New Computer

By Alain Mahy

Published on Mar 8, 2020


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Isn't it supposed to get an easier life with automation? Well, it is not. The system that was installed had so many features, it was almost impossible to remember all of them. Jeez... you could even switch on the oven or the dishwasher while you were on the other side of the globe. Literally everything was foreseen in that system, from opening or closing the stores and curtains to switching on or off lights and appliances. I had to download an app on my iPhone so it would be ready to do all those things from any distance at all. I had asked Isaac and Jason to buy new SIM cards for our phones and would be able to download the app for them as well. Around 11am someone rang at the gate. I could see a van of the telephone company. I didn't recall having asked for a land line, but in fact, the guy came to install the optic fibre cable for our Internet connections and television. I had no idea who had sent him. He was welcome anyway.

I heard my car driving up to the garage. I didn't know how much they had spent, but the car was full up to the roof. Indeed, we had a nice pantry that was empty. With all they bought, the pantry wouldn't be empty very long. I was nonetheless surprised to not see any drinks.

-That will be delivered this afternoon, it was too much for the car.

My eyes were like saucers. Do you have any idea how much space there is in a BMW 5 station wagon? My God ... and they still had to ask to deliver the drinks.

-Jack, between the wines and Champagne, the beers and the sodas and the liquors, we had no choice to ask them to bring it home. I guess we will quickly be known here.

While we tried to organize everything in pantry and kitchen, I told them about the cable guy. They informed me they had stopped at the bank to have it all official and legal and to ask for three debit cards on the account. It was all done far much quicker than what we were used to. Jason had already transferred the funds of our communal account in our old town. Three new individual accounts were opened as well and filled with what we had. Jason had then contacted our old bank and closed the accounts there. It was incredible what the power of attorney Isaac made us sign, could do. Our notary had warned us of the dangers of such a paper, but had kept silent on the advantages.

Isaac prepared us a light lunch. While we were eating at the terrace table, we talked about our to-do list. Most of the things were covered. Still, the list became longer and longer the more we thought about it. It wouldn't be a luxury to not work during a time with all things we had to do. It is only when you move that you realize how much stuff you have and the number of things you have to think about. We also had to think about a present for Oliver and one for Christian for all the help they had provided. Isaac had spotted a nice jewelry shop in town and the idea of buying them each a nice quality watch felt right, although we suspected Oliver probably had one. After all, it was only to show our appreciation.

Saturday night was there so quickly. Isaac was busy in the kitchen as he wanted everything to be absolutely perfect. It was my task to dress the table properly, on the terrace. Weather was divine. Jason was busy putting candles a bit everywhere to give it all a nice atmosphere. There was no need to put flowers on the table as the garden was full of them. Our guests arrived right on time. Punctuality is the politeness of the kings, as people say. Oliver's wife, Charlotte, was a beautiful woman. She and Oliver formed a very nice couple. Christian felt a little as the fifth wheel of the carriage, but Jason did all he could to have him at ease. There was no business talk and if Oliver and Christian we fantastic sources of information, Charlotte was even better.we rapidly reached the point where we had pen and paper at hand to write down all she could tell us, from shops, restaurants as other amenities in the neighborhood. Isaac had surpassed himself, being it with the canapés, the entries as the main course and dessert. Jason had chosen the wines and they were in perfect harmony with what we ate. Coffee and liquors were served to finish that wonderful meal. It was during the coffee that we gave Oliver and Christian each their watch. First they wanted to refuse them and Isaac had to do his speech about presents, the one we had already heard more than once. They were both overwhelmed.

When Charlotte and Oliver stood up to leave, we noticed Christian was not following their example. He kissed his sister goodbye and shook Oliver's hand, indicating clearly he was not ready to leave yet. Once the couple was gone, Christian showed interest in our relationship and the concept of throuple. We were used to that and patiently explained what it meant for us. He was genuinely interested in what we told him and asked a lot of questions. On the other hand, we were very interested in his battle for equal rights for gay and straight. We talked a lot and without realizing it at first, the liquor bottle was empty and we were still talking. We told him he could stay the night as we had three bedrooms and used only one. Christian was reasonable enough to accept the invitation. It was not that he was drunk at all, but if he was stopped by the police, he would lose his driver's license and with his job, it would have been a disaster. Isaac started to clean up, indicating quite obviously he wanted to go to bed. We showed the guest room to Christian who kissed us goodnight and closed the door. We ate and drank more than usual and as soon as we hit the pillows, we were fast asleep.

On Sunday morning I woke up to sounds in the house, not knowing what they were. I got up, naked of course, and went to see where the noise was coming from. I discovered a naked Christian making coffee. Wasn't it a bit strange for someone who stayed at our place for the first time, to be naked in the kitchen! Yes, it was. When he saw me, he tried to hide his genitals with his hands and apologized profusely.

