
By JT Ogden

Published on Jan 29, 2006



It was the most restless sleep of my life. Wait, maybe that is an exaggeration, I am not sure. I am not thinking quite clearly this morning. It is morning right? I look over to the clock and see it is 10:23 am. Wow, I did get some sleep after all. It is really hard to tell in my room, as my room really doesn't get much light into it. It is actually a flaw in the design in my opinion. They stuck another building 10 feet from the window and only the middle room on all three floors of the Dorm is affected. I guess I was just lucky to get one of the three rooms now wasn't I?

A lot had happened last night. First Will and I had a huge fight, then I tried something my shrink said would work, then Will came back and found out I have feelings for him. I have about an hour and a half before Will gets back to discuss my feelings, and maybe I really don't want to go down that track. I mean man; no good can come from this? I mean I am not that lucky at all. Now I was really started to get panicked.

If there is one thing that I excel in, it is that I can make any bad situation seem a whole lot worse. I was panicking, scared out of my frickin' tree, and there was only one thing I could even think of to do. That was to BOLT! I had to get out of there. I did not want to talk to Will about this right now. Maybe if I stall, or avoid him, I could come up with a better plan. Make a plausible case that it wasn't true, and come up with something. I know it is hard to come up with a plan with him here.

Wait, there are no classes tomorrow as it is a school closure day for some staff function. I could catch the 12pm bus home today, and come back Tuesday morning in time for my first class at 1pm on Tuesday. That could work. Things will look so much better after a couple days away.

As I was packing I head a huge "CRASH". Wow, that didn't sound very good and it came from next door. I wonder what happened in the girls' room next door. The two girls that lived next door were these sweet small girls both with boyfriends who lived in another dorm. Hearing that, I ran over to next door.

The door was already open, and I could see one of the boyfriends kicking the shit out of the other guy dressed only in a pair of boxers, and one of the girls I don't think anything screaming in her bed. I ran over to the boyfriend, trying to get him to stop when I saw who it was the guy was beating up. It was Will!

FUCK! I pulled the boyfriend off, got him to leave the room, all the while, my own personal rage was building with Will. Is this what he meant when he needed a night apart.

"Thanks JT, I owe you big..."

"Shut the fuck up Will. I did this because no one deserves that type of ass-kicking, even though you should count your lucky stars I give a fuck." With that I turned to leave the room.

"Where are you going JT?" Will said, as he was trying to follow me. I really didn't want to deal with Will. So I slammed the door on Will and locked him out.

"Hey JT, this is my room too. Let me in, we need to talk. I am out here in my boxers."

"Guess you wish you had your key."

"Oh wait, that's in the other room."

FUCK! I could not deal with Will just then. I can't believe I am not broken after seeing that he was with Michelle last night. I know its coming, and I will probably explode when he comes back. I can't be here. So I did what any person would do. Go Out the Window. I mean living on the first floor has some advantages. I left a note for Will simply stating.

"Be Back Tuesday. Don't worry. I will be out of town."

I jumped out that window and started running to the bus station.

Once I had made it to the bus station, I went up to the counter to get my ticket. The ticket counter asked me "Where are you going love?"

"I don't know"

"Well come back when you decide and let these other customers get their tickets." When I planned this in my room, I had it all in my head that I would go home. I mean, it is only three hours away, and such. But then I would have to pretend to be happy and saying that things were going ok. Will would probably track down my number and try to talk to me, and that would not be good. SO that was out of the option. I could go to Halifax and stay with some friends, but without asking I decided against that because I had no idea what was going on, and didn't want to be a burden, so after so thought I was confused, until I heard over the intercom.

"Last chance for Charlottetown."

PEI, that's perfect. No one would ever look for me in PEI. I could get some things sorted out, and it would be quiet. No expectations, no having to impress anyone. Get a cheap hotel room, and just be alone. I really wanted to be alone. It was taking every bit of inner strength that I had not to think about what had happened in the dorm, because if I did, I knew I would break down.

"Ma'am, could I get a return ticket to Charlottetown."

"So you decided where you are going? Ok, but you better hurry Hun. The bus is just about to leave."

I did what she had said, and jumped on the bus. AS it was pulling out of the station I could see down the street Will running. I thought that for once, my timing was perfect as I left to go to the Island. School would have to wait. Will would definitely have to wait. Everything would have to wait. I really needed to escape and that is what I did.

