New beginings

By Margaret Graham

Published on Oct 18, 2001



Warning: This story is true, how I was had my first lesbian experience and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts between women. If this type of content offends you, or you are under the age of 18 do not read it. Please E-mail me at if you have suggestions for future chapters and if you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it.

I saw the welcoming sign of air conditioning and, the though of a cold drink was just what the doctor had ordered, it must have been the hottest day of year so far, and the heat in the city was sticky and stifling. And the bar looked inviting.

As I walked into the bar feeling quiet please with myself, since coming down from Scotland I has finalise the accounts for Tom's and mine advertising agency I had to stay in London for the next two weeks just to tie up the loose ends. The air conditioning in the bar was full on and as I walked in it sent a shiver down my body my nipples become hard, sticking out of through my white bra and white skill shirt, dame it I knew I should have put on something a little less revealing

The bar tender gives me a warm smiles " what would you like", as the bar tender looked with admiration at the site of my erect nipples, I looked down at my watch, as I notice the admiring look's, feeling myself redden "I have a glass of cold dry white wine please" looking at my watch again just after 11:30 smiling to myself this feels a little wicked drinking at this time of day.

Sitting waiting for my drink I start to look around, it was quite dark in the bar, it has no natural light, and the lights that are on are turned down low, as far as she could tell there was only one other person in the bar, she was sitting at the far end of the bar drinking tea, she raised her cup a gave me a warm smiled and nodded to.

I smiled back, my attentions was drawn back to the bar tender placing my drink down, taking a long slip of the her cold wine it, was delicious.

Drinking the rest of my wine down knowing I had to be on my way, quickly glancing at my watch it was now 11.45, and I was not looking forward going back out into the heat of the City.

I called the bar tender, getting out her purse "how much for the wine", the bar tender said " it on the house" I looked puzzled. "Sorry I don't understand"

A voice come from behind me it made me spin round quickly with a start "Hi I am Diane Fox I am the Manager the drink is on the house, as you are a first time customer its a the bars tradition" Diane continued " if you are local we are having a lady's night on Friday night starts at 7 p.m. your most welcome" pushing a ticket into my hand.

" Thank you, I am Sally Easton nice to meet you, and thank you for the ticket" looking at the ticket that had been pushed into my hand I put it into my bag. I started to study Diane, she was a lot taller than me and very elegant, with lovely blond shoulder length hair, and she had a very sexy Welsh accent Diane she looked stunning.

"Goodbye, thank you for the drink" I said as I picked up my bag, and started to make my way out of the club back into the blistering heat of the street

"See you Friday" said Diane softly.

I raised my hand as to say yes, once into the street the heat was instant, I was still puzzled and wonder how they made any money if all new customer get free drinks and tickets?.

The rest of the week went very slowly, I was looking forward to going home at the end of the month I always hated leaving Scotland, and I was missing Tom we knew that we would eventually have to move down south to expand our business but I was not yet ready to move away from all I knows. The clients wanted changes to the lay out, and thank god it Friday, I was looking forward to a long soak in the bath and some wine..

I was looking for my pen and on emptying my bag, I found the ticket for the lady's night, looking at the name of the club made her laugh " Tabo", what on earth did they name it that for, well I have nothing better to do and being coped up in my hotel room night after night was making me a stir crazy.

I got to the club about 8.00, checking herself in the mirror of the shop next door yes I will do. I always looked good in red plunging neck line and the cut away back, I was feeling very sexy, yes I will do nicely.

I felt quite nervous as I start to walk into the club, taking a deep breath the women at the door asked for her ticket, "thank you" as she rips the ticket "the clock room is on the left at the bottom of the stairs", I handed my coat in and walked into the bar. What a change the bar was full, music playing, I could not believe this was the same place, I had a quite drink in a few day earlier..

It took some time to get to the bar and I was recognised immediately, the one women behind the bar was the women who served me on Monday, she come over straight away and said "hello again", I was impressed and some what flattered that she would remember her. "Hi" I said.

