New Earth

By Zarek

Published on Aug 31, 2014


Disclaimer: This is a story that I had started over 2 and a half years ago. You are getting to read it for free thanks to the donations made to Nifty. If you can donate, any amount is appreciated.

Prologue: This is a story set in the future about two boys, both are physical and mentally eighteen, though they were in cryo-stasis for 600 years. Only first names of the characters are given, and this is completely fictional, so any references to actual situations are purely coincidental. There is gay sex involved, so if you are offended, be advised and leave now. Otherwise, I hope that you enjoy this story and I may continue to write more. Any feedback or suggestion can be submitted to

Almost There

That night, Mom invited Zac to supper. She wanted to get to know him better. She made a lasagna, but she did it the traditional way instead of using a replicator. "Wow, I've never gotten lasagna this good before." Zac commented.

"Aside from replicating the raw ingredients, I made it totally from scratch. Glad you like it. So, has Zarek met your parents yet?"

Zac looked down and started to sob. "My parents were killed on my 18th birthday. Dad had just withdrawn money to get my present and they were robbed. I'm told by witnesses that though they both cooperated with the gunman, he shot them anyway." Zarek began to understand why Zac was so concerned for Jim when they found his dad.

"I'm so sorry. So you have quarters to yourself, then?" Mom asked.

"Yea, but I have trouble staying there. I only use them for, well you know." Zac said and looked at me with a smile.

"Yea, I think I know what you mean, and thank you." I think Mom was relieved that Zac didn't say what we were doing in those quarters. I also, now understand how he knew about them being vacant.

"What does he use them for?" Josh asked.

"None of your business. It's his private matter." Mom responded. I thought, yea, I like his "private" matter.

"After dinner, Zarek and I will do dishes, then I think we're heading to the gym." Zac stated.

"Can I come?" Josh asked.

"Up to your mom, but I have no problem with it." Zac responded.

"Just have him back before his bed time." Mom said.

"We will, Mom. I promise." I said. "So, what did the CO want to talk with you about?"

"Well, he discussed what happened with your father. They're declaring him a hero and I'll be getting full benefits for what he did for everyone."

"I'm glad that they want to honor Dad. He was a hero." I stated.

"Yes, he was. And I know you thought of him as one way before we even left earth. With his benefits, I won't have to work, but may do something while Josh is in school."

"I'm happy for you, Mom. I thought about staying with you and Josh to help you out, but with Dad's benefits, you won't need me for that. I'll still be around to help Josh with whatever I can, but I would really like my own place."

"We discussed that, too. When we land, your quarters should be already built. Everything will be as previously planned, except you will have some of your dad's benefits as well. Also, the commanding officer said that you had learnt about horses during cryo, so you will get the two from this ship. It will be your responsibility to breed them and find others to breed with."

"REALLY!!!" I was excited. "That is so cool. My place will be a ranch."

"It will be entirely up to you if anyone lives with you. You won't need anyone as between your father's benefits and what you earn from the ranch will be more than enough, but I have a feeling that someone will need to live with you for their own needs." Mom said and looked at Zac. He fidgeted in his seat. "You have my blessing, if that helps."

As we finished our meal, Zac started clearing the table. He washed, Josh and I dried. When they were done, Josh and I grabbed our shorts for the gym. Zac asked Josh if he could talk to me alone for a few minutes, so Josh waited on the couch for us to come out.

"What's up?" I asked once the door closed.

Zac pulled the front of my pants done. He removed my chastity device. "Just thought that you might not want him to see this when we showered." Zac said.

"It would be hard to explain." I agreed.

Zac and I started for the outer door. Zac called Josh to come with us. Josh had to almost run to keep up with us. His shorter legs just didn't have the stride that we have. I think he got a workout heading to the gym.

At the gym, we all stripped down and put our shorts on. Zac kept his in his locker. Zac also put on a shirt, but Josh and I remained shirtless. "Josh, I work out a lot, so don't feel bad if you can't keep up." Zac said. "I already know that your brother has difficulties."

"Yea, I admit it, but Josh is good considering." I admitted.

"Thanks Zarek and Zac, I'll do my best." Josh said.

"If it gets too much, take a break, but be careful. Don't want you hurting yourself trying to keep up."

We started with the calisthenics. Josh was trying his best, but he still didn't have some of the forms correct. Zac stood in front of him and did like I did the other day. Zac went slow showing Josh the correct positions, then picked up speed as Josh seemed to get the hang of it.

When we did push-ups. Josh surprised me and managed to handle the one-armed push-up. He only did twenty-five compared to Zac's fifty, but he managed to do them. I still struggle with them. When Zac did the push-up and clap, Josh tried but fell on his face. He started to cry, but before I could get to him, Zac was already holding him and comforting him.

"It's alright, I fell on my face the first few times, too. And Zarek doesn't do them, either. If you want, I won't do them while you're around." Zac said.

"No, I think it looks neat. I want to learn to do them." Josh said lifting his head from Zac's shoulder.

