New Computer

By Alain Mahy

Published on Feb 29, 2020


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Laura and I got closer to each other every day. She was a sweetheart and very professional. At the start, our conversations were almost exclusively about business. With time we started to share more personal things. She was so in love with her husband that we had seen a few times around closing time. He was a very nice guy. I told her about our three-way relationship and even if in the beginning she didn't understand it a hundred percent, she respected us. I also saw an evolution in her job. It became seldom that she had to ask anything at all, knowing the product by heart. Every time she had the opportunity to listen to Jason's or my way of selling, she was doing it. Jason and I were more than happy with the choice we made. Even our zone manager was on cloud nine with her. It seemed the headquarters had send a mystery-shopper two times and the reports they got from those people was absolutely excellent.

Each year, the headquarters organized a national meeting, being it to present the national and regional figures, as well as presenting new products that would be available. The first year Jason had not been able to assist as he was still alone in his shop and couldn't afford to close for two days. This year he decided to assist as the zone manager insisted a lot that he should go, that there were new products and blah, blah, blah... but apart from that, Jason thought it would be a good idea to get to know his fellow shop-owners. It was always useful to hear the experiences others had in identical conditions and products. Laura and I would have to manage the constant flow of customers on our own for once. We would have to manage with only two anyway, at the moment Laura would take her annual vacation as well.

Mondays and Tuesdays were the days that were almost exclusively dedicated to businesses. It was not that we wanted it that way, it was just a coincidence that they came on those days. Laura admitted she preferred the private clients because with businesses it was a totally different approach. It was no secret that Jason was the best in that approach and he even had gained a certain positive reputation in that field. I could handle it as well, but not as well as Jason. It often happened that business people asked for the manager of the store and were a bit surprised it was Jason and not me as I looked older. Once they started to talk with him, they realized it was a prejudice to think that a young guy as Jason couldn't be the manager.

Most of the times, the businesses asked for more than one computer and thus asked for some discount and a kind of service-pack. These decision were exclusively for Jason. On one of the Mondays, Laura came over to me, as Jason was busy.

-That man over there says he has been send here by the headquarters and that he wants to place an order of fifty MacBooks. He insists I should help him, but I told him I was not qualified to discus such a big order. Do you think you can take-over what Jason is doing or at least give him the info?

Fifty MacBooks was indeed a huge order and only Jason would manage such an order. Laura would have a commission on it as she had attended the client first, those were the rules. I whispered the information to Jason who asked me to tell Laura to stay with the client as he was about finished with the one he was attending. Once he was finished, he went over to Laura and the client and included her in the conversation so that she could learn how to treat bigger orders. They were busy for quite a while and at the end I saw the client giving a check to Jason. It was probably just a deposit, but it sealed the deal for the biggest order Jason had ever had since the day he opened the shop.

At lunch break Jason took a lot more time to come back I guessed he was celebrating the sale of the fifty MacBooks with Isaac. When he entered the shop, he didn't have the happy face he normally had after making love with Isaac on a one-to-one basis. At that precise moment, there were no clients in the shop and Jason asked Laura and me to have an emergency meeting.

-I am really sorry Laura, but the deal of the fifty MacBooks will not go through, at least not in this shop.

-But you got the deposit, she exclaimed.

-Thanks to that I know we won't have the deal.

Jason proceeded to tell us his lunch break, saying he told Isaac. Isaac was not so confident in people as Jason or I were, due to his past experiences. He asked Jason the name of the company the client had given him, but also to see the check of the deposit. He then started-up his computer and typed furiously, pounding the keyboard so fast, nobody could have followed what he was doing. When he was finished he simply sighed profoundly.

-Jason, I am sorry to tell you this and very happy at the same time. I hope you didn't order the MacBooks yet...

-No, I had no time to do so. I will do it this afternoon...