"My names Jane I will be serving you this evening, we have a table for you, if you would prefer" she smiled pointing over to the empty table "what can I get you tonight"

I was a little shocked at the special attention, well "A Vodka and Coke please,.... if its OK I would rather stay at the bar", Jane looked young an had a very athletic looking body in fact quite stunning I was feeling a little embarrassed and felt herself redden, so I looking down playing with the bar mat. God what had got into this week I had never felt this randy since first going out with Tom, only two more weeks and I will be back home in his loving arms.

"Your Vodka and coke Miss Easton" said Jane, I looked up " you have a good memory Jane" "we always remember our special customer Miss Easton", what did she mean by that I though to myself.

I was sitting enjoying the music and the lively atmosphere, "Hi hope your enjoying yourself" said Diane, "Jane make sure Miss Easton gets everything she needs and put it on the house", Diane lent over touching my arm and whispered in my ear "and can I say you look wonderful, tonight your my guest for the evening, all you need to do is relax and enjoy yourself I will see you later" I felt Dianes hot breath next to skin it sent shivers down my spine, a mixture of excitement, and embarrassment sweep through my body..

"I am sorry Diane but I can't accept.........." Diane put her fingers to my lips and genitally rubbing her thumb over them, and running the back of her hand every so softly over my cheek I felt that my lips had been set on fire, Diane moving only a few inches from my face , I was now looking deeply into Dianes green eyes "of course you can, we will talk later" Diane smiled looking at Jane "please look after my guess".

I sat a little dum struck, feeling embarrassed, and a little excited started to look into my drink as those I could find the answer in it, I have never felt this way before, and was starting to have doubts, maybe this was not such a good idea after all. I had made up my mind that I would finish my drink and then leave quietly.

"Miss Easton another drink" said Jane pointing to her near empty glass

"No thanks I'm fine thanks", after a little thought I asked "how long have you worked for Diane"

Jane replied "the last few years she has built this club up to one of the premier bars in London",

"She has done a wonderful job if tonight is any thing to go by". I could not believe I wanted to know all about Diane, I study said "well thanks Jane, I think it time I left would you thank Diane for me" as I started to stands to get up and go

"Sally you are not leaving yet" as I felt, a warm strong a hand on her shoulder pushing back to wards my seat "Jane another drink for my guests" said Diane while holding onto my arm. As Diane touched me I felt an electric shock go through my body, I got to leave and leave now and try to make some sense of what is happening to me.

"I am sorry Diane I really need to go earlier start and all that" I said trying to keep my voice under control and calm and I started to genteelly pulling her arm from Diane clutches, trying to make her escape.

"I am sure you could manage one for the road" said Diane

"Well maybe just one more would not hurt" I Said, as I was sure that Diane was not going to loosen her grip on me.

"Good", gesturing to Jane "Jane same again for Sally, I hope you don't mind me calling you Sally" Diane said in a flirty tone.

"Come" still having hold of my arm, genteelly leading her to a table in the corner, "that's better we can get to know each other a little better". Diane was sitting so close to me placing a hand on my thigh, moving in soft slow circles up and down my thigh moving from the outside to inside my thigh.

I am trying to move away not being used to such intermercy with a women, my head was spinning wanting to leave but felt like an animal caught in the headlights of a car.

"So Sally tell me about yourself", moving her mouth closer to my ear, "it must be hard being such a long way from home, being on your own" Diane was now sitting side onto me, Diane warm breath on my ear, with one hand playing with my hair, and still running her other hand further up my thigh. Making me gasp with pleasure.

I could hardly breath, a mixture of fear and excitement, Diane saw the effect she was having on her date.

Diane softly starts to stroke my face, my eye half closes, basking in the feeling running through my body, "would you like to Dance Sally" Diane leads me to the dance floor, takes me in her arms and holding me closely I was intoxicate with her perfume, we start to dance slowly to the Lady in Red.

