New Computer

By Alain Mahy

Published on Mar 10, 2020


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We were so happy that the house came with that gigantic bed. Even with four people in it, we could sleep comfortably. What woke me up the next morning were the movements I felt just behind me. Looking over my shoulder I saw that Ricky was making love to Isaac. They already had to be busy a while as Isaac had a major hard-on, laying on his back and with his legs in the air. Ricky was between his legs, pounding his ass. Just as I turned around I saw Ricky's eyes roll in his head and giving a hard thrust. He was emptying his seed in Isaac's bowels. Knowing Isaac like I knew him, his orgasm wouldn't take long and indeed, he spurted his seed on his stomach. Nice way to start the day. I was laying on my back with my full hard morning wood pointing to the sealing. Although Ricky had just orgasmed, he bent over and took it in his mouth, pleasuring me with gusto. Jason, who had also woken, didn't want to be left out and put his cock in my mouth. Isaac got out of bed and we knew he was going to start the coffee and breakfast.

Ricky was insatiable and was soon with a serious hard-on again. He came up, kissing and licking my face. Meanwhile Jason went down, straddled my hips and sat on my cock that slowly entered him. Jason pushed himself up and down on it. As he bent down to kiss me good morning, Ricky moved behind Jason and between my legs. Jason had told me in the past that Isaac had put his whole hand in his ass. I knew he could relax his ass-muscles really well. Ricky didn't hesitate to point his dick at Jason's opening, just above my own cock. Jason suddenly threw his head back as Ricky entered him while I was still inside. Ricky thrusted forward as deep as possible and began to synchronize his movements to mine. When I was pulling out, he was thrusting in and vice versa. The sensations we all three felt were incredible and pushing us towards the edge. Jason was playing with our cocks with his ass-muscles although they were extended to a maximum. I didn't expect Ricky to ejaculate again, but he did and I could distinctively feel it as his cock was closely pressed against mine. Jason reached his orgasm as well and pinched my nipples, knowing perfectly well it would be the trigger of my orgasm. I deposited my load next to Ricky's in Jason's ass. They both collapsed on me at the moment Isaac yelled from the kitchen that breakfast was ready. We got up, went outside and jumped in the pool.

That week-end was to be marked with a distinctive sign on the calendar. Meeting with Ricky on that beach was not pure hazard. There was a higher reason behind it. We didn't know yet what that reason was but we knew there was one. Once Jason was back from leaving Ricky at his place in time to go to work, we talked about it. We had never had the urge to have a person more in our bed. It happened once with Christian. It was only once. With Ricky we had the feeling that we would have a repeat session and even more than one repeat session. We didn't know why we had that feeling. Sure, Ricky was a charming man and great to have around. We wondered what he had that made us feel so drawn to him. It was not only my feeling. Isaac and Jason felt the same. We had never had problems talking about our feelings or what we wanted and that was why we had that conversation.

-What is it with Ricky? I asked. We agree he is very good-looking, but we've met other gorgeous people without having the urge to make love to them. He is charming and great to have around, but then again that has happened in the past as well with others. Our sexual life is satisfying and we don't have the need of a fourth person ... why did we silently agree to do it?

Jason and Isaac looked as puzzled as I was.

-Why did we have sex the first time? Isaac asked. You were in a committed couple and didn't need a third person at that time, or did you? Anyway, you told me you didn't. How was it that after a first night with you two, I never went away anymore? We have to be honest, if Ricky didn't have to go to work, we would have kept him here and we would have made love more than once again. The main point is to now why we have so many questions? Why can't we just accept what happened and that we all agreed to it? Haven't we always said that we would follow the flow and see what happens? Why don't we apply it to the current situation?

That were a lot of unanswered questions. There was no question of cheating as we were all three present and willing to participate. Jason was the first one who had kissed Ricky with passion. I asked him why he had done it, no offense or reproach intended.

-I don't know Jack, sincerely. It was pure impulse of the moment. I felt for him when he told us part of his life. I could feel the loneliness nagging at him. I didn't kiss him by pity, not at all, just feeling for him and the urge to make him feel welcome. I just suppose it was something like that. I am not even sure. But when we walked from the beach to the car, we had a kind of silent agreement, knowing it would happen. Or am I wrong?

-No, said Isaac, you are not wrong. We did indeed agree all three without saying a word. Our eyes, our looks did all the work. At that moment we were unanimous and when it started we were still unanimous. I am even a hundred percent sure that we are unanimous in saying we loved every moment of it and that we won't need any agreement of the other two if it happens again. It's more, we all three want it to happen again. Right?

We couldn't deny what Isaac was saying. Jason had like a big question mark on his face but hesitate to ask what was on his mind. We encouraged him to speak out loud.