-Calm down Christian! As you can see I am naked as well and for 95% of the time, this house is clothing optional, so, relax buddy...

He came over to me, hugging me and almost sobbing his apologies. At the same time, I could feel his manhood showed signs of excitement. I had looked at him before he came into my arms and I had to admit he was one sexy hunk. He was tanned, but with a white triangle over his crotch and buttocks. That was a super sexy sight. He kept hugging me and apologizing and I tried to relax him as much as possible. What do you do with a sexy man in your arms who was developing a serious hard-on? Even if your mind doesn't want to, your body reacts. As they say, the mind is strong, but the flesh is weak. We were both sporting hard-ons and closely hugging when Isaac and Jason came out of our bedroom naked as well. I really didn't know if I wanted them to stop this before it went too far or if I wanted them to join us. Honestly? I think I wanted them to join us. Isaac and Jason were both smiling and that meant they were not angry or disappointed with what they saw. As the coffee was brewing, Jason said it would be a good thing to all jump in the pool as none of us had showered yet. Four men jumped in the refreshing water. That was what we needed to cool down and Christian's and my cock deflated. But the sight was still as hot as possible. One by one we came out of the pool and Isaac went inside for the coffee, coming back with four mugs, cream and sugar.

Jason was the one explaining to Christian that we didn't have an open relationship. That was enough for Christian to have tears in his eyes again and apologizing as if he had committed a crime. It is awful to see a grown man cry and even more if he is naked and super sexy. Even if it was Jason that told us we had no open relationship, he went over to Isaac and kissed him deeply. Then he came to me and did the same. That was provocative to say the least. When he went over to Christian and kissed him as well, all four cocks started to rise. It didn't take long for me and Isaac to join the other two in their kiss. Hands started to roam over bodies and it was as if there was electricity in the air. I remembered that when Isaac came into our lives, Jason had mentioned that with a threesome, there was always someone left out. It had not been the case with us, but he was right when he had said that it was better to have a pair number of people with sexual games. We were soon laying down on the grass, in the sun and surrounded by the beautiful flowered garden we had. It was difficult to say who was touching who. Hands were caressing and grabbing whatever was closest. It was something totally new for all four of us as we would learn later. For Christian even a threesome would have been new. Meanwhile he was joining in the frenzy of our lovemaking and once again I had that feeling that is was not just sex, but indeed lovemaking for all four of us. It was special, that's for sure. Christian seemed to know in a natural way how to please a man and the moaning and groaning was a definite proof of it. Cocks disappeared in mouths, hands roamed over bodies, kisses were exchanged and shared. I was about to penetrate Jason when in the corner of my eye I saw Christian's cock enter Isaac's buttocks. I made it clear to Jason to look over. There was no bestiality in it. It was erotic and even romantic how Christian carefully entered Isaac. It was so hot to see him start in-and-out movements. It was more than exciting to see him increase speed and hear Isaac begging for more. Christian thrusted deeper and harder and Isaac was immensely enjoying it if we could believe the expression on his face. When Christian, with a final deep and hard thrust into Isaac, came, Jason and I had a spontaneous climax, without even touching each other. We had never witnessed anything like that before. It was beautiful and I sincerely hoped Christian was horny enough to make love to Jason and afterwards with me. Jason was my true love and I had seen Isaac making love to him, but now I wanted to see Christian doing it. It was still early in the day and if my intuition was right, we would have more of the same before Christian left. We didn't agree on any specific program for the day, but Christian made love to Jason and me and our throuple made love to him. Around seven in the afternoon we were clearly spent. It had been a wonderful afternoon, but we still had to talk about this.

As a throuple, we were committed to each other and agreed from the beginning that we wouldn't cheat on each other. The question of course was to know if we could speak about cheating when we were all three present and accepted what happened. We talked it over while Christian was present. We didn't feel it would be correct to talk about such an important matter if he wasn't there. He had been part of it after all. There was one thing we, as a throuple, silently agreed and that was that Christian almost naturally belonged with us. We were not at the point to create a four-men-relationship. It was Christian that helped us out with that dilemma.

-Guys... I have enjoyed this afternoon as I have never enjoyed before. I love all three of you and I hope we can do this again, but most of all, become very good and close friends. I couldn't fall in love with all three of you at the same time because I am a man of one man. I do apologize for intruding in your relationship like I did today, but damned... you are all three so attractive and gorgeous. It was too much for me to resist. Even while I was sobbing this morning, I had a hard-on and that tells you approximatively what I think about you. I had my share of sex as you can imagine, being at the roots of the equality rights here on this island. What I want you to know is that today I had not sex. In my humble opinion it was lovemaking in its purest form. I don't know how to thank you.

-First of all, you don't have to thank us at all, Jason said. What happened today was not something that was planned. We just followed the flow and we are happy it was with you. Apart from being a gorgeous man, you have a good education, you are polite, very friendly and great to have around. You will always be welcome in this house.