Diane start to kiss my neck slowly, kissing me softly on every each of my flesh, running her tongue across the recesses of my throat to the soft flesh of my collarbone. And back to my lips, her lips was both soft and sweet, the taste of cherry evident each time Diane pressed her lips against hers. I let out an moan of pleasure

Diane takes this as a sign of encouragement and her hands start to run down me back teasing the skin down to my bum following the crease I starts to moan softly again. "Do you like than Sally", all I could do was to nod yes, god I have never felt this good, I start to push my body closer to Diane I start kissing her neck. Rubbing my bodies against her. I was on fire I had started to get a dull ache in the pit of her stomach. All the years I have been with Tom he had never made her feel this way or get me this excited

Diane moved her attention to kissing me around the lips A light peck at first denoting tenderness and affection. Then she kissed me again - this time with passion. I felt the press of her tongue against my lips and opened my lips to receive it. Sparks erupted as I felt Diane tongue brush up against her own. This was driving me wild with passion. I started to suck on Diane tongue, taking more and more into my mouth..

Her lips were soft and sweet, she smelled much softer and gentler than a man it was intoxicating, Diane reached up and cupped my right breast through the material of my dress, and we started to kiss like long lost lovers, another surge of passion swept through me I was so wet. As she rub my nipples they where getting hard under the her expert touch.

As Diane pull's away, start to moan I don't want her to stop I want to fell like this forever "would you like to go some place we can be more comfortable where we can be alone" she says in my ear,

I at the point I can hardly speak I mange to say "Yes please" I was full of passion and wanting, "Good" said Diane "wait here while I get some Wine to take with us" she leads me back to the table and after I seat she bends down passionately kisses me on the mouth running her hand up under my dress and, she can feel the heat from my very wet mould. Diane pulls away "hold that though", I be back soon.

I has never wanted anything as much as she wanted Diane not Tom, my head was spinning again, I have never been like this in public before I would have let Diane make love to me in the middle of the club I could not believe the depths of my own passion. Good what am I doing I started to stand up, as Diane approached with the wine.

With tears in her eyes "I am sorry Diane I cant do this, I have never been with a women before, I am to marry in the summer, I am sorry please forgive me" as I put my hand over my mouth to stop the sobs. If I did not leave now I would never leave I had to find the strength

Diane catch's my arm as I try to rush past her "wait something has awakened in you tonight, you can run out on me, but you will not be able to run away from what you feeling when you were in my arms"

"Please don't make this any more difficult than it is" I started to plead "just let me go now, I am truly sorry"

Diane release my arm, "hold on I can't let you leave in this state I will get a driver to take you home, you can keep him as long as you like" I could not believe Diane was being so nice about this

"Sally" Diane said softly "when you come back, as I know you will, I will make sure you will be staying all night next time I want let you run away "

I though there will not be a next time.

"Sally this is Ron"

"Ron take Sally anywhere she wants to go, and look after she a little upset", Ron walked me to the car in silence, opening the back door for me.

"No.... can I ride in the front, please if that's OK"

"Yes sure, were would you like to go miss"

"Please just drive if that OK I need to clear my head", I was still alight with passion, and needed time to get her head together

Ron pulled out a tissue and handed it to me, "thank you" come now miss "Dry your eyes"

After a while of driving around "you can take me home now please I am staying at the Dorchester in Hyde park do you know it"

"Yes miss I know it well", we drove the rest of the way in silence,

I started to look at Ron, tall dark a very strong jaw line good looking, or was it that I was still feeling randy or maybe I just wanted a man to prove to myself that what happened in the club was just a one off..

As they pulled into the garage of the hotel Ron drives towards the left, "thank you" I start to touch Rons thigh and start to squeeze it lovely, "would you like to come up for a drink" I asked I started letting my hand roam up his leg to his cock and start to rub the palm of my hand over it, was flirting outrageously with him.

"No thanks Miss I think you are confused enough", as he takes my hand away from his cock

Ron gets out an walks round the car to open the door for me

"Sure I can't temp you to come up for a quick...." as I start to rubs around the top of her breasts, I so much wanted to be with a man to erase what had happened earlier that night at the cub

Ron leans forward "miss really I think you need to be on your own" I let my hand slid down the front of his trousers and I find my attentions have not gone to waste has his cock starts to get hard he start to moan, "Ron you know what I want" I whisper as I start kissing and sucking his ear.

