New Computer

By Alain Mahy

Published on Mar 10, 2020


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You know how children are at Christmas when they know they can open the nicely wrapped presents? That's how Jason and I were on the Friday morning, knowing that later on the day we would go to the airport to pick-up Isaac. It was seldom that it happened, but Jason had no VIP's from the cruise ship that day. I had a few airport clients and maybe, if a call came in, a last minute service. Christian had his usual customers. As I had a few services to do, Jason volunteered to clean up the house. We didn't want Isaac to come into a dirty house.

When I picked-up Jason to go to the airport, he looked tired.

-We should show a lot more respect to Isaac for what he is doing in the house. That cleaning exhausted me. Three washers and dryers to start with, then cleaning the kitchen, vacuum the living room, the dining room and our bedroom... When that was done, dusting the furniture and broom the terrace, sweeping kitchen and bathroom. My God... I was just finished when you drove up to the house.

It was a fact that we didn't know what Isaac did in the house day after day. Jason just opened my eyes. He had been busy almost eight hours to do what he mentioned and we still had to do things like the ironing or cleaning the windows. We took it all for granted, but it was all Isaac's doing. Apart from the house, he also found time to keep the garden so beautiful, it deserved a picture in a specialized magazine. And in between all of that, he did his investigations for Lucas. We had to think of something to show Isaac our gratitude.

I looked on the app of the airport and saw that Isaac's plane arrived a little earlier than its estimated time of arrival. I would drop-off Jason to go for Isaac while I would wait in the car, using my pass of Christian's company. It would allow me to avoid searching for a parking space. I was standing next to the car when Jason and Isaac came out only a few minutes later. We had a group's hug and a group's kiss, jumped in the car and were on the road again.

Arriving at home, I could see Jason had done a fantastic job, but had not mentioned he had displayed some canapés (covered by a lit) and a bottle of bubbles in an ice bucket on the table of the terrace, under the big umbrella. It felt so good to be reunited. It can sound stupid, but even the five days Isaac was gone, we felt lost in the house. There was something missing and it was just Isaac's presence we were missing like hell. We could understand he had to renew his passport, but couldn't they do it in a shorter time? Or maybe next time we had to go with him. The Cayman Islands are not big at all. We saw quite some pictures o n the Internet and it looked inviting. It was certainly an option for a short escapade.

Isaac took a little red box out of his suitcase. Inside were three gold bracelets, at first view, identical. It was only when we looked closer that we saw they were not. They showed very masculine for pieces of jewelry. Isaac explained that the bracelets were made out of old jewelry such as rings, necklaces, earrings, pressed together at the appropriate temperature and with the necessary strength of a pressing machine. Looking very close, it was possible to see the different pieces of gold that had been used. It was impossible to foresee which jewelry would bend first under the pressure and what way it was going to take. That made that each bracelet was totally unique. Each bracelet also had a gemstone incorporated: one with a ruby, one with an emerald and the last one with a sapphire. Isaac took the first bracelet with the sapphire and put it on Jason's wrist.

-You remind me of the sea and the blue sky, the generator of the idea that brought us all here. On top of that it matches the color of your eyes.

He then took the one with the emerald and put it on my wrist.

-You deserve to wear the color of hope, because that is what you gave me when I was most lost.

The last one, with the ruby, he put on his own wrist.

-Red, the color of love and that will always remind me how much I love you and how much love you both gave me.

A group's hug was in order and the bubbles had never been more welcome at that moment. We enjoyed listening to Isaac speaking about the Cayman Islands. It was so obvious he liked the place but, as he said, too small to live there. All distances were short and you had soon finished with an island tour. For a small trip, or combined with another island of the Caribbean it was a very nice place. He talked about Joe, the second person on this planet who had known him before and after his death. Isaac called Joe a real Friend. Someone who had been there in good and bad times, never revealing any of Isaac's secrets and of great help when needed. Isaac spoke about him with a kind of nostalgia, making clear he missed him and would have liked to see him more, certainly now that all the nasty things with the agency were over and done with. When Isaac started to talk like that, it quickly became a monologue. Isaac would talk and Jason and I would just listen.

Jason had prepared a stew that he just had to warm up so we could eat. Even while eating his dinner, Isaac continued to tell his five day trip, although he had called us every night while he was away. He had a way to tell things that you had no other option than to listen, and what he told was interesting. It was only when he started to yawn that we realized how late it was and how tired he had to be. Too much people forget that an airplane trip is tiring the body much more than what it is supposed to do. He had to be tired as he left his suitcase undone and said he would do the next morning. It was even more obvious he was tired, when he fell asleep before his head hit the pillow, without making love. Jason and I joined him quietly in dreamland.

The next morning I had a call from Christian. I was bit surprised as it was Saturday. Christian always respected our free days. He had a request.

-I wanted to know if Isaac would agree that I drive the 7 today. I have this very important client, CEO of a big company and who calls me quite often. I wanted to give him the little extra service of the 7 instead of the 5. I didn't say anything to the client and therefor he is expecting me with the 5, but it would be a nice little gesture.

-Of course Isaac will agree. Just drop by and pick the 7 up. There is no problem at all. I don't even have to ask him.

