Never Say Never

Published on Nov 6, 2021


The Never Say Never Motel. 3

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

There are many men who try to hide their feelings. They were brought up to believe men never cry and the emotions are things the women have. I am in sympathy with that attitude to a point. There are people who overflow with emotion. Yes, you love your wife and kids, letting them know you love them in good. I don't need be reminded of the hourly.

I also like it when a man tells me his wife, or a child is sick, and he may need to deal with that. If a man is distracted, it is good to know why. I am more than willing to be helpful for a person in need.

For reserved men, maintaining reserve is hard, metaphorically, and literally. The man who is sucking you knows. Trying to push your erect cock into a man's backside is a clue to your emotional state. The penis has a plan, forcefully ejecting sperm into a man mouth, on his face, or deep in an ass. This is a clue to your emotional state.

That state can be simply that your balls were do full that you need to drain them. You can jerk off for that, but there is an urge to share that experience with another person. He can watch you, stroke you, or suck you. Each possibility works, but the intensity of the experience increases. When you share your sperm, it becomes more intense. You made the sperm in your balls and it's edible. You are sharing it, and it's nice to be appreciated.

Sperm had a major disadvantage; women can get pregnant. That is okay with the right woman once and a while. It was traditionally the leading cause of death for women, before the modern age. Whatever you might say about gay sex, it does not add to the surplus population.

Enoch fucked me and shot off in me. I don't think he knew you could do that, or what it would feel like. His mind felt pleasure more intense than he had felt before and massive guilt. He had sinned.

His parents were part of the problem, they were classic believers that if it was pleasurable, it was sinful. Troy, Abe, and he left after they showered. I wasn't sure Enoch would return. A week later, he was back. He told the doorman he wanted to talk with me. I met him at the door and took him to my office. He wanted to apologize and thank me for taking his cock. He said he didn't know what got into him.

I told him he didn't need to apologize. I enjoyed it and feeling him ejaculating in my ass was thanks enough. "I have two questions for you. Did you enjoy it? Can you admit you enjoyed it?" I asked.

"I didn't think I would do anything like that," he said. "I've never felt anything quite like it. Why did you like it?"

"An ass is a delicate part of our anatomy. A cock is a blunt tool, there are no sharp edges. You rubbed my prostate which was intensely pleasurable. You were having an orgasm. I could feel you shoot, and I had a chance to share your pleasure." I said.

Troy and his friends might be interested. Millard would be good too. Millard was so polite that he wouldn't consider saying anything that was rude or offensive.

We talked for a while. Enoch felt he should take my cock up his ass for payback. I told him not to get into the payback game. "I enjoyed it, and you enjoyed it. That's fine with me. If I were you and was planning to get fucked, I would let Troy and Abe to be the first. They are your friends, and you would be more comfortable."

"I'm afraid I might not like it?" he said.

I smiled. "You want a trial run."

"I've insulted you," he said.

"Nope, having a trail run much be good," I said. We went to the suite, stripped, and entered the sling room. We sat next to it. Bill and Don were there, they would be on duty as the doormen at three. Bill and Don were one hundred percent man-gorilla hybrids and two hundred percent gay.

Enoch was smitten. If you are uneasy about being gay, Don and Bill were ideal. No one would guess they were gay. Don and Bill had a warm spot for young men. Bill saw a friend and went over to him. Don moved closer to Enoch. Don reached over and played with Enoch's cock. Enoch reciprocated. Don's cock was soon fully erect.

"It's huge," Enoch said.

"It's not as useful as it could be," Don said. "I'm a top, and it tends to scare guys away."

"I've never been fucked," Enoch said.

"Would you like to start at the top?" Don asked.

After a long pause, Enoch said in a near whisper. "I think I'm willing."

"Will your cock fit?" I asked.

"I can take my time and make it fit," Don said. "If Enoch is willing. I can't control when I shoot off when I'm in as ass. You might end up with a cum filled ass."

"I want it in me," Enoch said.

Don hadn't filled a virgin ass in years, and he hadn't shot off in several days. I thought that would be a problem, but Don was experienced and skilled. I guessed that having a young, virgin guy squirming on his cock would encourage him to be careful. Don wanted to go as deep as possible.

Enoch got in the sling. Don aimed his cock into Enoch's rosebud. His cock head touched Enoch's rosebud. Enock had been soft, but he immediately became fully erect. That was a good sign. I think it took Don ten minutes to get fully embedded in Enoch's ass. It was slow going until Don's knob cleared Enoch's sphincter and rammed his tender prostate. I don't know if a prostate can fall in love with a cock head, but something like that happened.

As Don's cock pushed deeper, I fed Enoch's mouth with my cock. He wasn't that interested until my precum began to flow. He was soon in a sexually induced trance. Don began to shoot. Enoch twitched at each ejaculation.

Don left his cock in Enoch's ass as he went soft. When he pulled out, Enoch looked deflated and empty. I slipped my cock into his ass and Enoch looked at me.