"so what is it you want miss" Ron says inches away for my lips, sally smiles "you know what I want"

Ron grabs hold of me and pushes me up against the car, and starts to kisses me hard on her lips trying to force himself into my mouth, at the same time pushing his hand up my dress feeling my still wet mound, "is this what you want Miss" as I gasps he is in my mouth and starts fucking my mouth with his tongue. he then starts kissing my ear, and working his way down my neck he pushes me into the back of the car and starts to taken my knickers off. I slip my hand down and undo his trouser to allow his hard cock to be set free I start to rub his shaft, which makes me moan with pleasure, he starts pushing his fingers into to my wet cunt, and starts to pump me with his fingers. As he slides the straps off my dress down exposing my breast he starts to rubbing my breast hard and starts to suck on the other one holding my nipple in his teeth as he licks them. God this was not what I wanted either I try to get up but it was to late, I felt Ron hard cock ram all the way into her, making me grasp with pain, Ron started to pump away hard and deep until he could not hold on anymore. I felt him cum deep inside me, I let out a cry not of passion but of disguise how could I be so stupid twice in the same evening.

After he hand finished I rearranged my cloths quickly before leaving the car, "I hope you enjoyed the ride miss, I am at the club every night and at your service miss, " he smirked as I walked pass.

Sleep did not come easy for me, I could not get the images of Diane soft kisses and caresses, she knew how to turn me on better than any man had every had. And then remembering what happened in the garage with Ron tears rolling down my face. I have never been unfaithful to Tom before tonight.

But I have never desired a women before, I was getting married soon, and all I could think about is wanting to fuck a women then fucking Ron instead what have I done my world was being turned upside down.

As I watch the sun rise, what I am going to do now, god what a mess. Going to the Bathroom I start to run the shower, glancing in the mirror, god you look like shit,

I closed my eyes as the warm water splashed over her body. As I ran a soapy washcloth between my legs and across my lightly haired pussy,

I couldn't believe how horny I felt, and my mind started to drift back to Diane, and the club, and how Diane had made me feel, I started to stroking her breasts, bringing her nipples to a familiar hardness, Soapy hands glided down between my legs and then around to the cheeks of my ass,

Then back between my legs parting my vaginal lips, quickly finding the small stubby clit hidden within. Closing my eyes I pressed a slippery finger against it.

I slid a finger up within myself, followed by a second and a third. "Oh yes." "That feels so nice" It wasn't long before I was furiously pumping my fingers in and out, sparking the flame between my legs. "Oh Diana don't stop" as my fingers caressed my cunt in an orgasmic frenzy.

I felt my legs and arms go weak as repeated waves of delight rippled up and down my naked body. As I stepped from the shower I knew I must never go to the club or see Diane again.

The next few days went by and I had got to the stage where she was masturbating before going to sleep and during the night and the next morning I had not done this since being a teenager Diane was never far from my thoughts. and was haunting me with very vivid dreams of her making love with me.

Maybe if she went back to the club just once more, I would be able to get on with the rest of life, without being haunted by the erotic dreams of Diane, or maybe it was just a school girl crush forbidden fruit.

I stood outside the club for nearly hour, yes I could do this and picks up another courage to walk in.

"Hi" said Jane "nice to see you back would you like a drink"

"Yes please a Vodka and coke and could you please make it a double"

"Its very quiet in here tonight" I said making small talk to hid my nervousness Wednesday night always are, your drink"

"Thanks" as I slid my jacket off and put it on the chair next to me

Diane was watching me from her office, smiling knowing that I would not be able to keep a way, and she know I would not be leaving not this time The intercom had broken Dianes train of though "yes"

"Diane Miss Easton has come back"

"Yes so I see, I will be down a little later make sure you take care of her"

I started to search the room for Diane,

"Miss Easton Diane is in the office catching up with some paper work"

"Thank you Jane I was just ....", I had not though I was being that obverse, well maybe its for the best.

"Hello Sally nice to see you have come back to see us" Diane moved the hair from the back of my neck and let her tongue run over my neck then placing light kiss on it. My body reacted immediately, sending little shock waves down it. At that moments I knew this was a mistake.