-Ok, thank you!

-Now that it is settled, when you bring back the 7, would you care to join us for dinner?

-You know that it is the kind of invitation I can't refuse. I accept with pleasure.

-Ok ... I will open the gate so you can drive in. See you in a while.

-See you...

He was quick to arrive, swap cars and drive away again, promising to be back around 5pm. We knew he wanted to upgrade the image of his company. It was already decided that instead of a third BMW 5 it would be a 7. Of course, that was not for immediately. The idea was in its place anyway.

Time flew by at an incredible speed. We were already working a year with Christian. Inevitably we got involved in his battle for LGBT rights. Isaac's skills were priceless as he found information nobody else had concerning the people who were against Christian's association. Whenever someone started to fight against equal rights for LGBT people, Isaac would run a serious and deep-going investigation. He reminded us it was Joe who had told him that everybody, somewhere, had something to hide. Isaac became the specialist in finding these things. As soon as he found what he needed, he would personally go and visit that person. It was almost miraculous how the fight stopped almost instantly.

We had the first gay-pride parade in town. What we wanted to show was that gay people were as normal as you and me. The parade was to happen in two times. The morning parade was a quiet walk through town, with all participants dressed in their day-to-day clothing. There was no way you could detect it was a gay-pride parade. In the afternoon, the parade was identical, but this time it was a collection of queens and queers, drags and machos, over-dressed and half naked guys. That parade wanted to show in an unequivocal way that the word "gay" had two different meanings but were not incompatible. Strangely enough, we got very good critics in the newspapers, where the accent was put on the morning parade, stating that gay people were just people like all the other ones. The few pictures of the afternoon parade were labeled as gay in the sense of happy and merry, not homosexual. Christian was over the moon with the results of his gay-pride organization. His cell phone didn't stop ringing. It was that bad that during work he had to switch it to 'silent mode' and concentrate on the road.

We suggested him to open a LGBT place with its own phone number so that he wouldn't be disturbed anymore while doing his job as company manager and driver.

-You can't imagine how long it is that I want to do that. The problem is that I don't find anybody who is willing and who is capable of running such a place. You know that in the past I have been beaten by homophobic people. Those who know me, know the story ... Not a lot of people want to take that risk.

-I think we can help you with that, Jason said while looking at me.

I didn't have a clue what help we could offer. He had seen the confused look on my face and gave me the answer.


-Do you think so? I asked.

-Definitely! First of all Sam is seriously involved in the LGBT rights already. You know he goes to the gyn very often and has the body to prove it. I guess there are not a lot of people who would dare to start a fight with him. He has a tremendous patience and is a good listener, and (while winking at Christian) he is easy on the eye, something that is never bad in an LGBT office.

-Do you think he would be ready to relocate?

-I am almost sure of it. It is just a question to ask him. We could also invite him for a week or two so that he can see if he likes it here. Isaac can show him around when we are working. He is also an independent man who likes to discover things on his own.

-Well! That could be an option if you think he would or could do it.

That same night Jason called Sam. First it was the usual small talk, but soon he switched to his manager-mode I had so often seen in the Apple store. The mode he used when he really wanted to persuade someone. I also knew Jason was up to more than just finding someone for the LGBT office. He actually wanted even more to get Christian and San together, as an item. He had already mentioned the idea some months ago. When he hung up, he proudly announced Sam was coming for a two weeks holiday. He was literally beaming with pride about what he just achieved.

As said before, Sam was a great guy to have around, although we didn't know him that well in his private life. He was a very good acquaintance. Not really what you call a real friend, but then again, we had never tried to be real friends. Having him around during two weeks would allow us to discover more about him.

The day he arrived, I went to pick him up at the airport. I was impressed as Sam obviously had gone to the gym a little bit more and his physics were showing it very clearly. I commented it to him and he was apparently quite proud that I had noticed. On the way home, Sam was constantly in awe, commenting how beautiful everything was and how marvelous it was to have such a climate all year around. He hadn't even seen the house when he said he thought he would like it here. Once at home, we showed him to the guest room that would be his accommodation for the next two weeks. We advised him to change clothes and to join us on the terrace. Just when he came to the terrace, Jason and I were taking off our clothes and jumped naked in the swimming pool. Sam was not shy and followed our example. After swimming some laps, we got out and sat, still naked, at the table. Isaac came out of the kitchen and when he saw three naked man, he dropped his shorts as well. We had invited Christian for dinner and knew he wouldn't be shy to undress as well. Meanwhile, Isaac and Sam discovered the same passion they had for flowers and plants. Jason and I were quickly surpassed by their knowledge about the vegetation of our garden. We admired more the two naked men crouched next to the flower beds.

Christian arrived at 7pm sharp, as usual. We hadn't bothered to dress for his arrival and as predicted, Christian was soon out of his clothes as well. He took a quick dive in the pool before joining us at the table. Jason was eager to know what Christian and Sam were thinking about each other, but couldn't ask it straight away. One thing is being sincere and the other thing is being blunt. I was observing how Jason observed the two of them. Isaac was oblivious to it all and returned to the kitchen to finish the meal that promised to be worth a 5 star qualification. As Jason and I were dressing the table, we moved around and could notice that neither Sam nor Christian had a hundred percent placid cock. They were not fully erected, but there was a mutual interest.

