New Computer

By Alain Mahy

Published on Feb 24, 2020


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I didn't know how on earth I would ever be able to thank Jason enough for this job opportunity. I hadn't told him but I got so many negative answers while sending my resumé around, that I was starting to panic. I also felt so useless as I was part of the catastrophic statistics of unemployed people. I felt less than shit when they told me I was too old for a job. I certainly didn't feel too old for any job as a matter of fact, but reality of the job market gave me a serious kick in my balls. The weeks I worked unofficially with Jason had been a real pleasure even if I never had a sales job before. Selling the products he had, was easy and pleasant. What helped the most of course was the fact I was using the product myself, so I knew what I was selling. I had spent hours in a row to learn how to use it properly and read thousands of comments about some short cuts and tricks to make it all easier. I still wondered how I had been using other makes of computers when this one was available. I also learned a lot about selling techniques just by watching or listening to Jason every time I could. He was a master in his field and I now understood why he had put till his last dime in this store. I was really looking forward to work for and with him.

When we both had signed the contract, I went to the fridge in the kitchen and got ourselves a bottle of Cava (Spanish Champagne) and two nice flutes. I served us both a glass and we toasted on that important piece of paper. I thought the things were really going the way we wanted. As it was getting late, we took the bottle and our glasses to the bedroom. I kissed my lover, friend and boss as if the survival of this world depended on it. I wanted to show him how much I appreciated all he did for me. Sure, he offered me a job, but above all he made me happy and that was an absolute first for me if I thought carefully about it. I had had lovers in the past, that's true, but none of them could match with Jason. None of my former partners had ever lifted my self-esteem. None of them had given me the confidence I needed to be myself, on the contrary. None of them could make love to me like Jason did an it was equally fantastic when I made love to him. We had both been tested and could finally throw the remains of the condom box in the trash. Making love without the plastic sheet around our dicks, gave a new dimension to our loving. The so needed trust we needed since the very start, was there and it was reciprocal. I lost my insecurities about our age difference and considered Jason as my equal a hundred percent. We went form total strangers to friends and lovers in such a short time that it was almost scaring, but we reached it.

I slowly undressed my angel while he was doing the same for me. We knew we were in for some serious love making and were looking forward to it as we knew we would both be more than sexually satisfied. The basic instinctive and animalistic physical performance had never been for us, although sometimes it was almost that. I loved it when Jason let himself go and became a bit rougher, but I knew that that night would not be the case. He was so romantic and sensual that it would be a soft and pleasurable act. We both took our time to push all the right buttons and make sure the other was receiving what he deserved. The simple act of feeling Jason's hands on my skin could drive me crazy. When he used his lips, mouth and tongue I was sure he came from another planet. My god... he knew how to bring me to orgasm, but also knew how to refrain himself so that I wouldn't ejaculate too soon. He kew exactly which parts of my body were connected to others, pinching my nipples to make my dick jump up or licking my balls to make me have goosebumps all over my body. He knew the perfect angle of penetration so that I would feel pleasure and pleasure only. Jason was the first man in my life who could push his manhood inside me without the slightest pain and I did my very best to do the same to him although we were both quite well endowed.

That night we made love for hours and both penetrated the other. When we were in such a romantic mood, we never ejaculated inside the other. We kept our seeds to come out in a frenzied 69. I loved to taste Jason in my mouth and I had no doubt about it when he said he loved to taste me as well. Each love making seemed better than the previous one, if that was even possible. Each time we took more and more pleasure in pleasing the other. We were in perfect symbiosis. Jason could be so high-spirited even when on the outside he was the softest of lovers. When we were both totally spend, we would spoon and simultaneously fall asleep. There were not so many hours left before the horrible sound of the alarm clock would wake us.

