Whats up Vato I yelled. This your first time in lock-up, he didn't anser. Judging from the fear in his huge, blue eyes, it was safe to assume this was his first time behind bars. I was hungry for this new jail puzzi. I knew I would soon breed him good.

As usual in mid-July, the cells were hot as hell. The dim light from the corridor cast a soft, warm glow over the boy's resting body. The rest of his slender body lay exposed.

He was afraid , he could tell everyone in lockup wanted him. I couldn't wait to get my Latin snake down his hole.

my mind began to wander as I laid staring at the new kid. He couldn't have been more than eighteen. I could hardly wait for morning to arrive so I could check him out, close up, in the showers. In the mean time, I could only rely on a vivid imagination to fulfill my fantasy, and the lust burning between my legs. It was to hot to sleep.

Pressing my naked body against the cool steel, I stuck my ten inch cock between the bars about 12 am. My man flesh pinged like a homing beacon, lusting for the vibrant, young flesh that lay so near, but was impossible to reach. A generous flow of pre-cum lubricated my hand as I vigorously slapped my throbbing pud. The lewd sound of wet, pounding cock meat got the kid's attention. Only his head turned to investigate the seductive sloshing of my jacking off. His sensual eyes widened as he stared down the muzzle of my loaded weapon.

Please Mister leave me alone. I saw the Moonlight light reflex off his tear stained face.

The kid turned away, refusing to acknowledge my gesture

I wasn't insulted. I knew he was scared. His fear would pass, once I took him under my wing. He would be my new jail pussy.

The current population in lock-up was down, there was just me, three other inmates and the kid. It made the job of protecting my prize a whole lot easier. I wasn't about to share that cherry hole with anyone. He was all mine.

The next morning all eyes were on the kid as he stepped naked into the shower. Christ, he had a body that would have given a straight arrow a hardon, and I wasn't altogether straight to begin with.

It didn't take long for a couple of the guys to put some moves on the young, fresh meat. The was for beating up some old folks for the checks. Jenson had him by the neck. He proud's himself on breaking in all the pussy as soon as possible. Jenson and a crew were ruff. I am a loner type..They quickly had him pinned in a corner groping his firm, silky, baby smooth ass. He was sobbing like a babe.

"Please stop," the kid pleaded, attempting to push their hands away. Jenson had half his fist in the kids mouth. That kid is a fag! An honest-to-goodness cocksucking fag! If you're seen with him outside everyone will think you're a fag, too!" Fortunately my reputation had preceded me. I got the dogs to heal by simply clearing my throat. With his back to the wall, he stood cowering, hands cupped tightly over his budding manhood. Terrified eyes expressed his silent gratitude.

"Don't worry," I said, putting my hand on his trembling shoulder. "You can relax. I moved behind him and bucked my body up against him as hard as I could. I grabbed at his chest and squeezed him as tightly as possible, enjoying the closeness of our bodies.They won't be bothering you anymore. I wipe away the blood from his Mouth were it had be stretch.

After a while I figured he was kind of interested in something more than chatting since he was constantly staring at me and checking me out from head to toes. Everytime our eyes crossed he was smiling at me and that beautiful smile is that of a angel. However this kind of freak me out because I knew I was going to use him. You have to be really careful with these things. The next day he was doing his stuff and I greeted him . He seemed so pleased to see me again and didnâ^À^Ùt hesitate to start a conversation.

I guess I should thank you," the kid stammered, no one has messed with me all day. dropping his hands to reveal his alluring cylinder of boy body. I had gain his trust, that is the first step in owning your jail Pussy.You have to get his trust..

"That's a start," I said . admiring his hot azz. I guided my hard, oozing dick to his hungry hole. Of course, he responded by pressing my cock against his asshole, rubbing my cock head around.He was the most beautiful person I'd seen in a very long time.

"We can talk later. Right now, you'd better get your shower. You've only got ten minutes." They will be back.

The kid and I stood side by side, lather rippling down our bodies. I couldn't get over how his smooth, wet skin seemed to glow. To make him feel more at ease, I tried to be discreet in my observations, but I wasn't overlooking a single inch of his glorious body.

With envious greed, I watched his soapy hand glide down his flat, washboard abdominal to tend his luscious limp organ. I held my breath as his thin fingers retracted the generous flap of soggy foreskin sheathing the crest of his cock. The water cascaded down his satiny torso, washing over his sensitive, purple knob with a cleansing caress that made him shiver. The wispy tuft of blond man fur surrounding the root of his ivory tool lay wet, and matted, against his pubic bone. His tender, young balls hung low in their velvety pouch, weighted heavily with his abundance of succulent boy cream. I was deeply obsessed by the spell this teenage jock had cast over me.

The kid tried to divert his eyes from the thick hard slab of horse meat rising up between my hairy thighs, but I caught him staring. He looked at my rock hard abs and tatted pecs. I sensed the adolescent-like curiosity trembling in his hands as he fondled the slippery mounds of his narrow, round buttocks.This kid knew he would get fucked. It was a matter of by whom. My bet was he be chocking on this hard uncut Pinga soon.

