Never Say Never

Published on Nov 7, 2021


Never Say Never 4

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

Looking back, I had become the informal specialist in introducing up-tight, gay, Christian fundamentalist to sex. These were the men who knew their inclinations but were afraid to act on them. Troy, Jerry, Enoch, and Abe all came by with needy gay friends.

Abe introduced me to Llewellyn. He was thirty, effeminate, delicate and small. He was shy and a florist's helper. He was the only child of an unwed mother, who turned to a self-proclaimed preacher to make up for her sins. He had lived at home with her until she died six months before I met him.

Abe liked him and they had fondled cocks, but actual sex seemed to be too much. Abe told Llewellyn that I was a good man and had been his guide to all things sexual. I took him to one of the suites. Llewellyn liked to swim at the Y, so he knew about gang showers. He was small and scrawny, but well hung. While Llewellyn had no sexual experiences at the Y, he knew his cock got admiring glances. Sometimes a man in the showers got semi hard as he looked. That didn't bother Llewellyn either.

"Abe told me you are a good guy," he said.

"I try to be nice. Abe said you are inexperienced. Is that true?" I asked.

"Abe told me that living at home with mom wasn't good for me. He said she loved me, but I was in high security detention most of the time," he said. "I think she did love me."

"When you're a child protecting you is necessary. When you get older you need to deal with the real world. Sometimes what had been protecting you can smother you," I said. "Mother birds protect and feed their chicks, but they eventually push they out of the nest."

"Abe told me stuff. I'm not sure I could do it," he said.

"If I told you that 99.9 percent of gay men, do it and love it, would you believe me?" I asked.

"I sort of know that. I'm uneasy," he said.

"We are going to do new things and you may feel new things. It would be best if you just feel now. You can think about it later," I said as I leaned over and began to suck him. Llewellyn was inexperienced, but mother nature was knowledgeable and ready.

I sucked his foreskin into my mouth. My lips were ready to peel it back and expose his cock head, but his cock was erect in seconds. My tongue caressed his cock head and his wide slit. I could already taste his precum.

"I'm sorry, it gets messy sometimes," he whispered.

"That's not mess. Your cock is just saying hello and asking me to make myself at home," I said.

"It gets really messy sometimes," he said.

"That's just your cock saying thank you for a job well done," I said. "Don't worry. I love the stuff. I know you are uneasy, but your cock is perfectly happy."

Five minutes later he shot off and he had a full body orgasm. His cock was shooting, his body was twitching, and he was moaning. Five minutes later he calmed down and we talked. His mother may have been well intentioned, but he was afraid of strangers. For her the real world was a dangerous place.

The woman who owned the florist Llewellyn worked for discovered that he had a natural affinity for flowers. She got the flue just before a major wedding. He not only did he do a beautiful job on the flowers, but he also let the mother of the bride think that he did it under her direction. He got a raise, but he was shocked. His mother only told him what not to do. Praise was unknown.

Llewellyn was told to avoid sex, but he had no understanding of sex. He had jerked off, but never shared a cock other than a fondle. A full-blown orgasm into a greedy mouth was intensely pleasurable and unexpected. Sex is both an activity and its own reward. He went home but he asked if he could come back. I suggested he come back with Abe or Enoch. He thought that was be a good idea.

Later that week Millard called me and asked if I would be there on Sunday morning, he had a friend he wanted me to meet. I said I could be there. He said he would be there around 9:30. Millard's around 9:30 meant at 9.30 on the dot. He was always precise. His friend was Albert Stallings, the husband of state senator, Maggie Stallings. She was known as the ice princess. She had a career based opposing any bill that tried to improve the lives of women and children. She thought the only path up for women was to marry a millionaire. She did that and had no sympathy for women who didn't.

They had two children; both were at boarding school. Albert was on the edge of a breakdown. Maggie didn't only dislike women and children, she didn't much like men either. She was vicious, nasty, and liked to degrade anyone she met. She was perfect for hate, call-in programs on radio.

Albert was a good man who had known Millard in college. A few days earlier, Millard interrupted Albert as he attempted to kill himself. Millard was both decisive and willing to take action. He got Albert to a doctor and a psychiatrist. Maggie was on European trip meeting with neo-fascist groups.

Years earlier, Millard had one or two sexual connections with Albert in a dorm shower. His prescription for Albert was a divorce and an intense gay relationship. I wasn't the chosen one for the relationship. I was to be the guide to the wonders of gay sex. I was a little pleased and a little pissed. I felt a little like the Miss Congeniality winner in the old beauty pageants.

I met them on Saturday morning, a slow time for us. Albert was shy and almost catatonic when I met him. You could tell Albert had been handsome, but he looked haggard and drained. We went to a suite, and he relaxed as soon as we hit the showers, he had fond memories.

