New Jail Pussy

By moc.loa@32guhTelcsuM

Published on Jun 5, 2023


Most of the prisoners who rape are spending from 5 to life. And are part of a gang. They pick a loner smaller weaker individual. And make that person into a homosexual then sell him to other inmates or gangs. Anywhere from a pack of cigarettes to 2 cartons . . . . No one cares about you or anyone else. If they show kindness or are trying to be helpful, it is only because they want something. And if there offering you protection you can guarantee that there going to seek sexual favors. . . . When an inmate comes in for the first time and doesn't know anyone. The clicks and gangs. Watch him like Wolves readying there attacks. They see if he spends time alone, who he eats with. It's like the Wild Kingdom. Then they start playing with him, checking the new guy out. (They call them New Pussy.) I was young and yes, I was weak. My weight was only 120 lbs, when I first got here. Am from a bad area. My family was one of the few white families in my hood. My characteristics have got me raped so many times on the street I have no more feelings physically. My ass is now just a hole for a strong man to use. When I first moved into Jays cell I refused to enter a cell, I was brutally attacked by staff beaten down and then verbally abused by Jay all within a hour of being there. Why would they put me with this beast? Some prison rapists are so ignorant or delusional, they imagine the rape victim to be the homosexual--because he's doing the taking, not dishing it out (he's gay! he's performing a homosexual act!) this was Jay take on it. Jay was a king in jail. Jay was running the joint and asked for me personally when I arrived. He had everything. He had a cell phone and free reign of the joint.

It's fixed where if you're raped, the only way you [can escape being a punk is if] you rape someone else. Yes I know that's fully screwed, but that's how your head is twisted. After it's over you may be disgusted with yourself, but you realize you're not powerless and that you can deliver as well as receive pain. Then it's up to you to decide whether you enjoy it or not. Most do, I don't. It's sick and depraved. It's also depressing when one of these New Pussy's (another name for turn out), come up to you for protection because they know you won't hurt them as much because you've been through it . My second day. I sleep in the corner by the toilet to afraid to sleep on my bunk. He keep his stuff there and I was too much of a punk to ask him to move it. "So you want to be my new bitch for protection." He said on my first day. I could protect you or I could sell you .I have gotten a repetition since I have been here for a while and am big guy. The only reason for me to help you is because you will make a good cunt. But I could make a lot of money off you. Jay's dark face shone with sweat, determination with dominance. This dude walked around naked in the cell day and night. Showing off is large thick dong. He proved that he was the blocks stud. I had never seen anything like it. Todd was the cellie across from use. He looked at me with lust. He was in there for rape and murder. I was scared. My face reflected a defeated submission and acceptance of my role as the white pussyboy to be used for the satisfaction of his sexual desires. I was a male. I had fucked women. But I was soon put on my hands and knees and was being roughly fucked up the ass by this dominant young black stud. The sight I saw in the mirror was obscene. I was gonna be mounted by this black stud 13, full inches of cock sooner or later. The idea turned me on a little. Around 2 AM. He grab me . I screamed and fought. He groaned in pleasure as his thick shaft brutally rammed against my hole. It was dry , I wish for moisture, spit anything. It moved eper into me. I was in tears. Jay hauled his cock back against my hole. making me moan with the sensation of his cock friction at my hole tried to keep him outside. I let out a yelp when he immediately rammed in until I could feel his pubes scratching my ass. Jay fucked me like that for a few minutes, running his cock in and out of me with brutal force and I heard myself whimper a few times when stuffed full of his throbbing, black manhood.. Then he slid his hands forward and reached back under my chest, pulling me upright onto my knees, his cock still buried up inside me. I watched his forearms cross over my chest and his fingers pinch my nipples again. I saw in the mirror as my whole body jerked upward and forward with each thrust of his cock into me. He hand his hands at one point gripped tight at my throat. Jay let out a satisfied sigh and relaxed his grip, settling onto my back. I kept both of us supported, wanting the black stud, whose cock was still deep inside me to stay buried deeply in me . It felt better in then been bang by it. Jay's breathing finally slowed to normal and he raised himself upwards. I could feel the back of my shirt soaked by both his sweat and my own as the cool air hit it. Jay's cock slid out of me, leaving me feeling empty and strangely incomplete The reality of what I was happening suddenly hit me and the shock of it brought me out of my sexually induced trance.

