Never Too Far Away

By moc.loa@XvXnedaJXvX

Published on Jan 26, 2002


Never Too Far Away

Disclaimer: This story involves love, relationship, and "adult" subject matter between teenage I guess that means your not supposed to read this if your under 18, but really if you are younger than that, I can't stop you. Just Don't Get Caught :)

If homosexuality offends you, then leave, or join the 21st century, and open up to it.

This Is FICTION...any character resembling a real life person is by coincidence, and in the rare event a character is based on someone in real life their name has been changed due to legal and personal protection. You never know who's lurking around reading this. So now the little spiel is over so hopefully someone will enjoy this.

Do Not Reproduce this story, and if you would like to have it on your website email me and get my permission. Thanks. This is my first story so try not to crucify me to bad.

Copyright Jaden 2002

Bzzzz...Bzzzz....Bzzzz. Crash. The wonderful sounds of the morning. If you can't tell I hate gettingup, but I don't really have a choice. It's my first day at a new school, here in sunny Anaheim, California. I just moved here from New York, so it's a pretty big change for me. Hopefully life will be better out here, than back home. I'm getting way ahead of myself here, maybe I should tell you a little about me before I go on a rant about how life sucked before. I'm Blade, just two months shy of my 18th b-day, about 6 ft. tall, 160 lb., naturally blonde, but died dark brown with some blonde streaks in it, chin length hair, and I guess what you would call color changing eyes, that go from blue to green to gray. Overall I'm happy with my appearance and the girls back home were as well. So your thinking, so whats this guys sob story about, He's got looks, and girls are knockin down his door. Well that should make me downright giddy, but there's one problem....I tend to play for the other team so to speak.

Now don't get me wrong I like girls, they are great as friends, and some are easy on the eyes, but guys are more my thing. I've known I preferred guys, since I was 15, after a bad break up with my then girlfriend of 2 years. That's when I met Joey. I have played hockey all my life, and that year Joey joined my team. He immediately caught my wandering eyes. Black hair, olive skin, cut, about 5'10m, great smile and deep brown eyes. He was the first person I can say I truly fell for, but of course being the chicken shit I am I never told him how I felt. We were the best of friends, until one event fatefully, killed our friendship. I'd rather not go into it right now....seeing as I'm to busy daydreaming, and I'm gonna be late for school if I don't get a move on.

I grabbed a pair of shorts, boxers and one of my surfer shirts... hey I'm in Cali now might as well try to fit in! One thing I love about this new house is I have my own bathroom...and some privacy. With my bro, mom, and the um mom's boyfriend, things can get a little hectic trying to get ready in the morning. Damn! 30 minutes to get showered, primp, eat and haul ass to school. I quickly jump in the shower, shampoo, rinse, condition, rinse, and soap up. Hey it's the only way to do it right? All this soaping is getting me a little worked time though sorry bud. I'll just schedule a date with rosy palm and her five friends later. I hop out of the shower, through my clothes on and go to work on the due. OK I love having longer hair but it is such a pain when it won't stay straight how I want it. Ugh! I am so not making it to school on time. I throw my dragon necklace on, and run upstairs. My mom and the boyfriend are already off to work so no hold ups there. My bro is gulping down some OJ, and I decide to do the same. His name is Eric, He's 2 years younger than me, which makes him a sophomore and me a senior. We get along but don't hang out, but seeing as He's gonna be in the same boat as I am, so I offer to drive him to school.

Now my car is my baby, its a 2000 Mercury Cougar, custom painted Hot Orange, with some silver flames on it. Now I know what your thinking... rich brat right? Not even close. I'm so far from rich its ridiculous. Every penny I get goes to paying that car off. Not that I don't have a lot of stuff, but I have just been spoiled as a kid, even if mom couldn't really afford it.

Well there it is...Arrowhead High School. My new prison for the next 5 and a half months. Half way through my senior year and I'm thrown into a whole new environment. Oh well here goes nothing....

Eric suddenly becomes chatty, "You nervous?"

"Yeah a little bit, how bout you?"


"Well everything will be cool, if anyone messes with you just let me know and I'll take care of it."


Now if I could just convince myself that everything would go smoothly.

"See you after school". I watched and made sure he got through the school yard and then headed of to first period. My schedule and everything had been assigned ahead of time. Lucky me got 1st period English. Shit! 4 minutes till the bell and I gotta get to the other end of the school. I start running, people jumping out of the way as I pass. I came flying around the corner and WHAM!!! I went down and whoever had the unfortunate luck to run into me went down with a thud. I quickly gathered my things, I really needed to get to class.

