New Earth

By Zarek

Published on Sep 10, 2014


Disclaimer: This is a story that I had started over 2 and a half years ago. You are getting to read it for free thanks to the donations made to Nifty. If you can donate, any amount is appreciated.

Prologue: This is a story set in the future about two boys, both are physical and mentally eighteen, though they were in cryo-stasis for 600 years. Only first names of the characters are given, and this is completely fictional, so any references to actual situations are purely coincidental. There is gay sex involved, so if you are offended, be advised and leave now. Otherwise, I hope that you enjoy this story and I may continue to write more. Any feedback or suggestion can be submitted to


Months had passed quickly and the new planet was becoming visible. Josh and I were getting closer to being able to do the clapping push-ups. Being younger, Josh is more agile and getting the hang of it quicker, but I'm getting there, too.

Last report we had from Josh's classes, he is officially caught up to the 10 year old age group and will be going his regular classes as scheduled when the school year starts. We were just a day or two from landing and as we sat at the dinner table, Josh got a curious look on his face. "Mom, do you know Michelle in my class?"

"I think so, why?" Mom asked.

"I think she hates me." Josh stated.

"What makes you think that?" I asked.

"She keeps smacking my stomach and running away." Josh said.

"Dude, girls your age like to hit the boy when they like him. Do you see her doing it to any other boys?" Zac inquired.

"No, just me." Josh said. "Girls sure have a funny way of showing they like a boy."

"That they do. Question is, what do you think about her?" I asked.

"Well, for a girl she's cute and smart, but she don't want to play with the cars or any of the boys' toys. She wants to play house. She says that she's the mom and I can be the dad."

"Yea, Bro, she definitely like you. Give it a few years and you may decide that you want to play house with her." I told him.

""No way! I'll never want to play house with a girl." Josh said.

"Are you wanting to play house with a boy?" Zac asked.

"That's gross. I'm not playing house, period." Josh exclaimed. We all laughed.

"Heading to the gym probably for the last time before we land." Zac said.

"I'll get my shorts." Josh shouted. I grabbed mine also.

We got to the gym and switched to our shorts. We didn't see anyone else in the gym the whole time we were there. Josh was hitting fifty push-ups with the jump. I struggled a bit but I barely hit fifty.

"You ready to put the clap in?" Zac asked.

"I think so." Josh said.

"How about you, Zarek."

"I need take a break. Besides, I want to watch Josh do his. I have confidence in you, Bro." I responded. Though Josh was looking down, I could tell that I brought a smile to his face.

Josh lowered himself and then pushed up fast. As his hands started to leave the ground, he did a clap and hurried to get his hands back into position. "That's great Josh. Can you do another?" Zac said encouraging him. Josh did another and another. He got to 10 clapping push-ups before he messed up and fell. He was disappointed.

"Dude, wasn't that long ago that you couldn't do any." I told him. "You did awesome and did 10. I haven't even done 1 yet." Josh smiled.

"You did good, Bro." Zac told him. Zac started calling Josh Bro a few weeks after he started staying with us. Josh liked thinking of Zac as a second brother.

"I did, didn't I?" Josh was gleaming.

"OK, Zarek, it's your turn. If you don't even get one completed, you have to give Josh a piggyback ride back to the quarters." Zac demanded. He may have stopped being my master for the time being, but I loved him so much that I would do anything that Zac told me to do.

I got into a push-up position and started. I did a couple push-ups to warm up and then pushed myself off the floor. I clapped my hands but as I went to get them back into place for the landing, I stumbled. Josh started laughing. "Nice effort and you are getting better." Zac said. That's one thing about him coaching us. He was always encouraging, even when we didn't get it quite right.

"You have to give me a piggyback ride." Josh said as he jumped on my back.

"Yea, but we need to shower." I told him. I got up with him still hanging on. We went to the lockers and he got off my back. We all stripped and grabbed our towels. Zac always took the lead in case there were guys in the shower. We were still the only ones in the gym so the shower was empty.

After we dried off and got dressed, I told Josh to jump up. He did and we headed for our quarters. Mom looked at us as we entered.

"I did 10 clapping push-ups today." Josh said excitedly.