My cock was hard as I had been unable to stroke it and support myself and Jay during his fucking. It throbbed almost painfully, as hard as it had ever been in my life. I raised up onto my knees when Jay told me to and turned to face him. He told me to open my mouth and as I sucked him clean, he allowed me to beat my cock. I came within a minute, his softening black cock now clean in my mouth.

Jay watched me cum, my sperm shooting onto the floor. He made e suck him for a few seconds longer, then pushed me away. I watched him as he turned and sauntered to the couch. His ass cheeks were round, firm and tight, the skin not as dark as his cock, and I found myself longing not to shove my cock between them, but to use my tongue again. Jay reached the couch and sprawled on it on his back. His cock flopped over his thigh, pointing at me. Jay glanced over at me and told me to clean up the floor. I knew what he wanted from the look on his face and in his eyes. I leaned over and licked my cum from the floor. Jay was smiling when I looked back up at him, his teeth gleaming.

"You're learning pretty quickly, bitch. But I suppose you want more. Right?" He looked at me.

"You want it from me, or from Todd?" Todd was a killer with a long record.

"You, Jay. I want your cock." I had been used by this dude and was hoping he would be the only one. "I don't want Todd's?" Todd was the black stud across the hall . He was sitting there watching my Rape with out a word. He rubbed his huge dick. It appears to be a good 10 inches. A big black curved monster, it looked retarded. When I hesitated, he laughed. "That's what I thought. Already you're wanting more and more dick. Well let me tell you boy. If I ever find out that you've been some other guy's bitch without my permission, you will never get this," he grabbed his cock, "ever again. You understand that?"

"Yes, Jay."

"Good. Then get over here and you can suck another load outta my balls."

Obediently, I crawled to the couch and buried my face in his crotch, I had no more fight in me today. Taking his cockhead in my mouth. Jay just relaxed on the couch, enjoying letting me do all the work. His cock quickly grew in my mouth forcing me to climb up onto the couch to get the right angle to get his cock all the way in my mouth. Jay spread his legs, giving me room on the couch to work his cock deeply in and out of my throat. Suddenly the phone rang and I began to pull off his cock. A hand on the back of my head held my mouth on his shaft. The phone was on the table beside the couch above Jay's head and with his other hand, Jay reached behind him and grabbed it.

Hes phone rang and he picked up."Hello? Hey bro. What's up? Really? Yeah, kind of a slow day then. Me? Just having a bit of fun here. Nah, not that. Closer, but not quite. Closer still. That's it. Yeah, it's good head. Some of the best I've gotten. Hes phone rang again.. " I couldn't believe that Jay was talking about getting his cock sucked with some guy on the phone. I found me a little whiteboy who likes dick. Especially black dick. No, I'm not kidding you." Jay used the grip on my hair to move my head up and down his cock. "Yeah, listen." He held the phone down by my mouth and I knew whomever was on the other end could clearly hear the slurping and sucking sounds of my mouth on Jay's big black cock. He pulled the phone back to his ear.

"See, what did I tell you. Getting head.. Like I said, a fucking whiteboy. Guy is a complete cock slut. I just blew a load up his ass too. Yeah. Buttfucked the pussyboy like he was a fifty cent whore. Yeah, I'm serious. Here. Hold on." Jay looked at me as he pulled my mouth off his cock. "Say 'Hello Bobby'," Jay ordered.

"Hello, Bobby," I said. I could hear a male voice saying "Holy shit" as Jay pulled the receiver away.

