New Jail Pussy

By moc.loa@32guhTelcsuM

Published on Jun 26, 2023


First, let me start by laying down a little bit of my background. My name is Justice. Ironic name for jail. I am 5'10", Muscular ,brown hair and blue eyes. I am 22 years old. I am married and consider myself straight. I have had a few homosexual experiences in the past, but they were with my best friend who is a long distance truck driver. My previous gay experiences were monogamous with my friend and are still completely secret. The worst thing I had done was suck a dick. During my short time in prison, I have seen countless violent rapes. I hear about rapes off and on, most are not known and not reported cause most of them take place behind closed doors. If a victim is scared enough, he may never tell what happen to him, it depends on what the victim is focused on, like embarrassment, shame, escape, pain, aids, suicide, or living with a scar the rest of his life as a homosexual or bisexual, not letting go of the abuse in there minds. . . . The ones who get raped here are mostly the weaker prey, or someone who's in debt, or looking protection from someone else .It has become evident that if a man reports that he has been raped he naively sets himself up for additional victimization, he becomes Jail Pussy. Rapes happen to younger prisoners. When they have a punk or a kid out they treat them like trophies it makes them feel important or somebody with status! They thrive on the status they couldn't get in the free world. The punks or kids that they turnout they are like a flag to tell every one that this is mine I own this Pussy . When they do turn out a guy they actually own them, every penny they get it goes to there man. You can buy a kid for 20 or 30 dollars on most wings!! They sell them like cattle. My behavior changed to such cold heartedness that I resented anyone who found reason to smile, to laugh, and to be happy in my first month there, On maximum security wings, blacks and whites don't even sit together. Black often target weaker white guys as Pussy. I have no race issues and this was hard for me. The Blacks have there own benches and the Mexicans have theres and the Whites if there are enough to fight for one has theres. And if a white went to sit on a Black bench he would be jumped on ditto for blacks and Mexicans. Even in celling assignments the whites will refuse to live with a colored or a mexican because there cellie who has friends will steel there stuff or they will jump on the white dude so they refuse to live with them. And if a white dude kicks it or talks to blacks or mexicans a lot of the whites will run court on him (court means an ass whopping and he could possibly get raped by his own). Its the same for blacks and mexicans. . . . The whites hate the Blacks and Mexicans because those two races have a lot of people in here and take advantage of us by making the small and week ones ride or turn them out, and the big ones have to fight all the time. If you come in here as a non-racial white man and you fight for your proporty more than likely when you leave you'll be a full fledge KKK member! There are a lot of racial groups here and with the way the whites get treated, they get mixed up in those groups and become haters. Prison is the best recruiting ground the white power movement . My Cousin Jag was second in command is such a group. But he did love fucking his Latin jail pussy boys I am small but I work out a lot. I am a ball of muscle and. My Cousin Jagger has been in prison forever and was my welcome Wagon when I got here. No one messy with him he has murder a few times in and out of Jail. Jag is a full 6'4 " he is 40 years old, he a mean bastered and is the boss in my cell. He shaves hes had and has all type of demon tats and murder sence tatted on his huge Muscular frame. He is about the biggest guy in here. He is bigger than the biggest black guy here. He was thin when he got here but in jail you workout a lot. We have fought once over my wife's picture I wouldn't give to him to jack off to. I thought he would kill me. He's hit me once or twice because I didn' t move fast and didn't get away. He never hurt me . He easily could if he wanted to. His Mother my Aunt Carrie ,made him promise to watch over me. I moved right into his cell when I got there, he had pull. He had one other roommate his own personal Jail Pussy Bitch name Colby, but Jag just called him pussy. My Cousin protects me and his Jail Pussy. Colby is passive and cleans the cell and

