New Beginnings

By Jack Smith

Published on Apr 29, 2007




I found myself up early, woken by pre-dawn thunder. Yue-Sin had left but I did not remember his kiss. Wind blew rain up my legs as I rode to the house of Xi-To. I was only visiting every other day now as by trial and error we had gradually got everything pretty much right, but he was fed up with being in bed and was always begging for me to let him up as he assured me his leg was fine. I tried to arrive early when I went, as his wife would be present, so avoiding his constant sexual demands on me that I now found distasteful.

This day he was eating breakfast when I arrived, aided by his wife. He gave me a glowering glance then turned his eyes down into his plate of rice. I inspected the various bandages and tapes that imprisoned his leg, taking great care not to reveal his dick. Not much avail though as he quickly finished his rice and rudely ordered his wife out of the room. When the curtain had been drawn he whispered harshly, "You don't like to see my dick anymore, m'Lord. You have been avoiding it, but not today. It is here and waits for you." With which he exposed his stiff member and stroked it lingeringly. His whisper then became a wheedle. "Please m'Lord, let me touch yours. I cum much quicker with that handsome dick in my hand."

I paused, and then decided the best option was to leave without a word, postponing any discussion to a moment when there was no one else in the house. I spoke quietly with his wife, listening compassionately to her suffering under his rascality, before heading out again into the wild morning. Yue-Sin awaited me, which was a much more pleasant to contemplate. A vigorous session of drills and duelling was followed by the usual massage. We were regularly making love once or twice a day, but for Yue-Sin it never seemed enough. During this session we arrived in a position where our dicks were side by side. I had not been paying attention to this particular point at this moment, but Yue- Sin suddenly put a hold on the kiss in which we were involved and got me to stand. I was now looking him in the eye and when he put our dicks side by side he gave a disparaging laugh and said, "Look at this. Already your dick is bigger than mine! Thicker and longer!"

"All the better to fuck you with!" I said, trying to take his mind away from what appeared to be real dismay.

"Yeh. I guess. And I just thought your technique was getting better!" and launched back into the interrupted kiss.

In truth I wasn't completely involved that day, and I had to apologise to Yue-Sin when my dick went down after only one orgasm. He took it personally. I then explained about my concern about presiding over my first court, questioning if I could match the knowledge and wisdom of Father.

He let out a whistle. "I see what you mean. But I have no doubt that you will be superb. With no disrespect to Lord Srotyr, your wisdom outshines his like a lamp outshines a candle."

"No offence taken on his behalf, but I think that it is your love speaking, not your reason."

"My love always speaks, but that does not mean my reason is blind, my love. You read people better than they read themselves. You have done it to me so many times that I know!"

"Thankyou Yue-Sin. I hope I can carry that to people I don't know and don't love."

I sent a message to Ba-Nol that I wouldn't be able to meet him and lay alone in bed. I had intended to sleep early, fatigued as I was by the morning workout, but found my mind active instead. It moved around but most often focused on Father. I missed him very much, but in truth at that moment missed as much the thought of his comforting presence in court. Even if I was going to take a case, which I did not really fear, I expected on my first few occasions that he would be by my side to provide support. Discussion with Mother after lunch had helped a little, but she had no experience in making such judgements. Po-Wei would be in a better position to help. Having thought this through I slept rapidly, with the intention of arriving early at the Town Building to talk with him.

"Po-Wei," I asked when he had joined me the Lord's Room as invited, "I am feeling rather nervous today, sitting in court for the first time. Have you any suggestions that can help?"

"I can speak freely, my Lord?"

I nodded, wondering what he could be about to say that needed such a preface.

"Don't try to be too clever, my Lord. Listen to the logic, but listen to you heart as well. I don't believe that any of the cases today are difficult, and I have only scheduled two in respect to it being your first time. We can do the other two next week."

"But how can I use my heart if I don't know the people involved?"

"Maybe heart is the wrong word, my Lord. Maybe instinct would be better. I don't know what it is. But if you really feel uncertain call a break, and we can retire to here to discuss the case."

That more than anything else said gave me confidence. The first case was quite simple. A stolen purse, with the stealer admitting guilt. I tried to look at it from all sides, but could not see how the case could be anything other than what it presented, yet the young man who admitted his guilt did not look like a person who would steal. But it was reported that he had been seen pocketing the purse from a table in the inn while the gentleman's attention was elsewhere. I cleared the court except for the young man.

"You were quick to proclaim you guilt, Lae-Vyu. Have you learnt that quick admission leads to a more lenient punishment?" He did not answer, just hung his head. I waited a while but it appeared he did not intend to respond. "Or is it that you feel no shame for your act that you proclaim it with pride?" He still did not respond, but his head sunk lower. "This will go very hard on you if you don't speak!" I said sternly, remembering how I had to use bullying to get a response from Yue-Sin. It was then that I saw that his chest was heaving, and muffled sobs escaped. "Lift your head, boy! SPEAK."

But I think he could see that my harshness was put on, for after looking into my eyes he said, "I'll take whatever punishment you see fit, my Lord, death if you think it should be, but can I ask that what I say now remains secret?"

"Your sentence won't be death, Lae-Vyu," feeling myself now close to tears. I could see why Father did not like taking many cases. "Talk as if you are alone."

"My Lord, I did not steal the gentleman's purse."

I went to speak but he held his hand to me to request silence.

"I know that I said I took the purse, but I didn't. I am new to your marvellous town. I came with my friend from the KingsTown, to try to escape the dirty stink of the politics there. I am not high born, but I cannot stay were I see evil being perpetrated. My friend and I are very close, very close. He is my w ah, life, in truth, but he is married and his wife is sick and in need of medicine. We came with little money, and could not afford to pay the doctor, so he stole the gentleman's purse. When it was discovered I believed that the evidence pointed to him, or to rather to us. But if he was to be imprisoned his wife would die. I would be willing to look after her, but you know that she would never survive the shame of being seen to have left her husband for another man. My friend would trust me, he knows all my love is centred in him, but his wife would be shunned. So I am here in his stead. In truth to have him in prison, or dead, would kill me anyway, so it may as well be me."

His eloquence finished, his head bowed again, as if waiting an executioners axe. I could see there was no expectance of lenience in his stance.

"Have you ever stolen, Lae-Vyu?

"No, my Lord. I have never stolen."

"Has your friend stolen?"

"No, of course not! Well, not till now."

"How can I have you punished for something you didn't do?"

"You promised you would not speak of what I said!"

"And I won't, Lae-Vyu, but how can I punish someone so pure"

"I am not pure, my Lord. Did you not understand. I have physical knowledge of my friend. That is against the Word. I am not pure!"

"Does your friend enjoy your physical knowledge of him? Does he submit to it of his own will?"

"Of course, my Lord. I would never do anything to hurt him. He is my life!"

"Is there any gold left from the gentleman's purse?"

"Yes, my Lord."

"Will you get it and bring it to me?"

"Of course."

"Open the door and call everyone back in."

When Po-Wei had entered I gestured to him to come close. I whispered to him, "Send message to Hi-Tui that Lae- Vyu is not to pass through the main gate." When a messenger had run off I continued to the rest of the court. "Lae-Vyu, I want you to get what remains of contents of Tie-Je's purse."

One of the guards started to follow him, but I gestured for him to stop. "Lae-Vyu will go on his own!"

Tie-Je face expressed horror, his long black moustaches and his bushy eyebrows lifting. "I protest."

"Silence," intoned Po-Wei. "Speak when you are spoken to."

"Tie-Je, how much gold was in your purse?" I asked.

"There was ten pieces of gold, and fifty of the local coin," he said, his chin and nose elevated, flat chest thrown forward.

"That is a lot to leave lying about to be stolen," I said gently.

"Do you doubt me, my Lord," he said arrogantly.

"Should I?"

"My purse was stolen, my Lord!"

"Of that I have no doubt, Tie-Je." I did not use an easy tone to say this though.

"This is outrage."

"SILENCE!" This time it was my turn to interrupt.

"Not that we'll ever see that vagabond again now you have let him go," he continued despite my command.

I felt anger rising, then realised that anger was not appropriate. He was not the first greedy man in the world, trying to profit from someone else's disadvantage. So instead of ordering him removed from the room I just said, "We'll see."

His surprise at this soft reply was clear, and became shock as Lae-Vyu ran back into the room bearing a purse a short while later.

I held up the lizlion purse, showing it to Tie-Je. "This is yours?"

He asked permission to come closer, then nodded that indeed it was.

"How much does a consultation with the town doctor cost?"

"One gold piece," said Po-Wei.

I emptied the purse onto my bench, the piled the coins into little towers on one side of the table. There were five gold pieces, and 15 of local currency. "Po-Wei, bring me 10 gold pieces and fifty of local coin."

When he returned with a sack of currency he counted out the said amount onto the bench in front of me, his face, when turned so that only I could see, showing a hint of a lift at the corners.

"Tie-Je. Come and put this money in your purse."

Tie-Je did not move. I repeated my command but he still did not move.

"Lae-Vyu, maybe you can put this money into the purse of Tie-Je?"

"I can try, my Lord, but I doubt it will fit. There was not so much money in it before."

"Come and try."

He meekly made his way to the bench his face as long as the world while I watched the anger grow in the expression of Tie-Je. One by one he dropped coins into the purse, but there were still 3 piles of local currency left when the purse was already overflowing. 30 coins.

"Tie-Je, it looks like your purse has shrunk a little since it was last in your possession! What do you say?"

"I think that you are a uppity little boy playing at being Lord in your Father's absence! This would never have happened if your Father was here!"

"Don't you like this town that has made you rich, Tie- Je?"

"What would you know, boy!"

"Strange, it doesn't seem so. For your contempt of this court I will only punish you to the extent of the contents of your purse. You will deliver 10 gold pieces and 50 pieces of local currency to Po-Wei tomorrow."

"I am not on trial!" he screamed.

"No, but your crime is far worse than this young man here. He stole, but he respects the authority of the land. If I hear that you have anything to say against this judgement you WILL be on trial, and this town and the riches it has earned you will be yours no longer! Now get out! You will not here the judgement of Lae-Vyu."

He opened his mouth again, his face vermilion with fury, but a sharp jab from the sword handle of a guard closed it. He turned and stormed from the court.