And so our lives went on, happy as could be. We worked a lot of hours, but it was so rewarding. While Jason did his end-of-day routine, I cleaned the shop and we almost ended at the same time. Our week-ends were dedicated to anything except work. That was a rule Jason had imposed from day one. We returned to the Karaoke bar where everything started between us and I met some of Jason's friends as he met some of mine. We even started to sing together and always got a nice round of applause. Everybody in the bar knew we were officially a couple and it was so nice to be able to be ourselves even when there was a real crowd around us. A few men tried to hit as well on Jason as on me, but soon realized they no chance at all. Yes, we loved each other and were in love with each other and there was no way we could or would deny it. Happy times indeed, till... Jason received a phone call from his mother who was clearly upset. I didn't know it, but Jason had never come out to his parents. Jealous and envious people were always ready to try to destroy whatever happiness was around them and that they could not have. When one night a guy tried to seduce Jason and could not reach his goal, he became very angry by the rejection. Jason didn't know the guy and neither did I. It seemed to be the son of his parent's neighbors. It didn't take long before the necessary rumors went around the neighborhood and that Jason's Mom called him with a total disgust in her voice. The funny thing was that she was not disgusted with Jason being gay, not at all, but she was disgusted that she had to hear the news from someone that was not her son. The neighbor's son had done his homework and had even said that Jason was dating his employee! I could only hear Jason's part of the conversation of course, but he didn't receive a lot of chances to say something. When the call ended Jason didn't look happy at all.

-I had to come out to my mother over the phone. Can you imagine that?

I had never seen Jason so upset and it was not a pretty sight.

-I will have to call her back when she is calmed down a bit and setup a meeting in real life. I don't want to explain things to her over the phone. And I guess my father will be equally upset and that will be even harder to solve.

-You didn't come out to them ever?

-No, I didn't. There were more important things to talk about than who I was sleeping with. I didn't give it any importance and my life has been a rollercoaster since I left the parental house. So, that little prick of their neighbor's son went to spread around the news that I am gay and sleeping with my employee. I am sure it is the same guy I rejected the other day at the Karaoke bar. You know me and you know I don't have enemies. He's the only one who took it badly he couldn't go to bed with me.

-I heard only your version of the conversation Jason. Was your Mom upset by you being gay?

-No, she was more upset by the fact she received the confirmation of what she suspected, by someone who was not me. I got the complete speech about respect for the elders and even more for the parents. I didn't say much because I knew she was right. I didn't even try to tell her it was none of her business who I am spending my nights with. She wants to know everything? Good! She will have it if you feel ready to play along with me. I won't hold it against you if you prefer not, but I will need you this time like never before.

-You know you can count on me Jason. I am with you for the good times as well as for the bad ones. I will stand by your side at any and all moments. I love you.

-I knew I could count on you, but you will have to be prepared for an explosion of words and feelings. I don't think we have to expect insults of any kind, but better be prepared for everything.

-What are you planning to do?

-I plan to invite my parents in a restaurant so that if there is an outburst they will keep it down a bit. I want you to be with me. If they really want to know what kind of life their son is living, they'll get a clear image. The strange thing is that they reproach me to keep silent about that part of my life, but they didn't even try to call and hear me out. So, I am going to give them the complete information in bulk. They will have time to sort out what they want or not.

I discovered a side of Jason that I didn't know and even didn't suspect. There was no way you could hurt him without suffering all the consequences. His motto was that every action had its reaction. He was diplomatic and well educated and would do it his way, without leaving anything to the doubt. I was rather afraid what the neighbor's son was going to get as reaction. In a certain way I was scared of Jason's reaction towards that little prick.

In the following days, after letting the storm go over, he called his mother and could have a civilized conversation with her. Once again I heard only his side of the conversation. He was calm and very polite towards his Mom but nonetheless already made it clear it was his life and no one else's business. His parents accepted the invitation. Jason didn't mention me at any point. I guess he was going to keep that as the big surprise for the big evening. Jason made reservation at the restaurant we went to quite often. The owner of the restaurant had become a good friend of ours and Jason told him the purpose of the reservation. He received Axel's (the restaurant owner) blessing. Axel was not going to interfere, only if it ran out of hand.

During a few days Jason was very quiet. I knew he was thinking about everything that had already been said, but also about the things he still wanted to say. I guessed he was also thinking about the prick! That vindictive side of Jason was not really to my liking, but when I started my life with him, I had vowed to accept him just as he was. We all have out qualities and our flaws or negative parts. I could understand that he didn't want to leave it like that. At no time had he been impolite or rude towards that guy. He just didn't accept to go to bed with him. It was true that some people can't cope with rejection, but it was no reason for Jason to pay for that.

The "big" evening arrived faster than what we thought. Arriving at the restaurant Jason indicated me a couple going in and said they were his parents. He told me to wait a few minutes to give them time to sit down at the reserved table and get comfortable. Then we went in as well. It was undeniable that they were surprised to see Jason was not alone. Jason made the presentation, mentioning my name but nothing else. We sat down and at first there was some small talk. You know... weather, business, health and so on. It was Jason who shot the big elephant in the room.

