New Jail Pussy

By moc.loa@32guhTelcsuM

Published on May 2, 2023


Fred and I had joked about it. Fred was 6'0 .a mean red headed Irishman. I had figured it was boredom making him horny. I been working at the correction center for 2 years The last couple of days I was really horny and fred he was getting more serious about taking one of them punk boyz down.. "Just think about it man, a guy ain't gonna tell no one he got punked! Fuck, even if he did, there are two of us. It is our word against his." Fred said. But what about your job Continuing, Fred said, "It's Friday, there gonna put someone in the tank tonight. They always do on weekends. I gotta have something besides my hand, just gotta!" Fred was staring at me like I was starting to look good! I laughed, "Yeah man, so stop staring at me." Fred grinned back, "You ain't my type, too big and black. I want one of them preppy boys. Or one of those pretty college boys!" I got serious, "Would you actually force another guy to suck you off?" "At this point? Fuck yeah!" Fred answered. His thoughts drifted away, "Or one of them corn fed country boys! A sweet young hick!" The day drug by slowly. I got a trustee to smuggle us in some Mad Dog and we were drinking on it when the crank that opened our tank door started clanking. I hid the wine and stared at the tank chute. I stared, glanced at Fred and stared again. It wasn't a preppy boy or a college boy. I was looking at the skater boy type. Long brown hair fell in the boy's blue eyes. Those eyes were framed by dark lashes. His five 5' 6" frame was hidden by baggy clothes, a belt holding his loose jeans slightly below the hips that were exposing about three inches of his boxers. He glanced at us and looked around the 6 man tank. He chose a top empty bunk away from us. He was stretching to throw the sheet on it. As he moved his arms, a skinny little tight belly was exposed. It looked to be rock hard yet the boy's waist couldn't have been more then 21. He looked all of 16 but had to be at least 18 to be placed in this tank. I wasn't sure if it was from the Mad Dog or from just being horny, but it was me that said, "How sweet it is!" Fred's voice was low, "Careful Jack, we don't want him getting skittish on us." Fred stood up and walked towards the boy's bunk. "I'm Fred, that piece of shit over there is Jack." The boy answered, "Justin dude, you gotta smoke? They took mine." I stood up before jack could not move, and handed the kid a smoke and some matches. As he lit it, I noticed had red and full his lips were. Feeling a stir in my boxers, I turned and got my wine. "You drink?" I asked the boy. "Kewl! Yeah!" Justin said. "We sat around the table and a couple of cups of wine had Justin real talkative. Jack and I were in our boxers, the boy had stayed fully dressed. The wine got him warm and he unbuttoned his shirt. I saw a flat chest and caught a glimpse of pierced nipple. "Damn, I bet that hurt!" Justin frowned for a second, the alcohol had him confused. "Oh, yeah, dude it hurt a few days." He said as he realized I was talking about his nipple., Shaking his shirt the rest of the way off, he proudly showed his the piercing. "The bitches love it, dude!" He had a tattoo of a sun around his navel. Jack said, "Nice tat, Justin." He stood up and swayed a little. Sucking his flat stomach in, he displayed his tat. Pushing down the waist band of his boxers a little, he showed off a quarter moon tat. I saw a few wispy pubic hairs. He swayed some more and turned around showing us the dragon tattoo on his back. I stared at his back, a few beauty marks were sprinkled across it. His shoulders were broad, tapering down to that skinny little waist. His boxer waistband hugged a high tight rump. Damn that boy's hot body was giving me some way bad thoughts! Fred was squirming, so I figure his thoughts were about like mine. Grinning at him, I nodded my head, Fred nodded back. Justin sat back down and swallowed his wine in one chug a lug. I immediately refilled the plastic cup he was drinking from and pushed my cigarettes his way. A cup later, Justin's head nodded and rested on the table. His breathing told me that he was out like a light! "Shake him," I said. "I don't know, Jack. Something about this just don't seem right. It's another dude." It was kind of funny, Fred had been the one talking about it for a couple of weeks and now I was the one throwing wood for this boy. I picked him up and laid him on the table. He didn't move. I stared at his face, his chest. "He's too pretty to be like another dude, man. I'm