When the court had emptied of all except Po-Wei and Lae- Vyu I said, "Now, what are we to do with you, Lae-Vyu? What is the punishment usually meted in such a case, Po-Wei?"

"In the KingsTown I believe it is whipping, my Lord."

"Is that so, Lae-Vyu?" I asked.

"Yes my Lord, usually until death," he replied without expression.

"Hm. But we are a long way from the KingsTown, and sometimes the ties are not that strong. What would Father usually do, Po-Wei?"

"I've never seen him prescribe a whipping for someone so obviously repentant," he said.

I looked him in the eye, surprised of his coming to the defence of a self-accused thief. He held my gaze. "So you think this is a case when I must look into my heart?"

"I think so, my Lord," a soft smile appearing on his lips.

"Lae-Vyu, you must be punished, but in truth I don't know what your punishment should be. This is my first court case, and I will need to wait for the advice of Lord Srotyr. In the meantime you are to be deprived of your freedom and will work in the fields as a common field worker. You may remaining living with your friend, if he will have you, to serve as his unpaid personal servant when you are not required in the fields."

Shock flooded his features, but it did not overcome the grief. He fell to his knees and tears once again flowed. "Thankyou my Lord. I don't deserve this fate." But it was said without emotion.

"Go Lae-Vyu. You are under your own guard. But hear, if you try to escape your sentence your life will be forfeit."

He backed out of the room, bowing repeatedly. Po-Wei followed, talked to the guards, then returned to me. "Make sure his friend's wife receives medical attention for her illness. It can be paid for from the money that Tie-Je will pay tomorrow."

"My Lord, this case has been waiting over a week. Lae- Vyu was imprisoned during this time. I think he must have discovered it when he went to retrieve the purse. The wife of his friend died some days ago of the fever she was suffering."

"Oh." I felt at a loss. "Pay for a honourable funeral then."

"She is already buried, my Lord. In the paupers cemetery."

"How much money did they use from the purse?"

"I believe just one piece of gold."

"How was it found that Lae-Vyu stole the purse?"

"He came and told me."

"But he didn't return the purse?"

"No. He said that its contents had been spent."

"But you discovered otherwise?"

He just nodded, and I turned away. "I need to rest a little before the next case."

"My Lord," he called to my retreating back, surprising me in the breaking of etiquette.

"Sorry my Lord for having called out," he said as I turned, seeing the anger in my eyes. "I just wanted to congratulate you. That was equal to be best of Lord Srotyr."

The humility in his gaze defused my wrath in an instant. "Thankyou Po-Wei. To hear that from you is an honour."

The next case was simple and minor. Completed, I removed my court robes and sat, staring at the wall. Had I done the right thing? I offended a rich man who would now hate me forever more. Despite the meanness of his spirit I needn't have done so. I could have ended with the same result for Lae-Vyu and have kept Tie-Je on side. And why did I want to save a common man who freely admitted to wrongdoing? It would have been more appropriate to have both he and his friend punished. Was it because they had a love of men, as I did? If the friend of Lae-Vyu had been a woman would it have made a difference? I needed to talk to Father. What if the complement of Po-Wei came not from a sense of justice but at his enjoyment of seeing a pompous blowhard being put down? I suspected that he was one of those about whom Hu-Wi had spoke, men who sold gold to field workers at high rates. It would certainly explain why a rich man carried so much local currency in his purse.

I rode home on Lika through the darkening streets and chill rain. The swirling wind had dropped but my swirling thoughts had not. Other than Father there was no one with whom I could speak. No one knew the burden of rule other than him. Mother had wonderful insight, but she had never made decisions greater than what we were to eat for dinner. Even though she had lived through a period when her life was at risk, she had been a victim. One did not gain knowledge being a victim. Or rather one only learned how to be a victim, at most the revenge of the downtrodden. I played squares with her again after tea, but my concentration was far away and I did not need to make deliberate mistakes to let her win. She noticed my distraction but remained still, clapping her hands in pretended glee when she gained a large number of squares. She, no more than me, cared about winning. What she cared about was to have time with me. I asked her to play, and I tested out my voice to an old song. I had sung well as a child but before adulthood my voice had become rough and unpredictable, breaking and squeaking instead of rising pure. I tried to start at the note at which I was familiar and failed, but faired better when I dropped a range as mother suggested. Now true happiness glowed from her delicate face at hearing her boy sing with his man's voice.

Yue-Sin awaited me in my bed. He asked how I went, and I told him some details, avoiding names. He praised my conduct, but I expected no less, then asked if the friend of the convicted man had employment. Professing ignorance I questioned his motives. "Life for us who love other men can be difficult. It can be hard to find work. If I can I like to help others in the same situation I was in when I was a young man. We are in need of more town guards, so if he is suitable I would like to offer him a position."

"That is very kind of you, Yue-Sin."

"He still has to get through training, so all is not assured. What was very kind was you setting it up so they could live together without anyone else questioning why. Now his wife has died the friend will be able to justify not marrying again, and of course he has a bound servant who can't live anywhere else. I would be very happy to be a field worker, at least for Lord Srotyr who treats his field workers well, if I could live with you."

"Thankyou Yue-Sin. But it will not come to that."

"No, I guess not. Now what is the problem with your lizlion tonight."

"I'm just distracted, Yue-Sin. I'm worried I've made an enemy of a powerful man."

"That snivelling rat. I think you were too soft on him. Tell Lord Srotyr when he comes back and I'm sure he will not be living in this town any longer!"

"Maybe as I was soft he will not hate me."

"Not him. He will only see it as a sign of weakness, and hate you more."

"That is what I feared."

"My love, there is no need to fear. Men like that are all bluff. When they meet someone who will stand up to them they run away."

"Or pay some one to do their dirty work!"

"Yes, there is that. Lord Srotyr will sort him out."

I still felt uncertain. "Hold me Yue-Sin." Feeling his powerful arms around my chest, his hard dick pushing between my buttocks, I felt better. In a short time Yue- Sin's breathing became quiet and regular, his dick softened and withdrew. I thought I wouldn't sleep, but don't remember much more.


Until his soft kiss woke me in the morning. He was still beside me and I think he was surprised as I rolled on top of him and pinned him down with a passionate kiss. My mouth then rapidly explored his chest and dick, moved down to his arse, to be replaced in that home by my cock as soon as all was wet and slippery. I fucked him with force while kissing with gusto and came rapidly, before he had a chance, so then returned my mouth to his dick to finish him off. Surprised by my passion Yue-Sin just looked at me with bemused love. I suspect, despite my reassurances, he had believed that I was losing interest because I had been more distant. Without speaking he went to the washroom, dressed on returning, kissed me softly and headed out into the freshly greying morning. I hoped no one was about to see him climbing on the rock wall, but did not think much for soon I was asleep once again.

Hu-Wi shook his head. I thought he would comment on my late arrival but instead said, "It looks like I did not measure your stirrups correctly last week. They are still to short!"

"Our clothes maker says the same of my trousers," I replied in an equally jovial tone as I dismounted form Lika.

"Kito is waiting for you," letting me follow him to Kito's stall after a stable hand took Lika's reins from me.

"Hello Kito. You have waited patiently for me." Kito shook his head and snorted. "Okay, I know you did not know you were waiting. But you were."

"Let me help you up my Lord," said Hu-Wi.

"Thankyou," letting him help my leg up to the height of the stirrup then to use his cupped hands as a platform to lift my trailing leg. I adjusted myself in the saddle then looked around. The ground was so much further away, like it was on Trugo. I felt a little afraid, not having Father to wrap my arms around, but decided not to think about it and nudged Kito out into the exercise yard. Soon I was feeling comfortable. Kito was responsive and powerful. I could feel his strength as his muscles moved beneath me. He was a bit skittish, but I learned his rhythms and sensitivities and became one with him. Enjoying the sensation of this massive horse walking I encouraged him to a slow trot. With this I knew that I could not return to Lika. I felt guilty for having changed allegiance so easily, but thought she would probably understand. She did everything else.

But I knew that I would have master mounting and dismounting on my own, so I directed Kito back into the shelter of the stables. Dismounting proved to be no major obstacle, though the first few times I felt I was falling rather than jumping off. Mounting proved to be more difficult. No matter how I tried I couldn't get my leg high enough to put in the stirrup. Hu-Wi helped out, showing me how to take a small jump, using this to place my first foot in the stirrup and the continued momentum to lift my trailing leg over Kito. With a bit of practice this became quite smooth, and I suspect probably looked quite impressive, unless of course I missed the stirrup!

I encouraged Hu-Wi to accompany me on a journey out into the valley. I wanted to feel this wonderful animal move, as I was sure he could, like the wind. Hu-Wi indicated the heavy rain, but eventually gave way to my enthusiasm.

Hi-Tui saluted with a huge smile as we walked past, and soon as we were outside gates onto the road, empty because of the heavy rain, I pushed Kito faster and faster. He was smooth, travelling as if his hooves did not touch the ground. Hu-Wi had him in excellent condition and when we reached the permanent road on the opposite side of the valley he was still breathing comfortably despite the sprint. I called out in joy, smiling to crack my face. Hu- Wi caught up after a bit, also smiling.

"You are a marvel, my Lord!"

"What do you mean?"

"You look like you were born attached to that saddle."

"I feel that way too. He is a wonderful beast!"

"I think we should get him out of this cold rain though, my Lord."

"Of course. I'll race you to the gate."

Hu-Wi was a long way behind by the time I stopped, giving me a chance to talk to Hi-Tui.

"I hope this rain lightens so we can hunt tomorrow?" he said. He then looked around to make sure he could not be overheard. "I miss that little dick of yours so much, I dream about sucking it!"

"And I yours," I said in return, "but I don't think `little' applies there!"

"Look down," he said, opening his coat. "He is responding just to being talked about."

I could see his dick pushing vigorously against the front of his pouch, tenting it with its huge head, which he accentuated by suggestively pushing forward his pelvis. "Hide it, Hu-Wi is coming!"

He closed his coat in time that Hu-Wi suspected nothing. "Have you ever seen anyone ride like that!"

"He rides well, " agreed Hi-Tui. "But it looks a bit like a horse that has run off on its own."

"The rate he is growing that will change soon."

