New Computer

By Alain Mahy

Published on Feb 28, 2020


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The first thing we noticed opening the door to our apartment was that there was a great smell coming from the kitchen. Apart from that smell, we could also see that Isaac probably didn't sleep much as the apartment seemed to have a total cleaning make-over. Everything was spic-and-span. He had even cleaned the windows, something Jason and I hated to do. The table was properly dressed for three. Going to the bedroom to take off our working clothes, we could see he had changed the sheets on the bed and probably washed and dried them as there was nothing in the washer anymore. Isaac greeted us both with a passionate kiss and said dinner would be ready as soon as we wanted to eat. Next to one of the plates, there was a huge pile of papers. We didn't have to ask Isaac for anything as he volunteered all the information we could expect, giving us details of the things he had written proof of and explaining the possible consequences. We were impressed with his report that was well organized and highlighted where necessary. That we were flabbergasted with the information itself was an understatement. It was hard to believe all he had collected and bit by bit we understood why he had to hide from the agency and the police. The consequences for some highly positioned people was indeed in great danger if anything of his report would reach the general public via the newspapers or other media. What Isaac had in his hands was a pure lethal weapon. His only concern was how to make it public if the agency didn't leave him in peace. After all, his only wish was to leave the agency and never hear of them again as he couldn't agree to their general politics and/or behavior.

-We are impressed Isaac. I hope you will never have to use all this information and I am more than Happy that I don't appear in it.

We all had a good laugh at that.

-We have a question though. As Isaac Wilcox is officially dead, who are you now?

-Oh, that's right. I didn't even introduce myself to you. To make it easy and avoid confusions, I kept my first name. To complicate it all, I have actually four official passports and nationalities. First, I have a British passport by the name of Isaac Wellington. Second I have a passport with the Australian nationality and the name of Isaac Dundee. Third a passport of the Cayman Islands by the name of Isaac MacFee and last an American passport by the name of Isaac Ford. In all these countries I have an official address, social security number, birth certificate and driver's license. The most important passport for me is the one of the Cayman Islands as most of my finances are managed over there. Of course, the agency is aware of the four passports as they provided them in due time. As it has been done so well, there is no way for any of the four administrations to discover my multiple identity. Each passport is a genuine one and no forgery. For the moment, I am known as Isaac Ford. I always use a passport of another country wherever I am, except in the Cayman Islands.

To prove what he was saying, he took a little briefcase and pulled out the four passports and laid them on the table, together with the according driver's license. That was what we liked about him. He could prove immediately the things he was telling us and didn't hesitate to do so.

-Why four different passports Isaac?

-It is only three of them as I had to perform my work in these countries. In most of the European countries where I had to do some odd jobs, one of the three passports (American, British or Australian) was valid. The passport of the Cayman Islands is the one I only use for private purposes and that I obtained without the agency knowing about. Once you work with certain people for so long, they do you some favors.

After all his explanations, Isaac served us a delicious dinner. That was a hidden quality we discovered with a lot of pleasure. He even put everything in the dish-washer when we were finished. Jason mentioned he could get used to that, coming home, just eat and not even having to clean everything up. Isaac didn't say anything but we could see a satisfied twinkle in his eyes. We sat in the sofa and naturally took a not bespoken position. Jason was almost laying between my legs, where I was between Isaac's. We immediately agreed all three on the same movie and enjoyed it.

The week passed so quickly and the same routine repeated itself day after day. We didn't see Isaac very eager to find a place of his own. Truth being said, he was very busy with negotiating a solution with the agency. It seemed none of both wanted to enter an endless war. The agency wanted the evidence Isaac had collected and in return Isaac wanted to be left alone. It seemed the agency had not understood the simple request of Isaac and offered quite a huge amount of money. Isaac said he would take the money, but above all he wanted the guarantee he would never hear about the agency again. He agreed to give all the evidence, except for one. Trust between them was certainly not their strongest point. The things Isaac engineered to have his prepaid cell phone untraceable, was close to the most skilled hackers. It took them several weeks to reach a proper agreement.

The night Isaac announced that everything was over and that his bank accounts in the Cayman Islands was even more appealing, he said that he could now look for a his own place. Jason and I looked at each other with a slight deception in the eyes. We got so used to have Isaac around. When at the start we mentioned that he was a stranger to us, Isaac opened up showing us a lot of respect and trust. If we had to be honest, we didn't really know if we wanted Isaac to leave. We took our time to talk it over when walking to the shop and coming back home. It was something Jason and I had to discuss in earnest. Did we really want to have him with us 24/7, not only now but for a long time? It was not the physical activities that were standing in the way. We said it more than once, all three of us, that it was better than what we could ever have dreamed of. There was such a good rapport between us sexually. Even if it was a three-way, none of us ever felt left out. The understanding we had among us was almost perfection. Neither Jason, nor I, had ever imagined this to be possible and even if we had not asked Isaac yet, we were convinced he was of the same opinion. Did he want us to have all a commitment and sharing everything? We didn't know as yet. For my part, I was not the slightest bit jealous when I saw Isaac and Jason passionately kissing and Jason confirmed he didn't feel jealous either.

When one day Isaac said he had probably found the perfect place for him, we dropped the news that we were not sure we wanted him to leave if he wanted to stay. Despite his broad smile, we knew he was dead serious when he started to talk.