"What did I tell you? Yeah, busted this whiteboy's cherry not too long ago, both of them, mouth and ass. He's been a slut for my dick ever today. I fucked him until he could barely walk a few days ago." Jay laughed, either at his statement or at something the guy on the phone said, I wasn't sure which. "Yeah, I know. We always talked about fucking over some white dude. Now I am doing it - literally. Yeah, I know. You want to? Well, I am sure that something can be arranged. Yeah. Yeah. Hey dude. I am getting close to blowing a load down this fag's throat. I'll call you later." He unloaded deep in me.

Jay almost dropped the phone onto the cradle and used both hands to push my head down into his crotch. My nose was buried in his wiry black pubes as he pumped his sperm into my mouth.

It was three days later ,Jay had been away I don't know where or how he is permitted to get out. "Yo, whiteboy. I got me a new piece of furniture. The dude was bringing in a desk.

" Get your ass over here."

I admired the broad shoulders which tapered down to his tight waist and the muscles which flexed in his back as he walked. His ebony skin shone in the sunlight as we stepped outside. He untied the straps holding the chest in place and grabbed one end. He pulled it towards him, backing up as he did so. I admired his bunched biceps and the cords which stood out in his neck as he took up the weight of the piece. The whole piece was about six feet long and three feet high. The mirror added another three feet or so. When it was assembled, I moved to one end and lifted it, ready to help him push it away from the bed and up against the wall. Jay stopped me.

"Leave it where it is, whiteboy. For now at least." I was confused, but used to obeying Jay's commands so I let the end of the dresser back down to the floor. "You look pretty good with your muscles all pumped up like that, whiteboy." I noticed then that the outline of his cock was clearly visible in the sweats he was wearing. He rarely wore close . He only wore them when he was out of the cell. Jay saw where my gaze had settled and let his right hand drop to his crotch, massaging his hard cock through the cotton material. "It's obvious what you need, boy. Why don't you just strip and close your eyes.

I seemed to obey without even considering what he had told me to do or even really thinking about it. My shirt went first, then I kicked off my shoes and socks. I heard the door click shut and waited, naked, for him to return. Jay stepped into grinned when he saw me naked and hard.

"You are learning, whiteboy. You're doing better at following orders and I like that." As he talked, he began to strip off his sweatpants. He was wearing jockeys underneath and the white material bulged from the pressure of his hard cock trying to get free. My eyes traveled up and down his body, taking in his toned, muscular form and his sexy grin. I realized that I was incredibly turned on by the sight of his nearly naked, very dark body. Turned on almost as much as the bodies of the girls I had fucked over the years. Of course, there was no comparison. Jay's body was hard an muscular where the girls were soft and yielding. Jay turned to close the bedroom door and I saw him in profile. The curve his back from his broad shoulders, down to the small of his back before the outward curve of his muscled butt had my cock throbbing. The bulge of his biceps and the slabs of muscle on his chest and abs were also very sexy. That, combined with his dark chocolate skin made him a sight of potent masculine virility.

Then Jay stripped off his shorts and my eyes went straight to his long black cock which snapped up against the muscles in his tight abdomen. I was seeing it from the side and it looked big - too big to ever take in my mouth or ass, but I knew better from experience. I felt my mouth water as I stared at it, remembering all the things that Jay had done to me with that throbbing piece of his body. As he turned to me, I could see a shiny spot on the head where some lube was already forming. I knew what that tasted like, but wanted to taste it again. I had little doubt that soon I would be.

Jay stepped up to me, surprising me. Normally, he had me get on my knees and crawl to him. He further surprised me by grabbing me by the hair on the back of my head. With his strong grip he pulled my head to the back and to the right so that my face was at an angle. His mouth covered mine and I felt his tongue trace along my lips. I meekly let them open and his tongue slid inside my mouth in the way I had kissed so many girls in the past. I let his tongue probe in my mouth, exploring it the way his cock had done previously, though not nearly so deeply. Jay's other hand moved along my abs, running lightly over them. His fingers tickled the hairs that ran in a line down from my navel to my pubes. Jay's hand moved up higher until his fingers found my right nipple. He squeezed it gently at first and I moaned into his mouth.

