New Jail Pussy

By moc.loa@32guhTelcsuM

Published on Jun 13, 2023


The pain and sense of being filled to the limit was excruciating in my throat, but I couldn't scream, as the black dude was now face fucking me deeply, and it was all I could do to keep from gagging and to try to catch my breath. I could moan, though, and I was doing plenty of that. The blond racist dude said he loved my moaning and that I should do it louder for him. He also said he loved my tight ass, and that he knew the others would love it to The others?I had been there for 3 days and 2. hours and I was being rapped. I moaned louder, I couldnt see threw my own tears who was fucking my face. My wail signaling to the inmates that it was time to fuck the New jail Pussy.

They took me to medical after my rape my throat my mouth was bloody. I could not believe these dudes would rape me and actually take me to get help after. I was then brought me back to my cell. When they put me back in my cell, I was crying for what they done to me.

My cell mates name is Dirk , he didn't care about me but he would not let a bunch of dudes be in his cell like that. He hadn't did anything to me yet but I could tell he considered me his possession already. Dirks buddy in the next cell said he would protect me in the future .He came over to my cell when

they were raping my mouth. My cellie Dirk was gone. I taught I was safe again, He did try to stop them briefly before giving up. I was crying for what they done. My cellie's homeboy said he would protect me he came over to my cell when I was returned. My cellie was still gone. I taught I was safe. He looked concern for me.

He ask me what happen and what was I crying for. He tired to stop the Mob but gave up and went to watch TV as they hurt me. So now he was here trying to comfort me now. I couldn't blame him,I learned you cant get involved to much in cons bussiness. He ask me how I was going to pay him for protection in the future if Dirk wasn't around. I told him when I went to the store I would pay him with smokes. . He said you remember what the deal we made. I was mad. the deal was you would protect me. I said, right. He smiled in agreement. He ask me what happen

actually and I told him. They took me man and used me I stated. I was shamed. I saw him getting hard from what I was telling him so I stop talking . I

cried harder. He was huge Monster . I had this sick feeling in my stomach.

Damn Yo did they fucked you in Yo little azz. No I stated angry as hell. I can stop that from happing he insisted. I mean the Ass fuck. I cant protect your Pussy. YO I got your back little Asian boy he mumbled. His eye glaring over my body. I knew I was in trouble. I begged because I was hurt and sick already, dude be cool ok. He ask me how I was going to pay him for protection again, from the cons. I told him when I went to the store I would pay him smoke what ever you want. But he said I want to fuck your cunt. I told him that I didn't do that. He said you remember what the deal we made. I was mad, i hadn't made that deal with him .Ok you will protect me but I have to let you use me , is that it. No I aint doing that Man.

I dont do that kind of stuff you tryna use me man. So he kept saying he aint gonna take long. He just started stripping. He black dick exposed and shining. So he had me have anal sex with him. After that, my cellie came back from rec, he found out what his homeboy did and told me he wanted to do the same since I was giving up Pussy. He had lost respect for me. . He also made me have anal sex. He seem angry as he raped me. Mostly because he got seconds. I kept quiet about it ,I didn't tell the Guards working and I was scared to tell them but they wouldn't care.

My cellie told me that at last chow his buddy C Murder wanted to meet me, my name was getting around . He had killed 3 dudes in jail and wanted me to come over and stay all night in his cell., I dont think so. So I waited until last chow. I went an ate, when I came back there was a officer walking with all the inmates. So I let all the inmates go in and stop the officer and told him the problem . . . . He took me to see Lt Tucker. I told him what was going on, and needed to be locked up. He told me the only way that I could get locked up was if I refused housing and I would receive a case. I said I didn't care, I just needed his help. He sent me to lock up in the hole.

I was in the hole. No light, limited food for 3 days. I was punished like I did something wrong, life in here was going to be hard. While locked in the hole. I had nightmare of my rapes and lived it every second. I was a broken man, I was less than a man. I went back to my cell the next day and in no time. I was being used again. This was hell. I wanted out.

I screamed in pain and shame as more of them entered my my cell zone. They were inside me so often so deep I think the tip of their cock came out of my mouth, at least it felt like it did. He rode me for over an hour and as I loosened up , I forgot the heat in the cell. They popped off a huge load inside me, instead of stopping they just kept on stroking for another half hour and I finally collapsed on the floor. that's the day I was gang bang and ended up in the medical ward again.

In prison everything is regulated including when a man's day begins and ends. Nighttime is difficult for me because its the time when they decide to do crazy shit. Stabbing, robberies, and even raping the jail pussy take place at night during lights out. The guards dont care. Sometimes during the night as the new guys were being broken in you could hear the screams of pain and the howls of terror as brutal rapes and jump ins took place in the Cut. Tonight there was lots a screaming and crying for lost man hood.

The Cut is what cons call jail. I was sentenced to a nickel in the cut for drug trafficking. Even though I have been here a 6 months I still cant adjust to the way we have to live in here. Always wondering about the next brutha. Is he gonna stab me or steal from me? Am I gonna be attacked, raped? Shit happens everyday here and can happen to any guy

Soon I shared a cell with new guys including Dirk. One of them is serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole and the other two are repeat offenders; caught up in a cycle of goin in and out of prison. In a way It had become a way of life for them. So guys would rather be in here.

Dirk my first cellmate that rape me.was a loner with a few mental problems. He was a 6 footer. He was 34. I never knew what he was in for but I know he had a drug thing going on the outside. Dirk wasn't good looking , but he was built like a bull and had great teeth. He was kind of a gentle Guy which is why I guess he didn't rape me my first night in. He wasn't to bright either,

The first new guy, who is serving the life sentence, is about 6'4" tall very dark and muscle bound 27 years old. He is a mental case am not sure if he is crazy or just acting , but he has everyone sure he is nuts. We call him Loco. Loco is know for raping smaller dudes he has no respect for anyone, everyone is a victim because everyone is smaller than him. He killed 2 dudes on the outside and raped a mother and her daughter.

The second guy is also dark and about 6 feet tall and he is a very stocky thick black rican , he was young like 20. The third guy is part Hispanic which made him a pretty but he was mean as hell and no one not even Loco would get into his shit. He preferred being called Black even though he wasn't that dark. He was covered in Street tats and had a huge cut scar across he's face. He was a mean evil fucker and walked around holding his dick. He looks at you like he wants to hurt you just because. Black was about 5'11" and a deep golden brown. He had a gold tooth and black curly hair . Even his dick was scary its mushroom head perfectly round .They called him black for his black heart not his skin.

My American name is Tony. I am Filipino from Hawaii, but I wasn't born here so I have a slight accent. I am just a regular guy 5'9 height and size. I just turn 20 myself. The cons here call me pretty too not because I am handsome but because I am what they call pretty pussy. Whether I like it or not dudes fuck me in my ass and make me suck their dicks I was jail pussy. Guy from my race have a hard time in prison. The only hope was to join the small but dangerous Asian gang. This is why I hate lights out because then is when Black and the racist whites who are horny and want to get a piece of ass just take my shit because I have no protection.

Today Black had lost a one on one hoop it up and was in a really bad mood. He never looses a game and losing to a white Guy pissed him off. He was always in a bad mood but I could tell that his mood was bad as it gets by the way he looked at me from time to time during the day. I would wisper in passing .You am getting that thrid eye tonight. The other guys knew that he was going to take his turn tonight with me by way he was lookin at me. Of all the Black guys in my cell he was the worse. This dude even raped Dirk a few times.He had a really long thick dick 12 inches it would actually get rock hard and the last time he fucked me I was sore for 4 days. He is the one that truly broke me in .

"Lights out," the CO yelled. CO stands for Corrections Officer Bitch ass niggas that couldn't make it as police officers. I laid on my cot trying to calm myself for what I knew was coming. It was an especially hot today and the hot air was like a blanket laying thick over me. I heard the first creak of the cot in which Black sleeps and then footsteps but I never turned my head to see him get up and walk over to my side of the cell. "Shorty you know what time it is," he said in a low and menacing voice, grabbing my head and forcing my face into his pubic area. The musk of his dick and balls was not unpleasant but acrid to my nose.

