
By JT Ogden

Published on Feb 27, 2006



Since it has been two weeks since my last chapter, here is an excerpt from Chapter Seven

""I'm CUMMMINNNNNGGGG!! FUCK! I LOVE YOU WILL!" And I spewed my oozing goodness into my lover's internal love track. As I was cumming, I rubbed the head of Will's dick a couple times, and sent three or four big gobs of his cum onto his chest.


With that I collapse on to Will. It was hard work, but we consumed our relationship with that.

The funniest part, was that when we both got a hold of our senses were heard some clapping and banging. At first we weren't sure what was going on until the shouting "FINALLY!" happened coming through our wall. It was Jane and Michelle, letting us know that they heard what was going on and were happy.

I thought that this was going to make Will freak out, but it didn't. He blushed a little, then snuggled up next to me, as we fell deep asleep from the intense love making that occurred this evening with so much love between us.

It was a great great night!"

Now for Chapter Eight

I woke up the next morning at daybreak. For a Sunday morning, this was completely out of character for me. I am not typically a morning person, but am a Night Owl. However, for some reason this morning, I was up at dawn. It was weird, but I couldn't sleep any more. I was laying here in the bed with this guy that I absolutely adored and was so excited to sleep.

It was like Christmas for a small child. We became one last night and professed our love in the most intimate and beautiful manner possible. We made love. Will was now officially my lover. I said it many times in my head that morning as I watched him sleep. It seemed so foreign yet so correct.

I could watch Will sleep for hours. He was so peaceful, and gorgeous, and now he was part of me. It was beautiful, as I caressed his fine hair while he slept. I just kept watching him. Watching how his chest went up and down slightly as he was in a deep sleep. Even so often, Will would release a gentle snore that often did annoy me, but today was the cutest thing ever. I was blinded by love, but I didn't care.

I wish I could have stayed like that all day, but sadly I had to piss like a racehorse. I manoeuvred myself out of the tangled mess that Will and I had became and walked to the communal washroom. Once I left my room, I went to the washroom and pissed. Then on my way back, I heard.

"JT, what's the grin for?" and then a chuckle.

It was Jane and Michelle. Their room was opened and they had the hugest `I know what you did last night grin'.

"I don't know what you are talking about?"

Jane grabbed my arm, and dragged me to her mirror where in fact I was glowing. I didn't think it was humanly possible to be smiling as much as I was. FUCK, now everyone was going to know.

"I am just in a good mood. I slept like a baby last night."

"Sure you do. But I wouldn't really call it sleep"

I was getting really embarrassed. I knew they knew what was going on last night, as the banging on the wall indicated, but I still wasn't very comfortable. The smile on my face turned into a red face of almost panic.

"Nope, there was little sleep last night. JT is an animal." It was Will, dressed in merely his boxer shorts. He entered the room, and I just stood there in shock as I saw him through the mirror approach me. He stood right behind me, and wrapped his arms around me.

"You see Jane and Michelle, this animal here gave me the biggest grin on my face and even left me this mark as you can see." Fuck, I looked and the biggest hickey on his neck.

"Man, I am so sorry Will."

"No worries, but I will enjoy the payback." In his devilish tone of voice, so I knew everything was cool.

"So Will and JT. You are finally together. Are you guys boyfriends."

"Uhhh..." Was all that I could say

"JT, why are you hesitating? You're starting to scare me. I thought after last night that..." I had to interrupt. I could see the panic in his eyes.

"I just didn't know if you were ready to be an item."

"I said it last night didn't I?"

"Yeah but.."

"I love you JT, but maybe you're the one that's not ready." With that, Will left the room and slammed the door.

I say my goodbye to the girls and went into the common room to think. Maybe I wasn't ready. Maybe Will was right. I spent all the time, trying to sort out my feelings, getting over what happened in Quebec, making sure I wasn't pushing Will, that I didn't think about what I thought.

