New Computer

By Alain Mahy

Published on Mar 6, 2020


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With Jason's crazy idea, we couldn't wait to be home and start our investigations. It was not that we didn't enjoy the cruise anymore, on the contrary. There were so many activities onboard that we couldn't be bored, but we talked a lot about all the possibilities that we had. I knew that selling my apartment would be a piece of cake. It was well located and in perfect conditions. The tenants were very punctual paying the rent and cared a lot about the place. Who knew? Maybe they would even be interested in buying the place. There were also a lot of people looking to buy property as an investment. It was just a question of advertising the apartment in the right places.

The penthouse was not a problem either. Everything was brand new. Isaac wanted to put it in a higher price class and was not in hurry to sell. He even mentioned that we could keep it if we wanted to come bak in town from time to time. He didn't need the money to buy something else. We didn't know how much he had in his bank account, but apparently it was a lot.

The only problem that could occur was Jason's business, although... Lucas would be the man to help us with that. He had always said he had a lot of candidates who wanted to open such a store and he had to refuse them as the general politics of the house didn't want to have more than one store per certain zone. Transferring the rent would be no problem as the landlord had done so much work to our requests. He would have to make a new contract and could even add some years to the rent. Selling the business would have to include that Laura would not loose her job. Any sensible person would keep her anyway.

The main question would be if Lucas had positive results on the marketing study that had to be done about the island. He would have to contact the headquarters of the country the island belonged to. If his answer was negative, we would have to think about another occupation as we didn't like to be idle at our ages. We had to be busy. Otherwise, the blue sky and bright sunshine would soon be boring.

The last evening of the cruise was upon us before we realized it. Time to go home. It had been a wonderful experience and we would certainly consider it to do more cruises in the future. When I thought that we were going back to the routine, it struck me full face. It was a routine and everybody knows that the routine can kill anything, going from peaceful life to a relationship. It made me realize that Jason's idea was not so bad after all. It would shatter the routine to pieces. We would have new goals and perspectives. We would have a fresh, new start. Between the end of the cruise and real start of a new life, we would be very busy investigating all the possibilities. Meanwhile, our duties were there and we had to fulfill them.

Laura came back from her trip and couldn't shut up about what they had seen and lived. Their trip was a trekking through Vietnam and she was so enthusiast about the beauty of the country and its people. When she was finished talking about it, and with Jason's consent, I told her about our project although it was still in an early stage. She certainly stunned us.

-If you ever sell this place, please, be sure to tell me first!

-What do you mean Laura?

-I mean that I would be interested in buying, that simple.

-You realize it won't be cheap...

-Of course I do, but I also know it would be worth each cent I put in it. You seem to forget that I work here and that I see what is coming in and what is going out. It has been quite some time I have been looking with George to start something on our own. This would be the perfect business for us to buy.

Jason and I were looking at each other, totally astounded with this news. At the same time we wondered if it was a sign of fate or destiny. The point we thought would be the most difficult seemed to be the easiest to resolve. Laura would indeed be the perfect person as she knew exactly how everything was functioning. The only question was if she had the means to buy it. She already said she knew it wouldn't be cheap. It was up to Jason now to determine the price he was going to sell. The key money would be quite high. The accountancy was up-to-date and showed the real benefice of the store. It was high!

A few days later Lucas came in. The results of his investigation were not what we expected. An identical store in the islands had already been the subject of a marketing study and was declared not viable. The import taxes were tremendous and customs were not really known for their honesty! There were already several complaints for things that disappeared while in custom's custody, waiting to have the paperwork done. On top of that, the average private income of the people did not allow them to afford our computers. General headquarters had already said no before and they were not really keen to change their mind. On the other hand he had other good news and that was that he had several serious candidates to take over the existing shop we had. We mentioned Laura, of course, and Lucas was enthusiastic about the news. After all, it was our decision to whom we wanted to sell. He also gave us a few very good tips as to reach an honest and fair price for the totality of the shop. We agreed to keep in touch as our final decision was not made yet. There were still too many parameters to keep in account.

That night, after closing-time and reaching home, the main subject was the news we had received, being it from Laura as well as from Lucas. Isaac was furiously typing on his MacBook and after about fifteen minutes he announced that Laura could afford to buy the store without a problem if the price was fair. If she WOULD do it, depended on that price. Jason sent a message to his accountant to ask him to calculate a fair price for the shop. The accountant promised him to send him an answer the next day.