I said farewell to Lika at the stables, then took Kito on a stroll through the town streets, taking the long way to Ba-Nol's workshop. I felt very proud riding this handsome stallion, wondered how it would feel riding side by side with Father. Kito's shoes clicked on the cobblestones sending water splashing from the pools held by the heavy rain. Ba-Nol was pleased to see me. I tied Kito beside the cart in the shelter of the shed and went to inspect the equipment Ba-Nol was preparing for the production of the new wheel. He was confident, having spent time making deliveries with the cart yesterday. Even with the increased weight the wheel had proved to be quite stable. Then he changed the topic.

"I owe you a favour," he commenced.

"Why is that, Ba-Nol?"

"In return for this new wheel. I know you will refuse to take any money, so I wish to give you something else in return."

"That is not necessary, Ba-Nol"

"Cavon, I know it is not necessary. But I want to. May I not give you a gift from my heart."

"Of course, if it is your desire."

"Good. With your inspiration I have a reputation as a wheel maker, but prior to that I had an equal reputation as a craftsmen of swords. I have spoken to Yue-Sin and he has suggested a design that would suit you."

"Don't you think it would be better to wait a while? I seem to be growing a fair bit. If we wait I would be closer to my full size."

"It is the blade that makes the sword. A handle can be changed. I'll start working on your blade, and fit the handle later."

"Thankyou Ba-Nol. You'll have lunch with us again?"

"Yes please," he said with a suggestive smile. "I've missed that too."

In the washroom I lathered Ba-Nol's flabby form. His dick stood up hard, but he asked me to leave it alone, wanting to give what he promised last week. So when he was clean he kneeled in the bath and had me soap his arse and wiggle in my finger, then asked me to enter. I took it slow, remembering how gentle he had been, but he seemed to take me with little problem.

"How's that," I asked once I was fully in.

"Alright, I think. It doesn't feel too bad. Go for it."

I began to fuck him, aware of a tightness that I never felt with Yue-Sin, though still soft, hot and smooth. I reached forward and grabbed his dick, struggling to get my arm around his large form. When we had both cum he turned to face me and took me in his arms. For the first time our lips met, and his tongue sought the inside of my mouth.

"That felt rather nice," he finally said. "I think we should try that again soon."

"I'm willing," I replied, enjoying his slippery embrace. "But we had better rinse off as Mother will be waiting."

"You are becoming a familiar at our table, Ba-Nol," commented Mother.

"It is a privilege, my Lady."

"When your wife returns you will have to bring her as well."

"Thankyou my Lady. She will be honoured also."

"I hear you are making a sword for Lord Cavon."

"Word travels quickly, my Lady. I took a commission from Yue-Sin this morning."

"Lord Cavon will look very handsome with a sword at his side, don't you think?"

"My Lady, Lord Cavon already is very handsome. I think it is rather he that will make the sword handsome rather than the sword making him handsome."

Mother allowed a lady-like laugh behind her hand. "I knew you to me a man of strength and good design, Ba-Nol. I didn't know you to be a man of smooth words."

"It is not something for which I usually have a reputation. But Lord Cavon brings out the best in the people he touches."

Mother nodded and smiled again. "Yes, I will have to revise my estimation. Who would have thought that a beater of iron could also be a word smith!"

Ba-Nol nodded his thanks and blushed. He looked as if he felt he was digging himself a deeper and deeper hole, and decided that silence was his best defence. This was helped by the servants bringing in the meal at this moment. By the time we had finished eating the topic of conversation had changed.

"You speak with many travellers, Ba-Nol. What are they saying?"

"My lady, they speak of tension in the KingsTown, of cruel and evil deeds being undertaken in the name of the Prince. They say that the King is too old and is unable to resist his son."

"That is bad news," she replied.

"Mother, a young man who I spoke to yesterday said he had left the KingsTown because of this. It could explain why so many people have joined our town. Father is such a kind and just ruler that his reputation must have spread."

"Yes, Cavon. As you know Lord Srotyr is a very good man." She looked directly at me, and I knew she was referring to my outburst of three nights previous. It was my turn to blush and become silent. "Now I think it is time to sleep. It has been a pleasure to have your company again, Ba-Nol, and hope you will come again tomorrow. I wish you gentlemen a good sleep." With which she left the table.

Ba-Nol looked at me after she had gone. "Did I say too much?"

"No. I don't think she thought anything of it."

"Good. But maybe I should sleep at home."

"Yes, it would be better. I will see you on Forday, unless it rains tomorrow."

"What are you doing tomorrow?"

"Hunting lizrabs with Hi-Tui and Yue-Sin. Practising my archery."

"Sounds good. I'll see you Forday. Thankyou, my Lord," he finished with a bow as a servant saw him out.

After siesta I met with Wi-Su to talk regarding the cleaning of the Town square. We met at an inn that fronted the square to have it firmly in our vision as we talked. Wi- Su was a chunky looking man. Thick arms and legs suggesting that he got in a worked alongside those who he guided and a solid but not fat looking torso. His teeth gleamed in his dark face. Like the workers he supervised he spent a lot of time outdoors and his skin like theirs took on a weathered tone. I found myself trying to steal a glance at his pouch, but his shirt was long and covered it well despite us being coatless under the shelter of the awning of the inn. I then realised what I was doing and worried that he may have noticed pretended to examine something on the ground before returning to his somewhat worried eyes. I think he thought I would show him up again. I decided to put him at his ease, as I didn't like people being uncomfortable around me.

"I'm sorry I put you on the spot at our last meeting, Wi-Su. I had no intention to embarrass you. If I had thought I would have kept my thoughts to myself."

"Thankyou, my Lord. But your observations were sound and I must admit I would have been sceptical sitting here with someone so recently entered into manhood if you had not spoken. You are very acute, even more so than Lord Srotyr, and he is a sharp man."

"Thankyou, Wi-Su. What ideas have you come up with."

"Your comment on the means of removing the debris from the town stretched my mind greatly, my Lord. The obvious answer was to imitate the metal grill that is used to provide the security for the town sewer outlet, but this would be rather expensive. But I could see no other way to secure a hole under the wall. Then I thought `Why do we need to breach the wall? We are only going to have horse dung, not human excrement to discharge. It will not be plagued with the same miasmas. And it will not be all the time.' So I examined along the wall and noted that down near the pig enclosure the ground is quite porous, water disappearing very rapidly as if there is a lot of sand underneath. If a pool is built there any smell could not be worse than the pigs themselves produce. The liquid component will be absorbed into the ground and prior to the next clean the residue could be scraped up and transported by cart out to the vegetable fields, just like the pig excrement is now."

"Well thought, Wi-Su." He had started nervously, but as I nodded in response to his ideas his confidence had grown and his bristly moustache was lifted in a smile by the time he finished. How did you go with assessing the time period?"

"Well, my Lord. The debris, once hot and wet, lifts quite easily. It would only take a day for a gang of twenty to clear it all. And the cost of building should not be too great. We can salvage some pipes that had been discarded because of holes to distribute water over the square and the nearest hot water pipe is only 100 paces from the top of the square. The largest cost will be digging the drain, but it is downhill all the way to where piggery so it will not need to be deep. I think for maybe 200 gold pieces we will be able to purchase the stone needed, and the labour of a gang of field workers should be able to dig the trench in under 4 weeks. If we leave this part to next winter when the field workers are not otherwise very busy, nothing will be lost."

I found myself liking this man, who I had not known prior to our first meeting. I could see why Father trusted him to look after town maintenance. Given time to think he produced well-organised, practical ideas, and had a charisma in his selling of them that was quite attractive and very masculine. I told him to go ahead with the initial pipe installation, and offered a glass of rice wine in celebration.

"Thankyou my Lord. I would appreciate that."

So we sat and talked, with Wi-Su relaxing more and more. We touched on politics, especially the rumours from the KingsTown, philosophy, the practicalities of building. He became more attractive the more he relaxed, the more wine we shared. He showed no awareness of my admiration of his handsome round face and solid chest, but did manage to slip down in his chair so that his pouch became visible, pulled up tight in his groin. It seemed about average, though I felt excited to see what looked like the head of his dick outlined by the stretched material. Eventually we said goodbye. Wi-Su bowed deeply, saying "It has been an immense pleasure talking with you, my Lord. I hope you will honour me with your presence at some other time," in farewell.

I walked home, somewhat unsteadily, thinking that when I had met Wi-Su only a few weeks ago I had none of these thoughts about his bristly moustache and how it would feel prickling my upper lip, how his chest would look without his loose top. I couldn't remember even noticing such things and wondered if this change was something good. Even that night as I made love with Yue-Sin I found images of Wi-Su appearing in front of my closed eyes.


Kito cantered out in advance of the two other horses. Light misty rain cooled his brow and he seemed to relish being out in the open. I was surprised how short the distance to the edge of the cultivated fields had seemed on Kito. I thought that Lika had made a good pace when I had come here with Father to investigate the hole into which Xi- To had fallen. Now I realised that Father must have been keeping Trugo well and subtly in check. Well before lunch we were out into virgin ground, and not too long after riding amongst lizrabs in force, nibbling succulent new grass. They were young, the new hatching after the water's fall. Shed skins of the slug like larvae formed what looked like an embankment at the river margin stretching along its green flank to the point where the valley's hills, the river and the sky all met at a single point. It was broken periodically by the tell-tale break of a lizlion charge which brought home that this was lizlion territory, and further from town than I had ever ventured before. Realising this I rapidly reined in Kito so that Yue-Sin and Hi-Tui could catch up on their slower mounts

Lizlions have incredible speed, almost quicker than the eye, but only over a short distance. One had to see them where they lay camouflaged or one would pay with one's life. They usually crouched near water, their larval home, but the temptation of young lizrabs could bring them out as far as the permanent road. Hi-Tui suggested that we continue a little further along where a small ridge along the side of the road would screen us from clear vision of the lizrabs. The skill of hunting a lizrab was to hit it while it was running, stirred by a thrown stone. When startled, lizrabs tended to sprint in the direction they were facing, springing on their large back legs, at a great pace, but just like the lizlion their stamina lasted only a short distance. Firing at a stationary lizrab was as interesting as firing at a target.

Lizrab skin was softer than lizlion or pig though not as strong or durable, and was used mainly for bathrobes. They were popular, and lizrabs were hard to find inside of the ride of a horse and cart of the town except early in the season. Normally they were caught by a team of men, a small group to chase and a larger group with nets to pounce on the freshly exhausted animal when it stopped.

