New Computer

By Alain Mahy

Published on Feb 20, 2020


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Jack was not at his best. After a devoted ten years, he lost his job. He couldn't understand it. He had put in more hours than required. He was a perfectionist and there wasn't a single thing his boss could throw at him. In those ten years he had been the faithful right hand of his boss, even covering for his boss when he was late, forgetting an appointment or just didn't want to take a call. Jack had been the perfect buffer and assistant any boss would want and like. Ok, the business was slowing down, but was that a reason enough to just fire him? Were ten years of loyal service not worth anything? When Jack gathered his things and left the office for the last time, a mix of anger and sadness was playing in his head. His boss had made him so many promises and now everything was reduced to nothing.

When Jack reached his condo, he just put down the box he had brought from the office, plopped down in his easy chair and stared into infinity. What was he going to do? The last check his boss had given him was of a nice amount and he could easily afford a few months without a job. He looked around in his place and was actually proud of what he had achieved. The place was nice and tidy, well decorated and he had everything he needed. Maybe a few items were about to be renewed, but all in all he was pleased with his surroundings. He switched on his computer and was once again irritated with its slowness. On a total impulse he decided to go for a new one. He could afford it. He had the perfect Internet connection that worked fine as long as his computer could follow the flow. He looked at his watch and saw he had more than time enough to go to the computer shop and see what was on offer. Somewhere, deep in his head and in his mind, he longed to have an iMac. He knew they were a little more expensive and that he would have to switch to a different way of working, but he was decided and went for it.

The Apple store was in the center of town and he found it easily enough. He went in and looked at what was available. He studied the different options and was amazed at how "antique" his current computer looked when seeing the specifications of the iMacs. Even the basic computer here was offering so much more than what he had. One of the things he particularly liked was the fact that there were not a hundred cables to connect. Just the power socket was needed. All the rest was integrated or by Wi-Fi. That would solve the problem of all those cables at the back of his computer at home. He could finally put a printer somewhere hidden as there were quite some models offering the Wi-Fi connection. He just loved the idea of a clean and tidy desk. Even the keyboard and the mouse were wireless. Even though he was convinced before entering the shop, seeing all the advantages made him decide even faster. The only doubt he had, was if he would go for the iMac or the MacBook. It was only the size of the screen that made him decide for the iMac.

He looked around for a salesman and was surprised to see a nice looking man standing just next to him.

  • Can I help you sir?

The brightest smile and a perfect set of white teeth were startling Jack. He took a step backwards so he could appreciate the view even better. No, he was not cruising, but the sight of nice man always caught his attention. The guy in front of him was the same height as he was and with apparently a quite muscular built. Dark skin accentuated his white smile and that smile was noticeable in the guy's eyes. That made him seem even more genuine. There was absolutely no way that that guy had any fat on him and Jack could see the tight navy blue trousers hugging a well-pronounced bubble butt under a narrow waist. The light blue button down shirt was not overly tight but nonetheless showed a chest and abdomen that seemed nicely formed. Jack was in a trance and the salesman, who's name-tag said he was called Jason, had to repeat his question.

  • Sir? Can I help you at all?

Jack stammered a "yes" and pointed to the iMac he was standing next to. He soon found his speech again and explained what he currently had and the problems he was faced with it. Jason listened intently, a quality Jack appreciated even more. Jason asked a few question concerning the needs Jack had with a computer and finally could give his best advice.

  • I think the basic iMac would be more than sufficient for you. You would have more than five times the memory you have for the moment and we won't even mention the processor and its speed. The only problem I see is the lack of Microsoft Excel that you seem to use quite a lot, but we have the necessary software to install on your Mac.

  • Is it true that I will need quite some time to adapt from Windows to the Mac software, Jack asked.

  • It all depends how used you are to Windows and how quickly your brain will adapt to some minor changes that you have to get used to. Seeing you are really used to work with a computer, I don't think you'll have a lot of problems adapting. Nonetheless, we have a helpline you can call 24/7 and that will give you the necessary instructions if you are stuck.

Jack ended up buying the iMac, the Microsoft Office software as well as the Photoshop one. He was really surprised at the reduced size of the box he received, but realized everything was included. The box of the wireless printer was almost bigger than the one of the computer! Jason was helpful to the point that he helped Jack carrying the boxes to his car. When they shook hands, an electric sparkle went from one to the other. Both men looked at their hands at the same time and then looked in each other's eyes. They immediately understood.