"Hello Diane, I though I would come to say goodbye I am going back to Scotland on Saturday",

"Are you" Said Diane, thinking to herself, you be luck if I let you out of bed, before then.

"Would you like another drink"

"Yes please" "Jane bring it over to the table please Sally and I have a lot to talk about", Diane once again taking my arm leads her to the table.

Jane arrival with Sallys drink "thanks"

"So what have you really come back for Sally", as Diane slides closer and starts to kiss my ear, remember what I said to you when you left last time, if you come back you come back to stay the night, as my lover.

I started to shift in my seat I was feeling uneasy again, "am I making you feel uncomfortable" maybe you would like me to be less direct.

All I could manage was a half smile, "that's OK Sally just relax nothing going to happen to you that you don't want to happen", "not like" Diane waited then a wicked little smile and then carried on "not like Ron you did not want that to happen did you, did he get me out of your head Sally" or "I see by your discomfort it made you want me more"

I was sitting their looking shocked I could not believe he had told her , "maybe this was not such a good idea maybe I should just leave"

"Not until you tell me all what happen after you left the club with Ron", "tell me about Ron" and the sleepless nights in bed thinking about me when you where pleasing yourself was it my hand that that you wished was touching you, was it my lips kissing you in your cunt making she scream for me to release you" "well Sally don't be shy"

"Yes" I said softly,

"Yes what Sally" you can tell me what you want

"Yes it was you I have wanted all week, its your touch I have been yearning for your lips kissing me teasing me touching me, I wanted you to release me and take me where I have never been before" my eyes where alight with passion again for this women.

"Thank you Sally at last you have been honest not with me but with yourself," Diane spoke softly in Sally ear "I want you to want me more than air itself, I am going to make you so wet, that you will be begging me to release you".

"Oh yes, please can we go somewhere private" I said, pressing my lips against Diane ear kissing and sucking her lob "please I want you, I need you please don't let me wait any long please",

Diane smiled at the wanting at of her new partner, "be patient my love, be patient, I will get some wine and we take up stairs", holding out her hand as I stands she places an arm around her waist and leads me to the bar.

"Jane a bottle of white wine please Sally and I will be going upstairs please lock up for me", picking the wine up from the bar.

I followed Diane up the stairs, and into her office, looking round you could see the office over looked the club, Diane walks over and starts kissing my neck, I starts to moan. "Follow me" leading me by the hand into a her flat

Diane turns the lights on "the flat's lovely" opening the wine handing me glass "make yourself at home" I looks at the sofa which looks inviting I walks over taking of my shoes tucking my feet onto the sofa.

"Would you like to hear some music?" Said Diane softly as she walked over to the stereo putting on a c.d. As the soft music filled the air Diane walked and sat next to me on the sofa taking a sip of her wine.

As I start to moving closer to Diane kissing her softly on the lips .not wanting to wait any longer "I think I am falling in love with you", kissing Diane again softly on her lips

"Have you ever had feeling like this for any other women Sally" Diane was stroking my face "no never"

"Sally have you ever sleep with another women" again the reply cane "no" I've fantasised many times about making love with another woman, this will be my first time

Diane moved forward her lips were warm and firm against mine, but tender and gentle, coaxing me to open my mouth. Diane seem to understood my confusion and uncertainty "just relax Sally your in good hands I going to make you feel so good I going to make you so wet just relax" .

I tried to push her away one last time but I could not fight it any more I wanted her and I wanted her more than anybody and I would do anything, she held me closer, and out of nowhere her hand was slipping under my shirt, pushing it up to expose my naked breasts to her hot gaze.

Still confused, but becoming very aroused, I held her breath as she pulled the shirt over my head and moved her hands to cover each breast. I start to moan into her mouth, caught off-guard, and she took full advantage of this to slip her tongue into my mouth. Diane stroked her tongue against mine, playing with it, twining and entangling with it. Diane plunged it in deep into my mouth and slid it slowly over my teeth, all the while her hands massaging my breasts. She took her thumbs and began to caress my now sensitive nipples. I started to arch my back slightly, unconsciously, pushing my breasts further into her hands. I moaned once again, my head starting to spin with pleasure. A shock of electricity runs through my body.