-I am really flattered and my ego just received a serious boost. Jack ... I told you twelve years ago that I loved you. That feeling has never changed. Jason, I learned to know you and despite all the rational thinking I did, I have to admit I love you, too. I didn't think it was possible to love two people at the same time and... I still feel as an intruder in your couple. I forced myself upon you and my only excuse for that was that I was really desperate. The loneliness was overwhelming me. The problems, which are fortunately resolved, with the agency were taking their toll. You had no reason to trust me but nevertheless, you did. You said I was a stranger and I know I was. Now, weeks after our first night together, I tried to be as open as possible to you two and I want to keep the transparency going for a long, long time. It was with a burden on my heart and mind that I started to look for another place because I didn't really want to leave a place where I only found respect trust and love. This place here is a symbol of my new found freedom. For the first time in my life I am in a three-way kind of relationship and I feel free ! I finally found the balance I need. But I am still an intruder in what you two had planned for your future.

Isaac paused a moment and then continued.

-I always said that my partner in life should be my best friend in the first place. Here, I found two sincere and honest Friends with capital F. If I ever leave this place and leave you behind, I would miss you both more than I can say. There would be a big emptiness in my life if you were not there. I don't know... I appreciate to the highest level when you say you don't want me to leave and if I have to be impulsive I would say Ok without hesitation. As always, rational and emotional are fighting and my impulsiveness is the referee! I so love to take care of you. I discovered that taking care of you is giving me a huge satisfaction and I just love to see you eat what I prepared. It is a side of me I didn't know and that is because I have never been so involved with other people. Jack, you never left my mind and my heart, even as we were separated by time and distance and my obligation so stay totally anonymous. Yes, I imagined a thousand times that we would be together and be a happy couple, till I saw Jason was with you. It took me no time at all to see the love you have for each other and I felt bad for keeping up the feelings I had. Jason did the necessary to include me in your life and there was a question I was incapable of answering : who did I love more? There is no answer to that question as it is rational. My emotions tell me to not ask the question. My emotions tell me to just live them and to follow the flow. If you are really sure you want me to stay, I guess I have no other choice than to say yes.

The smiles on our three faces grew bigger and bigger. We were suddenly faced with a new situation that none of us even imagined a few months earlier. Jason even had some happy tears rolling down his cheeks. I was overwhelmed with emotions. Isaac had expressed his feelings without any restriction.

-Do we all three understand perfectly that this would be a serious commitment? Jason asked. It would be stronger than any possible marriage. I don't know what the exact words would be, but I guess you'll understand I am talking about monogamy among the three of us. Jack and I agree that any relationship is based on Love, Trust and Respect. Do you agree with that Isaac? Do you want to join us on that platform based on the three basic pillars?

-The answer is yes on all your questions and I hope that the slightest doubt you could have fades away at the speed of light. I don't know what to do to show you I am dead-serious with what I say. I am me and I don't pretend to be anyone else. I love you both equally and unconditionally. I have never been so sure about anything in my life. Having you two filling my life and my heart with love, I don't need and I don't want anybody else. I have always been faithful to my word and my promises and this is probably the easiest promise I can make to be faithful to both of you.

I hadn't said a thing. I thought words were superfluous in that occasion. I initiated a kiss with Isaac and soon Jason was joining us. It was undeniable that we were happy together and we could and would share our lives. I tried to look back on my life and tried to find a moment where I had been that happy. The only moment that came to my mind was the day I made love with Jason for the first time. I was very fortunate to still have him in my life and now it was even more with Isaac joining us. It was... supernatural to have all our feelings out in the open. Just as Isaac had witnessed Jason and I intimately kissing, it was now normal for me to witness them or for Jason to see me kissing Isaac. As people say (at least some of them) Love is not a competition. Love adds so many things in life and it was fantastic how all these things were positive.

Jason had always been the most pragmatic one. It was Jason who drew my attention to the fact that there was never something missing in the fridge or pantry. He told me that we had to put up a kind of financial plan so that nobody would have to pay more or less than the others. We knew Isaac was wealthy (otherwise you don't have several bank accounts in the Cayman Islands) but it didn't mean he had to pay more. Jason had his good running shop and I was the owner of my apartment. So, we all had some asset in the matter. The every day costs such as electricity and water were now to be divided in three equal parts and, of course, the weekly shopping as well. That was our first argument in our household when I brought it up.

-Isaac, there is no reason for you to pay more than we do, I said. First of all, we have to avoid any arguments about the finances because they can destroy a lot of things and it is not worth it. I would like you to participate in the same way we have done it almost from the beginning, meaning that at the beginning of the month we put each the same amount of money in a common account and pay whatever there is to pay. If before the end of the month that account comes to zero, we add again each the same amount.

-Jack, there is no reason for that. I have enough money that I don't know how I will ever spend it. Please let me at least manage the grocery stuff. I have more than time enough to do the necessary shopping and pay for it.

-No Isaac. We can't allow that. It is not because you are wealthy that we have to take advantage of you. You already do a lot more than we do in the household. If it goes on like that, we will have to pay you a salary. You shop, you cook, you clean up, you do the washing and ironing and you keep the apartment clean...

-But it is my pleasure to do it. I already told you I enjoy it.

-Maybe you do Isaac, but we don't feel comfortable with it and I want all three of us to feel comfortable with any occasion that occurs.

Jason caught my hand, trying to calm me down and relax. There was no need to let this argument get any worse. He entered in manager'-mode and made some decisions in such a way that neither Isaac nor me could say a thing. I knew him well enough that when he was in such a mode it was better to agree and shut up. Isaac instinctively understood it immediately as well. It was settled. At least, that was what we thought, till Isaac started a new chapter'.