I began to lick his balls and squeezing his dick forcefully; the way he liked it. I licked the creases of his legs and behind his balls my hands rubbing his legs. I could tell by the tensing in his legs that he liked what I was doing. I licked the underside of his dick using long up and down strokes on the big vein underneath his big dick. I guess I wasn't moving fast enough because he grabbed my head and forced his dick into my mouth. I choke almost passing out as my tonsils milked his dick. He cums fast but stays hard and can repeat this for some time. Its thick salty taste and heat began to cause my asshole to contract in anticipation of accommodating its length. I was now sucking vigorously as he pumped in and out of my mouth. "Lay on your stomach faggot jail pussy he said his voice thick with loathing and disgust as he noticed my now hard dick." I guess I didn't move fast enough again for him because he grabbed my shoulder and slammed me against the cot face down. He spat on his hands and lubed his big dick. In my mind I could already feel its massive length up in my ass, he slammed in my tight hole. Fucking slut he would wisper in my ear. I hurt so bad.

During his initial penetration I had learned to think about something else because if I didn't the pain would be unbearable. But tonight even that didn't work as Black rammed his dick into me, he wanted to hurt me. I suppressed a scream but the pain shot through me like a knife nonetheless. I felt instantly full ; my ass impaled by his long thick dick. I could hear my cell mate laugh. I tried to ease the pain by inching forward on the cot. Realizing this he locked his arms through mine and secured a greater gripped and then the hard

pounding really began. I didn't wanna wake Dirk because he may want seconds.

The sweat from his body began to seep into the crack of my ass; its saltiness burning the now raw tissues of my asshole. I began to sweat and the steady pounding began to arouse me deeply.

The soft tissues in my ass began to respond to the hardness of his dick as it went in and out. I tried to squeeze my ass muscles and grind back against him trying to please him. He became more violence. You little slut he whispered as he bit my ear. I felt a rush of cum in my ass. The flood that was taking place in my ass felt as if it was feeling my bows. My body spasmed as I felt his hot juices pouring into to me. The waves of pleasure engulfing me. Another night in the Cut. He was then off of me. He laid on his cot and was asleep in seconds. I rushed to the toilet and sit there for most of the night trying to heal my damage.

Cream of wheat and toast again for breakfast. The food here in prison wasn't shit but it was better than being hungry. The clamor of the 700 guys in my POD was deafening. Prison populations are broken up into what are called pods. My POD was the smallest and we were less guarded than most that were on lock down or solitary confinement. Everybody in jail either played cards or hoop when they weren't lifting. I lift too but in the evening after the big guys in charge had finished for the day. The only reason I was pussy was because of my smaller features.

I tried joing the Asian Gang in prison for protection but they hadn't taken me in yet. The leader name was Toi he said I had a phat booty which I admitted I did. So if he would except me in the crew If I knew my role would be jail pussy still. The Asian gang was known for killing dudes just because. The Asian guys were mostly smaller guys and had to be ruthless. Toi raped me on my first visit to he's cell making me suck his dick. when I asked for protection. I was hurt badly, He wasn't a huge dick , but he was a evil fuck and beat me.He and he gang laughed. Because he is Chinese he didn't care much about me. My ass was plump and round just the way he liked it, . Other than that I was just as masculine as any other guy up in this joint but every one wanted me to be a bitch. I noticed that the morning air was cool as I made my way to the main yard. The game had already begun. The White guy Travis was a team captain and Black was the other. Travis ruled the white side of the jail. He got the power from

his dad that was also a inmate. He's dad was shanked lasted year I watched as Travis flexed his beautiful Tan dark body. Travis and his racist brothers were organized. The sweat on his body causing it to glisten in the sunlight turn me on. Travis was especially cut meaning that his muscles had definition above normal. He and Black jostled for position. Both men intent upon beating the game Travis was fine I thought to myself. He could had model ih he wasn't such a criminal. He had short wavy hair and the bone structure of God , his narrow face was perfect. He was all man. The sweat was causing his gym shorts to cling to his leg revealing the print of dick. My heart skipped a beat every time it swung as he jumped to block a basket. The dude had it going on. All around me men were going about doing what it took to survive in prison. Big chests and big arms everywhere. One black walked by and the print of his dick in his sweat pants. I never wanted to run into him. His cock was almost down to his knees. I could not help but to watch. I was smaller than they were

in the dick area so a large one was appealing to me.

The game ended and Black had redeemed himself from yesterday .I was happy I would be rape tonight to help him regain his pride.. I scanned the crowd looking for Dirk and seeing him went over to where he was. I tried to kick some small talk to him but he wasn't interested today for some reason. Dirk was from Alabama and like most southern guys he was very friendly. In fact he was one of the few things that I could relate to in prison. He invited me to play on his side in a game of spades and my day was spent sitting at the card table but not saying much. Yea he raped me but he was still more of a pal.

In the back of my mind I knew I needed to take a shower but it was not safe to do that in the morning I usually shower around 3 p.m. because dinner was served at 3:30 and most Cons would have food on their minds instead of ass. So I made my way to the shower and stepping in I noticed that no one was there as usual. Showers in prison have no privacy . There are just shower heads lined up along the wall. I turned on one of the showers and the warm water was eased my mind as it washed away the frustrations of prison life for the moment. I closed my eyes to fully appreciate the only luxury in prison. The next thing I knew someone had grabbed me from behind and was forcing me against the wall. I struggled to see who it was and suddenly the person eased his grip. I turned around feeling terrorized but not showing it on my face. Showing fear to guys in prison was like showing fear to a dog. It guaranteed being bit . I had soap in my eyes.

You …don't think we know when you take showers?"He spoke in a trailer trash accent. He asked voice deep and sexy. I didn't say anything as he rubbed my ass on his dick. The feel of his dick was as hot and hard. I knew that I had to handle business. So I dropped to my knees and began to suck his long black dick. His dick wasn't as thick as Black's but it was longer. I was sucking on his dick mad hard because I didn't want him to fuck me raw and cum in me. Yo I got to go grub; I know you want this stick ; stand up and turn around and let me run up in dat azz fool; he said sex in his eyes. I stood up slowly like I was gonna protest but then I thought about and bent over showing as best I could that I wasn't a bitch and that I didn't like this shit .It was Travis the white boy id admired. He looked crazed. If I refuse he crew would kill me at some point.

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Travis eased his long white dick up in me. I winced as it stabbed the walls of my asshole. He was ramming it as far as it could go up in me raw. The only thing I could do was squeeze the muscles in my ass to please him and try to stop him from going so deep. I learned that dude would cum faster if I milk them with my ass ring. His precum caused friction between my ass hole and his dick to send tingles of delight up and down my body as much as I hated to admit it. I felt his hot juices squirt up in me as he grunted and came in me. Standing for a moment I guess to savor the moment; he abruptly withdrew his dick; wiped it off with a paper towel and left the shower room. I felt the cum draining out of my ass; as I finished showering, I always felt so used after this, My fantasy of him ruin, Now he was just rapist to me.

Hi mom,"I said through the Plexiglas that separated us. " Hi baby; you look good; look like you get bigger each time I come here," she said; the smile on her face breaking my heart because I hated that my mother had to come to this place to see me like this; my mom had been through so much in her life. She raise me and my brothers alone, our father left . Everyone at home misses you and things are like they were when you left. Yeah I thought to myself if they miss me why don't they ever come see me but aloud I said, "Mom did you remember to mail off the money for my commissary" . Commissary is the name of the items that we can purchase like cigarettes extra toilet paper and is not given out mandatory. Yeah baby already sent it off. I could see the pain in her face because I knew that she was doing without to send me that money. Momma I promise to pay it all back when I get out. I wish I had never hung out with the local street gang. I hurt her so much.