The black stud's fingers traveled to my left nipple and squeezed it, eliciting another moan. As Jay's hand worked over my chest, his hard cock slapped against mine in some kind of erotic sword play. The contact of our bodies and my submission to his kissing was almost enough to make me cum. Jay must have re alized this because his gentle fingers suddenly clamped down hard on my nipple, pinching it painfully. I groaned in pain, but it was mixed with pleasure. Jay broke the kiss and watched my face intently as he twisted my nipple roughly. It was clear that he was enjoying the expressions of pain and pleasure that he was creating on my face. He grinned at me and then pushed my head down. I licked at his neck and then at the ridge of his collars bone before my mouth was on his chest. As Jay continued to twist and pinch my left nipple, my lips found his dark nipple on the top of his thick slab of muscle and I began to lick and suck on it. I felt it grow hard under my lips. Jay dragged my mouth across his chest, burying my face in the valley between his pecs for a minute. My tongue lapped up the beads of sweat that had formed from the exertion of moving the furniture and the sexual excitement and teased a few hairs that grew there.

Jay dragged my face further until I was sucking on his right nipple. Soon it was hard too. Being bent over by this dominant black stud had separated our cocks but we were both still rock hard. Slowly, almost gently, Jay pushed on the back of my head. I let him put me on my knees, mouth now level with his thick black cock. I looked up at him. He was staring down, watching me. I opened my lips, our eyes still locked together, and let him slide his manhood into my mouth. Jay's eyes fluttered closed and he sighed in pleasure. I watched as his chest filled and expanded as he took a deep breath, admiring the muscles which stood out in relief as he filled his lungs. Without any urging or force from Jay, I pushed my head forward, letting his cock stretch open my throat and plunge deep into me.

Somewhere in my mind I noted that I was now taking this black buck's cock more than willingly, but when he moaned with pleasure, I forgot about everything except making him feel good. I moved my head forward and back, taking the length of his cock into my throat, then pulling back until I could use my tongue on his cockhead. His salty lube covered my tongue as I lapped it up. Briefly again I thought of myself on my knees letting this young black man fuck my face as my own hard cock throbbed between my legs. Jay seemed to grow bored with my mouth action and grabbed my head with both hands. Holding me tightly in place, he jackhammered his cock into my mouth. His balls only bounced against my chin for a few thrusts. I grabbed my cock and stroked it in time with his thrusts. Soon, his balls drew up and soon Jay's body twitched and shuddered as he pumped his cum down my throat with a long, low moan. As he came, I shot my own load onto the floor between his spread legs, moaning around his cock as I did it.

Jay pulled out of my mouth and stepped back. His cock glistened with my spit. He looked down at me with a smirk on his face. His eyes dropped to the puddle of my cum on the floor then raised back up to my eyes. "Guess you got off on being my cocksucker again, huh, whiteboy."

I felt myself blush in embarrassment and humiliation. Even though I had sucked Jay before and been fucked by him, in the moments after shooting my own load, the reality of what I was doing and what Jay was doing to me sank into my mind. I had just let this muscled black stud shoot his sperm down my throat! My cock wilted some from my own orgasm and the embarrassment. Jay gave me no chance to think or react. He grabbed my by the hair and pulled me up onto the bed. He arranged me on my hands and knees, looking at the mirror we had just put on the dresser. It was only a few feet from the edge of the bed where my head was as the dresser was still pushed up against the bed.

"I want you to be able to watch yourself when I mount you like a dog and fuck your brains out, whiteboy. I want you to see yourself in the mirror on your hands and knees and see me behind you, on top of you, inside you - using your hole, cumming up your tight little ass. I want you to watch me fuck you like a dog whether you want me to or not!" Jay climbed onto the bed behind me. In the mirror, he seemed enormous, looming over me from behind. His black skin glistened with sweat, making his chest shine.

Jay wasted no time. I felt the thick, blunt head of his cock against my hole. I watched as Jay ran his hands possessively over my body, feeling along my sides then sliding under to pinch my nipples again. I realized that my cock was rock hard again.