  • Listen, Jason said, if the helpline is getting too busy and the waiting time to speak to someone too long, you can always call me and I'll help you as much as I can.

With that, Jason handed Jack a business card and wrote a number on the back.

  • This is my private number.

Jack was stunned and wondered if Jason did that with all his customers but was pleased that he had done it. He had no idea if he would ever need that number, but he was already searching for excuses to use it in the future. He sure felt attracted enough to Jason to want to see him again. The electric spark and the look in each other's eyes just after that, made him think that maybe they were on the same wavelength. Jack wouldn't mind if they were.

There was nothing more to say, at least for the moment, and Jack got in his car and drove off. In the rearview mirror he could see Jason still standing there and timidly waving goodbye. Jack knew then and there that he had to find the perfect excuse to call Jason, but at the same time he realized Jason had his number as well as he had given it to him to register him as a client of the shop. Jack smiled and wondered if Jason would use his number in the near future.

Once home, Jack first of all transferred all his documents onto his external hard drive. He then formatted his old computer and reinstalled Windows with the original disk he still had. That way, the computer was empty of all personal data and if anybody wanted to buy it, he could sell it without a problem. Once that was done, he disconnected all the cables, took away the screen and the tower as well as the keyboard and the mouse. He found a large box and stored everything in it, even his old printer. In one of the cupboards, he made some space for the new printer and even had to make a hole in the back to pass the power cable. Once that was done, he opened the box of his iMac and pulled it out. His desk suddenly seemed so empty! He took out the keyboard and the mouse and connected the computer to the power socket in the wall. He found the "Quick Installation Guide" and read it through. My God! This was all so easy that Jack almost couldn't believe it. He switched on the computer that came alive instantly. It detected the keyboard and mouse without Jack doing anything or giving instructions. He then activated the Airport device and the system immediately detected the router. He introduced the password and his Internet connection was made! Just like that! Jack was amazed. When he had to install everything on his old computer, it had taken him almost a whole day and now it was done in less than five minutes.

  • Shit, he thought, if everything goes that easy, I won't have any excuse to call Jason!

Even the settings to reach his e-mail account were done in no time at all. He even installed the Microsoft Office software and the Photoshop without having the slightest problem. Once all that was done he transferred his documents form the external hard-drive to the computer memory and looking at his watch he saw that he was only one hour at it and it was the transfer of the documents that was taking the longest and biggest part of it. He just wondered why he hadn't done this purchase before, but the answer was quite obvious: he had no means to do it earlier.

Jack went through his documents and they all opened perfectly and at an amazing speed. He couldn't be happier with this new machine! He was thinking about it to call Jason and thanking him for all the good advise and making him buy it when he cell phone rang. The caller's ID just showed a number and not a name, but Jack recognized it: it was Jason calling.

  • Hi Jack, this is Jason from the Apple Store. I just wondered if everything is going all right with the new Mac.

  • Hi Jason, I was about to call you to thank you for all your good advice and yes... this computer is marvelous. I should have bought one months ago if not years. The Quick Installation Guide was so easy to follow and even installing the Microsoft Office and Photoshop went really smooth. I couldn't be happier to have spent that amount of money.

  • I am glad to hear that! It is my purpose to have satisfied customers.

Jack was furiously looking for a reason to keep the conversation going. He didn't want it to end and Jason's voice was doing strange things to him. Jack was unconsciously rubbing between his legs while talking to him and the results were quite obvious in the confinement of his jeans. It was almost hurting him, but it was a pleasurable pain. He couldn't help imagining it was Jason's hand caressing him. If he went on like that he would cream his jeans before the conversation was over. He had a sudden idea.

  • Jason, tell me, why is it the mouse is called "Magical"?

  • Oh that! Jason answered. There is a little tutorial about the use of the mouse and all its possibilities. If you go the system settings, a window will open and on the second row it is written "Hardware". If you let your eyes travel to the right, you'll see a little icon that says "Mouse". If you click on it, you'll see a little video that shows you why it is called "Magical".

Jack found it immediately and saw indeed the tutorial, but he played the innocent and stupid guy who couldn't find it. With Jason's explanation it was impossible not to find it, but he kept on saying he didn't. He had a difficult time not to laugh with pulling Jason's leg like that, but succeeded pretty well. It took him several minutes before Jason said what he said.

  • Listen, if you want, I can drop by to your place and show it to you.

