Never Say Never

Published on May 10, 2003


I made my date with Bill on Sunday. It went just as before but I was a bit more honest about my school grades and admitted my father wasn't a cop without going so far as to admit not having one. He told me to come at nine next Saturday and we could do something together before lunch.

'Like what?'

'Maybe swimming. You know how to swim?'

'Yeh,' I lied. I'd never been near a pool or beach in my life.

'Nine o'clock in front of Tad's'

I was going to have to think of an excuse for not wanting to go swimming

I was just three-thirty, time for another score. I walked up Forty-Second toward Broadway and detoured into the Port Authority Bus Terminal rather than pass it. A quick tour only turned up passengers. Just as I got to the door, I was jumped from behind.

Ray! Gotcha!' It was John. He hugged me and hopped in circles. Man, where you been?'

I was nearly as glad to see him. `I been here. Where you been?'

He put his arm over my shoulder and led me to a bench. "They got me in a foster home in Brooklyn. It sucks on a stick. Stupid old fat lady and her daughter with twelve a us. Greasy food. Ain't s'posed to go nowhere `cept school. Rest a the time, it's chores, homework or television. Fuck it. I just go on weekends. She wouldn't know if the others wasn't snitches. I stayed all night with a guy last night. Goofy son-of-a-bitch. Just wanted to hug all night. An' only gave me three. Lots a food, though. You score today?'

`Yeh, nice guy named Bill. Nice clothes an' lotsa muscles. Takes me to the Holiday Inn. Know him?'

He thought about it. Nah, don't think so but, shit, there's so many of em. Wanna score?'

`I was just lookin'. Let's go to Forty-Two.'

John's arm on my shoulder again, we walked up Forty- Second Street and around to Herman's. There were plenty of kids and teens playing the machines, including a couple of white boys I'd seen hustling, but no johns.

We played three games of Skee Ball and went back to Forty-Second Street. John spied a man dressed in a great parka driving slow in a blue convertible with the top up. He was obviously on the hunt. John grabbed his crotch and stared at him. The man noticed and gave us the finger.

`Asshole wants a girl,' commented John.

I spotted another across the street watching us. He looked familiar. John said, `He's crazy. Takes you to his house and talks about Jesus and getting saved, all the time feeling you all over. Then he don't give nothing. I hadda use my own money to get back down here.'

John pulled on my arm and pointed with his chin. `See the guy with the raincoat? You been with him yet?'

I didn't see him at first because he was back in a store entryway well ahead of us. John had good eyes. `Don't think so.'

`He likes to fuck but he's got a little cock that don't hurt nothin'. Pays ten for new and fifteen for a virgin. You're a virgin, ain't you?'

`I ain't no girl if that's what you mean.'

`No, I mean you tell him you never been fucked before and he'll pay you ten, maybe more. Like I said, he's got a little one. Don't hurt, an' I got some KY.'

We were getting close. I didn't like the idea but if he was smaller than Sammy from the movie, ten wasn't bad. `You comin' too?'

`Shit, yeh. We tell him we can wait between but he's gotta fuck us both. That's ten for you and eight for me. I tell him I don't do it with nobody but him. They like to hear that.'

The man spotted us and looked hard at me. He was skinny with a mousy face, the type that only bathed once a week. John nodded his head that he should follow us. We headed to the Holland Hotel, the john trailing behind. John stopped just outside the entry and waited for him.

`Let him see your ass,' John instructed.

I made sure I was sideways to the man.

`Ray's a virgin. He's scared and don't wanna do it. Got a great big ass but says his hole is real tight. I told him you pay ten. Make it fifteen and maybe.'

The man looked me over, mostly my butt.

`Then you gotta do me too but we can wait while you get hard again. Just eight as usual for me.'

That's a lot of money,' commented the man, plus the room, too much.'

John waited, saying nothing for a change. The man kept looking at my nice round buns.

The john sighed. `Okay, but wait'll I pay the room then follow me up.'

Let's make him shower with us first', I said. He don't look very clean.'

The guy hardly spoke. John hardly stopped. We showered. I washed his genuinely small dick. A rubber would have fallen right off it. He fingered my asshole. I tightened to impress him. He smiled.

There were no preliminaries other than the shower. He asked me to lie face down over the side of the bed, legs hanging down. He had his own lubricant in a little round tin. He had difficulty finding my hole so I pulled my cheeks open with my hands remembering to keep my hole tight. His dick was hard as a nail and pushed right in. It actually felt good except for the hair against my ass. He was a moaner, sort of humming with each penetration. John indicated that I should act like it hurt a little so I turned my head and gritted my teeth. The john hummed a little louder. My dick got hard. It needed attention. I looked at John and put my finger in my mouth. He grinned and shook his head. The man took at least ten minutes to reach orgasm. I asked for and received a blowjob. It was the easiest fifteen bucks I'd ever earned.

We watched television for almost an hour before the man was able to fuck John. It took him nearly twice as long as me, pumping fast and hard to pull up that second load. He was sweating when he finished. John watched TV the entire time, chin resting on his hands, oblivious to the frantic action of the man pumping into his rear.

We ate at Tad's. John told me he wanted out of where he was. After all the fun of the afternoon, the sadness in him came pouring out.

The old bitch and that stupid cunt daughter a hers are just doin' it for the money. They don't give a shit about us cept it's somethin' gonna piss off the social workers. An' all the others, they got families they're goin' out to see all the time. Fuck!'

There were tears in his eyes. Once again, he tried to hide them looking over his shoulder and wiping them on his arm. I wanted to hug him, take him home with me. Mother would throw him out the minute he walked in the door.

John wanted to run away. `Man, I got over four hundred dollars saved up but where the fuck do I go. I asked some a the johns but they all say they'd get in big trouble, maybe kidnapping. Then I say they could go to the welfare and become a foster parent and they say they can't for all kinds a reasons. Motherfuckers don't really give a shit about us. Fuckin' world!'

I walked with him to the subway and promised to look for him the following Sunday at ten, that I would have a friend with me who didn't know about hustling and that he shouldn't mention it. We could score together after I took my friend home. He tried to be happy John when we parted but the sadness was all over him like he'd been rained on.

Next: Chapter 9

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