While we were eating, the conversation turned towards the LGBT problems at hand. Christian was so honest and so sincere in what he told Sam, that I could understand other people had refused his offer for the office. Christian didn't omit one detail on how the situation was on this island. Sam listened with growing interest. Although Christian was doing a great job for LGBT people, he had still a hundred questions for Sam as how it was all done in our old town. They were both quickly in a very animated discussion about everything there was to do. We had kept the newspapers with the reports on the gay-pride and I fetched them to show Sam what had been done.

-That gay parade in two parts is an amazing good idea, Sam said. Maybe I am old-fashioned, but rocking people with exaggerated feminine side of some gays, gives us all a bad name. I am convinced that the first part of your parade has spoken more to the people, making them understand that we do what everybody does. There was no display of what we do in our bedrooms, just human beings enjoying a good walk. I think it is fabulous.

It got later and later and those two were still in a very animated conversation. We left them to it, telling Christian he knew how to let himself out and to Sam that he knew where his room was. Jason was oh so happy to see they felt at ease with each other and enough at home to continue their conversation although we went to bed. I had shown Sam which button to push on the automation as to secure the house before he went to bed. As a throuple, we didn't think it would be ok to make love with still two guests in the house. Still, there was quite some kissing and caressing before we shut our eyes.

In the morning we pushed another button on the automation and automatically stores, curtains and windows opened, flooding the space with bright natural sunlight. We didn't know if it was Sam or Christian, but everything was cleaned-up. My biggest urge was not to see the kitchen clean. It was my coffee! Isaac, Jason and I were sitting on the terrace with our mug of coffee when we heard some noise. We suspected it was Sam. The surprise came when Sam AND Christian came to kiss us good morning. How the hell had Sam managed that? Christian had always said he was not the one wanting a one-night-stand or a hook-up. Nonetheless they had clearly slept together as the second guest room was not made up. We couldn't be certain if they had made love, but a cheeky little twinkle in their eyes told us that they had. They served themselves a mug of coffee and came to sit with us. As soon as they were seated, Sam's left hand and Christian's right hand intertwined. Seeing it, Jason had a very nice smile on his face.


I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! My intuition of more than a year ago came out. I thought they were made for each other. I didn't expect it to go that fast though. Ok, I had brought together two lonely souls who had common interests. In their minds, they were very similar and physically they were opposites. In my opinion they fit together perfectly. I was so happy for them.

Christian had drawn a picture of his life and situation, very clearly and without hiding anything. Sam had told quite a lot of things of his life. None of both had been scared of what they heard and apparently trusted themselves enough to cope with what they found. They had now two weeks to discover if they were really compatible or not. They needed that time to see if they wanted to build-up something together. Two weeks could look a short time, but when the feelings are present, it can seem an eternity. Knowing Sam a little, I knew he wouldn't accept to spend his nights at Christian's place. I had to come up with something to remedy that small problem and it was clear for me to invite Christian to stay with us as well during the two weeks. He was a bit reluctant at first. I told him there was no reason to refuse the invitation as he had no one waiting for him at his place and Sam was waiting here. He gave in without a real struggle.

It was so nice to see they sometimes acted like teenagers. They couldn't leave each other alone and were constantly kissing and grabbing the other. I had seen Christian smiling, but never that much. He genuinely looked like he had won the lottery and in a certain way he had. Seeing them together made me think of the first days Jack and I were together and that brought me in a romantic mood. With the hours we were working, we sometimes forgot to tell each other the love we had or show it by kissing lightly for no reason at all. We had lost the spontaneity we had at the beginning and took everything for granted. That was wrong. I mentioned it to my two lovers that, for my part, I needed that spontaneity to come back. They agreed with me and we vowed to bring it back.

During the day we had to work and Sam stayed most of the time with Isaac. Their common passion for plants and flowers kept them busy most of the days and soon enough Sam discovered as well he liked to see Isaac cooking and wanted to know more about that as well. We were not going to complain as each evening we received 5 star food on our plates. In the evenings, the subject of an LGBT office came back to the surface. Christian and Sam had wonderful ideas with programs for the younger ones who were discovering their homosexuality. There was the annual gay-pride that had to be organized. Christian mentioned that the local radio had asked him in the past to have a weekly hour, concentrated on the gay problems, and so on and on. There was one problem though. Who was going to pay the rent? Who was going to pay Sam's salary? Who was going to pay the monthly costs? There were some state subventions, but clearly not enough to cover all the costs. Christian was far too busy investing in his own company and needed every cent that came in to increase the number of cars and accept more services. When I mentioned the financial side of the LGBT office, it was like I had pushed Sam and Christian in an ice-cold shower. The reality of this world (=money) struck them suddenly in the face. They had thought about everything, except that aspect of what they wanted to do. I suspected that Isaac could afford it, but he kept suspiciously silent on the matter. I guessed he had his reasons. He had no obligation at all to take care of their financial needs. Isaac was very generous, but something was refraining him to use his financial means for that cause. I had to find a way to know what it was, without Isaac feeling almost obliged to help Sam and Christian.