-Mom, Dad ... I actually brought Jack along because he is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. I realized I made a big mistake by hiding something for you, so, tonight, I decided there would be no more secrets and even less Jack. So that you know the rumors were right, Jack is indeed my employee but we were an item before he started to work with me. Not for me, but with me! He makes me really happy and so to avoid any misunderstanding, I seduced him and not the contrary. Yes, he is twenty years my senior and it doesn't make any difference to us who are the ONLY persons concerned. We love each other, we live and work together and we are happy. That some people envy us is clear. That's how that little prick of your neighbor's son who, by the way, wanted to go to bed with me but didn't succeed, started to try to hurt me and you both. I am so sorry to be at the base of the events and that I upset you.

To say Jason was going to dot the i's, was an understatement. He was decided to make things clear and his first tirade was the best proof of it. He just kept silent for a minute to give the opportunity to Axel to take our orders. Once he was gone and the drinks were on the table the eyes were very attentive. Jason and I looked at this parents while they were looking at us. If the eyes had been machine-guns, there would have been no survivors. It was his Mom who broke the silence.

-Why didn't you tell us? You know we love you and would never reject you.

-I know Mom. If you remember correctly I was really busy when opening the Apple store, not at the moment itself, but months before with all the negotiation with the representative of Apple. At that time I had no one important in my life that would push me to tell you what I considered my secret. I came to the conclusion that there was no reason to tell you that part of my life. I suspected that you would not reject me, but at that time I was busy with other things. Once the shop was open, I concentrated a hundred percent on making this project a success. It was hard work and my being gay was not a priority on my list. When Jack came in to buy his new computer, I knew right from the start he would make a difference in my life. It took time for us to realize we were made for each other. During that time, it was not my priority to come home and tell you I had met someone. I was still not sure he would accept me in his life. Once he accepted me in his life, we were quite busy learning to know each other and my priority at that time was Jack, not coming home to tell you "maybe" there was someone. I was convinced everything was coming in due time. Living and working together gave us more strength and our relationship became what it is now. I wanted to call you so I could introduce to Jack, but then that little prick was just faster than I was.

Oh my God, I loved my man. He could express himself in such a way that there were no doubts about anything. He was not searching for excuses. He just explained facts and their direct consequences. On top of that, you couldn't even be angry at him even if you didn't like what he was saying. With his quiet attitude and soft voice, full of conviction, he could tell you things in such a way that you wondered why you had a different opinion. Despite his calmness, he was about to explode when his father said his first words of the evening.

-Our neighbor's son, I think, is a nice guy.

-A nice guy? Really Dad? Do you call nice a guy that puts his nose in other people's life and on top of it spread it around as being the big news of the day? I think you will have to reconsider your way of thinking and judging people. I wonder how you would react if someone was investigating in your private life and after that telling everybody about it. How would you like it that people talk about something that you don't want anybody to know? He succeeded to upset your wife to the highest level and you call him nice? He is NOT nice. He wants to break up a couple and that is not nice. He can't accept a rejection and therefor starts to spread information that is none of his business and that is not nice. With all the crossword puzzles you do, you have dictionaries at home. I would advice you to use them!

There was a sudden silent at the table and Jason's father's face was beet red. His son just had put him in his right place and he didn't expect it. At one point I thought his father would get up and leave, but his wife put a hand on his arm.

-Jason is right my dear. That boy has not been nice, not even in the farthest meaning of the word. Jason has always been correct with everyone and has shown respect for all the people around him. That is nice, not what that guy did. But I think we are giving too much importance to him and he doesn't deserve it. He has spread the word about Jason being gay and at least he didn't lie about it. He should have added he was gay, too. What I am really interested in is to know how you and Jack are doing. That is far more important to me Jason. When will you have the time to come home for a Sunday lunch? We don't see enough of you. How did you two met?

Jason gave the information his mother was asking and it was good to see her smile when Jason said it really began at the Karaoke bar.

-So, you are still singing? I am so glad for that as you have such a beautiful voice. And you tell me Jack sings as well? Have you thought about doing a singing duo? It must be wonderful to hear you sing together.