"You all right?" Who said that...oh yeah the kid I ran over.

"Yeah.. I'm fi...." Yowza!!! As soon as I got a look at him I just froze. Maybe 5'9", thin but not to thin, blonde hair the same length as mine, and these amazing, shimmering, dark with a hint of violet eyes. Words can't describe the beauty of this boy.

"Hello? You sure your OK?"

I hadn't realized I had just stopped mid sentence and stared at him. "Huh? Oh yeah, sorry I spaced for a minute."

"I'm Tyler". God his voice had that sexy teenage rasp too it.

"Blade...Sorry about mowing you down, it's my first day, and I don't wanna be late."

"It's OK, really. Not the first time it's happened." What did that mean? "So what class you headed to, now that there's like a minute to get there?"

Oh shit!! " 236".

"Dude! You better get going...go straight down this hall take a right at the end, and it's the first room on the left."

"Thanks a lot bro"

"Anytime...what period do u have lunch?"

"Um 5th".

"Sweet, me too, I'll find you and we can get to know each other. Have fun in English". With that he walked away with a smirk on his face as if he knew something I didn't. God how am I gonna concentrate with that boy running around my mind all day?

I made it in the door, about 3 seconds before the bell.. whew! I looked at the teacher...a bulbous guy, with coke bottle glasses, and a receding hairline.

" Cutting it a little close on the first day, aren't we Mr...."

I cut him off.. "It's Blade sir".

"Yes Blade, since your up you might as well tell the class a little about yourself." Oh Joy!

"Umm...I'm Blade Stevens, I'm from NY, born and raised there. I just moved in this past weekend, I play hockey, and I'm into music." They all just looked at me with a blank stare. I am going to strangle this teacher!!! Finally, a spiky haired boy stood up and walked up to me.

"Welcome to Hell 101, I'm Kai, that's Mr. Satan...errr Shatan, so come sit over here, and strap yourself in for the ride." He gave me a sly smile, so I joined his game.

"What if I get a flat tire on the way?"

"Then I guess we'll have Tanya drag you over to her corner and have her way with ya".

This long blonde haired, blue-eyed, girl shot daggers at him, and gave me a shy look and blushed.

"Anytime" Hey I had to keep up my image, and try to make her feel better in the process!!.

"OK, that's enough, Mr. Stevens, Mr. Kimbal. Time for class. As much as I'm going to regret this, Blade take a seat next to Kai, and do not interrupt the class or I will throw you out, no warnings." Geez! What a prick.

OK, let me tell you about Kai. Another totally bangin boy, light brown spiky hair, that looked like the sun was working its highlighting magic on, that bronze tan skin, bright baby blue eyes, about the same height as me, swimmers build, and these great pouty lips. No Tyler, but damn fine. He didn't make it that easy for me to make it through class, with his whispering jokes under his breath, drawing these little cartoons about people in class, and sending me notes. I played along with the notes, as long as Mr. Satan.. err you know, doesn't catch on. Kai, asked me to write down my schedule and it turns out we have just about every class together...even lunch. He asked me to sit with him and his friends at lunch, and I said OK, but I gotta meet someone else there too.

"Just bring them to our table and we'll all chill". Oh man Tyler and Kai at the same table, putting food in their mouth....whoa slow down. Damn not even through first period and I'm fantasizing.

"Aight, but you'll probably be sick of me by then". " I seriously doubt it dude, you took my shit and gave it back when you introduced yourself, something no one else has done. We'll be inseparable in no time!!"

By the time lunch rolled around, I had gotten to know all About Kai.. his family, he loved to surf, go to the beach and hang out with his friends. Oh and he was in love. I asked to meet the lucky girl, but he just blushed

"In time dude, in time".

OK that was a little weird...the guys back home couldn't wait to show off their girls. We went and sat at his table, he introduced me to some of the people there. "Blade, meet Scott, Drew, Andy, Tanya, and Anna.

"Guys this is Blade, he just moved here from NY, he plays hockey, is into music, and he's my boy now. So be nice. Oh, Blade man did I remember your speech right?

"He He, yeah, clown"

"And I'm damn good at it."

"Yeah Shatan thought so this morning, didn't he?"

"Aww he's just a tight wad".

Tanya looked up at him with an evil glare "And you just had to embarrass me right?".

Kai, looking sheepishly at her, said "well it's all in good fun, just wanted to let Blade know that you were looking to sink your claws into him before it was too late." "Oww!" That earned him a swift kick under the table. I looked at Tanya, and she looked down and blushed. Oh this was gonna be fun. I was about to ask the guys if any of them were on the hockey team, considering I didn't know anyone who was, when I was interrupted...