"Look at me, whiteboy!" He snapped as he drag me from my sitting area by the toilet to his bed. I had dropped my head to stare at the sheet beneath me on the bed, but raised my eyes until they met his in the mirror. As our gaze met, Jay slid his cock into me in a brutal thrust, knocking my breath out of me with the sudden penetration. I could feel my eyes widen along with my hole as Jay took me again as his pussyboy. I glanced into the mirror and could see my wide eyes staring back at me. My face was a mix of pain and pleasure and something else. I couldn't identify it until I looked at Jay's face again. On it was the look of a conqueror, a dominant male taking what he wanted. A look of superiority as he fucked another male up the ass to satisfy his sexual desires.

Jay hauled his cock back out of me, making me moan with the sensation of his cock leaving me empty and the friction as my hole tried to keep him inside. I let out a yelp when he immediately rammed back in until I could feel his pubes scratching my ass. Jay fucked me like that for a few minutes, running his cock in and out of me with brutal force and I heard myself whimper a few times when stuffed full of his throbbing, black manhood.. Then he slid his hands forward and reached back under my chest, pulling me upright onto my knees, his cock still buried up inside me. I watched his forearms cross over my chest and his fingers pinch my nipples again. I saw in the mirror as my whole body jerked upward and forward with each thrust of his cock into me.

"That's it whiteboy. Take my big black dick up your tight little hole. Look at yourself! Look at you in the mirror, mounted by another man, taking cock up the ass and your own cock leaking lube like you were the one doing the fucking! You are nothing but a total cock whore, whiteboy. You got off on sucking the cum outta my balls and you get off on my fucking your tight little white boypussy. You fucking love it! You suck loads of my cum down your throat and then let me ram my cock where no self respecting real man would ever allow." He emphasized this with a particularly rough thrust forward. Jay pushed me forward until I was back on my hands and knees. I watched in the mirror as he lowered himself onto my back, his chest on my back and his cheek next to mine. I could feel his beard stubble rub against my face.

"Yeah, whiteboy," he whispered into my ear. I watched his mouth move in the mirror as he spoke. "Give it up to me. Give me your hole. Oh, fuck yeah, take my fat black cock, pussyboy. Take it up your hot little hole. Squeeze it, pussyboy! Clamp down on my cock!" I obeyed, milking his cock with the muscles of my abused ass as he humped me. In the mirror, I watched him watching me and could also see, past our heads, where his ass rose and fell with each thrust into me. Our bodies rocked forward each time he hammered his cock deep up inside me.

"Look at yourself, pussyboy. Look at you taking big black dick up the ass. You got a black man laying on your back and fucking your brains out. Fucking hot sight, isn't it? Little white pussyboy taking the big cock of a real man. A real black man who knows what to do with a man's cock. Yeah, bitch. Take it. Take it hard!" His thrusting was brutal and my arms were straining to hold us both up under the onslaught and our combined weight as he let himself settle fully onto my back. I watched the muscles in my own arms bunching and flexing as I worked to support us as he humped me. I could see the veins in my forearms standing out under the skin as I bore our weight and worked to steady us. It felt like his cock, lubed only with my spit was pulling my guts out each time he withdrew and I watched pain and pleasure alternate on my face again and again. Of course, the look of conquest remained on Jay's face and the look of submission remained on my own through it all. I watched as Jay's body relaxed slowly on mine. I could feel his sweat dripping onto me as his breathing slowly returned to normal. Jay's cock was still up inside me but only softened part way. Still I watched as he raised his head and looked at me in the mirror. He flashed me a grin of superiority and flexed some muscles, making his cock twitch inside me. He smirked as I moaned from the stimulation. Finally, he slowly pulled out of me. Jay grabbed me by the shoulder and pulled me to the side, flipping me onto my back on the bed. I watched as he climbed up my body, straddling my chest with his knees. He aimed his cock between my lips and I obediently took his thick black head and shaft into me again. As I sucked him clean, he leaned over to the side and picked up the phone. I kept sucking as he dialed and made a drug deal Jay grabbed my head and pushed it down. The orgasm he had been holding back now burst out and he pumped shot after shot of hot cum into my mouth. I choke and felt as if I was flooded. "!" Each word was timed with a spurt of cum. I am sure it was as obvious to the new guy watching us as it was to me that Jay was cumming. My mouth was pretty full of his salty tasting seed. I looked upwards to Jay's face as much as his grip on my head would allow. "Swallow it, pussyboy!" A wide grin spread across his face as I drank down his cum while his friend watched. I knew my face was red, not only from the exertions of the long blow job, but from swallowing Jay's cum in front of another guy.