-Are you two implying what I think you have in your heads? Are we, all three simultaneously, falling for Ricky?

The silence after that big question was deafening. After what seemed like an eternity, I broke that silence.

-We have to consider the fact that since day one that we live together, we have formed a kind of perfect harmony. From the very start we always agreed on everything (except a few financial things). The connection we have, is so strong that we can anticipate the other's needs. We finish each other's sentences. Where we are concerned, we know things before they even happen. Unconsciously, Isaac knows what we would like to eat and the cocktails he prepares are always according to our moods. Does that mean that at one precise moment in time, we could all three fall for the same guy? I don't know, but looking at the evidence, I guess it could be possible. If, and I insist on IF, it would be that, the question will be if Ricky is feeling the same or did he do it to chase away the demon of the loneliness?

Isaac seemed to be troubled with something.

-Why don't we just let it go and see what happens? I think it would be a good idea to wait and see how things go in the coming weeks or months. Jeez... we know him less than 24 hours and to use your words of all these years ago: he's virtually a stranger to us. Let's not go too forward as yet and get to know him better. He is working now. Let's see if he calls us when he has the time. Let's wait and see if he is as eager as we are to meet again. Maybe he is not even interested in a committed relationship, let alone with three men at the same time.

I had my doubts about that last statement and I didn't even think Isaac was convinced about it either. Ricky had clearly shown us his total distaste of being alone. But he was right about the other things and let pass some time, giving us the opportunity to learn to know him.

-Anyway, I said, to answer Jason's question, I'll come out first with saying that if I haven't fallen for Ricky yet, I know I could do it, as long as our throuple doesn't suffer any negative consequences.

Jason and Isaac nodded and admitted the same, high and clear. We had to know quickly what Ricky's point of view was. We didn't want our feelings to go up and up and then maybe have a painful separation, if the feelings were not reciprocal. For most people it would seem something totally crazy. For us it was nothing extraordinary. We knew since the beginning of our throuple that our hearts were big enough to accept and receive more love and to give it back in equal quantity.

Did we believe in love at first sight? Yes, we certainly did. It was what happened to Jason and me, even if we took quite a lot of time to realize it and declare our love to each other. It happened between Jason and Isaac, although their beginning had been purely sexual. It probably happened to the three of us, even if we didn't put a name on it and we didn't know, yet, if it was a corresponded love or not. We had seen it happen between Christian and Sam... So, it was an affirmative and big yes answer to that question. As I had always said, if the chemistry is there, there is no way to deny it.

Just before we got to bed, Jason received a message on his phone.

"Good night Sweethearts. I had the most wonderful day with you. Thank you"

Jason messaged him back.

"Good night Lovey One. Kisses from us three."

Before switching off the lights, we made love that night, putting all our feelings in it. It was more than satisfying.

The Monday morning alarm clock was always a bit harder than the other days we had to go to work. At 8 sharp, Christian would send us the first pick-ups. Jason was due for yet another tour of the island and had to be at the harbor at 9. For me there was an airport service at 9:30, but before that I had to go to Christian's office to pick-up what we called the emergency phone, where the last-minute clients were calling. Arriving at Christian's office, I could see he had not slept very well.

-It's just that I miss Sam so much, he said.

It was understandable, certainly at the early stage of their relationship. I tried to cheer him up (and change his mind for a few minutes) telling him we had met Ricky at the beach and the dinner we had at home afterwards. I didn't tell him the extra activities we had out of respect for Ricky as I didn't know if Ricky would like his friends to know we had made love. Christian had immediately a smile on his face and talked very positively about Ricky. It was obvious he liked Ricky very much.

-Did you recognize him, because you had already talked with him, Christian asked with a smirk on his face.

-At first we didn't but Ricky recognized us and told us where we had met. You know that it is impossible to even think they are the same person.

Christian laughed heartedly. I had succeeded in my attempt to change his mind for a few minutes.

-When does Sam comes back?

-Wednesday afternoon if everything goes as planned and there is no reason anything would go wrong. You can tell Jason I finished my to-do list successfully. The apartment is spic-and-span. I just have to go for fresh flowers on Wednesday. That list Jason gave me was very useful.

We simultaneously looked at out watches and knew it was time to start our day. For me it was an airport service. I dreaded the traffic as it was Monday morning, but I arrived in time. I took my board, slipped the paper with the printed name of the client in the plastic folder attached to it and went to the arriving hall. It was all routine for me. It was funny to see an older small (maybe 5')lady, almost hidden behind the cart full of suitcases on it. She was my client. From the moment I said hello till the moment I dropped her off at her house, she didn't stop talking, not even two seconds, telling me she had been on an extended travel and visited various countries. It was entertaining and I almost regretted that we reached her place. I unloaded the car and someone came out of the house to pick all the suitcases up. The lady said she paid Christian directly but nonetheless slipped my a banknote in my hand. The week started well. Then the emergency phone started to ring.