-Guys, I wanted to ask you something and please, don't misunderstand me. I love it being here with you two and nothing will change that. What I mean is that we are beginning to lack of space and I haven't even brought all me things over. I have an idea that I would like you to consider...

We were a little bit surprised, but had the intuition about what was coming.

-I am in NEED to invest some of my money. As you know, I have been browsing the Internet to find a place to live. During my house-hunting I came across a place that I discarded because it was to big for me alone. The requirements today have changed. It is a wonderful penthouse in the street where you have your shop Jason. I only saw the pictures on the web site of the real estate company, but now I really would like us to go and see it in real life. If all three of us like it, I want to buy it. We could easily keep the arrangements we have now. You wouldn't have to sell this place Jack, but rather rent it out.

I smiled because that was exactly what I expected him to say, not that the penthouse was in the street where we worked, but that he had maybe found something that was bigger than what I had. Isaac was not wrong when he said my place was a bit `limited'. It was perfect for two people, but not really for three. We knew we had to buy a bigger bed to sleep comfortably. We certainly were in need of a bigger wardrobe. Isaac had also things he wanted to have around him and there was no more place for that. So, his proposal was logic and had sense. He showed us the pictures on the computer and we had to admit it looked great. The problem was to get an appointment with the real estate agent at a time that the shop was closed. Isaac said he would get that appointment after the closing of the shop or on a Sunday. Looking at the price they were asking for that property, I understood that the estate agent would indeed do an effort as he probably would get a nice commission on that sale.

On Sunday morning, Isaac was as excited as a child on Christmas morning, ready to discover the presents under the tree. Although the appointment was only at 11am, Isaac was up and hyperactive at 8am. The only way to calm him down a little was ... indeed, kissing him so he would get horny and keeping him busy till the time we had to go out. Isaac just could not resist the physical and sexual activities we involved him in. As soon as he had a hard-on, he forgot (temporarily) the appointment we had. We lost completely the notion of time and we had to hurry to shower, dress and go to meet the agent of the real estate agency.

The building was completely new and we could see they still had to do some finishing works. Sergio, the guy from the real estate agency told us it would take about a month to get all the works like it was described in the order-book. We took the elevator to the top floor and were pleasantly surprised to see the penthouse was the only apartment on that floor. All we saw was of decent, and even luxury, finishings. As we entered the penthouse we understood that Isaac had discarded it if he bought it just for himself. It was huge. The architect must have been a very good one as the general lay-out was just perfect. The huge open kitchen, with all its appliances, gave into the living/dinner with big windows, going to the terrace with spectacular views of the city. Three complete en-suite bedrooms with luxury bathrooms were just a dream come true. A very spacious laundry/pantry room was ideal for what we would need. The floors were all hard wood, even in the kitchen. Just the bathrooms had marble floors. All kind of amenities were foreseen and ready to function.

We all three looked at each other, knowing perfectly well this place was going to be awesome to live in. We noticed a few minor things that would have to be changed or adapted, but nothing that couldn't easily be fixed. Of course, all the walls were painted white and we would have to put some colors in the place, but that was nothing. I loved the place and looking at Jason's and Isaac's face I understood they loved it as well. Isaac had said, even before visiting, that he had no problems whatsoever with the price. The only thing I knew Jason would miss was our daily walks in the morning as the shop was only a hundred yards away. To top it all off, there was a gym in the basement for residents only, as well as a swimming pool and parking spaces (a double one foreseen for the penthouse). Isaac discussed the possibility to have a third parking spot, just in case we would need it in the future. There seemed to be no problems at all for that.

In less than half an hour, Sergio didn't regret to have made an appointment on Sunday morning as Isaac told him that we would take it. Being the professional he was, Sergio immediately took out a contract out of his briefcase and Isaac showed him his Cayman Island passport to fill it in. With his phone Isaac made the transfer of funds to the real estate agency, not just a deposit, but the full amount. Sergio didn't believe his luck. As it was a new constructions, all the necessary paperwork could be done very quickly. As Isaac had paid the full amount, Sergio gave him the keys to the place, adding that the construction company still had a spare key so they could enter to finish the last touches.

Isaac was going to be a busy bee in the next couple of weeks. Jason and I would be busy as well, packing our stuff that we wanted to move. There would be more than one decision to make regarding painting colors and curtains. Isaac had his stuff as well, but it didn't include furniture. I wanted to leave a maximum of furniture in my apartment so it could be rented out easier. I asked Sergio if his agency was taking care of that as well and when he answered affirmatively, I told him he would have to make a new contract as well for the rent of my place. We would move in about a month time and then clean-up my apartment and make it ready for eventual tenants. Meanwhile we would have to go shopping for the things we needed. Isaac had no problems doing that but wanted to have at least one of us joining him so the choices of the furniture would be to all three tastes. Jason thought there was no problem for one of us to run the shop on the quiet days and the other going with Isaac. Anyway, we could send pictures by phone to the one staying in the shop.

A very busy month it was. Shopping, decorating, packing, running the store, cleaning up the old apartment... it was all a little too much and when we got in bed we were too exhausted to initiate any sexual activity. We knew that it was something that would get back to normal as soon as we were settled in the penthouse. Exactly 28 days after our first visit to the penthouse, the move was completed and my apartment had new tenants, an elderly couple that just retired and didn't want to stay in the big house they had. Sergio had done a wonderful job in all aspects and we couldn't be happier with his services.