"You're so beautiful" said Diane and smiles, as she take a nipple into her mouth, sucking it slowly, softly,.... twirling my other nipple between her fingers. As Diane tracing her hand down from my breast to my pussy still trapped inside the denim. There she begin to rub the palm of her hand against me, Diane could feel the warmth, and the slight wetness.

"Oh God....mmmmm, I need you, I need to feel you, I need you inside me" please Diane" I starts to plead.

Diane starts kissing a path down my belly and pause to trace circles around her navel, occasionally allowing her tongue to enter inside the cervice. I was now moaning with every one of Dianes touches pushing myself to wards Dianes lips.

Diane start undoing my jeans button by button and as she un each button she kisses the skin exposed. and carefully lower my jeans over my waist and hips, and down my thighs to the floor.. Diane fingertips slip underneath the side of my panties, and push them over to one side. And starts to kiss my pussy hair, then without warning, part my lips with my tongue, and lick the entire length of my slit.

"Oh god" Diane continue to lick me slowly, up and down, before stopping, I moans "please don't stop"

Diane smiles and slowly moves up my body planting little kisses, "we have all night Sally I want this to last" Diane stands lets get more comfortable, and go into the bedroom. I raises slowly from the sofa, and are lips tongues in twinned once more

As we walk to the bedroom, we walk together as one, Dianes body against her back, arms wrapped around me, one hand touching my pussy, the other caressing my breast, her lips kissing the back of my neck. As they get to the bed Diane turns me around and starts to removes my pants

Diane looked into my eyes, she laid me down on my bed and started kissing me softly for what seemed like a hours, then began to kiss her way around her mouth, dropping slightly to under my mouth, then down to my chin, and down, around my neck, pausing momentarily to poke out her tongue, and playfully lick it's tip across my neck.

I am so wet and start to moans as Diane stops and looks down on me and smiles, I am going to make this last you are my prisoner now, Diane raises my arms above my head and starts to tie them to the head board. I try to pull away. Diane whispers in my ear, "trust me I am going to make you feel really good" Diane then gets a silk scarf and places it over my eye "you are mine now"

Then going against what I thought Diane would do, Diane returned her lips to mine, this time parting my lips, and pushing the tip of my tongue to my bottom lip, tracing it left, then up, around her top lip, and back to where it had started.

As I try to part her lips, so I could get my tongue in her mouth she leaned her forward, taking my tongue between her soft lips, sucking it gently, sending a new chill of desire through my body. Diane let out a slightly muffled sigh, as she sticks her tongue deeper inside her mouth, my lips still gently closed around it, as I felt the tip of her tongue begin to flick playfully at the tip of mine, then starting to circle it, and running along it's length, before intertwining, as my lips met hers once more, and we embraced in a sensuous kiss, our tongues almost dancing inside her mouth

Diane withdrew her mouth from mine, taking her kisses back over her chin, along her neck, and then teasingly slow, Diane traced down the line of my left breast, across it's underside, and up the inside, before crossing to her eagerly awaiting nipple, taking it's fullness between her lips, kissing, suckling, nibbling with her lips. Diane wrapped her lips around my breast, using her tongue to stroke my nipple gently, then closing her lips slowly, to suckle again, opening her lips slowly, her tongue flicking now, making circles around my erect nipple. Diane moved her mouth left, now doing the same to my right breast and nipple, treating them with the same care, listening to the sound of my pleasure fill the air.

Her lips moved back across her chest, finding my left breast once more, moving directly to my nipple, this time parting her lips and taking it between her teeth, gently nibbling, rolling it, nibbling, rolling, before running her lips lower, kissing her way from my breast to my navel, pushing her tongue gently inside, licking and tickling at my belly button.