-We did a few duos, I said, and it is true that people appreciated it. We are not at a professional level though. Maybe we should participate at "The Voice" but then again, all we did till now was Karaoke. We don't really have the time to learn songs by heart. Between the store and the household, there is not a lot of time left. We have a busy life and to answer your question, I think I can speak for both of us, we would love to have a Sunday lunch at your place. But Jason being the cook he is, we could also invite you for a Sunday lunch or any other festivity. It would be nice to have you over.

Jason smiled and his Mom was joyful with the idea. His father stayed as closed as an oyster. In fact, thinking it all over afterwards, I realized that the only thing he had said during the whole evening was the comment about the little prick being nice and the results had not been what he expected. It was understandable (and wise of him) to keep his mouth shut. The whole evening has been more Jason and his Mom talking. I was involved from time to time, but didn't insist too much. I think it would have been better if Jason and his Mom would have gone on their own. It was clear they had a special bond and that nobody could interfere, not even Jason's father.

All in all, it was a pleasant evening. Jason was clearly prepared to any eventuality. What was beautiful with him, was that he was so damned honest and sincere. He didn't try to avoid any subject or any question. Whatever was said to him, he had the perfect answers. He even surprised me from tine to time and certainly when his mother asked if we had the intention of marrying. Jason answered a clear yes even though we had never discussed it before. He looked at me with a smile and winked at me as if he wanted to say: "Now you know". We separated in front of the restaurant. I still hadn't heard another word from Jason's father. He just shook my hand and hugged Jason at the moment to say goodbye. Jason's Mom hugged me and kissed me on both cheeks and seemed genuinely happy that we met.

-So, that went better than you thought, isn't it? Although your father didn't say a word and the only words he said got back to him full force.

Jason smiled.

-Indeed, it was better than what I feared, but not as good as I wanted. Indeed, my father didn't say a word. It is not that I am surprised by it, but still... I had hoped to have a little more conversation from him. We have to admit that my mother didn't leave him a lot of opportunities to speak either. I guess she tried very hard avoiding him to say another stupidity. I know they will have a long conversation about it, not tonight, maybe not tomorrow, but certainly in the coming days. If my father has any opinion that doesn't match hers, he will hear it, that's for sure. My mother can be a bit dominant at times, but I know she loves my father very much and would do whatever is in her hands to make him happy.

While walking I had my arm on Jason's shoulders and he had his around my waist. His hand from time to time wandered over my asscheeks and even pinched them. I liked it. He was indicating me that we would go to sleep immediately.

-By the way ... what was that about marriage?

Jason smiled broadly.

-I can't marry you as long as you don't ask me, but I am sure you will... eventually. You are the oldest one and that means you have to go down on one knee. But you'll have to ask permission to my father first... Good luck with that!

Jason's laughter could be heard miles away in the quiet streets. I loved to see and hear him laugh. It also indicated me that our love making would be more playful than romantic. When he was in such a mood, our love making was full of laughter and naughty actions. He knew I was ticklish and that made it all so much easier for him. Those were the times where he would suck on my toes and lick the sole of my feet and have me screaming enough to wake the whole neighborhood. He would be cheeky and say he was inserting a finger in my ass and instead pushing his hard-on in me, pushing the air out of my lungs. In one word, he was showing me he was happy and I loved it to no end. That was what happened when we reached home. He was teasing me constantly, showing he was going to kiss my lips and then, at the last moment suck my neck instead. All in all, it was funny and ended romantically anyway.


Seeing Jack's face when I told him he had to go and ask permission to my father to marry me, was far too funny. I didn't remember having laughed so much and so hard. Of course, it was a joke and nobody had to ask anything to anyone except to me, but Jack believed I was serious although it was only for a few seconds... enough to create a face I was not ready to forget in years. It was endearing to see that he sometimes could be so naïve. It was something I just loved about him.

Some of my friends asked what it was that made Jack so attractive to me, how it was that I was so in love with him. I couldn't possibly answer that question as there were so many things. He had a great personality, that was sure. But he had so much more. He was showing me everyday in a thousand different ways that he loved me and wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. It can sound stupid, but he brought me flowers without any reason. He would whisper a "I love you" at the most unexpected moments. He would kiss me even when we were not alone. All these little attentions made my heart beat faster. To top it all off, Jack was a fantastic lover and those who say that lovemaking is not really important in a relationship, have never met the right guy. Making love is the physical expression of what your heart tells you. Feeling hands roam over your body and giving you goosebumps because you know who's hands they are, is absolutely wonderful. He was also so creative in our lovemaking and it seemed that every time it was better than the previous one. I didn't have a lot of sexual experience before Jack, but I didn't need any. The experiences I had, were just enough to tell me Jack was absolutely perfect for me. I didn't want anything else nor anything more. The way he woke up all my senses was more than enough. Yes, I was sexually more than satisfied.