gonna go for it." I said pulling Justin up so that his head angled off the table. I fished my dick out and touched it to his lips, rubbing it and staring at how it looked against those red full lips. Fred said, "He don't even shave, that's peach fuzz above his lip." I ran my hands over his smooth chest feeling the softness of his skin. I touched his pierced nipple and watched as it hardened immediately. I pinched his nose shut and his mouth opened to breathe air in. What went in it was my hard tool! I rubbed my dick against his tongue, enjoying the wet friction of having my cock in a warm mouth. I sighed and moaned in pleasure. In his drunken sleep the kid moved his tongue and it felt so good. Fred said, "Fuck! I give up! I can't stand this!" He pushed at his boxers and bent down to pull them off. As he stood back up, I said, "What the fuck?" Fred stood grinning, his legs spread wide. He clutched at his fuck rod and showed it off. I wasnt lacking in the dick department with over 11 inches of my own meat, but Fred had a few inches on me. It was a evil 13! And the fucking thing was as big around as my wrist! "It's fucking huge, man, awesome!" I had to give credit where it was due. Fred walked to where I stood and I moved to let him have a turn. As Fred stretched the boy's lips around his mushroom headed monster, I stepped out of my boxers. The drunken boy had no idea that he was about to seriously be dealing with some dick! I figured between me and Fred, there was a bout of foot and half of man meat for this pretty skater boy! I moved to the other end of the table and undid the boy's belt. I pulled his baggy jeans off along with his boxers. Even his dick was pretty! It was a shade darker then his skin, small and perfectly shaped. His ball sack was shaved and held the two small orbs tightly encased. I wet my fingers and touched his dick gently. I coaxed it into hardness and looked at the small 5 inch boy prick. Somehow that made it okay, his dick and balls were smaller, he was less of a man. Too pretty, too smooth. It justified the bad thoughts I was having. Fred complained "His mouth's too small, I keep feeling teeth!" I looked at Fred and said, "There's a place that don't have teeth man!" Fred frowned and touched his huge erection, and moaned. "Yeah, Jack, I'll get the grease." I lifted the still sleeping boy and laid him on my bunk, face down. I knelt beside him as Fred handed me the hair grease. Fred reached to part the smooth butt cheeks and moaned, "Damn, this kid's got a soft ass!" I looked into the opened crack. I had never looked at an asshole before. It was so small, so perfect. I touched it with a grease finger and rubbed around its tiny surface. I wondered how my dick would ever fit in there! I dipped out a glob of grease and pressed my index finger into the little bud. The boy squirmed as his ass opened but didn't come too. I slowly sank my finger in, the heat and smooth walls made me sigh. My dick was so wet that precum pooled on the floor. I carefully worked grease into the boy's ass. He moved a bit once or twice but his breathing never changed. I had his ass greased pretty good when I traded places with Fred and let him finger even more hair grease until the boy's chute. My voice was desperate when I told Fred, "That's enough man, I gotta fuck, I gotta fuck!" I climbed over the kid and supported my weight with my arms. I aimed my cock for his ass crack and slipped between the two smooth buns. I shifted until I felt my dick head touched the warm greasy ring! Fred had moved to the boy's head. As I penetrated the tight bud, the boy woke up and let out a painful howl! Fred covered his mouth and held his head. "Be quiet, you're getting fucked and unless you want everyone to know, Tears streamed down his face and he beg me to stop. You better keep quiet!" Fred warned. Fred moved his hand and the boy said in loud whisper, "God! God! It hurts! Man its tearing me! Shit man, you gotta stop!" I am not gay. This is so wrong. I could hear his cherry ripping. I wasn't even half way in yet, but ignored the boy's pain and squirming as I slowly penetrated him. When my pubes touched that soft butt, I rested my weight on the kid's body and cried out, "It's so tight! So tight! Man your ass is good! Almost lost it!" I ground my chest into his soft back until I felt the throb of my balls reduce. My nipples were hard and the boy's warm skin felt so good touching them. I licked at his ear lobe and began a slow outer stroke. The kid's hands opened and closed tearing at the sheets as I