Momma is not worried about that just take care of yourself and come home safe. You hear me!

Yeah momma I will be eligible for parole in about 8 months. The smile that covered her face now brought back the sunshine. You know you are all that I got . My brothers had been killed about a year ago in China Town gang fights.

Time up the prison guard yelled. Call me when you can baby she said and with that my mom left and the noise and the misery of the prison which had somehow been suspended came rushing in on me like an unexpected gale just before a storm. I walked back to my cell; things heavy on my mind. I had to get out of here and every day seem like an eternity. Seeing a bathroom I realized that I had to piss really bad but I didn't want to use the bathroom nearest to me because it was not a part of my POD. Fuck it ; I'll use it anyway I said to myself as I pushed the door open. There were several guys in the bathroom that I didn't recognize; some leaning against the walls. One guy was jacking off and another guy was chewing on a piece of straw; hands between his legs. The air was hot and musty in the latrine and I noticed moisture on the center block walls as I walked in. Pissing as fast as I could; I tried to get the hell out of there fast; my heart racing as I made my way back to the door. I was almost back to the door and was at ease.


Bathroom Check; a really dark skinned dirty looking black man mumbled; as he blocked the door. Oh damn my bad let me go get some change and I'll come back and pay you aiight? I said trying to remain calm and showing no fear . Nah yo give us what's in your pockets we know you not in this POD. But I don't have anything on me man just let me go get the money G ! Nah G that mean you gonna have to pay another way. The other guys started to surround me but then they all laughed and went back to what they were doing. The guy who was Jacking looked in my face but he never moved and I never moved so fast in my life. I could still hear them laughing as I made my way back to my cell. I was lucky on that one. I was sore from ealier abuse and wasn't looking forward to a Gang Bang.

When I got back to my cell I noticed that Dirk was gone and so was his belongings. Where is Dirk I asked pretending like it really didn't matter?" . He been placed on lock down for fighting yo and aint ever coming back to this POD again. Our new cell buddy just stepped out but he'll be back.

I had to take a walk because Dirk was close to me and in a way that shit hurt. Whats wrong kid a somewhat matured voiced asked me. I looked up and it was a brutha I never seen before. He looked about 35 he was 6'4 ; had brown skin, no facial hair, and a closely cropped hair cut. The gray sweatsuit he had on was definitely not hiding the body beneath it. His shoulders were broad and I could see the kindness in his face When he looked at me it was like he looked straight through me I felt like I didn't have on any clothes 'n shit.

My name is Larry.They call me T but my real name is Antonio. Aiight T I just got stationed here lets go to the library where its quiet and we can rap. You look like you just lost your best friend my brutha. Talking to Larry was the best thing that happened to me since I got here; he knew a lot and he seemed very well informed about how to survive prison life. Larry was a Muslim and He said becoming a Muslim would stop other guys from attacking me. I told him I would have to think about it after all I was raise Catholic. I really like you man and I know that the other men have abused you but could you share your self with me? I was shocked by the words and my first impulse was to remind him of his religious beliefs but I didn't cause I liked him and making him feel good would feel good to me too. We got up and went to the back of the library into one of the back aisles and I pulled down my pants he pulled out a condom and some lubrication that was given out at the prison. I turned around while he prepared himself. The first touch of his warm hands against my legs and the feel of his big hairy chest against my back caused my dick to be instantly hard. He gently eased his dick up in my ass.I decided to take off his condom and It felt good. He had a big dick but because he seemed caring I was more turned on than any other time before. I squeezed my ass and moved back and forth. I could hear him beginning to breath deeply and as my ass got hotter from the friction he moaned as I grabbed him from behind to pulled him closer to me. He grunted and then kissed the back of my neck.

Afterwards We got dressed quickly and went our separate ways. We make license plates in prison; a job that don't pay shit but its better than nothing. I over heard Travis and a boy named Mookie was beefing because that brotha wanted him to give him a cigarette. For real Cigarettes is like gold in jail and a carton of cigarettes could be used to pay any prison debt . I told that nigga hell no he wasn't goin to get any of my cigarettes and he copped an attitude and let me know that it was on sho nuff.

The buzzer rang and I organized my work area and started back to my cell. As I walked down the passage way I noticed a nice looking dark skinned well built brotha about 40 leaning against the wall next to the door leading to the stair. He had on a white T-shirt and sweat pants hanging of his ass. He wasn't a thick guy but he was what I call skinny muscular. His dark narrow face was not exactly fine but very handsome in a sexual way. His beard outlined his face in dark narrow band and his very thick dark eyebrows gave him that look that he could use pussy anytime and anywhere. I was becoming use to being the jail pussy and started to hunger to get fucked, these black guys were really good at it.

Our eyes met and locked. I noticed his hands pulling on his dick. In my mind I could already taste that sweet dick. "Wassup wit you kid he said," his voice deep and raspy like. Just chillin yo on my way back to my cell. "Check dis out," he said. My name is Jamal. Come wit me up the stairs and lets rap. I was afraid cause you never know dudes agendas in here. We walked into the stair well and someone had turned the lights out. In the dark I could hear sounds of love making. I could feel Jamal behind me as we made our way into a corner. I turned around and in the dark I could feel his mouth seeking mine. His lips were soft I thought to myself as they met mine. We started kissing hard. I started rubbing his back and shoulders. He started rubbing my back and my ass. Damn I aint fucked in a month Yo. I love asian Pussy boys. I heard bout you .

My hands found his dick and it was stiff and big already. I gently massaged it; noticing the extra skin. I dropped to my knees in front of him and pulled his sweatpants down and then his underwear. I licked his balls and the crease of his legs. Then I started licking the shaft of his dick making my way to the head. Reaching the head I gently pulled back the skin and took the whole head into my mouth. Sucking it and tickling the sensitive underside with my tongue.

His precum was sweet. Then to my surprise he pulled me up and turned me around and begin to pulled my pants down. He then started kissing the back of my neck and making his way down to my ass and then he did what no nigga had ever down before. He parted my ass cheeks and began to probe my asshole with his tongue. The probing and circular licks sent tingles up and down my body. This dude was trying to put his tongue all the way up in me. In my mind I realized that I never wanted to be fucked more badly than now, what was wrong with me. As if reading my mind He stood up and pressed the big head of dick against my hungry hole. It felt so good as he eased it into me. He pushed all the way in deep an hard. I could feel his hot breath on my neck. His heart beating on my back. The dude was fucking me like a bitch in the dark and I couldn't get enough.

The steady pounding was starting a tingling in my ass that let me know I was about to come which I rarely did when getting raped. Shit that had never happened before. He then changed his pace and began to take long deep slow strokes. The waves of pleasure swept over me as I bust my nut. I could feel his hot juices shortly thereafter. He whispered in my ears "Aiight kid nice rappin wit you," and we both disappeared into the dark to other adventures. I pulled my pants up feeling used again.

Damon I really appreciate you cuttin my hair for free yo. You know I'll hook you up when I get my mail. I always shaved my head to make me look hard. "Aiight yo don't sweat it," he said as he proceeded to give me one of his phat shape ups. Everybody up in this joint gave mad props to Damon because of his mad skillz when cutting hair. Damon was a yellow brutha; very masculine and handsome but somewhat reserved. He was about 23 and around six feet tall.

Damon was one of the few bruthas in prison that wore cologne and sitting in the chair next to him I couldn't help but notice the mixture of the cologne and his natural smell. In my mind I thought to myself that Damon's natural scent was what I would call sex. It was like the way he smelled made me want to have sex; if that makes sense. No one fuck with him out of respect and he had a trade that was vauled, cutting hair.