But it was all even more than that. On a professional basis, I couldn't have made a better choice. He was so good with the customers and he learned so quickly what he had to know. In no time at all I could leave the store in his capable hands if I had to run an errand of any kind. He was so friendly and diplomatic if a client was showing any interest except the ones offered in the shop. Yes, there were quite some guys hitting on him, but he could say "No, thank you" with a big smile. We were not competing to know who sold more, but I saw it in the monthly figures and we were really evenly strong.

With time, and unconsciously, I expelled his demons of our age difference. I made him realize that we were equals and that our age was totally unimportant to me. It took me time, but I succeeded.

-When I retire, you will still have twenty years to work.

How many times did I have to listen to that sentence? A lot of times. But the frequency with which he pronounced it was already reduced to a minimum. I always answered him to not bother about something that would happen in twenty years time and to enjoy the present. We were happy together and I thanked the Gods and the Saints in heaven, or was it just Destiny, for our encounter.

We had a lot of days where we couldn't even have a lunch break. We had a continuous flow of people coming in and it was very seldom that they left without buying anything. The monthly figures were rising each time. Our busiest day was the Saturday what private customers was concerned. Companies visited us always during office hours from Monday to Friday. Private clients were not as easy to convince to spend that amount of money, but between Jack and me, we made our job to get them the best products available. On one of those busy Saturdays I looked at my man selling another MacBook, when I suddenly could see the color of his face literally drain away and become as white as a ghost. I looked in the direction he was looking and there stood a man who looked nothing like a regular customer. As soon as that man saw I was observing him, he turned around and left the store. I looked back at Jack who seemed to be paralyzed where he stood and still very pale. His customer was asking him things, but Jack didn't answer. I knew there was something wrong. I went over to Jack and urged him to go to the little kitchen behind the counter and at least have a drink of water. I took over his customer and closed the deal. After about half an hour, Jack came back in the shop. His face had recovered some of its color and he tried to act as normal as possible. He couldn't fool me. It was not the time to ask questions and even though I was curious about what had happened, I knew we would have to wait till the shop was closed, to sit down and talk. Once we had closed and walked back home, Jack was particularly silent. Our relationship was based on Respect and Trust and if Jack was not ready to talk about what happened, I was not going to push him. Nonetheless, I counted on him to tell me what had exactly happened and who that mysterious man was. Reaching home we went through our evening routine and once the dishes were in the washer after dinner, Jack surprised me by telling me he was exhausted and was going to bed. He never went to bed this early. After about half an hour I went to the bedroom to check on him. The lights were out and I could see Jack's body shape under the covers. There was something missing. Jack always had a very soft snore when he slept. I didn't hear anything and that told me he was not asleep. It was as clear as water that something was bothering him. I went over to him and took him in my arms. He immediately wrapped his arms around my neck and we stayed like that for the longest time. I gave him time.

Jack reached out and switched on the nightstand light.

-When we were at the beginning of our relationship, I told you about my ex-boyfriends, didn't I?

I nodded.

-I told you about the two guys that had any importance in my past, but instead of two there were three. I never told you about Isaac, because I thought he was dead. The man you saw in the store this afternoon was Isaac. Not a look-a-like, not a twin brother, it was him. I couldn't believe my eyes.

-I could see you were in total shock. Your face became as white as a bedsheet in a hospital. That's why I took over your client.

-I have never been so shocked in my entire life. I was at his funeral for God's sake. Seeing him at three meters from me, I was convinced I saw a ghost, but deep inside of me, I knew it was him. I can't give you an explanation about it. I can show you his grave. This is all far too surrealistic. He died in a car crash some twelve years ago and this afternoon he was standing in front of me...

Jack was gathering his thoughts.