That was exactly what Jack was expecting. He didn't want to seem too eager to say yes and played the role of the very polite and considerate guy who doesn't want to disturb. As he expected, Jason insisted it was no bother at all and that he was actually not that far away. Jack tried to act as nonchalant as possible but was smiling broadly when Jason said he would be there in less than fifteen minutes. If Jack was eager to be in Jason's presence again, it seemed a mutual feeling. Even though Jack was expecting his visitor, he jumped a little when he heard the buzzer of his front door. He forced himself not to run to the door and showing a too eager face when opening it. Jason was standing there, a bit shy and timid, but gorgeous all the same. Jack invited him in and closed the door, thinking he was in a win-win situation having this gorgeous hunk inside his condo and with the door closed. He could have jumped his bones just like that, but he was a gentleman and wouldn't do it. After all, even if the signs were quite obvious, he could have misinterpreted them and maybe, just maybe, he was wrong.

Jason looked around and complimented Jack on his good taste in decoration. Jack smiled and was flattered. As he was a good host, he offered Jason a drink and opened a bottle of chilled white wine. They toasted on the new computer. Jason, being the professional guy he was, immediately went over to the desk and showed Jack a few tricks and taught him how to get a maximum out of this new toy. Jack was just standing behind Jason who was sitting at the computer and more than once he put his hand on Jason's shoulder with the excuse to bend forward to have a better look at what Jason was doing. A few times he even discreetly squeezed Jason's shoulder. Jason didn't react but didn't try to avoid it either. As he was showing more and more things on the computer, he suggested that Jack would take a chair and sit next to him. When sitting down, their legs touched and neither of them did anything to avoid that either. Jack even felt a light pressure of Jason's leg against his. It was strange. Jack felt like some kind of energy flowing from Jason to him. He thought about all those things he had read about auras and he could easily imagine their auras touching and mixing, even becoming just one.

When showing Jack a few things more, Jason urged Jack to try it for himself, taking his arm away from the desk and let it loose at his side and "accidentally" let his hand rest on Jack's thigh. Jack couldn't help to feel the warmth of Jason's hand and had, with every passing minute, more and more difficulty to concentrate on Jason's explanations. Even though he tried to focus on the screen and follow Jason's instructions, his whole body was reacting to just the touch of Jason's hand on his leg. His heartbeat got faster and the blood stream seemed to stop in his groin. His erection got really painful. He tried to be as discreet as possible but didn't succeed when rearranging his crotch. Jason's eyes followed the actions of his hand and had obviously seen the bulge in his trousers. Jason didn't say anything. Instead of letting his hand just rest on Jack's leg, he moved ever so slightly, almost caressing Jack's strong leg hidden under the denim of his jeans.

  • How do you add a website to your favorite ones? Jack asked.

  • That's easy, Jason replied. What website do you want to see in your favorites?

Jack decided to play it clear and not hiding anything. He mentioned the website of Nifty Erotic Archive. He noticed that Jason didn't have to browse for it and typed the complete address in the address bar. The page opened immediately. Once it was on the screen Jason showed him how to add it to his favorites. It was indeed easy.

  • It is obvious you know the site well, seeing you know the web address without thinking.

  • Yes, indeed, Jason answered. I like to read those stories and fantasize about what happens to the characters. Some stories are really good and have the desired effect on me.

  • And what is the desired effect? Jack asked smiling to himself.

  • Well... Jason hesitated slightly but went on. I am a bachelor and sometimes I like to read these stories and imagine it is me living what is written. I have to admit it makes me horny and sometimes I even reach the point where I play with myself and reach a climax. I am not the one to go from one bed to another and living one-night stands. I hope to one day find my soul mate and be able to express my inner feelings in a physical way. I won't say I am perfect or not even an angel and I had my share of anonymous sex, but it is not what I long for anymore. Sex is great, but what I want to have now is a situation where I can make love and not just having sex. I prefer to be alone than to be in bad company.

There was a sudden silence. Jack was moved by Jason's words. He had expressed exactly what Jack thoughts were. Although Jack had lusted after Jason since the moment they met, even though he even had felt his body react to the mere presence of Jason, he longed and even craved the presence of a boyfriend, a lover... a soul mate. Jack had been alone far too long. He had sacrificed his personal life to his job for too many years. He came to the conclusion that losing his job was not bad after all. At least he would have a little time for himself and think about what his life was and where it was heading. He had the intuition that with Jason's help, the task would be a lot easier. Yes, he wanted to get physical with Jason, but after what Jason said what he was looking for, Jack restrained himself. They had met for the first time only six hours ago. Even if his hormones were trying to win the battle, he would take his time. It wouldn't be easy with Jason's hand on his thigh.