We had once more an argument about the money! Isaac insisted that it was his apartment, so it was normal he paid for the furniture, whereas Jason and I said we all three lived in the penthouse, so me should participate in the decoration costs, being it furniture or something else. Isaac tried to avoid that the argument would escalate to a higher level.

-My sweet lovers, let me explain something to you. I already mentioned that without you I still would be lost and alone. I will never be able to thank you enough for what you did for me. I would like you to consider the penthouse and its decorations as a gift. Now... when you give a present to someone, you expect that person to accept it, right? So, why are you arguing about it? I can more than afford it and you know it. Please, don't refuse me the pleasure of giving you something. My greatest happiness is to GIVE. If you take that away from me, I will feel miserable.

-Isaac, please understand that we will never be able to give you what you give us, we don't have the financial means for it. It brings the balance in our household in jeopardy. Please, stop giving us things. The biggest present that we receive is you, not your money.

-But I can afford it. Why would you turn me down when I want to do something for you? I don't see the logic in it. Let us burry the tomahawk about the money. There is enough of it and it has absolutely no importance who it comes from. The gift is not about the money, it is about the person who gives it and the person who is humble enough to receive it without asking a million of questions.


The discussion between Jack and Isaac went on and on, but at the end Jack had to give in. There was no way he would win that battle. I kept silent till they asked me to be a kind of referee. I hated it because what they asked me was to choose for one or the other and as I loved them both with al my heart, I didn't want to choose. I opted to enter in "manager"-mode and seeing it all from a distant perspective, being rational to no end. Neither really liked it, because I just put all the facts on a row and at the end I didn't have to choose, I just told them to think about it for an hour or two and then come to a conclusion.

I tried to understand both points of view. Both were right in their own reasoning and I could accept it. That was probably the hardest issue in a three-way relationship. If two of the three had a different opinion about something, the third one was almost obliged to choose one side or the other and that could create a problem. A majority was so easily reached, but not necessarily the best. I thought it was ridiculous to argue about something so earthly as money. None of us was short of it. My shop was running to the best of my expectation. Jack had his salary and the rent of his apartment and Isaac had enough money in his bank accounts to make anybody envious. When I mentioned to Jack that he had not accepted any rent form me when I cam to live with him, he started to understand the whole situation, but he was a bit stubborn and didn't want to admit he could be wrong. I went over to him and kissed him with all my heart. Then I went to Isaac and did the same.

-Do me a favor and you two kiss now.

They got closer to each other and finally their lips met. I was looking at them from a little distance and I couldn't help getting an enormous hard-on. Seeing them both kiss was so erotic. They abandoned themselves in that kiss and I could actually feel the heat in the room rising. Before long, they had taken off their shirts and were fumbling with belts and jeans-buttons. I didn't get closer. I wanted to see my lovers making out and making love together and, for the first time, without me participating. My God, it was hot to watch. When their jeans fell to their ankles and they just had those skinny briefs to cover their genitals in an almost obscene way, I thought I would reach my orgasm there and then. Isaac was the one taking the initiative and I knew he was in top-mode. Jack would feel him deep inside of him and I knew he would love it. Isaac fell on his knees and pulled Jack's underwear down so teasingly slow. When Jack's cock sprung out of its confinement Isaac opened his mouth wide and engulfed him without hesitation, exerting his skillful sucking that made Jack gasp for air. Jack had to put his hands on Isaac's shoulders to maintain a kind of balance. His knees became weak and he was about to fall down, but Isaac had him in a strong lock, licking and sucking him with an undeniable pleasure. I had already opened my Jeanas and I was pleasuring myself with this life porno show they were giving me. They were so engrossed in their actions that they didn't realize I was not joining in, in their performance. I didn't think I had ever been so hard.

When Isaac stood up and pushed Jack down on the sofa, Jack lifted his legs in the air almost automatically. Isaac dove right in and ate out Jack's ass as if he had not eaten in weeks. Jack's buttocks were glistening with Isaac's spit. The penetration would be easy. I knew from my experiences with Jack, that he was already relaxing his ass muscles with the ministrations of Isaac. Isaac was an expert ass-eater although it was not his favorite thing to do. It made him far too hot and was inclined to just stand up and push his manhood in the spit-covered puckered hole. That was exactly what he did and his cock entered Jack's hole with an apparent ease. Isaac was so worked up that he didn't wait too long before the in-and-out movements became erratic, alternating slow deep strokes with little rapid ones. Jack was crying out, asking Isaac to go faster and harder. They were both sweating as if they had run a marathon. I approached them silently, with my cock in my hand, jerking it furiously. I hoped to reach orgasm at the same time Isaac would and so, fill Jack in mouth and ass with our semen. Isaac looked me in the eyes and nodded, telling me he was about to ejaculate. I felt my orgasm build up in my stomach so I nodded back to Isaac. We understood each other and soon Isaac filled Jack's bowels while I had reached his lips with my cock. We both shot our loads in unison and Jack, without even touching himself, unloaded on his stomach.

We came down from our sexual height, recovering our breaths and waiting for our heartbeats to slow down to a normal pace. As Jack had cleaned my cock with his tongue, I went to the bathroom to come back with a wet cloth and a towel. I cleaned both my lovers with tender care. Isaac looked at Jack.

-Did you want me to pull out before I came?

-Of course not, answered Jack. You know I love it when you deposit your load in me.