Our jobs were never boring and even less for me. Jason as well as I were happy we had accepted Christian's offer and we did anything to have happy customers. It was nice when Christian told us he had some positive feed-back from his clients. From the Wednesday on, Sam would go with Christian, Jason and me (each a full day) to learn the job properly and to get a better knowledge of the roads. All cars were, of course, equipped with GPS and that helped us a lot to find the right addresses to pick-up clients. Those GPS were of the last generation, voice-controlled and very precise. We only had to drive and follow the instructions. I guessed we were not far from the day that the cars would have no driver anymore.

In the afternoon, I had to pick-up someone in the center of town. I crossed paths with Jason who flashed with his lights. We parked the cars and went for a coffee as I was too early for my pick-up anyway. Jason was already finished with his clients and was heading home. We were standing at the bar, enjoying our coffee.

-Any news from Ricky? I asked.

-As a matter of fact yes, I got a call and three messages. Read the last one...

"Miss your company already. Kiss for you, Jack and Isaac"


-I had the same reaction when I read it. He called me during his lunch break. I can understand his former boyfriends had problems with his work schedule. I wouldn't dream to follow it. I don't know how he does it. It is three days and a half of intensive work and then three days and a half off. He told me that it had been really hard at the start, but that he now was used to it, certainly the week-ends of three and a half days.

-I can understand that, but the three and half days work must be pure slavery.

-The whole day I have been thinking about what happened during our week-end... and yes, I certainly want a repeat session.

-I know what you mean and I do agree on the repeat session and I am sure Isaac as well.

-Good, because I invited him.


When Ricky called during his lunch break, I sensed he was choosing his words very carefully as if he wanted to say something but not too directly. He had a way of saying the sweetest things and was just adorable. He couldn't talk long and probably had not a lot of privacy as I heard quite a lot of background noise. He just said he would be very busy till Thursday at midday. He quickly explained his schedule. I was thinking fast. He probably needed to do some laundry and things like that on his free days.

-Why don't you come over on Friday, no matter at what time as Isaac will be home?

-I don't have a car Jason.

-Oh... well, I'll send you a message Friday morning telling you who will pick you up and at what time. It will depend on our work schedules as well. You can stay the week-end if you want.

-That would be great. I will be looking forward to it and waiting for your message.

We had to hang up as I heard someone calling his name.

It was the first time I invited someone without consulting it with my lovers. Even though I knew it was not a problem, I felt a bit guilty. In a certain way it was a lack of respect towards them. Crossing path with Jack when I came from the harbor, I flashed with the headlights of the car to make him understand to stop. Fortunately he had time to have a coffee before his next client. I told him I had invited Ricky. Jack had a smile on his face, but when I told him I felt guilty about it he didn't understand.

-Jack... Do you remember me doing something like that without consulting with you and Isaac before I make the invitation?

-No, I don't and I don't see why you feel guilty about it...

-Don't you think it is not really respectful of me to do it without consulting you?

-No, Jason ... We have our duties in the house, but we have rights as well! You took an initiative and you can be proud of that, not guilty. If there was any other important event going on it may be appropriate, but we have nothing planned for the week-end and therefor I don't see any problem with it and neither will Isaac. Stop worrying about that! You did a good thing. If you hadn't done it I am sure Isaac or me would have made the suggestion to do it. I am very glad you invited him. We did agree to try to learn more about him, didn't we? Don't you think to have him at the house is the perfect way?

-Yes, I know, but...

-There is no but Jason. You did what we all three want. By the way, did he accept the invitation?

-Yes, he did. He has no car though so I said I would send him a message on Friday morning, telling him who and when we would pick him up. If we are busy, Isaac can come down. Otherwise you or I can get him when we finish our work day.

-Seems like a plan to me! Knowing you, I suppose you invited him for the whole week-end.

I sheepishly admitted I had and told Jack he had accepted enthusiastically.

-Good! I guess we'd better have a good night sleep on Thursday night!

We laughed heartedly and then Jack had to go. I headed home to find Isaac in the kitchen. He was naked but with an apron around his waist and that made his buttocks even more accentuated and nice. I grabbed him from behind and kissed him in his neck. He turned towards me and we kissed properly. I told him what I had told Jack and received exactly the same answer. I felt better, but promised myself not to make the same mistake twice.