-Don't do it. First of all there are no funds in that bank account and looking a bit further, it seems that company doesn't officially exists. There is just a mention of it, or at least a company with the exact same name as written on his business card, but there are no references, no affiliation to the Social Security, nor in the official administration nationwide. I strongly suspect it is a fraud. No, ... let me rephrase that : I am convinced it is a fraud. I would advice you to go straight to your bank and ask them to cash it. I can already tell you the bank, after a little routine investigation, will tell you it is no use to even try. I would also advise you to press charges immediately and warn your zone manager, so he can warn your fellow shop-owners so that nobody falls in the betrayal.

So, Jason didn't even had lunch and ran to the bank, asking to see the manager and explaining the situation, keeping silent how he had got the information and pretending it was just an intuition. The bank manager confirmed Isaac's info. There were no funds. Writing a check, knowing there are no funds, is something you can, and must, press charges for. The bank manager took the case in his own hands and soon enough the charges were officially made and registered first at the bank itself, then at the bank the check was from and finally in the court of justice. Jason was advised to fill in an official complaint at the police station as well and that was why he arrived so late at the shop. It had taken time to file that complain with all the necessary details and even a description of the man that had come to the shop.

Laura was deceived, of course. Nonetheless she was happy that nobody got harmed, financially she meant. Jason locked himself up in the back office/kitchen to call his zone manager and give him the news and the warning. In less than fifteen minutes there was a general e-mail sent to all stores, with the details of what had happened, but the conversation over the phone took quite some more time. The zone manager wanted to know how Jason was aware of the fraud. The excuse Jason had used at the bank, saying it was an intuition, was not really to the zone manager's liking and he didn't believe Jason. At the end Jason had to admit he had some external help. What he didn't expect was the question of his zone manager.

-Could you bring me in contact with your external help? I am sure we could use such a help here at our headquarters. He just avoided you, and us, to be the victims of a fraud. I don't ask you for an immediate answer, but it would good if you could ask that person. You can give him my phone number and tell him he can contact me when it suits him best.

Jason promised to do so, but that he couldn't give any guarantee his contact would be interested.

The police had also asked to call them if the man ever came back to the store, to keep him busy till they arrived. It was a serious felony and the guy would be arrested at once. Jason warned us. We had to use every single actor's skill we had to act as normal as possible if he ever came back and any one of us would have to call the officer in charge at the police station. We din't really want the negative publicity in the shop or with the neighbors, but we agreed that if we could help to arrest a criminal, it was our duty to do so. Laura laughed out loud, saying she would even open one button more of her blouse to keep the guy busy.

The man did come back! The following day he entered the shop, just when Jason had gone for his lunch break. I had never seen Laura being such a good actress. She was all smiles and did everything she could to have that man at ease. After a little while she came over to me saying the man wanted to add a number of iPads to his previous order.

I went over and greeted the man as if he was an important client. I asked him if he had a little time as I had to check the availability with our headquarters as we were running out of them. He said he was in a hurry, but could spare five to ten minutes. I hurried back to the backroom and immediately called the police officer. Jason had left his number in the kitchen where no other clients could see it. I had Officer Royce almost immediately online and told him what he had to know. He listened carefully and only said they were on their way before hanging up. Then I called Jason. As it took some time for him to answer, I easily imagine what was going on.

-Get dressed and come down. The man of the fraud is in the shop.

Jason arrived before the police did. He directly went to the man and greeted him like I had done, treating him like our most important client. There was some commotion in the street. You have to know our street is commercial and pedestrian. When several cars stopped in front of the shop, Laura, Jason and I took some steps backwards. The guy was immediately handcuffed and taken away. Officer Royce thanked us profusely for following his instructions so scrupulously and that had brought them to the arrest of the criminal.

The following days it was a turmoil of comments in our street. The police had been quick and efficient but not discreet at all and that drew the attention to our shop. The traditional curious people suddenly came in, but not to buy, only trying to get information about what happened. Jason allowed us to be a bit blunt and if we felt people were fishing for sensational news, to tell them we had real customers to attend to. Some of them accepted that and even apologized, others looked at us with clear disdain and exited the store even more quickly than they entered. It took about a week for all the rumors to quiet down.

