Never Too Far Away

By moc.loa@XvXnedaJXvX

Published on Jan 29, 2002


Never Too Far Away

Chapter 2


Disclaimer: This story involves love, relationship, and "adult" subject matter between teenage I guess that means your not supposed to read this if your under 18, but really if you are younger than that, I can't stop you. Just Don't Get Caught :)If homosexuality offends you, then leave, or join the 21st century, and open up to it.

This Is FICTION...any character resembling a real life person is by coincidence, and in the rare event a character is based on someone in real life their name has been changed due to legal and personal protection. You never know who's lurking around reading this. So now the little spiel is over so hopefully someone will enjoy this. Do Not Reproduce this story, and if you would like to have it on your website email me & get my permission. Thanks. This is my first story so try not to crucify me to bad. Copyright Jaden 2002

A couple of weeks have passed, just about everything has gone smoothly. I've been going to practice every morning, before the sun rises of course. Man, I would love to just get one shot at the genius who thought of having practice before school, and to make matters worse we have an hour of running after school! I've been dead tired, but overall I'm feeling good about living here. Kai and I have been hanging out everyday that I'm capable of... you know the whole sleep deprivation thing. He's absolutely great to hang around. I got the chance to meet his family, and they seem really nice. When I met his mom, I thought now I know where he gets his looks from. Same baby blue eyes and everything. He has a younger sister, she's 12, named Arianna. She seems OK, for a girl and all. Kai says she has the hots for Tyler, and who wouldn't?

Tyler is another story. After the first day we rarely hung out, except at school. He always had something to do or somewhere to go. When we had to be together, like lunch or gym, he would be fine, laughing and messing around like normal. The minute I would ask him to hang out he would clam up and say he was busy. I tried to talk to him on the phone, but on the rare occasion I would catch him, he would be on the other line or be "doing homework". I just don't know what to think. Here is this absolutely gorgeous boy, that I'm supposed to be friends with and he's afraid to be around me. I don't think I've done anything that would make him not want me around, but I'm going to find out. If Tyler won't tell me then, I'll get it out of Kai. I'm on my way to school now for lovely hockey practice. I'll have to wait until later to think of ways to pump info from him.

As I enter the locker room I'm greeted by Scott. "Hey Blade what's up kid?"

"Nothing, just mulling over some stuff in my head."

"Well push it aside dude, today's the day that Coach picks captains."

"I know, I know. I'm just a little nervous. My first scrimmage game with the team, and I have to show I can be a leader."

"Don't sweat it man, your only major competition is Sean. I think the guys are taking more to you than him. He's out for himself rather than the team, and the coach will see that today."

"Thanks Scott, you know how to lift a guy's spirits."

"That's my job, bud. I'm here for you, and I expect you to be here when I'm in need. That's all I ask."

I give him a friendly smile, and start to get my equipment on. See Scott's an interesting subject. He's like a teenage shrink, always knows what to say to pick you up. I was so happy he was on the team, so I didn't feel like a total outsider. Like Kai, he acts like a clown, always joking or making some smart remark. A really good guy over all. Now let me tell you, being in a locker room with a bunch of guys getting dressed, undressed, taking showers and so forth can be heaven or hell for a gay teenager. There are some very nice male specimens on this team. Scott is one of them, green eyes, around 6'0", a solid 175 lb, short brown hair pushed forward, you know the look. I can't really see myself with him, not because of any particular reason, I just have a really "brotherly" vibe coming from him. Oh, and the fact that he's undeniably straight. He oogles over the ladies like a dog in heat, and it's a trip watching him do it. I swear sometimes I'm tempted to give a napkin so he can wipe the drool from his mouth. Oh, enough dreaming about the temptations of the high school hockey team, here comes coach.

"All right guys, today we scrimmage, and your play today will determine who will be captain, & who will be the assistant captains. Sean, and Blade will each lead half of the team. You two will be responsible for picking an assistant captain for your side. I will be refereeing, Coach Simmons will be manning the bench for Sean's side, and Coach Tucker will be with Blade's side. They will be reporting to me, how each player handles his role on the bench, while I will cover the on ice communication. Go to the door, and check the list for what side you are on. If you are on Sean's go to the far bench, and warm up, if you are on Blade's, grab a red pinny and warm up on this end. That's all, good luck and do your best."

