Never Say Never

Published on Nov 1, 2021


The Never Say Never Motel. 2

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

I was at the Never Say Never Club on a rainy, Saturday morning. Most of the men who had spent the night had gone, and the few new men had arrived. It was a cold day, and I went to one of the suites to shower and get warm. A young guy came in and showered on the other end of the shower. I finished showering, dried off and went into the main room. Five minutes later the young guy came in.

After about five minutes, he came over to me.

"There is usually a guy in the sling. Is there a regular man scheduled?" he asked.

"Nope, everything here is voluntary," I said.

"Damn, I was hoping to get my rocks off," he said. He was a good looking and I guessed twenty-five years old.

"I could get into if you are desperate," I said. He had a card on a chain around his neck. It was a day pass and has a green stamp that indicates he had passed the testing.

"I was hoping to shoot off," he said.

"Do you have a special friend you wanted to fuck? I asked.

He shook his head. "I just want to see how it feels," he said.

I'm okay with that," I said as I got into the sling. He lubricated his cock and nudged his knob into my ass. he looked uneasy. "You're doing fine," I assured him. When his cock reached my sphincter, he looked uneasy again. I told him to push a little harder. He popped past it and pushed deeper. "Are you okay" he asked. He looked tense.

I nodded. "Just relax, your body knows what it's doing. Let nature take its course," I said. He relaxed some. Troy and Jerry came in and joined us. They introduced themselves to the guy fucking me. His told them his name, Thompson. Troy and David were both showing their erect cocks. That was a good ice breaker with Thompson. They offered to help him out if he was getting tired.

"If you have time, you might give David a poke. Guys say he has a tight ass," Troy suggested. Thompson said he might take a break. A minute later, he pulled out of my ass and went to David. I was surprised that Troy slipped his tool into my ass for the first time. He obviously was getting comfortable as a gay man. He leaned over me and whispered, "Are you okay with this?"

"I'm fine. How are you?" I asked.

"I didn't think it would be this good," he said, "You are nice and tight, my cock loves it. I'll pull out when I get close."

"Relax and go with the flow," I said. "Have you shot off in a guy before?" He shook his head. "I would like to be the first guy to take your load," I said, Thompson began moaning as he unloaded in David's hole.

Troy shot off ten minutes later. By then Thompson, had showered and was dressing. When Troy pulled out David asked if there was room for more cum in my ass. I said there was.

Davis was a good top. "I get amorous when I shoot off," he whispered. "Are you okay with that?"

"If your cock is in my ass, I'm fine," I said. we kissed as he drained his balls. When he pulled out, he and Troy shared my cock and took my sperm. It was a first for Troy. Troy later told me he had never felt to naked, so exposed and so excited. I understood his feelings.

By this time, I was a full-time business manager for Doofus, and the default manager of the Never Say Never club. My office was at the club. Since I was there, I was in charge. Doofus had lots of money, but I has done the investing and I was good at that. About seventy percent was invested in safe stocks and bonds and thirty percent in companies with a future.

I would like to say that was because of my brilliant mind. I had a friendship with Millard F. Donaldson IV. His daddy owned the brokerage house. In a rare occurrence, Millard was smarter than his father. Millard was married to an heiress, who happed to be a lesbian. They liked each other enough to have three children, two of whom were twins. She had her own life. The children were now in college. He had no personal life at all until we connected.

Millard was a non-practicing gay man. Somehow a friend of his brought him to the Club. Millard was and imposing six feet four and was in typical condition for a man in his late fifties. His most notable physical feature hung between his legs. It didn't exactly drag on the floor, but it was impressive. In some ways it was too impressive.

I knew him from my business with his firm. He was surprised when he saw me at the club. I was safe. We went to a room and talked. I told him that in the two years we had been open, there was not a single case of anyone being outed. I also mentioned that while the suites were in some ways a free-for-all, the lighting was quite dim. No cameras or phones were allowed. He looked relieved. His wife was a good friend, and he was worried about embarrassing her.

I took him to one of the suites, and he liked the atmosphere. The sex was no strings attached, and no fault. I told him that if a cock didn't fit, you just pulled out and remembered that life can be a bitch. He laughed.

The sling was empty, so I got in. Guido, a friend who enjoyed my ass came in the Suite. He looked at us He was a short, stocky, furball. When he saw Millard's cock, he asked if he could suck it. Millard said yes and they had a good time. Guido was into cock heads, and he got it into his mouth. When Millard sucked him. Guido shot off in his mouth.

"Did I taste oregano?" Millard asked when the Guido stopped shooting.

The man burst into laughter. "I'm a fucking chef!" he said and introduced himself as Guido. "I had no idea anyone could tell."

"Don't worry, it was a pleasant after taste," he said smiling. "I think it was a feature, not a problem."