  • Why don't we leave this computer aside for the moment, Jack suggested. We can sit down in the sofa and enjoy our glass of wine. I don't know about you, but I really would like to get to know you better Jason. I have the feeling we have quite some common things.

Jason agreed. The late afternoon sun was giving a special glow to the place and a pleasurable warmth. They left the computer aside and sat down to talk. It was a bit awkward at the start, but soon they were caught up in sharing life experiences and common tastes. Jack wanted to put his hand on Jason's knee, but he didn't dare to. The fact Jason had mentioned that he wanted to find love before going to bed with someone was preventing Jack to show any open move that would indicate his desire. It cost him a lot to keep his hands to himself, but he managed and the after a few hours of intense conversation, Jason finally announced he had to go. Jack wouldn't have mind for Jason to stay longer, but he respected his newfound friend's decision. At the door it was clear that both men wanted to kiss, but none of them made the first move. Jack just told Jason that he was welcome to come back at any time. Jason said he would keep that in mind and before they realized it, Jason was gone and the door was closed.

They had found out quite a lot in those few hours and Jack was convinced they could at least be good friends. They both loved the "magic" of computers and surfing the Net. They both liked the music from the sixties and the seventies and had adored the disco period of that time. They were both hopelessly romantic and had had their share of joys and deceptions. Yes, they both had admitted that they were gay and even that they found each other attractive, but it hadn't gone any further than that. It was a silent agreement that they would wait till they knew each other better. The sexual urge was there, yes, but both wanted to be sure. It was common knowledge that at present time, most of the gay people would jump in each other's bed and if the sex was good, they would eventually look if there were some more connections of any type. Jack and Jason wanted to discover if there was more connection before they jumped each other's bones.

The only thing that was bothering Jack a little, was the fact that Jason seemed quite a lot younger than he was. Jack was well in his forties where Jason seemed to be in his early twenties. It was just a suspicion, but nonetheless, that was what Jack thought. Ok, yes, Jack preferred a guys who was younger than himself, but always had that nagging feeling he could not understand : why would a younger guy be attracted to an older guy? And even more where the age difference would be something like twenty years. It occurred to Jack to look if Jason had a Facebook account and with the information he got on Jason's business card, he found the account easily. Before sending an invite for friendship, he tried to browse Jason's account as much a possible and, of course, discovered his real age : 24. That confirmed his suspicion that, indeed, there was a gap of 20 years between them. That piece of information came over him like a cold shower. He had no idea how to handle that gap. Jack had to admit that the conversation they had, showed clearly that Jason was more mature than his age, but nonetheless... Jack hesitated to send Jason an invitation for friendship. Yes, indeed, the physical attraction was there and it was obviously reciprocal, but was that enough? Jack had, in the past, felt attractions that were strong, but the age difference always made it so difficult and never reached a satisfactory result. Was he ready to go that way once again? It scared him a little, but couldn't avoid to browse the pictures Jason had posted on his wall. Oh yes... some of them were really very nice and showed Jason as beautiful as Jack thought he was. A few beach pictures were showing Jason just like Jack had imagined : Speedos, sun and blue sea, soft hairy chest and legs... Definitely pictures that would make him as horny as hell.

It seemed pathetic that Jack had to get up and go to the bathroom and have a cold shower. The images of Jason were playing in his head and soon enough he had a major hard-on and was pleasing himself till his juices disappeared with the cascading water over his body. He found it pathetic to be masturbating in his shower, thinking about the gorgeous pictures he had just seen on his brand-new computer screen. Oh my... he felt like a teen-ager that had his first crush. He couldn't believe himself! The cold water and the recent release of his nuts didn't make his manhood come down. It started to feel like a desperate situation with no beginning, nor end. When he came out of his shower and looked at his computer-scree, he was not really surprised to see he had an invitation for friendship from... Jason. Even though his rational mind told him to NOT react to it, the "Magical Mouse" of his new toy accepted the friendship before he even realized it. There was no turning back anymore.