Well warm ups went pretty well, and now it was time to pick an assistant captain. I picked Scott, thankfully he was put on my team. Sean chose Drew, one half of the dynamic duo, Drew & Andy. They still don't give me more than a hello, but you can't win them all over, I guess. Time to line up for the face off....

"Ready to get schooled Blade?"

"Enough trash talk, bring it Sean."

Sean gave me a determined look, and I knew he was. We had this not so friendly competition, him being upset at even having to compete for captaincy. I didn't hate him, just kind of despised him a little bit. Competition brings out the best in people, or so I'm told. Time to play.

"All right guys, no dirty stuff, I don't want any of my players ending up injured because of a scrimmage. I need you all healthy for opening game."

As soon as the puck dropped, Sean and I were in an instant competition. When I had the puck he was my shadow, when he had it, I was his. Ten minutes into the game, I caught a break, the puck caught a bad bounce, fooling the defensemen, Drew. I saw my shot and took off. I practice my dekes a lot, and it paid off, with me totally fooling the goalie and roofing the puck into the top of the net. Sean was absolutely furious. He went off at Drew, as if it was his fault. It was just bad luck.

"Sean, shut your mouth and show me why you should be chosen over me to lead this team."

Sean smiled a challenging smile. I was up to his challenge. The complexion of the game totally changed. It turned into a very hard hitting contest. The game remained 1-0 all the way until the third period. That's when Sean tied it up. He took a smooth pass from Andy, setting up a solid one timer from the bottom of the circle. My goaltender, Tony, got down about that.

"Tony, man, suck it up. A lot of pro goalies would have a hard time handling that shot. Your doing great hang in there bud."

Just that little bit of advice seemed to pick his game up by ten. He was stopping everything that came his way. When our defense made a bad play he would be there to pick up the slack. That is who is going to be our starter. Five minutes to go, still tied at one. I tell Coach Tucker take a time out.

"All right guys, we've got five minutes, five minutes that will decide not only the captaincy, but who has the best chance a being starters. Play like I know you can and we'll be fine. I want to run a play here, and see if we can break this tie. Scott your my go to guy, be ready to take off up the middle. The rest of you take your man, I'll take care of Sean, and see if I can get Scott's man caught down low in our zone. Ready, BREAK!!"

Now I talk a good game, now lets see if we can pull it off. I purposely let Sean take the face-off deep in our zone, a no no under normal circumstances. A couple of passes around the zone and I see my chance. One of the younger players Ray, passed it to the middle looking for Sean. Andy, Scott's man, started to skate in towards the net hoping for a rebound. I quickly dove and cut off the pass, sweeping it to Scott. One thing I didn't expect was Drew being there looking to cut him off. To my amazement Scott made a sweet move right around him and took off. Sean was in chase, me right on his tail. This is it, Scott's got the goalie moving, I've got Sean tied up until WHACK!! I get a stick right in the ribs and he's off, hooking Scott down stopping him from scoring. Coach blows the whistle.

"Sean, take a seat on the bench, I never want to see you take a stick to someone like that again! Blade how are you doing?"

"A bit sore, but I'll make it."

"Good, choose someone that was on the ice for your team, and have them line up for a penalty shot."

I immediately looked at Scott...he just shook his head. "Blade, my leg just locked up when I got pulled down, I can't do it. You finish this off. Put that sum bitch in the net!"