Damon was somewhat quiet and I had heard rumors he was in prison for beating his girl to death. I was trippin tryin to imagine that but sometimes its the quiet ones that you got to watch out for. Everyone else was out in the yard trying to escape the summer heat leaving us alone in Damon's cell which was laid out like a barber's shop. Damon had a radio and just then a song came on talking about how If they ruled the world they would free all their sons in prison and send them to Africa. Damon in a rare moment said,"

Fuck that africa shit I aint tryin to be up in no jungle." I laughed and asked him where would he want to be if he could leave right now. "Man I would be up in a piece of tite pussy right about now," he said his voice thick with sex. "I can relate yo," I said not particularly giving much thought to what was being said just the delicious feelings of his hands as they positioned and turned my head during the hair cut. "Yo from what I've heard I thought you didn't swing that way shorty," Damon said making a statement but asking a question at the same time. Yeah nigga I get fucked but that don't mean I don't want pussy! "Is that right?" he asked pressing his crotch against my shoulder. Don't try to bitch me yo...aiight! I said feeling disrespected. Aiight yo my bad shorty but if I put this dick up in you ; you wouldn't be thinking about no pussy. By this time Damon was rubbing a sweet smelling tonic that was supposed to prevent razor bumps on my neck and his massaging it in with his strong fingers felt good as shite. Yo aint no dick gonna stop me from being a man! "Is that right?" he asked his voice deep and sexy. That's right! But you haven't even seen it yo," he said seeming completely serious. You haven't pulled it out I said not ever thinking he would.

But I heard the zipper coming down and in my mind I thought Oh shit!! Damon's dick was thick as shit . It was long heavy and veiny .It was beautiful and a good 12 inches. I didn't know yella black dudes could be packing like that I thought to myself . Aloud I said," Oh damn yo; you would put me out of commission with that." Nah shorty, I wouldn't hurt you I would do it to you slow and deep. I reached out and touched it; only its silky feel and delicious weight let me know that I wasn't dreaming. I pulled Damon's pants all the way down to reveal his silky hairs. I buried my face in his crotch and his aroma was intoxicating. Using my hot tongue I began to lick his balls and the long shaft. Working my way to the head; its taste was wonderful and I used a smooth strong suction to please him. Damn yo you suck a mean dick. I looked up noticing the creases on his forehead. Kid I don't want to bust a nut in your mouth but I cant hold back much longer. Let me bless your body aiight? Yo you gonna have to use lots of lube. No problem he said; just pull your pants down and bend over the chair. He fingers explored the soft tissues up in my ass as he lubed it. Damn what a pretty smooth hole. It looks just like a girls ass, he said with a smile.

Yo your ass feel better than pussy he said as he pressed the head of his dick against my hole. At first it didn't go in so I bent over a little more and then it started going in. It seemed like forever as he pushed more and more dick up my ass. I was so huge and hurt but he was gentle.

I heard the crackling of the thick lubrication he called "Hair grease"as his dick slid further and further up in me. Finally he grabbed my hips and true to his word he took slow deep thrusts. I rested my head on my arm; my mouth opened as I enjoyed this fuck. I felt so full and the heat of his dick in my ass caused me to writhe in ecstasy. Yo fuck me hard I want it . His strokes became harder and deeper in my gut. I felt my balls beginning to churn. I bent over even more to take more of his dick up in me . he still wasn't completely in me.

But he was close to cumming and his dick swelled even more causing a searing pain in my ass. I winced and this sound seem to please him because he started fucking me even harder. The pain was becoming unbearable; beads of sweat appeared on my forehead. I was getting scared. He could fit it all in me. I swear I heard my ass rip. He moaned and said yo give it to me I wont hurt you baby. I concentrated and relaxed but his dick was just too big. I started stroking my dick and the pained subsided a little. He grunted and I felt his hot juices deep in my ass. I never felt that much cum in me before, even after getting gang raped. In my mind I thought about that long thick dick and I didn't know that having a dick in my ass would cause me to nut differently because it was like the orgasm was in my ass around his dick. When I summed my ass contracted milking his Monster more. The tingles so delicious that my body was spent. I breathed deeply and looking at the floor seeing more cum then I thought could come from me pouring out my azz. This felt special, I could fall in love with someone like him. Damon I think I'll be back for another hair cut in 3 days instead of a week!

I was in trouble so I thought.This was my second time being in the warden's office. The first time was shortly after I got here and was gang raped. It had been a customary interview and not because anybody gave a shit that a Asian had been raped. So you want to get a work release job," the warden asked his voice low; his eyes locked with mine. The warden was about 6'4" and although he wore a uniform his muscular build could still be made out. He was dark complected Italian with a thick moustache. His face was unusually hard no doubt from years of dealing with the system but the dude was handsome . I tried to stay focused but in my mind I thought about just how hard the warden was. He was what the dude called brick hard and a man like him would sho nuff tear a piece of ass up.

Work release is granted only to inmates who keep their noses clean he said. The deepness of his hard voice breaking the silence. The warden always followed each phrase with silence. During which he would size up the impact of his words. No doubt comparing reaction from the inmate to the reactions of inmates in the past. Sir I have not been in any trouble and I will be up for release in about 2 months. Yes I know that but most of the guys I grant the work release have families to support. Again the pause. I knew better than to try to persuade the warden so I chilled for a minute. Again the pause. How does it feel to be fucked by another man. My mouth opened slightly as though I was going to say something when in reality I was speechless. I mean why the fuck would he ask me that? My eye brows furrowed for a moment as I struggled to contain the sudden anger that I felt but I got it together and said- but before I could say anything he said Antonio I am not asking you this as the warden but as a Man. I have watch you on camera getting fuked several times. And recently you have been willing a lot. Sir I said that's not something I can explain. I mean the first time I was raped it hurt like hell but after that its not all that bad. In my mind I was saying Shit! because I didn't want him to know that I was being fucked on a regular basis. Guys in the work release program don't have the restrictions like those in the pod as you may already know he said. They aren't as closely monitored. Do you feel that the situation that occurred when you were first incarcerated would happen again and if so how would you handle it? This time I interjected into the pause and said Sir as a brutha you know I want to get the hell up out of this joint.

I'm not a faggot but I do get fucked. I cant change that but men aint gonna take my shit again! The warden looked at me and his eyes let me know just what he thought about me. I could see the warden had no respect for a man that had had his man hood taken. He licked his lips and said the reality of the situation is that more than likely you will be raped again once transferred to the work release section and I don't know how wise it would be to introduce that kind of disruption to that program. I mean you have turned into a real nasty little slut .

My heart sank. Deep inside I wanted to be in work release so bad. I guess the sudden disappointed and the anguish of the last year hit me all at once. I fought back tears and my voice broke as I asked the warden to please grant me work release.

The warden's face was harder than ever and he seemed to completely not care about my situation. You are a worthless jail pussy. I saw that he had a hard on. If you have nothing more to say consider the interview at an end. His face and voice telling me at the same time to take it like a man. Warden I will suck your dick and let you fuck me man if you grant me work release I said desperation taking over. The warden's face erupted and the sudden violence in his voice was like steel grating. You dick sucking faggot he spat on me,I am a real man. If I wasn't the warden I would beat the shit out of you; now get the fuck out of my office you slut.You better hope that I don't see your sorry ass again in this office

I left the office with tears in my eyes. Look at the faggot the warden wouldn't let you suck his dick some guy said another laughed and said no the warden did and those is jes tears o' joy Niggas was laughing all around me and some nigga tried to pinch my ass. I made it back to my cell and laid down trying to pull myself together. Why you trippin little man ? In my mind I couldn't believe it. It was Dirk's voice but he was supposed to be gone; wasn't supposed to be coming back. I felt hands on my back, strong hands and I knew that it was Dirk because no one ever touched me the way he does. I sat up and he took me into his strong arms. I was crying like a fuckin bitch at that point but I couldn't help it. Dirk was squeezing me and telling me ssssshhhhhh. I began to babble like a child about what had happened and what had been said and Dirk just rocked me in his arms; just squeezed the pain away.