With a collection of stones brought from town we lined up at the embankment. We each had arrows with feathers of different colours and Hi-Tui allocated himself to throw the stone. Yue-Sin and I knocked arrows in preparation, lining up a lizrab. Hi-Tui threw and I let the arrow fly, disappointed to watch it dig into the dirt and the unharmed lizrab stop a few paces further along. Yue-Sin's green feathers could be seen flapping from a flopping body, the arrow having pierced near the haunches, immobilising but not killing. The red of Hi-Tui was still, the arrow neatly piercing the short neck of an animal. This was the ideal point to hit as it left the skin undamaged for use. Cursing, Yue-Sin fired again to still the animal he had wounded, glaring angrily at the animal neatly killed by Hi- Tui.

"Lord Cavon, it takes a little while to judge the speed of the lizrab. Once you know how fast they move it is not much different to shooting at a still target, you just need to know the point you have to aim at. Your shot was aimed much to close, so by the time the arrow arrived the animal was well gone. Aim further ahead." Hi-Tui did not give any advice to Yue-Sin, knowing it would not be appreciated.

After a short time the lizrabs were eating as if nothing had happened. Hi-Tui hefted another stone and we again fired at startled bounding forms. I again missed, but I thought by not as much. Yue-Sin had managed a shot through the shoulders this time, and Hi-Tui had again scored a neck shot. How he managed to even get a shot away, let alone hit the neck, after throwing the stone was beyond me. But he did it repeatedly until we stopped for lunch. We counted our catch. Most of my blue arrows were lying loose on the ground, though I had managed to hit a few by the end. Yue-Sin had hit almost every time, but quite a few had needed a second arrow to quieten them. All the red arrows had found their homes in the neck bar one that had taken the eye of an oncoming animal.

Yue-Sin was very ill tempered. He did not speak as we collected the arrows and animals, nor did he say anything as we rode back to the field worker's shelter to eat and sleep. Hi-Tui had gently guided my shots after each firing, indicating as well as taking his own lizrab he had watched my shot, and this had irritated Yue-Sin even more, added to the fact that the red killed animals were the furthest from our firing spot. Not much more was said as we trotted back to town, and I decided I would have to do something to reconcile the two men.

So after we crossed the river I directed them to follow me to the left, tying our horses at the base of the path leading to the hot pool, the secret of which I previously only shared with Yue-Lin. Hi-Tui had some problem getting his large bulk up the narrow track, but eventually I had them both standing in front of me, shirts off, half facing each other. I then made my move.

"It hurts me to see two men I both love and respect at odds with one another. Hi-Tui demonstrated his dominance of the art of archery this morning. This should not make you jealous, Yue-Sin. But also it should not have made you puff up your chest and pretend it was like taking a stroll, Hi- Tui. I think it is now time for another contest."

Both men looked quite puzzled. "The skill of Yue-Sin with the sword is well known. The result of a sword contest would be the reverse of what happened this morning. That would prove nothing, though would even the contest. Do you agree, Hi-Tui, that you would loose a sword fight against Yue-Sin?"

"Undoubtedly. I would never even think to challenge, not that I would wish to have any fight with Yue-Sin."

"So we are even. So now for the third skill." I took a step towards the two men, almost smiling at their obvious lack of understanding. I reached out and simultaneously grabbed both of them by their dick. What had been puzzlement on their faces now was astonishment. What surprised me was that even though it had only taken me a few moments to reach out, Yue-Sin's dick was already fairly hard. "Now lets make a comparison of the weapons," I said after massaging the two organs for a little. I let go of both and untied the strings of Yue-Sin's trousers, lowering them over his up pointing organ, then letting him step out. In a mock serious tone I continued, "Weapon one. You'll note that it is not excessively long, but if you'll notice, there is no bend in it, even if I stress its shaft."

I then turned to Hi-Tui and likewise dropped his trousers. He was only half hard. "Weapon two. Now this clearly has advantage in terms of dimensions, but it's rigidity leaves a little to be desired."

"Give it a moment and it will be equal to any!" Hi-Tui exclaimed, obviously offended.

"We'll see. So what will decide the contest? The last man with a hard dick will be declared winner!"

I noticed a smirk quirk the corners of Yue-Sin's lips. Hi-Tui stroked his slowly lifting dick anxiously. Now, first a soak in the hot water to wash away the grime of the day."

In the water I started kissing Yue-Sin, while playing with Hi-Tui's lizlion, now hard. As always I thrilled at the feel of its mass in my hand. Using their dicks as handles I lead them both from the water.

"Kneel down Yue-Sin. Now, I know what you like, Hi- Tui, so while I get underneath and suck Yue-Sin you can get his arse nice and wet for me." Yue-Sin started moaning as he was attacked from both sides, lowering his head so he could get to my dick. Soon he was thrusting into my mouth and calling out as he came. Hi-Tui thought he had won at this stage, as his dick was rigid and untouched, and was surprised when, at my order to switch positions with me, to find Yue-Sin just a hard as when he had started.

I inserted my dick in Yue-Sin's arse while Hi-Tui worked on his dick. I fucked until I came, waited then fucked again, finally feeling the spasm of Yue-Sin's body in my hands indicating another orgasm. Yue-Sin had been using his mouth on Hi-Tui's dick that was presented under him, but had not managed a result there. I then asked Yue-Sin, having examined it closely, whether he thought he could take the size of Hi-Tui.

"I reck'n I'm up to it, now that you've stretched me a bit"

Hi-Tui took my place behind. With his height he was able to cover Yue-Sin's body while kneeling, leaving his head above that of Yue-Sin. I stood in front, kissing Hi- Tui while Yue-Sin sucked on my still hard dick. Having these two handsome men with me at the same time was stimulatingly me immensely. Hi-Tui slowly inserted himself into Yue-Sin, at the same time vigorously pumping Yue-Sin's dick with his right hand. I was able to lean around and see him entering, amazed to see the full length inside, pubic hair tickling the top of Yue-Sin's crack. When he indicated he was comfortable Hi-Tui started a slow fucking action. Within moments I felt Yue-Sin spasm once more. Hi-Tui let go of the wet dick so as to use two hands to stabilise the muscled buttocks of Yue-Sin, his face expressing intense pleasure and intense confidence that he had won the contest. His fucking increased in tempo as his tongue explored my mouth. He then reached below again just as he was about to cum. His eyebrows rose in surprise, I assume at finding Yue- Sin's dick still hard as ever, but it was too late for him to slow down and the grimace of finishing overtook the surprise. Soon after I came in Yue-Sin's mouth.

We all stayed still for a while, then slowly extricated ourselves from one another. When he stood it was obvious that though Yue-Sin's dick was red from all its activity, it was as hard as ever, while Hi-Tui massive rod was quite sagged and down pointing. I lead them back into the water, forbidding any talk. I kissed Hi-Tui, against his will and was met by tight lips, then Yue-Sin, who was more than willing, before taking them to the fern bed. I instructed them to lie down close to one another. I lay between the two, in contact with both.

I held both their dicks once again, the short stiff rod of Yue-Sin and the mighty, soft tube of Hi-Tui. "I think we have a clear winner," I said quietly.

I was surprised by the clear ring of laughter that erupted from Hi-Tui. "I accept defeat. That is absolutely amazing. But tell me, Yue-Sin, who fucks better, Lord Srotyr or me?"

Now it was my time to be shocked. Yue-Sin did not seem to be. "Well, Hi-Tui, I'll admit I've never had my arse stretched as good as you just did." He reached across with his off hand to grab Hi-Tui's dick. "But I don't think it was a fair test. Never when Lord Srotyr fucked me did I have the joy of sucking on his son's beautiful dick. That would make anything else that happened at the same time feel good."

"I agree. You certainly are a good fuck, but I think I would cum all alone in my pants if the young lord kissed me the way he did while you sucked him. You had him really hot."

"Kiss each other and be friends, for me!" I said. They leaned over me to do so, and what I thought would have been a brief peck, especially with Hi-Tui's disinclination after orgasm, was open mouthed and heavy. I looked down to see that their free hands were also playing with each other's dicks, and that Hi-Tui's defeat had only been temporary. Beginning to feel like a piece of pork caught between two prongs over an open fire I said quietly, "That doesn't mean I want to be left out."

"Ah, that we won't," growled Yue-Sin, and both of the lascivious mouths now descended on different parts of me. What followed was a bit of a blur, but at the end I found myself with my legs around Yue-Sin, having rode his dick home as he nuzzled my chest, while my mouth was melded with that of Hi-Tui who had been fucking Yue-Sin from behind. We must have made a neat puzzle as we all managed to fall asleep, with me the first to wake. My underside leg was giving me a nasty pain having supported the weight of Yue- Sin's sleeping body for too long. My wriggling woke Yue-Sin who rolled onto his back, which in turn woke the huddled form of Hi-Tui, who in turn rolled on his back like the next domino in a line. I hopped around in pain but still managed to pay attention to the beauty of these two mighty men lying naked, side by side. Both with soft dicks, one a little blob sitting above perky balls in a curly, black nest, the other a handsome, thick pipe dangling over sagging eggs amongst a black forest wet with cum and sweat

"We now have a final result," I called loudly to stir them as I massaged my tingling, useless leg. I directed their now open eyes downwards onto their own bodies. "I call this a draw!" Of course, with Yue-Sin awake properly it did not remain a draw for long, but enough so I could present them to each other as being equal in my eyes and my heart. "Let's wash off and get home. This is my day off, and a wonderful one, but you two have duties to attend to."

The horses seemed pleased to see us. Light was beginning to fade a little and I think they had been a bit worried. We allowed them a canter the short distance to the road to town then walked them through the river of field workers returning home from their duties. We farewelled Hi- Tui at the gate where his fill-in looked at him questioningly. Yue-Sin branched off with Hi-Tui's horse in tow to leave them at the main stables before commencing his first round of the start of the evening while I maintained my straight line up the central rode to the Town Square, crossing it, aware of Kito leaving his addition to the surface problem the Square suffered, without deviating from this line till I came to the other side. Here I guided Kito through the irregular streets that formed the last defence before the inner bastion, the residence of the Lord, of NewTown for his first time, winding up by handing him off to the stable boy. He looked like he had just woken, which was most likely the case for with Trugo away and me out all day he had little to do. His hands and eyes were now full though of his new care, the magnificent Kito, and I could see that he would be eating late.