-Good! From now on, every time I buy something for the house, try to think of it as a load I deposit inside of you.

Jack first looked incredulous at Isaac, but then burst out laughing. It seemed Isaac had made his point clear.

-Why didn't you join in Jason, asked Isaac.

-It was the first time I saw you making love, but from a distance. It was incredibly hot to watch. You should try when the occasion arises. It is like a porno movie, but hundred times better. Watching the two of you making love filled me with joy and happiness. It was beautiful and extremely erotic because it was the two of you. By the way... Do you realize that since we are a threesome, we never had sexual activities one on one?

They both looked surprised till the reality sank in.

-I mean... would it bother you if it happened? Would there be jealousy? Do you think it is necessary to always have the three of us to make love? I am not complaining, be assured. It's just an odd question that came to my mind. So that you know, I don't need it, but if it happens, I have no problem with it.

-Neither do I, said Jack. It is not always obvious to have the three of us wanting to make love at the same time. It has up till now, but maybe in the future it will be different, I don't know. It is clear in my mind that if you two want to make love and I don't, I won't oppose to you doing it.

-With my sexual drive, I don't think that I will ever NOT want to make love. I am a horny guy 24/7 and I have to admit that while you are working I masturbated more than once. I just have to think about you two naked and my cock starts to rise, wanting immediate attention.

As he was still naked, he proved his point and we could see his manhood growing once more. It was funny. We knew he was a horny guy, nonetheless we were surprised to hear he masturbated while we were at the shop and still be able to produce quite a lot of semen when we got home.

We easily got used to the new place to live. Once the walls were painted and the curtains were in their appropriate place, it really felt cosy and warm. As the winter went away, the French doors to the terrace were constantly open and we enjoyed it to the fullest. Another thing we enjoyed to the fullest was the super Kingsize bed as well as a gigantic wardrobe. It made it all so much easier. Isaac didn't say a thing, but I noticed that often we had new shirts and other clothes hanging in that wardrobe and that older things disappeared as by magic. Neither Jack, nor I, had the time to go shopping. We were actually in urgent need of a third person in the shop, but before that I wanted to expand the store as often, with the clients inside, it was getting too small. When the shop next door closed, we took the opportunity to talk to the owner of the building who appeared to the same man I was renting my shop from. When we told him we wanted to make one bigger shop out to the two existing ones, he didn't agree immediately, but a few days later he came back and asked if we would agree to sign a lease contract for both shops on a long term basis., meaning at least 9 years. I didn't have any problem with that. The owner agreed to be in charge to remove the separating walls as long as we would take charge of all the other things, including the huge shop-window. After a serious talk with my accountant and a lot of complicated calculations, the decision was made to sign the new lease for both shops that would become one. I didn't know how our clients would take it, but I had to close the shop during the heavy works (removing the wall and redoing the floors and putting in the new shop-window)). According to the man who would do the necessary (recommended by the owner) he would need about two weeks to achieve that, but knowing the constructors, I preferred to play safe and decided to close the shop for three weeks. On the existing window we placed a big announcement that we were expanding for better service.

I didn't need to put an ad for a third person in the shop. As soon as the board announcing the expansion was in its place, my inbox of my e-mail account was full of resumés. Isaac, with his skills to find information about businesses and people, did a first selection and then investigated the selected ones further. With this second investigation a few candidates were eliminated immediately. Before the end of the works we kept two serious candidates. One man and one woman were asked to present themselves in the part of the shop that was not under construction. Two appointments were made and technically, it seemed the guy was more qualified than the woman, pretending to have computer skills and even specialized in our brand. The girl had experience in sales, but not precisely in computers. We first interviewed the girl. Laura was her name. She was really pleasant and the interview went smoothly. She was eager to learn and her sales skills were excellent as she sold herself perfectly. An important point for us was that she said from the beginning that she was married but that she and her husband had no intention to have children.

The man, Peter, arrived late for his appointment. We started the interview and I could detect he was not a hundred percent present. More than once he was eyeing me over and looked at Jack's body from head to toe. I had the impression he was trying to flirt himself into the job. When on top of that he said he would do ANYTHING to have the job, I almost threw him out because when insisting on "anything" he directly looked at my crotch. Maybe he had the necessary skills what the computers were concerned, but his other "skills" were displeasing me, certainly during a job interview. When we were finished he said in a quite sarcastic tone that he expected us to call him shortly.

-Don't wait next to the phone because I don't think we will call you. We already have more suitable candidates.

I guessed I had just made another enemy, like the kid next door to my parents. I immediately called Laura to tell her the job was hers and to drop by at anytime soon to sign a contract. She was overjoyed and promised we would not regret our decision. We agreed on the date of her first day of work.

The constructor did a fantastic job but used the full three weeks (I thought he would) to achieve what had to be done. I called my zone manager because I would suddenly need quite a lot more products. He came by and was sincerely impressed with how big the store became. He immediately took the measurements for a new outside banner and even suggested a few publicity posters for the inside. I all accepted that happily. I also announced we would have a third person in the shop. He smiled broadly and rubbed his hands to show how happy he was about the expansion. He took his MacBook to increase what we had in stock, as well as a number of show-products to display in the store. Knowing him, I knew everything would be delivered in a very short term. According to the longer lease of the building, he said he would make-up a new franchise contract with an extension of the dates. He left very happy and so was I.