Diane's mouth moved lower still, tracking kisses from my navel to the under side of my belly, using the tip of her tongue she traced from the middle of the underside of my belly, to the her right, and back to the left, then Diane kissed her way down over my left thigh, kissing along the outside, down to her knee, taking a moment to suckle on my knee playfully, before kissing down the inside of my calf, and sucking on inside ankle, licking her tongue across to outside of my ankle, sucking again, then tracing her tongue down over the top of my foot, over my toes, she move to the right foot, starting with the inside ankle, suckling, tickling, tracing across to the outside ankle with her tongue, and suckling again. Diane began to kiss her way upward once more, up over outside calf, to the knee, up over the outside thigh, and down again to the knee, sucking gently, moving inward, until her mouth is touching my inner thigh. Diane moves her body, placing her body between my knees, feeling her knees push gently against my legs, as she slowly start to spread my legs to I am now open to her, I feel her lower legs against my feet.

Now using her tongue in a side to side motion, she make her way higher, slowly, not wanting to rush things. Higher still, even slower.

I am now arching my back pushing my pussy up towards her face wanting to feel her lick me I am begging stop teasing please "fuck me, fuck me now, I want you please"

Then Diane starts to take notice of my pleads smelt the faint smell of sex fill my nostrils, taking a deep breath it filled her lungs with her sent, then continued, until her nose came into contact with the smooth touch of my sex.

So that her chin now faced my left thigh, her forehead rested above my right cunt I could feel Diane hovering her head up over her sex, and finally she placed her lips just above it, kissing around it, then kissing down along my right labia, up along her left, finally wrapping her lips around both, kissing it fully.

My sighs were now moans, Diane could feel my hips push toward her, gently, but unmistakably.

Diane opened her mouth she let her top set of teeth come into contact with my sex, to the right of my right labia, then pulling her teeth inward, she ran them over my labia, again, again, again, my hips began to push harder, Diane could sense I was about to orgasm, and moved her head higher on my cunt, letting her tongue dart across my now exposed clitoris, feeling it's swelled mass, and just as she began a second stroke with her tongue she felt my hips jerk forward, and a gasp escape my mouth, as orgasm ripped through my body.

Not stopping Diane brought her mouth back to where it had been, again running my teeth over my now swelled vaginal lips, periodically kissing, then nibbling on them. Without warning Diane plunged her tongue between them, releasing another gasp from me mouth, Diane pushed deeper, tasting the sweetness of her cum on her tongue, deeper still, the tip of Diane's tongue brushing and flicking at her vaginal walls, delving deeper, then pulled back, pushed forward, she began to thrust her tongue inside me, my hips thrusting with the rhythm. Of Diane tongue

As light trickle of my juices, from my earlier orgasm met Diane's tongue, it's taste burning renewed lust within her, she moved her tongue faster, in, out, in, out, faster, in, out, in, out, twisting the tip deep inside her, moving from side to side, in, out, twisting, in, out, side to side. Diane felt my body tense, and another orgasm ripped through my body, this time causing me to lift my knees to her waist, wrapping my calves around her back, down until the heels of my feet were rested on my buttocks. As her tongue worked harder still, Diane felt another orgasm flow through me, feeling my toes curl as my heels pushed down on her buttocks, hearing me raise to almost a scream, my hips no longer thrusting to any rhythm, but thrusting violently.

"Ooooooooh godddddddd, please please don't stop" pleaded fuck me fuck me

Diane withdrew her tongue from my vagina, and moved my lips higher, until they found my clitoris once more, this time taking it between my lips, and sucking on it gently, rolling it between my lips, kissing it, sucking, kissing, rolling, hearing me cry out as she slides one finger then two and then a third finger in my cunt and starts pumping as she still carry on sucking my clitoris and rolling it between her lips sucking and rolling my screams become hoarse, feeling my body tire, my legs still tight around her back. Diane as she sucked harder, using her tongue to flick solidly across the exposed tip of her clitoris behind her lips, flicking hard, fast, then pulling back her lips, she replaced them with my teeth, rolling her throbbing, hard clitoris between them, nibbling, as her tongue still flicked, furiously, flicked, darted, pausing briefly to make a tiny circle around it with the tip of her tongue, then continuing to nibble, roll, and her finger pumping deeper and harder all the time, she then started to bit it gently, just using the barest of pressure, pushing her teeth in on it, rolling once more, her tongue now began to make diagonal strokes at it, fast, furious, and just as returned to biting once more, she felt my legs go limp, my feet dropped off my buttocks, and my legs lay either side of Diane, my screams stopped, my hips convulsed, as my chest heaved, and my breath give out an exhausted rhythm, Diane's mouth was met by a steady flow of her sexual juices, wrapping her mouth around me sex, she began to suck and swallow on my sweetness, only letting the smallest of drops escape, and dribble down my chin.