After dinner I related with self-mocking tones how I had failed to catch enough lizrabs to feed us for dinner, at the same time praising the skill of Hi-Tui.

"He is an impressive man," said Mother, surprising me by such a comment about a man other than her husband. "His wife is a lucky woman."

I thought to comment on this, but was learning to hold my tongue and think before using it. Mother had taught me that she deserved this. I tried to put myself in her position. I now knew what that was, but had observed it as a spectator. So I tried to imagine a life without intimacy, without the love of a partner in my bed. A few weeks ago this would have been the only thing I could have imagined, but now it seemed so cold and isolated that I wondered if I could cope. I used the opening to explore rather than criticise.

"Do you speak much with his wife?"

"Oh yes. Despite all her children she is very active in the committee to help the poor. She often appears after siesta glowing from the pleasure of her husband. She once told me that her husband filled her like the One filled the world."

In a physical or an emotional sense, I found myself thinking, as an image of Hi-Tui swollen might appeared in my vision.

"She loves him very much, and he appears to be an excellent father to his children."

This answered my question, I guess, but still questioned if the glow might come more from the physical sense. Then I remembered his comment about how he could never treat his daughter as my Father treated me. Was Father not an excellent father?

"Do you think Father doesn't fill this role similarly?" I asked.

"Of course he does," she answered, maybe too quickly. "I was not meaning this as a comparison."

That night, as I snuggled into the curve of Yue-Sin's muscled body, I thought of myself as being very lucky. If I was a lover of women I would still be sleeping alone at the age I was, awaiting marriage. Instead I had my pick of the most handsome men in town to lie beside, Father being the pinnacle of these. I would move from this heaven directly to my marriage bed, which, though unknown, might not be as cold as I first imagined. I had contemplated the experience of the previous night, where the handsome face of Wi-Su had floated in front of my eyes even as I was fucking Yue-Sin. I had also been jolted by the clarity of the image of Hi- Tui's turgid dick while I spoke with Mother. If I could summon these images when I needed them I was sure I could get hard enough to service Win-Som as husband should, and surely whether my dick was in the arse of Yue-Sin or held by the womanhood of Win-Som would make little difference to the pleasure it received as long as I could hold the image.


My physical life had swamped my intellectual life. All my new ideas now involved love, sex, intricacies of relationships and life. New mathematical concepts did not rise to cool my steamy thoughts or quell my raging dick. I was beginning to look on my dick as something separate to myself, something that was leading me further and further from the paths of childhood. It was a being without conscience or discretion, and forced images repeatedly into my limpid thoughts. The one that it was now repeatedly flashing was that of Wi-Su. As if my life did not have enough intricacy on a personal level to want another twist! Now I was not keeping up. I felt constantly guilty for paucity of time I was allowing for my bosom friend of childhood, Yue-Lin. Loa-Lech, not so close or loyal, was seemingly miffed and treated me as a stranger when he had the chance, pretending to not be aware of me existence unless it was forced on him. Yet instead of trying to fill these demands I was twisting my intelligence around finding ways to entice Wi-Su into a bath with me, or some other way I could get his clothes off to reveal the secret of his body to my hungry eyes.

Though this did have some positive benefits as well. So as to have something to say to him I found myself examining the details of our town. The construction of the wooden houses, the way the skylights hinged on the upper edge and formed a large, lifted flap over a smaller hole, that let light but, unless the wind blew excessively, not water enter. I looked for faults, for ideas for improvement. I saw the crumbling in the medium holding together the cobbles of the streets. The splintering of some of the older timbers. The crowding of people in the houses. I looked at everything, and eventually thought I had enough to justify talking with him again.

This moment came as I was riding to meet Ba-Nol after sword practice. Yue-Sin had begged off sex, complaining that his arse was so stretched and sore that it was like an old sack whose opening tie had been lost. He was quite worried, asking me to have a look to see if it all seemed OK. I looked and it was indeed quite patulous. I could not express any kind of opinion as to an outcome without incriminating myself so instead asked if Hi-Tui was that much bigger than Father.

"I took Lord Srotyr nearly every day for years and my arse never gave an extra pucker. Hi-Tui does not appear to have much more than Lord Srotyr but he fucks me twice and I'm like the town sewer. As much as I enjoyed the fucking I received yesterday I will beg off next week and leave you on yer own with Hi-Tui. But take care. He's a man who lives to fuck. Don't let him in or yer'll be torn apart!"

I proffered no comment, having known the result of one minor sortie of an entry. I preferred not to contemplate my condition if that log pounded into me as it had into Yue-Sin yesterday. But I didn't mind the concept of experimenting with Wi-Su's more moderate weapon.

I had spoken with Po-Wei and learned more about Wi-Su. He was married, with his oldest child the same age as me, a young man called Wi-Luy. Four more were following the path to adulthood, evidence enough of his virility. He lived near Loa-Lech, in a house provided by Father for his position. Father had brought him from the KingsTown to be his Chief Engineer when he had first been given NewTown as his domain. This made me think that there could have been something between the handsome builder and Father in the past, which swelled my hope.

To my pleasure as I was riding across the square (I had taken this central route instead of my usually preferred back streets thinking I might see Wi-Su ) a figure waved to me from the opposite side of the Square. I rode towards the running form, soon discerning it was Wi-Su. I began rehearsing which of my ideas I should use to invite him to meet, but was pleasantly surprised when there was no need. He requested the meeting.

"My Lord," he said, bowing to Kito's legs.

"Yes, Wi-Su?"

"There is something I would like to discuss with you, to show you. Can I organise an appointment?"

My heart pounded in hope. What was it he wanted to show me? "Yes, of course, Wi-Su. When would you like?"

"Are you busy now?"

Almost I spurted out "no", but duty held. "I am on my way to an appointment with Ba-Nol."

"Ah, I've heard that you are working on a new wheel design with him. You are a man of many talents, my Lord. Maybe after siesta?"

"Yes, that would be suitable, Wi-Su. We could meet at the inn as we did on SeconDay."

"That would be perfect, my Lord. Sleep well." With which he bowed himself away.

I felt quite shaky as I nudged Kito to return on his path to the workshop of Ba-Nol. Ba-Nol greeted me with pleasure, but my mind was still seeing the bushy black eyebrows of Wi-Su as they lifted in asking if he could meet me. "Are you OK, my Lord?"

Internally I shook the image away, and turned my attention to Ba-Nol. "Yes, Ba-Nol, I am well. I was thinking on something else. I apologise. How are you?"

"Better for seeing you, my Lord. Come and see. I've produced my first new wheels!"

"Congratulations! Lead on."

Like a boy he hurried through his crowded workshop to a corner where some wheels stood against the wall. "Here are the first output. Look, here is where the nails are made. I have one of my new trainees, Mur-Lo, making them. He learns quickly. I have made a mould to pour the hot iron into and then he files the rough edges and the point. Ra- Qui has cut the timber wedges from a collection of old off cuts and scraps and for the moment I am making the rims and inner cuffs personally. Each wheel is being made more quickly than the last. A little more iron is used, but the timber costs nothing for the present, the strength is good (you can kick them and drop them and nothing happens) and I'm sure with the iron inner collar they will have a much longer life span. I think I will be able to ask 10 gold coins each!"

His excitement was contagious, and I found myself quite caught up as he described his planned meeting with a local merchant to whom he hoped to sell the wheels, at a reduced price, so they could be tested over long distances, and who would then in turn vouch to the quality. But later, when I was prodding his fat arse in the bath, I had my eyes closed and it was Wi-Su who filled my inner vision. And even though Ba-Nol had elected to stay to sleep and I was comforted within the strength of his arms the anticipation of meeting with Wi-Su delayed sleep. I found myself rolling about within Ba-Nol's arms so that he eventually let go and rolled away. Then feeling forlorn and guilty I cuddled up behind him and finally fell asleep.

Wi-Su was waiting for me at the inn, obviously very anxious. I wondered if he felt as I.

"My Lord. Come with me. I need to show you something."

Hoping for what that something might be I eagerly followed him. His movements were rapid and nervous. He kept looking behind to see if I was keeping up. There was no smile on his face, his lips being taughtly drawn across his teeth. I wondered where we could be going where we would be safe enough to do as we felt. He seemed to heading for the far corner of the Square, a very open area.

"Look, my Lord. This is the area cleaned by the workers the other day. I was inspecting it earlier today and discovered this." He pointed at the ground. "You can see that the surface is no longer smooth. The hot water caused a lot of the black sealing compound to come away as it was scraped. I became suspicious when I noticed a lot of black debris amongst the material that had been removed."

My heart stopped. His anxiety was for my reaction to this "disaster". I had never felt so let down. My eagerness to be with him shrivelled up into a little ball, and I answered distantly, "I see."

Wi-Su's face tensed even further. He gnawed his lower lip and scratched at his moustache. I couldn't bear to see the pain that was there but I had nothing to respond with other than a hug. That I was sure would not be appreciated. "I did not realise that this would happen, my Lord. It needed much higher heat to melt the black material to coat the square, I did not think hot water could shift it."

Silence accompanied us across the Square. My mind tried to find a way to turn my disappointment into something positive. I realised I had to let Wi-Su know that I did not hold him responsible for the damage, but I concentrated so much that it was not until we were sitting at our table outside the inn that I thought to say, "The fault is not with your idea, Wi-Su. It is with the nature of the surface. It is not sturdy. You know, I was looking at the structure of the permanent road the other day, where it is cracked at the broken bridge, and noticed that it is made up of a fined grained background with many larger particles. Maybe if the black material was used as the fine background, the larger particles could be broken stone. Might that have more strength?"

"I don't know. We cannot experiment though, for all the black substance was used in surfacing the Square."

"Where did the black substance come from?"

"From a place up river, many days by cart."

"Could not an expedition be mounted?" I could feel my hopes growing again with this idea. Away in the wilds with Wi-Su.

"I guess, but Lord Srotyr would have to approved. I would need some 20 workers and 10 guards."

"I will ask Father when he returns."

