Never Say Never

Published on Nov 14, 2021


Never Say Never 5 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

Just when you think all is well, a single event can change everything. Doofus ran in to a bridge support and died. He was a bold and adventurous driver, so I knew something like that could happen. In most cases bold and adventurous is the same as a bad driver.

I was relieved to find that a driver from Florida was cruising along at 110 miles-an-hour rammed him. He pushed Doofus into oncoming traffic. There was a school bus in that lane. The bus driver said Doofus had both hands on the wheel trying to pull his car back into the right lane. He avoided the bus, but not a bridge support. Doofus died instantly. He was regarded as a hero. The driver of the speeding car when to jail for vehicular manslaughter and for possessing ten pounds of heroin, and a hung number of uppers.

Doofus had a good lawyer. He had a will that left most of his money to cousins and local charities. I got nothing in the will. I didn't expect anything, so that was fine. I didn't expect that at some point I was made a co-owner of the Never Say Never Club with complete survivor's rights. That was a surprise. There was another surprise. Doofus had an additional bank account of a half million labeled as the club Maintenance Fund. That too was mine. He had paid taxes on it, so it was free and clear for my use.

Things were confused for a month with the funeral, estate work and running the Never Say Never. Doofus' lawyer, Dabney F. Miller IV, was helpful and efficient. He was sixty-two and his wife of thirty years had recently died.

Dabney was a cold fish who specialized in handling large estates. He was best known for fighting nuisance suits filed by inferior lawyers. While only one of the lawyers committed suicide, several gave up law to become a used car salesman, and one became a greeter at a Wal-Mart.

I didn't know he was gay, and that Doofus was his special friend. I had to clean out Doofus's home and found photographs of them together. I asked Dabney if he wanted them. I had both the photos and the computer memory cards. He said he wanted them. I took them to his house, and we had a nice conversation. He told me they had a sexual relationship for years.

"Doofus was hard to like, but his cock did things to me that I didn't know you could do," he said. "Eventually I came to like him. He acted like a buffoon and clown, but there was a real man lurking in him somewhere. His father was a dreadful man. Being an idiot was a defense mechanism for Doofus."

"I've known him since he was a kid," I said. "I sort of knew that."

"He told me you were the first guy he fucked, and the first guy shot off in," Dabney said. "He loved it."

"I didn't know about you as a sex partner," I said. "I think he knew you needed secrecy."

"If I told you that greatly relives me, would you think I am a two-faced coward?" he asked.

"There are a lot of people in the world. It may be that you were his special friend, one that he didn't want to share," I said. "I think you were the only long-term relationship he had," I said.

"You were friends since childhood," Dabney said.

"We were friends, but our sex was purely recreational," I said. "It was fun and no more."

"Are you sure?" he asked.

I nodded and said, "There was a lot of recreation!"

Dabney laughed. He was not prone to laugh, and it was nice to know he could see the humor.

"I have a question for you. Could I visit Never Say Never?" Dabney asked. "I am not a member, but I would feel closer to Doofus."

"Of course. You do know it is nude? The members are comfortable naked. The nudity is just a prelude to sex. You look, you fondle then you suck and fuck. Most of this is public and other naked men are watching and many join in," I explained.

"I understand and that would not be a problem," he said.

"There is a testing requirement too," I added.

Dabney smiled. "Doofus said the one of the attractions of the Club was that man juices were edible," he said. "He took my sperm, but I never took his. I was too timid. I regret that now." He paused and then said, "I assume you traded cum with you and other men at the club?"

"He was a generous man. After the funeral we were at the Club telling stories about Doofus. He could be difficult, but his orgasms were spectacular. Doofus was mellow and pleasant when you kept on sucking to get the last drops," I said.

Dabney made a date for Saturday morning at 9:30 am. I told him that was a busy time he would see the club at full capacity. He said that would be good.

He was there exactly on time. He came to my office, was tested and we went to the shower-locker area. Dabney asked if any men had been fucked by Doofus. He told me he wanted to be fucked by a man who had fucked Doofus. He wanted to feel what Doofus had felt.

"You have guessed that his cock spent a lot of time in my behind?" I asked. He nodded.

"He shot off in me so many times we might be related," I said. "I shot off in him regularly too."

"That may be too much," he replied.

"Could do quick poke and I'd pull out before I pop," I suggested.

"I would like to take the cream," he said in a whisper. "Doofus always shot off in me."

We went to the locker area and stripped. Millard, Albert, Newton, and Raoul came in the room. Dabney and I went to the showers.