-I would like to add something, said Isaac. You are absolutely right when you said that it was not sex but lovemaking. We know that as we only make love. Sex for sex in not our thing at all. We have to feel a serious and deep connection and that is something that up till today, we only had together. Today, you joined in so naturally and we don't regret a thing about it. It was marvelous and if the circumstances are right, there are possibilities that it happens again, at least if all four of us agree to it.

-Christian, I said, I agree wholeheartedly with what my lovers said. We also appreciate your honesty about your preference to have one man that you can call your own and we wish from the bottom of our hearts that you find him. About what happened this afternoon, please be discreet about it. First of all because the majority of people would not understand it. Secondly because jealous and envious people would try to destroy the happiness we have or the happiness you have when you are with us. Those people do a lot of harm and it hurts. When you think you have found your man, talk about us just as friends and nothing more. Only when you are a hundred percent sure about him, you can tell him. But don't be surprised about the possible reactions that maybe you won't expect.

Without being really conscious about it, we sealed a bond that afternoon with Christian, He would prove in the future that he was a real Friend with capital F. With time we would realize we would do anything for him as well. In the gay-world of this island, we were often seen together and soon received the nickname of `The Four Musketeers'. We were flattered by that nickname.


It had been an interesting Sunday to say the least. I was convinced that our throuple came out of that day even stronger than before, although we had crossed a line we said we would not. Nonetheless, we had not made a mistake. Christian became a trustworthy friend and never betrayed us. We honored the friendship we had. When he left that evening around 9pm, as he had early morning clients, the three of us sat down and talked it all over again. We were in perfect symbiosis as ever. I admitted to my lovers that I wouldn't have had a problem falling for Christian.

-Including us? Isaac asked.

-Yes, indeed ! What we learned in our relationship is that we have big hearts that contain enough love for more than one person, isn't it? We are not selfish and never were. Would it be so difficult to admit we could love a person more? I don't think so. Christian has made it clear that it is not what he is looking for and we appreciate his honesty. Nonetheless, the feelings that were flowing from one person to the other this afternoon cannot be denied. I felt it and I saw it on both your faces. There was magic in the air. What I sincerely hope is that Christian finds his Mr. Right. He deserves a man at his side to love and respect reciprocally. I suspect that he is very lonely. He runs his private taxi business... alone. He runs the fight for equal rights... alone. He lives ... alone. Isaac, you must be able to relate to that, you have known this for twelve long years...

-I do agree with you Jason. Our hearts are indeed big enough to love more than one person and Christian surely would have been the perfect candidate.

-You know, Jack interrupted, he makes me think of Sam, our Karaoke friend. Do you also see a certain resemblance? He is also alone most of his time, living and working alone... even singing alone. It's a pity they are so far away from each other. I think they could be a good match.

I didn't see Jack as a love intermediary, but in a certain way he was right. Christian and Sam were very similar. The question was to know if they were complementary as well. We knew Sam, but not really that much. We couldn't say we knew him as a close friend. He had the same qualities Christian had such as a good education and politeness, he was very friendly and was a great guy to have around. Physically they were rather opposites. Christian had longish blond hair where Sam's hair was military cut and jet-black. Christian was as smooth as a baby where Sam had to be hairy, judging by the hair coming out of the collar of his shirt. Christian was muscular and Sam far from being fat, had probably a few kilos too much. If you took a general picture they looked well together although so different.

It took us about a whole two weeks to finish our urgent to-do list. In between official papers and that kind of things, we also went to discover the island further than our house and the town. It was beautiful to see pure nature in its wildest state. There was a luxuriant and opulent vegetation. There was even a waterfall, forming a little lake and a river going towards the coast. The very few houses we saw in the countryside were of a rustic architecture and full of charm. The people from the city were so kind, gentle and helpful as well as with a great sense of hospitality. In a village of no more than ten houses, there was a little café (only four tables inside and two tables outside) where were welcomed as if we were friends since birth. Each day we were more and more convinced we had made the perfect choice. The last thing we had to do was looking carefully at the list of Oliver about the available businesses.

We discarded immediately the companies with a lot of personnel. Ideally we wanted to find something Jack and I could do on our own, or with maximum one or two extra helps. That reduced the list of possibilities. At the end we were left with three options. The first was a restaurant in the harbor, focused almost exclusively on the clients of the cruise ships. Their specialty was fresh fish caught by the local fishermen. We just wondered why it was for sale. It looked like they were quite busy about five days per week, what left them two free days... a kind of week-end. The second one was an appliance store. Not really too complicated if you asked me. The third one as a small rural hotel, more a bed-and-breakfast if you ask me. The actual owners had refurbished everything. We guessed that their financial reserve was gone in that refurbishment and that they didn't have enough anymore to run it properly. None of the three were really what we were looking for and there were too much uncertainties. At the end, we thought we would have to create something new and not take over a business.