I was surprised when Tank and Smoky came in the shower. Tank had a difficult week, and Smoky was there to lift his spirits. Albert looked good to them. Neither Tank nor Smoky were conventionally attractive unless you have a warm spot for masculine men without any frills. It was soon clear that Albert liked that type.

Tank and Smoky tended to express interest in a new guy with erections. That was not an Emily Post recommended technique, but it worked with Albert. Erect cocks have a great advantage when you meet a new man. It is impossible to interpret an erection as anything but expressing sexual interest. In a bar it is hard to know if a guy is interested. A hard cock is not a request to have a meaningful conversation.

We talked and Albert tried to avoid looking at their cocks. He didn't realize that looking at cocks was a feature of the Never Say Never Club. I suspected that Albert had never been to a place where sex was expected and indeed common place. Sex was expected here, but it was not ordinary. A simple garden variety fuck might turn into a spectacular climax. Of course, ordinary sex can be only so ordinary. Sometimes a mouthful of sperm is just sticky stuff. Sometimes it's the essence of a man.

Tank, Smoky, and I tend to be enthusiastic. The border between enthusiastic and horny is often ill defined. Fortunately, Albert became involved and was soon a full participant. I suspected that even in deep depression, sex can only be so bad. Tank and Smoky introduced him to anal sex for the first time. I provided the ass. Tank told me I had an almost prehensile ass and he thought Albert would appreciate it. That was an understatement. I suspected Albert lost weight as he unloaded in my behind.

Tank explained his theory that stale sperm caused depression and a total dump of the old sperm made room for fresh cum. Albert laughed. That was a good sign. Millard was coming to pick him up, so he had to leave. Albert was almost jovial as he left.

A week later there was one of those life is stranger than fiction stories on the television. Maggie Stallings was giving a speech on a hill side in Hungary and was struck by lightning. She was holding a microphone with a metal stand. Death was instantaneous. She was electrocuted and cooked. She was well known as the whackiest of the whacky, and it seemed a fitting end. You could sense the reporters holding back the jokes and comments that were in everyone's mind. No one mentioned the words "Divine Judgement."

A month later Albert came to see me again, with his son, Newton, and his son's special friend, Raoul. Newton had been sent to a school in Switzerland that specialized in "curing" homosexuality. It was essential a prison. Newton met Raoul there. Raoul had been renounced by his good Catholic family. They were both twenty, and I was surprised they could be kept there against their wills. Several months later there was an investigation by Swiss authorities about the school, which they closed. Albert's daughter had disappeared on a school field trip and Albert had private detective looking for her. Albert's wife had been forging letters from the children for a year and a half.

Newton and Raoul were disoriented. Everything they had been told was wrong. Even though they knew it was okay, it was still hard to adjust. We went to a suite and the showers. Troy and Jerry were showering. While Albert, Newton and Raoul had showered that morning, they decided to shower again. Troy and Jerry were nearer the boys age and had similar experiences. They were not old guys like Albert and me. I did notice Raoul taking a close look at Albert's impressive equipment.

I thought things might be tense, but everyone was relaxed and sensible. Group play was new to Newton and Raoul. Both men developed an interest in fucking. Albert did a demonstration by fucking me. That was a success. While Newton knew his father shared his sexual orientation, watching his dad's cock vanish into my ass, more than confirmed that. When Albert pulled out, Newton and Raoul both saw his sperm drooling from my ass. Teaching by doing is always educational.

A little later, Newton came over to me and said in a whisper, "It's odd to see the sperm that made you drip from a guy's ass," he said.

"Did that bother you?" I asked.

"I'm afraid it turned me on," he said. "Is there any chance I could fuck you? I told him there was a good chance. He misunderstood an ass' ability to stretch. Newton took a turn in my ass. His cock was as big as his fathers. It seemed like an almost casual fuck until I felt hm, ejaculating. He was almost crying it was so good. He must have had months of sperm stored up.

Albert came over, "Are you okay?" He asked his son.

"It was beautiful," Newton said.

Troy sucked Raoul and drank his load. That was a success. I suspected that Raoul wanted to suck Albert, but he knew that would potentially cause trouble. They left as other men came in the suite. They had enough sex to think about before they came back for more.

I knew that appearances can be deceiving. I ran into a new member, Wilfred. He was about fifty, tall and thin. He was back in the United States after ten years in Arabia. He was an engineer and went from place- to-place solving problems. He was smart but explaining what he did was unintelligible to anyone without a doctorate in fluid mechanics. As far as I could tell, it had something to do with oil.

The men of the Never Say Never Club were not shy about their sexual interests. One friend suggested most of the men expressed themselves in sperm. Wilfred did not speak sperm. He was well hung, but fully relaxed.