I went to center ice waiting for my signal, when I looked up and saw him. Standing in the stands, watching was Tyler. I froze, I don't think he counted on me seeing him, as he suddenly noticed I had spotted him. I didn't have time to think about it, as the whistle blew and I was off. The whole penalty shot thing is nerve wracking in itself, not to mention now I knew Tyler was watching making me more nervous. Breathe....just focus on your heartbeat. I knew better than to pull the same move twice on this kid, so I made a quick motion like I was going to the left, but instead spun the other way giving me a wide open net. Blade 2, goalie none. I glanced up to where Tyler was and saw a smile on his face. Oh, how I miss that smile. I was running on pure adrenaline at this point. Game's not over yet. Two minutes left, Sean is back out, some how our line matchups got messed up leaving me on the bench, and Ben, a sophomore going head to head with him. Sean won the face off and his team moved in to our zone. A flurry of shots went at Tony, but he turned them aside. The puck came to Ben and he started to skate it out, but was blindsided by Sean. Ben went down in a heap, and Sean beat Tony to tie the game. I was off the bench now, Ben was hurt. The Coach was checking on him as well.

"Ben? Ben? Can you hear me?"

A very weak "Yeah" came from his mouth.

"All right buddy, you did great, take it easy now."

Coach helped him back to the bench, while I made my way to the other bench.

"What the fuck was that Sean?"

"It was a hit, try it sometime, pansy."

"Your going down."

With that I went back to my bench, waiting to match up against Sean. With about thirty seconds to go, he was up and so was I. He cut off a pass and started towards our end, but there was one problem. I was back covering defense. Me and Sean, one on one.

"This is how it's done, Blade. I'm going to make you look like an amateur."

I smiled, that momentary lapse of concentration just to throw an insult was all I needed. He went to make his move and I stood him up. Head on, you could hear our helmets and pads smash against each other. He went down and I quickly passed the puck to my right winger, Scott, who had somehow got his leg going again. He skated into the zone, with another wing on the other side. A quick one-two pass, from Scott, to Mike, to Scott, and a wicked wrist shot later, our team had scored with just 2 seconds left on the clock. We won. My side was celebrating at our bench, when Sean came over and spun me around. I didn't know who had grabbed me, but the next thing I knew whoever it was got a punch in. I had a helmet on, but the cage pushed to the side and cut me above the eye. Things just got uglier from there. I speared Sean, but I was pulled off by someone. The coaches were trying to get through the crowd, but were having a hard time. My helmet and gloves were off, and so were Sean's at this point. He took a swing but I grew up knowing how to fight. I ducked quickly, threw a fake left and connected hard with a right to his right eye. He went down, and the coaches finally got to us.

"That's enough!!! Everyone hit the showers now! Sean, you and Blade, in my office as soon as your dressed!"

I was fuming, and was ready to go another round, but I looked up at the stands and noticed Tyler wasn't there. Instead he was right by the door, he had even opened it, looking very worried. I skated over to him, before I could speak he cut in. "Dude, are.. are you all right?"

"Yeah bud, I'm fine." Coming from a guy with blood running down his face, I guess it wasn't to convincing.

"You don't look fine. I think you should get that looked at."

"It's just a cut Ty, it'll heal."

"Please just get it looked at, you might need stitches. It looks really bad." I could tell he was holding back tears, his voice almost wavering. This boy was truly concerned for me, over a small gash. I saw a tear slide down his cheek, then he suddenly grabbed me and pulled me into a hug.

"Tyler, don't cry, it's just a little gash. I promise I'll get it looked at by the trainer, and if it needs stitches then I'll get them. Deal?"

:sniff: "Deal. Sorry for being such a wuss, just I...."

"It's fine bud, it makes me feel good to know that you're that concerned about me."

He gave me a sweet smile "thanks". That's when I noticed the mess I made.

"Dude, now look what I did, I got blood in your hair!"

Before he could say anything Coach came back out of the locker room.

"Blade, lets go hit the showers, and head to my office. Then we'll get that gash looked at." He then noticed Tyler, bloody hair and all. "Tyler, I don't know how you got his blood in your hair, but you can't go to class like that. You might as well hit the showers too, most of the team is already done."