The most important thing we learned from that event, was to be cautious when someone asked for an important (in quantity) delivery. Automatically, checks were not accepted any longer and for bigger orders, we only accepted credit or debit cards. With the new laws about personal data and bank secrecy, cash money was no longer accepted for bigger amounts. We also learned that Isaac was indeed very efficient at what he was doing. We already suspected he was, but now we knew it without the slightest doubt. We didn't ask him how he did it. If he ever wanted to tell us, he would, but it was not for us to ask. The only thing Jason told me was that Isaac was probably far much better with computers than what we would ever imagine.

-I should have recorded it with my phone... it was incredible at which speed he was typing on his computer. The information he obtained was beyond my wildest imagination and not only that, it was accurate and correct.


We knew Isaac didn't need the money, but I gave him the number of my zone manager, Lucas. I thought that it would be good for Isaac to have a kind of occupation. He was not the kind of guy to stay quiet all the time and he had already mentioned that he didn't want his skills go to waste. I just told him what Lucas had told me, without any details and in reality, not knowing what Lucas had in mind. I left it up to Isaac to call or not.

Meanwhile I had to prepare my trip for the annual convention. The day before I left, my two lovers were all over me as if I was going on a world tour during several months. It seemed they had agreed to make it my evening and night and that everything would be concentrated on my pleasure and mine alone. It all started even before dinner, while I was preparing a few things for my trip. Jack came into the bedroom asking if I needed some help. Of course, I didn't, but welcomed it anyway. I knew Jack wanted to be close and helping me was the only excuse he had found. I detected a kind of sadness in his eyes and immediately stopped packing things.

-Jack, my love, it is only one night and two days.

-I know, he answered, but do you realize it will be the first time since we met that we won't sleep together. It will be the first time I won't see you in almost 48 hours and although Isaac will be here, and certainly entertain me, I will miss you like crazy.

I went over to him and took him in my arms, kissing him softly on the lips.

-I will call you as soon as I arrive at the hotel. I will call you before going to sleep. I will call you as soon as I wake up. I will call you before and after the convention... You won't even realize I am gone.

-Probably, but I won't be able to take you in my arms and kiss you.

-Well, you can do it now.

And he did. First his kisses were soft and romantic, but as soon as I pushed my tongue in his mouth, they became more forceful and intense. His hands roamed over my body and when they squeezed my buttocks I knew we would end up naked in bed. He feverishly pulled my shirt out of my trousers and almost ripped it apart. He attacked my face, my ears and my throat with an undeniable lust and I loved it. I tried desperately to pull his T-shirt over his head, but it was not easy as our mouths were glued together. When I succeeded, we resumed our activity as if it was the first time we were going to make love. I simply adored Jack when he showed so much passion and made me feel special. Our hands simultaneously opened the other's trousers which fell at our ankles, showing almost obscenely the tents in our white briefs. Jack immediately slipped his hands under the elastic waistband of my underwear and squeezed my buttocks. Oh, oh... He was definitely in top-mode so it was a Must for me to make his cock as wet as possible. I fell on my knees in front of him and lowered his briefs, taking them off together with his pants and sneakers. He stood there in all his naked glory, with his cock between my lips. I retracted his fore-skin as far as it would go, twirling my tongue around his cock-head and squeezing his balls softly but firmly. I held on to his buns and drew him closer to me so that his cock would go really deep, without having my gag-reflex kick in. I knew which buttons to touch to get him hard as rock so that the penetration would give me all the pleasure I could get. In the corner of my eye I saw Isaac standing still at the door. It excited me even more to have a spectator. With my hands I spread wide open Jack's buttocks, but Isaac didn't take the hint although he was looking straight at Jack's puckered hole.