"I'm proud of you, Honey. Is that why Zarek's carrying you like that?" Mom asked.

"Nope. Zac told him that if he didn't do 1 then he had to give me a piggyback ride."

"Yea, and I tried, but I didn't quite make it." I added.

"But he did improve." Zac added further.

"Well, I'm proud of both of you. This is our last supper on the ship. Tomorrow, Josh and I will be going to our new house and Zarek and Zac will be going to theirs. What are we having?"

"Pizza!" Josh exclaimed.

"I'd love some more of your lasagna." Zac said.

"I change my vote to lasagna." Josh said. I think if Zac would have said poop, Josh would have agreed. He really did look up to us.

"Lasagna sounds good, Mom. Want any help?" I said.

"I would love for you to help me." Mom said. She smiled whenever I offered to help her. I think she just enjoys the fact I enjoy being with her.

Josh and Zac were playing some game on the video. With several thousand to choose from, I'm not sure which one they were playing. I heard them laughing and carrying on. From the sound of it, I think Josh was beating Zac. Mom and I made the lasagna and put it in the oven.

After the lasagna was done, Mom pulled it from the oven and let it sit for a few minutes. I started setting the table and Josh came running up. "You want to play against me? I skunked Zac."

"Sure, but after supper, alright?" I responded. Josh seemed alright with that answer and started helping set the table.

Mom brought out the lasagna and started dishing it onto the plates. She set the remainder on the counter. I knew Zac would go for seconds. He really loves Mom's lasagna. I also planned on seconds, myself.

After supper was done, Mom and Zac cleaned up while Josh and I started playing a game. It was called "Need for Speed" and Josh is really good at it. I tried to put up a fight, but in the end, Josh beat me, too. He jumped on my lap and kissed my cheek and hugged me. "You and Zac are the best brothers I could ask for. I hear the other kids in my class complain that their older brothers and sisters like to leave them out, but you and Zac don't."

"That's because you, little man, are a cool younger brother. There are times when Zac and I like to be just the two of us, and we try to keep that for when you're in bed, but we also enjoy having you with us." I told him and he hugged me again. "You want to go do something, just the two of us? We'll leave Zac out this time."

"Yea, sure." Josh answered excitedly. "Sorry Zac, but we're ditching you for something."

"Have fun." Zac called out. I could barely see Mom smiling.

As we walked, Josh asked if he were allowed to visit me at the ranch. I told him that he would need Mom's permission, but he better visit me. I also promised to come visit him as often as I could. We got to the anti-gravity chamber. The crew of the ship used it for practicing going outside the ship, but when they weren't using it, we could.

I let Josh step inside first. When he started floating, at first he had a concerned look on his face. "This is way cool," He said once he realized everything was alright. I entered and started floating, too.

"I thought you would like this. And the face you made when you first started floating up." I said with a chuckle.

"I didn't know what was going on. It startled me, but this is fun. Too bad we land tomorrow. I'd love to come back here."

"Maybe they'll have something like this somewhere. I'll try to find out." I offered him.

"That would be cool."

It was getting close to Josh's bedtime so we headed back toward our quarters. As we rounded a corner, I spotted an officer from the crew. "Excuse me, Commander, I have a question." I said.

You're Jon's son, aren't you? We all owe a lot to your father. What can I help you with?" the officer asked.

"We were just in the anti-gravity chamber and were wondering if there will be one when we land.

"We'll you know, once we land, this ship will be dismantled so its resources can be used for further construction. The chamber you were just in will remain intact for further training and for enjoyment."

He went to a wall display and pulled up a map showing where it will be located. As he was showing it, I saw a place marked as Horse Ranch about three kilometers from it. "That horse ranch, will it be the one I will live on?" I asked.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, it will." The officer told us. Then he looked at Josh. "Would you like to see where you'll be living?"

"Sure!" Josh said.

The commander panned the map to where the horse ranch was just at the edge. He clicked on a house and it showed Mom and Josh's name as the residence. They were approximately five kilometers from my place as the crow flies and four kilometers from where the chamber will be.

"Any idea when the chamber will be ready for use?" I asked.

"We estimate two to four months, but we have no real time set." The officer said.