That same week, we had Christian over for dinner (it looked like Christian didn't like to cook that much). We mentioned Oliver's list and to what conclusion we had come.

-I would maybe have a suggestion for you, if you want.

We didn't expect that. We asked him to explain his suggestion.

-My business is running well, too well I would even say. At the point that I have to struggle to satisfy my clients. My accountant advised me to buy a supplementary car to be sure that I don't give everything to the taxman.

I had to smile with that as I had encountered the same advise while having the Apple store.

-I don't mind to buy a car more, but I don't have a good driver for it. I would even buy two cars if I had the drivers. I receive so many requests and for the moment I am refusing new customers. Most of the requests come from one of the luxury cruise ships, for their VIP clients that want to discover a bit more of the island, but don't want to do with the available buses. Those VIP's want private transport. If I do an island tour with VIP people, I can't satisfy my other clients. Of course, I don't know what you are looking for...

Isaac was going on with his clients and was not up for doing anything else. Jack and I were first looking for an own business, but Christian's idea was appealing. We still had to know more about the business and what he was expecting.

-Let's say that I have four distinct categories of clients. First of all I have the cruise VIP clients. That's where the biggest part of the earnings are. I know exactly at what time they arrive and go. The island tour is determined and there are no surprises. Then I have my business clients. Those are good earnings but have the inconvenience that I have to be there within half an hour of their call. As they seldom know themselves when they will need my services. You miss one service and they forget about you. They are, for the moment, my absolute priority. Then I have my faithful airport customers as I call them. Fortunately, they warn me a few days before their flight and it is easier to organize. And the last category are the last-minute clients who call me maybe once or twice a year. They normally call me when they don't have any other option. What I would like is to keep my business clients and have at least one car in the harbor at each arrival of a cruise ship. A third car would be ideal for the faithful customers and the last-minute ones combined. My actual car is running on its end with over 400.000 km on the counter. I think that I could reach a very good deal if I contact my friend at the BMW dealership if I tell him I buy three 5 series limousine. If on top of that I can have you as drivers, the success of the business is guaranteed. I know the customers will be treated as they deserve...

There was a sudden silence around the table. Jack and I looked at each other. It was tempting.

-Listen guys... I don't know anything about your financial situation and it is none of my business. What I can tell you is that the job is 5 days a week. There are no cruise ships during the week-ends and the business part is rarely active during Saturdays and Sundays. The only thing left are the last-minute ones, and I can take care of that. You would have your week-ends for yourselves. The salary is a bit above the average here. It is not a lot, but it is fair for what you have to do. You would not be responsible for cleaning or servicing the car you use. I have a company that does that for me. The only thing I am very strict on is the punctuality. I can't admit that a client has to wait. He pays and deserves a top quality service. It could happen, although very rarely, that I need you for an extra service on a week-end ...but that is maybe once or twice a year. And if you receive tips, they are a hundred percent for you.

-When do you want our answer? Jack asked.

-As soon as possible I would say. If both of you accept the job, I have to go to the BMW dealer and make a deal. Then I have to go to the bank and hope they give a loan for the third car. I can afford two of them but not three although it would be paid in less than a year if I don't have to refuse clients anymore. But my company is still young and I don't know if they will be ready to give me the loan for the third car.

-If they refuse, Isaac said, come to me and I will give you the necessary for you to go on. I would even say more. If you don't have the funds to buy the third car, I would suggest you use my BMW 7 for your VIP clients. I rent it to you only when you use it. You say if you buy three cars, the third one would be paid in one year use. Let's say I rent you my 7 till you have the money to buy the third car. I am sure your VIP clients will appreciate the luxury of the 7. Maybe you can even raise your price a little. When Jason or Jack are driving the 7 for work, I still have the 5 and the 4 to drive if necessary.

Christian was overwhelmed with Isaac's proposition. It would indeed make it all easier. No need to feed a bank with interest on money if he could avoid it. He knew what kind of money was coming in and what kind of money COULD come in if he didn't have to refuse clients. Once he was gone, we talked it all over again and again. As I said before, the idea was appealing. Jack agreed with me. Isaac was furiously torturing his keyboard on his MacBook. He had done a basic research on Christian, as he does with all the people he comes in contact with. Now he was investigating a bit deeper and after a good twenty minutes he had a bright smile ton his face.

-Christian's business is very healthy. If you two want to do it, I think you won't have any problem. He is a good business man and I am sure IF he asked for a loan at the bank, they would give to him, but my idea is better. We don't use the 7 that much. When I bought it, it was almost more a caprice than a need. Didn't I say when I left the agency that I wanted to help people. This is a good idea of helping I think. Christian deserves it.