But Sam wanted to stay on the island and live with Christian, at least that was what he said after only a few nights they had slept together. It was understandable although a bit fast. They were falling in love with each other and the emotional part of the equation was on high-level. In their state of mind, rationality had nothing to say. The rational ones were Isaac, Jack and I. Our three minds together were working at high efficiency. It was Isaac's brain that maybe had a solution.

-Let's face reality here. The LGBT office is financially not really the best idea. Let's discard it for a moment. Sam ... you want to come and live here, right ?

Sam nodded looking at Christian.

-Ok, that means you have to go back, resign at your work, resign your apartment, pack-up things, flying back here and send your stuff by boat or courier depending on how much you have. Once here you would have to find an accommodation although I suspect you and Christian have a fairly good idea for that. You would have to arrange all your papers and legal things like we have done. The question is, and I don't expect you to answer in detail to us, if you can afford it all, because moving to here will not be cheap.

We could almost see Sam's brain getting in overload.

-Once you are here, I suppose you won't settle to be a charge for Christian. That means you will have to find a job. I don't speak about odd little jobs here and there, but a serious job that provides you a decent income. Am I still right?

Of course he was and nobody at the table could deny that.

-So, I have been thinking. Christian ... Even with Jack and Jason working for you full-time, you told us the other day you still have to refuse services. You also told us some time ago you want to increase your car fleet. Am I still correct?

It was obvious he was.

-You said it would be nice to have a fleet of BMW 7. If what I saw is not a mistake, there was a second-hand 7 for sale at your friends dealership. It would be a lot cheaper than a new one, and if your friend at BMW can guarantee you that car is a good deal, I would go for it. In the same time I would like to offer you to buy my 7 as well, also at a second-hand price that would have to be determined by the people at the dealership. That would probably give you two 7 for the price of one, and not one client will look at the milage of your cars, as long as they are pristine clean and well maintained. You would end up wit two 5 and two 7, a total of four cars... so, you are missing a driver. Sam, do you have a driver's license?

We were looking at Isaac in disbelief. In a few sentences he had found the solution for all the immediate problems: investments, work load, drivers and their love affair.

-Sam, I guess that you have a two weeks notice to give to your boss. We know by experience that two weeks is also enough to send your stuff over here. If you are really sure about your choice, I would even advise you to use the company we used to have all your legal papers as you should. It is easy, you just drop by at their office tomorrow or the day after and give them your passport. They do the rest and they are not expensive at all for what they do. So my dear friends, all the cards are on the table. You will have to decide what you do with them... I am going for a swim before dinner. Anyone care to join me?

We all took off our clothes and jumped in the pool. A good swim was the best way to open our appetite. Once again we had a fantastic meal and Isaac mentioned it was mostly Sam's doing. After retiring to our respective rooms and that Isaac, Jack and I were in the intimacy of ours, I couldn't help it and had to ask Isaac why he had said nothing about the LGBT office.

-I could indeed put some finances in that office, but I won't. First of all because I think Christian has to concentrate a hundred percent on his existing business for now. The business is growing and the earnings are good. Little by little he is making a good name and reputation on this island. It is not the best moment to be distracted by the LGBT office. Secondly, he told us he has been beaten by homophobic people. Do you really think those people will just allow an openly gay office in their town? I don't think so. That office will be their focus and vandalized more than once. Christian can have the best insurance possible and they will pay once and maybe twice for the damages, but at the third claim there will be a lot of possibilities that the LGBT office will be expelled from the insurance company. What will happen then? They will have to close that office and all the invested money would be lost. I don't mind taking risks with my investments, calculated risks ... The calculations don't fit the image. That's why I didn't say anything about financing them. If Christian needs money to expand his current business, I don't hesitate one second to give him that money and so that you know, I already told him that personally.

Isaac was a businessman after all. The following day I had only a morning service with the 7. Isaac and Christian asked me to drop by at the BMW dealership as to evaluate a fair price that Isaac could sell it to Christian. The technical staff didn't have a lot to say as they saw the car on a regular basis for its maintenance. The commercial part of the sale was now in the hands of Christian's friend. Before he gave a price, Christian, casually, mentioned he was buying the second-hand 7 that was outside as well, brining his total fleet to four BMW. He mentioned the price he thought was fair for Isaac's car and on the second-hand one standing outside, he gave a fair discount. Both 7's had approximatively the same low milage and could easily be seen as new cars. It was all about the image of the company. Christian sealed the two deals there and then.

Isaac told us he had dropped Sam off in the center of town as he wanted to discover what was going to be his new home-town. They had agreed to meet again at a well known café, close to the harbor. As we had time, Christian and I went along with Isaac and found Sam sitting on the terrace with a glass of chilled white wine in front of him. We followed his example except for Christian who still had a few services to accomplish and who ordered a coffee.

-I signed the deal for the cars, Christian said to Sam. I hope you won't change your mind now and stay where you are.

Sam laughed.