Jack put his hands in my armpits, lifting me and almost throwing me on the bed. He collapsed on top of me, taking my manhood in his mouth and pleasured me while his hands caressed every square inch of skin he could reach. Having brought me to the edge several times with his skilled mouth, he came up for a much deserved kiss that heighten our excitement even more. Just by coming up, his cock nestled itself between my legs and I instinctively opened them wider. Jack spread his as well and doing so, exposed both our asses. I could feel a hand with lube touching my hole. It must have been Isaac as Jack's hands were both holding my face while kissing me deeply. As I tried to look over Jack's shoulder, thinking Isaac was going to join us, I saw that he was back at his spot next to the door, observing us, but also using the remains of lube to stroke his now exposed dick. With the know-how acquired over the time we were together, Jack's manhood found its way to my private entrance and softly pressed till the cock-head passed my sphincter. He so teasingly slow entered me that I almost cried out. He reached my prostate that his cock massaged insistently. I already felt my orgasm building up in my nether regions, far too early if you asked me. I wanted this lovemaking to go on and on. Jack increased the speed of his in-and-out movements and so rubbed my dick confined between our bellies. We were both so close to the edge and a final deep kiss made us both ejaculate our fluids. Strong and intense spurts were in total sync, Jack filling me while I spurted between us. We went on kissing till our breaths were normal and our heartbeats came down from the intensive orgasms.

When I opened my eyes again, Isaac was standing next to the bed with a wet towel in his hands for us to clean ourselves. While we were doing that, he sat down on the bed next to us.

-You were right Jason, it is incredibly erotic to see you making love. I never thought I would enjoy the show so much. I shot my load even before Jack entered you and had a second orgasm when you two reached the same point. It was marvelous.

We all smiled and kissed. I knew exactly what Isaac meant as I had watched him make love with Jack before. Jack was the only one who hadn't lived it yet, but we knew that one of these days, he would be able to witness Isaac and I making love.

We had dinner and I gave Jack my last instructions for the two days to come. I wanted to go to bed early as I had to be at the airport before dawn to catch my plane. It was just a one hour flight, but as the convention started at 10am, I had no other choice. It seemed Isaac was still quite horny from the show we gave him and as he spooned me from behind, his hard cock found its way to my hole easily. As I felt him much inside of me, my own cock got hard as well and Jack, laying in my arms in front of me, received my cock inside him as well. It didn't go any further than that. We fell asleep like that although we knew that your cocks wouldn't stay hard the whole night, but it was good to feel our lovers before drifting off to dreamland.

Isaac dropped me off at the airport. I didn't want him to go through the hassle of finding a parking spot and sent him home. If he was lucky, Jack would have prepared coffee. I checked in and went directly to the gate. Boarding and flight were uneventful and I was soon at the hotel where the convention was to happen. I met Lucas at the coffeeshop in the lobby. He seemed genuinely happy to see me.

The presentation of the new products was really very interesting. There was no really new device, but important improvements concerning the technology, as well in hardware as software. The new operative system was a huge improvement and would allow us to increase sales of the devices equipped with it. After lunch we had the more commercial side of the convention with a lot of sales figures and national and regional results. That part was presented by de different zone managers. Just before finalizing the convention and let us go to change for the gala night, I was mentioned as best improvement of the shop. I didn't know Lucas had taken that many pictures of the before and after the works. Lucas insisted that everybody should try the same kind of improvements as the image of the company was enhanced with a better view of the banners and the logo. Seeing it all on the big screen, even I was impressed!

During the cocktail before dinner I had the chance to socialize with my fellow shop owners and a lot of them congratulated me with the expansion of my store. After the cocktail, we were seated at tables of eight, per region and of course, Lucas was kind of `president' of our table. He did his own little speech to the others to motivate them to follow my example and make their shops as visible as possible. He insisted strongly that all the outside banners were always paid by the company and that everybody should take advantage of that. He called upon my testimony to tell the others how easy and quickly I had obtained mine. At coffee time, the CEO asked for a little attention and the whole room went quiet. The ones who had been at previous conventions, knew what was coming, but I didn't. The CEO presented a beautiful carved gala trophy and announced it was time to announce the best sales nation wide. I was flabbergasted when I heard my name. I was asked to go to the podium to receive my award that I would be able to put on a special place in the shop. I was beat red when I had to go and receive the trophy from the hands of the CEO. Fortunately, I didn't have to do a speech, because I would have been incapable to utter the first word of it.