washes our clothes and toilet. I am not allowed to fuck Colby but I have wanted to . After 3 months of being in here. A hot latin smooth ass looks inviting even if you are straight. Colby was a little slut also and a tease me. He would go as far as to lay back on my buck ass bare and flex his cunt lips. This gave me a instance 9 inch woody. He was made well suited to be a pussy. He was 22 also 5'8 small cute , Dark curly hair big brown eyes and dimples. He couldn't even grow facial hair. He was all smooth. Most guys have taken a dick in jail. It the tattle tales that really get abuse because everyone knows now that there cherry has been pop, promises a nice smooth entrance for a con's dick. Jag was a true stud a breeder no one had ever fuck him .He bragged often about this... I keep my cherry by being his little cousin. He was good to me. Colby once tried to give me a blow job when Jag was out beating ass, but I was too afraid to mess up my situation here with Jag. It was still about 100 degrees inside here and I was sweating like crazy, so I took my shirt off. It was wet . Colby was telling me about his home in Columbia. While he was telling me this story, all of which just amazed me, he had his left hand on my belly, just beneath my hard-as-rock dick. Two fingers were gently curved down toward my scrotum, but touching my phallus; the other three were buried in my patch. Colby offer a cool mouth to relieve me. Don't worry he is sleeping Colby said. Colby was gay from the day he was born and love getting dicked. I let him suck me . I hadn't cummed in 3 months and I was bitting my lip so I wouldn't scream out when I released. I flood Colby mouth throat and nose.... My nut ran out his nose it was wild. He said he never had that much cum before from one guy. I was a little proud. he leaned over to my face and kissed it everywhere, spreading my cum everywhere: in my hair, on my nose, on my chin, dripping from my jawline; and likewise it was in my three-day beard and in his hair, now wet with sweat. I was like fuck gotta clean this up before Jag sees it. We cleaned up and the rest of the night was calm . We played card when Jag got up and we acted as if nothing happen. I was happy to get some sexual relief. The next week passed without a event. Then it happen I came back from the yard and notice dudes in the entrance of our cell. Where is Jag ?I said in a shaken voice. Don't worry about him he is busy in the reck room a big black man said in a angry voice. Where is Colby I question? The crowd of 5 parted and there was Colby being gang bang by 2 men. He seem unconscious or drug and wasn' t responded. I try to make my exit and was meet at the door By Bull . Bull is 6'4 and a Monster, a huge guy and evil to the core. He is of black and Latin mix. Bull push me to the floor and gently pulled my face back up to eye contact level. " What's about to happen to you can be called rape. You will feel disgust, hate, and pain. You will live through it. We will tell you what we want, what we expect. Your job is to meet our needs and wants. Any attempt to not obey will result in pain for you. When you get out of here, you can even pretend this never happened. Or, you could choose to tell what took place. If you tell, people will look at you forever as `that boy that was raped in jail'. If you tell, we will deny it, the jail staff will deny it. These things don't

happen. If we need to, we will say you sold yourself to us for commissary. In the end, it doesn't matter. Do you understand?" And no Jag cant help you or that bitch of his in the corner. I trembled as he dropped the jumpsuit to the floor. He stepped out of the sandals and then the jumpsuit. Only the blue boxers protected him now. The men were standing around, staring at me. The lust filled men looked at me as if I was some hot looking bitch. Colby had been used and wet and bloody in a corner with a sheet over him at this point. Blue a Con remembered for his evil ways was slobbering at the mouth for his chance to hurt me. I begged and pleaded and felt so useless....Where the Fuck was Jag. Bull placed my ankles over his shoulders .He wanted to look into my face as he hurt me. He slamed the inflated purple black head of his 11 inch thick cock into my hole. It hurt like hell. The spit lubricant made his entry easier for him , but not for me. I passed out for a second to wake up as he really started to ride me. He slid into my hot rectum like a iron poker. He inched until his cock was completely buried in my ass. I cried like a baby as they tease me. Damn he must have been a virgin one smaller rapist said. I couldn't help crying out as his piston slowly worked my anal canal. It was nothing short of painful "Yeah, you like my big dick up your ass, don't you? he panted. "Look at yourself, pussyboy. Look at you taking big black dick up the ass. You got a black man laying in YO back and fucking your brains out. Fucking hot sight, isn't it? Little white pussyboy taking the big cock of a real man. A real black man who knows what to do with a man's cock. Yeah, bitch. Take it. Take it hard!" His thrusting was brutal and my arms were straining to hold us both up under the onslaught and our combined weight as he let himself settle fully onto my back. I watched the muscles in my own arms bunching and flexing as I worked to support us as he humped me. I could see the veins in my forearms standing out under the skin as I bore our weight and worked to steady us. It felt like his cock, lubed only with my spit was pulling my guts out each time he withdrew and I watched pain and pleasure alternate on my face again and again. Of course, the look of conquest remained on Jay's face and the look of submission remained on my own through it all. He let out a roar and cum deep in me .I actually felt the flood of nut fill me . He was instantly replaced by. PT a bank robbery that was also know for stealing old ladies Goverment checks. "I'd like a crack at him, he grunted"The first thing he did was beat me in the head twice just to keep me crying. He did flip me over unable to look in my face directly as he raped me. Blue put himself in my mouth. I was worked from both ends. That's right whiteboy. Now you're my cocksucker Blue bosted. Mmmmm. Use your tongue on the head, cocksucker. Ahhh yeah! That's the way. Now, time to take more." He shoved another couple inches into my mouth until the flared cockhead was at the entrance to my throat. I was focused on his wiry pubic hair getting closer to my lips, when he grabbed my head and turned my face up to look at him again. He started stroking his cock in and out of my mouth, the head punching against the entrance to my throat each time. "Fuck yeah! You are a great cocksucker, whiteboy." I could only grunt in affirmative. "You are a natural, faggot. You were born to suck cock. I bet Jag been using this mouth . If he wasn't he is a fool. Ahhhh, yeah! You suck dick like you been doing it all your life. Oh, hell yeah. That's right whiteboy. Suck my big black cock! Damn that feels so good. "Time to take more." Killa D, said he had lost his patience because the guys normal make him wait later consider the fact the has 13 inches of murderous rock hard meat. He was about my size but had the biggest dick I had ever seen. Damn KD wait a min the other snarled....See what you did to the Latin boi, Colby. Now hes no good. Lets us enjoy this cherry Yo, then its your. He was none to please but back off. Killa D stood there jacking his dick. He was a little off . They know they couldn't hold him back for long or he may get in one of there asses. Pt's next stroke didn't stop when his head reached my throat. Instead, he used brute force to ram his cock further, choking me. I heard him laugh. "Do it faggot, fucking Jail Pussy ! Choke on my black cock! You look great there on your knees with your hot white lips stretched around my cock and playing with your own white meat like a little boy." He pulled back for a second, then forced his way into my throat again. Before I had time to start choking, he withdrew, then slammed in again. He set up his pace slowly taking more and more of my throat, working until I had his entire length inside me. I realized he was right, rapidly as he fucked my mouth. Killa D couldn't wait any longer before Pt or Blue busted a nut he reached down and grabbed a fistful of my hair on the top of my head. He pulled me to my feet and looked down my body. "Yeah, you look nice, whiteboy.. This is gonna be fun. "Need it now, don't ya, pussyboy? Well don't worry, I'm gonna put it to you again. Get up on your hands and knees. I'm gonna fuck you like a dog, bitch." I quickly obeyed, scrambling around on the bed until I knelt before him on my hands and knees. I felt him move up closer behind me, then felt the head of his cock probing my entrance. How could he possibly fit in me. Suddenly, he grabbed a handful of my hair, pulling my head, up and back, straining my neck. Still firmly holding my hair, he rammed his cock head into me. It felt even more