It took only four days before the company sent me the new banner, the posters and the supplement of stock. Jack agreed to keep the decoration of the shop quite minimalistic so there would be more space for the clients. As soon as the contractor was gone, we passed a whole day cleaning up the mess and rearranging the shop. Isaac of courses came to help us and everything was new in a very short time. We were ready to open again and I won't say we had a queue of people that first day, but we were really busy. Laura proved to be an asset from the first hour she started with us. Her smile was infectious and the clients seemed to like her. Jack and I had made the vow to not make her do supplementary hours, even if there was still people in the shop, but Laura wouldn't listen to it and never looked at her watch at the end of the afternoon. As long as she was busy there was no way to make her leave the store. Just like Jack during his first days, she listened very carefully to what we were saying to the clients and watched our way of working real fast. She had said during the interview that she wanted to learn and she kept her promise. Soon the RAM, the pixels and the processors had no more secrets for her. I even installed an incentive program because I thought she deserved it. I had to smile at the end of the first week as she had reached the objective I had expected. Yes, she was definitely an asset.

Another advantage we had with Laura is that we could instal a kind of rotation for the lunch break. We had no interruption in the opening hours, but needed a break for lunch. Laura, most of the time had a Tupperware with some food, but we just had to go home. We couldn't always go together as, certainly in the beginning, I didn't want to leave Laura alone. From time to time she still needed some advice or information. I tried of course to keep the lunch breaks to a minimum of time, but Jack took a little more time. Some of the lunch breaks had Jack coming back and I could smell it that he had had sexual activity and I was glad for him and for Isaac. Jack having sex during his lunch break made him even more active afterwards in the shop. Isaac didn't have to masturbate, Jack was sexually satisfied and the sales went up. It was a pure win-win-win situation.

On more than one occasion I had the feeling that Jack warned Isaac that I was on my way home. He was always waiting for me naked and his manhood was everything but flaccid. He would kiss me with more passion than just to say hello. His hands would go directly to my genitals and wake them up. I would be with my trousers around my ankles before I reached the living room and with my cock in his mouth. Sometimes, as if indeed Jack hard warned him, he would take more or less time in bringing me to orgasm, leaving me time to have a real lunch. I asked Jack if he warned Isaac and he put up such an innocent face that I knew he did indeed. I wasn't complaining, on the contrary. I loved this special attention Isaac was giving me and even more that Jack called him to tell him how much time we would have. I wanted to say we were a special pair, but we were three. On more than one occasion, we had even time to properly make love although Isaac always found that it was finished too quickly. Jack had warned me that Isaac was one hell of a horny man with a very high sex drive and I couldn't deny it. Just as Jack, when I had sexual activity during my lunch break, I also had renewed energy till closing time. Once again it was a win-win situation.

We actually didn't know what Isaac was doing with his days while we were at the store and in fact it was none of our business. He had expressed that he wanted to come down and buy a computer. This time we were lucky and got to offer him the latest MacBook for his birthday. From then on he was constantly typing away and even the sexual activities at lunch break were less frequent. He didn't say what he was doing and we respected his silence. We thought he would talk when he was ready to do so. Of course, as we did not know, we could imagine almost anything. The most plausible thing, for us, was that he was kind of writing a memoir or auto-biography. We were completely wrong when Isaac decided to tell us what he was doing all day long. He had recovered a few contacts from the time he worked for the agency. The only difference was that this time he wanted to use his skills to really help people in need.


As we were completely settled in the new penthouse, my days were a bit void of occupations. Of course I had my men to take care of and the physical activities were certainly an asset with all the free time I had. In fact, I had too much free time with nothing to do. You know how it goes when you have too much time! Yes, indeed, you start to think. In the last months I had my distractions, getting used again to a normal life, arranging the penthouse, grocery shopping and so on. But came the time there was nothing to do anymore in the penthouse. So, all day long I had time to think. I thought a lot about all I had lived during the years working for the agency. I thought about writing all down, but there was no way I could ever publish it, so what's the use of it. I thought about the missions I had to realize and complete them with success. I saw a constant parade of the people I had met. I remembered so vividly the research I had to do in each case and how I obtained certain information in ways the FBI and the CIA, with the M5, would have been jealous of my achievements. There were achievements I was really proud about, but there were as well some of those that made me want to vomit. To succeed in my work I had done things that I was not really proud about and even more when I realized what the consequences of my work were.

To try to keep my mind up-to-date and functioning well, I obliged myself to remember every little details, case by case. I needed a personal computer to keep some details and to never forget them. I had to restart my organizing skills and know the answers to my five basic questions : who, what where, when and how? There should be a sixth one, but I didn't want to put that sort of things on a readable device: why? To have a computer was easy for me as Jason had the Apple Store. I mentioned it one evening during dinner, but without being sure a hundred percent. When the following week it was my birthday, Jack and Jason offered me the latest MacBook available. I was overwhelmed with the present for several reasons. First of all it was an expensive gift for just a birthday. Secondly, and probably the most important reason, was that I realized I was in a three-way relationship where everybody carefully listened to the others. Strangely enough, I was not used to that. I was used to listen very carefully, but not at all that others listened to me. It was more, I had to be sure nobody heard whatever I had to say. I had lived a very low-key life. I had never owned anything, no house, no car, nothing fancy, no jewelry. Now I had one of the most beautiful penthouses in town. I was thinking of buying a new car and already had quite good ideas for my lovers' birthdays.