What I didn't know was that the convention was going to appear in the press, being it in newspapers, specialized magazines and even on television. Once I heard about it, I knew it would be a free publicity for me. I was so grateful and thanked Lucas profusely as I knew he was behind all that.

-Jason, he said, you deserve it more than anyone in this room. Maybe you are not aware of it, but you are the youngest shop owner of the company and you reached the best results possible. We couldn't be more proud of your achievements. Now you probably understand why I insisted so much that you would come to the convention. You are a hard worker and represent our brand with so much pride. You have done an amazing work and even more in the last year.

Once we were not surrounded by so many people, Lucas talked to me more privately and thanked me for giving the necessary information to my `outside help'. It seemed Isaac had indeed called him. They had planned a meeting for the next week. If that meeting would go as planned by Lucas, the three of us would work for the same company. I was glad to hear Isaac had called, but would have preferred that he told me himself. On the other hand, I knew his job was, if not secret, at least it was very discreet and so it was almost normal Isaac had not talked about it. The less people knew about him and his job, the better it was.

I had only one drink after the dinner. I didn't want to get drunk celebrating my trophy. What was more, I had, again, an early flight and retired to my room quite early as well. As soon as I was alone, I called my lovers to tell them the good news. They were on speakers so we could have a three-way conversation. Jack congratulated me to no end, although he deserved the trophy as much as I did and I told him that. I couldn't see it but I knew he was getting red in the face when I thanked him for all his help and positive motivation.

I had real problems sleeping that night. I guessed it was coming from the excitation of winning the award and seeing the pictures of my shop displayed on the giant screen, but I was wrong. I realized it was because I was alone in my bed. I hadn't slept alone in quite some time and it was strange how quickly you can get used to that. I missed the body contact of my lovers. Most of the time I was in sandwich between them and felt so protected and safe with them. Sleeping alone made me feel vulnerable as if an invisible force could harm me. That was stupid of course, but that was how I felt. I masturbated thinking about my lovers, but couldn't even reach an orgasm but the physical effort to try to reach that orgasm helped me fall asleep.. to be waken a very short time later by my alarm-clock.

I showered and dressed. I went down for a light breakfast and packed my things. My transfer to the airport was right on time and before I knew it, we were landing in my home town. As it was so early, Isaac and Jack were both at the airport waiting for me. We hugged and kissed in the arrival hall, without caring who could or would see us. It seemed they had missed me as much as I had missed them. I found we were a bit childish. It had been only one night for God's sake! Nonetheless, I felt welcome and I was happy to see them. During the drive home I told them, again, what had happened at the convention. Reaching home, we had a very nice and complete breakfast and as there was still time before we had to open the shop we had a shower all together. There was no surprise that there was a lot of grabbing and kissing and that three cocks were erect and hard. Cocks disappeared in mouths and asses. I thought we had never spilled so much semen in one session and you could read our satisfaction on our faces.


I thought that sleeping alone with Jack would be like a repeat session of all those years ago, but it wasn't. It had nothing to compare to our lunch break quickies. There was something else. This was night time and there was something missing. Jason was missing. He had called with a whole bunch of good news and he was excited about it. We were so happy for him. Jack and I wanted to celebrate Jason's award. I guessed Jason was that much in our heads that the feeling of missing him was so much more intense. We ended up talking about him for quite some time and came to the conclusion we were really fortunate to have him in our lives.

Jack told me about the early days of their relationship and the fears he had about losing Jason even before he had him. I could perfectly understand his fears with the age difference although for me it had never been an issue. Jack and I had the same age and I felt at ease with both of them. I was pretty sure about our three-way relationship and enjoyed every day of it. My fear was only that maybe one day my past would catch up with me and bring harm to my lovers or what we had. I had protected myself quite well in all aspects and my only fear was that somebody would recognize me, stupidly, in the street or something like that. My professional training had taught me how to react in that case, but still ... It was so important for me to keep my lovers safe and happy.