Was I ready? After thinking about everything, I knew that I was scared about taking that next step. It was a huge step. I had never been in a real relationship before. One that I could potentially be `the one.' It was scary, and right before I totally freaked myself out, I realized that I was even more scared off not being with Will, and then it all seemed so simple.

I went back to my room, in which I found Will crying on his bed. I went over to him and tried to comfort him, but he pushed me away.

"Will, you were absolutely right. I am totally scared of what this between us means. I mean I have never been in a real relationship before. What we have is the most special thing we have, but I am scared of it. I trust you 100%, but I don't know if I trust myself. However, I am more scared of disappointing you Will. You mean more to me than life itself, and I don't care who knows it."

Will looked up from me and in his tears there was a smile.

"Are you sure JT? I can't take this if your not. We might as well end it now."

"Fuck No Will, I will scream it from the rooftops if I must. I love you. I love you. I love you. Will, please be patient though. I know it is new to you, but I am still shattered and fragile buddy. I need some time and some support to get through some of my shit. I still don't know what you see in me."

"Stop talking like that JT (he said quite forcefully.) You're everything that I have been looking for. You are intelligent, kind, and have a great heart. You complete me. I know you are having a rough time right now, but trust me. I will be there for you. It is what a good boyfriend is supposed to do. I look after you when you are hurting, and I know that you will look after me when I am hurting."

"You're damn right I will."

"See, you didn't even need to think twice about it. That's what I love about you."

"Thanks, Will, you are so awesome yourself."

"I know."

"Maybe I should reconsider."

"Reconsider this."

With that Will kissed me. Wow, Will can kiss. Maybe I am biased, but the way he manoeuvres his tongue in my mouth just sends me will. I guess I am no slouch, because Will just couldn't get enough. Will went down to reach through my boxers, to continue on what we did last night, but I knew I had something I had to do first.

"Before we do something where I know that we won't be leaving this room for some time again, I have to do something. Come with me."

With a puzzled look on his face, and a sexual frustrated breathe, Will came with me out of the room.

"Wait, don't you think I should be wearing something else."

"It didn't sop you before now did it?" He was confused, but then I saw the light bulb click and he knew where he was going. I walked over to the girls' room, knocked on the door and said "Hey, this is my boyfriend Will."

The girls ran, and hugged us. Then we chatted for a little, then in Will's not-so-subtle way, told the girls we had some other business to take care of. We left the room, and went back to ours.

I went in to kiss Will, when he backed away and asked "You know when we said that we would be with each other when we needed it."

"Yeah, what's up buddy?" Now curious.

"I am going to tell my folks about us. I was completely serious of what I said last night and this morning. I am so completely scared out of my mind. I mean, I don't know what to expect when I tell them. This conversation really has never came up."

"Will, you know you don't have to tell them right now. I mean, I am not asking you too. I know as much as I love you, I am not totally ready to face my parents yet."

"That's easy for you though JT, as you live more than 3 hours away. My parents live in this town. They have friends, and news around this town is spread super quickly. So I have two options. We have our relationship in this room, and this room only, which to me is impossible, because then I could not be in the same room, without trying to jump your bones, or I tell my folks and deal with it, and be open with you to whomever. Frankly, after I say it out loud, there is only one real option."

"You know Will, whatever happens, I will be here for you. I love you."

"I know. This is why I feel even a little comfortable about telling them. Because no matter what, I know I will come back here and you will be here."

"Do you want me to come with you?"

"I don't know. I don't want to subject you to the things that may occur."

"No worries, It gives me something to do." I said in a joking tone


"No, in all seriousness, I want to come, because I know I will need you when I have the nerve to tell my folks."

With that Will kissed me

NOTES: Sorry this chapter was so overdue. I am a huge fan of the Olympic games and since it ended today, I had more free time. Sorry if this chapter wasn't very exciting, but I needed it to lead to the next one

Next: Chapter 9

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