Then Isaac proceeded to show us a few villas in the island. He had found a real estate agent who, after a few investigations, seemed to be quite honest and was handling properties of a higher standard. Even though we were looking at the top of the range, the prices seemed ridiculously low. The reason was that, except for the cruise ships, there was not a lot of tourism on the island. As soon as you left the main town, the prices dropped drastically and there were real good opportunities. The pictures that the real estate agent had sent were all very nice, but were still only pictures. It would be a question of going there and see it in real life. Three of the villas caught our attention, based on the descriptions and the pictures. Out of those three, we all agreed on one that seemed to be exactly what we wanted. There was an airport on the island, but no direct flights from where we lived. We would always have to think of at least one stop, sometimes two if the connections or dates were out of range. Isaac had checked airports and flights and we could fly over and be back in three days and go to visit the three houses we fancied. Could we trust Laura to handle the shop three days? We would have to. In any case, if she decided to buy the shop, she would have to do it anyway. The best would be to leave on a Wednesday and come back on the Friday, as to not overload Laura with what we used to call the business-days. We left it to Isaac to make the necessary arrangements of flights, accommodation and with the real estate agent. We trusted him a hundred percent with his skills to organize things for us.

Once we had all the dates, we talked with Laura and she appreciated that we believed enough in her to give her full responsibility during the three days we would be away. She was even more happy that her husband George was free those days and would come to help her if things got too busy. We hadn't entered yet in high-season mode, so it should be ok. She even mentioned that she was looking forward for us to find what we were looking for as she really wanted to buy the business, and even more after Jason had mentioned the price he was asking for it.

We left on a Wednesday morning. The stop to catch our connecting flight was about three hours. We took the advantage of the stop to have a good breakfast as we had left home in a hurry. Isaac brought us up-to-date with all the arrangements he had made. He had asked Oliver, the real estate agent, to let us visit our favorite house as last. We would then have the necessary information to compare with the two houses we saw in the first place.

Arriving at `our' island we took a taxi and went to check-in in the hotel before our appointment with Oliver. He was a man of late forties begin fifties. A very elegant man that we would immediately classify as a gentleman. He knew his business. As Isaac had mentioned which house we preferred, he had arranged the visit of the house we would probably like less as first. He showed us that house, but it was ... technical. He didn't put a lot of effort to show us the pro's and the contra's. That visit didn't take us a long time. We immediately noticed a bit more enthusiasm from Oliver in the second house, which was far better than the first one, but we were anxiously waiting to see the last one. Arriving at the third house, Oliver got in full salesman mode. You could feel him doing his job with all his heart. He was also better prepared to give us answers to all our questions. He had even made a catering deliver some snacks and drinks that were displayed on the big table on the terrace, next to the swimming pool. That visit went far better than what we could hope for. It was clear to us that our first impression, based only on the pictures on the Internet, was correct. If we had to decide for any of the three houses, this would be the one. The asking price was more than acceptable.

Nonetheless, Oliver had a surprise for us.

-If you gentlemen would be interested, I have a fourth house we can visit. It is a little bit more expensive, but I think you will like it, except if you tell me this is the one for you.

We looked at each other and thought there was no harm in visiting one house more. The house Oliver wanted to show us was about a fifty-thousand more. If we had to believe Oliver, that difference was more than worth it as the fourth house had a lot more to offer. We accepted his invitation to visit it. We arrived at a gate and Oliver had a remote control and the gate opened by magic. From the gate you couldn't see the house due to an exuberant vegetation of bushes and trees. We followed a narrow path (just one car wide) and once the vegetation decreased there was a beautiful house, all on one floor. The garden was probably taken care of by a specialized company or a real gardening lover. Hundreds of flowers gave a very special atmosphere and once we got out of the car their fragrances hit our noses. It was already wonderful.

Entering the house we were immediately charmed by its interior as it was decorated with a lot of good taste. Authentic, rustic beams adorned the ceiling. A huge chimney attracted the eye as the center of the room. Huge floor to ceiling French doors gave access to the backyard where the swimming pool was surrounded by wonderful plants and flowers. The kitchen had all the modern appliances you could think of. Three spacious bedrooms had all their own en-suite bathroom. A cosy office/library was strategically placed close to the entry door. A door in the kitchen gave way to a laundry room and to the three car garage. What else could anybody ask for? Jason, the pragmatic one, asked why this property was not on the website as he didn't recall seeing it.