We thanked him and headed to our quarters. Josh started talking about the chamber and seeing a map of where everyone will be living. Mom smiled and said she was glad that he had a great time. Then she told him that it was a couple minutes past he bedtime, but she'd give him ten more minutes to unwind and get ready for bed.

Josh went to the room and started getting ready. Mom playfully swatted me on the butt and jokingly told me that I kept him out until two minutes past his bedtime.

"We tried to get back here on time, but started taking to an officer on the ship." I said.

"Well, it was only two minutes and I wasn't worried since he was with you. I'm so glad that you let him tag along and do things with him. Since he'll never know his father, he'll be looking up to you a lot."

"He'll know Dad, Mom. I plan to share with him how great a man he was. And I'll gladly show him the images of Dad. He already knows that Dad died a hero. And I told him that with your permission, he's welcome at the ranch whenever he can."

"Well expect him to be there often. I'm going to bed, so we can start preparing for disembarking. Good night." Mom retired to her quarters.

"Mind if we just go to bed? We do need to prepare to get off the ship." Zac asked.

I kissed Zac and told him that I'm always game for what he suggest. Then we went into our room. Josh was asleep on my bed, so I slept in Zac's and Zac slept in Josh's.

We woke up early, ate breakfast and started getting everything ready. The ship landed about 20 minutes before noon and the ship's crew members went quarter to quarter assisting each family so it wouldn't be crazy. When they came to our quarters, Mom kissed Zac and me. Josh hug us and asked us to come to dinner because he already started missing us. Zac promised that we would.

There was a vehicle, I had never seen anything like, but it looked like a 2020 car from earth except it had no wheels. It floated on a cloud of air like a hovercraft. There was a lot of talk about doing this with cars eventually. Behind it was a trailer with the two horse. It also floated on air. Zac and I got in and went to the ranch. "You did describe your idea house as rustic, didn't you?" the crew member asked?

"Yeah, I've always wanted to live in a log cabin." I told him. He just nodded.

With where the ship landed, it took us almost half an hour to get the ranch. The house looked like a rustic one story house from a western. I loved the outside, but wasn't sure that I liked the one story. We went in the front door there was a large front room. Straight ahead, was a hall way. Door to the left, I assumed was a closet. Next doorway to the left was an arch with no door. We walked in and there was a living room set up. We walked through to another arch. It led to the hall that we could see from the front room.

Across from this arch was a door. I opened it to see a half bathroom. To our left was another door. We walked in to see the dining room. As we stood in the door way facing the dining room, there were two double wide arches where I could see I kitchen. Not found the bedrooms, yet, so I walked into the kitchen. To the left was a door the led outside toward the barn. To the right I saw another door. There was the X3000 Hyper Washing machine. I was never really sure if it really cleaned the clothes or broke the old clothes down and replicated new. "Where are the bedrooms?" I asked.

"Remember the door you thought was a closet?" Our driver asked.

We went through that door. There was a spiral staircase and a turbolift. We got in the turbolift and our driver said "B1." I wanted to call out Bingo. We down 1 level. As we got out, I noticed that the stairs led up or down.

"How many levels are there?" Zac asked.

"You have the one level above ground, and two levels below. This level has three bedrooms and a computer room. Each bedroom has its own bathroom."

"So, what's in the next level, then?" I asked.

"Let's head down and I will show you."

We decided to take the stairs, but our driver told us that should we want to use the turbolift, just call out B2. As we got to the bottom of the stairs, there was a long hall. Across from the stairs was a door. We walked in and there was a shooting range. "You can move your target anywhere from 1 centimeter to 23 meters. Weapons are locked in this cabinet. Let me transfer ownership to you."

He placed his hand on the cabinet, the pushed a few buttons. After he removed his hand, he instructed me to place mine on the pad. Once I did, I heard a computer voice say that the transfer was complete.

"Right now, you shouldn't need to use any of the weapons, but I suggest that you learn. You may eventually."

We stepped out into the hallway. As we looked down, the shooting range too the entire right side. The only door on the right was the one we went through. We walked a coup meters and a door to our left opened. We walked in and on the wall were several martial art weapons. Though I had never seen them before, I knew what each weapon was. "You learned martial arts while in cryo, so this is your dojo. The two doors on the far wall are showers. One for females and one for males. Now, you've seen the entire residence. I hope you like it."