"I'm just pushing Don's load deeper into you," I told him. "Is that a problem? I'm afraid I'm getting close. Would it bother you if I ass my sperm to Don's load?" Enoch moaned.

When I pulled my cock from his ass, I helped Enoch out of the sling and onto the bench. Bill had returned by then. He got Enoch to lie down, lifted and spread his legs and licked the sperm oozing from the well-used ass. When Enoch got control, he showered and left. He knew a lot more about himself than he knew when he visited me in the morning. For me, the rest of the day seemed anti-climactic.

On Saturday we had a birthday party for Doofus. He had a collection of old friends and ex-playmates for a party that often lacked the refinement that was typical of the Never Say Never Club. Doofus's pals were harmless but not particularly domesticated.

Of course, orgies are not often noted for refinement. It's difficult to make precum, sperm, spit and lubricant elegant. While you may swallow sperm or deposit it deep in an ass, stuff drips and oozes. Cocks ejaculate any time they want.

Two of Doofus's friends from high school came, Tank and Johnny T. Three former close friends, Moe, Dud and Scoots came. The rest of the guests were more than a pickup, but less than a lover. I did not remember all their names. I liked a farmer named Cooter, a fireman called Smoky, and a shop teacher, Rusty.

They were all nice guys, especially if sports are your only conversational interest. Some knew who had the most recent DWI arrest or had left the state to avoid child support payments.

I am Doofus's oldest friend, so I had to be there. I was also the most reliable bottom Doofus knew. We did not have booze at the party or allow drugs. Several of his guests had serious problems with substance abuse.

Doofus felt that regular sex helped cure those problems. When he first told me that I thought he was joking. If one of his pals called and said he needed sex bad, Doofus would provide the solution. He thought that reduce the urge to drink. I'm not sure that anyone has written a peer reviewed, learned paper on the subject, but it seemed to help.

It is possible that as I get older, I was getting more tolerant, but this year the men seemed more pleasant. Some seemed polite. They were getting older and were taking their time. No one was obviously drunk when they arrived. I later discover that for years Tank had a pre-party which had many of the men well on the way to be drunk before the party. Last year earlier Tank had fell asleep while sucking Doofus. When he woke, he couldn't get it up. Doofus told him it was better to get hard than get drunk. Tank had an alcohol related, near death experience, and was on the wagon. His friend, Johnny T. told me he discovered sex was better if you could remember it.

Tank was a farmer. His parents had four girls. He was the last child and only boy. He ran the farm as his he dad got older. His only claim to fame was as a tackle on the football team. That is when he got the nickname Tank. I'm not sure farming was what he wanted. Drinking was his escape.

I usually tried to avoid him, but he seemed calmer and more in control. Tank was built like a massive brick. He was a tackle, but it would have been more correct say he was a blocker. He could not be moved. Lots of men claim to be bears; he had the body and body hair to emulate a bear.

I sat next to him. Out of nowhere he said, "I'm trying to not be an asshole."

"Let's start from scratch. Can we pretend we just met for the first time?" I replied.

"I know I'm ugly," he said.

"I doubt you have a future as a Calvin Kline model. No one would think you're a ballet dancer. You are every inch a man. Someone told me they almost choked on your load."

"Are you into man spunk?" he asked. I wasn't in the mood for conversation. So, I leaned over and sucked his foreskin into my mouth. His cock was soft, but fat. I worked my tongue into the pucker and tasted precum.

"You are already leaking," I said.

"Sorry about that," he said.

"Tank, that wasn't a complaint. I like it when a guy oozes some encouragement," I said as I returned to sucking him. His cock grew in length and diameter.

"You're good at that. Do you want me to warn you when I'm ready to pop?" he asked.

"There is no need to warn me. I'm a big boy," I said. "Do you prefer to dump your load in an ass or mouth?"

"I usually shoot into a mouth. My cock is too fat for most guys," he said.

"I might give it a try," I said. It did fit and it was an unexpected pleasure. Tank's oversized knob made direct contact with my prostate, applying pressure as it massaged the gland. Since he was not drunk, his cock felt more intense sensations than he expected.

I think Tank had been used to getting off as soon as possible. Some members of the football team had races to see who could pop first. Speed had been important when you were afraid you might get caught. As you got older, longer sessions were more exciting. The tense, exciting time when you were nearing an orgasm, but were trying to hold back could be intensely pleasurable. Tank popped and was asleep before he had time to pull out.

I got up as Smoky and Rusty joined us. They were laid back, affable men who felt no need to rush towards an orgasm.

"If I told you I like fucking a used hole, would you be offended?" Rusty asked.

"No, I'm well lubricated." I said. I was soon on my back. He lifted my legs and slid his cock in deep. Rusty had an average cock, and it was soothing after Tank's oversized butt plug.

"Damn it's nice to be in there. Do you think it's odd that I am turned on by my buddy's cum?" he asked. "Usually, I pop right away. We don't know each other well. Does it bother you to take a load from a guy you barely know?" Rusty asked.