I wouldn't say that I became a monk and never went out. Leaving the house was always well considered and thought about. I didn't leave the house if it was not necessary. Being well prepared didn't mean I could take the risk of tempting fate. The risks of meeting someone from the past was minimal as those people were all convinced of my death. Hairdressers and minor surgeries had done the necessary to bring other people to a total confusion if they thought they recognized me. Nevertheless, I was very cautious about the people I met and with my skills I could check them out before meeting with them. That's what I had done before meeting with Lucas and had found no suspicions regarding to meeting him. That's why I called.

During the phone call, he gave me some indications about what the headquarters were expecting. There was almost a paranoia that the competition would know things before they were officially released. Up till now, there was a serious screening of all personnel. The past had shown them that even that screening was not enough. They had no fears about their hardware, but couldn't say the same about the software. Too much investments were at risk if any development was to reach the competition. I knew exactly what Lucas was talking about as I had been in that situation more than once and, even if I say so myself, I had always discovered and trapped an eventual mole.

When we met, Lucas gave me the personnel's list of their regional office that was one of the most important apart form the main headquarters, just as I had asked him. I didn't need it as I had found that list by myself, but I wanted to compare it and be sure someone inside the offices would hide information. People with responsibility jobs were often, very discreetly approached by the competition and offered huge sums of money when handing over what was important to the competitors. In my line of work, they were the first ones I scanned thoroughly. With the years of experience I had, I developed also a very accurate intuition that almost never failed me. Lucas had received very strict instructions from me, to preserve my anonymity. Within his office nobody had to know of my existence or my relationship with Lucas or his superiors. I also gave him very precise instruction concerning the payments of my services, another thing that I had learned during my time at the agency. As he gave me the list of the personnel, I knew they agreed on all terms, otherwise he wouldn't have given me that list.

Throughout the following days I scanned all the people working at his regional office. Most of them came out clear as water. A few needed a more inquisitive research and one came out as a potential danger by the fact he had been a mole in another company and that for the moment I called Mr. X. I was surprised how easily I hacked the server of the regional office and that I could access all the information that should be protected, certainly for such a company. Mr. X had been quite careful, but not enough for me. I could easily make a link with his previous job that was purposely absent on his resumé that Lucas, or at least the HR department, had received. I had a strong suspicion that my former agency was behind all this, but didn't want to involve them. Leave the peace where it is. I made my first report for Lucas as Mr. X was representing a serious and real danger. The fact he had hidden his previous job was a lie and therefor subject to immediate resignation. I joined the found proof and made up an appointment with Lucas. He couldn't believe his own eyes when he read the information. He said that Mr. X was probably one of their best employees. Of course he was. It was his strength to access and obtain information, but the papers I showed Lucas were undeniable. The others that needed a research more in-depth, came out clear after all.

I didn't know it then, but that first report on Mr. X was the beginning of a very good work relationship. I was soon overwhelmed with inquiries on different levels. Let's say I was a source of information for the HR department and the perfect scanner for other affairs. It was confirmed Mr. X was no longer part of the company or at least that was what a general e-mail said, without any further information. Jason didn't do any comment about it, but I knew he knew it was my doing. I felt satisfied as I had actually helped someone. The co-lateral damage was due to the person itself with the result of loosing his job.

Lucas was discreet enough to never give my name to anybody. When he had piqued the interest of someone, he would discreetly let me know and give the number of that person, letting me decide if I wanted to call or not. I would, of course, check-out the person before contacting. I was, and I wanted to stay anonymous. I had enough means to hide the paths towards me as efficiently as possible. Who was it that said that to live happy you had to live hidden? I didn't remember who had said it but I sure applied the wise words. I was soon overwhelmed with work and that was not really my purpose. I wanted to stay active and use my skills, but as I didn't need the money, I wanted to keep it all more as a hobby than a work. My main source of new clients was Lucas. I had to tell him to be more discreet if he wanted me to be efficient for him.

