New Computer

By Alain Mahy

Published on Feb 26, 2020


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I was furious. This was getting too much. Isaac apparently knew more about me than I could imagine. I was now convinced that his visit at the store was intentional and not a coincidence. He knew my phone number and he even knew where I lived and now he was ringing my bell like a mad man. I disconnected the Video Phone and the quiet came back in the house. One thing was sure: our Sunday (only day free in the week) was already ruined. I told Jason to get dressed and that we would take the lift to the basement parking lot, take the car and drive away, leaving the stalker where he was. Jason didn't really agree.

-I don't think this is a good idea Jack. One way or the other he will find a way to get to us. Driving us out of our house is not really a solution. Why don't we let him get in and let him explain whatever his `urgency' is and get it over with? We won't find any peace as long as he hasn't talked to you.

I sat down for a moment thinking about that option. As I said, our Sunday was already ruined. If we didn't let him in, someone else in the building would come in or go out and the entry door would be open to him anyway. As he already knew so much, there was a big probability that he exactly knew what floor we were living and find us. Jason reconnected the Video Phone and pushed the button that opened the downstair's door. After a very short while, there was a knock on the door, confirming my suspicion that Isaac perfectly knew where we lived. Jason opened the door and Isaac, without saying a word stepped forward to enter our apartment. Jason stopped him immediately.

-First of all we would expect you to say hello and ask the permission to enter this place as you came here without an invitation.

Isaac stepped back in the hallway. Said politely hello and even good morning. Jason waited a few moments before telling him to come in. When Isaac saw me he almost hurried towards me, trying to take me in his arms. I immediately made a step backwards and held my hands in front of me as to avoid him to hug me. Isaac looked at me incredulously.

-Not even a hug?

-Not even a hug!

I indicated him a chair at the table and once he was seated, Jason and I took our seats in front of him.

-So, what's the urgency?

-I needed to see you!

-And that is your urgency? Quite snooty of you, don't you think? We had a sexual affair of four days. You told me that you loved me and promised to call. Yes, you called... twelve years later. Did you really expect me to just fall into your arms and go to bed with you?

-It would have been nice...

-I warn you Isaac. Change that stupid attitude of yours immediately or you will be out of here and on the street in no time. If necessary I will even call the police.

-Don't do that!

Suddenly there was fear in Isaac's eyes.

-Well, it is up to you. Who's in the coffin under that gravestone with your name on it?

-I don't have the slightest idea. It can be anyone or even just stones, I don't know. It was the agency that arranged it all.

-Which agency?

-Can't tell you.

-Listen Isaac. It is now two days in a row you are stalking me. You'd better be honest right away or leave. I have my life perfectly together and you don't have the slightest chance to stay in my life. You are full of secrets and probably lies as well. I don't need that, neither from you nor from anyone else. I hope I made myself clear.

Isaac nodded with a certain air of defeat over him.

-So, I ask you again. What is your urgency?

-I have to hide.

-Why don't you ask your `agency'?... They seem quite well organized to arrange fake situations.

-It's from them that I have to hide.

Of course, Jason and I didn't understand this whole situation at all. We needed more information and we didn't have a clue how Isaac had gotten in this intricate position where he had to hide from the people he apparently worked for.

-Ok... Ok... Let me start at the beginning, telling you the short version of why I am here. I work for an agency that is specialized in placing undercover people in strategic positions to discover the malfunction of companies which are crucial in national securities of several countries. The job these people have as undercover agents must bring clarity in situations where security is in danger. Most of the companies the agency does provide people for, are totally unknown to the general public and even some governments. Most of the time there is a problem of information reaching people who are not accredited to receive it. The undercover agent is there to find out how that information is leaking and who is the responsible person of that leak. I am one of these agents and I can tell you I am pretty good in this job. At the moment of meeting you Jack, I was on a serious case and about to discover the mole in one of the most complicated net I had ever encountered. The four days I spent with you were ideal for me to `disappear' from the face of this earth. I had not count on the fact that it wold be so wonderful and that I would develop feelings towards you. Anyway, at that period and during the four days I was not visible, time did its work and the necessary evidence I needed was almost served to me on a silver platter. The people I was going to put away, were dangerous and too well organized as to let me just go with the flow and collect my bonus. The very next day, as I was driving on the motorway after a meeting with my superiors and delivering the complete report of my work, I discovered somebody had sabotaged my car. The most classical trick of ruining the brake system. It was so basic that I never thought about checking it before starting my drive.