Isaac was elaborating a new dish he had found on the Internet. Of course, he didn't follow the receipt to the letter, but added his personal touch as he did every time. It sure smelt divine. I went to the bedroom to take off my work clothes. There was no reason for me to put on other clothes. I went to the terrace and finally jumped in the pool and let the cool water refresh my body. I often thought about the days in the Apple store, the sometimes miserable weather we had to face and how good our idea was to sell everything and come to live on this fantastic island.

When Jack came home, we followed my footsteps and went to take off his clothes in the bedroom, coming back naked and jumping in the pool. When he came out of the water, Isaac had served us yet another new cocktail and after that a succulent meal. We licked our fingers! That was a dish he could do again whenever he wanted! What happened with Isaac's cooking was that he could never prepare a dish twice and identical. As he always added his personal touch, and that his touch changed with the mood he was in, the dishes were very similar, but always with a new flavor. Only once did he try to follow the receipt a hundred percent, and it was obvious something was missing: his personal touch.

The week went by slowly, or that was how it felt, but finally it was Friday and I could send the promised message to Ricky. We had heard each other a few time and he had called Jack and Isaac as well. Every night he would send a goodnight message. But that Friday morning I was happy to be able to tell him in the message that I would pick him up around 2pm. I did the planned service and just when I dropped off the clients, I received a message just saying: "I am ready". I had to smile. Ricky seemed as eager as we were to be reunited. I stopped in front of his building, ready to send him a message I was waiting . Ricky jumped in the car before I could even press the send button. He was all over me and kissing me like a mad man. We had to stop kissing like that if I wanted to get us home. On the way, I spotted Jack's car and flashed with my lights to let him know we were just behind him. We were parking the cars at the house and Ricky got out and jumped in Jack's arms, kissing him with the same frenzy he had used with me. As soon as we were in the house, he repeated the same scenario with Isaac. He dropped his backpack and undressed in a hurry to run outside and dive in the pool, before we even realized what was happening. Jeez... was he a whirlwind going through the house. Isaac followed him in the water while Jack and I took off our work clothes. We wanted to join them in the cool water. Once on the terrace we could see Ricky and Isaac in a deep and passionate kissing. Just seeing them like that made our cocks rise as the sight was beautiful and erotic. We dove in and joined them, sharing a four-way kiss.

Saying Ricky liked to kiss was wrong. He loved it, he adored it and if we didn't stop him, we would be kissing for hours in a row. It was a fact he had the softest and most sensual lips we could find on the island and he knew how to use them, as well as his tongue. His hands would roam over our bodies hesitantly as if he didn't know which body to caress first. His actions spoke for him and if he wasn't falling in love with us, it surely looked like it. We lifted him half out of the water to make him sit on the edge of the pool. Isaac was nibbling his right ear, while I was doing the same to his left ear. Jack was kissing and nibbling his nipples before traveling down and swallowing his hard cock in his throat, while stroking Isaac's and my cock. It was so hot! The horniness of all four was probably due to the anticipation of what was happening and the fond memories of last Saturday. Suddenly Ricky cried out loud and we could imagine he was emptying his balls in Jack's mouth as he was almost convulsing from pure pleasure. Ricky had his first orgasm of the week-end and we were sure there would be a lot more. It was not because he had reached his climax that he became idle, on the contrary. He let himself slip down from the edge and went under water. I immediately felt the moist warmth of his mouth on my cock and his hands massaging my scrotum. I just wondered where he had learned his skills as he got me so close to cuming in a fraction of a second. Even before he had to come-up for air, he succeeded to have my load in his mouth and swallow it. He came to the surface and kissed me, sharing my own cum with me. But he wasn't done yet, as he dove under again and seeing Isaac's face, I knew Ricky was giving him the same treatment he had given me. Once again he succeeded to make Isaac reach his orgasm and to swallow his semen, come to the surface and kissing Isaac and yes, he repeated his actions with Jack.

We came out of the pool, drained by Ricky's thirsty mouth and sat down at the table where Isaac served some cocktails even though it was a bit early for that. What the heck! The week-end had begun and we felt free, relaxed and happy. Three good reasons to celebrate with a cocktail. The big umbrella gave us the necessary shadow as not to get burned by the summer-sun. Jack's cellphone rang and on the screen he could see it was Christian calling. He refused the call, but immediately sent him a message.

"Will call you in a sec"

I knew why Jack had done that. Before calling Christian back he wanted to know if Ricky was ok with it if Christian asked to come over with Sam who arrived on Wednesday. We brought Ricky up-to-date with the situation and also mentioned that the only foursome we ever had, was with Christian. Ricky didn't see any inconvenience to meet Christian again even if Christian would suspect the sexual activity we had. He knew Christian was a man of one man and therefor was a bit surprised he had participated in a foursome. Whatever it was that had happened in the past, or even the present, was for each concerned person to know and all the others to guess. Jack called Christian who had mysteriously disappeared on Thursday. Disappeared was maybe not the correct word as we very well suspected where he was.

