New Guy Moves to Beacon Hills

By Jeffery Crummel

Published on Apr 29, 2015


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As I laid quietly on my bed thinking about every thing that has happened the past couple of days I couldent help but feel like something wasn't right. What happened between me and Scott was amazing but it shouldent have happened like that, it was like he was possessed by a wild animal. Could it be because I'm Fae? I decided I should get up and have a talk with Juju and see if she might have a clue. When I got down, Stairs she was in the kitchen reading a book and drinking a cup of coffee like she does every day. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the milk and poured myself a glass and sat down next to Juju. I cleared my throat "Hey Juju do you have a minute?" She smiled as she marked her place on her nook "Of course Baby boy for you I have eternity." I laughed she always says the weirdest stuff but that's what makes her my Juju. "Soo I'm not sure how to put this but can fae make people like them? I'm not trying to make some one like me or anything its just Scott has been acting weird around me and today he kissed me but it didn't seem like him if that makes sense?" I rambled on but Juju had a weird look on her face. "Juju?" I asked again "Sorry baby boy I was just thinking. And no we can't make people like us, but.. never mind it's probably nothing." She said with her beautiful smile "Juju please tell me. No secrets ok." "Ok I'll tell you but don't freak out ok?" she said as she took a sip of coffee. I just nodded I needed to know. "Well hun Fae are naturally beautiful so alot people do tend to be attracted to them but supernatural creatures are more attracted to Fae we give off an irresistible fragrance only supernatural creatures can smell." She explained like it was no big deal "so they don't have any control over it?" I asked "they do to an extent why?" She said "like I said Scott has been acting weird around me." I said I knew I couldent tell her the real story of what happened in the woods. Juju laughed "well if he is a supernatural creature and he is attracted to you just release him." "What the hell are you talking about just release him." I asked she smiled "if he is something else just walk up to him and place your hand on him and simply say "i release you." Simple isn't it." I thanked her and have her a hug and kiss good night then i put my glass in the sink and ran up stairs to my room to go to bed. Hopefully tomorrow isnt going to be awkward, I just found out there are other supernatural creatures, don't get me wrong I have thought, if there are Fae there must be other creatures too right? But if Scott being attracted to me is just him liking me and not some fae stuff that's going to be the awkward part. When I woke up I felt energized like I had slept for days. I got up and got every thing ready that I needed for the day and then jumped in the shower. Just feeling the hot water running over my skin relaxing my muscles every worry I had about today just melted away. I started to have fun manipulating the water just practicing making it swirl completely around me leaving no part of me uncovered, expanding it and contracting it. After about twenty minutes or so I was exhausted so I turned the water off and grabbed my towel and drying myself wrapping the towel around my body and heading back into my room to grab some clothes. I decide on a pair of dark grey pair of jeans with these faded white creases on the top part of the legs, my grey and white entnies, pair of black socks, with a white v-neck shirt, and of course my mom's necklace. After I was dressed I ran down stairs kissed Juju good bye and grabbed an apple for breakfast and ran out back. I walked up to the tree line looked at my watch and marked the time at 7.05 am. I took a deep breath pictured the school in my mind and walked straight into the tree. It felt weird at first like I was stepping in to jello, but then it turned all warm and warmer the more I went into the tree after what felt like a minute or so I all the sudden stepped out and I was looking at the school. Mr first tree step and I was excited I honestly didn't think I could do it. I looked at my watch and it was still 7.05am I was amazed no time had passed. I smiled this could be useful and ran to the school I had to find Scott. I walked around the school looking for Scott when I ran into Stiles "Hey Stiles is Scott around? I need to talk to him it's important." I said nervously rubbing my arm. He laughed "No he said he wasn't feeling good but I can take you to his house after school if u want." " Really that would be great thank you." He smiled and put his arm around me and said "what are friend for, let's get to class bells going to ring." And right on que the bell started ringing I laughed and just walked with him to class. I was a little disappointed that I was going to have to wait till school was over to talk to scott. The day seemed to just keep dragging on I couldent focus on anything but wanting to talk to scott but it finally it ended, I grabbed all my stuff and threw it into my back pack and walked over to Stiles's desk just as the bell rang. "Impatient much."Stiles laughed as he started packing his bag "Sorry I just really need to talk to Scott." I tried to laugh it off. "It's all good man, let get going." With that I smiled and we headed to the parking lot. After about five minutes of walking in silence Stiles finally spoke "Sooo... what's so important that you couldn't wait to talk to Scott if you don't mind me asking." "Well its kinda of personal but if Scott don't mind I'll tell you, but you have to wait till I talk to scott first." I replied and Stiles laughed "fair enough.." he said and I couldent help but to bust out laughing when he said that. We finally pulled up to Scotts house and I practicality ran up to