Never Say Never

Published on May 10, 2003


Sunday morning, Georgie was waiting at the Ninth Avenue end of the block when I came down. I forgot completely about John. He motioned for me to follow him and walked south towards Forty Second. I was full of anticipation when I caught up with him just below Forty Fourth Street, and a bit worried he was still angry about the trouble we got in for staying out overnight. It didn't come up.

He ignored my greetings. 'Look, Spic, we gotta chance to make fifteen each. This guy wants to take pictures of us having sex. He's gonna be on Thirty Eight at ten so we gotta go there now and just wait.'

Nobody had ever taken naked pictures of me before. A few had taken head and shoulders photos. Most of them had wanted to photograph me nude but I had always refused. What if my mother saw them, worse, my biological father. I'd have been dead meat. But if it meant I could have sex again with Georgie, anything was worth it. Maybe we could be friends again. Still ..

'What's he wanna take pictures of us for?' I asked. 'What's he gonna do with them?'

'They're for some rich guy pays him to do it. I done it before and nothing happened. Don't worry none about it.'

'But what if he puts 'em in some magazine and people sees 'em? What if someone from the neighborhood sees 'em and tells everybody? And then my father hears? He'll beat the shit outta us both.'

'I told you. I done this before and there wasn't nothin' in no magazine. It's just some rich guy wants to beat his meat. Nobody's ever gonna see nothin' 'cept him. Stop worrying.'

I worried. But the warmth I felt about doing it with Georgie again, feeling his body close to mine, sucking his cock, holding him, him holding me, that was all the encouragement I needed. It pushed the worry to the back of my mind, like perfume on a whore.

The man showed at five before ten and took us in his old van down to somewhere in lower Manhattan. He was young, in his early twenties, and talked about the weather and sports on the way. He asked Georgie about some other kid he knew by the name of Sammy. Georgie said he hadn't seen him for a while. We went into a building that looked like some sort of factory. A freight elevator took us up to the fourth floor. It was just one big room with a bathroom in a corner. He had lights on stands and a big camera on a tripod. He took another smaller camera off a table and hung it by a strap around his neck. There was a large, round bed with sheets and pillows in the middle of the room. Another bed sheet was hung by its four corners from the ceiling like a hammock. The man turned on a bright light above it that made the sheet shine like a bloated movie screen.

'Let's get it on!' was all Georgie needed to hear to start stripping. The man put us naked under the sheet and told us to act like we were sleeping then wake up, look at each other and start hugging and kissing. I followed instructions. Georgie opened his eyes after me, reached over and pulled me tight against him. I was thrilled and hugged him. He looked at my lips then opened his mouth, closed his eyes and began kissing me passionately, opening up to show the tongue he'd pushed against mine. I caught only glimpses of the man moving about with the movie camera. I was absolutely lost in love. All Georgie needed was an excuse. He did love me. I pushed my tongue into his mouth and wrapped it around his. He rolled on top of me and ground his body into mine. I embraced him like I was trying to make us one.

'Hold it,' said the man. 'Gotta reload.'

Georgie stopped and lay back. I tried to go with him but he pushed me off. 'Wait, he's gotta put more film in his camera.'

How could he just turn off like that, I wondered. I looked at his crotch covered by the sheet. I couldn't be sure but he didn't seem to have a hardon.

'Okay, go back like you were. Kiss some more then Ray you get on top and start licking him around the neck, all over his chest, and keep going down to his legs but don't touch his peter.'

How did he know about that?

Georgie was on me again, his mouth all over mine, his tongue flicking in and out.

I was baffled. How could Georgie start and stop like it was nothing. And he must have told this man about how I licked him three weeks before. But passion took over again. Georgie rolled over, pulling me on top. He raised his chin and guided my mouth to his neck. Nothing else mattered. This was heaven. I sucked on his throat then licked up to below his ear and back. Georgie was breathing heavily. One hand guided my head, the other caressed my back and buns. His fingers slipped between my ass cheeks and fondled my rectum.

'Lift your ass a little, Ray. Let him play with your hole,' instructed the man.

I obeyed. Georgie pressed his finger against my pucker like he was going to push it in. I slipped down to his chest and licked him tit to tit and back. I felt Georgie kiss my head. I stroked his hair and cheek. Georgie pushed me down more. I ran my lips and tongue over his belly then...

'Stop again, reloading time.'

Georgie relaxed completely and put his hands behind his head, a move the johns call the Forty-Second Street stretch. I kept my mouth pressed to Georgie's belly, gently sucking in the soft flesh. My partner didn't object. I could feel his stiff rod against my chest. I heard the camera snap closed.


Georgie went back to what he'd been doing, I continued what I hadn't stopped. I was pushed further down. I licked both sides of Georgie's crotch then down the top and back up the inside of his thighs. I would make him beg for more. This would not be the last time. Georgie raised his knees exposing his perineum, swollen by the hard cock passing beneath it. I licked it up and down. He raised his legs, pulling his knees to his chest. The cameraman climbed on the bed and straddled him with the lens pointing down where my tongue was just above his hole. Georgie pushed my head down further and pulled his ass up as high as he could.