The next day in the shower. I was met with little resistance as I reached for his hand and placed it on my hot, pulsating cock. "You like dick, don't you, kid?" I asked. He pulled his hand away, No I dont do that, but I knew the truth. I could see it swelling between his legs.I bend over because I am much taller than him. I put my mouth to his ear. "Don't worry, . Your secret is safe with me." You ever seen uncut Mexican dick I slurred. I had to physically restrain myself from plunging my cock straight up his firm arse. He had presented his finely smooth orbs as he rummaged around. I reached out and gently kneading them and when I didnâ^À^Ùt get any protest as I explored his crack with my fingers He then rush out of the shower.

That night I made a deal with the guard that would allow me to visit the kid in his cell. The guard said he was some rich preppy kid in for some stupid credit card and battery . My intentions were purely sexual, and the guard knew it, but that sort of thing happened around this place all the time. A few bucks in the hands of the right guard, and you could have any piece of ass in the joint.

When he heard his cell door open, the kid sat up, drawing his knees up against his chest. he didn't seem at all surprised to see me. He may have been young, and beautiful, but he obviously wasn't stupid. I could tell just by looking into those baby-blues, he knew exactly why I was there.

The cell door closed behind me and the guard left us alone. "What's your name, kid?" I asked.

"Patrick. And you are?"


"How long have you been in here, Simon?"

"Six months."

"I appreciate what you did for me, you know, this morning in the shower."

I sat down on the bunk beside him, putting my hand on his knee. "Glad to be of service, kid. I don't think you'll have anymore trouble with those guys. They know not to fuck with me." Being a loner I had to fend for myself and I have stab a few freaks in here to prove my point.

I felt goose bumps rise up on his hairless skin as my hand crept up his thigh. "I saw you last nigh in your cell," he said. "I've never seen another guy jack off before."

"Welcome to jail, Patrick. Can I call you Pat. He said no with a evil eye.

You're probably going to wind up seeing a lot of shit you've never seen before Pat ."

My hand had nearly reached his crotch when he jumped up from the bunk and put some distance between us. "What is it you want from me, Simon? I'm not gay, if that's what you're thinking." I like Girls , lots of girls. Am just smaller ,I dude cant help that.

I shook my head and laughed. "Why is it people think two men have to be gay to enjoy one another's company? I'm attracted to you. I'm tired of sitting alone in a dark cell beating my meat."

I didnâ^À^Ùt hesitate. I grabbed him by the shoulders and we embraced, French-kissing for what seemed like ages. My hands stroked up and down his body as far as I could reach. He pushed me back a little and helped me out of my jacket, before ripping off my t-shirt and unbuckling my belt. Within seconds I was naked, and we fell, kissing passionately, on his makeshift bed.

"I don't think I can do what you're asking," Patrick mumbled. I am very straight. I have a girlfriend .

He pulled out a picture of a blond with some really nice tits.Yea she a hot bitch Id fuck her too.

He looked offended but he new better to upset me. I raped a few chick that look just like here out there. I heard one has my baby.. I stated proudly. My seed is out there..Id like to put some in you. He looked scared.

I looked at him knowingly. I know you want my Pinga. If you come over here, I'll prove it to you." I am a hot Guy. I am 6'2" Mexican/White with some nice Tats. I never had to rape on the outside. Bitches gave me the cunt easy. I just like taking it.

Look at my Dick baby. Its pretty No. You like the skin.

Hesitantly he stepped within reaching distance. I couldn't risk taking my time. I knew he would be putty in my hands once I got him turned on. He gasped as I reached out and yanked down his boxer shorts. Holding to his cool, sweaty hands, I stared hungrily at the lifeless piece of man flesh dangling limply over his wrinkled ball-sac.

I pulled Patrick closer. His long slender legs shook as I took his entire cock into my mouth. The response of his cock to my lashing tongue was both favorable and immediate. Within seconds my Pinga was stabbing at the back of his throat, Jenson barked in anger, mad because it wasn't him.

Looking into my my eyes, he nodded his head once and I moved my head down to his lips and slowly took him by the throat. "This isn't so bad," I thought to myself as the inches slid in slowly this time. I was sure that it wasn't much of a blowjob.

I pulled him down onto the bunk and devoured his azz, nibbling, sucking and licking until he lay drowning in a pool of glistening sweat. I'd never before had ass pussy fit my mouth so perfectly.

Patrick's body stiffened when I rolled him onto his stomach, trapping his wet, hammering prick between the weight of his body and the board-like firmness of the bunk. Spreading his long slender legs, I pulled the cheeks of his tense ass apart and feasted my eyes on the splendor of his small, anal pucker.

"What are you going to do with my ass?" he whimpered passionately with a sadness in his voice..

"It elevated my state of arousal ten fold, fear turns me on.

Gently I pressed my wet lips to each of his silky orbs, kissing his scrumptious little ass. I squeezed my lips into the crack of his ass and kissed his crimson fuck hole. "Oh fuck! That felt great," he panted. "Do it again, kiss my butthole. Ahhh, yeah. Your mouth feels so good. Lick me, Simon. Lick my sweaty pucker."