-Jason, I don't know what to think. I am totally confused. The story between Isaac and I was a very short one and that's why I didn't tell you about it. It has been ... how would I put it? ... a pure passion of about four days. I should add that it was a sexual passion. We had met on a terrace in summertime. I was sitting at the table next to him and it was when the waiter mixed up our orders that we started to talk. Only an hour later I followed him to his nearby hotel and we were sexually active the moment he closed the door of his room. We didn't leave his room for four days, living on room-service. We undressed the moment we were in his room and dressed again the day we had to leave it. As I said, it was pure passion and we couldn't get enough of each other. We discovered each other's bodies in ways I have never done before or again and that is why I tell you it was Isaac who was in the shop today. He had his way standing still, his way of looking at me that I will never forget. When we separated, we exchanged phone numbers and that's how I received the news of his death: a laconic message inviting me to the funeral. We had not even received a chance to really know each other, except for our names and ... our bodies. When he left, he kissed me, standing next to his car with the door-handle in his hands, saying me that it was pure craziness, but that he loved me. He promised he would call me. A call that never came. Even if he said he loved me, I can't say I reached the same point. We had a fantastic four days together and that memory is burned in my head like no other. I don't know why I even went to that funeral. There were several hundreds of people there which meant he was a very loved person. I cherished the four days we had, but went on with my life. But now... I don't know what to think, I don't know what to feel. It is a complete mystery to me. Did he intentionally come to the shop or was it pure coincidence? God, he was not even supposed to come to the shop as he is dead! And then, as suddenly as he appeared, he turns around and leaves... again!

I could see Jack was on an emotional roller-coaster, trying to understand what happened. There was no logical explanation to a dead man's visit. For once I was lost as well. I couldn't find the words to help my lover and it frustrated me. It was not Jack's imagination as I had seen the man as well. If Jack was correct assuming that it was indeed Isaac that was in the store, then how were we going to solve this mystery? If it was indeed Isaac, would he come back to the store? Would he want to resume his affair with Jack? Would Jack want to restart that passion even if it was only a sexual one? I couldn't hold back to ask it to Jack.

-Nooo Jason, I am with you and you are the only one I want to be with. This is so unreal to have someone coming back from the dead. There must be a logical explanation but I can't find it. One thing is sure, I am with you and no one can come between us. I love you with all my heart and my soul, something I never reached with Isaac. If I think about it, I don't even know him except his name and his body. I don't know anything else. I don't know if we would be compatible and I don't want to find it out. He is virtually a stranger! Take away his name and the anonymous sex. Ok... four days in row, I admit, but nonetheless... Why don't you undress and come to bed so we can hold each other?

I did, of course. It was not really Jack's doing but for once he was the one kissing passionately and then put his head on my chest. That told me that he was in need of ... protection? ... Or was it more reassurance? He was not in the mood for lovemaking. I could hear him sigh and his hand caressed my smooth chest. From time to time he insisted on pinching my nipples softly and as they were directly wired to my genitals, I was soon as hard as rock. Jack felt it and said he was sorry about that. My hard-on didn't disappear. His hand travelled lower, playing with the hairs of my treasure trail and `accidentally' brushed against the head of my cock. I still didn't move. But I knew Jack and soon enough he grabbed my cock and stroked it smoothly up and down. Even with the circumstances of the day, I got horny as hell and my hips had a mind of their own, moving slightly. This time Jack didn't apologize, but threw the sheet and blankets aside and went straight for my manhood with open mouth. He softly engulfed it and licked it like a lollipop. His feathery touch was almost more erotic than when he made passionate love to me. I could clearly feel he wanted to suck for a long time and most probably till I reached my orgasm. I wouldn't say it was a new sensation as he had done that before. This time though I could actually feel his love in his actions. He told me he wouldn't leave me and it was as if he wanted to prove it to me. I didn't need any proof as I trusted him completely. He went on and on, alternating soft sucking and biting with more forceful swallowing of my entire dick. He kept his head on my lower belly and could hear my heartbeat and breathing. When both were accelerating he increased his sucking even more and I could feel my orgasm building up in my nether regions. I didn't have to tell him. He knew. He was pushing all the right buttons for me to ejaculate and it didn't take long before I filled his mouth with my semen. He swallowed my load and cleaned my manhood with his tongue and mouth till it started to deflate.