As soon as I had that MacBook, I started to organize it, creating files and subfiles (some of them password-protected) and make a compilation of the information I had, the people I knew, the phone numbers I used and for each and every information, there was a note as to know what it was good for, where it could help me. I was busy from the moment Jack and Jason left the house to go to the store, till the moment I had to prepare our evenings, including the meals. I didn't neglect the household chores as I am a kind of perfectionist and can't live in a dirty place. It took me several weeks to make that complete compilation. I was grateful for Jason to have chosen a computer with a huge memory. The only thing I neglected maybe a little was the sexual activities I had with Jason or Jack when they came home for their lunch break. Nonetheless, I had a sacred rule to shut off my computer about an hour before they came home after closing the shop.

When I thought I had all my information saved in my MacBook, I decided to trust my two lovers and tell them what I had been doing, but immediately a big question raised to the surface. Why had I gathered all the information? For what purpose did I have all that was in my computer? It took me a few days to reach my answer. There was no way I would return to my old job, even if I had to do it on my own. After what happened and the amount they had paid me, there was no doubt the agency didn't want me back. Doing it on an independent basis was out of the question. After spinning around everything I kew and everything I had done in the past, the light at the end of the tunnel was switched on. I could use my skills to help people in desperate need and that was exactly what I told my lovers.

-I have enjoyed the time we are together, but I feel like I am wasting my time and my skills. You both know what I did in the past and you are the only people outside the agency who know that much about me. I am not very proud of what I did in the past and that was the reason why I wanted so desperately to leave the agency. But I still have my skills and I could use them in a positive way to help others where lawyers and different institutions are not enough anymore. It is my strength to be totally on my own in my field. I have no competition as long as I don't go back to shenanigans the agency is using. I would probably be the first and only to use my capacities in a very positive way. My abilities allow me to get where no one else can. I can get information that is hidden behind the strongest firewalls. I know the right people in the right places doing the right things. Wouldn't it be marvelous to use it to help desperate people? I am convinced it would.

Jack and Jason looked at me with a little smile. It was Jason who spoke first.

-Is that what you were doing the last weeks, finding a way to help people?

-Not really! I was gathering all the information and skills that I had, in my MacBook. I can't afford to loose all that. It was only when I had everything written down that I wondered what to do with it and then ... a light switch was turned on and I realized I could use it in the most positive way possible : helping others.

-I think it is wonderful! Jack said. Indeed, with your skills you can do things nobody else can. You are a good man Isaac and we know it. It is time other people start to realize it as well. We could sense there was something on your mind and I hope you know that we kept silent about it out of respect for you. We just knew you would talk to us when you were ready. We were not mistaken and I am happy about that.

-I do have a favor to ask you though. If anything would happen to me, whatever it is, please, promise me you will destroy my MacBook. In its memory there is too much valuable information that could be dangerous if it falls in the wrong hands. Please promise me...

Both my lovers promised and even swore without hesitation. They knew, or at least suspected, my MacBook could be dangerous if not operated by me. I felt exhausted. The past weeks had required a lot of my energy. My biggest stress now was to keep my MacBook in a safe place. There was a safe in the wardrobe (well hidden) and I mentioned Jack and Jason that it was where I would keep it.

-The MacBook is password protected. If I ever ask you to look something up in my computer, you will have to remember that password which is 1WYWHB2CLYITE3YJLAA4YSMMC.

I couldn't help laughing when I saw their faces. I knew they would never remember that just as I had just said it.

-How the hell do you want us to remember that?

-It is actually very easy. You both know the song "I'm a creep" originally from Radiohead, but also sung by Brian Justin Crum. If you take the opening verse, which is composed of 4 sentences, you remember the first letter of each word in each sentence. The password is 1 (for the first sentence) followed by the first letter of each word in that sentence, then 2 and again the first letter of each word in that sentence and so on till you have the four sentences. The only thing you have to do is know that song by heart. The first sentence is "When you were here before" and that gives you 1WYWHB. Once you are inside the memory, you'll find files starting with a number, you will know it is password-protected. The number the file-name begins with is just the number of the verse in the same song. If you find a file that starts with a 4, it means you have to apply the same system as for the password to enter the computer, but using the fourth verse.

-What you are saying is that we have to know the complete song by heart...

-I guess that is not really a problem for the two Karaoke Stars that you are.

-How do you know about that... NO! Don't tell me, I don't want to know how you discovered that.

I really had to laugh out loud.

-When are you taking me to that bar? I want to hear you sing ... both of you and... together if possible. We still have time before the mouth to ear `publicity' starts to work and that I will be busy. So, if Saturday night is ok for you, I'll prepare and early dinner and maybe even a late supper for when we come back. But for now, I am going to take a shower and go to bed. I am exhausted, more mentally than physically, and I need to sleep.

I got up and went to the bedroom where I took off my clothes and went to the bathroom. The warm water of the shower, cascading over my body, made all my muscles relax. It felt so good. I was not really surprised to hear the door of the shower open and have someone coming in. It was Jason this time. He started rubbing my body and when he started to soap me up, my cock, which has a mind of its own, started to rise, of course. Jason didn't pay any attention to it. He continued rubbing my entire body and giving me more a massage than a rubdown. He was standing behind me and massaged my shoulders and back. It felt heavenly. I had not realized how stressful I had been. He was searching for muscle knots and found them one by one and rubbed them out. I was standing still, slightly bend over with my hands against the wall, letting Jason do his magic. At one point though I could feel his hard-on rubbing my buns and that was enough to wake up my manhood again. When I felt his hands coming from my back and resting on my chest, lightly rubbing my nipples, I was as hard as a rock and started to have a heavy breathing. Jason pushed his whole body against my back and it was almost the best part of the massage. Is that what they call full body massage? I loved it.