Jack and I didn't doubt one second that Isaac would rent out the 7 for a much lower price than normal so that Christian could save money to buy his own. We debated till bedtime about what to do. In case of doubt, I always used a blanc paper, dividing it vertically in two and filled each column with at one side the pro's and on the other side the contra's. When we were finished, there were only tow things in the contra-side. First was that it wouldn't be a 9 to 5 job. The second thing was that for the first time since being together (or almost) we wouldn't be together 24/7. The idea alone felt weird. I thought the night would bring some wisdom in our heads. We used the automation to switch off light and closing doors and went to bath- and bedroom. Isaac initiated some physical activity and Jack and I were not going to refuse it. It was the perfect way to tire ourselves and sleep well.

In the morning, at the breakfast table, we decided to accept Christian's jobs, but would put the condition that he used the 7 as to avoid him to ask for a loan at the bank. He was overjoyed. He said he would drop by at the house around midday. Jack and I used the morning to go shopping. Even with a full pantry, the fridge had to be restocked with fresh things. During the day, we left the iron gate open. Any car, or even pedestrian, that entered the property was detected by the automation and we were always warned. A little before twelve we heard the signal and went to open the door for Christian. He must have had a good deal with his friend working at BMW as that was the car he was driving. He had not lost a minute. He also had a bottle of bubbles with him as he said we had to celebrate.

We discussed the last details about work, conditions, schedules and so on. Isaac went for flutes and Christian opened the bottle of bubbles. We toasted on the new collaboration. About half an hour later, Christian asked which of his drivers would accompany him to the BMW dealer the fetch the second car.

-We can't Christian, we had alcohol.

-Very responsible of you Jason, but that bottle is Champagne without alcohol, used at kids parties. Do you really think I would drive under influence? When we work, I have zero tolerance concerning alcohol. I apply that to myself and expect the same from you two. So, who is going with me to retrieve the second car?

Jack volunteered and they immediately left the house. Isaac looked quizzically at me and I wondered what he was thinking.

-Are you happy with your new job?

-Yes, Isaac, I am happy. You know I couldn't sit down here all day long doing nothing. I have to be active in any way possible. It will be weird at the start as Jack and I have been together 24/7 for the last years. We did everything together: working, shopping, sleeping... From tomorrow on, we will be separated most of the time. But it will be the same with you. I don't know if we will have the time between two services to come home and have lunch. Christian made it quite clear that he won't refuse any service from now on. As tomorrow morning he has no services planned, he will take us to the harbor and the airport to have passes for us and for the cars, so that we can pick-up and drop-off the clients as close as possible. After that, the serious business begins.

-I am glad you are looking forward to it. Did Christian mention any dress code for you and Jack?

-Yes, he did. Navy blue formal trousers, crispy white shirts and any tie to our liking. I think we have that, don't we? You know better what we have in the wardrobe than I.

-You both have one formal navy blue trousers and I guess two white shirts. I'll go and buy some more. You can't work five days with the same clothes on. I'll check on the trousers and iron the shirts. Christian's drivers have to receive a perfect fame and reputation.

And with that he disappeared to the dressing. Isaac took so good care of everything and he repeated a thousand times that he loved it. That it was in the penthouse or here, never, and I say NEVER had we said: "we're missing this or that". Never! He had such a visual memory that one look in the pantry was enough for him to know what he had to buy at the supermarket. He could probably say exactly how many bottles of Champagne were left or how many sodas. He came back from the dressing and announced we only had a total of three white shirts.

-We'd better go and buy more, so that I can wash and iron them. I also noticed you don't have proper ties. Come on, let's go... we'll leave a note on the kitchen-counter for Jack when he comes back.

Isaac insisted we took the 7 and that I should drive. He said I had to get used to it. It was true that the 7 is quite a big car. As soon as we were on the road I realized I had, indeed, to get used to the dimensions of the car. It was longer than what I was used to and wider as well. He insisted to park on the street and not in a parking lot. Handling such a car with traffic around us, was a challenge, but I managed to park just in front of the clothes shop. I tried on one trouser and one shirt as Jack and I were wearing the same size. When we told the salesman we needed ten trousers and ten shirts he opened his eyes really wide. He had to check in his stock if he had that many of each. While he was checking his stock, Isaac and I went through the rack of ties, chosing a nice variety of them in different colors, but all discreet. We also looked at black loafers that were comfortable to have at your feet a whole day.

The salesman came back with everything we had asked for. That was good news. We paid and the salesman even helped us carrying all the bags to the car. While we were in town anyway, I drove the 7 to the harbor. I remembered when we got off the cruise ship, that the surrounding streets we quite narrow and that the parking space was reduced. I wanted to see how I managed the 7 going to the harbor and coming from it, as well as maneuvering on the parking lot. Driving from the harbor towards the main road, I heard Isaac received a message. He read it and started laughing out loud. When he read the message out loud, I understood.

"You left the house. You closed the gate. My remote control to open it is in MY car. Where are you?"

Poor Jack! Isaac messaged him back.