Isaac seemed to have problems collecting his thoughts and to continue this incredible story. He had our full attention, although I find it all a little bit too `James Bond' kind of thing.

-What had to happen, happened. The car-crash. The following part was told to me by my direct supervisor as I didn't remember a thing about the accident. All of our cars were equipped with a tracking system and at the agency they knew about the accident before any emergency service like police or ambulance. I have to say that when the agency is faced with something like that, they act fast, very fast. By the time I arrived at the hospital with the ambulance, they had already organized the necessary switch of gurneys and I was wheeled to another wing of the hospital where my replacement' was wheeled into ER. The replacement was soon declared dead and the funeral was organized. I was officially dead. Meanwhile, in that other secret' wing of the hospital I was attended to. My injuries were actually not that bad and about two weeks later I was released. The only thing was that I was officially not even among the livings on earth. The agency arranged everything, from a new identity, new address, new everything... new life to say it in short. I found myself thousands of miles away in a total unknown environment. On top of that, the agency gave me very strict instructions as to not contact ANYBODY I had ever known and insisting strongly on you Jack. Yes, they knew about what I did the four days I had disappeared. After all, it is their main business to know everything, or at least almost everything. They had nothing against the fact I was gay, but were afraid my feelings would interfere with my work and protected identity. They even made me sign some confidentiality papers with the instructions of keeping a low profile and forget my past. I didn't like it, but I had no choice. The `enemy' had to be convinced a hundred percent that I was dead indeed. It was for my own safety. I kept my promises and respected what I had signed, till about two years ago. I had the very strong intuition that there was something not right. I have always trusted my intuition and so I started to collect information about the firm I was working for. I needed the patience of a Swiss watchmaker. I had to be so careful with the information I had as I knew I could bring down a complete organization and some highly placed people in governments and other political parties. The only thing that I wanted was to quit my job. I was sick of seeing the corruption, lies, frauds and so on. It can sound strange to you, but I wanted to find a quiet job, having my money coming in and enjoy life. With what I did, I couldn't.

Isaac gathered his thoughts once more and we kept silent, letting him finish this incredible story.

-Once I had the evidence I needed to prove the board of directors of the agency were even more corrupt than our clients, I took the firm resolution to stop that kind of job. Yes, indeed, I was good at finding all the information I needed in any case presented to me. I don't want to be pretentious, but I am probably the best in what I am doing. If the evidence I have against my direct superiors would reach the national press, we would have the scandal of the century. It includes written confessions of information about robbery, international industrial spying, ruining people's lives just out of pleasure, unbelievable bets and yes, even murders well camouflaged as accidents. I have reached the point where I can't take it anymore. I see too much injustice around me and I am sick of it. So, last week I took the risk of entering the boarding room while all those supposedly `gentlemen' were in a meeting. I had prepared my resignation with a lawyer as to be sure it was legal a hundred percent. The CEO of the agency looked at it while all eyes were on me. As I expected, he didn't sign it to acknowledge that he had received it. He just teared it up. I was half expecting that and had prepared another paper with just a few of the facts I had discovered in the last two years. I was taking an enormous risk as this was a kind of blackmail. He asked what I intended to do with that information and I answered him I would do nothing with it if he signed my resignation as a sign of acceptance of it. He just told me I couldn't leave the agency as it was a lifetime job and asked me to leave the room. They knew I have proof of everything that was written on the paper and suspected I knew more. They were just aware of how I do my job. I left the building, went to what was my home for the last twelve years, hired a car as to not be traced by the device installed on mine and left. I left my cell phone on the coffee table in my living room as that as well had a tracing device. I packed a few things and just left. I had already made a search for you Jack and found you quite easily. You are the only person I could possibly turn to and that's why I am here. I need your help. I am not here to break up your relationship, believe me.