"Those men are handsome. Are the younger ones legal?" Dabney asked in a whisper. I told him they were in their twenties. Dabney's cock was standard issue when we were in the locker area. When Millard and his friends began to shower, Dabney's cock began to show interest. As is typical of naked men, Millard's friends' cocks began to signal their interest. In a few minutes we were semi-erect, and some were fully inflated. Llewellyn and Smoky came in the room.

I know that the florist, Llewellyn would want you to say it with flowers. Both Smoky and he were saying it with erections. Dabney could hardly take his eyes off Newton. Newton went to Dabney. They whispered and Newton bent over to suck him. A few minutes later, they whispered, and Dabney assumed the position. Newton's cock touched Dabney's rosebud and then pushed. His cock slid into the ass easily. Dabney had obviously lubricated his ass.

I knew from my conversations that Dabney had sex with Doofus only for years. Newton's cock was a welcome visitor. Dabney was rock hard, so Llewellyn dropped to his knees to suck his cock as Newton gently thrust deeper into Dabney's ass. Newton had an impressive orgasm. When he pulled out Smoky asked Dabney if he was full or had room for another load. He told him there was room.

Smoky could be an ass pounder, but he took his time with Dabney. As Llewellyn took Dabney's load, Smoky injected load into Dabney's ass. When Dabney went home a half hour later, he was a happy man. He became a regular.

Dabney was what we called disdainfully a "Brain" in high school. He had no friends other than in the chess club. When you are an adult, you want a brain as a lawyer.

Two of our members, Aubrey, and Dennis, specialized in substance abuse, mostly alcohol. They came to me with request. They wanted to have a group meeting at Never Say Never.

"A portion of our clients' problems are related to homosexuality. They are worried about it as a sin, about being discovered and outed, and being unable to find suitable partners." Aubrey explained. "It's hard to develop a relationship with someone you have never seen in the light or had a real conversation with."

"We were thinking that recognizing they aren't the only gay men in town would help them. They are all closeted. For them, telling friends and your family is a problem. It is an even bigger problem if you have no support in life except for your parents," Dennis added.

"You have noticed that this is a nude club?" I asked.

They laughed. "We've been coming here for a year," Dennis said. "We did notice there was an informal, let it all hang-out dress code."

"I thought that being naked and erect was formal wear here!" Aubrey said. "I was hoping that being with naked men would increase attendance. Some men are too shy to participate in group sex, but I bet they would not mind watching. I think more sex might diminish the need for booze."

We talked for a while. I agreed to have a trial period to see if it would work. Aubrey also taught exercise classes. An early morning exercise class provided a good cover for the men. We opened at 6:30 on Monday and Friday for the class. We normally opened at 10:00 am.

I let the men into the building, and they were tested. I took them to a suite where they stripped. Dennis and Aubrey would have a brief discussion. After that Aubrey would have an exercise period, and then you could shower or "free associate" with the other men. The groups' members were between seventy-five and thirty. Some were up-tight businessmen, some were cooks at fast food restaurants.

They were all gay and soon all were naked with their cocks on display. They were briefly nervous, but nature took its course. Some might say the last fifteen to twenty minutes were an orgy. Dennis called it free association with orgasms. They knew we had rules about sticky stuff on the floor. Several of their members were willing to solve that problem. A scruffy, older man named Rodney offered to use his cock to push anything that might drip from an ass in deeper. His cock was impressive. He was a true humanitarian.

Many of then left by 7:30 to get to work on time. Five men lingered.

One guy came up to me. "Is this place for real?" he asked. "I can't believe that many guys are into it. I'm Kevin."

"Are you shocked? I hope it didn't bother you?" I replied.

"I shocked me a little, but it excited me a lot," he replied. I smiled and said that was a good start.

"I've never fucked a guy or taken it in the ass. Do I have to do that here?" he asked. "I didn't know guys did that sort of stuff. I saw some big guys here. Smaller cocks might be easier to take."

"It depends. Some little cocks do the trick. Sometimes a big one sends you to the moon," I explained. "Are you interested?"

"Not really, but it looked interesting," Kevin said. "Do you fuck? I might like to experiment a little."

"I top and bottom. If you could do it sideways, I would do that too," I replied.

He laughed and asked, "Would you do it with me?"

"I would, but I have to officially open the place shortly. We could do it at the next meeting," I said.

"I was hoping for a one on one," he said.

"Kevin, the men here have all had a first fuck. I have a feeling they would like to help. I assume they would like to fuck you or take your cock too. You are a good-looking man, and they would give you helpful hints. Relax and see what happens," I said.

"That sounds good to me," he said as he went to the showers. Phil, the nurse, and his friend Thad were in the shower. They were off to a meeting of physical therapists later that morning.

Kevin almost did a double take when he saw them. I had a feeling they has everything he needed. An hour later when Phil and Thad left, Phil gave me the thumbs up sign. I assumed all was well.