the door and by the time I knocked Stiles slow ass finally got to the door when Scott answered the door. "Ummm hey guys. What are you guys doing here." Scott said as he answered the door. "Well Landon couldent wait to talk to you so I told him I'd bring him by." Stiles said as he walked through the door and I followed him into the house as Scott shut the door behind us. "Hey Scott can I please talk to you about yesterday." I said softly kind of nervous. "Ummm sure but Stiles can we be a lone for a minute please."asked Scott and Stiles just grumbled something and walked into the kitchen. "Follow me." Said Scott a little demanding and annoyed, I followed him up stairs to his room and took a seat on his bed as he shut the door and sat at his computer desk."Soo I need to explain something before you say anything, Landon I'm not gay I've told you that. I don't know what came over me I just couldent help myself and I'm so sorry Landon please forgive me." Scott said he looked like he was going to cry. "Scott don't be up set I'm not mad and I knew something wasn't right and that's why I wanted to talk to you." I said and he looked up with a weak little smile and I continued "there's some thing I need to tell you and it's really hard for me to say this but I'm different Scott, it's the only way I know how to say it with out sounding crazy." I felt like I had diarrhea of the mouth I just kept talking and talking. "What happened yesterday is my fault I think. My aunt said my family has a gift witch makes people attracted to us but one thing doesn't make sense." I finally ended my rambling. Scott just sat there for a minute just looking at me as if he was taking it all in and then he cleared his throat "Well how does it work? And what doesn't add up."he replied. "Well I know this is going to sound crazy but she said it only works on supernatural creatures....." I said nervously as he looked me up and down then he closed his eyes and took a deep inhale though his nose and looked straight at me. "I'm sorry I didn't want you to know this, I mean I knew you weren't human because you have this sweet smelling sent that just flows off of you no human smells that amazing." He laughed I just stood there I couldent believe me ears, Scott McCall basically admitted he wasnt human. Dont get me wrong, with me being fae I knew there was a possibility of other creatures out there but I never thought they would be this close. "Wh-what are you."I asked a little scared. Scott stood up and walked over to the bed and sat next to me and whispered into my ear one word "werewolf." For some reason I was relieved, means I'll have some one kind of like me right? I didn't know what to think I kept getting lost in thought. "Landon, hey you ok?" Scott said softly. "Oh ah yeah I'm fine just got caught a little off guard. Does Stiles know? Is he a werewolf too." I said coming out of my shock. Scott placed his hand on my shoulder "Stiles knows but hes humam umm c-can I asked what you are?" He stuttered. I looked into his big brown eyes "I'm fae." I stated proudly. It was the frist time I've ever said it to anyone and let me tell you it was awesome it was so freeing. He looked at me with these questions in his eyes I knew what he was going to ask and before he could say anything I simply said "Fae, means Fairy." He seemed to get it after that. "Do you have wings." He said excitedly. I laughed "No I don't have wings, not all Fae can fly you have to earn your wings." He seemed satisfied with that answer and then he jumped up "We left Stiles alone." He opened his door and we ran down stairs to find Stiles stuffing his face and and watching tv."Hey guys you were in the room awhile what's going on?" Stiles said "well its kinda private Stiles I'm not sure Landon wants every one knowing." Scott said with his signature smirk. "Well Scott he knows your secret and he's kept it so I think he should be able to know mine." I said laughing. "What secret are you girls blabbing about?" Stiles joked. "Well Stiles I'm a Fae, or as you might..." I got cut off by stiles "your a Fairy you got to be kidding me what's next a Griffen!" Stiles shouted then started to laugh along with Scott what exactly did i miss here I thought he was serious I guess not, what did he mean what's next is there more then just Fae and werewolves. "Is there more people like us here in Beacon hills?" I asked, curiosity just flowing from my eyes. "Well I don't know about Fairys but there are a couple more werewolves, a Kitsune and a Banshee." Stiles said nonchalantly. "WHATTTTTTT!" I exlamed. Scott laughed and said "well Kira is a Kitsune or "fox spirit", Lydia is a Banshee, Isaac Liam and I are werewolves." "Ok anything else I need to know and should we tell every one else about me?" I asked truely not knowing. "Well that's truly up to you we won't say anything untill you do." Scott said as he winked. It was getting late and Stiles and I were getting ready to leave when I remembered what I came here to do and that was to release Scott. I walked straight up to him and place my hand on his chest "I release you." And with that a little blue light left Scotts head and disappeared into the air. "What was that."asked Scott. "Like I said earlier my aunt said supernatural creatures lose them selves around me, but if I release you then it stops that I'm not sure how it works I'm new to all of this." I said blushing. Scott gave me a look "It's cool it was just weird." He said. "Hey one more question, can you get every one together tomorrow meet at my house. I'm going to let our friends know my secret." I smiled. "Ya no problem meet you around noon?" Stiles asked. "Ya sounds good." I replied. And with that we said our goodbyes and headed home.

Plz let me know what u think and let me know if u want to see more boy on boy action Email me

Next: Chapter 6

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