Christian had indeed called to know if we were up to meet. Jack invited them over, subtly mentioning Ricky was here as well. When finishing the call Jack announced they would arrive in less than half an hour. Out of respect for the couple they formed, we put on shorts or swimsuits. Ricky only had the smallest and most tight red Speedos in which he looked even more erotical than if he had nothing on. There was no way he could ever hide a hard-on in those. With his tan and the red swimsuit, he looked hotter than hell. Isaac, Jack and I also had Speedos on, but not as tight as Ricky's. Being outside, in the sun, next to a swimming pool. Speedos seemed adequate clothing. Christian and Sam arrived prepared and as soon as they had greeted everybody and Sam had been introduced to Ricky, they took off their clothes and had their swimsuits underneath. Before sitting down, and while Isaac prepared two more cocktails, they dove in the pool and swam some laps as to get rid off the summer heat.

The afternoon and the evening were most pleasant. Ricky and Sam clicked almost immediately. We didn't know what to think as Christian didn't seem to be too happy about that. He didn't say anything but was constantly trying to get Sam's attention when Sam gave too much of his time to Ricky. We had never seen any jealousy coming from Christian, but then again, we had never known him in a relationship before he met Sam. I was a bit worried about the general atmosphere. We certainly didn't want a scene or anything like that. I called Christian apart and as soon as we were out of reach, I dropped the bomb on him.

-Christian, maybe it is none of my business, but are you the jealous type and are you expecting problems with Sam because of Ricky?

Christian let out a long and deep sigh.

-Is it that obvious?

-I think you know the answer, otherwise I wouldn't ask you...

-I have never been jealous in my life. I love Sam so damned much and I am afraid to loose him even before we begin our life together. Ricky is a good friend of mine, but he is also so cute and so charming and when I look at him, I still wonder why he has nobody in his life. Sam and I are in such an early stage of your lives together and we don't know each other that well. What if...

I stopped Christian immediately before he could go on.

-Don't start with the `what if'-questions Christian. It is a very bad path to walk. You will start to suppose things instead of knowing them. Before you ever suppose anything, ask the right question to that person and wait patiently for the right answers. You already know a few important answers. Who sold everything and abandoned his life to be with you? Sam did! Are you persuaded he did that just to go to bed with someone else? You know the answer. You are not stupid. You should be glad he gets along that well with friends of yours, instead of being jealous and possessive...

-I am NOT possessive...

-Yes, you are. Look at how you acted just the last half hour. As soon as Ricky talked to Sam you did everything you could to receive more attention than Ricky. If that is not being possessive, I don't know what it is. Change your chip Christian. They are not here to make you feel miserable. They are here to have a good time, and so should you and so should all six around the table. If you feel the need to talk it more in depth with Sam, do it. You know what we told you about relationships: Love, Trust and Respect and what keeps these three pillars solid and firm is the communication. Over the phone Jack told you Ricky was here and you didn't hesitated to come over anyway. Don't look for problems where there are none. If Sam and Ricky have things to tell each other, let them talk. I don't say you have to ignore your boyfriend, just give him a little space. Take that space away and it is obvious that you will loose him. Being jealous is a lack of trust AND respect. The lack of respect is the one you have for yourself. Please, don't waste your time on negative thoughts Christian because that is a game two can play and the results is that there will be no winner, only two losers.

Christian got really emotional with my speech and the tears were rolling down his face. He was experiencing a roller-coaster of emotions, I tried to make him understand that he saw danger where there was none. We talked it all over and at one point, Sam came in the bedroom where we were sitting on the edge of the bed. He looked at Christian and immediately knew there was something wrong. I advised them to talk it out without delay... not waiting till they were home or in the car. Right now was the perfect moment. I stood up, left the bedroom and closed the door behind me.


We didn't have to be geniuses to know there was something going on. It was not Jason's way to call someone apart to talk to them as he would tell us the story anyway. If he had done it, it was because he thought it was the best way to act. For my part, I had seen an angry look in Christian's eyes but didn't know why. I suspected something but was not sure and wasn't going to suppose things. I got up and said to Jason I needed his help in the kitchen. He knew that was not true but that I wanted to know what was going on so that I could act accordingly. He followed me and I didn't have to ask anything. He volunteered the whole conversation he had with Christian in the bedroom and that he had told Sam and Christian to talk it over right then and there and that it was what they were doing. Everything became crystal clear to me. Jason went back outside and I heard him announce that, as usual, dinner would be exquisite. I hadn't even started anything yet!