pulled everything but my dick head out. He squirmed and moaned in pain. As I pumped him like a hoe. I slamed deep and pulled out slow. Hes lil hole was open now. I started entering his ass again, he begged for me to take it out. I few minutes and a lot of fuck strokes later the kid had grown silent. I thought he may have passed out. I picked up the pace a little bit. "Why's my mouth taste so bad? No one came in my mouth, did they? You guys mess with my mouth?" I couldn't speak other then to express how good this felt, but Fred let him know he was tasting our dick drippings. Fred stroked the boy's hair and face, telling him how pretty he was, how soft and smooth and small. The boy said "It hurts so bad man. Why you gotta do this to me, why you hurting me like this?" My sweat glued us together as I ground my dick in and out enjoying each movement inside the kid's hot ass. I concentrated on not cumming and making this last! My first fuck in a month! Finally, I could hold back no longer, and my dick throbbed and pulsed my seed deep inside this hot tight boy butt! I didn't cry out because it was so intense that I couldn't do anything but feel the pleasure of my nuts pumping out that few seconds of pleasure! Justin said, "Why'd you stop man? You're not cumming in my ass! Man, not in my ass! Please don't do that dude!" . don't breed me. I hadn't caught my breath yet, but managed a "Too late." Justin said, "Aw fuck! Please get off of me man! Please take it out! I gotta use the bathroom dude!" I felt weak from the fuck but lifted myself up, I hadn't even got my dick all the way out of the boy butt when he squirmed out from under me and held his ass and ran to the toilet. I could hear his ass squirting even as he kept flushing the toilet to attempt to cover up the sound. "What was it like, Jack?" Fred asked. Sighing, I responded, "It was the best thing I ever remember fucking!" That was as close as I could get to describing the boy's ass. Fred said, "I gotta have some!" I looked at my bud's enormous cock and agreed , but felt really bad for the kid.. "I'm gonna check on him and clean my dick off, Fred." Justin sat on the toilet wiping his ass and looking at the toilet paper. He wasn't crying but every time he touched his ass with the rough jail toilet paper, he flinched. I wet a wash cloth and handed it to him. "Clean up with this, it'll feel softer." "Are you bleeding?" I asked. "No, man, I don't think so! Is their blood on your dick?" Justin asked, looking at the wash cloth. I was washing off my dick, "No, just grease and cum." "Why did you have to do that to me? Man, I ain't gay. You know I ain't. Why dude?" "Naw, I know you didn't want it, Justin. I think it's a guy thing. You're weaker, younger, and I wanted to fuck. Ego or power, something like that." "It ain't right man, not right at all." Justin replied. "You'll get used to it, it hurts women the first time too." "Get used to it? I don't think so dude! I ain't ever gonna get used to having a dick shoved in my ass! I ain't into pain man!" I was tired of talking. "Well, you got Fred in there waiting for his turn, boy. I really don't give a fuck if you hate it, whatever. I know your ass was a great fuck and I'm gonna use it as long as we're in this tank together. That's how it is!" Justin said, "I can't do it again, I'm too sore, too raw. I just can't!" I grabbed him by the shoulder, "I didn't think I could ever fuck another dude, but I did it. We all gotta do things we don't think we can. Naw march that smooth ass in there and take care of my buddy!" I pulled Justin into the tank, I stopped so he could get a good look at Fred. Fred sat naked on the table, his legs spread. As Justin took in Fred's salami sized cock, he stepped away from me, back against the wall. "No fucking way dude! Its bigger then my arm man! No fucking way!" "Justin, go let Fred fuck your ass. It's gonna happen, why even bother thinking you can stop it?" "I can scream man! I can fucking yell my fucking head off!" Justin threatened. "Sure you can," I agreed. "Then everyone will know you've been fucked. You got our precum in your mouth dude! My cum in your ass! How are you gonna explain not screaming when I punked your skinny hot little ass? Me and Fred will tell the guards how you gave up your ass for some cigarettes, how you sucked our dicks! Think about it!" Justin thought. Fred was impatient but I let Justin have his time to think. I knew the outcome. I poured Justin another cup of wine and handed him a cigarette. "You'll need the wine before that donkey dick sticks