-Try to get rid of me now! No, Christian! I made my mind up and there is no turning back no. I already sent my resignation by e-mail to my boss and did another e-mail to my landlord, telling him I leave the apartment. Isaac was so kind to show me where the company is that does all the paper work, and that is settled as well so you can see I am more than decided and won't change my mind.

Christian was beaming. He looked so happy that I almost had tears in my eyes seeing him like that. It was beautiful. He looked at his watch and saw it was time for him to go on working. As we were all heading home and that Isaac had come with my 4, he was driving the 7 to go back home. It would probably be the last time he drove it. Sam joined me in the 4 as he just loved the sensation of freedom that a convertible gives. I had a short working day. That brought the balance in tis place again for the days we worked 10 to 12 hours in a row. It was indeed an excellent idea of Isaac and Christian together to expand the fleet of cars and the drivers.

For Sam's last evening (temporarily) we organized a nice meal and invited Oliver and Charlotte as well. Isaac, once again, surpassed himself as he had found live lobsters. To make it even more festive, we decided to have a Champagne night. Nothing else would be served. The terrace table was beautifully dressed and Sam had even made a nice floral centerpiece for it. Torches and candles were giving a magical atmosphere to the garden. Oliver and Charlotte had not been at the house in a while and were marveled with the latest acquisitions and redecorations by the hand of Isaac. It was almost a rule that we never spoke about business during these gatherings, but this time we couldn't avoid it. After all, Christian had arrived with the second 7 he had bought.

Oliver and Charlotte were genuinely happy for the success Christian booked with his business and congratulated him profusely. Of course, there was also the official presentation of Sam to Christian's only family: his sister Charlotte and brother-in-law Oliver. It was really a night of surprises for them. Charlotte was running a Haute-Couture Boutique and was doing really well. She didn't run it because she needed money, she ran it because she liked it and didn't want to stay home doing nothing or almost. The Champagne was a success, except for Oliver who still had to drive back home. We emptied quite a few bottles, but nobody was drunk, tipsy at the most.

Dropping Sam off at the airport the next day was heartbreaking. Christian kept up the appearances till Sam was through customs and security control. After that he sobbed for a while on my shoulder. They had been together for only two weeks and their bond had grown incredibly fast. Sam had promised to be back as soon as he could, but the separation was painful anyway. I had somewhere foreseen this and to keep Christian's mind occupied I had prepared a list of to-do things that would keep him busy till Sam came back, such as thoroughly cleaning the apartment he had, filling pantry and fridge, prepare fresh and clean sheets for the bed, making space in the wardrobe and so on. At least Christian had a smile on his face when he saw the list.

The two weeks that Sam was gone flew by for us, probably not for Christian. He tried to be as busy as possible to ease the pain of Sam's absence. He also drove only the second 7 and kept his 5 for Sam once he came back. His important clients were happy with the improvement and appreciated the luxury of their transport. That made that the mouth to mouth publicity for Christian's company worked to satisfaction. The clients of the cruise ships were quite happy as well and mentioned it often to the guy who was selling this exclusive excursion on the ship. During one of the meetings we had with him, he `complained' that he had to refuse the excursion so often as there was only one car available. Christian promised to look into it.

Jack became the specialist of the last-minute clients. We wondered how he did it, but he succeeded in giving each call a full satisfaction. The milage on the car he used was also a lot higher than the other cars. He could even persuade his clients to book the services in advance.

Friday night were sacred for us. Jack and I would arrive home, take off our work clothes and stay naked for the remaining of the evening till bedtime. That was one of the biggest advantages to live on a tropical island: it was never cold. Friday nights would mostly began with a cocktail. Isaac was better with them every time he prepared one. They were never too loaded with alcohol, just the necessary to relax after a week's work. A jump in the pool was mandatory and very often that lead to kissing and grabbing and rock-hard manhoods showing the way. Isaac had found terrace furniture that, once shoved together, were a perfect bed, almost as big as the one we had in the bedroom. We made good use of that furniture, spreading some towels on it and lay down after our swim. As most of the time we would have hard-ons, it lead automatically to nice lovemaking.