I gave him a funny look. "Like it? I love it. This is awesome."

The driver left leaving Zac and me alone. Zac grabbed me hand and took me to the master bedroom. He started removing my clothes as we kissed. I was completely naked and Zac was still fully clothes. "Kneel and beg me to lower my pants to expose my cock to you." Zac ordered. I guess I'm officially his slave again, but I don't mind.

I knelt in from of Zac. "Master, this humble servant would greatly appreciate if it could see your magnificent cock. While it knows that it is not worthy of such a grand gesture, it promises to make it worth your while should you honor this request." I said.

"No, you haven't earned the right to see it." Zac said. I was surprised.

"Master, what must this humble slave do to earn such a great reward?" I begged.

"You are not wearing you chastity device or the butt plug." Zac stated.

"Would Master please place the chastity device over this humble slave's cock so that it may only be used when Master wishes?" I said. Zac placed the chastity device on me.

"Thank you Master. Your worthless slave still needs is ass filled as Master sees fit. It begs Master to fill its ass." I pleaded.

"Not yet." Zac said.

"That being the case, Sir, might this humble servant not see your magnificent rod?" I asked.

Zac again turned down my plea. He placed a blindfold over my eyes, then I heard him open his trousers. "Clasp your hands behind your back and leave them there until I say otherwise." I did as I was told. Zac placed his hands on my head and I felt his dick touch my lips. I opened my mouth and Zac started fucking my mouth. I had no control over this, but I totally trusted Zac.

I felt Zac get extremely hard. I could definitely tell that he was waiting for this day for a while, ever since he suspended my servitude. I didn't know if he were going to shoot in my mouth or not, but I expected him to. Even though Zac's cock and hands are the only contact I had with him, I could feel his load getting closer. I tasted his precum in my mouth and then suddenly he pulled out.

Zac pushed my head down to the floor. Then I felt him kneel behind me. His cock met some resistance and I felt me face being pushed against the carpet. I still had my hands clasped behind my back, but I wanted to use them to keep my face from pushing on the carpet.

Zac must have been reading my mind. "Good slave, you may unclasp your hands and place them on the floor. I don't want you damaging that handsome face." He ordered.

I did as instructed and he started plowing my ass like he hadn't done it in a while. Maybe that's because he hadn't. It didn't take long before he was filling me with his creamy goodness. Once he was done, I felt him pulling out, but no sooner was he out and I felt something going in. When it started filling, I knew he had but the butt plug in. "Thank you, Master." I said.

"Did I give you permission to speak?" Zac said as he smacked my bare ass hard.

"Sorry, sir, you did not." I said and Zac smack my ass again.

"Seems that you don't know how to keep your mouth shut. Guess I'll just have to do something about that." Zac said as he helped me stand. Then I felt his lips touch mine. As I felt his lips parting, I made sure mine did as well. His tongue took dominance over mine, but that's how I like Zac. As we kissed, he put his arms around me and held me tight. Instinctively, my arms went around Zac, too, but were much looser. Just enough to let Zac know that I love him.

He took the blindfold off. "If Josh stays, we go back to being just friends in front of him. Understand?" Zac asked.

"Yes, Master. This humble servant understands and loves you even more for that." I told him.

"Good, and while he's here, he doesn't need to go into the firing range, but he'll love the dojo."

"I totally agree with you and I'm sure Mom would, also." I told him.

"Are you talking again without permission AND not calling me Master or Sir? Do I need to fill your mouth again?" Zac was smiling. I think he's more role playing than actually being my Master.

"If it pleases Master, but to be honest, this lowly slave doesn't consider it much of a punishment." I stated.

"Oh it definitely pleases this Master. And aren't slaves supposed to be happy when the Master punishes them." Zac stated.

Zac kissed me again before I could answer, but when we parted I looked at him. "I may have to talk more often if this is the punishment." Zac grinned when I said that. Then he placed his lips on mine again to "punish" me for talking again. At this rate, I may never learn to not talk.

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