-This property is not on the market yet. We have it in our portfolio since about two weeks, but we had to do some works and a proper clean-up. All the professional workers left just yesterday and we have had no time to make the pictures to advertise this house on our website yet. You are the first visitors. By the way, all the furniture and decoration are included in the price and that's why it is a bit more expensive than the other houses I showed you.

Isaac asked if 20% of the total price was enough as a deposit. He received a positive answer and took out his check-book and wrote the check. Even Oliver was astounded by this, but not as much as we were. Isaac had not even asked for our opinion. Oliver had to take a phone call and moved away from us for more privacy.

-What did you do Isaac? We haven't discussed this yet. We saw other houses as well...

-I know, but if you don't like this house, it will still be a fabulous investment. Don't you like it?

-We love it! But wasn't that a question you should have asked before writing the check?

-My dear lovers, I saw on your faces you loved it and I think we can live happy here, but as I said before, if you don't want it, it will be a great investment and I need to invest as my money is sleeping right now. This house will never loose its value.

Jason and I couldn't say anything against Isaac's reasoning.

-Anyway, our financial arrangements in the penthouse will be identical here. So, you shouldn't worry about anything. This house is amazing, wonderful and gives me very good vibrations. Have you seen the master bedroom? Isn't it absolutely perfect for us with that huge bed? Have you seen the size of the en-suite bathroom? My God, I would be very surprised if we could find anything better and it is cheaper than the penthouse. We can just move-in with our suitcases and that's it. It is very close to anything we need.

Isaac's enthusiasm was contagious. Jason and I were soon as euphoric as he was. This was going to be our new home and looking around, we knew Isaac was correct: we could have a happy life there.


When Oliver came back after finishing his phone call, Isaac made the necessary arrangements for the signing of the deed. Meanwhile, Jack and I did a last tour of the house and discovered some interesting features such as a complete electronic automation of lights, opening and shutting stores, lights in the garden and swimming pool... too much to list it all.

We left the house to go back to the hotel. When the iron gate closed behind us, it was as if we were already missing something. Just before saying goodbye to Oliver, he invited us for that same night for dinner. We accepted because we didn't know the good addresses yet on the island. We guessed Oliver could afford to invite us. The commission he was going to have on the house was not small and he probably could bring the invitation in, as professional cost.

We still had a few hours before the time we had to be ready to go to the restaurant. We were still in awe with the house we had visited and even more with Isaac signing a check for the deposit. This crazy idea of mine during the cruise was going to be reality. Once back at the hotel, Jack wanted to lay down for a while and as soon as his head hit the pillow, he was in dreamland. Isaac, on the contrary was still high on adrenaline with the check he had written and when Isaac was high, he was horny as well. He didn't hesitate to show me his horniness as he took off his clothes and was already hard. That was a nice invitation that I couldn't refuse. While I undressed, Isaac went to the bathroom and I soon joined him under the cascading water of the shower. He welcomed me with open arms. Our lips met. First it was soft and romantic, but it soon turned into passion and lust. We washed each other with a lot of soap as to have our hands glide over the other's skin. Isaac dropped on his knees and serviced me with frenzy. I love it when he did what he did. I had the sensation my manhood was growing even more although I was already hard as rock. He swirled his tongue over my cock-head with such dexterity that I had to stop him if I didn't want to come then and there. Jeez... he was skilled. I pulled my cock out of his mouth and he attacked my balls with fever. Then he went down even further and like a contortionist he moved his body till he was between my legs, sucking on my taint and going, slowly but surely, to my buttocks that he spread. He reached my puckered hole and French kissed it with gusto. I had to put my hands on the shower wall as to not lose my balance.