"You will ask for me?" Wi-Su's voice lifted in hope. With my making the proposal he knew that at least he would be able to collect enough of the black substance to patch the holes.

"I would want to come too, Wi-Su. I have not travelled, and would be very interested to work with this black substance and see where it came from."

"I don't know if Lord Srotyr would risk that."

"Is it a dangerous place?" I asked.

"No, it is not dangerous. There are no lizlions nearby and it is away from normal routes of travel."

"Then why would there be any risk?"

"You are his only son, what if something went wrong?"

"You don't want me to come?"

"No, my Lord. Please don't force me into a corner. I could not think of anything better than to be able to spend so much time with you. I fear the responsibility."

"The responsibility will be mine. I will put it to him on his return. If he says no you will go on your own. But organise as if I will be there."

"We will share a tent?"

"I would like that, Wi-Su. I can imagine in the wilds to be outside after dark would not be pleasant, but to be alone for such a long time inside a tent would be very boring. I would like to be able to converse with you."

"And I with you, my Lord. You are the same age as my son, but when I speak with you I feel I am talking to a man of experience."

"Thankyou, Wi-Su. But the experience lies with you. I just supply the agile brain."

"To our expedition," said Wi-Su, raising his tumbler of rice wine.

"To our expedition!" I concurred. Images of his undressing beside me in our tent filled my thoughts as I gazed into his newly relaxed smile and gleaming white teeth. I loved the force of his chin. It gave his face such a strong character.

"I have mounted many expeditions, my Lord, but never have I felt the anticipation as with this. I believe we will achieve a lot. With my experience and your rapid intelligence we have a winning combination. And I believe we can work well together."

"I believe so, Wi-Su. Otherwise I would not have suggested it."

"To our partnership," he said, lifting a fresh tumbler.

"To us."

One tumbler of wine lead to another. We were again chatting freely about all manner of topics. As the rice wine had its relaxing effect Wi-Su again slipped lower in his chair, lifting his shirt and revealing his pouch. The material of his trousers was quite thin, and after some rice wine spilt on it somewhat transparent. His dick and his dark bush of hair were clearly visible in the tightly pulled material. I should have told him, knowing if someone else stopped to talk it would be quite embarrassing for him and he seemed quite unaware of his exposure, but I could not bring myself to lose that beautiful site. I saw images of him lying on his bedding, beside me in our tent, undressed for bed. He scratched at his balls and his dick shifted to a new position, now pointing upwards and showing its underside. The wine was drying though and clarity had diminished.

It was darkening as I mounted Kito to return home. Wi- Su helped me up as my co-ordination was not at its best. The feel of his strong hand lifting my leg into the stirrup, then under my backside pushing me up, was the pinnacle of the afternoon. I'm sure my leg brushed against his groin as he partially lost balance while boosting me, but he seemed unaware. I shook hands, wanting more to plant a kiss on his handsome lips, and started for home. Feeling desperate I turned back and suggested that we could have a closer look at the substance of the permanent road. He seemed keen and we decided to meet after siesta the following day. My thoughts soared in a mist of wine. I was feeling something I had never experienced. I had thought that I loved Father, that I loved Yue-Sin, that I loved Hi-Tui. But what I was feeling now was nothing like those feelings. I was floating on more than alcohol. Every little glint in his eyes caused my mouth to fall into a smile. My face ached from smiling so much!

Mother laughed at my unsteady gait, but her eyes showed pride that her boy was now a man and dealing with men. Our after dinner conversation was witty and sparkling, buoyed as I was by this new feeling. I was sure it was not something I should be feeling for a man, so I decided not to ask Mother what it was. I thought I would speak to Yue-Sin, but on seeing him lying in bed felt that it would not be the thing to do. It would cause jealousy, my instinct said. So if it would cause jealousy this must be love as well. Certainly looking at Yue-Sin lying naked on the bed, dick hard and pointing upward at 45 degrees, got me going, and I did think his face was quite handsome, and his chest and belly powerful, but the overall feeling was of quite a different character to what I felt when I thought of Wi-Su.

"How is your arse?" I asked as I undressed, revealing my matching erection.

"Still sore."

"Maybe we can just suck each other?"

"I would like that!"

My eyes, closed while I pleasured his manhood, dwelled on internal images of Wi-Su. Of kissing him, of seeing his body, holding him in my arms. Of his manhood as it showed itself earlier in the day, imagining it uncovered. Of our upcoming time together living in the same tent.


Despite moderate rain we were heading out of the town gate. Hi-Tui bowed as I passed, with what I believe was a questioning lift of his eyebrows as he eyed my companion. He nodded formally to Wi-Su. That he might be feeling left out did not occur as I rode close by Wi-Su, talking and enjoying the occasional brush of legs. Wi-Su wore pigskin, cut for riding. He spoke of the annual bridge building, the difficulties involved. Of trying to decide the day to pull it down at the start of winter to conserve as much timber as possible. Last year the river had risen early and much of the timber had been lost to the force of the flood. He marvelled at the strength of the pillars of the ancient bridge that still provided the support for the modern construction, how year after year they remained protruding from the water, unchanging. Wondered what could have happened to destroy a bridge made of similar material.

Across the river we turned left and trotted the animals till we arrived at the other broken bridge. Leaving them hobbled we climbed down into the streambed to examine the stone that had fallen there so many years ago. Everything was wet and slippery with the rain, and heavy clouds made it hard to see in the shadow of the ravine. With his strong arms Wi-Su helped me down some more difficult areas. I yearned for his touch, frustrated that my lizlion coat separated me from it. In truth I did not need help, but welcomed the assistance. Under the shelter of the bridge we opened our coats, hot and sweaty from the climb, and peered into the stone. Wi-Su had brought a small hammer and chisel to sample the material. It proved to be very hard, and he soon took off his coat to free his arm. His clothes rapidly became wet in the wafting mist as well as from his sweating in the humid atmosphere of the ravine. Eventually a small piece came away and we squatted close together to look at the freshly cut surface. His wet trousers stuck to his legs, making squatting difficult. He pulled them up his leg, scrunching them into his groin, then lifted his arms above his head to lift his shirt and allow arm movement when he had squatted. The end result was that his groin was wet as it had been the previous night, exposed and lying in close contact with the cloth of his trousers. This was very old and worn and consequently treated me to the best view of his pouch and its contents that I had had. I added its appearance to my collection of dicks, for it was different again to all I had seen. It did not have the size of Father or Hi-Tui, but was larger than Yue-Sin or Xi-To. The shaft appeared to be firmly formed, the head bulging the skin but well covered. I suspected that there was excess skin shrivelled after the head. The balls were deeper down in the cleft of his thighs and weren't so visible. And though it was at rest and seemingly unaware of my attention, and though it was not the biggest or most handsome I had seen, it fascinated me more than any other.

"This is what I was referring to," I said, trying to bring my thoughts away from our touching knees. "See how there appears to be two different textures mixed together. Both are fine textured, though one more than the other. The coarser seems to be in distinct pieces, the finer seems to form a matrix."

"It certainly has strength, my Lord. We should have brought a field worker with us. I feel quite shaky from the exertion."

"It didn't show, Wi-Su. And please, when we are alone, call me Cavon."

"Thankyou Cavon. I don't do as much of the physical work as I did. I certainly felt the effort." And he leaned a bit closer to me, trying to get a better angle on the cut surface. "I agree. It does appear to be a combination of two different ingredients. I wonder why that would add to the strength?"

Feeling myself melting at the pressure of his thigh against my leg I did my best to answer. "Look at this part you chopped off. It seems to have removed the individual pieces intact, breaking along the lines of the coarser material. Maybe the mixture combines the strength of the stone with the convenience of an easier to work with substance. Maybe with stones mixed with the black substance the stone would give strength while the black substance stopped it all from falling apart. And give it some stretch."

We stood, and Wi-Su wavered unsteadily. I grabbed him in my arms, thankful that I had opened my coat so I had contact with him. "Are you OK?"

"Just a bit dizzy. I think I got up too quick after the exertion. I'll just sit for a bit."

"Here, lie down on this flat bit. I'll roll your coat up into a pillow."

"Thankyou." He lowered himself down onto the large piece of flat rock that I had indicated. His dick was clearly visible through his wet pouch, pointing up and nicely outlined. I sat beside him and put my hand on his thigh. His chest was also visible and outlined, well formed and I thought with a bit of dark hair.

"Feeling better?" I asked after a bit.

"Yes, thankyou."

"Are you cold?"


"We really should get you into dry clothes, or you'll get sick," I said, wishing that I had dry clothes to change him into on the spot, worried about him wet and cold. "When you feel a bit better we should get back home."

"I think I'm OK now."

"Let me help you."

He stretched one leg over the edge of the rock then sat before bringing the other leg around. The stretching of the groin caused the weak, wet material to tear a little, allowing a bit of hair and ball to show. "Old clothes!" he complained. "Wore then `cause I thought I would be getting dirty, but looks like they have seen their last." He was now on his feet and putting on his coat, covering all his beauty. "Lets get home."

We clambered up the wet slope through rain that was getting heavier. This time I helped him, pulling on his reaching hand to help him up larger steps. Kito and Wi-Su's horse waited wetly, dripping from all points. We mounted and walked them a little to warm them before putting them into a slow canter. Kito's powerful step picked up speed and Wi-Su's horse tried to match.

"When does Lord Srotyr get back?" Wi-Su called over the noise of the passing wind.

"Next week."

"That will give me time to organise everything for our expedition. I have some chemicals that I use to analyse minerals that I find. Why don't you come to my shed tomorrow and we can examine this fragment of the road?"

"That would be interesting. After siesta or in the morning?"

"I have to supervise some new logs going into the wall tomorrow morning. After siesta?"


I remembered to wave to Hi-Tui, though he had been far from my thoughts. Usually my eyes filled with images of him whenever I approached the town gates. "I'll see you home, then I'll take your horse back to the stables so that you can dry off. Have a bath to warm up."

"I will. Thankyou Cavon. I enjoyed our ride."

"I did too."

"Until tomorrow then," he said shaking hands. He then helped me back up on Kito, lifting my leg then putting his hand between my legs from behind to lift me up. I felt his fingers brush my balls, but he did not seem aware, just slapping me on the leg in a manly farewell once I was mounted and handed me the reins of his horse.