"He just fucking ate your jizz?" There was a note of disgust and amazement in the guy's voice, I could here him over the phone. "That's fucking low, dude. Does he take it up the ass, too?"

"Why do you think I just called him a pussyboy?" Jay said. "You want to try that end first?"

"Hell yeah!"

"Go for it then, bro." I will be right there.. I was turned away from the cell door.

I heard the sound of a zipper and a few more footsteps, then felt the weight of the guy settle behind me on the bed. I tried to turn my head just a bit to catch the guy's reflection in the mirror, but Jay held my head tightly, mouth still on his cock, and his forearm blocked my view. All I could see was the material of a baseball cap, backwards on the guy's head. Hands grabbed my hips tightly and suddenly I felt the guy line up a huge cockhead with my hole. I guess he must have freed his dick while watching me suck Jay.

"Oh god," I thought, "the guy's cock is dry." I started to struggle. Even if the guy wasn't huge, taking it dry would fucking kill me! I tried to pull my head up, but the two men held me in place. I couldn't break free of their hold. Jay's cock impaled my face as his buddy prepared to do the same to my ass.

The force that the man behind me used made up for the lack of lubrication. I screamed a muffled scream around Jay's cock as I was fucked by this stud's cock. It felt like a giant battering ram was being driven up inside me. Inch after thick inch forced its way into my already abused ass. I yelled again, my mouth still effectively muzzled by Jay's cock which had grown substantially harder as he watched his buddy mount, then penetrate, me. I struggled harder, trying desperately to pull away from the invading cock, but the two men gripped me harder, holding me in place. My body trembled as, for the first time in my life, I had two cock inside me. "Ahh. Fucking tight hole, bud. Tight little hole for my big dick." I heard the guy sigh in pleasure. Then I felt the invader begin to pull back out of me, his cock seeming to pull all of my guts with it, but now at least it was lubed some from Jay's sperm which filled me. The guy apparently realized it.

"Hey, I'm getting sloppy seconds here, aren't I?"

"Of course, man! I fucked this faggot's pussy not twenty minutes ago. Good thing I did or you ramming in dry woulda probably killed him." Both guys laughed. My eyes were squeezed shut, trying to deal with the pain of this huge cock inside me. I moaned around Jay's cock and felt it twitch in response. "You got the faggot moaning now, bro. Go for broke. He's full at both ends with dick. He must be in pussyboy heaven. Fuck his goddam brains out!"

The man behind me wasted no time, drilling his cock back into me. Jay grabbed me by the ears and began to force my mouth up and down his cock. I was being brutally fucked at both ends and as my body shook, I felt my cock, which had shrunk when the new man first took me, now slapping against my abs, hard as stone. Together, Jay and his friend worked my entire body back and forth, my mouth emptying as my ass filled with cock, then reversing so that my mouth filled as my ass emptied. I felt like a puppet in the hands of two sexual puppet masters, being jerked and pulled and moved to make them cum. I was also realized that I was loving it. Being taken forcefully by these guys, even against my will, had my cock as hard as it had ever been in my life.

I didn't know who the guy was that was fucking me. I had probably never even seen him before in my life, but I was loving his cock and the way he used it. He was a masterful cocksman, driving himself in and out of me rough and hard, using my hole however he wanted, not caring if I liked it but just doing whatever made his cock feel the best. I felt one of his hands run up my spine then his fingers tangle in the hair on the back of my head. With the same brutal force he was using to fuck me, he hauled my head up, then impaled it on Jay's thick black spike.

