New Covenant

By juan guzman

Published on Oct 1, 2008


Disclaimer: "The Covenant" names, titles, characters and all other registered trademarks are the property of Sony Pictures Inc. (Screen Gems) and Lakeshore Entertainment. I solemnly swear that there is no monetary gain on my part by writing this FICTIONAL alternate universe to "The Covenant" (c) 2006. All "Charmed" names, titles characters and all other registered trademarks are the property of Spelling Entertainment, and Constance M. Burge. All original characters are my sole property, and released to public archiving by Nifty Archives.

The following contains sexual and romantic relations between two or more men. If this subject makes you uncomfortable please do not read on. If you are under the age of 18 (21 in some states) and therefore it is illegal to view this material please do not read on.

If none of the above apply to you, well then ENJOY.

Chapter 7: A way OUT

Remains from Chris's POV

"Wake up, Please wake up. ATHAMEY!! CHRIS!!!"

I felt lightheaded and disoriented, my head was muggy. I looked up and there was a guy he was about 5' 10" his eyes were ocean blue, with specks of much lighter blue fading into the iris, making his eyes looked like they eternally sparkled, his lips were full, and through the black t-shirt I could see his muscular arms rippling with the strength of the power he was hurling at the demons, he had on black DKNY jeans which fit his frame perfectly, accentuating his butt. His head whipped around and I could see his multi-tonal brown hair moving with the rest of his body. It was a choppy cut, that grazed his shoulders, with diagonal bangs running across his left eye.

"CHRIS!! DAMN IT!!! CHRISTOPHER VICTOR HALLIWELL GET THE FUCK UP OFF THE FLOOR!!!" His voice pulled me out of the stupor I was in. When I fully came to I realized that the crystal circle was surrounded by demons, warlocks and dark-lighters, only the man stood between them and what would've been my helpless body.

I racked my brain and came up with a spell, hoping it worked I chanted "May this blessing come and stay With this spell I do the elements sway All of these evil beings hold at bay Let this charm their life betray Send their strength and life force away"

The demons burst into fire, some of the warlocks blinked out, and some of the dark lighter got away, but most got blown up or dissipated in a wall of flames.

The remaining warlocks demons and dark-lighters came back in. The man took out a slip of paper, and threw a bracelet on the floor.

"Outside of time Outside of gain Know only sorrow Know only pain Let the bracelet of Penelope Halliwell Burn you with its infinite flame."

The beings around us were still, transfixed on the bracelet which shone a dark red, then it began to spew lines of fire towards them, consuming them, vanquishing them. The last of them was reduced to pile of ash.

"Ok. Thank you for that, but know, unless you tell me how you got grams' bracelet I might have to kill you, and that wont be fun." I glared at him, trying very hard not to fall into his oceanic eyes.

"I'm Matthew Canan. I'm your fifth cousin. By your Grams' side. She gave me the bracelet and the spell three years ago, and said it would glow when it was time for me to use it. Today it glowed, and I astralled here, only...I somehow ended up actually BEING here rather than just a projection of's never happened before..."

I wasn't able to tell whether or not he was telling the truth, I looked at him not willing to back down or come forward. I held my ground, but he seemed to fidget beneath my steely stare.

"Fine you won't believe me, maybe you'll believe your grams." he stretched his hand out to the candle on the top shelf "" the space around the candles became distorted and then, with a similar distortion they were by the book "light up" all the wicks took flame and the five candles burned happily ""Hear these words, hear my cry Spirit from the other side Come to me, I summon thee Cross now the great divide"

Grams appeared in the circle. She looked at Matthew and then at me, still protected by the cydarite crystals, and standing ready to defend myself.

"Chris, honey, how's David?...Matthew I see you made it here. So, why'd you call me?" as she spoke she stepped out of the candle circle, leaving her ethereal form behind and materializing. She hugged Matthew and then looked at me, she moved her hand and all five crystals flew into their case, she came in closer, looked at the candles and waved them away as well, then hugged me. "I know how you must feel my poor darling, but you cannot blame yourself for this. Come, come there's much to do if we are to bring our boy back."

She waved her arm, and Grandma Patty stood in the circle, she also walked off and headed straight for me. "Oh honey, I can't believe what's going on. Mom, we have to help them, the girls must be devastated. Oh, Matthew, how are you?" she let go of me and walked over to him "its good to see you, how is cousin Alia doing?"

"She's ok. And so is my Grams Aurora."

"That's good to know, it's a shame she strayed so far away from us. I mean to hate the family is one thing, but moving to Bosnia was a bit harsh, I always thought."

