
By JT Ogden

Published on Feb 12, 2006



New- Chapter 7

After telling Will exactly what happened seemed to be what was needed to bring us closer together. The bond that Will and I seemed to go from close to being inseparable. Will was more willing to at least be seen being friends with me in public, and in the comfort of our dorm room, Will and I could talk about so many different things. There was more comfort there, but also we had both gained a sense of trust with each other.

One night in late February, out of the blue, as we were lying in bed together, Will started talking.

"Do you want to hear something different? Something that may surprise you even." Will stated. Just hearing the excitement in Will's voice, told me that he was probably going to tell me anyway, so even if I didn't want to hear it (which wasn't the case) he probably would have said it anyway.

"Ok, Giv'er Will"

"I love you." That did surprise me. Not because of what he said, but because it was something he has said quite often.

"Thanks Will."

"Thanks, all you can say is Thanks?"

"Will, you know how often I declare my love for you buddy, I guess I was just expecting something else, and we say it back and forth all the time, and you asked if I wanted to hear something different."

"It was different though JT."

"Ok, you're going to have to help me out with this one Will."

"I love you JT. I fully and deeply love you. I have never loved or felt this way about anyone. Why it is so different, is that I can feel it in you that you feel the same. We were just lying in here together, and we didn't have to say anything. We didn't need to be making out, we didn't need to be fooling around or giving any profound gestures. We were just comfortable and safe and quiet and it felt really good. I love you so much that it just hit me that I do not have to pretend with you. I also love you so much that I trust that if I am myself, that you will still love me."

I just laid there in awe. My mouth was wide open in the shock of what he said. It was probably the most profound thing that I had ever heard, and it made my stomach flip.

"Will, if I already wasn't so smitten with you, that my dear, would have taken the case. I feel the exact same way." Then will interrupt me

"I know, that is why I am so excited. For the first time, I was lying here and it hit me. It hit me hard, but in a real good way that I am loved. I have never truly felt loved in my life. Sure I have been loved, I guess, but never like this."

"What do you mean? What about your folks, your grandparents, your family?"

"You don't understand. Yeah the love me, but for all of my life I felt alone. Yes I have been loved, but have you heard of the question "If there is two people drowning at the same time and you can only save one, who would you save?"

"Yeah Will, but I am sure that your folks would save you and stuff." I was starting to get confused by this speech.

"Sure they would, but I don't think you understand. I have always felt that there was always someone in the world that anyone else would have saved before me. Like my folks, I know that for 99.9% of the people they would save me before them, but what about my siblings or my other parent? I know it sounds morbid, but it's true. That's how I felt. I never even had a friend that made me most important." I moved over to Will, and put my arm around him.

"Are you going to be ok Will? I mean I am not sure where is this coming from, but I am here for .."

"Shh...I am fine. Actually I am more than fine. I guess to make a long story not so long, I was lying here with you as we always do, and I just felt that I finally was the most important person to you. I know it's weird, and it is possible that you don't feel that intensely yet as we have only known each other for one and a half months, but I just feel like you do. I know I feel that way about you. That's where it came from. That's why that `I love you' was different. I feel like someone would finally save me."

"You're damn right I would. Will, I feel the exact same way, but didn't want to scare you off with my intense feelings. I wouldn't have put it like that, but it's perfect. I love that you are such a strong, intelligent caring guy with an awesome ass, but I also love that you let me see the insecurities and vulnerable, gentle nature you have as well"

I then gave him the most passionate kiss I could have ever given him. I tried to suck all the air out of his lungs while wrestling furiously with his tongue. Then once my arm starting to head south he pulled away.

"I love this JT, but I am not finished. Any more and I won't want to finish."

"Ok, Will finish, what more do you have to tell me buddy?"

"That I am ready. I am scared but ready"

"Ready for what?" Was Will saying what I thought he was saying.

"I am ready JT, to give you all of my love. I am ready to not only give myself to you physically, and make love with you, but I am also ready to give myself to you in other ways. I want to be proud to walk down the street walking hand in hand with my lover, my boyfriend, and my soul mate. I am ready to declare myself to the world as I am yours, and that you are mine. It scares me, especially some of the reactions from others. But I know you have my back, so it's comforting as well."