"Suck that big black cock, faggot!" he ordered. "Suck that cock and take my dick up your tight little hole, pussyboy! Take these cocks, you worthless excuse for a man. Look at you, on your hands and knees with full of black dick at both ends. This is what you were born for, you piece of shit!" He forced my head back down the length of Jay's cock, ramming his dick deeply into me as he did so.

Jay's cock in my mouth was turning steely. This orgasm was going to flood my mouth quickly, not like the long, drawn out blow job that I had given him while Jay waited for his buddy to arrive. Still being rocked back and forth, I felt the hand holding my hair release it and both of the guy's hands began to explore my body. He pinched my nipples until they were hard, then ran his hands along my arms, feeling my biceps. He cupped my pecs, then ran his hands down along the ridges of my abs and used them to pull me up to meet his thrusting cock. The back of one of his hands hit the head of my cock and I couldn't help myself. The stimulation of his hands and the two cocks inside me, one belonging to an unknown man exploring my body like he owned it set me off. My body twitching violently and moaning around Jay's cock uncontrollably, I shot my load onto the sheets of the bed beneath me.

Jay held my head tightly with both hands and let loose his latest explosion of cum. I gulped it down as quickly as he shot it. "Ahhhhhh, yeahhhhhhhh, suck it all down, whiteboy. Eat my cum, cocksucker! Eat it all."

I guess watching his buddy cum and feeling my ass squeezing his cock as I shot my own load set off the man fucking me. I heard him let out a low moan and he drove his cock as far in to me as he could get it and held it there.

"Oh shit. Oh shit! I'm gonna....AH! AH! AH! AH! AH!" The guy's hands gripped my shoulders, his fingers digging into me as he held me in place and filled me with his cum. Jay's cock, now only half hard, slid out of my mouth. Jay's hands still gripped the sides of my head, but I managed to look up at him. He was watching his buddy as the guy came inside me, an amused half-grin on his face. I struggled to catch my breath. It seemed like it was the first time in hours that I didn't have Jay's cock in my mouth. I watched Jay's chest rise and fall as the guy fucking me slowly pulled his softening cock out of me.

"Damn! This boy's hole is as good as any pussy I've ever fucked!"

"Yeah, once I showed him what a slut he was, he's learned how to please real men like us really quick. His mouth is damn good too!" Jay replied.

Jay finally released my head from his tight grip and I turned it, looking into the mirror. The young man behind me was darker than Jay by several shades. He still wore the backwards ball cap, but had apparently pulled off his shirt. His chest was toned and his dark skin shone in the light with sweat. I realized who he was immediately. I had seen him around the neighborhood plenty of times, usually hanging out with friends on a street corner, moving with them down the sidewalk in a pack. I'd also seen him playing basketball a lot on the public court a few blocks away. I didn't know his name because Jay had been right, I usually avoided this guy and his group.

I figured him to be about 19 or 20, but wasn't sure. When I saw him on the street, his face usually was hardened, projecting an aura of superiority and attitude. I knew that he led his particular gang and his reputation was one of being a gang leader and a hard ass. I knew he had been in some trouble with the law in the past, but had never heard about anything really serious. Mainly alcohol and drug offenses. Now he was behind me staring down at me and had just fucked me up the ass.

Jay moved upward and climbed off the bed. He stood to my left, looking down at me, his cock still at half mast. "I'm gonna grab a brew," he announced and looked at the us. "Do whatever you want," he told the guy behind me and walked out of the bedroom.

I felt the guy's hands on me again and he pushed me over and onto my back on the cum stained sheets. My legs were now both to the right of him and I watched as he grabbed my ankle and lifted my left leg, spreading them again. He knelt there between my legs for a moment staring down at me. I looked up at him, a vision of black masculinity - muscles, tendons and sweat. I saw that his cock was a good seven or more inches and was rapidly rising back to fully erect. I dragged my eyes away from his crotch and up to his face.

I didn't know who the guy was that was fucking me. I had probably never even seen him before in my life, but I was loving his cock and the way he used it. He was a masterful cocksman, driving himself in and out of me rough and hard, using my hole however he wanted, not caring if I liked it but just doing whatever made his cock feel the best. I felt one of his hands run up my spine then his fingers tangle in the hair on the back of my head. With the same brutal force he was using to fuck me, he hauled my head up, then impaled it on Jay's thick black spike.

