New Age Acres

Published on Feb 15, 2020


New Age Acres

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Desmond Delight was a retired teacher who owned New Age Acres. It was established in 1967 as Hippie commune by Desmond's father Duddy Delight. Duddy had three or four wives, the exact number was unclear. Desmond survived his upbringing, went to college and had been teaching in a High School for years. He inherited New Age in 2004, when his father died. The last Hippie left in 1982.

New Age Acres was secluded on 200 acres of overgrown woods. The old farmhouse was in good shape. Much to every one's surprise, Duddy had a trust fun left to him but his Grandfather. It had been sensibly managed, and it turns out that the $500,000 left to Duddy in 1963, had grown to thirty-five million today.

Desmond never married. His father's taste in wives and mistresses seemed to have focused on breast size, rather than motherly skills. Desmond was gay, but since he was a teacher, he was closeted and careful to avoid any entanglements with students. When he retired, he found new friends

I am Ed Williams, a retired college professor who had returned to my hometown to take care of my parents. They had since died, and I was stuck with a large house and few friends. Desmond was a few years behind me on school. I had seen him around but didn't really notice him.

I ran into him one day on Main Street. I literally ran into him. A car ran a light, hit my car and pushed me into Desmond's SUV. My car was totaled, but Desmond's car was barely scratched. I wasn't hurt that badly, but I was trapped in the car for almost an hour.

The driver of the car that hit me was drunk as a skunk and seemed confused. Desmond stayed with me until the Rescue Squad could get me out. It was a good day for the rescue squad since they got to use all the rescue techniques they rarely used.

I was taken to the hospital and given a clean bill of health. I was shaken, bruised and scraped but nothing serious. Desmond took me to his home. He was worried something might pop up during the night, and he thought someone should stay with me.

My clothes were ripped and bloodied, so he put them in the washer as I took a shower. He had a gang shower leftover from the hippie orgies his father liked. The shower had a bench against one wall. I sat on it and relaxed under the warm water.

Desmond joined men in the shower. I tried to stand to great him, but I had stiffened up and could barely move. I stayed in place. Desmond looked like a stocky, dumpy guy in his work clothes. Naked he was muscular and hairy. I was taller, less muscular and hairier.

"Do you need help getting up?" he asked.

"No, I think I can do it, but it may take some more planning," I said.

"Well, take your time, I will help if you need it," he said.

I was looking directly at Desmond's uncut, meaty cock. "I think it will be okay," I said. "At least the view is good." I most have hit my head; I would never say anything like that.

"Guys tell me it tastes better than it looks," Desmond said. I leaned forward and licked the tip of his puckered foreskin. He didn't move and I worked my tongue into is cock. He was getting hard and his cock head met my tongue in a few seconds.

A few minutes later he asked, "Is your cock bruised? I could check it out for you."

"I don't think so, but maybe you should examine it," I said. "Everything else seems to hurt."

Desmond dropped to his knees. "Don't worry, I won't hurt it. I'll use mt tongue. It's delicate," he said.

Neither Desmond nor I was good at identifying gay men, but somehow we knew. I didn't know how gay he was until I shot off in his mouth and he took it all.

He sucked until I was soft and said, "Nice home brew."

He helped me out of the shower, gave me a robe to wear and put me to bed. He said he would wake me when dinner was ready.

I fell asleep immediately and woke up five hours later. I was stiff as a board. He came in and said he had called the doctors. Stiffness was normal, but I should get up and walk some. He had called a friend, Mac who would help. I made it to the dinner table and ate. I was surprisingly hungry.

Mac was a retired male nurse and he came by after dinner. He checked me over and had the same thoughts as the doctors at the hospital, I was shaken up but not seriously hurt. "Not badly hurt and feeling good aren't the same thing. You need to be careful and your aches and pains will drive you crazy," Mack explained. "You need to cancel your ballet dance rehearsals. You won't be dancing for a week or two."

I laughed and that hurt. "You guessed from my delicate body, that dance is near the core of my being?" I said.

"It was a tossup between ballet and heavy construction for me," Mac said. "You have some good painkillers here, but I'm going to go a bit light on them. If you use too many you may forget your injuries and hurt your self by over exertion. You need to tell me if I have the wrong dosage. Uncomfortable is one thing. Pain is another."

"Desmond told me you had some cock fun. I have a warm spot for cocks too, and I think a little genital massage might be good," Mac said. "Did Desmond tell you I combine being a good caregiver and being a little bit of a sex maniac?"

"You must have been a hit at the hospital," I said.

"I got the award for being the nurse of the year a few times, but no one knew about the sex manic part," Mac explained. "When I retired, I helped a gay pal recover from a stroke. We had been playmates, and we tried it again. I sucked him and it was a near total success. He said he felt like a human being again, not just a sick guy."

"I guess I can understand that." I said. "It makes some sense. I had a friend who had a long illness. He complained he had become a patient, not a person."