Matthew looked at grams and smiled "If you were raised in Bosnia how come your English is so good?" I asked knowing there had been more than just mirth in his smile.

"Well...technically I wasn't raised in Bosnia, more like I was raised in Houston, Boston, Albany, Santa Monica, Chicago, Dallas, Philadelphia, and Elizabeth, haven ever even left the country, Grams did, but my mom came back when she turned 20, I think...anyway."

Grams was furious "Oh, Aurora always was offense darling" Matthew raised his hands up making the `not for me to say' face "but that woman always did think of herself first and the greater good last...again no are your aunts? Ashley and Andrea?"

"Oh...well aunt Andrea lives in Bosnia with grams, Aunt Ashley is a nun, she renounced her powers after demons killed her husband Andrew and her son Ace." his face turned downcast and his eyes watered up.

"look I'm sure all of this is very important, but how about we focus on David, and on saving him?" grams gave a look that could've blown half the underworld to smithereens.

"Now look here Chris, I care about him as much as you do. But there are certain manners that have to be observed. Now, why don't you go to the Underworld, maybe some of those fowl creatures can help us find a way out for David. Now while you're doing that I'll see about getting Marianna here, she's another fifth cousin of yours, I'll explain later, for now you go and get some help from them...go, go, go"

I nodded and orbed out.

I orbed into an empty cave in the Underworld, and glamoured myself into a dark-lighter "Powers of light, powers of might Make this witch's power as dark as night I call on the ancient gods so to hide my true powers."

I orbed and now I had black orbs, I held my hand out and produced a crossbow, I flipped my hand in a counter clock wise motion and it vanished in a puff of black smoke.

"Well that worked swimmingly, now I have to find some high-level demon that doesn't have a grudge with a dark-lighter...this could be hard."

I walked out of the cave, two demons shimmered in; one had black skin with yellow tribal markings running up and down his muscled arms and ripped torso, the other one was red with royal purple tribal markings, he was equally buff to the other demon. My dick jumped in my pants at seeing how in shape these guys were, if they had a human form, they'd probably corner the market in fitness modeling. I looked at them and couldn't help but get aroused.

"Hey, you guys know where I can find Tempus?" they turned and looked at me, the one with the yellow markings spoke first.

"Waddaya want with him?"

"I need a little knowledge to kill a witch. He's older than any of us, he should be able to help, unless there's a new Seer I don't know about." I sneered at him, while holding back innocuous amounts of laughter. He sneered back at me and created fireball in his hand.

"You're pretty brave for a dark-lighter, now move along before I send your puny ass to the Wastelands." He extinguished the fireball, I stretched my hand out and my crossbow appeared, I loaded it with an arrow, and whispered and incantation "Let there be a poison to erase this cruel demon, let his essence be scattered in the pits of the deepest hell, so say I Chris Halliwell"

"HA! You think that's going to do anything? Those only kill white-lighters, don't make me laugh!" he turned on his heel and began laughing, his partner laughed just as hard. I shot the arrow, striking through the head, he immediately blew up.

"Now why'd you do that for? Now I gotta find myself another fuck-buddy. DAMN IT! Tempus is in the Source's old throne room...fucking asshole" He made a fireball and walked away playing with it.

"By brightest light By darkest night Cease this demon's blight."

The demon erupted into tiny particles. I hadn't meant to kill him, I just had to make sure my tracks were covered. I orbed to the Source's old throne room.

"TEMPUS!! GET YOUR BONY OLD ASS HERE!!! TEMPUS!!!" I heard fire behind me and turned as a man materialized from it. He had white hair pulled back into a half ponytail, blue eyes, and the look of wisdom that only comes with years of hardship and experience.

"How dare you speak to me in such a manner? Who do you think you are?" His face contorted in anger, every line deepening, his eyes glowing red.

"I am...well, I need to do something first. What was cast upon my skin I now dismiss, what hides my power I now turn sour..." I turned back into my normal self "I am Chris Halliwell, and I'm only here to ask a favor, not to vanquish you, or to pose a threat."

Tempus looked me up and down, he seemed to be making a decision `I will listen witch, but make sure to keep it short, sweet and to the point, or I will obliterate you." He walked past me and sat on what seemed to be a throne, although it had lost most of its luster and grandeur, if ever there had been any.

"I am here so that you can turn back time and help me save a demon very dear to my heart, he was vanquished a little over three days ago, and I want your help to save him." I looked straight into his eyes, not flinching, projecting nothing but calm and sadness the latter wasn't hard, but the former I found taxing.