Jason shut off the water and took a towel and slowly began to dry me off. I still didn't move except for my cock that went up and down by own decision. When I was completely dry Jason told me to go to bed. I did and found Jack sprawled out in all his naked glory. What a beautiful sight it was. I laid down next to him, with my head on his chest and my hard-on poking in his thigh. He softly caressed me as far as his hands could reach. Jason came out of the bathroom and spooned me, almost repeating the feelings I had in the shower when he was pressed to my back. His hands didn't stay idle and so I had four hands caressing my body. It was so erotic! It was impossible to stay still and as I pushed my hips a little backwards I could feel Jason's cock pushing between my buttocks and easily reaching my puckered hole. I relaxed as much as I could to make him understand he could come in whenever he wanted. I lifted my head and immediately had Jack's lips on mine. They parted and our dancing tongues met each other. The more I felt Jason entering me, the more my kisses became passionate and inpatient. I put one leg over Jack's, opening up for Jason who was inside of me, rubbing my prostate with his cock-head. Jason knew how to please me and to excite me to the highest point. His slow but deep thrusts made me shiver, while Jack's cock met mine. Our mixed precum made it all slippery and of course more enjoyable. Jason seemed decided to enjoy his ride inside of me and didn't quicken the pace. His thrusts only became a bit more forceful, feeling his cock-head reach places I didn't even know I had. Each thrust pushed me more against Jack who responded in sync with Jason's movements. There were no hurried movements, but they made up in strength. I knew we couldn't hold up very long with that and when I felt Jason's spasms of his cock in my ass, I went over the edge and emptied my balls all over Jack's pubes. That was the trigger for Jack who came forcefully and bathed my pubes with his semen. It had been a slow lovemaking, but so enjoyable. After a moment, we got out of bed and showered all three together... to save water. Once back in bed I was asleep before me head hit the pillow.

For the first time since we lived together, I woke up in an empty bed. I looked at my watch and saw it was almost 11am. I hadn't heard my lovers get up and leave for work. The coffee mug on the nightstand was cold, but it was the intention of them that was important. I got up and took a shower that ended up the waking-up process. My coffee mug disappeared in the microwave to find some much needed heat. Yes, my coffee had to be like my men : hot and strong. While I was waiting, I started up my computer and checked my e-mails. There were none yet, but it didn't surprise me and very few people had my address. While enjoying my coffee, I looked in the fridge to see what I could prepare for lunch for my men. I didn't know which one would come first, but I knew I could shoot my load twice as I was as horny as hell.

What was that with me? I had never been so sexual in my whole life. Was it a way to make-up for twelve years of total abstinence? It probably was, but nonetheless, I surprised myself with the stamina I had. It could also be because we didn't have sex, but making love. I had never realized before which was the real difference between the two concepts that were basically the same thing if you looked at it from the outside. I had never known nor felt this supremely satisfying feeling of making love. Before my dead as Isaac Wilcox, I had quite a good share of sex. I thought at that time that it was wonderful and I enjoyed fully. Each time I met someone it was like a new adventure or experience. At that time I had learned to be as well top as bottom. I had tried the BDSM scene, but that was not my cup of tea. I didn't like the dominant/submissive side of it. I always preferred my men to be as my equals and if they were versatile it was even better. I realized that at that time I very seldom kissed. Jack was probably the first one I really wanted to kiss as deep as possible. I often thought about those four days. They were burned in my heart and in my mind. Jack was also the absolute first I ever said: "I love you" and I was still convinced of the words I said. Even twelve years later, the feeling had not changed a bit. I loved him deeply and it took almost no time at all that I had the same feeling for Jason.

I didn't understand what it was with these two guys. I had the absolute NEED to have them close by. I couldn't even imagine what it would be if I didn't have them. They woke up feelings in my heart I had never felt before, not even a teen-ager's puppy love. I remembered I lusted after some guys, but love them ? No, I didn't. I was only fourteen when I fucked my first ass and by the time I was twenty-one I had lost count of the number of beds I had laid in with other guys. Yes, sex was sex... and just that. A bodily relieve that I craved every day. Feelings were not part of the equation. I seldom had sex with the same guy twice. You can call me a promiscuous pervert because that was exactly what I was. Looking back on it all, I was not really proud of myself. I had some memorable rides, that was sure. Did it bring me anything apart from the very temporary satisfaction? No, it didn't. Now that I lived with Jack and Jason, it was all so different. I still craved the physical activities, but only with them. Each time I left the house for shopping or something else, I felt the stares of people, being it men or women. It boosted my ego yes, but nothing else. I could see the most gorgeous guy crossing my path and admire his beauty and it would stop there. I didn't get a hard-on. I did when I saw Jack or Jason.

I admired beauty. It was not limited to men or women. I loved the art and could spend hours in a museum or art gallery. I could have tears in my eyes by listening to a symphony. I could literally devour a good book and be submerged by professional photography. During my years of abstinence I could watch pictures of beautiful men on the internet and dream away, wondering what it would be to have them in my bed and mostly jerk off to have some physical loophole. Jason and Jack brought so much more to my life. It was difficult for me to realize that I was respected for who I was, not for what I did. It was difficult to trust people, but is was natural to do so with my lovers. Leaving the agency was the best decision I had ever made. At last I could be myself and be free...

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Next: Chapter 7

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