To say Jason and I were flabbergasted would be the understatement of the century. If the agency he was working for, was really that professional, they would find Isaac and automatically they would find us. That was really not a reassuring thought. From what Isaac told us, they didn't bother about eliminating people if necessary.

-Do you realize that by coming here you put US in danger?

Isaac bowed his head down.

-I don't think so. I know how to erase any trace of where I ever went. For the first time in my life I am untraceable.

-But you told us that they knew that we had spent four days together in a hotel room. I am sure they have a file on you and everything you did since the day you started with them. From what you told, I am sure they have my name and address as well and that puts us in danger now. It is not considerate of you to come here, ignoring the fact they know. But, of course, it is already too late now, isn't it?

-If anybody asks for me with my original name, you will know who they are. The only thing you will have to do is to tell them that you know I died twelve years ago.

-And they will just believe me like that? Come on Isaac, not even you believe that. You just jeopardized Jason and my life and work as we do everything together, but I guess you already know that. There is one thing that I told Jason and that is that you are a stranger to me. We had anonymous sex some twelve years ago and even if it was four days in a row, it doesn't give you the right to burst into our lives with a story that maybe is true but that can be evenly false. You are not entitled to receive my help as I don't owe you nothing. We had a sexual experience with no strings attached.

Isaac didn't know what to say after that. Strangely enough, Jason kept suspiciously silent as well. I looked at him and saw in his eyes that his brain was in total overload. He was thinking, hard. With his rational way of thinking, I could see he was analyzing the whole situation. He only asked one question.

-What kind of help were you hoping to receive?

-I can see you are more open than Jack, Isaac said.

-Don't assume things you don't know anything about Isaac. Jack explained very clearly what the situation is for the moment and if it was my choice, I would throw you out at this minute because you are far too sure about yourself, expecting things you don't even deserve. It is out of respect for Jack that I kept silent. I repeat my question: what do you expect?

-I only wanted to ask if you could rent a studio in your name as it would leave no trace of me.

-Only that, huh? Jack told you you are a stranger to us. Why would we do that? Who tells us that you won't disappear again and leave us with the rent of a studio we don't need? It is a little too easy for you to come here and ask favors. I will politely ask you to leave now. We have your number and in the case we would help you, we can call you but don't count too much on it. Stop stalking us, stop calling us and please, stay away from this place and my store. I can tell you right now that I won't hesitate a moment to call the police and inform them about you.

-I will leave now, but please don't call the police as I would be in even bigger trouble than I already am.

Isaac stood up and without another word left our apartment. Jason looked inquisitively at me, trying to know what I was thinking without having to ask me. Isaac's visit gave some answers, but not the ones we wanted or needed. His story was incredible. Trying to remember every word he said made my head spin. I knew I had to say something.

-Do you believe his story Jason?

-I don't know Jack. It is so incredible that I wonder if anyone could have enough imagination to invent it. I don't doubt about the fact that he is good in collecting information, even if it is well hidden. He found you after twelve years after all, with your work, your phone number and your address. It is true that you don't have to hide anything and your data is more or less `public'. I guess he hadn't to search really that much. All the other things, about undercover agents and so on are possible. I don't know how much to believe about the power of that agency he says he was working for and the real danger they represent. I also think he was not really diplomatic in entering that board of director's room with obvious menaces. That is in contradiction with what he told us about being the best in his job. As for the rent of the studio... I don't know. We could ask for a temporary contract of one year and tell Isaac he has to pay the deposit plus the rent for one year, all in advance. We wouldn't have a financial risk. But, as you said, he is a stranger to us and there is no valid reason for us to provide that kind of help.