He seemed a bit deceived. I had noticed at each meeting that he tried to make it as long as possible. He was always friendly and smiling and all that, till the moment I had the feeling he wanted a little more than just a business association. I investigated more in depth about Lucas. I didn't find any supplementary indication. That was strange in a certain way as there were not a lot of people I didn't find anything about. The only thing that was sure, was the fact he had not been married at any point of his life, that he was quite solitary and dedicated all of his time to his work. I liked Lucas' company, but had no intention to go any further with him. I had my two lovers and apart from the commitment we had, I was not interested at all to add anybody. I had to ask Jack and Jason about it and did the same night.

-How well do you know Lucas? I asked them.

Jason spoke for both of them.

-We know him just on a professional basis. He is really professional and knows his job a hundred percent. He is efficient and there is no effort that is too much for him. He is the perfect link between the headquarters and the shopkeepers. Why?

-I have the sensation that he is looking for more than a professional approach with me.

Jack and Jason were quite surprised with my affirmation. They had never seen it coming that way.

-The only thing I can say is that he was very friendly at the convention. When he saw me arriving he was all smiles, he had arranged for me to sit at the same table during the gala night and he was always quite close at any moment. I found it a bit strange at first but didn't pay it much attention.

-Does he know about our three-way relationship? Have you ever mentioned it?

-No, I haven't. There was no reason for me to mix my private and my professional life with him. He may have suspected that Jack and I are more than just employer and employee. I never confirmed or denied that suspicion. Have you ever mentioned anything that could give him a clue?

-Jason, you know I keep a very low profile and never talk about my private life. Even if there was someone that would try to get some information about me, or us, I now exactly how to avoid an answer on the subject. So, no, I haven't mentioned anything at all. It is a fact that Lucas is an intelligent man and if he puts 2 and 2 together, he will get a 4. Whatever 4 he gets, in this case, it will be for him to guess if it is 4 indeed. I don't want to jeopardize any kind of professional relationship you have with him or that I have. We are all professionals and this supposes that we don't mix private life in what we have with him. Still, it is nagging at me that he wants more than a professional relationship with me and I don't like it. Lucas is a nice guy, but I have a committed relationship with you and don't want anybody to interfere in it. It is more, I won't allow anybody to interfere with it.

-Will you have to put some distance between the two of you or will you confront him directly? Jack asked.

-Unconsciously I already did put some distance between us, keeping our contacts as much as possible by phone. As you know, spoken words go with the wind where the written ones stay forever. Nevertheless, I don't really know what to do. I have never been a specialist in human contacts. Put a computer in front of me and I get any information you want. Put a person in front of me and I get really clumsy. I don't know what to say or what to ask and even less what I have to answer when asked something personal. I know how to avoid questions, but sometimes it makes me feel uncomfortable. The fact is that Lucas tries each time to get more and more personal.

-We don't have any problem telling him what our situation is. I don't want to advertise it, but I don't want to hide it either. Normally seen it is something I won't talk about, except if asked directly. If you want Lucas to know it, we can tell him without him asking anything, casually, as if it is a well-known fact. We will immediately see his reaction.

Jason didn't see any problem in it. Being gay and in a relationship wit two lovers was something normal for him. He was intelligent enough to know it was not what people expected, but he was even more intelligent in not caring what people would say or think. Jack was a little more cautious about it as he had faced negative reactions about him being just gay and didn't want to face reactions about our relationship. I didn't care at all about it because I had very few contacts outside the house as I was officially dead and the new me was not known to a lot of people anyway. The dilemma was the mix of private and professional life, not due to us, but to another person who in fact had no business at all with our arrangements. Jason's idea, telling Lucas a part of our private life, avoided including my suspicion. It was just letting loose a piece of information. We were responsible for what we were going to say, not for what Lucas (or someone else) would understand. We were open enough to answer any question or to clear any doubt. Whoever it was that was upfront enough to ask us things in our face, had the right to receive an answer in the same way. Of course, they had to be ready for the answers. That was a totally different matter.

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Next: Chapter 8

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