I had changed. I realized that nobody in this world really gave a shit about me. I was just a man caught up in the system. This was the rich white man's


Dirk yo you up to another game of spades I asked after the thoughts had crossed my mind? Nah T my mind is on some third eye. We both laughed. In the cut brown eye is what we call boy pussy. Yo I roll wit you like a brotha I cant see us like that. Nigga you act like I want to marry you N shit; for real I just want to get my dick wet Dirk said his somewhat handsome face indignant. I looked at Dirk. He was sexy and that southern Bama accent did work on a brutha. I had never seen Dirk naked. I did see his print one time when he woke up and his dick was jive hard. And it was kinda thick come to think of it.

Yo I aint tryin to get fucked no more ,That shit has ruined my life. I said but my dick was stirring in my pants just thinking about his lips on mine and the heat of his mouth on my nipples. I smiled at Dirk. Dirk wasn't the smartest guy in the world and he would beat a nigga's ass if crossed. That's why he got put in the hole before and wasn't suppose to come back. But the warden had decided that the other men had caused shit to go down. Dirk had on gray sweat pants and no shirt. His big chest was smooth and his body was cut from hittin the iron everyday. I felt my chest catch a little thinking about his weight pressing me down into my cot.

Dirk for real yo I could break you off a piece but nigga I like you and if you get my feelings in it and then let a brutha down your ass is dead ..aiight. Aiight little asian shorty he said pulling on his dick. Yo I haven't busted in nut in 3 months my shit is like leaking think about getting up in dat ass. Come sit beside my yo he said. Lets wait a minute yo. Lights out is about to happen anyway. Aiight he said but I could see sex in his eyes. Lights out the guard yelled.

I sat down beside Dirk and rubbed his back. He looked straight ahead then he looked into my eyes. I then tried to kiss the side of his face not wanting to push him but he intercepted my kiss with his lips. We starting kissing deeply. He tasted good and the slight musk from his body turned me on. He smell was all man and all black. He reached out and pinched one of my nipples; sending tingles all through me. In my mind I fought the feeling that I was in love with Dirk but I couldn't deny that I was making love with him. He gently laid me back and began to work my nipples hard. I tried not to make sounds but he was tonguing the fuck out of me. I closed my eyes and gave into the ecstasy. I began to breathe more deeply and evenly as he began to work on the next nipple. I reached down without looking and began to rub and massage his dick.

It was a nice length and thick. It felt so good through the sweat pants. I felt it pulsate a little and the moisture seeped through the pants. He started kissing my neck and licking my ears. My own organ was now brick hard. He pinched my nipple and my body arched in ecstasy.. He whispered very softly for me to turn over. I pulled off my pants as I turned over and then he pulled down my underwear. He laid on top of me and began to gently rubbed his hot dick against my ass. I moaned into the pillow and my asshole contracted in anticipation of taking that big dick. He whispered again into my ears you feel real good man. I could hear how sex had made his voice thick. He began to just gently press his dick against my asshole and his precum caused me to open a little bit more each time as his natural lube greased my hole. I thought I was going to explode each time he pressed his dickhead against my asshole. I pushed back against him and I felt the whole head go all the way in .

I heard his breath catch but he gently pulled back out and kissed my shoulders and the back of my neck. You want this dick he whispered? Yeah yo I said. He pressed the head against my asshole and gently pushed. I felt myself opening the tingling in my asshole making my dick throb. He pushed a little deeper and the thick shaft caused a momentary pain that shot like a knife. I tensed and he stopped. He then settled on my back and reached under me and gently scratched my nipples to relax me. Then his dick sank all the way in and he started fucking me slow and deep. I loved the feeling of his big hard body on me and that thick black dick deep in my ass.I could feel his dick throbbing in my ass as the precum cause more and more of a delicious friction. I started grinding back wanting to feel him stab the sides my asshole and his balls slap my ass. Yo was all he could say as I felt his hot juices pouring into me.

We just laid there and chilled with his dick still up in me; savoring the moment. Dirk man I am ok and yo you cant watch over me 24 hours a day. I got to handle this on my own. I know man but you got some dangerous niggas out to get you he said his voice and eyes full of concern. I know but I can handle this yo and I aint gonna let these dudes bitch me yo. Dirk chuckled but his laugh was heavy with uncertainty. You about to bounce up outta here in about 2 months. Why you beefin wit dudes 'n shit? Yo like I said I aint getting fucked no more and the bitch Toi tried to bitch me out by forcing me to suck his dick back in the day. Dirk interrupted me and said But yo you know that crew he is apart of got some hardcore cut throats and they don't like the way you disrespected there boy. I know why you tryin to make me worry. Nah man just want you to be careful. I heard Toi the Asian leader had it out for me. He wanted me dead, saying I was a disgrace.

Damn I thought work detail had never went by so quickly. It seemed like niggas was watching me out of the corners of their eyes. I was a marked man and they knew it. The only thing I could do was to act normal and not sweat it but inside I was scared as shit. Well fuck it I thought I cant change shit so I might as well just face it I thought as I walked back to my cell. Oh damn I thought as I spotted the Trey and if Trey was around it meant that his crew was scheming .Yo he called me.

Check dis out my boy Smoke Dawg wanna rap wit you. He heard you had a problem with him. Smoke was a dark Asian thick about 6'3" 245 lbs. He was a professional boxer that had raped a two 14 year old white girl and now was doing hard time. I hadn't seen many asian dudes as big as him . He was Caucasian and Japanese. As we walked to Smoke Dawg's cell I couldn't help but notice Trey's strong arms and broad shoulders he had a huge dragon tat on his back. He had on sweat pants and no T-shirt and his dark skin was glistening in the summer heat. I had seen Smoke maybe twice since I had been here and he had a reputation for killing inmates. I knew that Smoke didn't want me dead because he wouldn't have wanted to speak with me but I couldn't help but start to sweat a little over the possible ass whipping and maybe even worse some broken bones.

Smoke was pumping iron when we got there. He kept on pumping like I wasn't even in the cell. Grunting with each curl. Damn I thought this dude body got to be hard as shit. He stopped walked over to the sink, splashed some water on his face, grunted real loud and then turned and looked at me. Smoke was fine I thought in a doggish sort a way.

So shorty you like going around dissin my boyz . I immediately starting looking down at the floor with those words. Look into my eyes faggot when I am speaking to you. I looked up anger flaring in my face. I don't know how I didn't notice it but there were two more guys in the cell all looking like they wanted to beat my ass sho nuff. Yo man it aint even like that I said putting base into my voice your boy Toi was trying to bitch a brotha and I wasn't trying to go that way. I just wanted to belong and get protection. You what? Smoke asked his face snarling in anger as he walked up to me standing right in my face. I wasn't tryin to be whored I said I am man just like he is. Trey this fool is crazy don't he know who I am he said looking around the room at his crew and then bang his fist impacted with my jaw. I wheeled senseless for a moment. He really didn't try to break my jaw because he could have easily.

The only reason I haven't smoked your bitch ass is because you are a faggot and don't deserve to die like a man he said as he started to unzip his pants. He dick was huge a 12 incher. I didn't think this was possible.. Know I knew why he commanded respect. On your knees faggot he said and I guess I didn't move fast enough because Trey who was standing behind me grabbed my shoulders and forced me to the floor. Smoke grabbed my head and forced my face into his crotch. The musk from him working out was acrid and purely male. Lick my balls faggot he said.I started licking his balls their coolness was in contrast to their slight saltiness. Lick those balls . You are a inferior Asian jail pussy you know,he mocked me. He was only half Asian I could believe what I was hearing. It made me mad, but I wasn't stupid. Before I get rough with you, you have a chance to please me. I grabbed the back of his legs and began to lick the shit out of his balls. Now suck my dick he said forcing it into my throat ,I felt his curved you tare a path in my throat.