After a couple hours of which I am not too sure of, I was on the island. I must have fallen asleep on the bus. When I awoken I heard...

"Well. Look sleeping beauty has awaken, and the sawing of wood has stopped." I must have been snoring. I typically don't snore, but I must have been sound asleep, and I needed it. Its been a rough 24 hours.

"I'm sorry." I said extremely meekly.

"No worries man, I am Hugh" said this beautiful, beautiful man. He couldn't of been any older than 25 years old. Tall, lean wearing a business suit. Beautiful blue eyes, blond hair. A real `pretty boy.' Oh wait. I am staring. Saying something Jt

" Hey I am JT."

" You Ok, JT, you look kinda down?"

Was I that obvious? Was marked in real bold letters on my forehead that anyone could read?

"I'm cool" as I faked a smile

"OK then, what is bringing you to PEI"

"Just a little getaway, yourself?

"I am just getting back from a business function on the mainland. Gotta get back to the wife and kids."

Oh how nice. How fucking happy for him. Gotta get back to his loving family.

"Well isn't that just hunky dory there Hugh?"

"Excuse me."

"You've got everything in place haven't you? A family, a career, you probably have a great life don't you."

"Well, yes... but"

"Oh my god, what are you going to say now after the but, that you're have a hard job or something. Man."

"You're crazy JT." As he got up and found another seat.

What had happened there? This nice guy asked me out of concern how I was doing, and I go all Psycho on the guy. Man, what the fuck is wrong with me. Then it sat it. Maybe I am the one who brings it all upon me. Maybe it is me who is the fuck up. Then just as we were pulling up at the Charlottetown bus station, the waterworks were starting.

The bus had stopped. I collected my gear and ran off. I just kept running, and running and while I was running, the tears kept flowing and flowing until I was exhausted. I was so tired and out of breath and didn't know where I was going or what was going on around me, until everything went completely black.

When I awoke, I was in a bed. This wasn't my bed, wait, where the fuck was I? I don't recognize this place at all. I looked around and I was in the baby blue room with a train comforter over me. I got out of bed, noticed I was in a t-shirt saying "UPEI" with my boxer shorts. I couldn't find my pants at all. They were not in the room at all. I made sure my button was done on my boxers, went out of the room, and went down stairs where this younger lady, mid 20's spoke.

"You're awake."

"Yeah, wait where am I? Who are you?" I was so confused.

Then I heard another voice. A voice I recognized "Hey JT, How are you feeling?" I looked over and there was Hugh. What the hell

"Fine, what am I doing here."

Hugh explained to me that he saw how distraught I was when I left the bus, and how horrible I looked before when I awoke on the bus, and felt genuinely worried. SO he followed me. He said that he was a marathon runner and he had trouble keeping up with me. Then he saw that I fainted, from exhaustion into a mud puddle, which is why my clothes were not there, and took me to his house, where his wife, a new doctor, checked me over and left me to sleep. He explained that it was Monday morning now, and I slept the whole day yesterday, that I must of needed the sleep.

I did need the sleep, but as rested as I felt, I was still worried about what awaited me when I returned back to school, but I was grateful to Hugh and his Wife Kelly. I spent the whole day just relaxing at their place, and decided to head back that evening to school. I had to get this over with. Hugh and Kelly were reluctant, but I explained that I had to, and thanked them for everything. After I tried to pay them, and they refused, Hugh said something to me that I will never forget.

"JT, I don't know what's going on with you, and frankly, I don't even know you, but if you ever need a friend or someone to talk to, just call this number, (as he handed me his business card, but remember one thing ?"

"What's that?"

"You are human, so don't be so hard on yourself. Let down some walls, and you'll be happier."

Wait, he doesn't even know me, but that makes sense. I hugged my appreciation to him, as I started to cry. It wasn't bad tears this time. I felt genuinely understood. He may not have been in the same predicament, but I didn't feel alone.

With that, I bid adieu and headed on the journey back to the dorms, where if nothing else, I could try to get my mind wrapped around this situation.

I hope this is OK. This is my first story. It is loosely based on my life. More to come. Comments are appreciated.

Next: Chapter 4

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