It took Sam and Christian over an hour to come out of the bedroom. My observing eyes noticed that Sam had a pink Speedo and Christian a turquoise blue before they entered the bedroom and now it was the contrary. I didn't need a supplementary drawing to know what had happened in there. They had both bright smile on their faces. I hoped they had found the lubricant in the nightstand drawer. As everything needed its time on the stove and in the oven, I had the time to go back outside and sit with the others. Sam was whispering something in Ricky's ear. After a moment, Ricky stood up, went over to Christian and whispered something in his ear and suddenly had three bright smiles on their faces.

Jack only sensed what was going on and wanted to light up the mood.

-Ok guys. It seems we have to clear the things here. We have the couple Christian and Sam at one side. We have the throuple of Jason, Isaac and I on the other side. And then we have Ricky ... that we don't know what to do with...

-Thank you, said Ricky with a sarcastic tone.

We all laughed.

-Jack, he said, I think I am old enough to know what I want and even how to get it. I need a wealthy and gorgeous doctor. The problem is that the ones at the hospital who are wealthy are not good-looking and the ones I find gorgeous are not wealthy. On top of that, I have all the female nurses who are chasing them as well and the competition is not really balanced. I am getting desperate...

The tension that was present at the table only a moment before, was completely gone. Ricky entered in his drag-queen-mode (without the costume) but with a high pitched voice and did a perfect imitation of various of his colleagues. It was just hilarious. My jaw was aching from so much laughter. We had never seen Ricky in his entertainer way of acting and it was unbelievable. He was witty and funny and could go on for hours. Jack was about to wet his Speedos and had to run to the toilet to avoid it.

We all knew the saying that while laughing, the fool says the truth, and that was what Ricky was doing, explaining with jokes and metaphors that Christian had no reason to be afraid of him and that he could trust Sam more than a hundred percent. He used his act and exaggerating the situation to let everybody know he was not a husband thief, that he respected the couples and in our case the throuples, that even if he was madly in love, he would always respect what other people had. After he had so-called fallen into the pool and coming out again, he just staled: "I wet my hair and my pants". That brought, of course, another round of laughter. It was clear that laughter brought laughter and we were in a hilarious mood and laughing for the smallest things.

At the appropriate time, I served dinner with Ricky's help. It didn't bring the mood down, but there was less talking as everybody was enjoying the food. Before coffee and liquors, Ricky once again helped me to clean-up and fill the dishwasher. Christian didn't accept any liquor as he still had to drive. The evening went on and Christian and Sam said their goodbyes and thank you. Once it was just the four of us, Ricky became dead-serious and looking at Jason with a serious and mature look.

-Was it that bad with Christian?

Jason repeated the story he had told before dinner.

-I don't understand, said Ricky, we are friends for so long. I don't know why he could have the idea I was trying to seduce his boyfriend. He perfectly knows I am not like that at all. I can tell the most incredible stupidities when I am in drag-queen-mode and blatantly flirt with anyone who is in front of me, but that is just an act. That is not the real me, and he knows that.

-Don't think about it anymore Ricky, I said. They are at the very beginning of their relationship and still have to learn to know each other. Maybe it is new to you to discover Christian has self-confidence issues. I didn't think you were flirting with Sam, neither did Jack nor Jason. You just seemed to have a good time and a nice conversation. If Christian saw something else in it, it was his problem, but we didn't want that problem to grow out of proportion. That's why Jason took him apart and tried to talk some sense in his head. Ok... at the end everybody knew about what happened, but it was not like pointing a finger at him in public. Anyway, Sam and Christian talked it out apparently, but did more than talk.

-How do you know that? Jason asked.

-Don't tell me you didn't noticed they had each other's Speedos on when coming out of the bedroom.

-Really? Only your eagle's eyes would notice something like that.

-You know it is a hobby of mine to observe people. Otherwise, how would I know what you want to eat for dinner? How would I know what's the best present for your birthday?

I had to call it a hobby. I was not prepared to tell anybody, except my lovers, what kind of work I did before coming to the island. It was a collateral effect of my job in earlier days. Once you start to observe, it never stops. Sometimes it had no importance at all, like switching bathing suits, but in the past it had been my biggest asset. Ricky had not lost his sense of humor.

-It was observation, just because you looked through the keyhole of your bedroom door!