Jason was right, of course.

-What I wonder is from where comes his obvious fright for the police... I guess that if he has papers, they are fake ones. He didn't even tell us under what name he was living, certainly not Isaac and whatever his surname was. On one side there were too much details and on the other not enough. I don't think I can trust him Jack. He is over-confident that he can make the agency tumble down with the information he has, but on the other side he has to hide from them... it doesn't sound logic to me. I don't trust him and I wouldn't help him. What you do is your business and you know I will support you whatever decision you make, unconditionally.

That was my Jason. He analyzed the whole thing and gave me his opinion. His analysis was accurate and I couldn't bring anything against it.

-What chocked me Jason, is his attitude even before coming in, almost doing it without being invited, plus the fact he was thinking sexually as well. Now, I have to admit that he is still as gorgeous as I remembered.

Jason bursted out laughing.

-I knew you were going to say that and I have to admit you are right him being gorgeous. I observed him while he was talking and he is a nice specimen of the masculine human beings. If I were not with you, he would certainly have caught my attention. Is he as nice naked as he is with clothes on?

-Hahaha... yes, he is. Do you really think I could have passed four days in a bed with him if he was not really attractive? You know me better than that. I am sure you would like him with his constant 2 or 3 day stubble and his hairy chest and bottom. In other circumstances, meaning being single, I would have not hesitated a moment to have sex with him again. I remember him as a very good lover. Do I have to understand that you would like to abandon our agreement on monogamy?

-No, Jack, I am with you and I don't need anybody more than you. But it is not because you are on a diet that you can't stop in front of the shopwindow of a bakery. We have eyes and we are supposed to use them and when we see something we like, we are allowed to look. Of course, I would prefer us not to enter the bakery and touch' the goods. On the other hand we have the famous What if...' question. For my part I know what I have and what I want to keep. I am glad you had him all these years ago and that you got sexually satisfied. I have not experienced that much sexually and most of my satisfactions I have learned from you. Before I knew you, I had a threesome and it was purely sexual with no emotions involved. It was satisfying. What I learned from it was that there is always one of the three who will feel `excluded'. It is just human. The physical attraction is always stronger with one or two of the participants and there is never a real balance between the three people. I mean it as long as there are no emotions in the equation. I guess it would be better to have four people included or six, just a pair number.

-You compare me with pastry?

-You are far too sweet to be in a pastry shop. You better stay with me. I just hope that drinking all your semen will not make me have diabetes.

Jason grabbed my head and kissed me like just he could do, waking all my senses and even if we had made love just before Isaac knocked at our door, I could feel getting hard once more. I grabbed Jason by the waist and pulled him with me to the bedroom, got him naked in no time and followed his state of nakedness before falling on him and attack his mouth with mine.


I wondered where Jack learned to take clothes off so quickly. I was not about to complain as I loved being naked with him. When our lips met, our cocks were already hard and pressed together. I knew from the way he was kissing me that we wouldn't last very long. Being together already that amount of time made me know in what kind of mood he was. The same morning we had made love for several hours, but now it was more an animalistic need. The memories of the four days with Isaac must have caused it. I was not jealous as I was the beneficiary of that old moment. If he was like that, I didn't have much to say as I pictured Isaac naked in my head and the mutual frenzy of reaching orgasm was the result of it all. Was I unfaithful to Jack thinking about Isaac? I didn't know. The case was that Isaac was probably the trigger to our instincts and rough sex. It was not lovemaking this time. It was the urge to ejaculate our juices and we were both in it as mush as you can imagine. Our horniness was the driving force and our cocks lead the way. We didn't even reach the point of penetrating each other. The urgency was such that we both almost came simultaneously and our juices mixed on our bellies. After we recovered breath and heartbeat, we showered together and kissed more romantically. Jack's stomach was making a rumbling noice and looking at the clock we realized we hadn't had breakfast and were already past the lunch hour. None of us was in the mood to cook, so we dressed and went out to our favorite restaurant that served all meals from 11am till 11pm without any interruption. Once seated and with our drinks served we had a little moment of silence. I had to ask Jack.