"Suck that big black cock, faggot!" he ordered. "Suck that cock and take my dick up your tight little hole, pussyboy! Take these cocks, you worthless excuse for a man. Look at you, on your hands and knees with full of black dick at both ends. This is what you were born for, you piece of shit!" He forced my head back down the length of Jay's cock, ramming his dick deeply into me as he did so.

Jay's cock in my mouth was turning steely. This orgasm was going to flood my mouth quickly, not like the long, drawn out blow job that I had given him while Jay waited for his buddy to arrive. Still being rocked back and forth, I felt the hand holding my hair release it and both of the guy's hands began to explore my body. He pinched my nipples until they were hard, then ran his hands along my arms, feeling my biceps. He cupped my pecs, then ran his hands down along the ridges of my abs and used them to pull me up to meet his thrusting cock. The back of one of his hands hit the head of my cock and I couldn't help myself. The stimulation of his hands and the two cocks inside me, one belonging to an unknown man exploring my body like he owned it set me off. My body twitching violently and moaning around Jay's cock uncontrollably, I shot my load onto the sheets of the bed beneath me.

Jay held my head tightly with both hands and let loose his latest explosion of cum. I gulped it down as quickly as he shot it. "Ahhhhhh, yeahhhhhhhh, suck it all down, whiteboy. Eat my cum, cocksucker! Eat it all."

I guess watching his buddy cum and feeling my ass squeezing his cock as I shot my own load set off the man fucking me. I heard him let out a low moan and he drove his cock as far in to me as he could get it and held it there.

"Oh shit. Oh shit! I'm gonna....AH! AH! AH! AH! AH!" The guy's hands gripped my shoulders, his fingers digging into me as he held me in place and filled me with his cum. Jay's cock, now only half hard, slid out of my mouth. Jay's hands still gripped the sides of my head, but I managed to look up at him. He was watching his buddy as the guy came inside me, an amused half-grin on his face. I struggled to catch my breath. It seemed like it was the first time in hours that I didn't have Jay's cock in my mouth. I watched Jay's chest rise and fall as the guy fucking me slowly pulled his softening cock out of me.

"Damn! This boy's hole is as good as any pussy I've ever fucked!"

"Yeah, once I showed him what a slut he was, he's learned how to please real men like us really quick. His mouth is damn good too!" Jay replied.

Jay finally released my head from his tight grip and I turned it, looking into the mirror. The young man behind me was darker than Jay by several shades. He still wore prison gear, but had apparently pulled off his shirt. His chest was toned and his dark skin shone in the light with sweat. I realized who he was immediately. I had seen him around the neighborhood plenty of times, usually hanging out with friends on a street corner, moving with them down the sidewalk in a pack. I'd also seen him playing basketball a lot on the public court a few blocks away. I didn't know his name because Jay had been right, I usually avoided this guy and his group.

I figured him to be about 20 or 23, but wasn't sure. When I saw him on the street, his face usually was hardened, projecting an aura of superiority and attitude. I knew that he led his particular gang and his reputation was one of being a gang leader and a hard ass. I knew he had been in some trouble with the law in the past, but had never heard about anything really serious. Mainly alcohol and drug offenses. Now he was behind me staring down at me and had just fucked me up the ass. Years later I found out he told everyone in my hood I got raped. . The first few months I was raped and beat up many times by Jay my cell mate.

He publicly humiliated and degraded me, making sure all the inmates and guards knew that I was a queen and his property. Within a week he was pimping me out to other inmates at $3.00 a man. This state of existence continued for two months until he sold me for $25.00 to another black male who purchased me to be his wife. It was another thirty days before an attorney was able to force to transfer me to another prison. Word quickly spread of my activities That was the setting for the rest of my five yr. sentence. Though I was lucky, the rest was spent with only two men, and not hundreds of men.

Next: Chapter 11

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