The imagination is a powerful tool and seeing myself on my knees before a closed door was certainly hilarious. I left him in his belief so as not to have to give him any explanation, but I went over to him and started tickling him till he just screamed like a hysterical woman! And screaming he did. My two lovers were looking at us as if we were just children and in a certain way we were. It is sometimes so good to forget we are grown-ups and play without worrying about anything. Ricky tried to escape from my grip and almost succeeded but I soon had him again in my hands and arms and we were rolling over the grass till he surrendered and stopped fighting. I wanted to reward him with a simple kiss but he pushed his tongue between my lips and that was the beginning of something totally different. A tongue kiss, increasing in intensity by the minute, that left us wanting more and more. Hands caressing bodies and pinching nipples that were directly wired to our genitals which were growing and hardening fast and impossible to confine in the Speedos we were still wearing. Ricky wriggled under me and it increased my excitement. His hips moved like a go-go dancer and woke all my nerve endings. I kissed his face and his neck, grabbing his wrists and pinned his arms above his head, licking his armpits that made him giggle again. He was super sensitive after the tickle battle we had before. I licked his navel and rubbed my chin over his hard-on that seemed obscenely big in the mini Speedos he was wearing.

I pulled the mini Speedo down and off as well as mine. I had the sensation he was laying there like an offer, a present and I took complete advantage of the situation, bathing his cock and balls in spit, engulfing the proud manhood between my lips and giving him the best blow-job he had ever received. Ricky was not quiet and I was sure the neighbors (who were several miles away) had to hear him. It encouraged me to do more efforts as to give him even more pleasure, pulling softly on his balls. I lifted my head and looked at the rock-hard penis in front of me. It was too good to be true and I couldn't wait to sit on that pole and feel it deep inside of me. I straddled his hips and sat up-right. His spit-bathed dick pushed between my buttocks and reached the door to my entrance. I let my whole weight come down on it and even if it was a short but excruciating pain as my ass was dry, I stopped only when I felt his neatly trimmed pubes on my ass. It was so fulfilling and satisfying to feel him inside of me. From the corner of my eye I saw Jack and Jason had taken off there Speedos as well and were rubbing each other furiously while looking at us. I started to bob up and down and with each downward thrust I felt Ricky going even deeper in me. I loved it the way he was touching me inside and I used all the strength in my ass-muscle to provide him as much sensations as his dick could take. Our breathing was ragged and as I supported myself with my hands on his chest, I felt the furious rhythm of his heartbeat as if he was running an impossible distance. He had his eyes closed but I could see he was overwhelmed with feelings and sensations. As he was laying down and couldn't move much, he had complete freedom with his hands and was jerking me off. I looked to my lovers and saw they were as close to orgasm as Ricky and I were. The moaning of us four together was like the humming of a beehive, till we started to ejaculate wherever we wanted and could. I could feel the spasms and convulsions in my ass as Ricky filled me while I bathed him with my semen. As Jason and Jack were still sitting in their chairs, they covered their chests and stomachs with theirs.

I didn't want Ricky's cock to leave my ass. I just bent down to kiss him, trying to put all of my emotions in that tender and caring kiss and he responded likewise. Nature followed its course and the deflating dick of Ricky slipped out of me, leaving that not so pleasant emptiness that I hated after the lovemaking. We got up and went to sit with Jack and Jason again who were trying to clean up with the napkins that were still on the table. It was late and decided to finish the clean-up of the terrace and the kitchen the following morning, We used the automation to secure the house and went to our bedroom. Jack and I were laying on the extremes of the bed with Jason and Ricky in between of us, legs and arms intertwined. That was how we fell asleep and strangely enough it was also how we woke up. We hadn't moved at all during the night.

In the morning it was no surprise at all that we all had ragging morning wood. Jason and Ricky were into it before breakfast and once Jack and I ejaculated, they were in a 69 position and reached they climaxes as well. It looked more like a morning urge than a proper lovemaking, but we loved it nonetheless. Jason and I went to take a morning shower, where Jack and Ricky chose to dive in the pool and swim some laps before breakfast. We hadn't noticed it yet, but Ricky had a ferocious appetite. I wondered where he put all the food in his slender frame. I hated the people who could eat whatever they wanted and didn't gain any weight. Sometimes I had the feeling of gaining weight just by looking at a cake or some pastries. I would then castigate myself by running to a gym and exercise till I realized it was totally stupid.

We had planned a hike through the woods, towards the small lake and the waterfall. Ricky loved the idea but said he had no hiking boots with him. Jason gave him a pair of his to try on and with a pair of socks it was all right. We went prepared with two backpacks containing water bottles, some sandwiches, towels and suncream. There was no doubt we would take Jason's 4 convertible to drive to where the woods and the hiking path started. Although Ricky was a native of the island, he didn't know about the hike path and of course even less about the little lake and the waterfall. He marveled at each bend in the path and the views that came in sight. The hike to the lake was about three hours walking and we just hoped to be there alone so we could swim naked in the cool (almost cold) water and shower in the waterfall. Just incase, I had put our swimming suits in one of the backpacks. We soon took off our T-shirts and applied sun lotion on backs and chests as well as on our faces and legs. The temperature was rising quickly and we sweated profusely, trying to avoid wiping the sweat away with our T-shirts as to not wipe away the sun lotion as well.