"Sup Guys!" There stood the blonde angel, Tyler. "Hey man I told you to wait for me, at the cafeteria door. I thought I was stood up".

"Nah, bud, sorry but I stole him away".

"S'ok, at least he's with you guys and not any of the other assholes around here." he said with a grin.

Kai grinning back "You calling me an asshole, pretty boy?"


"OK, as long as we're clear on that". Weirdoes.

"So when did u meet Tyler?"

"Well I was kinda running to get to English, and when I came around the corner I slammed right into him." I was embarrassed...not how I usually meet people. Would I do it again just to meet Tyler? In a heartbeat.

Scott said "Dude! That's exactly how Kai & Ty met! Now I know why your friends, two clowns who can't watch where they're going'!"

"Gee thanks Scott"

"Welcome". I liked him already. Andy and Drew didn't talk much, they finished lunch early, and got up said their good-byes and headed off.

"What's the deal with them.. they wouldn't even look at me".

Scott spoke up and said "They're afraid your gonna take their spot on the hockey team."

"Why's That?"

"Well I guess Coach told him about this new guy.. you...and said they would have to step it up, because he thinks you'll make a strong bid for senior captain." Wow..I didn't think the coach was that impressed with me.

"Well they shouldn't be worried, I mean if we are gonna be playing together we should get to know each other."

Kai who had been whispering to Tyler while I was talking to Scott piped up "Yeah you should always get to know somebody beforehand if your going to be "playing" with each other".

I laughed "Your just jealous man, you want me to play with you instead of Drew, and Andy. " He blushed.

Tyler jumped in "But what about me...I wanna be played with too!" He was way to cute. I just thought to myself, anytime.

Scott looking particularly embarrassed said "will you guys keep it down, people are staring. I'll take you to the park later and you can all play with yourselves" Omg hehehe. I don't think he meant that to come out like that. Kai, Tyler and myself cracked up at Scott's embarrassment. Tanya and Anna just brushed it off. They were kinda creeping me out, staring like they were undressing me with their eyes. Why would they look at me when someone like Tyler or Kai even are right here next to me?

Soon the bell rang, I said my good-byes and said I would see them later. I gave Scott and Tyler daps, and waited for Kai to do the same. When Kai got Tyler's hand, he held it maybe a bit long, and Tyler just stared into his eyes, glowing almost. He then looked over at me and looked me dead in the eyes. I just looked down. I mean what was I supposed to do, I didn't want to melt right there from his gorgeous eyes. Kai whispered something to him then came over to me..


"Uh Yeah"

"Cool, off to Art".

I glanced back and saw Tyler still looking right at me, he quickly turned away and started off to class. Oookkk, I wonder what's up with that.

Art class was just that.. Art class. Both Kai and I were talented in the drawing department, so we just goofed off while we were doing the assignment.

"So Kai, how long have you and Tyler been friends?"

" Since 9th grade so this will be our 4th year".

"That's cool. So is he your best friend?"

"Yeah, since we met, we have been hanging out non stop." He seemed to get a bit uncomfortable talking about Tyler. Of course I had to know why.

"Are you all right... u seem kinda shaky"

"Yeah just umm get the shakes sometimes." Yeah right. This outgoing, cute, clown of a guy gets the shakes for no reason.

"You know if you need to talk about anything, you can talk to me" He looked me in the eyes as if searching to see if I was messing with him.

"OK" Something was definitely up. I decided not to push about Tyler for now.

"So how about this mystery girl, that your in love with, when do I get to meet her?"

"Look, dude, could we please not talk about this stuff right now?"

"Sure, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you."

" No.. it's all right, I'm just a little jumpy. I really think we're gonna be best friends, I mean it feels like we already are. So in a couple weeks, when we truly know each other, I'll introduce you, and we'll talk about whatever."

"OK, deal. And thanks Kai, I don't know what I would've done today if you hadn't jumped up in English class"

"Anytime man, I can tell your gonna be one of the most popular kids in school already. You'll make captain of the hockey team, have girls falling at your feet, and all the little drones following you around. I just want to make sure that your going to want to be friends when that time comes."

"I will always be yo..."

"I know but I just need to make sure... it's a trust thing."

"Well Kai, I'll give you my word, that I won't let your friendship go. I want you, Tyler, Scott...even Tanya in my life."

That got a smile out of him. Ringgg.. there's the bell. "Well I have gym now, so I better get going"

"All right, thanks Blade. Tyler's in your gym class, so you'll know someone."