Two men came in. They were friends of Guido and they talked as they fondled each other balls.

"I do like to fuck," Millard said to me. "Any chance you could try it on for size?" he asked me. "I know it's big. It's okay if you say no." I have almost no ability to say no to anything sexual. I knew it would be an experience, but not if it would be a good or bad experience.

Millard's cock seemed bigger as he pushed it into me. I had never dreamed of anything so big, or so good would be sliding into my ass. Fucking didn't describe it. It should have been turbo-fucking or mega-fucking. It was wonderful.

It took Millard some time to realized it was all in me and I was a happy man. Guido and his friends made encouraging comments as they watched. Millard took his time and built-up speed as he realized it was a good fit. He fucked for a quarter of an hour and then he climaxed. I felt each of his ejaculations. I shot off too, but he didn't notice that until he was pulling out. I understood that. When you are having an orgasm, it is so intense, it's all but impossible to think about anything else.

Guido's pals politely applauded. Guido came over and sucked Millard's cock as he went soft. Another one of them came over and licked Millard's cum as it drooled from my ass. That was not just politely cleaning it up. He was enthusiastic.

Millard left shortly after that. I hoped he would come back, but some men are embarrassed to show their feelings. He called me a few days later and we arranged to get together again. He told me he had been shocked at the intensity of his orgasms and the pleasure he experienced. He said part of the was my reaction to the penetration, and part was due to being watched by other men who joined in.

"Have I become an exhibitionist?" he asked.

"I doubt that" I replied. "You have been so used to hiding your sexual interests that you were exited to be with men who are gay. You combined an orgasm with a sense of liberation. I saw Guido. He was impressed by you. His friend Tony said that he loves tasting used sperm. He liked my tender hole too. They aren't shy."

"When is a good time to come by?" Millard asked. "I am semi-retired to any time after noon is fine."

I suggested two thirty of three. It wouldn't be crowded as it was at noon, but there were always a few men there. Most of them were older, retired men or men who worked the night shift.

He was at the door at two thirty on the dot. I was surprised he came with a friend Theodor.

"Is it okay that I brought a friend?" Millard asked. I told me meeting new friends was always good. Theodor had a pronounced limp and moved carefully.

"Theodor was in a bad car accident, and he's still recovering. We are old friends," Millard said.

When we got to the suite and undressed, Theodor said his leg was messed up.

"Don't worry, no one here will be looking at your leg," I said. I was staring at his cock. Theodor looked at me and laughed.

"It's still works, unlike the rest of me," said.

"If I told you that's the only part of you that needs to work here, would you be shocked?" Theodor laughed again. He had a bad scar across his head that was partially hidden by his hair, but he had been a good-looking man. He had a hairy chest and gut. He was uncut and had impressive low hangers.

Phil and his friend Thad came over to us. Phil was a nurse who was on the night shift and Thad was a therapist. They introduce themselves and were soon joined by William, an older man. William was quite formal, and somehow managed to look well-dressed even when he was naked.

For the next hour and a half, Theodor wasn't lonely. Phil and Thad combined cock sucking with a physical exam. This was out of habit, but they wanted to make sure nothing they did with him hurt. William talked with him and took a lick or two. All of them were interested in Millard and my efforts to discover how many ways he could get his cock into my ass.

You might think that being a sexual side show would have been embarrassing. It was more like doctors watching a skilled surgeon doing a demonstration of advanced techniques. They admired our display. Man, sex is tricky. Millard's cock was a loaded gun with a hair trigger. They admired his ability to control his orgasm. He would slow his thrusts when he knew he was getting close.

He would warn me when he was close to shooting. Phil would do a countdown from ten. They could see Millard get tense, and then see the look of relief on his face when he unloaded. Thad popped his cock into me when Millard vacated my ass. He would then pull out and let Phil lick Millard's sperm from his cock. Millard was not an imaginative man, and this surprised and pleased him.

While we were occupied, William kept Theodor occupied by sucking his cock. He had a four-alarm orgasm. William made sure his sperm didn't make a mess on the floor. Millard and Theodor went home, happy men.

Phil asked if he could fuck me. "It might be an anti-climax after taking that monster. I understand if you aren't interested," he said.

"You might think talking three loads would be enough for me," I said. "There is room for at least one or two more."

Phil smiled and slid his cock into me. Phil had a nurse's knowledge of anatomy, and he knew my insides better than I did. Phil had a nice cock, but an oversize knob. My ass molded to it as he pumped. He also shot turbo-charged sperm deep in me. It was a beautiful desert after a good dinner.

I found out that William got Theodor's phone number. William arranged to pick him up and bring him to the Club periodically for an afternoon of fun. Millard told me Theodor liked these trips. He didn't get out much and he felt desirable again. William and his friends loved and encouraged Teddy. They felt they were useful.