Isaac was wetting my hole with a lot of spit and I knew I would not have to wait long before feeling his hard-on penetrating me and I was looking forward to it. I didn't know what it was, but feeling Isaac inside of me always excited me to the highest point. I relaxed my sphincter muscle so as to give him the best access. He took his time though and I was begging him to enter me and fill me up with his seed. He kept on teasing me, entering my hole with one finger, then two and finally three. I couldn't get enough of him. I pushed my hips backwards to have his fingers in me. I was in heaven and even more when I felt he tried to put a fourth finger in my ass. With the amount of soap we were using it also slipped in almost easily. He worked my hole like he had never done before, while softly biting my ass-cheeks and caressing my hard-on with his free hand. I cried it out. This was pure pleasure at another level. I could feel his fingers moving inside of me. Rubbing places I didn't even know I had and massaging my prostate. I was producing pre-cum like an open faucet and he used it to rub my cock-head. I was on the verge of totally losing control over my body as I was so concentrated on what I felt in my ass. I didn't know this part of him. He had never shown such an interest in my hole and it was marvelous. He pushed even harder with his hand that was now inside of me except for his thumb. I was thinking that I couldn't stretch any more, but Isaac proved me wrong. He went on and on, dilating my ass even more. He then tried to add his thumb in my hole. I didn't know what was happening to me. I was afraid of what he would do, but also anticipated it and wanting it. He was pushing his hand forward and I felt so stretched I couldn't believe it. Strangely enough I felt no pain at all and what was entering me was bigger and wider than anything I had ever had in my ass. The pleasure was extreme and I tried to visualize his hand in my ass, moving his fingers inside. He pushed a little more and I felt my muscles wrap themselves around his wrist. His complete fist was inside of me ! Just the idea sent me over the edge and I had the most incredible orgasm ever. I ejaculated spurt after spurt and it seemed to never end. He started to pull his fist out and that was yet another experience. Even though I had just orgasmed, my cock stayed as rigid as before. The feeling of his hand leaving me was as exciting as when it went in. I was no more in control of my own body and my muscles were working on their own, trying to expel his fist. Isaac had not lost the slightest control and kept teasing me, pulling out his fist so slowly. Once his fist was completely out, he replaced it immediately with his steel-hard member that slipped in so easily in my open hole. His in-and-out movements were fast and hard. My muscles closed around his shaft and I could once again control them, gripping his manhood with all the strength I could. Isaac was so close to cuming. He wrapped his arms around me from behind and caressed and pinched my nipples hard while unloading his semen in me. I couldn't believe my own body when I had a second evenly intense orgasm. We were both panting while the water became fresher and even cold. Isaac's cock left my hole and he turned me around, kissing me with the same passion that was typical for him. I kissed him back feverishly. I shut off the water and Isaac reached for the towel. He dried us both.

-I am sorry... I shouldn't have done that without asking you first.

-Don't be sorry. If you had asked, I would probably had said no and missed this wonderful and fantastic experience. I loved it. Now, shut up and kiss me again.

Isaac smiled and complied.

I knew the feeling of emptiness after a good lovemaking session, but this was different and new. The emptiness was even stronger and my body craved more. I knew it was my first time feeling a fist inside of me, but I also knew I would ask for more in the future. I just regretted that Jack had not seen it. As we came out of the bathroom, he was softly snoring, not aware of what was going on in the world, or in this bathroom as a matter of fact. We lay down as well, sandwiching Jack. My hands had a mind of their own and went straight between his legs, grabbing his cock and played with its softness. May he was dreaming or pretending to be asleep as I could feel his manhood grow. I couldn't help myself and positioned my ass so that I could have him in me. I pushed backwards and Jack filled me with his cock that was still growing. It was a wonderful sensation to feel him grow inside of me. Isaac's horniness had not decreased and I could feel him pushing his dick into Jack who woke up and was apparently happy of the way we woke him. Isaac and I stayed still. It was Jack who was doing all the work with the movements of his hips. Jack wrapped his arms around me while Isaac did the same to him. Pinching nipples was what made Jack move faster and harder, filling me while Isaac filled him. It was not so intense as under the shower, but evenly satisfying. Jack quickly reached the point of no return and had his first orgasm while Isaac had his second and I had my third. Fortunately Jack had put an alarm in his phone, as we all three fell asleep in each other's arms.

The dinner with Oliver was most interesting. He wasn't a native on this island but knew exactly what we had to do to be legally ok with everything. He had arrived over twenty years ago and knew the island better than his own pocket. He was a source of incredible information and even promised us to e-mail the passes to follow and where to go to, to have all the papers we needed. He also told us that there were some specialized companies that could do all the paperwork for us, but that they were not cheap. All depended of course what he called cheap and/or expensive. The standards on the island were different from our town and what we knew!