"You can use your iPhone to open the gate!!! We're on our way. Will be there in 10"

It was so funny, as it was Jack who had studied all the automation and alarm. Now he didn't even remember what he had taught us. I parked the car carefully in the garage. Isaac said I had pass my test with flying colors. We found Jack on the terrace with that sheepish look on his face. He had indeed forgotten he could use his iPhone. He handed me a paper with all the details of clients I had to pick-up at the harbor tomorrow and go on an island tour.

-Christian will send you the complete road-to-follow and stops to your phone. You will just have to connect it to the system of the 7 and follow the instructions. You will have to be at the harbor at 9 sharp and you should be back around 4pm. He will also send you a pdf file with the most interesting information about the island that you can tell your clients.

Yes, there we go!


While I was washing the shirts, Jason and Jack went to the garage and looked how to connect Jason's iPhone to the 7. It was fairly easy with the Bluetooth system. I could understand Jason when he said it would be weird to be separated from Jack. Even I was concerned about the two of them being away from the house the whole day. I wouldn't be bored as Lucas' requests for information still came at a steady flow. What I really liked was to take care of my two lovers. I loved to be the housekeeper. I discovered a passion for gardening and could spend hours taking care of plants and flowers. I even started to study botanics by Internet. I found it fascinating.

I also kept a close look on the few investments I had done. Even after buying the penthouse and the house on the island, plus the three cars, it looked like my account had not even diminished a cent, but there was one thing that stroke me harder than that: I didn't need all that money to be happy. I had accumulated a small fortune while working at the agency and living really low-key. All that money was sleeping in the bank. My only concern was to see that in the eventuality that something happened to me, that my lovers at least wouldn't have any financial problem. It might be a good idea to fly over to the Cayman Islands, with copies of their passports and the power of attorney I still kept in the safe, and divide at least one of my accounts into three. Jason and Jack didn't have to know that yet and I would just slightly feel the difference. I also wanted to leave a kind of will in case something happened to me.

Doing all that without waking their suspicion was not really that hard, but I had to be at the Cayman Island's bank in person. That was not something I could do in one or two days. I would need more time than that. I looked at available flights. If I left on a Monday I could be back on the Friday. That looked ok for me, but I would miss my lovers. I booked my flights as well as the hotel I always had in the past. It would also be the perfect timing to renew my passport. That night I gave the news to Jason and Jack that I had to leave for 5 days to go to the Cayman Islands, pretending there were new regulations and that the bank didn't agree on receiving my acceptance for those just by e-mail. They just looked devastated that I would be gone five full days, but understood the need of my presence over there, certainly to renew my passport.

That same night, they clung to me as if I was never going to come back. For once, I was laying in between of them and both kissed each side of my face, ending in a three-way kiss. I had to constantly reassure them it was only five days and I had to promise and swear to come back.

-And where do you imagine I could go instead of coming back to you two? I love it here and most of all I love you. There isn't a place on this earth I'd rather be than here. You are both part of my life... No, let me rephrase that... you ARE my life.

We made tender love that night, soft, romantic and taking our time. That kind of lovemaking was what I liked most because the feelings we shared were so present. In these occasions it had no importance if we reached orgasm or not (we did!), it was the physical expression of our inner feelings that was the climax. I could feel Jason and Jack felt the same and we commented it more than once. I had sacrificed twelve years of my life to total celibacy, but God... it had been worth it.

On Monday morning, Jack dropped me off at the airport as he had to pick-up clients anyway. I made my way through customs and security control. The plane was not fully booked and the boarding went smooth and easy. I had reserved my place in business class as it gave me more leg space. At first I was alone in my row of seats, but didn't have the luck it stayed so as a man approached the row and stowed his luggage in the overhead bins. It was only when he sat down that I had a closer look at him. He was absolutely gorgeous. I was not the kind of guy that judged a book by its cover, but this was worth an exception. He exuded maleness and virility, perfectly proportioned with a really handsome face. He was not only smiling with his lips, but also with his eyes. He was slightly tanned and showed a perfect set of snow white teeth when opening his mouth. He was fashionably dressed with a modern suit, wearing a discreet but expensive watch at his wrist. I would say he was a successful business man or a world class model. Whatever it was, he attracted the eyes of everybody in business class and I would have him as a travel companion, sitting next to me. It was hard for me to concentrate on the magazine I had in my hands and not to look sideways and watch him or rather observe him. As it is usual in business class, the cabin crew came around with flutes of Champagne. We each took a glass and before bringing it to his mouth, he turned to me and expecting me to toast with him. I did.

-To a nice and eventful flight, he said.