I was sucking his big dick using long licking strokes. Trey yo pull out your dick man he gonna suck the both of us. Trey pulled down his pants and pulled out his big uncut dick and slapped the side of my face with it. Hi dick had a slightly cheesy smell and the foreskin could barely cover the big head. I took it into my mouth and ran my tongue under the skin tickling the sensitive head. Yo sit in this chair Smoke said to Trey cuz I am going to fuck this faggot up his ass and burn that shit good. Pull your pants down faggot. I did and I felt Smoke put a little spit on my asshole. Suck my dick faggot Trey said forcing my mouth all the way down causing me to gag on his big foreskin. At the same time Smoke rammed his entire dick into my ass. I coild hear my ass cracking open. I wanted to die. I screamed as he pain seared through me. Shut the fuck up faggot jail pussyhe grunted as he rammed his dick up me again.

Suck my dick Trey said. I pulled back the skin down and starting sucking on the head the salty taste of his precum let me know that he was aroused. Smoke was fucking me so hard until drops of sweat were falling on my back. My ass felt totally full each time he sunk his dick into it. Damn yo you got ass like a pussy he said as his fingers dug into my flesh to give him a better grip. I want some of that ass yo Trey said. Aiight nigga but let me open this tight ass up a lil bit more. I want some of that pussy now. He got up and Smoke sat down in front of me and forced his greasy dick into my mouth. I fought back the vomit. Trey eased his dick into me and I had to fight another scream because his dick was so thick. I closed my eyes trying to concentrate but his dick was stabbing the walls of my asshole because unlike Smoke who fucked me deep; Trey would pull his dick almost all the way out and then ram it back in.

I just wanted him to cum to end this nightmare so I massaged his dick by contracting my asshole. I could feel it throbbing deep inside me. Smoke pulled his dick out of my mouth and busted his nut right in my face. He sat back on the chair ; his body spent. Trey was still fucking me hard so I bent all the way over and that did the trick because I felt his hot juices squirting deep inside my ass. Damn yo I haven't busted a nut like dat since I was wit my girl he said as he stood up and wiped himself off. You were made to be a slut. Next time we wont be so easy on you now get the fuck out Smoke said. I didn't have to be told twice so I bounced. I was glad was alive.

I felt trapped like a animal in here. Prison reduces men down to animalistic levels. We become divided into predators and prey. I laid back in my cot thinking about the last year. Wondering how I ended up in here! I had lost my car, my money, my manhood and even my girl. For what I asked myself. Nothing that I was doing before I came here even made sense now. Some was yelling "Hey Pookie whats up with that ?" over and over again in the next cell. Some dude was getting raped in broad day light. I looked out and realized how crazy this place was. Dudes were caught up in madness! "Shut the fuck up I yelled." "Fuck you," the answer came back echoing back and forth between the prison walls.

"What you beefin about now nigga?" Dontay asked as that nigga creeped into my cell. That crazy nigga in cell J been yellin all morning. Yeah that nig is crazy as hell Dontay said smiling; gold tooth shining. Nigga I know you don't come here unless its a booty call but you know its too early in the day for that; aint no privacy I said but my asshole was sore already. Dontay was brownskin and built like a mawfucka. Damn but what I liked most him was his sexy voice. All black and all man with a gangsta twist. For real G we can go to one of the stalls in the bathroom his said pulling on that big dick. I could already feel that hot dick in my mouth. Yo I want you to bust a nut in my mouth. Nah nigga I want to get up in dat azz bring da lube. Aiight nigga lets bounce.

I sat down on the toilet and positioned Dontay in front of me. I rubbed the bulge in his pants and gently bit on it through his pants. The smell of fresh cotton and the feel of hard dick in my mouth caused my shit to get rock hard. I unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants down. His cotton briefs were springtime fresh and his manly smelled tickled my nose. I pulled the underwear down not being able to resist anymore. His dick was so beautiful; long and smooth with one big vein underneath. I rubbed it against the side of my face and then sucked on the head a little to taste it. Damn the dick was sweet. He began to rock back in forth wanting his dick to get wet. I started liking on his hairy balls and licking the creases between his sack and his thighs.

I little drop of love juice oozed onto the side of my face. I lick the tip of his dick and tickled the head with my tongue. All around us niggas was making noise but I was focused on this dick. I took about half of it in my mouth and he began to fuck me in my mouth I looked up and saw the creases on his forehead. Then I went to into my mack and put some phat moves on his dick. I felt his leg tense so I eased up knowing he was about to bust a nut. I stood up and pulled my pants down and Dontay spread a little vaseline on my hole. He kissed the back up my neck and nibbled on my ear;I loved the feel his hot breath and hard body against me. I bent over just a little to give him access to my hole.He pressed the head into my softness and gently slid in. He pressed his dick all the way up in me and I inched forward because it starting stinging. But he kept pushing forward forcing me into the wall of the stall.

Nigga you like this dick he asked ramming that dick in my ass. I started pulling on my meat and said yeah yo. The nigga was trying to force me through the wall each time he rammed his dick in me. Then he switched up and started taking deep circular motions. Damn that hit the spot because my asshole was tingling and my load was about to shoot. He kissed the back of my neck and started ramming that hard steel back up in my soft tight asshole Yo he whispered I am going to cum hard G and then I felt hot juices deep inside me. His body spasmed a couple of times. I pulled on my dick and busted a nut with his dick still inside me. In my mind I realized that I would miss times like this when I got released.

Fall was coming I thought drowsily as I noticed the chill in the morning air. I curled up on my cot in my blanket as the last moments of delicious sleep swept over me. I was laying on my stomach with my arm curled under my pillow. It was still dark and the only sound was Dirk breathing above me in his cot. I listened as Dirk stirred overhead; it seemed like he was having a bad dream. Yeah a bad dream I thought this is what I sometimes thought my whole life had been; a bad dream. I lay thinking about when I was first incarcerated; how I used to have dreams that I was home and chillin doing the things that I enjoyed only to wake up and realize that I was in fuckin prison surrounded by cut throats, the criminally insane, and by miserable men condemned to die. I burrowed down into my pillow letting its softness soothe away the thoughts that haunted my mind.


"Yo," Dirk whispered, man I was having a nightmare. I could tell I whispered back. Damn man I dreamt I was gonna get the chair 'n shit. You deserve it I whispered back but not meaning it; the sound of Dirk's voice soothing me somehow as I fell into a delicious doze . See you talkin smack aren't you shorty Dirk said as He slid down from his cot and walked to the toilet. I heard him pissin but I was fighting sleep hard. He walked back to his cot but instead of climbing up he sat down beside me and started rubbing my ass with his hot hands. Yeah you talkin smack he said as he slid his hand under the cover and began to rub my ass and probe my asshole with his fingers. I sighed as the first feelings of desire crept into my loins. Am tryna sleep ok ,I said half meaning it.

You like talkin smack don't you he said into my ears as he nibbled on them; his hot breath tickling my neck. I could hear him opening something and by the smell I could tell it was vaseline. He inserted a greasy finger up in me but the vaseline was cold so I tensed my ass muscle around his finger to warm it up. He slid one then two fingers in and out my ass. Nigga I'm gonna hurt that ass since you like talkin so much smack he whispered sliding under the cover with me. He turned me on my side and pressed his dick head into my asshole.

I sighed as I felt his hard chest against my back. I could feel his muscles tense as he fucked the opening of my asshole. I pulled my legs up to open up more and he grabbed my hips to get a firm grip as he fucked my soft ass. I turned onto my stomach pulling him onto me needing to feel his weight as he pounded my ass. His dick slid all the way in and I felt no pain just a stretching as the walls of my asshole expanded to accommodate the thickness of his dick.

I burrowed into my pillow and closed my eyes to enjoy the full sensation of being fucked by this handsome dude. The heat of his dick and of my ass had caused the vaseline to melt and the resulting friction was pure ecstasy. He started to go deeper and he began to bang up against the walls in my ass. I totally relaxed and thought only about the large thick dick now sliding in and out of me. "You like talkin smack huh," he asked his voiced thick with sex. I began to move my ass in a circular motion to please him but his dick was hitting something up in me that was causin me to get that feeling like I was going to bust a nut. Shit I thought as I began to bust my nut but I couldn't believe that it was happening. My body began to convulse and my ass just sucked his whole dick in. I had lost control of my body as waves of pleasure swept up and down my body. I heard Dirk grunt as he busted his nut. Then we both just chilled but I was still trying to figure out how I busted a nut without touching myself. In the darkness of the chilly morning air Dirk wrapped his strong arms around me and we both drifted into the most delicious sleep. My last thoughts being that I would figure out what happened in the morning. I was up for parole in 6 months. And if I didn't get into trouble I know I could get timed served for good behavior. But I knew that I had to watch my ass cuz sometimes cons intentionally cause shit when bruthas are up for parole jus so they will catch some more time. I wasn't tryin to spend anymore time up in this bitch than what I already had!