I sat next to him on a marble bench. When he stood facing me his cock was at mouth height, so I leaned over and sucked it. He shivered and gasped for breath.

"Do you want me to continue?" I asked. He nodded. A little time later he told me he needed a break.

"I know this is a sex club," he said. "I don't seem to have the skills to get the ball rolling."

"Technically, we normally get the balls rolling," I said. Wilfred looked confused, then he got the joke and smiled.

"Would it surprise you if I said I am well known for lacking a sense of humor," he said. "At least I got the joke eventually."

I smiled and asked, "I assume you like sex?"

Wilfred smiled and said yes.

"Do you want me to continue?" I asked.

He nodded and said, "I would like that, but I make a mess when I shoot off."

"I swallow," I said.

"You would do that?" he said. "No one has done that to me before. My cock gets sensitive when I shoot off."

"I know how to deal with that I said as I leaned over to suck his cock again. Wilfred did not object. He shot a huge load and did not have a problem with an overly sensitive cock head.

"That was wonderful," he said. "I've never felt that before." He paused and asked, "Do I have to suck you and take your load?"

"I would like that eventually, but it's nor required. Most guys need to catch their breath after shooting off. you need to recover," I said. "Cum isn't that tasty when you aren't into it. I take it when I'm in the mood."

"How often are you in the mood?" he asked.

"I only take the load when there's a cock in my mouth," I said.

Wilfred looked puzzled again and asked, "Was that a joke too?"

I smiled and told him it was a joke. "I have a little confession to make. I tend to take cum more often than not."

"What does it taste like?"

"Well, it's not a taste treat, but it good when served from the right cock." I replied. "Some men seen to add a special something."

"Was there something in mine?" he asked.

"I could taste your excitement and there was a heavy dose of relief," I said.

"Are you joking again?" he asked.

"Let me ask you. Were you excited and were you relieved when you shot off?"

Wilfred looked at me and he smiled. "It sure was what I was feeling," he said. "Would you do this again with me?"

I smiled and said, "Wilfred, you passed the taste test!" This time he laughed.

We became friends. I never found out why he was the way his was. He became more personable and added to his sexual repertoire. He also had a skill at finding lost souls and bringing them out of their shells. I was surprised when he was on his back with Troy massaging his ass with obvious mutual enjoyment.

Wilfred was retired and he met Theodor. He thought Theodore was handsome and was glad to help him with transportation. Theo's injuries were no problem for Wilfred. He was always willing to help. Theo was uneasy about his injuries and was afraid to meet new men. Wilfred told me he could taste gratitude in his sperm.

Sex was the reason for the Never Say Never Club. I thought men would get tired or board with the steady sexual activity. There was a potential for variety, but many of the members stayed with the men they first met at the Club. Not everyone wanted to meet new men. They were happy with the men they knew.

Newton and Raoul came to see me without Newton's father. They were young and good looking. They had been badly mistreated. Men wanted to be sympathetic and helpful. They didn't know what was normal or acceptable. Newton told me they were best friends and sexual playmates, not lovers. They liked each other and very much liked sex, but they had no understanding of the rules and expectations. I suggested being friendly, but to make no promises, and to be straight forward.

We went to a suite, undressed, and showered. Three men joined us, Troy, Smoky, and Tank. Newton and Raoul were a bit shy as was Troy. Tank and Smoky had last been shy a few decades earlier. They weren't particularly good looking, but they were hard.

I was surprised that Newton bent over to suck Tank's cock. Smoky and Troy went to Raoul. Everyone got along well. Raoul kissed Troy as Smoky tried to suck them both. After a few minutes they broke apart.

"I need to make a confession," Tank said. "My balls are full and my cum is looking for a new home."

Smoky laughed and said, "You might want to know, Tank's balls are always full, and he tends to shoot off if he sees anything that resembles a cock Any inspirational man, vegetable, or alluring fruit can set him off. He tends to make a mess!"

"I'm not sure I want your cum to be the first I take," Newton told Tank. "I hope I haven't offended you."

"No offence taken," Tank replied. "Your wrong about that. You want to take your first load from a guy you don't care about. If you take it from a man you like, you might choak or spit it out. You could offend him. If you take mine, you can spit it out and run away yelling that it's gross, and there is no harm done. I shoot a big load. If you can take mine, you can take anyone's."

That statement is more logical to a man who is rock hard than to a man who is soft. Newton returned to Tank's cock. I also suspect that cum tastes better to a man with an erection. Newton loved it. Raoul was watching as Newton pulled away from taking Tank's load. Newton opened his cum filled mouth. Raoul kissed him passionately, and they shared Tank's sperm.

Next: Chapter 5

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