-Were you thinking about Isaac when you reached your orgasm?

Jack smiled and for me that was enough as an answer. I didn't even let him answer verbally.

-I was! Do you think that was being unfaithful to you? I asked.

-No, I don't think so. If you would think about him every time we were making love, I would be worried. This was due to the events of the day. We are humans. Our eyes perceive things and our imagination does the rest. I don't think we were unfaithful because we thought, or for you imagined, Isaac's perfect body. We've talked about it a little too much the last two days. I probably gave you too much information about that sexual escapade. It triggered your imagination and I can't blame you for that. In fact, I am thankful that we can talk about it without being crossed with each other. We both did the same thing at the same time. For me, that means we are even more connected than what we thought. I feel blessed that I met you and that we understand each other so well.

I saw what he meant. The famous look but don't touch' theory. I wanted to drop the subject. I was afraid that Jack's demons would return full force if we continued that conversation. During our time together I had succeeded in making them disappear. It would have been foolish of me to wake them up again. I was honest and sincere when I said I wanted Jack and nobody else. Yes, Isaac was a gorgeous man and I could only imagine how he was without his clothes on. He was hot! But that was not enough for me to jeopardize what I had with Jack. We were talking about marriage! In my opinion that meant something. Maybe quite some people would call me old-fashioned' and seeing how things go around me, I was proud of that title. I still knew the values of life, making a difference between good and bad, showing respect and believing firmly in commitments.

I didn't know what it was with Isaac. He wasn't even there and still he was so present. Every time Jack and I talked about something else, Isaac seemed to come back in the conversation we had. He was like a ghost and at the same time the elephant in the room. Jack as well noticed and didn't hide the fact.

-It seems that whatever we talk about, we always come back to Isaac. Is there something hidden in this? Do we actually want to see him again?

-Rationally the answer is a big NO. Emotionally it is a NO as well as we are not emotionally connected to him. I guess that for both of us there is a hidden sexual desire Jack. For you to have a repeat session of what you lived with him. For me to discover what made you stay locked in a room for four days. Is it a pure curiosity? Is it more? I don't know! You are absolutely right to say he comes back to our conversation constantly and in a certain way Jack, it worries me. I am worried you would like to go back to him and see if what happened twelve years ago, could reach another level. At the same time you are most probably worried that I would want to stay with him as well if we ever had sex. To come back to your question, I think it certainly would be fun to see him again and se where it leads to, but on the other hand the temptation involves too much risks.

-What do you mean Jason?

-I mean that for a starter we don't know how honest he has been with us, but if he has been a hundred percent, there is that ever present danger of the agency. There is that ever present danger of what will happen if he uses the information he has gathered during the last two years. Secondly we know what happens when people, us included, could come to when they use the little head instead of the big one above. The sexual impact on people can have tremendous consequences and we don't know what they are. You've always been afraid I would leave you for someone else. Now, I am afraid that you would do it if what you had with him turns out to be what you really want. We have a committed relationship and our intention is to get married. For once I prefer to keep it with the `What if...' option rather to look for a real answer.

-So, you admit there is a definite sexual attraction towards him?

-Yes, definitely there is. Listen Jack, we have, from day one been sincere and honest with each other and I don't think that it is a good time to start lying. I love you with all of my heart and my soul. The risk that one day we will be faced with a big temptation is REAL. But what happens if we give in to it? I think it would be opening a door to more and thus more risks of jeopardizing what we have. The day we committed to each other it was clear that we wanted something monogamous. Do we want to give in to put that in doubt? If we do, what else will follow and how many doubts will we be able to face and conquer?