-Will you be looking for a job, or don't you need it...?

-We were rather thinking of looking for a business to buy, depending on what is available or needed. Back home we have an Apple computer store, but the headquarters are not keen to open one here, most of all because of the customs and the prices we would have to apply.

-Yes, I know it wouldn't be the best idea. Customs can be corrupt here and certainly with highly priced items. First it seems they don't want luxury here and secondly they prefer to keep those items for themselves, pretending the goods have never arrived. It would be better to keep to more basic things. We have a few businesses in our portfolio. If you want I can send you the list of what we have and add a personal note on each of them so that you can choose easier.

That was an amazing idea as we didn't have any precise idea of what we wanted to do. We had time to figure it out once we were here on a definite basis. First we had to decide quite a lot of things back home, make a list of what we had to do and finally decide a date of the move. It was agreed that Isaac would come back alone to sign the deed of the house with the notary. He would buy a quick return flight and on some days he wouldn't even have to book a hotel. Stupid me! We would never have to book a hotel anymore as soon as the deed would be signed and that the house would be ours.

-Do you allow me a question? Oliver asked.

-Of course.

-You are gays, right?

We didn't hesitate in answering a forward question and confirmed what he was asking.

-Ok, I thought so. My wife's brother is gay as well and with time I learned to detect gay people. What I wanted to tell you is the following. Gay marriage is legal in a lot of parts of the world, but not here. Gays are accepted as long as the people are not directly concerned. There are still quite a lot of homophobic people around here and I advise you to be careful. It is not that it is written all over your faces that you are gay, but three men living in one house will arise suspicion. Don't be surprised to find narrow-minded people around. It is just a warning. What you do with that warning is your business. My brother-in-law, Christian, is openly gay and even runs the association for gay rights. He has a lot of courage doing so as he had already a few visits to the hospital, but he won't give up. He knows a lot of gay people on the island, but a lot of them are still scared to come out openly. If you want to meet him, I will gladly introduce you to him. It would be good for him to know new people and maybe feel less lonely in his battle.

-We will gladly meet with him, Isaac said, but without any promises. We are a throuple if you are familiarized with the term, meaning we are in a committed relationship all three of us. We don't hide it if asked directly like you did Oliver. We won't advertise it either. If we can be of any help to Christian, we'll do it, but you also have to understand we want a quiet life here. We don't want to put our peace and privacy in jeopardy.

-I understand perfectly. I just mentioned it because I love my brother-in-law and I feel frustrated when he tries to do things and struggles with a certain conservatism. He is still young and wants to change the world to make it a better place. I don't ask for you to help him, but if you could just support him, it would be nice.

It was obvious that Oliver indeed loved his brother-in-law. We promised to meet him, but nothing else for the moment. Leaving the restaurant and before saying goodbye to Oliver, he asked how we were getting to the airport the next morning. We said we would take a taxi, but he wouldn't hear of it and promised a private transport at the hour we wanted it. We thanked him and he promised we would be in contact for all the information about the deed.

The next morning, just after breakfast we waited at the reception of the hotel and at the hour we had said to Oliver, a car stopped in front of the door and a very nice looking guy came up to us. He introduced himself as ... Christian. Oliver was a wicked man! The ride to the airport was very pleasant and we started to know Christian a little better. He was indeed a nice guy, full of ambition and intelligent. At the airport, he gave us his card. This was his official work : private taxi. He refused our offer to pay him and he said Oliver had taken care of that. Isaac put his card in his wallet knowing we certainly would need it in the future.

The return flight was uneventful and soon we were back at the penthouse. I left Jack and Isaac alone and went to the shop to see how Laura and her husband had managed. It was obvious that Laura was ready to take over. All the end-of-day routines were filled in properly and seeing the figures, she and George had made quite some good sales. In a moment of quiet, I told her the shop would be hers if she agreed on the price. She didn't answer. She just took my hand and shook it to seal the deal. From there, I called my accountant and asked him to prepare the necessary documents to send to the notary to have it all official and legal. He said that it would be ready the next Tuesday. I warned Laura to contact her bank.