Jason had the most pleasant afternoon at his Apple Shop. Almost close to closing-time, a gorgeous man came in. Yes, he had to admit that a nice-looking man always got a little more attention than the others. This time it was a more mature man, something Jason absolutely adored! He couldn't find any attractiveness in guys his own age. That guy came in with very specific questions, having worked with Windows his whole life but without any real satisfaction. Normal! Since Jason started his Apple Shop, he didn't understand why someone would go for a cheaper version of a PC rather than to spend a little extra and have the possibility to have an iMac or a Mac Book. The operative system was much more stable and the misfortune of having any virus coming in, almost non-existent. He was so convinced of what he was selling that he didn't doubt one instant to apply and have his own franchise store. His knowledge of computers, being it hardware or software was more than impressive enough for the Apple people and after investing till his last cent, he could open his store. He was probably one of the youngest doing so, but he trusted himself enough to make this business a huge success and, little by little, he was succeeding quite well. It may seem obvious for a lot of you, but his success was due to his capacity to listen to people. In the current market, people wanted to sell, but didn't really listen to the customers and that made that most of the customers didn't get any satisfaction when buying something. That small little secret had soon be very clear to Jason and that was, of course, the key to his success.

Answering the lot of questions his customer-to-be had, Jason couldn't avoid to feel extremely attracted to the guy. He estimated him to be around forty and even if he was older, it didn't bother Jason at all. Of course, he was more than professional and wouldn't show any open interest towards his client, except the advantages of a Mac over any other PC. The closing time to the shop was long gone, but Jason took his time and showed a lot of patience, repeating answers over and over again, convincing Jack (that was the name of his customer) that a Mac was an absolute MUST in his current situation. His professional approach rewarded him with the sales of an iMac, with a few extra software. Being the polite and serviceable person he was, made him help Jack load everything in his car and to go just a little over the line of commercial purpose, giving him his card with any mean to contact him. He stood there, in front of his store, looking Jack driving away while he dreamt of doing a lot more than just being the perfect sales-man. When the car was out of sight, he entered his shop and started his procedures of closing-up de day. Jason was quite through in that aspect and tried to put Jack out of his mind while doing so, although it took him a little more time than usual. He had checked Jack's address more than once and even looked it up in Google Maps to be sure. Jack was living quite close to where Jason was living. He suspected that Jack would install his new toy right away and wondered if it would be "professional" enough to call him to see if everything was to his liking. Yes, he was very tempted to call although it was something he normally never did. A Mac was so easy to install that his services would never be needed. Arghhh ... how dis Oscar Wilde put it? "The best way to avoid temptation is to give-in to it." Parking his car just in front of his condo, the "temptation" was so strong that he couldn't avoid to dial Jack's number. Jack answered almost immediately.

  • Hi Jack, this is Jason from the Apple Store. I just wondered if everything is going all right with the new Mac.

It seemed everything was going perfectly well and Jack's question about the "Magical Mouse" suspiciously sounded like an excuse to keep the conversation going. Jason had to smile about it because the Mouse was just doing the traditional tasks, except it was a lot easier. He explained a few things over the phone, but to no avail (apparently) so he suggested to drop by at Jack's house, a suggestion that was accepted on the spot. He was invited into Jack's place and was pleasantly surprised at how cozy the place was decorated and as a good guest he complimented Jack about it. Jack, on his side, was a good host and offered a drink, toasting on the new toy. That reminded Jason why he was here and went in professional mode in no time, showing what Jack wanted to know, among other things was how to add web addresses in the favorites. The game of cat and mouse stopped almost immediately when Jason asked which web page Jack wanted. He was no going to pursue the innocent game any longer and when Jack mentioned Nifty Erotic Archive they actually both came out as being gay without pronouncing de G-word.

Suddenly the conversation went a lot easier and Jason suggested to forget the computer for a moment and just enjoy a conversation among friends. Jack didn't show anything against it. At the moment Jason said he had to go, Jack lead him to the door and they both felt like kissing, but none of them did. The spell was suddenly broken and before either of them realized it, they were both at each side of a closed door. Jason went home and switched on his computer, searching for Jack in all the social media and of course, didn't have any trouble finding him. He sent him an invitation for friendship and received an almost immediate positive reply. Jason went on to explore Jack's profile and tried to know as much about him as was possible, licking his lips while watching the published pictures. This was a dream come true. Jason was hard in no time at all despite there were no "suggestive" pictures. It was just that he had a major crush on men older than himself.

