New Convert

By ten.vtbew@yobtleB

Published on May 17, 2001


I had queer leanings in my early years in school but had never actually had an affair with another male and as I got older the desire to try being with another guy grew much stonger. It all started to happen one day at work. I was a salesman for an Auto dealer in Fairfax, Va. I was new at the business and barely 21 years old, having been hired as a trainee. We had a guy who handled a lot of our advertising and I was drawn to him the first time we met. He was an in-shape well dressed guy with strong hairy arms and rangy body that just exuded strength and control. He always seemed to have his act together and we became friends right away. Having been raised by a divorced mother I had never had another man to look up to and I found myself admiring this guy a lot. He seemed to like me too and he would remark how slim and trim I was and compliment me on my impeccable dress which had always been one of my attributes. He would always make it a point to stop by my desk and say hello when he was there. I felt a little privaledged as he never did that to the other salesmen. One day he was in at lunch time and asked me to go eat with him. I was flattered and accepted right away. Instead of going to a eating place he invited me to his apartment for a snack, professing to be a good cook. We entered his first floor apartment and I was impressed as he showed me around. He had a well-lighted studio where he prepared his art work for advertising clients and two bedrooms, one of which he failed to show me for some reason. I noticed the door to that room had an entry lock on it, something a little unusual for a bedroom I thought. His main bedroom had a huge waterbed in it and two of the walls were covered with mirrors and it was beautiful. Being a naive country boy, I had never seen a waterbed and he invited me to sit on it. I bounced up and down a few times and he said."I have a lot of fun in that bed," and he smiled as we walked back toward the dinning area. We finnished a good salad that he had made and I also enjoyed a small steak which he prepared. I was really impressed with this guy's demeanor as he always seemed so collected and in control. After eating he asked me to have a glass of wine which I refused as I had not drank a lot and I was afraid it would be noticed when I returned to work. He asked if I would wait for him to take a quick shower before he drove me back and I told him it would be no problem. I heard the water running as I sat near the door and read a magazine lying on the table. It was a book on body-building and I knew he must work out to stay as trim as he was. His bedroom door ws open and after taking his shower he went in to change clothes. He was wrapped in a towel and was standing in the door in plain view when he removed it. He made no effort to hide his slim, well defined body and the large organ dangling down almost to his knees. I was very naive but I had seen enough guys in Phys Ed at school to know he was larger than average. As I looked at his powerful, chisled body I felt strange emotions go through me, ones that I never felt before. My six-inch cock actually stirred a little and I felt a little embarrassed about it. He seemed to enjoy my watching him as he slowly dried the small amounts of water remaining on his body. I could not take my eyes off that breath-taking cock as he fondled it with the towel. He turned toward me and smiled allowing me full view of his large pendulous balls. I did not realize at that time how much this powerful man was to changed my life. He didn't wear jockey shorts like me but stepped into a pair of black nylon briefs that looked very much like a woman's. He reached to put his massive member into the slilky, shiny material and my hear skipped a beat. One time I had sneaked a pair of my mother's panties out of the laundry and tried them on and I knew how sexy that sexy material felt against my cock. My cock was now rock hard and even though I was only six inches in length it still made a bulge in my pants. As he entered the room after dressing it was still erect and he looked right at it and smiled at me as if he knew what was going through my mind. As we drove back to work my mind was wandering and I actually found myself wondering what it would feel like to touch his cock and run my hands over his body. My dick refused to go down and I gave up trying to position myself to conceal it. I felt very guilty at the gay thoughts running through me. Richard (that was his first name) sat silent with a smile on his face and when he stopped to let me out he reached over and put his big hand on my small thigh and said, "I want you to visit me again when your off work and have more time and we can really get to know each other !" It was more like a command than a request and I nodded my head as he squeezed my thigh almost up to my crotch. As he pulled his hand back it brushed the tip of my erection and I jerked a little. "He looked at me with a knowing smile and he said."You better take care of that before you catch your next customer." I stepped out and he zoomed away out of the drive. A few minutes later I was sitting in the rest room beating my cock until I had one of the greatest orgasms of my young life. I was thinking of his magnificent body as I shot into the paper towel in my other hand......

Part two will be written soon. Boy gets to know man a lot better!

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Next: Chapter 2

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