"Yo man," Dirk said lets grub. Aiight yo let me wash my ass n shit aiight. I dont want your nut to be running out of me while I am tryin to eat. Dirk grinned and rolled out. I thought about that thick dick of his up in me and I knew that I had to get fucked again before the night was out!

The cafeteria was noisy as hell as usual. Cons was actin like animals for real. "Damn it was true about the dude Bo." I thought to myself when I saw him holding hands with this brutha who had caught 5 consecutive life sentences. Damn Bo was that Racist Travis's girl now. I went through the line with my tray to get that shit they call food. Last time I saw travis he rapped me in ths shower. I looked around for Dirk after I got my food. That nigga was sittin next to a new brutha who looked like had had just got sent down. The dude was pretty as shit with his yellow skin and curly hair grey eyes. For some reason I started trippin n shit. Feeling jealous about Dirk showing him attention .

"Move along," the guard said snapping me out of that coma I was in. I walked over to where Dirk an' nem was sittin and said wassup to the new brutha. Jus chillin kid he said. Yo Tony this is the cat I was telling you about that had that all night shop up in Harlem. My eyebrows went up because this dude was big time in the drug world but I expected him to be or look like something else for some reason . You must be Angelo I said. He frowned but kept on eating and for some reason he started lookin at me like he saw something he didn't like.

So Dirk put me down with the dude who like to suck dick he said pulling on his dick. My heart started pounding. Dirk grabbed his dick and said they would talk latuh about that.

Angelo put some more food in his mouth and looked straight at me and pulled on his dick. Damn I thought If I dont check this nigga now he is going to be trouble. Yo why you keep looking at me ' n shit I said. As if he was expecting my reaction he said," For real yo I dont like faggott ass muhfuckas like you eatin at the same table with me."

I lunged across the table and tried to bang that dude in his mouth but Dirk caught me with a right hook that laid me out flat. I was stunned and I couldn't believe Dirk had hit me. All hell broke loose after that. Nigguhs was kicking me and trying to hit me in my face. The only thing I could do was to ball up in a knot. Break it up the guards were yelling.

When they pulled me to my feet my lip had been busted and my eye was starting to swell. I lunged at Dirk and Angelo out of pure emotion but the guards pulled me away and confined me to my cell.

I was washing my face and pressing ice pads to the bruises when Dirk returned. I couldn't even look him in the face. Yo Tony I know you dont understand why I hit you but for real I care for you and that dude Angelo got mad connections. Check this out that nigguh can have somebody smoke your ass even up in this joint. I talked to him and tried to explain some things to him but he wasn't trying to hear all that. That dude said the only way he was going to lay up off you is that you suck his dick. I turned away fighting tears. Dirk grabbed me and forced me to look at him. I even admitted to him that's me. I was shocked because what Dirk meant was that he had admitted to Angelo that he I was kickin it. Dirk I dont want to hear this shit anymore ok? Yo for real you have to suck his dick and whatever else he ask you to do. Get yourself together cuz he is coming here tonight after lights out and I will be in his cell. Dirk banged the wall and shouted, "Damn it," and left. I curled up in my bed and waited for the night.

I must have dozed off because I awoke to see Angelo standing in my cell with nothing on but a white towel around his waist. His body was beautiful. And even though he wasn't hard the print in the towel was fat as shit. I dont know what Dirk told you but it is important that you understand that while I am up in this joint you are going to be my bitch or should I say my girl. I know you are up for parole in 3 to 6 and if you want to live then you better do what I tell you. Angelo's speech was more polished than any brutha I had met in the cut before. I guess you dont get to be a big time drug dealer without being intelligent. I sat there looking up not knowing what to say, afraid to say anything, and wondering what was going to happen to me. But Angelo seem to have all the answers now. When I get up in the morning I want my breakfast brought here to me. I want my clothes washed and pressed every day. You will not leave this cell unless you get my permission! After I fuck you, get up immediately and get a hot rag to clean my dick or I will make you clean it with your mouth. I jumped up towards him at that and his fist caught my jaw and sent me wheeling back down to the floor. I looked up at him like an animal. But he only went on with what he expected. Go wash your ass because I am going to fuck you tonight!

I did as I was told. I showered quickly but as I started back to my cell I caught a glimpse of myself in the shower room mirror. My eye was red and I could see the dark ring turning black. My jaw was swollen and getting more puffy. My head was ringing from the assault and my body was sore from nigguhs kickin me when I was down. I was hurtin real bad and now that nigguh wanted to fuck me in my ass. For real that shit wasn't gonna happen without a fight. If that nigguh was gonna kill me then I don't give a shit I said to myself. I am a man and my mother didn't raise no faggot ass muhfuckas to be bitched by nobody!

When I got back to my cell Angelo had gone through my shit. My clothes was thrown all over the floor and now he was going through my commissary items. What the fuck are you doin? I asked him. I hated him at that moment and my rage gave me courage. Angelo stopped and looked up at me like he didn't hear or couldn't understand what I was sayin. His dark eyes were hard and he was chewing on a piece of straw or somethin. Yo I know you want this dick but just hold up aiight. I'm gonna give it to you just the way you like it! Angelo turned his back to me and continued picking through my shit till he found my shavin cream. He raised it up to the light and looked at it like that was what he was looking for. His curly black hair was somewhat shiny lookin and his thick dark eyebrows were too. No doubt he had already found and used my pomade before I got back.

Man put my shit down aiight! I was scared as shit but I had to be a man.

Angelo shook the container of shaving cream, sprayed some out on his hand and then said,"By the way did you bring back the rag like I told you?" Remember to do what I told you to do after I plunge that ass!

This Nigguh is trippin I thought because he was talkin to me like I hadn't said shit! I noticed for the first time that Angelo was just a little taller than me and just a little thicker.

Man you aren't going to plunge shit; it ain't happenin. For real I'm not goin out like that! He stopped looking at the cream and looked at me. I could tell by his body language that I had his full attention now.

Look Tony he said as he put down the shaving cream and walked over towards me. I don't wanna hurt you man and the way I see it, its like this. You help me out and I help you out. Give me some of that pussy whenever I want it and do as you are told and I wont sell you to other nigguhs aiight! You wont be fucked anymore by any nigguh other than me as long as I am in this joint.

I knew men, mostly whites being pimped by other inmates and that shit was ill. Angelo was playin with my mind. I knew it but I didn't know how to come back at him with the same game. This dude was hard!

So I ignored him and started pickin my shit up and putting it back on my storage shelf. Angelo just stood there like he was supervising me; looking at my every move.

Just as I tried to pick up the last sock Angelo put his foot on it. I tried to pull the sock from beneath his foot but he just smacked the back of my head causing me to stumble into him. He hit me in the back of my head again and sent me sprawling across the floor. I tried to fight from falling but that only made it worse and I fell completely on my face! But I got up quickly though and lunged at him with all my strength. That was a bad move with socks on because then I slipped on the cell floor and fell past Angelo missing him but catching the white towel rapped around his waist as I grabbed for anything to break my fall. His dick flapped with the sudden snatching off of the towel!

I reached out to grab the shelf for support to break my fall but the shelf was too flimsy and my grabbing it caused all the clothes on it to fly out once more across the floor.

I looked up and Angelo somehow knew it was on cuz he started bobbing and weaving like a pro boxer as he waited for me to make my move. His dick was bobbling with the Ali like movements. The dick caught my attention for a moment; especially the dark silky bush that surrounded it.