"You don't have to do that Will."

"But I want to, and now that I realize fully OUR love, it makes things so much easier."

Nothing more was said after that. All the talking that was to be done was with our bodies and they began to intermingle as one.

We were already mostly naked at that point as we were ready for bed, so it didn't take much effort to remove the one article of clothing, our boxers, to be fully naked. Will just swiped my down with his hands then feet, and I was so horned up that I just ripped his off his.

We stopped, he started to chuckle when I said "Must be cheap material." And continued my assault on Will. I was kissing all over his body, will having a quite loud moan, but not caring. He was enjoying this.

I went to lick his tits when Will said "ok, start loosing me up."

"What do you mean?" We were both virgins in this, but Will for once felt more confident than I did.

"I did some reading on this one. Just put some lube on your finger and stick it up my ass."

"I don't want to hurt you Will."

"I trust you JT. You won't hurt me, you love me too much. Just be gentle. I may wince a little, but trust me. I will let you know if it hurts too much.

I did what I was told, put the lube on my finger and started entered his ass.

"God Damn it!"

"You ok?"

"Yeah, just the lube was so cold. Next time warm it up first."

"Sorry Will."

"Paybacks a bitch!" and he kissed me to know we were cool, and I continued what I was doing, and slowly working my finger in his ass. His ass felt quite different than I thought it would. It wasn't gross, or disgusting. It felt warm and soft. I explored it, and then Will said "Stick another one up. I need to be more loose before you cock can even hope to fit in this tight ass." I did what I was told, remembering to warm up the lube this time, and worked both my fingers in his ass some more. Then along the lining I pressed onto this somewhat firm area and with that a big 'Damn' escaped Will.

I knew I found the g-spot as Will's cock couldn't get any harder. He croaked out, trying to speak without moaning" Stick another one up. I am almost loose enough "he said then, and with that, I had three of my fingers up his ass. After playing around with Will a little more, I heard "Giv'er. But be gentle." Awe he is starting to use my slang.

"Let me know If I hurt you Will, I couldn't bear it."

I lifted his legs onto my shoulders and replaced his fingers with my hard cock and slowly went into his ass. A third of the way in, I noticed some of resistance, and stopped. I really didn't want to hurt Will, be kept on encouraging "keep going, I need your dick in my ass right now so me can make love. Now hurry. I need you."

Wow that force, I couldn't disobey now could I. With that I continued in, and till I had pretty much all the way in.

"Just let me get used to this ok?"

We just stopped, gently touching each other over each other's chest until he gave the go ahead. Then I started to fuck Will, at first it was slow, long strokes. I still wasn't overly confident, but this was starting to feel real good.

I then started to going in and out of Will with shorter, faster strokes. I was trying to jack Will off at the same time, but he pushed my hand away as he was close to cumming and didn't want to go over the edge. I kept fucking him harder, groaning loader, hearing the neighbours bang on the walls, but it didn't stop us. This was the first time that Will had allowed himself to just let himself be totally free with me, without worrying about others. We kept going at it, for several minutes until I couldn't hold it in any more.

"I'm CUMMMINNNNNGGGG!! FUCK! I LOVE YOU WILL!" And I spewed my oozing goodness into my lover's internal love track. As I was cumming, I rubbed the head of Will's dick a couple times, and sent three or four big gobs of his cum onto his chest.


With that I collapse on to Will. It was hard work, but we consumed our relationship with that.

The funniest part, was that when we both got a hold of our senses were heard some clapping and banging. At first we weren't sure what was going on until the shouting "FINALLY!" happened coming through our wall. It was Jane and Michelle, letting us know that they heard what was going on and were happy.

I thought that this was going to make Will freak out, but it didn't. He blushed a little, then snuggled up next to me, as we fell deep asleep from the intense love making that occurred this evening with so much love between us.

It was a great great night!

NOTE: sorry it took a week for this chapter. Busy life! I love comments, and questions. Thanks for everything!

Next: Chapter 8

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