-I see what you mean and I agree wholeheartedly with you. It would be too easy to just give in. As you say: what will be next? I love you as well and you know it and I don't want to know what could possibly happen if... It is an `IF' that, just like you, I prefer to not know the outcome. But you are right as well when you say there is a sexual attraction from us towards him, for both of us. Do you think we would be strong enough to give in and have no further problems for ourselves? For my part I know my feelings and I would never leave you for someone else. I know you are the same in that aspect. I think we are intelligent enough to know the possible consequences of a three-way. We have lived and we have seen quite too often what it can do to even the strongest couples. You mentioned the pastry shop a while ago and if you allow me, I'd like to use the comparison. Stopping in front of the pastry shop is one thing, but what would happen if you had diabetes? You know you can't enter at all. I don't mean that being with you is like a disease. It is just a metaphor.

I smiled at the metaphor Jack used. At least we had put a name on what happened : temptation. The problem was that it was for both of us. It was quite confusing as we both admitted we didn't have the need of another person sexually. Being honest with ourselves, we both wanted it. To make it even more difficult, Jack received a message on his phone.

"Please guys, I really need you!"

It was coming from Isaac, of course. Jack showed me the message as if he expected an answer from me. We looked at each other. My God, what were we going to do?

-What do you think Jack?

-Sincerely? I think that if we let him come over, we both know what is going to happen if Isaac shows his charming side. His smile is so irresistible and I know that if there is any body contact, how small it would be, we'll give in to the temptation. So, my question to you is if we are ready to assume that risk. I guess we've talked about all the possibilities already. I don't think Isaac is expecting that we would let him in in our lives. We haven't been particularly gentle with him and we even asked him, politely, to leave our place. We haven't shown any sexual interest in him, but then again, he knows how charming he can be and to persuade other people to do what he wants. He also made it clear he wouldn't reject a sexual approach.

Jack had made a perfect summary of the situation and tried to stay non-committable by sending a message back to Isaac.

"What for? Nothing changed since midday."

It didn't show any interest in seeing him again. We both expected Isaac to answer rapidly and we were not wrong.

"Want to talk and receive your input. Have been too impulsive as well with the agency as with you. Feel lost."

He wasn't making it easier for us. As Jack had half predicted, he was using all his assets to obtain what he wanted. This was almost an emotional blackmail. Telling someone you need them is equal to telling them they won't be able to refuse their help. It sounded so desperate. Jack and I were looking sheepishly at each other. Somewhere, deep inside, we wanted to help him although we were scared about the consequences. For once I didn't want to make a decision, neither was it the moment to throw a coin in the air to know what to do. At one moment Jack decided, wrote a message and showed it to me, asking my permission to send it.

"We'll be home in about 10 minutes. Come over."

I just nodded my ok and he clicked the send-button. Once it was too late to change anything, I asked Jack.

-What made you decide to send that message?

-What made you decide to agree Jason? Deep inside we know it is the correct thing to do. He is desperate and probably has no one to turn to. Up till now he has done nothing to harm us. Maybe that won't be true tomorrow, but I insist on `up till now'. We are not selfish people. Jeez, even if it is with a commercial purpose, we help strangers every day in the store. I guess we will have to hear him out and try to make rational and correct decisions afterwards.

-Makes sense.

When we arrived home, Isaac was seated on the first steps of the stairs. He didn't even try to hide the fact that he had been crying. Indeed, he looked very lost. Seeing us, made him get up and come over to us and this time Jack had not even time to reject his hug. He tried to stay very neutral. It was difficult. He took out our keys to open our door and Isaac took the time to hug me as well. I immediately understood what Jack told me about Isaac's charms and how he could persuade people to do what he wanted. His hug was almost... electric. I could feel the energy coming from him and I was so inclined to just let it flow.

We sat in the sofa and tried to relax. I am normally the diplomatic one, but this time I wanted answers and I wanted them right away.

-Why were you crying before we arrived?