Then rising up over her body, Diane crawled her way up, and leaned down to kiss me again, letting me taste myself on her lips, we kissed for a long time, sensually, are tongues again intertwined.

As she took my blind fold off, looking deeply in her eyes I said hoarsely "you are amazing",

"Was it like you dreamed it would be " still placing kissing on my lips while still playing with my tits

"Much better I never believed I could feel like that, please untie me I want to make love to you"

"Not quite yet I have only began" Diane said to me smiling

As I looked over Diane shoulder I saw Jane standing there only in her bar and pants, "how long have you been there I said"

Jane started to walk over to the bed, sitting the other side of Diane

"Diane I don't understand why is Jane here, please untie me" I said with some urgency pulling against by bonds.

"Sally the club is like a family, and like a family we share, Diane start to stroke my face and kissing my face "suh just relax remember nothing will happen that you don't want to happen, and trust me you will want this to happen"

"Please" I was now getting frantic please let me go

Jane drops a hand on my breast as she leans over me to kiss Diane fully on the mouth I can see Jane's tongue pushing into Diane mouth, each taking a turn Jane sucking Diane tongue taken in her mouth and she starts sucking on it.

I feel my self getting wet again, as they break the kiss Diane on the left and Jane on the right start to kiss my neck, as Diane kissed my lips and plays and dances with my tongue Jane would run her tongue over my neck, and as Jane started to kiss my mouth pushing her tongue in my mouth Diane started to run her tongue over my neck.

I was moaning again trying to get my hands loose, how I want to join in but still I could not move, "Sally do you want us to stop now"

"God no please don't stop, please"

As Diane and Jane started to take turns kissing me pushing there tongue in my mouth, as the other where kissing and nipping and rolling my nipples, and when I thought I was going to exploded they would change over, they start to work there way down my body one playing with my nipples while the other had started to lick my arse to my cunt and they would change again, I come again thrashing about the bed. Then Diane turned me on my side and started to lick my ass and pushing her tongue into it sucking and licking around it . While Jane was pushing her tongue deep in my cunt my body started to shake as I am gripped by another orgasm.

My body was drench with sweat, both women left me and returned quick as they slid up my body Jane at the front lefts my leg, I feel something hard pushing against my cunt she starts kissing me my passion growing again as I feel her slip the plastic cook instead me and starts to pump slowly grinding her hips with each forward thrust

Diane was still working on my ass still kissing and licking I felt her finger go in and start pumps in rhythm with Jane,

Diane started to kiss her way up my back teasing me with her tongue she starts to kiss and suck on my ear

Sally "I want you to relax Sally just relax" as I let out a long horse moan I feel something pushing against my ass "no Diane please no I don't like to be fucked in my ass"

"You will the way I do it, relax Sally it will hurt if you don't" with that she punches her hips and the cock starts to go up my ass

I scream out in pain, as I feel myself being stretched, Diane is pushing it further and further while Jane is still pump away in my cunt

Diane starts to kiss my neck and ears sucking and kissing me while she starts to pump slowly and genitally and now has started to grind my ass.

I start to come again I started to push my tongue deeply in Jane's mouth match her movement in my cunt with my tongue in her mouth.

Diane was now start to pump and grid me hard from behind as she starts to roll my nipples in her hand, I though I was going to pass out I was thrashing wildly as I was still coming wave after wave as I lay started to sob with the pleasure and I was totally gone both Diane and Jane started to bring me back down slowly..

I fell asleep shortly after knowing I was never going to marry Tom, and would never be going home, I knew I had come home.

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