Jason had no problem whatsoever and discovering there was a 20 years gap between them, didn't bother him all, on the contrary. He had always prefer people older than his age and never felt drawn to people his own. His heart was filled with hope that Jack could be the perfect guy for him. He couldn't delete the image from his head and looked quite a lot of times at the pictures on his profile. Yes, indeed, he more than once got a hard-on just looking at them. During his visit at Jack's place, Jack had not done anything to show the slightest interest... except maybe with his piercing eyes. Jason felt Jack's looks go over his body and even into his soul. Jeez, he so wanted to get closer and put his lips on Jack's, but even if both knew they were gay, there was still the ethical part that was part of Jason's education and that told him it was something you didn't do just like that. The information both men had exchanged was to both their likings and it was clear that they did agree on the main and important values of life. Maybe, just maybe, Jason had been too strong in telling Jack that he wanted to fall in love before going any further physically and that was probably why Jack didn't intend anything. Or was it something else? Jason couldn't imagine what it could be as they didn't know each other that well yet. He kept on daydreaming about what it would be to be in Jack's arms even if they didn't exchange a word. What would it be to feel Jack's strong arms around his waist and wrapping his around Jack's neck? Would the touch of their lips be as wonderful as Jason was imagining it? But most important was the fact that if Jason was ready to fall in love with Jack and would it be reciprocal? Jason's natural insecurities were coming to the surface... again. He had been through the same situation twice and had lost both times. It was not that he mistrusted people, but being fooled more than once, he was cautious, but he wanted to believe Jack was different and not equal to the people he had known. He wanted to convince himself that Jack could be the one that would give him what he needed while he was giving everything he had in his heart. Yes, Jason was hopelessly romantic and believed in love like no other.

The following days were busy at the store, but each time someone was coming in, Jason hoped it would be Jack. He knew that Jack had no "professional" reason to come to the shop as he knew that he wouldn't have any problem with what he bought. Although they had had a nice conversation, Jason didn't find any excuse to call Jack. On top of that, Jason was not really the kind of guy to do the first step. He much preferred to be seduced and certainly by a guy like Jack. From the moment he got up till the moment he went to sleep, Jason was thinking about the next possible encounter with Jack. He had to admit that, even if nothing had happened yet, he was falling for that gorgeous man. He felt attracted to him like never before, at least that was the feeling he had. As the days went by, Jason seriously started to doubt that Jack was interested at all in him. It was not that he got depressed, but in a certain way he was a bit deceived. He had silently hoped Jack would call him and there was no doubt that, whatever Jack would have suggested, Jason would have accepted any invitation at all. He was so eager to spend time with Jack again, but no luck.

Days went by and even weeks without hearing anything from Jack. Even though Jason didn't want to, his anxiety to meet Jack faded slowly. In his mind he became convinced Jack was not interested at all and that he misinterpreted the signs. It was probably just wishful thinking. Some of Jason's friends called him to invite him to go out with them, but Jason was not in the mood. His puppy-love was dying and he wondered what he had done wrong this time. Or was it what he had NOT done? So, when a Saturday night his friends called him once more, he decided it was stupid to stay home and be bored and accepted the invitation to go to a Karaoke bar. He was not a bad singer after all and it was far too long since he had sung anything. When he arrived at the bar, most of his friends were already there and one of them was doing a real massacre of the latest song that was on the list. The Booohs and the whistles were actually what made his friend go on singing till the crowd started to sing, but a lot better of what he was doing. It was all with a lot of laughter and the evening was going well and everybody was enjoying himself. Most of his friends, knowing Jason was fairly good at singing, insisted that he would pick up a song and give them the present of his voice. He looked in the list to find something suitable. When he saw that Ed Sheeran's "Perfect" was on the list, he decided to take the risk. He had sung it various times when at home, changing the feminine words for masculine ones. "I found a girl..." became "I found a boy..." and so on. This Karaoke bar was gay-friendly so he knew he wouldn't take a big risk to be thrown out when doing so.

As soon as the music started and Jason began to sing, there was a tremendous silence and all eyes were on him, respectfully listening to his enchanted voice. Among all these eyes, Jason had the feeling one pair was looking at him more intensely than the others. Of course, with the spotlights on him, he couldn't see where that look that he "felt" was coming from. When the last notes of the song were fading away, there was a split second of perfect silence and then a standing ovation of all the tenants in the bar. Jason stepped from the little stage and looked towards the place he thought the "look" came from. There was only one person who was not applauding, but who looked him straight in the eyes with the most intense look, filled with love and tenderness. Jack.

To be continued. If you like the story, let me know at Your comments are my motivation to write.

Next: Chapter 2

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