Tyler just turned pale, he surely was not expecting that. I just turned to him and locked arms with him, so I could help him across the ice without him slipping and breaking something. He was a little shaky, so I just figured he was nervous being naked around other people. We got to the locker room, and I proceeded to my locker. Tyler just followed me, deciding to put his stuff near mine so he wouldn't lose it. I stripped down to my boxers, then glanced over at him. He had just removed his shirt, and was very slowly going for his belt buckle. He is just so beautiful. I noticed his nervousness once again, so I walked by him and grabbed a couple towels. When I got back to my locker, I chucked the boxers and wrapped the towel around my waist. Now I'm not some porn star with a foot long cock, try a little over half that and that's me. I know it works so I really don't care what people think. Little did I know Tyler obviously got a good look at me, judging by the bulge in his pants...that were still not off!! I decided he wasn't going to get moving anytime soon.

"Look Tyler, you have the same parts I do, so you shouldn't be nervous about being naked around me." He just gave me another nervous smile, and down came the pants. Now if he would just drop the boxers....

"Umm...could you hand me a towel, please."

Damn, I knew that was coming. He had a nice tent in the front of his boxers, which I assumed was a major factor in him being so shy at the moment. I was almost tempted to make him jump around for the towel, but decided that wouldn't be the best thing to do in this situation.

"Here you go."


"I'll tell you what, I don't want to make you uncomfortable so I'm going to hit the showers quick, and I'll try my best to be out before you get there." With that I was off. I turned the shower head closest to the wall on. I started in on my routine shampooing, then worked my way to conditioning. Right after I rinsed that out, I went for the soap, and to my surprise Tyler walks in, giving me a nervous glance. Oh man not when I have to soap up!! That image of him walking to the center shower head will forever be burned in my mind. He still had a semi, and it fit him perfectly. I'd say probably a good 6" when its fully up to its potential. Oh and his ass... wow. It looked so cute, the definition of a bubble butt. See now the combination of soaping up and seeing a naked Tyler was not helping me keep my "little man" down. OK, just turn the other way, and think of something gross. Mr. Shatan in a speedo, Shatan in a speedo...wait ewww, I said gross, not repulsive to the point where I'm going to lose my breakfast all over the place! OK, I got it... Tanya naked! Oh yeah that did the trick. Nothing like a naked girl to remind me what gender I'm into. I finished rinsing off, toweled off, and started back out to get dressed. Of course I took one more long look at Tyler while he was rinsing off. Reminder, go home and jerk off to that image until you can't move your arm!!

I got dressed slowly hoping to catch another glimpse of Tyler when he came back to the locker, but he seemed to be taking awhile. My nice gash didn't want to stop bleeding, so I caught the trainer and had him take a look at it.

"So does it need stitches?"

"Looks like it, let me grab my kit, and we'll sew you up." Sounds like fun huh?

It took a few minutes to get fixed up, leaving a pretty nasty looking mark above my eye. Oh well I guess that's the price I have to pay. At least Tyler would be happy I got it fixed up. I checked back at my locker, but Tyler must still be in the shower. Geez, how clean can you get? I decided to head to Coach's office, and see what hell I'm going to get for the fight. I walked in the door and was surprised to see Sean still there.

"Glad you could make it, I've only been sitting here for the last 30 minutes."

"You know what Sean..."

"Enough you two. What went on out there will not be tolerated. You are teammates, you won't fight with each other. Sean, your actions were inexcusable out there, from the stick to his ribs, taking down Scott, and blindsiding Ben. Then to top it off you start a fight. These are grounds to remove you from this team. Now Blade, you can't get off without punishment. Although I know you were just defending yourself, you still fought with a teammate. You will be giving me an hour of work in the weight center for the rest of the week after running."

"So he gets off with weight training while I get kicked off the team... this is bullshit!"

"You will not use that language with me, got it? You are off the team and that's fin..."

"Coach, wait, I know what he did was wrong, and he's a total asshole, but he is a very skilled player. I just think it would hurt the team more to lose his talent than to keep him." God, he had no idea how hard it was to say that.

"Son, you see right there is the type of attitude that will get you places. That's why I have chosen you to be the team captain. Sean, you will be allowed to remain on the team, but you will be benched until you prove you can be a team player. You owe your spot on this team to your captain, and don't forget that."