"very well, you seem to think me an idiot, or a newborn babe, neither of which I am. I know the reason why you came her, or do you think that the incessant attacks on yours and your brother's lives were simply so that we could decimate our number faster? No my dear child, your youngest brother's ailment is well known, and we are planning to execute as many attacks as we can. I would have helped you save your brother, I have helped in the past, but since you came to me with deceit I shall now have you vanquished." he waved his hand and seven demons appeared.

"Fine, but I know how to hurt you. Winds of time hear my plea, rush me on my journey forward, give me wings to travel far away, let tomorrow be today." I watched as Tempus was forced back into the fire, his pain imminent in his face.

I looked around and counted. "Hear now the words of the witch, make these seven demons disappear without a...glitch..." the demons around me looked at each other and nodded "oh, ok. We'll have to this the old fashioned way. BRING IT ON!!"

One of the demons hurled an energy ball, I flung it back at him with telekinesis, then stretched my arm and hit another with lightning, a third demon came towards with an athamey ready, he swung high, I bent backwards and caught his arm, flipped him and stabbed him with his own athamey, the fourth demon shimmered in behind me, and began to choke me, I could feel his touch becoming hotter and hotter on my skin, I head-butted him, he flinched his hand for one second, and it was fatal, I turned his power on him, making him give himself the death touch. A fifth demon shimmered in next to me and connected a round-house kick to my head, it sent me spiraling through the air, and I crashed against the cave wall.

My left shoulder hurt, but I got up and faced the three demons left standing. I stretched my arm and caught one of the head on with lightning, he blew up and vanished in puff of green smoke, then there were two.

"I have nothing to lose, and nothing to gain Make these demons know an innocent's pain" One of the demons grabbed his head and fell to the ground, his screams almost unbearable, the second demon simply stared at me with a blank look on his face. I saw the athamey on the floor and sent it flying t him telekinetically, he just stood there as the athamey hit him in the chest, and he exploded, the athamey fell with a thump on the floor, the other demon was writhing on the ground still holding his head. I looked at him and sent lightning his way, then orbed out.

I orbed back into the attic, and there was Matthew and some girl huddled over the Book, frantically flipping pages back and forth. "What are you doing exactly?" I got ready to vanquish them both.

"OH MY! Oh Chris you're back, well everybody's been frantic looking for you, you went down to the underworld yesterday and we haven't been able to contact you, or scry for you, and even Leo couldn't sense you, Penny is downstairs with Patty, Piper, Paige, and Phoebe, and some oracle. They're making potions, and your cousins are getting ready...and also Wyatt hasn't come back either."

I looked at Matthew then glanced at the girl standing next to him and orbed downstairs.

I orbed in to the kitchen and was immediately surrounded by cousins, aunts, and uncles. My parents were by the door, mom had a tear running down her cheek, dad had one of his signature goofy smiles, his eyes were welling up.

"C'mon people, don't suffocate him. He escapes the Underworld unharmed and gets killed by his how would THAT look" mom came over and kissed my cheek, then hugged me. "Do you have any idea where my oldest headache is?"

"He wanted to go check out the Wastelands and see if...Cole had any ideas on what's going on..."I looked at my aunt Phoebe but she had barely noticed the name, she was wrapped in Coop's arms, a genuine smile plastered on her face as he whispered something in her ear, suddenly I started to laugh "Oh COOP, the kids are here, we can't do that!!" my hand flew to my moth and looked around at the obviously confused faces of my family.

"What was that...or should I be worried about you and my husband Chris?" aunt Phoebe smiled as she said it. I smiled back, but my memory began to flash back.


Coop stands by a weeping willow, there is the sound of water trickling on the ground.

A stream of orbs appears behind him, Chris materializes from them. He walks over to Coop and wraps his arms around Coop's frame.

"Chris, we can't do this anymore. It's not right, you're only 15, and my nephew to boot. This is wrong on lots of levels. I think this is where it should end."

Chris looks out over the plain in front of them and his hold lightens, then breaks. "I know Coop, I know. I have been thinking about it just as much. As much as this is beautiful it's also forbidden. I'll always love you, and you know that. But you're right, this is where it should end." Chris walks away, Coop turns and looks at him, then a heart stands where he had. Coop is gone and Chris sheds a silent tear, then orbs away.


"Well I just felt so overwhelmed with this...giddiness..." I looked at mom and she had a smile on her face `OH MY GOD! I'm so proud of you!" I put my hand back over my mouth.