"I'm interested in you. You aren't badly hurt, but you are hurting. I was wondering what we could do to make you feel batter, with out injuring you," Mac explained.

"Is this a clever come-on line?" I asked.

"To be frank, it's 75% medical curiosity, and 25% come on. You look good to me," he said.

"I'm getting tired," I said.

"How about if I suck you to sleep?" he asked. I am pretty sure I said yes.

When I woke the next morning, I was rested, relaxed and could barely move. I was stuck.

Desmond came in the room when he heard me trying to move. I told him my problem and he called Mac. Mac lived a mile away and would help me get out of bed.

"Mac is a character and a wonder. When my partner died, he was more than helpful. Hal had cancer and there wasn't going to be a happy ending, but life was better with Mac. Hal had loved sex and Mac brought that back into his life," Desmond said.

"You didn't object to that?" I asked.

"Hal had a much higher tolerance for sex than I did. I mostly bottomed he was a top. I knew Hal got turned on by new conquests. Sucking a new cock was always exciting for him. He used to keep a tally of the days between meeting a new guy and the day the new guy swallowed his load. We used to joke about it," he explained.

"You are a tolerant and open-minded man," I said.

"I was brought up by a hippie guru with the worst taste in women of any man I have ever met," Desmond explained. Sex here was continuous and wild. Affection was lacking. My father was drawn to women with no maternal instincts. He thought that was liberating. Hal was a good sex partner, but a great friend. He was concerned and helpful. I was always first; his playmates' cocks never got between us. I have never confused sex with love."

Mac arrived and he got me out to the bed. He showed me how to move with minimal pain. He found a few bad spots. Once he found them he knew what to do to avoid them. I walked to the kitchen gingerly, but without pain. We had a good breakfast and then I had to make some calls to friends. Mac had put post it notes on the chairs I could sit in. I forgot to check once and was stuck in a low-slung chair for ten minutes.

That afternoon I had a visit from a police patrolman to get my account of the accident. The drunk had given a false account of the accident, and I corrected that. I told them I suspected that he had no real idea what happened. There were many witnesses and my account tallied with theirs. When he left, I took a long nap after Mac drained my balls.

I was at Desmond's for three days, and then went home. While I was still stiff, I could move and take care of myself. A week later I had a call from Mac. He asked how I was doing. I said things were rapidly getting better.

He told me he was going to a little party at New Age Acres and asked if I would like to come with him. "I think there may be some guys you would like," Mac said. "They are older guys. I think they would like you." I wasn't interested, but somehow, I said yes. I hadn't replaced my car since the accident, so Mac picked me up.

It was a small lunch with four guests plus Mac and me. Jonathan Newsom was a retired professor of Astronomy, Dennis Frith had been the editor of the local newspaper. Hardy Manning was the weatherman of the local TV station and Vance Lewis was an artist. All were between fifty and seventy years old. it was sort of like the faculty club at the university I had taught at. All were interesting men and good conversationalists.

"How did you guys meet?" Jonathan asked me.

"We ran into each other in downtown," I said.

"That is not quite true. A guy rammed Ed's car and pushed it into me. He is the one who ran into me, not Ed." Desmond explained. They had all heard about the accident and were interested. I said that I met Mac as a result of the accident.

Mac told me that sex was not on the official agenda, but they were attractive men. I am not looking for movie stars or male models. They all knew Mac and Desmond and I assumed they shared their sexual interests. It seemed that everyone in the group were gay, but not out much. They weren't exactly in the closet, but they didn't flaunt their sexual lives. None of them were going to serve as prototypes for gay man on TV or in Movies.

That seem normal to me. My parents and their friends were heterosexual, but they didn't make public displays of it. They keep their private lives private. They weren't movie stars who rotated wives and girlfriends in the tabloids. They thought that men who were publicly hunting for sexual conquests were odd and strange.

I had also noticed that a 65-year-old gay man who was a with 20-year-old youth was a pervert. A 65-year-old straight man with 20-year-old girl was a lucky dog, a real man. If you are a redneck you can brag about lusting after young girls and still be a real man, not a pervert.

The oldest man in the group, Hardy Manning, was considering downsizing and was wondering if there were senior living developments far gay men. "I'm wondering if cruising for geriatric sex is possible in a home?" he asked.

"I always am looking," Vance said. "Of course, I am looking for personality and conversational skills."

The other men laughed. "I thought you had a taste for cock and open asses," Jonathan observed.

"That's all wrong. He likes tight ass that he can open," Mac added.

"That is untrue. I like a well-used ass that can be opened," Vance protested. There was more laughter.

"Ed, you may have guessed we are old friends and I apologize for the in jokes," Desmond said.

I explained that my delicate, virgin ears had heard worse than that. At one time I could restore my virgin ass after each penetration. That had ceased to be believable thirty years earlier. There was more laughter.

"Forcing a cock into as ass seemed to be so unseemly to me," Hardy said. "It was unattractive."

"You seemed to have overcome your aversion," Mac murmured.