'Go ahead, Ray, put your tongue all the way in there,' ordered the cameraman.

I'd never done this before except Nancy's pussy which wasn't nearly as tight as Georgie's hole. A couple of johns had done it to me so I knew if felt good. Georgie would love this. I licked around his pucker, wetting it good then pushed the point of my tongue inside him. There was hardly any bad smell or taste at all. I pushed harder. Georgie grabbed my head with both hands. The cameraman jumped off the bed and filmed from elsewhere. I forced my tongue in until my open mouth was pressed hard against Georgie's ass cheeks. He raised a bit more, allowing a slight bit more penetration. I knew he loved it. I fucked his ass with my tongue. Georgie let go of my head and gripped my arms, pulling hard.

'Okay, legs down and up to his cock.'

Georgie was deliciously slow to obey. I was ecstatic. I dragged my tongue up the falling perineum, sucked in his boy balls, licked twice around the base of his cock then let my tongue wander up the shaft and slowly curl over the top. He moved his hips to push his cock into my mouth. I let him enter and engulfed him with lips, tongue and cheeks.

'Hold it! Reload.'

I stayed right on Georgie's dick and he moved his hips back and forth.

'Take it easy Georgie, you gotta fuck him yet.'

'Don't worry, I'm okay.'

His cock was stiff as a board. This was almost over.

'Okay go!'

I sucked and revolved my head. Georgie went stiff. I shifted over until my dick was against his leg and humped away. We both reached violent orgasms. Georgie almost bounced off the bed. He sat up and wrapped his arms around my head. The pulses pounded through his dick. Mine felt like it was exploding. It was the most exciting orgasm of my young life.

The man was pissed. 'I told you guys to take it easy. How long before you're ready to go again?'

'Just a few minutes' said Georgie. `Take your pictures now; we're still hard.'

Georgie had done this before. I looked at him and smiled. He grinned back. 'You're really good at this.'

We were posed alone and with each other, doing things or just relaxing. We repeated some things we'd done so far and faked Georgie fucking me. Georgie insisted I wash my mouth out good before he would do any kissing. Back on the bed, he made all kinds of neat expressions like he was about to get off or really feeling good. I noticed that, except for the kissing, his cock got all the attention, mine zero. But I didn't care. I loved Georgie, or maybe just his body, I wasn't sure. It didn't matter if he didn't know it or ever wanted to be close.

After about half an hour of pictures, we were asked if we were ready.

'I been ready for twenty minutes,' answered Georgie.

'Okay. He sucks a little more then you whisper in his ear and he lies down with the pillow under his ass. You put it there, Georgie. Then you just do it.'

We got back to me sucking his cock and him being all excited though I knew he wasn't yet. He sat up and pretended to be whispering in my ear. I gazed up into his eyes, kissed him on the mouth and took the expected position. He pushed the pillow under me, pulled my ass up where he wanted it and spread my legs. He dripped spit onto his hand and wet my hole then waddled in until his dick head was on my hole. The camera came up close. Georgie pushed inside. It felt wonderful like I knew it would. After moving his hips back and forth a few times, he commenced fucking, first slowly from above me then pulling my hips higher, he did it harder, sometimes pulling his dick all the way out and having to aim it again before ramming it in. Shortly, he was bouncing me forward on the bed. I had to grip the sheets to keep from moving. He started grunting. I knew he was closing in. His cock slipped in and out of me like it belonged there. I grabbed mine so we could come together. I arched my back to permit maximum penetration. He pulled hard on my hips with each thrust. I masturbated myself. Georgie let out a breath and rammed in as deep as he could. I could feel the throbbing and got off from it.

After a half a minute or so, Georgie collapsed onto my back, his dick still inside but slowly slipping out.

'All right, make out some more.'

The moment his cock was out of me, I turned over and pulled his lips to mine. We kissed and hugged until, 'Cut! Great you guys. A real masterpiece!'

Georgie dropped his arms but didn't turn his head for perhaps three or four seconds; long enough to give me hope.

When it came time to get paid, Georgie handled the transaction. I heard him arguing in whispers. I hoped the guy wasn't trying to cheat us. The man spread his hands and raised his shoulders in an expression of 'what the hell am I supposed to do'. I saw twenties and tens in his hand, at least two of each. Georgie took what was offered. With a grimace on his face, Georgie handed me a twenty, more than he'd offered me, but probably a less than he was supposed to pay me. I didn't care. I'd have done it for free, but I wasn't about to tell Georgie that.

Instead, I took Georgie to Tad's and went home with thirty dollars in my socks, money that I planned to stash in my basement hideout but found it already occupied by junkies. I hid it in the back of my closet under a clothes box.

Next: Chapter 5

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