"Ohhhh I know what's going on...Chris is an empath., he's channeling our emotions, and since there's so many, the strongest ones are taking over completely. Hence the...spontaneous outbursts." Aunt Paige closed her eyes, pouted her lips and curtsied.

"It would explain why he said what I was thinking right then." Aunt Phoebe looked at me and smiled, while leaning back on Coop.

"Yea, I thought the same thing he said, seems he can tap into it by focusing on one person. Chris focus on...Diana" She pointed at aunt Paige's youngest kid. I looked at her and focused.

"Can't we just say `yay' and have some ice cream or I don't know...Oh MY GOD!!! He's actually doing it, hey..." I looked away, feeling drained.

"Well that confirms it. If ever there's one person who wants ice cream non-stop that my Di." Aunt Paige motioned and Diana ran into her arms, at only nine years old, Diana was the youngest chick in the henhouse.

I looked at Aunt Phoebe and she nodded and led me away towards the living room, we sat on the loveseat and she draped her legs across my lap, I rested my head against her shoulder.

"It's a hard power to control, but like Leo said to me when I first got it `you don't get powers that you're not ready to control' this could prove interesting, and helpful, this might give us the key to make Dave wake up. When I got mine, it helped us find out Piper was under a spell, and it helped us bring her back from...well you'll find out in due time, for now, just meditate, and drink lots of tea, chamomile is the best even now." she pecked my forehead, ruffled my hair and left for the kitchen, I stayed in the living room, my legs pulled up against my body. I looked out of the window, staring at nothing in particular <I wonder hw this'll play itself out. There's so much going on. I just wish I knew a way of getting past it.> I sat there and looked out the window. All I could think about was my brothers, my aunts and uncles, my parents, and the power that we held. I fell asleep.


""Life to life and mind to mind Our spirits now will intertwine I meld our souls and journey to The one whose thoughts I wish I knew"

Chris falls back onto the floor.

Chris appears outside of the Louvre Museum, standing on the Glass pyramid. He looks around utterly confused.

"HELLO?!?!?!?" He turns on the spot, and realizes that the Sphinx is laying next to the Louvre, her nose still intact, he begins to look and sees that many monuments, buildings, and natural phenomenon are strewn about him without making any sense. He scratches his head.

"Chris? CHRIS!!!!" He turns to the Louvre's main entrance and sees David running towards him, Caleb close behind.

"DAVE!!!" he runs towards his youngest brother, they embrace, and Chris kisses David's cheek "Where the hell are we? How can I get you home? Please tell me you know, please, mom's been worried sick about you."

"I do know how to get back, I've been hoping one of you would use that Mind Link spell, it's the only way I could think of contacting you. I mean the manor's beautiful, but compared to that" he said as he pointed to the Acropolis "I think it pales, don't you?"

Chris was still astounded as to what was surrounding him, but knowing he had limited time, he shook himself out of it. "David, you've been comatose for close to a week. If you've found a way to get out of here...where is here anyway?"

"The Alaxio. There's actually a spell." David rummaged in his back-pocket and pulled out a slip of paper "By Anubis By Zeus By Athena Hear now the rhyme, heed the call From Alaxio free this soul." David looked at Chris and waited for the nod that meant Chris had memorized it. Chris nodded and David handed him a slip of paper, it contained the spell and the necessary ingredients for the potion that would open the portal. "Chris, please hurry and get us out of here. I miss you guys." "I'll do my best. Please stay safe." Chris hugged David one more time, put the slip of paper into hi back pocket and then he vanished.

Chris came to in the attic, a guy over oceanic eyes


I awoke with a start, my head flooded with the memory. I orbed into the kitchen, mom was by the sink, everyone else was gone.

"Chris, honey. Are you all right? You're sweating." She came over and dabbed my forehead with a washcloth.

"Mom, I know how to get David out of Alaxio...well out his coma, I...he gave me a spell" I looked into her eyes, and could see the hope and the glee that laid inside, being cordoned by mom's will and mind.

"Are you serious? Chris...where is the spell?" She put her hands on my shoulders, and looked into my eyes, her eyes welling up with tears.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the slip David had given me "Here it is, and the ingredients for the potion are there too." I handed the slip to mom and a tear ran down her cheek.

Author's Note:

Well there it is. I have gotten some e-mails that criticize my cliffhangers...well it's a writing tool, if I were to give too much finality to the chapters then some of you would stop reading, because you'd think the story is over. I promise, if there's finality in a chapter it'll be because the story's over.

On another note. Keep little details in mind, some of them are very, very important.

As always feedback is welcomed at or Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 8

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