I was so happy when I heard coach say those words. I'm the captain!! I'm going places!!! Sean owes me his spot!! Now which one of those makes me the happiest? The bad part, is now I will be even more tired than before. Weight training after running? Can I survive that for the week? Oh well, I'm in to good of a mood to get down about something trivial like that. I ran back to my locker and grabbed my book bag. Tyler was just tying his shoes.

"Hey Ty, guess what?"


"I'm the new captain of the Arrowhead Phantoms!!"

"Whoa, sweet dude, I told you, you're the best on the team." He looked as happy as I did!

"Bad news is I have weight training, following running after school for the whole week."

"Aww man that sucks. You're going to be hurting after all that. See and I was going to see if you wanted to go to the mall with me and Kai."

"Are you serious? Aww that makes this suck even more. After two weeks of trying to track you down I finally get to chill with you, and now I can't."

Tyler looked a bit taken aback, if not uneasy when I said that. "Blade, its not that I was avoiding you or I don't want to hang out with you, I've just been... busy and I don't know. I'm sorry, for not being a friend lately."

"Ty, it's all right, that's what I figured, you were just busy. Your my friend either way, and don't try to get out of it. Your stuck with me, got it?"

He blushed, "Yeah, I got it."

"Oh, and look "mom", I got myself fixed up. Feel better now?"

"Much better" Is there a better smile than his out there?

"All right, lets get out of here, we do have school to attend."

We said goodbye, and headed off to our respective classes. Of course we were only about 20 minutes late, but that's beside the point. Let the lecture begin...

"Mr. Stevens so nice of you to join us today."

"The pleasure is all yours sir."

Mr. Shatan was getting a little miffed with me. "20 minutes late? Now what will your excuse be for this one?"

"Well honestly I got into a fight at practice, so I had to stay after to meet with Coach. See, I have a battle scar isn't sweet?" The class laughed. I loved getting underneath his skin.

"Yes, sweet indeed. I will be calling Mr. Rollins, to verify this story. You best hope it pans out."

I turned and headed to my seat next to a snickering Kai. "Dude, you are worse than me. I can't believe how much you get to him by saying the simplest things."

"Pay attention, young grasshopper, you will achieve smart ass greatness like myself." Hey, I guess I'm a clown too okay?

Kai snickered some more and gave me a playful punch to the shoulder. "You going to hang out with me later?"

"I have weight training for punishment, so I probably won't get out of here until 5:30. Do you still want me to stop by?"

"Yeah, just cruise on over we'll think of something to do."

"Hey, wait I thought you were going to the mall with Tyler."

"Oh, I don't know I haven't talked to Tyler today. When did you talk to him?"

"He watched us scrimmage this morning, and after the fight he came over to see if I was all right. Of course he made me promise to get my cut looked at, so I gave him a hug to reassure him, and stupid me got blood in his hair."

"So let me get this straight, you have blood pouring down your face and you hug Tyler, the boy with light blonde hair and you don't even realize that he's going to be a mess afterwards?"

"OK, I'm an idiot, I had just been in a fight you know."

"Yeah so you say, with who?"


"Asshole Sean? Dude tell me you kicked his ass."

"Well lets just say he was the one laying on the ice at the end of it."

"Nice. Remind me not to fight with you."

"Kai, I wouldn't ever hit you anyway. Besides I might mess up your looks, then what will you have left?" I had to give him an evil grin with that.

"Funny, just hilarious. There's more to me than looks, like.... hey wait so are you saying you think I'm hot?" I've never seen a bigger mischievous grin on someone's face than the one he had right now.

"Oh yeah, man, I just want to take you home and have my way with you."

"OK, just so that's clear."

Laughing "You wish"

He just kept snickering. "So tell me how did Tyler get the blood out of his hair?"

"Oh, Coach made him shower in the locker room. Everyone was gone by then, so it wasn't that bad. He was a bit nervous about it, so I went to shower first, so he would feel more comfortable. He eventually made his way in though." Oh those memories weren't leaving my mind anytime soon.