Troy moved in born-again circles. He brought gay friends to the club. It was a learn by doing exercise. They were confused, nervous and some were scared. I remembered when I was a teen and knew I wanted something. I think at the time I didn't even admit to myself I wanted sex with a man. When I finally got what I wanted, I couldn't admit I enjoyed it to myself. Letting anyone else know my secrets was inconceivable.

My family was normal, they were church goers, but didn't believe the earth was made in seven days, or that Noah's Ark carried two of every creature on earth. They were do unto others as you would have them do to you people. Some of Troy's friends were so sheltered from the evils of the world they were all but imprisoned.

For Troy and Jerry, the Club was a safe place. Picking up a man in a park or at a rest stop was dangerous and the men they met could be aggressive. The men at the club tended to be mellow. We didn't allow rough sex.

They visited at off hours when the Club wasn't crowded. For some of the men they came with, more than one man was too much. Oddly, I had some appeal. I was older and they thought of me as the kindly father they never had. Their fathers were Old Testament patriarchs, judgmental and stern.

Troy came to see me with Enoch, and Abe. They were twenty and twenty-two. Both had jobs and met people outside of their family and church. That was a shock to them. They knew Troy and told him what they felt. Both had a few quickies in a rest room and at a picnic shelter. We went to a suite and showered. They had never been in a gang shower before. They liked the scenery if their semi-erect cocks were an indicator. Troy was fully erect too.

We went to a suite that was empty except for us. We sat in corner on a bench.

"I've known Troy for a while, I said. "The first time he was here he was serious and uneasy. It took him a while to realize we are here to have fun. It would be called sex if we were with women. No one here is going to get pregnant and have a baby. That a big deal."

"Since we are men, the only thing we can do is had fun, and enjoy each other. I assume you have discovered our most pleasurable organ," I stoked my cock. "You can have fun with your own cock and with your friend's cocks. I discovered that when you share the fun it is much more pleasurable and exciting. It gets even more exciting when you shoot off together."

"I assume you know this. If you are interested, I can show you how to get the most fun and pleasure. That is up to you. If this was a school, this isn't a required course. It's an elective. It's up to you if you are interested," I explained. It was optional, but no young man was likely to say no, especially if they were nude and sporting erections.

I sucked both men. A little later, Jerry and a friend of his Larry came in and he came over to us. "Is this a private party?" he asked. Larry sold insurance. Both men were good looking. Troy, Enoch, and Abe, all wanted them to join us.

Troy sucked Larry; Jerry sucked Abe and I sucked Enoch. Enoch was the shyest of the trio, he stood motionless, like a statue, but he was hard as a rock and the second time I deep throated him he was oozing precum. I looked up at him and said, "You're oozing."

"I'm sorry," he said.

"I love an oozing cock. That means you are turned on," I said. "It tastes good, but not as good as what you will be squirting when you shoot off."

"I thought that stuff was dirty," Enoch said.

"It's why I'm sucking you. I want to get the sperm from your balls into my mouth," I said. "I want to take it."

"Do I have to take yours?" he asked.

"No, that's not required, but some day you may want to take it," I explained. I returned to sucking him. It seemed as if a few seconds later, he climaxed and filled my mouth with is cum.

Larry's cock excited Troy, and he was taking Larry's load as I took Enoch's. We broke apart and I was surprised when Troy kissed me. Since I had Enoch's load and Troy had Larry's in my mouth, we shared loads. I think this excited Abe. Abe shot off and Jerry took his load.

We all relaxed after this episode. Cocks were still drooling, and I played janitor and used my tongue to clean up the drips. Jerry asked if I would get in the sling. He said he needed a nice warm place for his cock. I got in the sling. Jerry and I had a nice interlude, as Troy and his pals reloaded.

When Jerry shot off in my ass, he pulled out.

Enoch came over to me. "Was that good for you?" he asked. I told him it was good, and then asked if he would like to fuck me.

"Do you think I would like it?" he asked.

"Tops always enjoy it. Could you tell when Jerry shot off?" I asked. "I like to bottom, so I like it too."

"He seemed to like it a lot," Enoch said. He paused. "Do you think I would like it?"

"I think you know the answer to that question better than I do," I said. "When a guy is in a sling with his legs spread and ass on display, his interest is clear. Jerry shot a big load in me. It's man-made lube." Enoch got closer to me and nudged his knob into me. A few seconds later he pushed his entire cock in deep. I moaned.

"Oh wow, it's beautiful," he cried.

"Pump a little. It only gets better," Jerry said. "He loves it, don't worry." Enoch did what he was told. He didn't know that he was on automatic pilot. I squeezed my sphincter. Enoch began thrusting faster, seconds later nature took charge. It was a nine on the Richter Scale orgasm. He collapsed on me, and we kissed as he continued to ejaculate.

Next: Chapter 3

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