-I already did that. I had a very good feeling about you finding something to your liking. The bank just waits for my definite answer and the date of turn-over.

She had the brightest smile I had ever seen on her face. George took her in his arms and kissed her. It was his way to congratulate her.

I called Lucas and confirmed that Laura was buying the business. He was genuinely happy but also said he and Victor would miss us. It was nice to hear that the Lucas/Victor story was going strong.

The last call was to the landlord of the shop who said he would prepare a new lease contract. Everything went smoothly and it gave me the confirmation we were making the right decision. Depending on the signature of the deed, we would soon leave this town and what we had known till then. I had the idea in my mind to throw a party with our friends at the Karaoke bar before we left to go live on `our' island.


I decided to not sell the penthouse. I had lived on islands before and knew that from time to time a kind of claustrophobia could overwhelm us. An island is an island and will always be an island, meaning that we were depending on boat or plane to reach the mainland. There was no possibility to just jump in a car and drive away, even if the island was not that small.

I also had a plan in mind to put the new house in our three names, but knew Jason and Jack would not accept it. I had to find a way to do it as a surprise that they would only discover if something happened to me. They would then be the only owners. While Jack and Jason were out of the house, I made copies of their passports and e-mailed it to Oliver, telling him there would be three owners. I had to find a way to be able to sign the deed in their names without them being there. The only possibility was a notarial power of attorney. But which excuse could I find to make them accept such a paper? The most obvious was to tell them we needed such a paper as we could not marry all three and if anything happened, that all three could sign for any of the other two. We would be considered as `family' related. It was important i.e. in case any of us had to get into hospital and the other two had to be family in the eyes of the law, to receive confidential information about the patient. Another important element was that Jack and Jason had to get access to my bank accounts in the Cayman Islands if I came to die. I didn't look forward to that discussion, certainly as I knew my lovers so well. I had to prepare myself so that they wouldn't be able to refuse. I had to be quick as Oliver told me that the signing of the deed would not take long.

Jack talked to his tenants. They were surprised with the news that Jack wanted to sell. They thought they were getting too old to buy again. They had just sold their house and had no intention to reinvest the money in real estate. Of course, the perspective of having to move again if someone else bought the apartment and wanted to live in it, was not to their liking. Jack gave them a few days to think about but also warned them that if they didn't want it, the sale could go quite quickly as Sergio, the real estate agent who sold us the penthouse, was eager to take care of it. The tenants wanted to talk it over with their children.

The discussion about the power of attorney went easier than I thought. The main argument for them was not the money in the Cayman Islands. It was the possibility to visit or receive information if one of us ended in hospital. As soon as they agreed, I contacted the notary and only two days later all the documents were signed. I was safe to go and sign the deed of the house in our three names. It was not too early as the next day Oliver let us know everything was ready on his side. Yes, the ball was rolling ... and fast.

I bought my plane-ticket and contacted Christian to have him for the whole day, from the moment I landed till the moment I would take-off again. Meanwhile Jack got news from his tenants and they decided to buy the place after all. They were not prepared to move again and their children had persuaded then it was a good investment. They had the money and would save the rent. It was a win-win situation. The notary was more than happy as for each signature he was making a good invoice.

I flew to our island. Meanwhile, Jason and Laura had a meeting with Lucas. The contract of franchising had to be read carefully by Laura so that she would know what she was getting herself into. After reading a page, she would hand it over to George for him to read as well. They both had smiles when singing the contract. The shop was officially theirs as soon as the money transfer was completed. Jason agreed to stay a few days longer as to overlook all the small things Laura had to know and do.

Coming through customs, Christian was waiting for me. If I was not in a committed relationship with my two lovers, I would certainly try to seduce him. Such a nice specimen of man... it would be a sin to let him go. But it was not the case and I was faithful to my word and to my lovers. He drove me around and was very talkative. Just as his brother-in-law, he was a source of very useful information. When I mentioned we would need to buy some cars as well, Christian was the perfect person to help me. He knew most of the dealerships and knew the ones that could be trusted and the ones to avoid. I mentioned what I was looking for and Christian said he just knew the person I needed to meet.