"So you saw Tyler in the buff... so what do you think?" Another one of those grins.

OK, that totally caught me off guard. How do I respond to that without outing myself?

"Uhh.. he's uhh..." Someone shoot me please!

"Dude, I'm just messing with you. I don't know why he was nervous though, not like he hasn't had to be naked in front of other people before. He does act in the school productions, and they change together and lets say the tights don't really allow room for boxers."

"Well don't say anything to him about it, I don't want him to feel bad about it."

"You give me all that info and you expect me to not crack some jokes about it?"

"Kai, not a word."


"Kai, no. Behave."

"Yes, master." Little punk, he's never serious for more than 5 minutes at a time.

Mr. Shatan finally got fed up with our talking. "This is not social hour, save it for lunch."

"Yes Satan" We both said in unison. That got us all laughing.

I wonder how bad my grade will be for this class, considering I basically use it to talk to Kai ninety percent of the time. The rest of the morning went by uneventful, besides Kai and I getting yelled at by every teacher, because we don't no what the words "shut up" mean. We walked into lunch, and headed to our table. The regulars were there, Scott, Tanya, Anna, Drew and Andy. Tyler nowhere to be found as usual, he's always the last to get there. I was almost shocked to death when Drew spoke to me.

"Hey Blade, what's up?"

"Uh nothing man. How about you?"

"Not much. So I heard your the captain of the team."

"Yep, I'm stoked. You and Andy played good today."

Andy, hearing his name spoke up "Sean didn't seem to think so."

"Don't worry about him, he's under control."

"Someone told Drew he got kicked off the team."

"Well the coach did kick him off but..." Speak of the devil, here comes Sean now. This isn't even his lunch period.

"Blade, I appreciate you keeping me from getting kicked off the team, but if you think for one minute that I'm in debt to you than you've got another thing coming."

"Dude, I don't want a damn thing from you, just remember your lucky I don't make you my bitch for the rest of the season."

That got him, he stomped off, headed for the door. As I watched him I noticed Tyler was on his way to our table... and Sean just walked right into him!!

"Watch it faggot."

That's it. I jumped up, Kai & Scott in tow, headed for Sean. I grabbed him by the shirt and slammed him against the wall.

"Get your hands of me..."

"You ever lay a hand on him again and you will be waking up in a hospital bed. Stay the fuck away from all of us Sean, got it?" He could see the fire in my eyes.

"Whatever, I won't touch your boyfriend."

"Fuck you, you just lost your spot on the team. You can't even be decent for 10 seconds of your miserable life. Your not worth my time, I have more important things to do."

"You need me on the team, and you know it."

"Sean, the day I need you for anything is the day I check myself into a mental hospital. You can be replaced."

"Fine, we'll just see what the coach thinks about this."

"I guess we will." With that I let him go, turning to see Kai helping Tyler pick up his books and papers that were knocked out of his hands. Scott was standing there just looking at me, strangely.

"Dude remind me never to get on your bad side."

"Don't worry about that Scott. Your a good guy, you could never be associated with someone like that." Kai looked at me like he just thought of something, and just sort of got a little whiter in color.

"Kai, you feeling all right?"

"Oh, uh yeah, I just...uh..." He was obviously stumbling with his words, when Tyler cut in.

"He's just feeling a bit under the weather." Yeah sure. "Thanks man, you really didn't have to do that, he didn't really hit me, just a little bump."

"Well little bump or knockout punch, I don't tolerate anyone hurting my friends. They can come at me all they want, but when it comes to you guys, that's where it ends."

Kai seemed to loosen up a bit after that. We walked back to our table to finish what little was left of the lunch period. That's when it dawned on me.

"Kai, can I talk to you outside for a minute?"

Visibly nervous he glanced at Tyler, then said "OK"

We walked out into the courtyard, and I started, "Kai, you want to tell me what happened with you in there?"

He looked down at the ground, "Dude, it was nothing, I just don't feel well."

"That's bullshit Kai, you said after we got to know each other that I would meet your mystery girl, that we would truly be best friends. It's a trust thing. The problem with that is you don't trust me, your afraid of me."