Eventful? What on earth did he mean by that? Nobody wishes an eventful flight, except maybe the members of the mile-high club. I was not a member of that club although I had taken many flights in my life. After take-off, he stood up, took off his jacket that he neatly folded and laid it on the back of the seat in front of him where no one was seated. He loosened his tie and opened the first button of his perfectly ironed shirt, letting me see a few hairs appear. As we had toasted in the first place, he thought we were life-long friends and started to talk to me non-stop. I didn't remember half of what he said as I was too much concentrated on his beautiful face. He casually mentioned he was flying to be with his future husband. Who on earth comes out like that to a perfect stranger? He did! I looked at him with renewed interest. No, I was not interested in having something with him although I had to admit it had crossed my mind. At one point my eyelids became heavy as I had had to get up early that morning. My neighbor noticed of course and excused himself for babbling so much. After that he kept silent and I took a nap.

While in semi-consciousness I thought I was dreaming that my neighbor was caressing my thigh and that his hand was coming much closer to my crotch. It felt good and even better when he squeezed my cock through the fabric of my trousers, till ... I opened my eyes and saw that I was not dreaming at all. He was indeed caressing me and squeezing my cock that was already expanding to a full hard-on. I didn't want to make a scandal on the plane and took his hand and put it back on his leg. But Mr. Neighbor didn't take no for an answer and was soon kneading my hard-on again with insistence.

-Come on, he said, the business class is almost empty and the cabin crew is busy with other things. Let's have some fun.

-I am sorry, I answered, I am in a committed relationship and you are flying to be rejoined with your future husband. I don't think it is the appropriate thing to do.

What I had to say or object was apparently not his major concern. His expert hand had already zipped my trousers open and he was fumbling to get my cock out. I couldn't believe it. Before I even knew it, my cock was in the open for anybody who passed by to see. Once he had engulfed my cock in his mouth at the speed of light, it was extremely difficult to make him stop as he was half bend over me. To say he was an expert cock-sucker would not be enough. What that man did with his lips and tongue was close to indescribable. I felt my balls retract in my nether regions and my semen boiling in them... Such an expert mouth would make me come in no time, and that was exactly what happened. I shot load after load in his mouth and he let my cock go once it was deflating and thoroughly cleaned by him. He was a considered man as He took charge of rearranging it back in my trousers and zip them up.

I didn't know what to think but my first thought went to my lovers at home. I almost felt dirty and wanted to shower urgently. That was impossible on the plane. I would do it when I was in my hotel room. Once landed and before getting off the plane, he slipped a card in my shirt pocket.

-Call me! I really enjoyed it and wouldn't mind to do more things with you.

That guy didn't know any shame. He was openly and knowingly cheating on his future husband and kept smiling widely. Once again, to avoid a scandal, I didn't say anything. His external beauty suddenly faded to nothing, just by his attitude. He didn't know what respect was as I had told him I was in a committed relationship. He had no respect because he couldn't take no as an answer. He had no respect by slipping his card in my pocket, obviously expecting me to call him for more. Out of the airport building, I took a taxi to my hotel, trying to put that guy out of my mind. Arriving at the hotel I was horrified to see him at the entrance, kissing a clearly younger man. When I passed by (I couldn't avoid it), he opened his eyes, still kissing his husband to be, and winked at me. I just stopped in my tracks, took out the card of my shirt pocket and teared it to pieces. Only then I entered the hotel lobby and checked-in at the reception.

Luck was really not at my side as I saw Mr. Neighbor standing next to me as the receptionist handed me my key, mentioning out loud the number of my room. I went to the bar for a stiff drink, waiting that the couple would leave the reception area. Once they were gone, I returned to the reception, asking for a change of room and indicating the receptionist that he had to be more discreet in the future as he never knew who was standing in front of him. His superior was standing behind him and apologized profusely towards me. The problem was that the hotel was full booked and that they couldn't give me another room. I should learn to not pay things it advance. It was a stupid waste of money to loose my reservation. I thought that anyway, Mr. Neighbor was with his husband and that I didn't have to worry about him anymore.

I went up to my room and first of all took a long shower, paying extra attention to my cock. I stupidly thought I could rub the unfortunate event away. Once dried and with a towel around my waist, I called my lovers to tell them I had arrived sane and safe. Just a fraction of a second I doubted about telling them what happened, but we had always been honest with each other and so I told them the whole story. They were astounded to hear that there are people who are so shameless and forward. We kissed goodnight over the phone and I went out to find something to eat. I remembered a few excellent restaurants from previous visits. The good food and an excellent wine made me forget the events of the day. Before turning in for the night, I made a long walk along the beachside. I loved this promenade.

As soon as I hit the pillow I knew why I fancied this hotel. They had the best mattresses and the softest bedlinen available. On their website they seemed to be very proud of their sheets that were Egyptian cotton. I slept like an angel.

First thing in the morning I went down to have my breakfast. They had always a tremendous buffet with so much choice that I didn't know what to taste first. I was just seated when Mr. Neighbor and his husband came into the restaurant. If you looked at them exclusively from a physical point of view, they were a perfect match. A lot of pairs of eyes were following them, being it from men as well as from women. I guessed most of the people were convinced they were a couple of stars from movies or something like that, although they couldn't remember where they had seen them. Once again, Mr. Neighbor winked at me when his husband couldn't see it. My appetite was gone. I left an almost full plate on the table, finished my coffee and exited the restaurant and the hotel. I had thought to take a taxi to my appointment with my friend at the bank, but as I had left early, I took the time to walk. There is something about the Caribbean air that I loved. With every breath I took, I felt better.