"Well, yours is not going to be a problem," I said. "Do you remember those times when your wanted to shoot off as fast as possible? I wanted to get off before we were caught."

"I thought I wasn't really gay if I was fast enough," Rusty said. "I loved it, but I couldn't admit it to myself."

"Rusty came over on day when my folks were away at a funeral in Carolina. After a few hours of sucking and fucking, I knew it wasn't just a phase," Smoky said. "I took his load for the first time. I thought I would spit it out. I couldn't get enough of it. I didn't know there was a taste-test for gay guys." Smoky and I laughed. Rusty didn't because he was too busy draining his balls into my ass.

The party was a success and even Doofus admitted it was good. he told me that he usually couldn't remember much about his parties after the first half hour. He thought the last hour and a half was memorable.

"Is that because you can remember it?" I asked. Doofus did not reply, but he did look a bit sheepish.

For the next week things were quiet. We had a strange group scheduled for a Sunday morning. We were closed then although the motel room guests room occupants were able to use all the facilities. The group was called the Mystery Men. They were a group of about twenty, trans men. They considered themselves men, but their anatomy did not match the normal male features in every detail.

Doofus encountered the president of the group. Doofus was a live and let live guy. When he found a void where he expected a cock, he made do. The president, Julian North, admired Doofus's ease of adapting to an unexpected situation. Doofus was horse hung, and Julian's private parts had an enjoyable work out.

When I met Julian, I was surprised. He was good looking man with no affectations. He wasn't aggressively masculine, but he was all man. It struck me that while his male identification was odd, it wasn't a put on or an affectation. He was a man who lacked one physical feature. Curiously, he wasn't gay. His sexual interest was in men as you would expect of females.

Julian wanted to be treated as a man, not as a freak. He wasn't a joke. He wanted this to be a sex party not a discussion group. They had a history analysis and scientific study. They wanted sex to bed fuck liked to be fucked and suck cock. Julian told us that a cock in their vaginas provided a missing part of their anatomy. For them sperm was the frosting on the cake. Julian also mentioned that some of his members were size queens. He didn't know if they had encountered the cock of their fantasy's.

While this seemed odd, I had no experience with women, but I knew men's approach to sex could be simplified to sucking and fucking. Many gay men weren't too demanding.

We had a large membership, so Doofus and I went looking for men who would treat them as men and as sexual partners. I wondered if some of my recovering born-again men might be interested.

For my born-again friends, these men these were the first women they might fuck. Troy, Enoch, Rusty and Smoky were interested. Don and Bill were both into it as was Merrill and Theodor. Phil and Thad were interested. Along with Doofus and me, we had a good group of men. Bear types were well represented. Julian told us his men liked macho men. There was a chance that things would not work out well, but our guys were flexible and open minded. The best made plans can go bad, but this wasn't on of those events. Our men were usually into sex big time. Julien's men more than liked our guys. They were shorter and less muscular than my guys, but there were athletes and muscle men in the group. I had selected our men well. They weren't pretty, but they were average guys. In a little while, most of the focus was below the navel anyway.

I connected with a small guy, Carl. Carl had been born Carla and worked as a trainer in a gym. He was bearded and had a hairy body. He had an enlarged clitoris, but before I could investigate, he was sucking me. He was enthusiastic and into deep throating. He was twenty-five, but the beard made him look older. He told me he had only been fucked a few times, twice in the ass. He told me no one had shot off in his cunt and dreamed of sperm drooling from it. I think about someone licking it as it drooled. "Do you know anyone here who might do it?" he asked.

I said there were several who might. "This is a sex club. We've all traded a lot of loads," I explained.

"Phil, the nurse, came over. Carl was sitting next to me. he sat like a man with his legs spread.

"Are you just airing your privates, or is it an invitation?" Phil asked.

"Why I hardly know you," Carl said in an accent of a southern bell. He added in a normal voice, "Damn you have a big one!"

"Too big?" Phil asked.

"There is only one way to find out," Carl said. Carl and Phil connected. Phil told him he would pull out before he shot off if that was a problem. it wasn't. Phil's cock wasn't too big, and he enjoyed feeling Phil's cum spurting into him.

When Phil pulled out, some sperm drooled from Carl's vagina. "Do you want me to push it back in? I asked. Carl smiled. I slipped my cock into him. I was just being polite, but Phil's sperm was inspirational. I got carried away and made a second deposit.

When pulled out Thad came over and took my place. Once Thad shot off, Carl wanted more. Phil told him to relax and catch his breath. "Your excited now. Wait an hour or so and see if you're still excited," he said. Carl recognized that was a good idea.

One of Carl's friends, a heavy-set man named Antoine came over, got on his knees a began caressing Carl's vagina with his tongue. Thad stayed with Carl as Antoine took care of the drool.

I went of and talked his Butch, a muscle man.

Next: Chapter 4

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