He looked at me with a bewildered look on his face. "I'm not afraid of you.. I just.." He stopped and thought about it. "Blade, your my boy, I just see how you are with Sean, and it's like what if I did something to piss you off, and you go off on me."

"Kai, I told you I would never hit you, no matter what. You could get pissed at me and pound me but I won't fight back. I couldn't bring myself to hurt you, I refuse too. It's a trust thing." I reply with a grin, using his words against him.

He finally caves, and smiles back. "Thanks, and to prove I trust you I want you to meet my "mystery girl" as you say. Tonight when you come over we'll be there. How's that trust boy?"

"Great. I finally get to see who keeps you on a leash."

"Nobody leads me by a leash."

"Aww, but why not it could be fun."

"Your a freak you know that?"


"Good, now we're clear on that."

"Crystal. Lets head back, the bell should be ringing soon."

So we worked out that little fiasco, I can't believe he thought I would do something like that. I'm not like a fight machine, just when provoked by assholes like Sean. What was Kai thinking about that I would freak out and pound on him for? The bell had rung by the time we made it back so we quickly said our good-byes. Tyler said thanks again and gave me a hug. I am so infatuated with that kid, it's not even funny. Hahaha I got a hug from Tyler twice today, I'm moving on up!

The rest of the day went by pretty quick. Kai was back to his normal self for the rest of the day. When I got to gym class I found out Tyler was excused to go help out on some final things that needed to be done down at the auditorium for the upcoming concert. I might just have to start using my singing, so I can get some extra time with him. He acts as well? I think I'll pass on that for the moment. So school ended with out a hitch, and I was in my own little world while running. I wasn't even that tired when it ended. Everything was going great until I got to the weight room, and who do I see, but the asshole himself, Sean sitting there with Coach.

"Blade, you seemed to have a lot of energy out there, I hope you saved some because you going to need it in here. Take a seat, we have to talk about what Sean says happened at lunch."

"What exactly does Sean say happened?"

"He said you tried to pick a fight with him, and slammed him against the wall saying he lost his spot on the team. Now I decide who's on the team not you."

"First off, excuse me, but that whole story is complete bullshit. He came to my table, during my lunch period, one he's not even in and said he doesn't owe me anything for speaking up for him. I told him I didn't want a thing from him, then he stomped off and shouldered my friend Tyler. So I got up, grabbed his shirt and slammed him against the wall. I told him if he ever touches him again he will wake up in a hospital. He made a smart remark so I said he lost his spot. That's how it happened and I have people that can back me up on that."

Just then Scott walked in, I guess he trains to keep in shape. Coach noticed this and asked him what happened at lunch. He basically gave him the story I did, so that's another strike against Sean.

"Well Sean, I let you off easy because of Blade, and now you have broken my trust. I'm sorry, but I have no choice, you are off the team."

Sean threw a temper tantrum right then and there. "Screw you all, this team is nothing, you won't make it anywhere. You know what screw this school, my dad will get me out of this hole, and send me to prep school, where there's a real hockey team. I seriously doubt it, but if somehow you losers make it to the playoffs, I'll see you there. Then you will see what you gave up." Well at least I don't have that problem to deal with anymore.

"Blade, I'll tell you what, you work hard today and I'll eliminate the rest of your punishment. Scott comes here all the time, so go by his routine, and I'll be back in a hour. I have to go sort out things with the school about that prick."

Weight lifting was.. well weight lifting. Nothing special. Scott is a totally different person when it comes to training, it's all work and no play. He had me tired at the end of that work out. I decided to head home and take a shower then head over to Kai's place. I pulled into the driveway and it looked like everyone was home. Great, I'll just say hello and head off to do my own thing. Don't get me wrong I love my mom, but I just don't like the changes in her since my dad passed away. Her boyfriend was a big part in those changes, but I try to be civil with him anyway. So I head inside and sure enough there's mom and her boyfriend Gary. They go through the whole how was your day thing, and of course I just say fine. That's the extent of our conversation. Looks like my bro is out with someone, no sign that he's been home. I decide to just soak in the bath instead of a shower, maybe it will losen my muscles up, and I'll be able to move tomorrow. I throw some music in and just lay back and relax.