That Friday night, Jack called to say he would be a bit later as he had... yes, a last-minute call. I didn't change my habits and jumped naked in the pool followed by Isaac who seemed extremely horny. I teased Isaac by getting out of the pool and lay face-down in the big bed. He straddled my ass and started kissing me in the neck and nibbling my earlobes. He knew what effect that had on me. It was his turn to tease me and started a slow back-rub, letting his hands glide over my back, reaching the crack in my buttocks and coming back up before he even touched my puckered hole. He did that several times and I was excited to no end. My manhood almost hurt by its hardness. When I tried to turn around he pinned me down, not allowing me to do so. What he did was to replace his hands by his tongue and resume his `back-rub'. The only difference was that with his tongue he entered between my buttocks, keeping them open with his hands and started rimming me, using a lot of spit. I was in heaven as he was an expert ass-eater. How long he was rimming me, I didn't know. What I felt were an extra pair of hands rubbing my shoulders. Jack had arrived and I had not even heard him coming in. He must have seen what we were doing as he was as naked as we were. He had not jumped in the pool yet and I could smell his sweat on him. It was an intoxicating and pleasant fragrance. I lifted my head slightly and was rewarded with a deep and loving kiss. When Jack broke the kiss, he presented his cock at my lips. I opened my mouth wide and engulfed him as deep as it would go. I had a cock in my mouth and a tongue up my ass. I knew that tongue would soon be replace by Isaac's dick and I was looking forward to it. I sucked on Jack while kneading his balls and he must have loved it as he was moaning and groaning, moving in and out of my mouth. When I felt Isaac's tongue leave my ass I knew what was coming and I relaxed as much as I could. The tip of his gorgeous cock was already aimed at my opening and I lifted my ass to give him better access. Isaac was in a little more rougher mood and pushed his cock in, in one forceful thrust. Each time he did that, he took my breath away, or better: he pushed the air out of my longs and even if it was a bit painful, I just loved it. He wouldn't wait to go in and out as if he wanted to show who was in charge. He clearly was! Both my lovers were penetrating me and that made me feel so complete. They were moving in unison and that made my cock rub on the mattress. I squeezed my ass-muscles according to Isaac's movements and my sucking to Jack's. We were that excited that I knew we wouldn't last long. Isaac went faster and harder and Jack followed his rhythm. I would be full of semen at both ends while I would empty my balls in the towel beneath me. Isaac was the first to empty his balls soon followed by jack. That was the trigger for me to go over the edge. Isaac collapsed on me and Jack bent down to kiss me and taste his own semen in my mouth. It took us some time to regain a normal breathing and heartbeat.

-That's what I call the perfect beginning of a week-end, Jack said.

We couldn't agree more. We jumped in the pool to refresh ourselves and to open the appetite for dinner. We also knew that later, in bed, there would be a repeat action of what just happened.


Starting the week-end like we did, promised to give us quite some activity. I always tried to keep my week-ends free of work so that we could all enjoy the leisure time we had. It was during these week-ends that we tried to know the island better and better. We had discovered a few very discreet and secluded bays, partly with sand, partly with shingles and with easy access to the sea. We had found some nice hiking paths that end up at a little lake with a nice waterfall. What we actually did, was to drive and take roads we had never been on before and just see where we would arrive. It was that way that we discovered some hamlets with very friendly people. There were no shops or restaurants or cafés in those tiny villages, but we would almost always be welcomed and offered a glass of fresh spring water or a good local wine. Where possible, we bought some of the wine they offered. In yet another hamlet we were surrounded by goats. An elderly lady tried to chase them away so we could pass. She as well offered us a bit of wine and also put a plate of home-made goat cheese on a small table. That cheese was probably the best one I had ever tasted. We bought one of her cheeses for a ridiculous low price.

We did all these trips with Jason's 4. A convertible always gives you such a sensation of freedom as well as a perfect view around us. I was thinking about cars. Now that my 7 was sold, I had to look out for another car to call my own, just like Jason had his 4 and Jack his 5 station wagon. I was in no hurry at all. During the week I had their cars to use as they had their work cars and in the week-ends we were almost always all there in one car, so I had time to browse the web and look at what I wanted. The 7 had been a dream of a car, but in the many narrow streets of the town it was not always easy to maneuver due to the length and the width of a limousine like the 7 was. More than once I had been afraid to scratch the bodywork and even more the outside mirrors. I wondered how Jason was doing it every day of the week as the access to the harbor was really narrow. He said he was used to it now.

That week-end we opted to go to one of the secluded bays and beach that we had discovered in earlier times. I prepared a kind of a picnic and we put some fresh sodas in a cooler. Jack grabbed some towels and we were out of the house and on the road. Jason had an excellent sense of orientation and didn't even need to search for the access to the bay. We parked and secured the car and walked to the little beach. As there was absolutely no one in sight, we didn't bother to put swimsuits on. We were all three born nudists even if we didn't realize it at first. Being able to lay in the sun and swim in the sea without being confined in any type of clothing was absolutely wonderful. For us, all beaches should be clothing optional. We were relaxed and carefree. When a young man came down the path, we wondered what we should do. Would we have to put our bathing suits on? We didn't want to, but there is something as respect for other people. We were just about to put them on when we saw that the young man, probably a few years younger than Jason, took off all his clothes and walked naked into the sea. It was obvious he had no problems with nudity. When he came out of the water, I couldn't detect any tan-lines which confirmed he was more naked than with a bathing suit on. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that Jack was looking over to the place the young man was laying on his towel.

-You like what you see, Jack?

-Yes and no, he answered. Yes in the sense that he has a nice body and it is pleasant to look at it. No in the sense I had no intention of observing him, but he looks familiar to me. The problem I have is that when I see people outside the original context I saw them first, I have a hard time to situate them and indeed recognize them. I tried to situate him at the airport, but it doesn't ring a bell. I try to see him at one of the other places I pick-up clients, but same thing, it doesn't ring a bell.

Jason was curious about it and didn't hesitate to call out to the guy and made signs for him to come over. The guy took his backpack and his towel and came over. We introduced ourselves and he said his name was Ricky. Jason went directly to the point.