Oliver went with me to the notary and I presented the powers of attorney and could as such sign the deed on our three names. I immediately received the keys to the house, as well as the remote control of the gate. Oliver had prepared a list of things that were useful to know, such as how to have electricity and water counters on our names, the name and address of the gardening company, the name and the address of a cleaning company, and so on and on. Nothing was missing. There was also the name and address of the company who would arrange all our papers so that we would be legal in the country. I looked at my watch and I had still a few hours before I had to be at the airport. I asked Christian to take me to the address of the legal company. I would start the procedures to have Jason, Jack and I legal in the island. It is unbelievable what an official paper of power of attorney does. I had copies of the passports of my lovers with me and they said they could do all the necessary within a week's time. That was quick, certainly after I had left a check for the total amount of the transactions. I still had time and so went to change the names on electricity and water counters. That was a bit harder as the lady at the counter didn't now what a power of attorney was. She had to call her supervisor who was not really clever either. Being desperate with incapable people, I called Oliver to help me out. A less than five minutes conversation solved all the problems. I was proud of myself that all these things were already in place. I thought I would have had the time to go to the house, but Christian said it was too late if I didn't want to miss my plane.

Neither had we the time to go visit a dealership of cars. The conversations in a dealership could take some time, so I asked Christian if he could check the availability and prices for three cars with KIA: the Stinger, the Sportage and the Ceed station wagon. I was surprised to hear that there was no KIA dealership on the island and that if I absolutely wanted KIA, I would have to import them myself. The problem was that if I imported them myself, I would have no place to go for the maintenance. Arriving at the airport, Christian dropped me off and I paid him for a complete day of work. Once in the plane, I thought about what he had said about the KIA dealership that was not available on the island. Maybe it would be a good idea to contact the KIA importer of the country and see why there was no dealership where we were going to live. I should talk about it with Jason and Jack as they didn't want to stay idle and were looking for an activity on professional basis. That would be a challenge!

Once at the penthouse, my lovers showed me how much they had missed me even if it was for one day. Ironically I wondered if they had missed me or the lunches I prepared. They didn't look starved and I deducted they really missed me. It was different to be separated knowing we had just to walk a few blocks to meet, than to be separated and knowing there was no way to fill the void. I couldn't either explain what it was, but the longer we were together, the more I needed the physical contact with them. I couldn't conceive to not making love at least once a day and Jack and Jason were apparently agreeing with me. Not once had any of us refused the sexual approach of one, or both, of the others. Even before dinner, we were naked on our bed and pleasuring the other two. It sure opens your appetite for food.

At dinner I told them what I had achieved with the help of Oliver and Christian. It was their job, ok, but we were thinking about finding a proper gift for all the extra help they had provided. We didn't know them that well yet and it wouldn't be easy. I always tried to find a gift according to the person who would receive it. I also mentioned the problem to get KIA on the island and thought it would be a possibility for a professional activity for both of them.

-It is not a bad idea, Jason said, but what do we know about cars except driving them?

-What did you know about computers, except using them, before you opened your Apple store?

-You have a point there. Nonetheless, I am waiting for the list of companies Oliver said he had in his portfolio. Let's have a look at that first and see if there is something interesting. A dealership of cars must be a huge investment with the workshop and everything. Also, there would be a need of qualified personnel and I don't know if I could make the difference between a good and a bad mechanic. You know my standards of quality I want to offer to my customers.

-Leave it to me to find the adequate personnel for the workshop. Administration and sales can be done by the two of you, but you are right to say we wait for Oliver's list and see what are the options. As for the investments, we can be business partners and invest each the same amount. I guess that the necessary funds could be there with joined investments. It would be good though to investigate what KIA would ask and if it is not KIA, maybe it could be another brand. I just mention the possibilities as you said you don't want to sit at home doing nothing.

The next day I received an extended e-mail form Oliver. First and most important, that the official and registered deed, was available for us. He would keep it in his safe. Then, the list of businesses that were for sale and last but not least, a few industrial buildings that were available. Would he be a mind-reader? The list of businesses was not really that long as it was not his real speciality, only about 15 of them, going from a modest clothes-shop to a company with about 100 people personnel. We would have to examine that list carefully, according to what Jason and Jack wanted to do and the available money to invest. But first we had the remaining appointments with the notary. Once these were over, we had nothing more to do in this town, except pack our clothes and personal belongings we wanted to take with us to the island.