your ass, kid." Justin shook his head and chugged the wine. He closed his eyes tight as if he could make us disappear. I took the empty cup from his hand and replaced it with the can of hair grease. "Get a lot of that up your butt and then grease his dick up real good," I advised. I threw a mattress on the floor. "Fred, lay on that, you got a real big dick. It could hurt the boy. Let him sat on it a little at a time to get used to it, dude." Fred said, "Sure." He got on the mattress and used both hands to hold his dick straight up. Justin didn't want to touch it until I told him to grease it up or take it dry. The kid put globs of grease on the monster prick! Fred had been right, the kid wasn't gonna say anything about getting fucked. He had a desperate look on his face as he straddled Fred's body. "Face me, kid, " Fred said, "I wanna see your face when you sit that ass down on my hawg!" Justin was mad as he turned to face Fred. He looked down between his legs as he lowered his body. He let out a small cry as the wrist sized cock head touched his turned out ass ring! I saw his face getting damp as he tried to get it in. Sweat coated his forehead and made his bangs stick. I realized he wasn't gonna be able to take that level of pain on his own, so I moved and latched onto his shoulders and gave a push down! His entire body shook as I slowly pushed him down on the light bulb sized prick tip! He kept howling "God! God!" over and over. I knelt down and looked at where my bud's entire cock head had entered the boy's rump. I stared at the boy's bud almost in disbelief. The thick head had stretched the little ass ring into total smoothness! "make him take more!" Fred demanded, "Push his little hot ass down on my big rod! Shove his little skinny ass down!": I didn't shove the boy, but resumed pressure, slowly inching the huge pole inside him. All three of us were sweating when I reached the halfway point! I rubbed the boy's stomach and kept telling him to breathe deep! Finally it was all the way in, trouble was Justin's knees were shaking so bad, he couldn't move. I got an idea and lifted Justin's ankles. Which cause his weight to sunk down totally on the fat prick that had rendered him helpless. Fred got the idea as I placed Justin's legs on his shoulders and moved so that Justin was on his back, legs spread with Fred between them. Fred started slow short moves causing Justin to grunt out, "Its fucking me up inside! God, its killing me!" Fred slowly moved, a inch or so in, an inch or so out. I had never noticed that Fred was pretty built. I had never watched a man fuck before, much less fuck another dude. I was surprised at how graceful Fred looked as he fucked. I watched the fuck, I listened to Justin express his pain, to Fred talk about the wonder hole he was inside. I played with my dick and balls as I watched. In time the fuck grew faster and harder. Justin's face was shining with the sweat pain had caused. I could see Fred tensing and jabbing harder. I knew he was close. I moved behind him so I could watch his balls as he nutted. I could see them move and jerk and I knew he was filling the boy up with cream. It was over, I listened to the slurpy sounds as Fred pulled his long dick out of that boy's guts. Justin stood on wobbling legs attempting to get to the toilet. I wrapped an arm around him and helped him get there. I left him in private to do his business. Same scene as before, the boy flushed the toilet to cover the sounds of his stretched out ass bud expelling the cum. Me and Fred talked, not about the sex, but about anything else. I heard the boy in the shower as Fred said, "It was fucking incredible." I knew what he meant, "The power?" "Yeah." Fred replied. Justin came back in the tank, wrapped in a towel. He grabbed at his clothes and started for the bathroom. "Naw, Justin, come here. I'm hard again." I said. His face had no expression as he came to my bunk. I moved him on his side and fucked him silly. I was surprised at how tight the kid's ass still felt. I fell asleep happy and satisfied as I heard Fred getting his second nut in the boy's ass. We fucked that boy all weekend until he got out on Monday morning. I watched him walk slowly and stiffly out of the tank. Fred worried that he would tell for awhile, I knew better. It was back to me and Fred watching tv and passing time again. Back to boredom and talk about the next one. We both were waiting for Friday to arrive in hope of another hot young boy!

Next: Chapter 3

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