"Peace kid". I gave him daps and headed to the gym.

Tyler was just getting to the door when I did. "Hey Blade".

"What's crackin' Tyler?'

"Nothing. You have a locker assignment yet?"

"Nope, I have to go get one from the teacher."

"Get one by locker #114, that's mine."

"All right see ya in a few".

I went off to get my locker number from Coach Rollins, who happened to be the coach of the hockey team. "Blade, I'm happy to see you made it. I'm looking forward to having you on the team this season. Practice is tomorrow morning at 5:30. You can shower here, then go to class. Now for your locker number..."

"Would it be OK if I got a locker by #114?"

"I don't see why not. Here you go #116". "

Thanks a lot Coach"

"No problem now go get dressed."

I went to my locker, and noticed Tyler was still there fully dressed.

"Tyler, how come your still here?" No answer. "Tyler?, Tyler..." I finally snapped him out of it.

"Oh hehe sorry man, spaced out"

"Yeah I guess so. We gotta hurry up, class is going to start."

"Shit, was I that out of it?"

"Yeah bud". We stopped talking and stripped down. I couldn't help but stare at him, absolute perfection. Tanned, muscular in the right places, not overly muscular... just right, and baby smooth. As soon as the shorts came off I stopped myself from audibly gasping. I quickly started changing, trying to calm down the stirring in my shorts. I glanced over and noticed he was looking at me changing as well. I ignored it and finished getting ready. I turned to look at him, and almost as I caught him off guard he blushed furiously, and snapped out of his gaze.

"Alright lets do it"

He did a double take and stammered "Wha...what?"

"Lets go we're the last ones out."

" Oh ok." We played some basketball in gym, nothing major. It wasn't as awkward getting dressed afterwards, even though I couldn't stop stealing glances at him. He seemed to shy away, embarrassed from earlier.

"One more class and I made it through the first day!"

He giggled "You know your gonna be way to popular around here soon enough?"

"Kai said the same thing. I promise to never ditch you guys for the mindless drones, and herds of whores. What's with you two anyways you like telepathically linked to each other or something?" He kinda looked nervous at the mention of him and Kai.

"Um yeah I guess, we just are really close, so we think a like."

"That's cool". Now he looked almost sad. "Hey looks like we better get going..."

I interrupted him "Tyler is something bothering you?"

He looked like he was hiding something, but said "I'm fine, really". He stood up and gave me a hand to help me up. I decided to give him a hug. He was surprised, but I could almost feel the tension in him temporarily lift.

"I'm here for you if you need anything Ty, just remember that."

He gave me a genuine, beautiful smile, and said "I know, and thanks you just made me feel so much better." There's the bell time to go. He took out a pen and ripped a piece of paper out of his notebook.

"Here's my phone number, call me later... I have to stay after for a sound check for the concert coming up."

I wrote mine down and handed it to him. "All right, I'll talk to you later, and you can tell me all about you. Since I plan on hanging with you, I'd like to know at least some stuff to go with the face." He smiled, gave me daps and headed out. Oh Yeah!!! Next step "Operation Find Out If He's Gay". Most likely wishful thinking. I really need to get to know that boy better.

I met with Kai for last period...history.... oh what a joy that was. I won't even get into how boring history class is, I'm sure you know. The final bell rang and I was free. I made it through the first day.. and met some hotties in the process! I went with Kai to his locker, we exchanged phone numbers, and I offered to give him a ride home. He kindly turned it down, saying he was going to wait and give Tyler a ride home. I made him come out and see my car anyways!! He almost changed his mind and had me give him a ride home. My bro came over, said he loved it here, introduced himself to Kai, and hopped in the car. We spotted Tyler standing by the entrance, he waved and looked at us. God I couldn't tear my eyes from him...until I noticed the strange look on his face. It was a look of happiness, but with a look sadness lurking underneath. His eyes gave it away. Something was up with him. Kai looked over at him, and said he had to go, and walked over to Tyler. They disappeared into the school, Tyler glancing back over his shoulder. Kai pulled him along though waving to me at the same time. Did I totally miss something here?

Well I'm gonna stop here for now. Chapter two is already in progress. I know this was a long day, but I feel developing the relationships between characters is really important for this story. I sex yet, but that'snot what the story is about. I could probably go on all night writing more of this, but I have to go live my life outside of this. I hope someone out there enjoys this, I really love writing it. Takes my mind off the stress of real life. Please e-mail me at and let me know if you like it, and any suggestions are welcome. Flames will be ignored. Peace out.



Next: Chapter 2

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