Meanwhile, I had also received an e-mail from Christian with quite a number of cars that were immediately available and with their respective prices. He had done his homework! Normally seen, I would go for Asian cars as they are so much more reliable than European cars... but there were a few BMW with very good prices. German cars had good reputation after all. I was more inclined to go for a limousine type of car, where Jack was definitely going for a station wagon. Jason, who was more youthful was literally drooling over a convertible. Looking at Christian's list, the choice would be easy. A 420 convertible for Jason, a 525 station wagon for Jack and a 750 for me. I contacted the dealership Christian had recommended and asked if the cars could be delivered at the house if I did the total payment for the three cars with one bank transfer. I would send them an e-mail with copies of our passports and telling them which car had to be in which name. They would have to contact Oliver for the delivery as he had the spare remote control for the gate and the key of the house to open the garage doors. They assured me there wouldn't be the slightest problem. The anticipation of a nice commission was doing miracles again.

Our last Saturday night was soon there and as we had predicted, all our friends were at the Karaoke bar. There was almost no space left for other customers. It was a very nice evening and we told everyone that they were welcome to visit. It became simply hilarious when all our friends sang `Please, don't go' of KC en the Sunshine Band. It was as emotional as it was hilarious. Laura and George were there as well. Lucas and Victor wouldn't have missed the party for nothing in the world.

We had sent the majority of our stuff by courier and were promised it would all arrive at our house the same day we would arrive. They kept their promise! Upon arrival, Christian was there to take us to our new home. We invited him to come in, but he had too much work and couldn't stay long. We immediately arranged for him, and eventual boyfriend, and Oiver with his wife to come on Saturday night for a meal. He called Oliver and everything was confirmed in less than five minutes. He was going to come alone as there was no boyfriend in the picture. He left very soon after that.

-And what now? asked Jason. How do we get in town or the supermarket. We have some errands to run.

-Our cars are in the garage, I said.

Jack and Jason, in unison said: "Cars???".

-Yes, go and check it out. You'll have no doubt which one is for each of you and please, don't argue. It is a gift for joining me in what I call a dream come true. You know what I think about presents and this time, you are not allowed to make any comment.

I won't say they ran to the garage, but they almost did. I heard Jason scream of joy. Jack was a little more modest. As they came back they wrapped their arms around me and covered me with kisses.

-As we are not allowed to make any comment, we'll only say thank you. They are beauties.

That first day we unpacked as much as we could, giving a personal touch to the house with some paintings and stuff we had sent over. We were so busy that we completely forgot to go to the supermarket. We didn't know who had done it, but the fridge was filled with bear necessities. The trip to the supermarket could easily wait another day. It was a nice and warm evening. Jason was so eager to drive his new toy, that he brought down the roof and we were soon on the road. We found a restaurant consulting the Internet. It was cosy and the food was excellent. Our new stay was going to be as good as the food that was served.

The biggest surprise was arriving home and opening the garage door. After less than 30 seconds, a loud and shrieking sound made us jump out of our skin. We had never had an alarm before. Jason remembered that Christian had punched some numbers on a keyboard next to the entrance, but head no idea what kind of code it was. My cell phone was the first to ring. The central of the alarm system was calling me. I had to explain it was our first stay at the house and didn't know the code. The girl at the other side of the line, made the noise go quiet, after that I had identified myself. That girl was so helpful and even said she expected this to happen. Oliver had arranged for them to call me if there was anything and warned them we would be in the house from that day on. She told me what to do to switch off the alarm completely and introduce a new code. She warned me that with the new code she wouldn't be able to help us in the future as she wouldn't know what code I introduced. She also asked us to warn them as soon as we had national numbers for our cell phones as we were still using our numbers form before we left. She also warned us that the alarm was switching itself on as soon as there was no movement detected for over five minutes, except in the bedrooms. There was another system that controlled the settings. When all was ok, we opened the doors to the backyard and swimming pool. It took us sometime to discover how the automation worked but finally had the garden softly lit and the lights in the swimming pool were on as well. One of us had to dedicate his time to learn how to manipulate the alarm and automation in the morning and then explain to the other two how it was all functioning. Jack volunteered to do that while Jason and I would go to the supermarket in the morning. We would use Jack's car as we suspected we would have quite a lot to buy.

All comments welcome at ... Your comments are my motivation to go on writing.

Next: Chapter 10

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