"Tell you what, if you want to learn them, I'll help you, but we'll do it in stages." Zac said.

"What do you mean?" Josh had stopped crying, but his eyes were still teary.

"Well, the first time, you will do regular push-ups. I want you to be able to do fifty to build up your arms. Once you can do fifty, we'll add the hop in there. When you can do fifty of those, we'll add the clap. You may still miss and fall on your face, but with practice, you will get it. Sound like a plan?"

"OK, Zarek, you going to learn to do them, too?" Josh asked now with a smile on his face. Zac was definitely good at comforting Josh and making him feel better. Seeing him like this made me love him even more. I would love if we could have a child someday.

"I'll learn right beside you, Josh." I told him.

"Zarek can already do fifty push-ups, but I'll make him wait until you can before he moves to the next phase." Zac said with a wink. Josh smiled at that.

After we were done doing calisthenics, Josh managed to get thirty push-ups. We then moved to the weights. Zac pushed me hard but he made Josh feel good about himself. Josh lifted slightly more than he did with me and did ten reps taking turns with us.

After we finished and did our cool down, Zac headed for the showers. He came back quickly. "I think we should go back to your quarters to shower." He suggested. He was standing behind Josh and did the blow-job motion, then pointed at the shower.

"Yeah, maybe we should," I said as I gathered my clothes.

"But I'm all sweaty." Josh complained.

"You can get the shower first." I told him.

We headed back to our quarters and Mom looked at us. Josh headed straight for the shower and I explained why we didn't shower at the gym.

"That was nice thinking of you boys, but keep away from me." She chuckled as I tried to hug her. "So Zac, I'm curious, where have you been sleeping all this time since you don't use your quarters?"

"I usually find a spot where no one usually goes. Sometimes, I'll go into one of the restrooms along the corridor and lock myself in to sleep." Zac answered.

"Oh dear, you can't be sleeping properly that way." My mom stated. "We have a few months until we land. Until then, you can either sleep on our couch or I can see about getting another bed in the boys' room."

"You don't have to do that. I appreciate the offer, though." Zac responded.

"I know that I don't have to, but I'll sleep better knowing that my son's boyfriend is getting proper sleep." Mom stated.

"Well, if it'll make you sleep better, I can sleep on the couch." Zac agreed.

"Only until I can see about the third bed. I know you'll sleep better in an actual bed."

"You remind me so much of my mom right now. Can I hug you?"

"Nice try, but not until you've showered." My mom said. I chuckled.

"Shower's free for whoever." Josh said coming out of the bedroom.

"If you boys want, to conserve the ships water supply, you can take a shower together." My mom suggested. That caught me by surprise, especially since the water used gets purified and recycled, so it really didn't conserve anything.

Zac and I went into the restroom. Zac looked at me, "I really like your mom. She is so great." Then he planted a kiss on my lips. We showered, amongst other things, and got dressed. First thing Zac did when we got out was hug my mom.

"Zarek and I are going to take a walk." Zac said.

"Can I come?" Josh asked.

"Sorry, Kiddo, but it's almost your bed time." I told him.

He looked at Mom. "What about Zarek, doesn't he have a bed time?"

"Zarek has graduated from school, so he gets to set his own bed time." Mom told him.

Zac hugged my mom again and we were out the door. "We going where I think we are?" I asked.

"Eventually, but for now, I just want to walk."

"You feel anxious about staying in our quarters, aren't you?" I asked.

"Maybe a little. I appreciate the offer, and I have to admit that your mom is right, but what if Josh sees me getting hard?"

"We'll just have to explain that it's perfectly normal for guys to get hard. He has a body of a ten year old, and thanks to the classes he's taking, he'll be caught up mentally soon enough. In a couple years, he'll start getting hard, himself."

"When he does, he's going to start breaking hearts. Especially if he continues to work out. He's already got a nice physique and doesn't have any body fat like most ten year olds." Zac said.

"Yeah, I know that I didn't look that good at that age and now I have the most handsome guy as my Master." I said.

"About that. Would you be offended if we were just boyfriends, at least until we got our own place?" Zac asked.

"I love you either way. I would happily be your slave if you want, but I will enjoy you just as much, maybe more as a boyfriend."

I love you so much, Zarek Alexander." Zac said.

"How did you know my middle name?" I asked.

"Remember, I talked with your dad before I found you. He told me so much about you that I fell in love and had to find you." Zac confessed.

"Well, I can't say that I know as much about you, but I am glad you hunted me down. I wouldn't have changed anything about our time together." I told him.

"Whatever you want to know, just ask. I love you enough to tell you any detail about me."

"All I need to know is that you love me and want to be with me. And seeing you with Josh, I'd love for us to adopt eventually."

"I would love to raise a child with you. Until we can adopt, though, I'll do my best to get you pregnant." Zac said with a smile. I laughed.

We eventually made our way to his quarters where he did try fertilizing my ass. It felt so awesome having him go deep inside me.

Next: Chapter 4

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