"I've been waiting for someone to come into my life" "Who would bring me joy and give me pleasure" "I have taken chances on romance once or twice" "And I found that in my heart it's you I treasure"

These words were hitting me deeply, and I realized right then, if I'm going to have a chance at being with Tyler, then I have to take a risk and tell him how I feel.

"You and only you can make me feel the way I do" "You and only you can make it better" "You and only you can do the things you do" "And I'm so into you and that's forever and ever"

Isn't it weird how a song can just come out and express exactly how you're feeling? I know I'm infatuated with Tyler, but thinking about these words I'm starting to realize it's more than that.

"All my life" "My love's been waiting for you" "All my life" "My heart's been waiting too"

"I've been wishing on a star" "I've been praying on my knees" "And now I see that" "You and only you can make me feel the way I do"

In less than the time it takes to listen to a full song, I'm out of the tub, and getting dressed. I know what I should do, but first I'm going to go meet Kai's girl, and test our trust issue. I'm going to tell him that I'm gay, hopefully he won't freak and tell me to get lost, or even worse spread it around the school. Well I'm dressed, hair's done, and I guess it's time to face the music. My mom protests about me leaving again, saying I should eat, she's right but I've got other things on my mind so I say I'll get something on the way to Kai's. That seemed to satisfy her. I'm kind of excited to meet Kai's girlfriend, she must be some girl if she can land someone like him.

I pull up to Kai's and park out front. Looks like Kai's the only one from his family around, no other cars in the driveway. I hope I don't interrupt anything that might be going on in his room. I ring the doorbell, and I can hear Kai making his way downstairs.

"Who is it?"

"Hoes On Wheels"

"Hey, I said to come by tomorrow!" Like I said a total clown. He finally opens the door.

"What's up kid?"

"Just chillin', waiting for your sorry ass to let me in."

"Well I'm looking at the hoe, but where's the wheels?"

"They fell off, now let me in spiky." With a playful pat on his spiky head he finally lets me by.

"Come on lets go chill upstairs." Now I'm starting to wonder where exactly this girl is. She better not come popping out of a box, or even worse, have to be inflated.

"Hey Kai, I need to talk to you about something important later, all right?"

"Sure bro, anything you want."

We get to his room, and he takes a seat on the bed and I decide to lounge in his beanbag (Get your minds out of the gutter you pervs :)). I then notice some movement coming from his bathroom. "So is she going to come out of the bathroom or hide in there all day?"

"No one's hiding dude, there is such a thing as having to actually use the bathroom." I can hear water running.

"Well that's the sink, you think there's a swimming contest as well in there?"

Click. There's the lock I guess this is it.

"Ready dude?"


"Well this is my baby, the one I'm totally in love with."

The door opens, and out walks..... Tyler.

OK, OK, guys don't send out hits on me for stopping there. I had to stop somewhere, & I wasn't even gonna put who walked through the door. So there :P

Well, when I started writing this my mind went blank, then I got going a little bit and it went from there. I worked all night on this. I want to thank my readers for their messages, I was totally overwhelmed by how many people read and enjoy this story. I noticed myself and was pointed out by others that there were some punctuation, and grammatical mistakes in the first chapter. In my original copy there are no mistakes, so I think something got messed up between when I converted it and sent it to Nifty. To be on the safe side I am having this story proof read from now on just to make sure. Thanks go to Greg for that. Hey guys, a lot of you have been telling me I have, incredible talent, and I thank you so much for that. I'm flattered really. If you want to read a really incredibly talented author's story check out Storm Front, at

OK, a couple things, I've gotten questions on what "Daps" are. Daps, is basically like a handshake, except you slide your hand across the other person's, and lock fingers for a second. That's all there is to it. There's other variations, but that's what we do around here. Next chapter may not be out as quick, but never say never.

Peace Out


Next: Chapter 3

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