At the bank it was all business with my friend Joe. I told him what I wanted and presented the copies of the passports of Jason and Jack, together with the power of attorney. He said that there was no problem, that all the papers would be ready for me to sign in a short while. It was also Joe who, a few years back, had done the necessary for my passport. I asked him discreetly for a renewal of my passport and he smiled at me, recalling all we already had gone through over the years. For the passport he said it would take two days. I reassured him two days was not a problem as my return flight was on Friday. He opened a drawer of his desk and took out a digital camera to have the perfect picture for the passport. On a blank piece of paper he asked to apply my dumb for the needed fingerprint. He put everything in an envelope together with my actual passport and called a courier by phone to deliver the envelope where it had to be. Then he called his contact announcing the imminent arrival of the envelope. Once it was al done, Joe invited me for lunch.

We were just seated and enjoying our drinks before ordering, when Mr. Neighbor and his husband showed up. I told Joe what had happened, as Joe knew everything about me.

-Jeez Isaac... You are just the one I would contact in such an event. You are the best placed man to collect all the information about that guy. You know everybody has something to hide or a bad moment in his past. Go fishing for it and let him know you know. I am sure that after that he will leave you alone.

-Joe, I don't have my computer with me.

-Use mine whenever you want to. I have a tremendous new app to go nosing around in bank files and origin of money. Could be interesting.

Our food arrived and I was determined to enjoy it and not let Mr. Neighbor ruin my meal like he had done with my breakfast. Fortunately we had more to talk about than the rude guy sitting two tables away from us. When the future husband got up, probably to go to the toilet, I wondered if Mr. Neighbor would be as rude to come over to our table. He didn't, but winked several times. Joe had seen it and in a certain way I was glad he did. Most people would not believe me if I told such a story.

After coffee and liquor, we returned to the bank. All the papers about the transactions I had asked, were ready. I signed what seemed a hundred papers, but it was much less in reality. We also had a quick look at my investments and there was no reason to change anything. Joe stood up and indicated me to sit down at his desk and use his computer. As always in such cases, I typed furiously on his keyboard at the speed of light. I discovered Mr. Neighbor's real name: Tony Macharis, but with a passport that had another name on it: Jimmy Chamaris. Hmm, an anagram... not very subtile and far too easy to detect. He was indeed a world known model for fashion. It didn't surprise me. His stage name was even different as his real name and the passport one: Jules Decaux. There were a few fraudulent transactions in his accounts and I read them twice as to not forget them. Two car thefts in his teen-age years and one serious lawsuit for sexual abuse on a minor. I had what I needed to stop him if he tried anything again.

Every night I called my lovers, telling them the evolutions of what I was doing and what I was waiting for. They told me their days and job events. I was happy to hear that both were talking about their work with enthusiasm. It was obvious they liked it. I was stunned when they told me that both 5 cars and my 7 were due for there first maintenance. Christian had insisted to be in charge of the maintenance of the 7 as well, as that car was driving for him.

On Thursday I went to see Joe and to collect my new passport. I paid him what I knew it was worth. We had a last meal together and he hoped I would return to the Cayman Islands a bit more often. I went back to the hotel and after my call with my lovers, I took a long hot shower before slipping naked between the sheets. I was dozing off when someone knocked at my door. I got out of bed, wrapped a towel around my waist and opened the door.

-Well, Mister Decaux...

He smiled saying that I was indeed interested in him as I had made the effort to find out hid name.

-Or maybe I should call you mister Chamaris ... (his smile faded)... or even Mister Macharis.

His smile had disappeared completely from his beautiful face. I knew I had all the necessary assets to make him go down and under.

-Apart from cheating on your future husband, you are not really hundred percent clean Mr. Macharis. Some serious youth mistakes are pursuing you and will even more if you don't learn to respect people, your husband being the first one you should respect and honor as the marriage vows say. It would probably not be nice that due to a lack of respect, your husband would know about the lawsuit you had on abusing a minor.

-Who are you? He asked. How did you get all that information?

-That is for me to know and for you to guess. First of all, don't count too much on the fact that you are gorgeous. Our heart and our body are given to us just once. Before you know it, your heart can be worn out and as for your body, there comes a time nobody will even notice it. Learn to respect, first of all yourself and then the people surrounding you, even strangers like me.

Mr. Macharis turned on his heels and left. Joe had been right. A few well placed comments could make the fiercest man run away. I closed my door and slipped naked under the sheets with a peaceful mind, thinking about my lovers that I would see the next day.

All comments welcome at Your comments are my motivation to go on writing.

Next: Chapter 11

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