-My boyfriend Jack says you look familiar to him, but he can't situate you in any place or moment. Do we look familiar to you ?

-You certainly do, Ricky said without losing his smile, we have actually met and talked.

We were puzzled.

-Christian introduced us during the gay-pride parade. I can understand you don't recognize me as I was dressed as drag, very scarcely clothed and with quite a lot of make-up. I had a head-piece on with quite a lot of feathers. Christian introduced me as Lady Rich.

We suddenly remembered. Indeed, Christian had introduced us, but there was no way for us to recognize him without the drag-costume and the make-up. Jack didn't hesitate to tell him that he looked a lot better as a man than as a drag. Ricky laughed but pouted as well. He clearly was very proud of his drag side. The men who act as women was not our cup of tea. Here, on this beach, Ricky looked masculine and there wasn't the slightest sign of a feminine side. He was almost macho despite his young age.

The afternoon was most pleasant in Ricky's company. He was easy on the eye and interesting to listen to. That's how we learned he was a nurse at the local (and only) hospital.

-That's how I met Christian. I work most of the time in ER and he was brought in after a beating. We were all horrified when we heard what had happened. With his injuries we couldn't do anything else to warn the police. He remembered being beaten up, but nothing else. He couldn't describe his attackers because it was obvious it was the work of more than one. Do you know his sister Charlotte?

We nodded.

-She is an incredible woman. She stayed with him the whole time he was in the hospital. There was no way she would leave. She took care of him like none of us nurses could. Nothing was too much for her. She is wonderful.

Ricky had a few tears in his eyes just by recalling the events. You could just feel Ricky was a man with a lot of empathy and it was easy to understand why he was good with the job he did. As the time flew by, Ricky looked at me and advised me to use more suncream. He thought that I would turn beat red if I didn't. That was strange is my skin was quite used to the sun, but I followed his advise anyway. That lead to all of us putting sun lotion to the others. Now, we all knew what it would be to have four men rubbing sun lotion to four men who were all naked. Indeed, it didn't take long to appreciate four hard cocks. We stroke other bodies and even grabbed some dick. A few prude kisses were exchanged, but it didn't come to a full sexual activity. What we saw was that Ricky was really well endowed.

-Jeez Ricky... how do you hide such a piece of meat when you are in drag. I remember you didn't have a lot of clothes on in that parade, but couldn't see any bulge...

Ricky laughed out loud explaining that he had to use a lot of adhesive bandages to keep his genitals in such a way that you couldn't see it under his costume, or lack of it. It seemed it was quite easy to apply the bandages, but an absolute hell to take it off when his performance was over. He was also a bit confused and asked who was with who. We had to explain him that we were a throuple. First he didn't understand but after telling him our story he understood what we had.

-That's not fair, he said with a smile. You are three and I can't even find one!

It surprised us. Ricky was a fine looking man with a body to die for and a personality to match it. We all three admitted that if we were not in a committed relationship, we would flirt with him and even try to seduce him. It gave him an ego-boost but didn't solve his problem of loneliness. He explained that he had had two boyfriends in the pas, but that none of them could cope with his horrendous schedule at the hospital. We could feel there was more about the ex boyfriends, but didn't want to be nosey.

-I guess that you'll have to find a colleague at the hospital. I am sure you are not the only gay nurse there.

-I never mix work and pleasure, or work and private life.

-Maybe you will have to make an exception if you don't want to stay alone... It does not have to be a direct colleague. It can be a nurse from another department, who will understand your hectic schedules as he will probably have the to face it himself. Or it could be a doctor as well.

-I don't know. Maybe you are right. Nonetheless, I wouldn't find it ethical to do so. It is true however that there are quite a few gay nurses and even doctors that I suspect to be gay, but I wouldn't take the risk to come out to them openly. If we would have problems in our relationship, it could affect the professional relationship as well and as you can imagine, that is something I can't afford. My job is everything to me. Since I was a kid I wanted to be a nurse.

-Ok, but as a kid you didn't know what kind of relationship you would look for as an adult. The problem is not being gay or not. It is a question of having a full life with everything that comes with it. As humans, we are not made to stay alone. A full life is a shared life. With love you only add things to it. You shouldn't have to take things away.

Had I just planted a seed in Ricky's head? I didn't know. I just hoped he would find his twin soul and be happy. When we heard Ricky tell us about the loneliness, we were heartbroken. He was such a nice guy and shouldn't have to suffer that horrible feeling of having no one to turn to. To have friends was great, but having a lover to come home to, was totally different. Ok, he was still young and had time to find a life partner, but he was suffering now.

As the sun was slowly setting down, we were ready to go home. We asked Ricky how he got here. He had been walking. We offered him a ride home and the idea of doing it in a convertible was appealing to him and so he accepted. I looked at my two lovers and they immediately understood what I meant with offering a ride... I didn't offer him just a ride in the car! Jason and Jack seemed to agree with what I had in mind. They had also be touched by Ricky's story and loneliness. We knew then and there that we were going for our second foursome. I suggested Ricky to accept an invitation for dinner as well. His loneliness must have gotten to him, because he accepted immediately.