Tears welled up again in Isaac's eyes. Between sobs he tried to explain a few things about what he had discovered in the information he had collected but not read full yet. But I felt there was something more that he was not talking about, something deep inside and that had nothing or almost nothing to do with the agency. I could also see he was doubting about sharing that inner part of him. Isaac clearly wanted to share things. The doubts came from his situation. I moved closer to him and put my arm around his shoulder. Jack, at the other side, put his arm around his waist. It provoked another round of sobs from Isaac.

-You guys have no idea what it means to me to be sitting here between the two of you. I didn't see any problems twelve years ago when they declared me dead and gave me another identity. What I didn't expect was the results of it: a huge and terrifying loneliness. From one day to the other, all the people I knew had to disappear from my life. Suddenly I was all alone on the face of this earth. My complete life had disappeared and soon enough I realized what it meant. I couldn't contact you Jack and I wanted to, as I meant what I told you when our ways went in different directions. I swore that day that I would never fall in love again. Seeing you and Jason interact made me crave the intimacy I had known. In these twelve years, believe it or not, I have met no one at all. My only sexual activity was my right hand. I didn't want to take any risk.

Wow! That was quite a confession. Jack and I looked at each other and we both had problems believing that someone could go on that amount of time without any intimacy at all. Suddenly we wondered if it was a good idea to be touching him, even if it was only to comfort him. For my part I knew what it was to be weeks without any sexual activity, but twelve years...!

-On top of all that, I was obliged to live in total secrecy. No more contacts with the few family members left. No projects to even go for a drink in my favorite pub. Forgetting to go and have a meal in my preferred restaurant. Moving thousands of miles away and being obliged to start it all over gain. It has been hard, very hard. That is something I can tell you. The financial advantage was huge. In fact, if I decide to never work again, I can't spend the money that is on my bank accounts. People say money does NOT make happy, and I can only say it is true. A life without love, not even tenderness, is not a life. It is a living hell. I know I took a calculated risk by contacting you, but I am so happy I did and I can assure you I'll do anything to avoid any trouble for you. As I said, I am not here to tear you apart. I respect people as much as I can and I respect relationships above all. I don't care if I don't have a roof above my head. I don't care if I have to go from one hotel to the other to find a bed. What I care about is the fact that you have been so kind to open your door to me twice today. You can't imagine how much I appreciate it.

There was no need for Jack and I to talk more about it. We simultaneously hugged Isaac and I could see that Jack even gave him a peck on the lips. Isaac maybe felt uneasy with that and therefor looked over at me. I did the same although I put a little more strength in that kiss, showing him we cared about him. It was indeed a complete turn from our part, switching from distrust to a loving care. I broke the kiss and smiled at Isaac while Jack was smiling at me. We understood each other without words. Jack put his finger under Isaac's chin and turned his head towards him. They kissed again but this time there was an undeniable passion. When they broke the kiss, Jack came closer to me and gave me one of the most passionate kisses he ever gave me. We were good. We silently agreed upon something I thought would never happen. Jack looked over at Isaac.

-Not right now Isaac, but we want you to be a hundred percent honest with us and not hide anything. It is important for us to be surrounded by honest and sincerer friends. We will talk later.

Isaac nodded and said he had been nothing but honest in everything he had told us and that he would continue doing it. Jack stood up and reached his hand to Isaac who took it. Jack pulled him up and made me understand we would go to our bedroom. I followed immediately. In the bedroom, we had Isaac sandwiched between the two of us and started to kiss and carress him through his clothes. I started to undo the buttons of Isaac's shirt. Isaac was pulling jack's T-shirt over his head. We resumed the passionate kissing and yes, I loved it. Isaac was a wonderful kisser and if that was any indication of what was going to follow, I could only look forward to it. Trousers were opened and pulled down. Soon we were only in our underwear and there was no exception to the tenting fabrics of our three briefs. I fell on my knees in front of my lover and Isaac. I hungrily attacked their crotches and pulling down the briefs with my teeth, letting the hard-ons slap in my face. I couldn't say at that moment which of both was more beautiful. I went from one to the other, sucking them as if it was the last thing I would do in my life. Meanwhile they were kissing and caressing each other with fever. Jack took Isaac's and my hand in his and fell on the bed, pulling us with him. For the first time in my life I experienced a three-way kiss. The connection was absolutely fabulous, as well with Jack as with Isaac. Suddenly I understood why they had spend four days in a hotel room without going out not even once. I made love only with Jack, but what happened with Isaac with us, was very close to it.