intense taking the whole head length of him like that. Killa pulled out completely then rammed in again. I moaned as he stuck me a third time. I could hear the blacks laugh a little as he completed his fourth penetration.

"So you like that, do you pussyboy? You like me pulling out and giving it to you all at once. Well fucking take it!" He released my hair and I let my head drop down. The other watch no wanting to piss Kill D off cause he really is crazy. You got it, pussyboy." He thrust back into me, filling me with his cock again. Only half of it would fit . I preyed that I wasn't bleeding but knew I was. I felt a warm sensation overtaking my hole. I moaned in appreciation and clamped down hard on his cock.

"Yeah, that's the way, whiteboy, keep it nice and tight for your stud's cock." He really began to fuck, humping me hard and fast. Both of our bodies shook with the force of his fucking.

He pushed me forward and I leaned on the bed, bent over for this guy's use. He really plugged me, working his cock at all angles, filling me and making me moan. He was panting from the effort and I knew he had to be close to shooting his load. The Cons cheered him on. Colby sat up in the corner beating badly not looking like his beautiful self. My own cock started to shoot just a second later. As this black stud shot his load of hot sperm inside me, I shot my own load all over my chest and abs. "Oh god!" I cried out as my cock spurted. Our eyes were still locked as we both came. I didn't know why I unloaded. I wasn't enjoying being raped...I hated them . Killa D let out a long, slow breath and slowly pulled his cock out of me. He collapsed onto his back next to me on the bed. I watched his chest rise and fall as he caught his breath. I felt empty now as I lowered my legs. Killa looked at me as he climbed off the bed, he then spit in my face. Next time am gonna get it all up in you slut he hissed. My ass burned I was sore I now had ass lips. T or Tyrone which is his real name was next. He took my chin in his hand and turned me towards him, immediately guiding his cock past my lips. At that same moment, Malcolm a light skin black took my asshole. I was shocked I had been nice to Malcolm in the past .I felt we were friends. He looked at me and said Pussy is Pussy Yo. I moaned, and he spread my legs as far as I could to give him room to work at this point I just obeyed. I felt his hands on my knees as his big cock pumped smoothly into my well-oiled snatch. Jerome began pinching and rubbing my nipples as his friends took their turns with me. Tyrone kept my chin up, forcing me to look up at him while he fed me his meat. I didn't have to do anything at first but keep my throat relaxed while he fucked all the way into the back of my mouth. Jerome's fingers kept up their pressure, and Malcolm expertly fucked me in the ass, and I just laid there and let them have their fun.