"Goodbye Wi-Su." Trailing through whiney rain I met again with Hu-Wi at the stable, where I had spent my morning.

"You are looking a bit bedraggled, my Lord. As is Kito. Make sure you get your boy to dry and brush him well."

"I will, Hu-Wi. Thankyou."

I followed the advice I had given Wi-Su and soaked in a hot tub. Soaked and dreamt that I was still with him. Strangely my dick did not get hard, even though I re-lived over and over the sight of his ball falling out of the rent in his trousers, the sight of the thin, wet material of his trousers clinging transparently to his dick. I felt my whole being was floating in a giant bath of contentment.

Mother commented that I seemed dreamy, easily taking row after row of boxes from me. I managed to respond to Yue- Sin, but it was still with Wi-Su sparkling my eyes. Yue-Sin was feeling better, though he commented that it was difficult to tell whether I was in him or not. It was difficult for me to know if I had entered as well, having to look to check. I eventually came by forming a ring with my fingers at the opening of his gaping arse through which I shoved my dick.

"I hope my arse tightens up. I hate not being able to feel you."

I was fortunate that he was concerned about his arse, as it stopped him noticing my distraction.


Yue-Lin let an arrow fly. It hit the target in the second circle out from the centre. He stood aside to let me fire. Yesterday's rain had cleared, and it was the first dry day we'd had for a while. Loa-Lech had declined to join us, so we had managed some time alone. Not that there had been much encouragement in our invitation. I lifted my bow and fired. After shooting at Lizrabs the target seemed very large and still. I managed two in the centre, one in the first circle.

"You have improved," said Yue-Lin. "Having a private tutor makes a difference!"

"Yes, it does. So does firing at Lizrabs. When you can ride a horse we can go shooting together."

Yue-Lin's face lit up. I think he had been feeling neglected, not seeing much of me amongst my busy schedule. I suspect he thought that I didn't want to spend time with a child anymore. "That would be marvellous! Now let me have another try."

As the morning progressed his accuracy improved, as did mine. On one of our expeditions to collect the arrows he dragged me behind the hay bales that formed the back wall of the shelter of the target and got me to suck his dick. I remember back to just 4 weeks ago when I had sucked his dick for the first time. How it had been such a novel thing to do. Now it was almost ho-hum. I realised that I did not feel very interested in Yue-Lin, and though his dick was quite thick and handsome, thicker and longer than I remembered so he must be growing as well, memories of Wi-Su stimulated much more. But realising I forced myself to feign some enthusiasm, taking his seed with exaggerated smacking sounds. Strangely he didn't offer this time to suck me, but I didn't feel terribly inclined so I did not push it. He did seem more relaxed again after, giving me a quick kiss on the lips before heading out into the open. We moved our firing line back a bit and continued as if nothing had happened. I was impressed myself at how well I was shooting, and boasted to Hi-Tui as we passed through the town gate that I had hit the target every time, with 9 out of 10 in the centre.

"I can see the lizrabs quivering in fear!" he joked.

"We'll see next week," I replied. "Maybe I'll manage to hit a few this time!"

"I'm sure you will." And winked when Yue-Lin looked away.

Walking tiredly through busy pre-siesta streets, arms loaded with arrows and bows, Yue-Lin said, "I've got my eye on a girl."


"Yeh. She's real pretty, and will be of age a bit after me."

"Have you spoken to your father."

"Yeh. He's pretty easy about such things. He said if her parent's agree its OK."

"Who is it?"

"The daughter of Hi-Tui!"

I remembered Hi-Tui's comments about imagining himself with his daughter, and wondered if he could imagine any man with her. "Have you spoken to him?"

"No. Thought I would wait till I reached manhood."

"That is a little while."

"Yeh, but I can hardly say anything before."

"I could say something for you" I offered.

"That would be good. You and he are quite mates now. I saw his wink. Do you suck his dick too?"

I was surprised by this. It was said with an aggression that I had not heard from Yue-Lin before, in all our time as friends. Was he now jealous as well? "No! Would you like me to ask him if he would like you too! Maybe it would entice him to give up his daughter to you if you sucked his dick!" I surprised myself with the automatic nature of the lie.

I had responded in kind, and he immediately quailed. "Sorry, sorry. Didn't mean it. Just that you seem real chummy with him, spending your day off with him not me. I hardly see you!"

"Is that why you didn't suck me?"

"Ah. Yeh. I guess so. Not very fair was it. Maybe we can sneak into the bathroom if no one's there. My dick'll get hard again"

"Thanks, but no. I'm really quite worn out. I know I have been busy, but you are still my closest friend. Don't forget that I have entered manhood and I will be Lord. My duties take a lot of my time now and I don't have the freedom I had during childhood. When you become a man you will find it's the same."

"I'm sorry. I've been thinkin' only of me."

"I understand. How `bout we spar a bit next Sixday. Then we can have a bath together. Maybe you can get your father to stay away."

"You'll `ave more chance of that. He thinks the One looks out of your arse!"

"Does he talk of me?"

"Never stops!"

"Hm. Well, bye. If I don't see you before, I'll see you Sixday. And practise a bit, will you. I want some competition this time!" This was said as we were approaching the door to Yue-Lin's house.

"Oww!" Yue-Lin faked pain. "Touch‚."

"Don't joke, practise," I said, loading Yue-Lin with all the weapons for him to return to the armoury.

"OK. Cavon?" I turned from the couple of steps I had taken. Yue-Lin gestured me to return. "I do know I am still your friend, and I want you to know I am still yours. But I'm a bit worried about Loa-Lech. He seems to be quite `gainst you."

"I thought so too. Can you try to find out why, fix it up?"


Surprisingly I slept easily and well during siesta. Presumably physical exhaustion had the power to still my active mind. I woke with a huge sense of anticipation. Dreamily I tried to analyse Wi-Su and what he did as I slowly came to full consciousness. He did not show any interest in me, at least not as I had become accustomed from men like Hi-Tui and Yue-Sin. I remembered the first encounter with Hi-Tui and how confidently he had shown me his hard dick. Wi-Su did not seem to pay much attention to my physical form, but at the same time was unconcerned by what he did reveal to me of his own body. He did not drop his pants like Hi-Tui or stroke his dick like Yue-Sin, but he must have realised how transparent his wet clothes were the previous day yet he showed no desire to cover up. Nor any concern that one of his balls had escaped into view through the rent in his trousers. Was he not aware how much I stared at him? He touched me in ways more intimate than I was accustomed, though doing so as if he was touching my arm. And he kept organising to see me, when I didn't push him. This upcoming meeting had been his idea! I was aware that my hopes hung on flimsy pegs. Still, I found myself feeling quite anxious as I waited for him to arrive.

Arrive he did. Freshly dressed and washed, hair still wet and gleaming. His smile lit my heart as I greeted him in the sitting room, where a servant had showed him. Mother was present also.

"How are your wife and children, Wi-Su?" she asked.

"All very well, my Lady."

"How old is your oldest now?"

"6 seventy days from being a man. He has been staying with my brother in the KingsTown and going to school there. We hoped that he will be able to get a royal commission, but with the way things are now in the KingsTown we are no longer sure if this was a good idea. We may bring him back to finish his schooling with Chi-Da. My wife is very worried for his safety."

"There are many reports of the violence of the Prince. I think your wife may be correct, Wi-Su."

"I think she is, my Lady. We will send a message when Lord Srotyr returns, though I would like to ask him of his opinion before making a definite move."

"That is wise. What do you think Cavon?" asked Mother to bring me into the conversation.

"He will have the latest information, and he will have his interpretation of the information, which will be more accurate than all the rumours and tales that we hear."

"Good. So what are you going to do this afternoon?" Mother asked.

Wi-Su responded. "I work in timber and know timber well. But my passion is rock. I wanted to show Lord Cavon my collection of rocks and the tests I do to help distinguish one for the other. He has such a quick brain that I was interested to hear what he had to say of my ideas."

"Well, don't let me keep you from such important work. Until tea time, Cavon."

"Farewell Mother."

"Farewell, my Lady."

I couldn't wait to get outside, to have Wi-Su to myself. As soon as we were out of the door I asked, "Wi-Su, where is your work shop?"

"Its not much my Lord."

"Cavon," I reminded him.

He nodded and continued, "It is not much, Cavon. A lean-to attached to the field workers' tool shed. I've done it up a bit, but it's not much."

"How are you feeling today, Wi-Su?"

"Rather sore. My arms ache with every move, my legs protest with every step. It was worse this morning though, when I got out of bed. I'm not used to such activity any more."

We walked side by side through small side streets, weaving our way towards the cliff face that bounded the left side of NewTown. The tool shed was a large structure that contained all the equipment used by field workers in the toil of the fields, and also the building tools for the town. I had only been inside once or twice. I had never noticed a lean-to. Watching him as he walked I was amazed again as to how handsome he was. His posture was erect and he walked with long strides, a man who did not waste time in getting from place to place. His clothes looked freshly pressed, but unlike those worn yesterday, new and thick. His general body shape was visible, but no detail. Which didn't matter much as I was completely enraptured by his smile and moustache, his sparkling dark eyes with their little creases either side. With his hair combed down and wet his forehead was more visible, broad and wise.

"This is it." He gestured to a rather humble structure on the back end of the tool shed. It is no wonder I hadn't noticed it, as it was in the midst of lengths of timber and did not look much different to them. It was rather crude, except for the roof, which was new looking and stone. Maybe it had been added since I was last here. It was presumably part of his "doing up", to keep the inside dry for the storage of his specimens. He opened the door and ushered me inside. Here the results of his "doing up" were also evident. The walls were lined and a solid bench stood hard against the wall of the tool shed. Attached to the wall were shelves containing neatly made wooden boxes. Wi-Su lit a lamp and placed it on the table, then took down one of the boxes. "This is my collection."

He opened the box. Inside it was lined with filsal and divided into squares with neatly interlaced wooden dividers. Each square had within it a piece of stone, the wall of the square marked with a number. In the top of the box was a small book, and Wi-Su showed me that each number referred to an entry in the book that told of its properties and the location where it was found. I stood close to him to have a good look, and was thrilled by the feel of his arm, coatless as there was no rain, against mine. He had left the door open so I feared pushing too close. "These are very nicely worked, Wi-Su. Tell me about the stones."