The kid nearly hit the ceiling when I did him one better, and crammed my spiky tongue into the dank depths of his flexing hole. "Oh Gawd, yes!" He howled. "Tongue fuck my hole." I ate the kid's delicious ass until my jaws ached with exhaustion. Now it was his turn to put out.

Patrick looked back over his shoulder, watching as I stripped out of my cloths. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"It's time to get down to it, man."

"I don't know if I can?"

"Sure you can," I said, pulling him up so he was sitting on the side of the bunk. The bloated head of my veiny ramrod became slick with pre-cum as I smeared it across his smooth, pink lips. "Suck it, Patrick. Lick the nectar from my pisshole."

He gazed up at me fearfully. "I've never done this before."

"It's easy, kid, just open your mouth."â^À^ÜTake off your clothes,â^À^Ý

Reluctantly, my horny little bitch opened his mouth and took the head of my lumbering cock inside his sweltering, hollow trap. He moaned objectionably when I grabbed a fist full of his silky, blond hair and pulled his face deeper into my tingling crotch. "Eat my fucking dick, you pretty little cocksucker." Patrick choked as I thrust my shaft past his tightly clinched lips down his throat. He choked .I watch as he gasped for air. "Take it down your throat," I grunted ruttishly. "Come on, kid, swallow ." Spit rolled down the side of his face and this mouth begin to bleed again.

Patrick pushed against my hairy thighs, drool leaking profusely from his gurgling mouth. "I can't take it all!" he gasped, managing to spit out my dick. "I told you, I've never done this before. It's too big." Please. You are the only person that has been human to me. Please.

â^À^ÜDonâ^À^Ùt tell me what the fuck to do, pretty boy,â^À^Ý . He was wobbling around like he was going to pass out any second or so. â^À^ÜYou canâ^À^Ùt tell me what to do.â^À^Ý

Grabbing him behind his knees, I flipped him onto his back. "What are you doing?" He whimpered, as I pushed his legs back over his body. His inviting, little pink butt crack still glistened wet with spit.

"No, please don't," the kid pleaded. I heard him, but I wasn't really listening. I only had one thing on my mind, and that was to fuck him, fuck him hard. Jenson in the next cell begin to cheer me on. At least someone was getting some Pussy.

"If my cock's too big for your mouth, maybe it will fit up your tight ass." Noooooo will kill me.

"No!" the kid shouted, squirming frantically. "Let me try again to suck it. I know I can do better." I promise.

I pressed the tip of my sappy knob to his smooth almost invisible pucker and thrust my hips forward, completely shattering his resistance.

The kid cried out in agony, begging me to stop. "Oh God, it hurts. Stop! You're hurting me." He tried to push me away, but his boyish strength was no match for my manly determination.

With the head of my throbbing cock already submerged in the flesh of his spastic fuckhole, I again thrust into him, driving half the length of organ into his tight, slippery rectum. Patrick howled like a wounded animal as his tender butthole stretched to accommodate my thick shaft. I sighed blissfully, flexing my embedded cock until pre-cum oozed from the narrow piss slit at the tip of the kid's twitching little pecker.I felt like a God.

Slowly I began fucking him, feeding his ass a bit more of my rigid snake with each downward thrust. I became mesmerized by the change of expression on the kid's handsome face. It was an awesome metamorphosis, one that took him from fear and misery, to raw, unbridled passion. My balls slapped wetly against his smooth ass. He had taken all I had to offer. The slick walls of his virgin cavity embraced my cock with a heat that could have only been generated by his youthful passion.Take it you Cunt Pussy,I snapped. Do youfuck your bitch like this.

Continuing to pump my hard meat between Patrick's amazingly soft butt cheeks, I let his long, slinky legs drape down over my shoulders. The kid's hands immediately responded to the lustful demands of his weeping cock. His ball-sac closed tightly around his swollen bangers as his boyish face became twisted with erotic splendor. he panted. "I'm gonna cum! Fuck me harder!"

My load of frothy man juice was teetering on the edge of eruption. The kid was riding my steely prong like a sex starved animal. His gyrating ass and thrusting hips made it impossible for me to hold back. He was fuking me back in anger. It was great.

The final straw came when thick, gooey ropes of spunk began to rocket from the kid's spastic cock. He gasped as I pulled my heaving dick out of his sappy, young ass. His entire body stiffened as he wiggled and squirmed like an eel out of water. With one hand clamped firmly around his contacted nuts, the other continued to hammer out pools of shimmering semen onto his silky, smooth belly.

A liberal layer of butt slime coated my pulsating cock, causing my fist to slosh lewdly as I yanked my crank into a spurting volcano. "Oh yeah, cum on me," the kid panted, as I erupted the sappy contents of my nuts across his sweaty body.

As the heat of passion faded and I looked upon my young jail Pussy he appeared to be more beautiful than ever. I brought my body down atop his and we kissed passionately as I stroked the sides of his adorable face. He laid there motionless, maybe he was in shock.

Lasting relationships are seldom made in jail. I knew that some day soon we would each be going our separate ways, and what we had shared behind these bars would become nothing more than a fond memory. But until that day comes, Patrick's tender, young puss belongs to me.

Next: Chapter 6

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