Once at home, the first thing we did was to shower to wash away the salt of the sea water and the sand of the beach. After the shower, we didn't bother to dress. We had been naked all afternoon in presence of Ricky. He was a little hesitant at first and we told him that we were naked at home 90% of the time. That put him at ease and he didn't put his clothes back on. I prepared us one of the many cocktails I now mastered. We sat at the terrace table, sipping our drinks and talking about everything and nothing. Ricky was a good conversationalist and had a broad education. That made the conversations so much easier.

We didn't know what Ricky's opinion was about intergenerational relationships, so we asked him.

-I guess I had the typical general prejudice about it, thinking young guys were with older men for their money or an older couple that would want to have a kind of houseboy. Hearing your story this afternoon, I realized it is not always like that. When I see the three of you together, I can see, without the slightest doubt, that you are very much in love with each other. I think we suppose too much and don't think enough. When two people meet, it is a question of chemistry, not a question of age. Before I met you, I was always looking only to find a guy my age. Seeing how happy you are, I will certainly broaden my horizons.

It is not easy to find people who admit they are wrong or short-sighted. Ricky did it with such an ease and even looked comfortable with it. That alone told us he was indeed a good man and we were happy we invited him to our house. Jason was impressed by Ricky and his way of thinking. For once he didn't know what to say. He expressed himself in another way, kissing Ricky directly on the mouth and pushing his tongue inside of it. We knew how Jason could kiss, but Ricky was discovering it. It was obvious he liked it as he responded to the kiss with equal passion. Both their manhoods grew rapidly and it was such an erotic sight that Jack and I had growing cocks as well. Jason put all of his heart in that kiss. We knew how Jason was and what it indicated. He wanted to make love to Ricky. He lead him by the hand to the terrace bed and pushed him slowly down on it, directly following him and so laying on top of Ricky with full body contact. Jack and I enjoyed the show, seeing how Ricky got into the game and showing he was not really a novice in pleasing a man. Their mouths were glued together and their hands were caressing each other's bodies as far as they could reach. Jason kissed his way down on Ricky's torso and belly till he reached the treasure trail leading to a beautiful erect cock. He opened his mouth wide and just wrapped it around Ricky's dick. We knew how skillful Jason was when he sucked us and could imagine what Ricky was feeling. That was the moment Jack stood up, went to the other side of the bed and knelt down, putting his dick at Ricky's lips. Ricky didn't hesitate and opened his mouth to engulf Jack's cock. I didn't want to be left alone and kneeled behind Jason to eat out his ass. The excitement grew and the first moans were heard. Who they were coming from was a mystery, but it didn't matter. The ass and cock eating went on and on, changing positions from time to time. When Jason and Ricky found themselves in a 69 position, Jack took the opportunity to enter Jason and I entered Ricky. That was so hot as Jack and I bend over and were deeply kissing while going in and out of Ricky and Jason. My semen was already boiling in my balls but I didn't want to come yet. I enjoyed this foursome so much and seeing the faces of the others, they were enjoying it, too. Without formal agreement we changed positions again and this time Jack and I were in the 69 position while Jason penetrated me and Ricky put his cock in Jack's ass. They followed our example as they were kissing while making love to us. Our orgasms came in chain reaction. I felt Jason depositing his load in my ass and that sent me over the edge, filling Jack's mouth with my seed. He went over the edge when he received my juice and consequently spasmed with his ass-muscles and that made Ricky spurt his load in Jack's ass. We all collapsed on each other with great satisfaction, still kissing passionately. When breath and heartbeat were back to normal, we jumped in the pool. With all the physical exercise, our appetite was open and we lit the barbecue to put some nice steaks on it. I prepared a big salad and fried some potatoes. The food was devoured in no time.

Ricky asked us if it happened often that we had foursomes. He couldn't believe his ears when we told him it was only the second time in all the years we'd been together. We tried to explain to him what monogamy meant for us and that the two times, this once included, we had foursomes was something really exceptional. He was flattered, but wondered why him...

-Don't underestimate yourself Ricky, I said, as for the sexual part, you are a very handsome man. But there is more than that! You are educated and responsible. You showed us who you are and touched our hearts. You are great company and even if we don't know you 24 hours yet, we discovered a great human being. If I stop the continuing list of good reasons here, it is already enough. Even if we say so ourselves, we are good judges of characters. We have good intuitions that, up till today, have never failed us and I know it is the first time you come into our house, but definitely no the last one. We don't know you yet, but the feeling that we gained a friend is certainly present. As you know, friendship is a pure and uninterested feeling that is necessarily reciprocal. I hope that with time you will understand and know you gained three friends.

Ricky got emotional and had moist eyes. Jack, who was sitting closest to him, took him in his arms and hugged him, trying to make him understand the words I had spoken. The evening went on in a very relaxed atmosphere. There was not one moment we had to look for a subject of conversation. It flowed naturally. As it was getting late, we asked Ricky if he had to work the next day. He said he had the late shift, starting at 4pm till midnight. We asked him if he wanted to stay the night and no one was surprised when he said yes.

Any comments are welcome at Your comments are my motivation to go on writing.

Next: Chapter 12

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