Tyrone didn't last very long. I could taste his precum on my tongue long before he suddenly straddled my chest, pulled his cock from my lips, and blew his semen all over my neck and face. Roaring with his orgasm, he let me take his dick in my hand and milk the load out into my mouth. The two of them worked me over for quite awhile before Malcolm's cock began to swell inside my stretched hole. His thrusts slowed a little just before he forced my legs back against my chest and erupted inside me. His steamy come felt so good inside me, and I could feel it lubricating him as he continued to pump me for several minutes. Before he finished in my asshole, Jerome came in my mouth, spewing his load without pulling out. I gulped his hot sauce down as it rushed over my tongue in waves, his cock pulsing violently with each shot.

By the time they finished, Killa D and Bull was up again. They rolled away from my glistening body to make room for Killa D to move in and roll me onto my hands and knees. Working deliberately, he pried my asshole open with his thumbs before moving in for the kill. When he did, I let out a long, slow scream as he fully penetrated me with his long, muscular penis. He pushed in until his balls pressed again fully against me, the hairy sac swinging back and forth. I had all 13 inches deep in my new cunt. My hole ripped and was to tight for him causing him to nut early. I heard him growl when he began to cum. He shot it all inside me, still pumping fast and furious, even picking up speed a bit as his balls emptied their juice up my puckering hole. I shook my hips from side to side, trying to get him out so I could take a break from the action. As he finally began to slow down, he smacked me sharply across the ass and pushed me off of his long cock. I fell face down on the bed, breathing heavily, his cum trickling out of me and down my thighs. Bull pick me up like a doll and place me on a waiting Malcolm. Malcolm was ready again . I couldn't scream, couldn't cry out, all I could do was gasp and shudder on top of Malcolm's chest. My breath was completely taken away. I had never been double penetrated, and the feeling was indescribable. Both Bull and Malcolm entered me. It was painful, sure, but just the thought of being able to please two men with my tight ass at the same time made me sick. I was now a true jail pussy. I was stretched wider than I ever thought possible, wider than I thought I ever wanted to be. But here I was, literally caught from behind, pinned between two very sexy, experienced black men, being ridden to new heights of ecstasy. It was incredible but painful. worked himself into me, crowding my poor asshole with meat. Once he was in, Malcolm let go of my hands, and I wrapped them behind his head and just held him while they screwed me. The cocks alternated strokes so that I was fully penetrated at all times. I just closed my eyes and made the best of it, and eventually I felt my backdoor begin to conform to their size, and the pain was replaced by a taut, dull ache. Soon it actually began to feel enjoyable. They were rough with me, I begged for God. They seemed to understand what I was going through and loved it. My eyes were closed the entire time, but my mouth was open in a perpetual moan of lust. Malcolm occasionally pulled my head down and kissed me, stifling my moans. His thick, puffy lips engulfed mine, and his tongue snaked deep into my mouth.

When his tongue wasn't probing my mouth, Tyrone's member was. As soon as Malcolm's mouth left mine, my head was turned to my left, and Tyrone's cock went in, and I found myself servicing three guys simultaneously, without using my hands. My little body was accepting all three of these monster cocks at the same time. They fucked me until they each came again, Malcolm and Jerome up my ass, Tyrone in my mouth. Ty's load was very thick and bitter tasting, so I swallowed it quickly. I knew I was going to have his aftertaste in my mouth all night. As his sperm slid down my throat, Jerome began to come, and within seconds Malcolm came too. Having double the load spew into my ass at the same time was an awesome feeling, and it made me come, too. I felt my penis jerk on Malcolm's stomach, and then I felt a warm stream of cum spread out over us.

"OH MY GOD!" I screamed. "You're making me cum! You guys are making me c-c-CUM!"

They all laughed as I bucked and wiggled wildly between the two men. When Jerome pulled out, I felt a gush of hot semen run down the backs of my thighs and onto the mattress even though Malcolm was still up me. I was so exhausted, I couldn't raise myself off of him, but he softly kissed my mouth again, then gently rolled me over onto my back. I just laid there for several minutes, trying to get my breath .that's when the guard broke things up. "Ok Boys you had your fun . Back to your cells the Guard order." I laid there holding Colby like we were kids. Jag knew what had happen before he return. When he returned No of us said a word. He was obviously jumped and beat. He felt like he had let us down. I could see it in his face. He was mad. Colby was hurt the worst and was in treatment for days which included anal stitches. I was hurt and depressed knowing that for the rest of my time there I was jail Pussy and they made good use of my cunt..

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