But then I jumped up with all intentions of grabbing and wrestling him down to the ground and just as I closed in he caught me with a left hook that sent spit and blood flying out of my mouth. The force of the blow made my head arched forward as I went reeling into the opposite side of the cell; tumbling into the corner. I was dazed but the fight wasn't knocked out of me yet!

I came again tryin to get my hands on him and this time he let me. We wrestled briefly but Angelo seemed to be a expert and in a moment had me in a hold from behind that I couldn't escape from. Whatever the hold was I couldn't even move my toes 'n shit.

Angelo was breathing heavily into my ear and I could feel his organ hardening against my ass. I was half dazed, and exhausted; my body was spent. Feel good? he asked in a very low, deep and sexy voice as he licked inside my ear and ground his hard dick against my ass. I was too exhausted and overcome with emotion to respond. He sensed my vulnerability and lowered me on my stomach onto the cot. I felt him spreading my legs but the fight was gone out of me. I felt the first thrust of his big dick and the searing pain caused my body to spasm. I tried to fight him; to stop him from fucking me dry. But I didn't have the strength. Each thrust was going deeper inside me. I felt a warmness running down my legs and his thrusting was more smooth now. I knew by the smell that blood was coming out of me. I was raped before but I didn't often bleed. I passed out unable to cope with the reality of what was happening. Angelo had known all the while that he was going to fuck me dry and that's why he made me get the rag I realized and then blackness. I cried like a baby and passed out.

My head exploded as Angelo banged the back of my head. He struck me again and brought me back to consciousness. Yo jail pussy get the hot rag and clean me he said. I was dazed but I could still see the look of satisfaction on his face. He was very pleased and I hated to admit it, very handsome His yellow skin was a little flush. His iron board stomach rose in fell as he continued to breath heavily. I stumbled over to the sink and ran the hot water . After the rag was good and hot I stumbled back. Angelo's dick was covered with blood and shit. He laid back as I cleaned it. Don't forget the nuts he added, Asian man. Clean 'em good before I make you clean 'em with your mouth Asian . Get use to it Asian man because this is the way its going to be from here on out. I knew the constant Asian man an weren't meant to show affection but to degrade me. He got up and pulled the spread off the cot and threw it at me. The bloody shitty spread landed in my face. I want this washed and pressed by morning he said walking over to the shit bowl to piss. I did as I was told.


Asian man I know I promised not to pimp you but I got something on the arm and the brother want to holla at you as pay back. This was said so matter of factly that I almost asked him to come again! But I knew better than to question Angelo and in my mind I was tryin to figure out who Angelo would borrow from and what would he be borrowing! But instead of asking all that I said out loud," I hope it aint that nigga Phil! " That was the most I could say without being punished. Phil was Angelo's worst enemy and I was hoping this would fuck with him enough to make him tell me what the deal was. He looked at me and narrowed his eyes and said "Nah yo this brother aint even a inmate." He smiled but he still didn't tell me what he owed this nigguh or what had gone down! Angelo observed my reaction to being kept in the dark and I could see it pleased him. "Well this nigga," he continued ," he kinda sweet on you yo!." I was really confused now but I held my peace and pretended to be excited knowing how this would fuck Angelo's mind up! "Go wash ya ass and when you get back

he'll be here waitin for you," he said almost angrily. I thought to myself that this was weird as shit! Angelo would never do something like this for just any reason! I quickly showered and I hated myself because I was excited in a way!

Maybe it was the discomfort I saw on Angelo's face knowing how this must just fuck with his mind and how some other man was going to get at his bitch! But when I got back to the cell everything that I felt changed. I remembered seeing this nigguh before and the thought of having sex with him fucked me up!

"You one of the prison facility's mechanics," I said like I didn't give a fuck if he was the president.

"Yeah," he said lookin at me in way that almost made me look down. We were both silent for a moment but then I looked at him again and couldn't imagine that this man could be sweet on another male. He was dark; very dark and the whites of his eyes were almost yellow. His hair was coarse and even though it was short you could see how resistant it could be to any comb or brush! He was not handsome but under other circumstances I could have seen an appeal. The smell of gasoline and oil was on him and his hands were stained black with grease and grime. He had on his work clothes and stains had almost replaced their original dark blue color. I could smell his manly scent all of the sudden and it was strong; very strong, the sharp sweaty odor burned my nostrils. His shoulders were broad and he looked well built but he wasn't thick and his narrow waist rounded out his appearance. The nigguh had on tennis shoes that looked filthy and I could only imagine the smell of his big feet!

"Can I call you Tony," he said or Asian man. He definitely wasn't asking for my permission . His voice was deep and it had a hard gentleness too it.

"My name is Antonio," I said not tryin to give him any love! He sensed the resistance in my voice and looked at me a little differently. His eyes stripped me and forced their way into me. I looked away to avoid the inevitable!

"I am 27," he said satisfied that I now knew who was in control. How old are you?

I said nothing still not looking at him.

He walked towards me and rubbed the side of my face with his filthy hands. "Still smooth as a baby's bottom," he said but added, " that's cause you are Asian ." I turned my head this way and that to avoid looking at him and him touching my face. Tony I like you he said pulling me into a full embrace and I may never get another chance to hold you in this way and feel your heart beat next to mine.

These words made me angry as shit but the only thing that came out was a grunt! I really wanted to say to him dont talk to me like a bitch! But I knew better and I stopped trying to avoid his touches. He expertly kissed and licked my ear and as much as I hated it the tingling that his hot tongue gave me was delicious. I grunted and started trying to pull away from him again but he only pulled me closer and buried my neck in kisses.

Without ever stopping the kissing he backed us towards the cot and sat down pulling me onto his lap. My heart skipped a beat as I felt his huge hard dick underneath me! I grunted again and tried to move but he held me still as his lips and tongue closed onto my nipples. I gasped as my body gave into what my mind could not. He gently bit one of them and I had to fight another grunt from coming out. His free hand had already found my hole and was gently probing my shit. I tighten myself to prevent entry but his perpetually greased fingers slipped in. Angelo fuckin me everyday had my shit open wide! As his finger slipped up in me my body spasmed and my dick got hard.

It dawned on me that this dude was stimulating me like a female and my body was responding to it. I tried then to pull away even harder and was almost successful. He realized this and threw my onto the cot face down and he quickly laid on top of me. I struggled and squirmed but he was just bigger and stronger. He pulled away the towel and I felt him unzipping his pants. No I said. Man please don't fuck me in my ass dry. Too late I realized because he wasn't going to take the chance of me getting away. I screamed into my pillow as he tried to force the head into my ass. I felt like I was being torn in half! Tears began to roll down my face as he forced inch after inch into me. I thought I was going to faint again but no such peace was to be mine and I knew that the real pain would be when he started to pull out the first time. His dick had to be about 11 inches long and curved up. because I felt totally full after it was all the way in. But instead of fucking my brains out he just lay on top of me not moving. He started kissing the back of neck again and his breath was hot and scorching.The manly scent was now intoxicating. I felt his hardness logded deep in my softness He had stabbed me deeply. I could feel it pulsating deep inside my ass and its heat filled me. I groaned and relaxed letting him press deeper into me. I reached back and grabbed his legs trying to pull himself as far as he could go up in me. The smell of oil and grease and grime inflamed my senses. The man funk of his underarms stung my nose and his coarse pubic hairs bit into my flesh But in my passion I could still feel his heart beat against my back and it was beating faster and faster. Tony he whispered in my ear you feel so good and with that I felt his hot man juice shoot into my ass. I could feel each spurt bubbling out of his dick into my hungry hole. His body jerked once more and then silence.

As I showered I thought about what just happened and the good thing was that I didn't even know his name and so forgetting him would be easy; very easy! I was glad that I would be release the next day The day finally came and I was release but ruin as a man and a human. I am still glad to be free.

Next: Chapter 12

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