I wanted to return the favor. Jack said it was not necessary and that it was even better not to. He admitted that tonight he would probably compare it to what he had had with Isaac and he didn't want to. The twelve years old memories would come to the surface and that was something he wanted to avoid at all costs. The human memory is a strange thing and can play with one's mind. He knew that. What he had wanted was to show me he loved me in such a way that he preferred not to think about his past. My God, he had ways to seduce me all over again every single day. I made a silent vow to myself to be there for him, whatever happened with the dead Isaac. With his head on my chest, we fell asleep. His sleep was a little agitated and so he woke me up several times during the night. Being haunted in your sleep by a dead man can do that. As it was Sunday, we didn't have to go to the store and stayed in bed a bit longer than usual. The problem was that, when I am awake, I have problems staying in bed, except if we are making love of course. But I was wide awake and Jack was still snoring on my chest. I moved out of bed as softly as I could and succeeded in not waking him. I went to the bathroom for my morning rituals and then to the kitchen to have some coffee. There was a lot of chances that Jack would wake-up with the aroma of fresh coffee. Not that time. I was sitting at the dinning-room table, going over some of the things of the shop, when I saw an incoming call on Jack's iPhone. It was not a contact of Jack's list. On top of that it was a private number that I couldn't see.

In all the time we were together, I had seen that jack never answered private numbers. I had a strong suspicion of who was calling, but didn't answer the phone. The call ended but started again a few minutes later. It was still a private number and so I didn't answer. At the third attempt from the caller, a number came up.



-No, this is Jason, Jack's husband.

There was a silence at the other side of the line.

-But I guess you must be Isaac... isn't it?

-You are not married as far as I know!

-It is not because there is no paper signed at town-hall that we don't consider ourselves as husbands.

Again there was a silence at the other side. I acknowledged the fact he had not confirmed his identity when I mentioned it. I found that rude and couldn't help to tell him.

-In my parental education, I have been told that when calling, I had to introduce myself out of politeness and respect of the person I am calling. So, please, would you tell me your name?

-You seem to know me already as, indeed, I am Isaac. I wanted to talk to Jack.

-I am afraid that is not possible for the moment as he is still asleep. I will tell him that you called and if he wants to, he will call you back.

-Can't you wake him up? It is urgent.

-Urgent? Maybe it is urgent for you, but certainly not for us or Jack in particular. You told him you would call him some twelve years ago. I am sorry but I don't see any urgency now. You came into the shop yesterday but you couldn't even wait to talk to him. That doesn't show any urgency. Officially you are DEAD... remember? Jack was even at your funeral. Twelve years later you just show up and ask me to change our lives because of YOUR urgency? I am very sorry Isaac, but your concept of urgency doesn't match neither with mine nor with the explanation in the dictionary. You will have to wait. Have a good day.

And I ended the call. Jack was standing in the door of our bedroom. He certainly had heard the conversation. He came over to me, kissed me passionately and said thank you. Then he went to the kitchen for a mug of coffee.

-That was Isaac, wasn't it?

-Yes, it was, but I thought you were still sleeping and didn't want to wake you up.

-Even if I had been awake, I would not have taken the call. Don't worry. I heard your version of the call, but not his. With what you said I guess he said it was urgent for him to talk to me.

-Indeed he did. You heard my answer.

-Yes, I did. I couldn't have said it more efficiently. Thank you.

-You don't have to thank me Jack. Since the first days we were together, we've always been there for each other. It is not because a ghost appears out of the blue that we will change that, do we? Fortunately I don't had anyone dying on me in my life, but suppose someone from the past comes to me, would you abandon me? Or would you just be there for me?

-You know the answer to that my Love. Of course I would be there for you.

-Are you going to call him back?

-Yes, Jason, I will, but not today. I want to know what happened. I want to know who's funeral I went to and a thousand questions more. I would really like for you to agree to be there at that meeting. Your rational side will help a lot. I am afraid I would let my emotions come up.

-Of courses I will be there if you want me to and I even will stay away if you feel you want to see him alone. You see jack, our relationship is based on respect and trust. I know I don't have to explain the trust part to you. We both know that if there wasn't trust, we wouldn't be together. So, whatever you decide, I will follow, respect and trust your decision.

Jack had tears in his eyes and a smile on his face, meaning they were happy tears. Sometimes we could really get emotional with simple words and actual facts. This was one to those times. We kissed, passionately and ended up in bed before realizing it, making proper love like we always did on Sunday mornings, taking our time. We were just trying to catch our breaths and have our heartbeats coming back to normal, when the doorbell rang. We were not expecting anyone. Jack and I looked at each other and instinctively knew who it was and grew steadily upset as this started to be stalking. We could try to ignore the insisting noise of the bell, but we knew it was no use. Isaac would insist and insist till we opened.

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Next: Chapter 5

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