"These are stones I picked up from the places I have been. They all have different structures. It is interesting to conceive how they are made. This one, if you grind it, turns into very fine particles like dry mud. This one becomes like sand. Could they have been made from those ingredients. All the ones in this box are similar. This one, grinds down to a fine white powder. If you drop acid on it fizzes and dissolves.

"Now in this box the stones are more crystalline. See how they glitter. They are very hard and don't react with much at all. This box is a bit different again. The structure is more uniform, no separate crystals. But they are not as hard, and like the first box give the impression of layers. This one here also fizzes when it contacts acid, though the others don't."

"So that is what you use to test?" I asked, pointing to a line of bottles on a shelf.

Wi-Su was quite enthused. "Yes, and I also have this lens that I use. Now, here is the new stone. Lets look at it under the lens first." He placed the stone on the table in good light from the lamp, then held the lens over it, moving it up and down. I had only seen a lens once before, and was as curious about it as the stone, but neither seemed real important when he suddenly said, "Look at this!" and put his arm around my shoulders to pull me close. He did not take it away either, making concentration difficult.

I looked at the stone magnified by the lens. I wondered how this magnification occurred, just by holding a curved piece of glass over an object, but decided to look more at the stone for the moment. The fine background and coarse pieces of stone were more obvious. The edges of the bits of stone were quite rough and sharp.

"This is different from anything I have looked at! I've never seen such fresh edges. This one I call conglomerate is similar, in that it has larger pieces and a fine matrix, but the larger pieces are all smooth and rounded, as if they have been in a stream. These look freshly broken." He then handed me the lens and reached for a bottle. It was glass, and had a glass stopper. He had spent lots of money on his hobby, I could see. I said as much.

"No, it is Lord Srotyr who has spent the money. I explained to him my interest, and why it might be important, and he has been happy to let me buy the things I need. Now watch as I drop acid on this stone."

The stone fizzed quite dramatically for a while, then stopped, leaving the structure of the rock unchanged. Wi-Su dripped a bit more acid, but there was no more reaction.

"It is lime that reacts to acid like this. This stone must contain lime, but not very much. This is quite different also. Usually a stone has only one or two ingredients that I can determine. If it reacts to acid then almost all the stone disappears. Lets have a closer look again."

With this Wi-Su put his arm around me again but this time I held the lens.

"You must move it till the image is clear," he said.

Following his instructions I managed to obtain a clear view. The rough pieces stood out a little more clearly from the fine matrix, but it had not been damaged much. I was very aware of the weight of Wi-Su's arm on my shoulders, the feel of his body against mine, the smell of his manhood. Also I became aware that my dick was quite hard. I knew he could not see, my pouch covered as it was by a long loose shirt, as I couldn't see his. I tried to think of some excuse to brush against him to find out if he was hard also.

"Now, lets try some alkali," releasing my shoulders at the same time. He carefully replaced the first bottle and took down another. Again he let a few drops fall, but this time there was no reaction. "We've been working on the fresh cut surface, lets try the same thing on the weathered surface." Both acid and alkali had no effect this time. He had turned a bit toward me as he applied the chemicals to give me a good view. Seeing a chance as soon as he had applied some acid I moved close to him, but leaving my arm that was near him by my side. I bent close over the stone to look.

"No, don't do that!" he said, grabbing me and pulling me away. "Sometimes nasty fumes come off after applying acid."

I didn't care much if they did, for his act of grabbing me had pushed my hand firmly into his groin. He didn't seem to notice, but I got a good feel of his lizlion. It was quite soft and had squashed under my hand. "I didn't realise," I said, letting myself remain in his grasp with the back of my hand pressing his groin.

"No, I guess you wouldn't. I learnt from experience. It doesn't happen every time." He gave me a quick squeeze before letting go of me and stepping back. "As it doesn't seemed to have happened this time. But on one occasion it made me quite sick. I couldn't breath and there were whistling noises in my chest."

I looked up into his concerned eyes. The thought of something making Wi-Su sick distressed me. "I am pleased to see that you are more careful now."

"It is why I leave the door open also, to let fresh air in. Though sometimes I have had to go outside to escape."

"What do you do with all this information you have collected?" I asked.

"I was hoping you might help me with that. I have all these notes, but I have not been able to put together any kind of theory to cover it all. There were some really interesting structures near where the black substance is, and I hope to show them to you. It has taught me some things though. You may remember that the roof of your house was changed last year. I discovered that the rock that is hard but layered, this one here, could be split into thin pieces, and suggested to Lord Srotyr that they would make a better roof than the wood shingles we usually use. They will not rot or let in moisture. He allowed me to test it out on this shed, and when it worked well allowed me enough workers to cut sufficient to roof your house. I think it has been much better, has it not?"

"Yes, it has. I did not know that we had you to thank for that, Wi-Su. It is one more thing or which I have to thank you."

"What else is there?"

"Just to be with you. To have you share your knowledge. Now sit down with me and go through your notes."

"The pleasure is mine. I enjoy your company immensely. I am amazed by the way you analyse things, the way you see things." Wi-Su pulled up two stools and I made sure that there was plenty of body contact as we pored over the small hand that filled pages of his notebooks. I became involved in the notes and the tales he told of the places where he had collected each stone. He had travelled widely, from the ocean to many days ride up river, from the KingsTown to the edge of the Kingdom of Wingso. He described each area by its rock structures and types. By the end my head was swirling with places and ideas.

"Wi-Su, you said that when you ground one of your rocks the end result was like fine dirt. Like dry mud. When mud is squashed and allowed to dry it becomes quite hard. You said that in this rock there was an appearance of layer on layer when you looked at its surface. Could it be that over many years layer on layer of mud had been deposited, say at the bottom of a lake. With the weight of all the layers, those at the bottom could become very hard. It would be a lot of pressure. Do you think that is how they could form?"

"But I have found these rocks high up on hill sides, a great distance from any water."

"Yet did you not note in some of these rocks the impression of sea weed, of strange creatures that look like fish? This would suggest they did form under water. How they became part of a hill I don't know, but if we forget that, could they not be collected sediment?."

Wi-Su looked at me with bemusement lighting his eyes. He shook his head. "Cavon, I want to kiss you. I have pored over all this information for more years than I care to say, and you look at it once and come up with an answer that is so simple and obvious that it must be true. May I kiss you?"

"You may." I wanted to say, with great pleasure, but instead just tilted up my head to receive his proffered lips. He kissed me lightly on the lips, and then hugged me too him. If he noticed my dick, instantly hard from the moment of the kiss, he made no sign. I could tell that his was still soft.

He stepped back and looked at me, hands resting on my shoulders. "You are a marvel, my boy," he said, tears glistening his eyes. What did you say, `collected sediment'? We could call them sedimentary."

"That is a good name. And depending on what type of sediment collects, be it gravel or sand or mud or clay, you get a different rock. Sand might come from an ocean shore. You said that the ocean is lined with sand, not like our river that is mainly mud."

"Sedimentary rocks," said Wi-Su, shaking his head. "But what about the rock we are examining. Where would it come from. It has no layers. It is evenly mixed."

"Wi-Su, I suspect that the road was made by an ancient race much greater than us. Long ago."

"The Book does not speak of this!"

"No, Wi-Su, the Book does not speak of this. But nor does it speak of rocks forming from sediment, nor how those rocks find themselves on the side of mountains. The Book does not speak of everything, does not explain everything."

"You know, Cavon, I had thought that, but had never been brave enough to say so. Hug me again, you marvel!"

Once again I found myself in his arms, swimming in his wonderful scent. I didn't care if he could feel my dick or not, for he did not seem to have any awareness. I remembered my conversation with Hi-Tui about blindness and felt disappointment, but all the same I held tight until he broke the grip. "Let's go and have a drink to celebrate."

"Lead on."

After several rice wines we were lounging on chairs in front of the inn that fronted on the square. Light was starting to fade. Wi-Su's pouch was again on view, but with the thick new fabric nothing was on show. We had talked much about rocks, about the places he had visited, about his life.

"How old are you, Wi-Su?"

"I am in truth, an old man now. I am 21 years old next birthday."

"You do not look old, Wi-Su."

"No, maybe not. But I am. I married late, trying to earn enough money first. That is why my first born, Wi-Vo, is only a little younger than you." He stopped, and looked at me closely. "Cavon, can I say something that in truth I shouldn't?"

"Of course, you can say anything to me," I replied, curious.

"I shouldn't say it for it is not right to wish for what you haven't got. And I don't want you to think that I don't love Wi-Vo. He is a good, honest lad who respects his parents and works hard, unlike many in this modern age. But I wish you were my son, Cavon. I feel love for you greater than I feel for my own blood, and though I shouldn't this is how it is. I marvel at your rapid mind, your skill on horse, your warm, caring heart. I marvel at everything about you."

This took me by surprise. I almost said that I felt the same, which would have been the truth, but caught myself. "I love you too, Wi-Su. I will not say more than Father, but in some ways just as much. Father is a mighty man who I respect and love enormously, but if I had to choose someone else to by my father, it would be you."

"Thankyou, Cavon. Your warm my old heart. Now let me walk you home before your Mother thinks you have been abducted."

There did not seem much more to say at this time. After chattering for an age we now walked in silence, but a silence so close that, even though we walked at an appropriate distance from each other, I felt we were walking with arms around each other's waists. Wi-Su shook my hand then bowed as I entered my house. "I will let you know FirstDay how goes the planning for our expedition."

"Until FirstDay, then," I replied.

I lay in a hot bath and thought of many things. I thought of Father, wanting him here with me, but wanting him here also so he could say that I could go on this expedition with Wi-Su. I thought of what Wi-Su had said of love. I remembered how Hi-Tui and cautiously criticised the way Father loved me. Without doubt the love of Wi-Su was more pure, more like a normal love between father and son. It was from my side that I tainted this love, by wanting him on a physical level. Had I been corrupted by Father? Or was this just my own natural inclination? I had seen Wi-Su on my first day of manhood, and though I had spoken with him and spent time with him, I had felt none of what I was feeling now. He had just been someone to talk to, and then more to impress Father than anything personal about Wi-Su. Had I changed? Again my thoughts led to a mass of unanswerable questions, about which I had no one to ask. I was looking forward to FirstDay.

Next: Chapter 11

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