"I discovered that if you are on your back with your legs held over your head, you don't need to watch," Hardy explained.

"I used to think taking a cock up the ass was humiliating," Dennis said. "I was 30 before I took a cock."

"You seem to have survived," Desmond said.

"I discovered that a cock in my ass turned off all my inhibitions. It's was impossible to pretend I was only sort of gay when the cock was sending me to the moon," Dennis replied. "I gave up the pretense and allowed myself to admit I loved it. I loved the cock and the guy too."

"Have any of you men ever let it all hangout and tried everything and everyone?" Dennis asked.

"Do you mean porn-movie-style Roman Orgies?" Jonathan asked.

"Since I was living at New Age Acres I saw lots of fucking, always involving my Dad, his wife de jour and anyone who was passing by," Desmond said. "Her cunt was reserved for Dad, unless you were a pal, or he was high. Looking back all the sex was heterosexual. He didn't include any gay men."

"He only liked women?" I asked.

"He hated his mother, my grandmother. She was normal and I lived with her in the winters. He wouldn't send me to school and the court essentially put men in her custody," Desmond said. "Dad was handsome when he was younger. I think he liked to humiliate his wives. It was a contest to see how low they would go."

"That sounds awful," Johnathan remarked.

"Well, I didn't like it, but it was the way things were," Desmond said. "I had my first gay experience with a neighbor, the day after my 18th birthday. He was a lawyer; he knew I was interested in him. I sucked, fucked, shot off and ate cum for the first time. We had wild and crazy sex by most peoples' standards. It was afternoon tea at New Age."

"I've had some wild times," Mac said. "I am always looking for wilder times. You may have guessed that I like man sex. I don't like messy situations. When I was in my twenties a guy used me to breakup with his partner. I didn't know he had a partner and it was a bad scene. Once is enough for me." The conversation continued and when Jonathan had to leave, the group broke up.

A week later Mac came by to see how I had recovered from the accident. I had a new car and was mobile again. I was feeling good and much of the stiffness of the immediate post-accident period was gone.

"Do you remember Dennis and his conversation about letting it all hang out?" Mac asked. I said yes.

"We have been talking and were thinking of having little party to explore the possibilities; the sexual possibilities." he said.

"Are you talking about a little orgy?" I asked.

Mac laughed. "A little orgy is not the right word, unless to can have a little orgy with big cocks," he said. "We are into vanilla sex, just plain sucking and fucking, but a lot of it. I was hoping you are versatile and open minded. By open minded, I am asking if you top and bottom. I hope you are willing to share your sperm and take it too. F.Y.I., none of the guys are into pain, giving or taking."

I told Mac I would think about it. I am a conservative man. Years earlier had been in a threesome, but it had been only one-on-one since then. I realized I had been in a sexual drought for three years. I thought about the threesome. It had been in the summer before my last year at college. I was my uncle's cottage and was playing with my cousin Junior. My uncle, walked in on us, and instead of yelling at us, he stripped and joined in.

Uncle George had a cock several sizes bigger than Junior's. He fucked me as Junior sucked me. I had a crush on Junior and I enjoyed it a lot. Looking back, I realized Junior had sucked me off many times. It was Uncle George's cock that provided the extra thrill. Every once and a while I dreamed about Uncle George.

The next morning, I called Mac and told him I was interested. The party was planned for the Sunday afternoon at New Age Acres. This time I picked up Mac in my new Volvo.

We were the last to arrive, the other men were waiting. There were two men I hadn't met; Arturo was a sculptor and Vance's special friend Butch. He was Desmond's oldest local friend. We stripped in a bedroom and went to a large garden room. I thought stripping would be uncomfortable. Mack had mentioned big cocks. I hate to sound like a horny man on the make, but seven naked men with big cocks were exciting.

While I am a bit shy, four of the men were not shy at all. I think of my cock as being average, but that is not the way the other men saw it.

Arturo came over to me. "Would you mind if I sucked your cock first and got to know you later?" he asked. I told him that wasn't a problem. Five minutes later all my inhibitions had been sucked out of me. It was more like performance art than a blow job. I was getting close when he pulled off.

"The party has just started. We shouldn't peak too early," he said. "Can we get together later, and would you mind if I fucked you to an orgasm then?" he asked.

I told him that would be fine. I dropped to my knees and sucked him. He was thick, uncut and oozing. It was lovely.

Rex announced that he had set up a sling. "It's not supposed to be the main attraction. It's men to give you a chance to hone you sucking skills, before the main attraction."

"What if you shoot off anyway?" Jonathan asked.

"Well, I'm a firm believer in Predestination," Mac said. "What will be is what was meant to be." That caused laughter.

I don't know what happened, but I was strapped into the sling five minutes later. Mac told me it was a good way to get to be up-close-and-personal with the guys.

Butch was the first man. "Do you want it slow and easy or man rammer style?" he asked

"Do it your favorite way. I'll tell you if I like it," I said. A second later he had ten inches in me and I was on the way to the moon.

Next: Chapter 2

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