When we arrived at the lake there was not a soul to see. The small natural pontoon was empty of people. There were no boats on the lake and it seemed normal that nobody ever wanted to drag a boat behind him on a three hour hike. The vegetation around the lake was quite abundant and gave some places a nice shadowed clearing at the edge of the water. We soon found a nice spot, half in the sun and half in the shadow, with easy access to the water. Boots and socks and shorts were laying on a heap and we dived head first in the clear and refreshing water. Those were the times we felt even more fortunate to live on this island. We could find everything we ever wanted. It was a peaceful and quiet island with fantastic nature, hosting small mountains and valleys, surrounded by a deep blue ocean and white sand beaches. We had a harbor and an airport. The main town provided whatever anybody could wish for. On top of all that, the climate was just perfect with a good balance of sun and rain (mostly during the nights) that served the vegetation perfectly. We, as humans, were blessed with our financial means, good jobs and a house most people would die for. The cherry on the cake was the love we shared and the friends we had. It was the proverbial `too good to be true' place to live.

After an ascending hike of three hours, sweating like pigs, and then diving in cool water, had opened our appetite. The sandwiches disappeared quickly as well as the water in the bottles. We filled them again at the waterfall that had crystal clear water coming from the mountain. We did a little siesta in the sun, but insatiable Ricky had other plans. He was playing with Jason's and Jack's cocks as they were laying next to him. The kissing and grabbing soon followed and it took us no time at all to be in full lovemaking, keeping an eye on our surroundings in case someone would show up. We were completely alone till the moment we put on our socks and booth bak on as well as our shorts, to start our descend to where we left the car. When we arrived home, Jack lit the barbecue and I took out some juicy steaks and prepared a healthy salad to go with it and a fruit salad as dessert.

On the Sunday morning we went first to the fresh market and after that to the bay where we had met Ricky for the first time. Once again, the temperatures were high and although we jumped in the sea quite often, it soon became too hot to stay in the sun. We thought about it and returned to the house where we had all the commodities we could expect, plus the shade of the umbrella and we still had the pool to find a cooler atmosphere.

Around 5pm we had the unannounced visit of Christian and Sam. This time Oliver and Charlotte were in the car as well. Fortunately, we always kept swimsuits or shots at hand for such occasions and as the automation and alarm warned us of visitors, we always had the time to be `presentable' at the moment to open the door. Charlotte was carrying one of those refrigerating bags where she had two bottles of Champagne. She dragged me to the kitchen in another bag she had some strawberries and different snacks. Apparently there was a reason to celebrate, but we didn't know yet what it was. Oliver and she were in an extra good mood. The Champagne was served, the strawberries in a bowl and the snacks on plates. We lifted our glasses and looked at Oliver as we suspected the celebration news would come from him. Indeed, he lifted his glass.

-My friends, after giving it a serious thought, I decided to stop working. I know it is early at my age, but I want to enjoy life to the fullest with Charlotte. The real estate agency is mine and I won't sell it, but collect my part of the earnings. I found, what I think, is the perfect manager and he will do all the work while we will travel the world. So... To an early retirement and extended travels.

We all cheered to that and congratulated him on such a good decision. Enjoying life, when you can afford it, is something you have to do as long as you can and that was what they wanted to do. The other news was that Christian and Sam would go to live in their house, while they would keep Christian's apartment for occasional visits. They still had to plan the double move and so on as Oliver's decision was only recently known to all. Christian would also be able to use Oliver's BMW in his fleet, in case he found an extra driver or as replacement car when one of his would be in maintenance or repair. Somewhere, in a far corner of my head, I had the suspicion that Oliver had more to do with the BMW dealership than just being a client. It would be easy for me to get that information and I put it on my to-do list for the same week. At the end we emptied five bottles of Champagne except (once again) for Christian who had to drive. He asked us if he could count on us for a helping hand with the move and of course we told him we were in. Even Ricky said he was in as long as it was on one of his free days at the hospital. There would be two trucks at the same time so that each place could be emptied in the mornings and then filled with the other furniture in the afternoon. It was going to be a hard day of work. After the real move, there would be a lot of unpacking to do as well as putting furniture in its place. We would have to be prepared!

The week-end we were looking forward to so much was over in a blink of an eye and it almost made us sad. We had a wonderful time. The question if we were falling even more for Ricky was definite yes and according to his way of acting around us, there was a big possibility it was reciprocal.

All comments welcome at Your comments are my motivation to go on writing.

Next: Chapter 13

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