New Guy Moves to Beacon Hills

By Jeffery Crummel

Published on Feb 15, 2015


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I do not own any right to any of the charters in teen wolf nor do I know their sexuality this is all for fun

It's been about two weeks since I moved into my beautiful new home and honestly I'm loving it haha, it has also been 2 weeks since I found out that I'm a Fae. Now when most people think of fae or fairy as some people like to say. They think of a small human like creatures with insect wings but in reality we are nothing like that. We look completely human until we transform, then we have slight changes in our facial structure our cheek bones become higher and our ears become more pointed most people describe the way we look as angelic well at least that's what Juju told me. Sadly I haven't gotten to experience any transformation or abilities yet. Juju says it's will happen on my 17th birthday and this is the reason my dad had me move with aunt Juju. My dad is human and doesn't know much about our kind but he did know when I turned 17 my abilities would start to show and believed this would be the best thing for me. My birthday is tomorrow which means I should start to feel my inter Fae start to rise and I'm so excited. I've been in my room most of the day today just thinking about every Juju has told me about the Fae people and the common abilities all Fae share like: enhanced senses, agility, strength, tree stepping (the ability to phase into trees and use the root system to travel), gliding (not all Fae can fly the ones that can have earned there wings by saving a humans life). Juju says there is still alot for me to learn but all in do time.

I woke up early this morning and Im already starting to feel differently, I don't know how to explain it I just know there is something different. I get out of bed grab my outfit for the day and start to get ready for the day. After I was dressed in my grey v-neck and my charcoal grey pants with my back and grey etnies I went to the check my self in the mirror and noticed my hair was darker it turned black and my eyes were now this beautiful electric blue color and I loved it. I ran down stairs to show Juju and that's when I noticed my senses I could see much better I could hear Juju in the kitchen cooking and I could smell every thing, the bacon, eggs, toast. It was like a whole new world. When I walked in to the kitchen Juju smiled and said "well looks like you've noticed some of the changes" with a slight chuckle. I laughed and said "Ya I did i really like them so far." She served breakfast and we started to eat.

Not to long after I started eating Juju clears her throat "so you know how I said there are the abilities all Fae share? Well some Fae can have extra abilities depending on if they have a strong connection to an element." What do you mean?" I asked "well some fae have a strong connection to a certain element it's like it's apart of them, have you noticed any thing like that?" She asked like she already knew the answer. "Umm well now that you mention it, I've always felt at peace when I'm around water. it has this pull on me when I'm around it." She just smiled and said "I figured as much our family has always been like that with water." I looked at her with this puzzled look on my face and asked "so can all of our family control water?" She laughed "well not every one but your mom was a natural, I'm not quite as skilled as ur mom but I know a trick or two." I started to get excited, talking about my mom always made me smile. "So does that mean I'm going to be able to control water?" I asked. "We will have go find out won't we Baby Boy."she smiled and ruffled my hair. I got so excited I jumped up from the table ready to go "whoa there, we can go AFTER we eat." She said. "Ya your right, looks like I got ahead of my self there." I just grabbed the back of my neck and laughed as I slowly sank back down in to my seat. I was so excited I couldent wait.

After breakfast I was buzzing with excitement I couldent wait to find out if i could control water, more importantly I was going to see if I would be like my mom. I think that's why I was really excited. Juju met me in the back yard by her koi pond I was just sitting there when she walked up. "Beautiful isn't it." She said softly. "Yeah I could sit here all day." I replied with a great big smile on my face. "Shall we start?" She asked, as if I wasn't already ready. I just looked at her and nodded, "ok first close your eyes just listen to the water and let your instincts take over." She said with a soothing voice. I sat there and cleared my mind I just listened to the water i felt is if it was a part of me, I opened my eyes and lifted my hand and an orb of water came out of the pond. Juju seemed a little shocked at first but then smiled and said "I should have known you would take after your mother. It takes most people alot of practice to Be able to form a orb of water like that, you did it with out even trying." I got super excited I was like my mom and not only that but I am good like my mother was. For the rest of the day Juju taught me techniques and different things I could do with my abilities. There are alot of cool things like: water whip, sheild, how to freeze the water, evaporation, and a lot of otger useful things. I also learned I can gather water from the air so I'm never with out water which I thought would come in handy. I was catching on really quick but it was also tiring so around dinner time we called it quits and I helped juju make dinner we ate then cleaned up and I was going to take a shower then heading to bed. Juju stopped me at the stairs "Lan hun with every thing going on today I forgot to tell you that you start school tomorrow.

I forgot I have to go to school this sucks I hate school. I'm not going to have any friends or anything. Oh well I guess, I an up stairs and started the shower and then i headed to bed. The next day I got up and decided I would make a good first impression. I went to my closet and picked out my etnies and my faded baby blue jeans that looked white and a dark grey v-neck with my black beater on underneath it and to top it off my black Dimond stud earing and of course my mom's necklace. Juju insisted on giving me a ride for my first day so I let her I really wanted to walk so I could try tree stepping oh well there is always after school. We pull up to my new school Beacon Hills High, It was a nice big school but something seemed off about it. It's probably because I don't want to be here. I got my classes and went to go find my first class, as I'm wondering the halls i completely trip over something and land straight on my face. I started to get up and I knew every one was staring at me, it wasn't the first impression I was going for but oh well. two really cute guys came over to me and helped me up I couldent help but blush "Thanks I'm a bit of a cluts" I said "No I'm sorry you tripped over my leg i knelt down to tie my shoe and next thing I know your face first on the ground, I'm Stiles by the way and this is my best friend Scott and you are?" "Oh sorry, hi my name is Landon it's nice to meet you guys." "Hi" Scott said, he seemed kinda shy around me. "Nice to meet you Landon are you new?" Asked stiles. "Ya I moved up here about two weeks ago with my aunt." I replied the bell rang and Scott ran off Stiles stayed "did you need help finding your classes" he asked "please. I'm so lost" I said I gave him my schedule and he laughed and said "wow we have all the same classes that's so weird." He smiled "looks like I have a new shadow for the day." I just laughed and we headed to class I knew I was going to like it here five mins in and I already met two cute guys I could get use to this school.

Next: Chapter 4

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