Two days later I had a meeting with a man named Rusty Beresford and his friend, Jules Bottomley. They were definatly members of the Bear Fraternity. They were the president and vice president of the Virginia Den of the national bear organization.

One of the members of Aubrey and Dennis' group had told them about us. "We were a small group of twenty guys. We have a problem related to Aubrey's specialty. Some of our members get a bit carried away and sending them home after a meeting is a worry. At our last meet four men had to sleep at my house." Rusty explained. "We've been getting together for about ten years. When we started sex was good and no one needed to drink. That's not the case anymore."

"Would the men here have a problem with a bunch of big, hairy guys visiting once every couple of months?" Jules asked.

"I hate to tell you this, but if the guy has a cock and likes to use it for recreational purposes, they are pretty open minded," I said. I told them the rules, testing and the no drinking policy.

"Bareback and all the cream you can eat?" Rusty asked.

"Most of the men here are versatile," I mentioned.

"That's not a problem. A few guys asses are still virgin, but they could be persuaded," Rusty said.

"Don't do that. All activities are voluntary only. We have no shortage of bottoms," I said. "I can give you a tour if you would like. I told them it would be naked tour and if they got inspired the would need to see the nurse to have sex. They were fine with that.

Forty-five minutes later we were stripping in one of the suites. Rusty and Jules looked fat when they were dressed but were in good shape when they were naked. Rusty was covered in copper colored hair and Jules was a little less hairy, but black hair shows up more. Both were well hung, Jules' cock was long, Rusty was thick.

While the media image of gay men is often of delicate young things, many gay men like manly men. Rusty and Jules were cartoon like masculine. They were pleasant, affable and had no problem finding admirers.

The Never Say Never Club was busy between 11:00 in the morning to 2:00 in the afternoon. These were men who could take an early or later lunch, or who had an afternoon appointment. Rusty and Jules cocks were a wet dream for bear lovers. Anyone who like their men tending to the Sam Elliot or Tom Selleck end of the feminine-masculine scale were attracted. They were friendly, easy to talk to and hung. They were also willing to share. Hung and willing to share were much valued traits.

A month later the Virginia Den arrived at the club at 6:30. They were a mixture of bears and bear want-to-Be's. There were muscle bears, biker bears, and some cuddly types. Some were fresh faced and a few looked used. I noted that all were freshly showered and scrubbed. Two were clearly auto mechanics and there were several construction workers. They all passed the test and went to the suites.

The general membership knew they were coming, and our own bears and bear fanciers came out in force to greet the men. These were the more outgoing and gregarious of our member. A few of the bears held back. I took some of them and gave them a tour. I explained that his was primarily a sex and social club with a focus on sex. There were private rooms rented by individuals for more private sex, but if the door wase open or cracked you could take a peak and might be invited in. If you saw a puppy pile of naked men, you could ask if there's room for one more. The showers-locker area and suites were to meet guys and have sex.

Skeeter, one of the auto mechanics was tall, scrawny, and had a hairy chest. "How do you know a guy wants to play?" he asked.

"Just ask him," I replied. "Usually an erect cock, or semi-erect cock is a good clue." Skeeter and his friends, Dick, Tomboy and Dallas laughed.

"I need to warn you about one thing. You know we test everyone, so this a safe place as far as we can make it. If you don't want a guy to shoot off in your ass, you need to tell him. We've never had a problem, but there is always a potential chance," I explained. "If you are playing with a guy, you should tell him when you are close."

"We mostly play together," Dallas said. "I only swallow for the guys I know."

We were in one of the suites. I was getting hard, and Skeeter was hard, so I dropped to my knees and sucked him. Teaching by example is good and is great when erect cocks are involved. Skeeter was one of those guys who like to play it cool. His cock was ready, and it only took a minute or two get his precum flowing.

A little later, Dick asked if he could exercise his cock in my ass. I said yes. I had lubricated my ass earlier, and Dick's cock was a good size for an easy fuck. He took his time, and a little later Skeeter took my load in his mouth as Dick shot off in my ass. We had all but simultaneous orgasms. We all liked that.

Rusty and Jules were outgoing and physically attractive men. They connected to club members easily and introduced their friends to the members. New meat is always welcome. Our members tend to be horny and ready to play at the slightest display of interest.

We had dues paying members and some who were upper tier members who got free rooms. Clubs tend to be exclusive. There was one major difference between our club and the upper-class clubs. You can't tell how wealthy a man is when he is naked. Cock size, and sexual skills are not income related. the Never Say Never Club was not a discussion group on the issues of the day. Sperm doesn't taste differently when spurting from a Republican or Democrat's cock. Despite what you might guess, Republican asses aren't tighter than Democratic assholes.

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