All you can imagine happening with three men in a bed, happened. I wondered where our energy came form as we couldn't stop, not even for a few minutes. I had my manhood sucked by both and returned the favor. Jack entered me while I had Isaac in my mouth. It was an incredible sensation. The same happened when I entered Isaac and that he had Jack in his mouth. Making love with two is wonderful, but with Isaac as participant, it took a whole new dimension. I didn't expect that. Nevertheless, if the hardness of our cocks and the amount of semen we spilled in asses and mouths was any indication, we all three loved it immensely. It was well past midnight when we finally collapsed in each other's arms and fell asleep, satisfied and with no regrets at all.

The following morning, I woke up to the delicious smell of fresh coffee although Jack was still spooned behind me. I got up and went to the bathroom for my morning routine. I slipped on some clean white briefs and followed my nose to the kitchen. Seeing Isaac's naked buttocks is a sight that I could get used to. It was still early. Jack and I had to open the shop, but we had time. I served myself a mug and Isaac came behind me, wrapping his arms around my chest. That was how Jack found it and his smile was infectious. He kissed Isaac and I before serving a mug of coffee for himself.

-I guess we have to be realistic and come back to earth. Isaac, we have to open the shop and can't give you too much time today and it will be like that every day. We work 6/7. There is no guarantee we can stop for a lunch break. I think I can speak for Jason and I that you are welcome to stay here. If you do, please, don't answer the door. There is a Video Phone and you can see who is ringing the bell but nonetheless, we would prefer that you don't answer or open the door. Tonight we need to talk seriously as to know what could happen with your agency. I want to keep the risks to an absolute minimum.

-Don't worry Jack. As I said yesterday, I contacted you with calculated risks. I would never do anything to have unexpected and supplementary risks. The first ting I would like to do is to sleep! The last few weeks have been so exhausting and for the first time I have the feeling I will be able to close my eyes peacefully.

With that said, we prepared ourselves for a day at the store and were soon on our way. As usual, while walking, we talked.

-Are you ok with me saying to Isaac to stay?

-Yes Jack, I am. After all, it is your apartment.

-Don't say that Jason, it is our apartment and we live there together. I had the feeling you were ok with what happened yesterday. Am I wrong?

-No Jack, you are right. I didn't expect it to be that way. At first I thought that if we ever would have a three-way, it would just be sex. I was surprised to feel we were love-making with Isaac. I surprise myself when I say that. He is indeed a charming man and it is certainly an added value that he is wonderful in bed. I can easily understand you didn't leave the hotel room for four days. If it wasn't that we have to open the shop, I would have gone for a repeat session this morning. The only thing that still worries me is that agency of his. Are we really at risk? However, after last night, I think we made the right decision.

-I am glad to hear that and I am as convinced as you are. I guess I was clear enough telling him we had to talk seriously tonight. I think we can trust him. I would be terribly deceived if my judgement is wrong. Nevertheless, I was really getting emotional when he told us how the last twelve years had been for him. I felt for him.

-I understand what you mean, it broke my heart as well. Having to leave everything behind you must be horrible. By the way... we didn't even ask him what name he has now.

We opened the shop and soon we were overwhelmed with clients. As Jack had said, we didn't even have the time for a lunch break. Fortunately, we could close in time and go back home as usual. The only thing that would not be usual was that Isaac would be there.

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Next: Chapter 6

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