Never Say Never

Published on May 10, 2003


Although I hoped for more, my friendship with Georgie was a weekend affair based entirely on our financial partnership. At school, Georgie greeted me in the corridor, but made no indication he was interested in having me around. He was two grades ahead, almost a head taller than me and still hung around with the same boys from the basement strip poker incident. Friday afternoon, he found me as school was letting out and arranged for us to meet an hour later on Forty Second and Ninth Avenue. I knew I'd catch hell from my mother for staying out after dark but it was a price I was willing to pay to be with Georgie. Waiting for us was the first of six scores that weekend. He was paying ten not for me to blow him but to watch me blow Georgie then let Georgie fuck me. I'd have happily done it for free.

For some strange reason, my desire for Georgie was stronger than that for Kenny. Perhaps it was Georgie's appearance. Kenny was decent looking but Georgie was beautiful with that long flowing blonde hair, bright blue eyes, soft, evenly proportioned face and great body with those so perfectly formed buns.

Georgie didn't let me suck him all the way, stopping me twice to let his passion subside before pushing me on my stomach and pulling my ass in the air. He spit into his hand and wiped it on his dick as he crawled in behind me. I felt his cockhead searching up and down my crack for the entrance. The moment he found it he pushed forward. The man sat on the bed beside us, furiously beating his undersized dick. I wanted to watch too but could only close my eyes and imagine. Georgie slid in. I felt his flesh against mine. I reached back to pull him deeper. The roundness of his ass cheek felt incredible. Rather than pull, I caressed that roundness as he fucked away. He only hit my sweet spot a few times instead of every time as did Kenny but the idea of Georgie inside me was enough to carry me rapidly toward climax. He gripped my hips yanking me to him. I felt like I was going to faint as my orgasm exploded throughout my groin. He banged away a few more times then just pulled with all his strength forcing his cock deep inside. I was too far into my own orgasm to feel his.

When I looked, our customer had cum all over his hand and stomach.

I asked Georgie afterwards what if felt like inside me. He said it was fantastic but made no mention of it after that. I'd certainly enjoyed it but mostly because it was another boy doing it, one that I found very attractive.

I quickly learned the ropes as a Times Square hustler, how to appear available, how to spot men on the hunt for a boy. Georgie and I set up shop in Herman's Playground, a Broadway games parlor half a block up from 42nd Street. Our little sex show and my green eyes made us very popular. I was amazed and flattered at how many of the men commented on my eyes and muscular body. We were doing our show and sex with the men every way you can imagine up to and including Georgie fucking the man while I sucked the john's cock. Neither of us, however, would allow the john's to fuck us nor, alas, would Georgie allow me to fuck him.

Georgie told me he was never able to get off in those big assholes but always did in me. I doubt he meant it in the loving way I accepted it.

My mind told me I ought to feel more attached to Kenny, who loved me, than to Georgie, who considered me a business associate, but, for whatever reason, my heartstrings were more in tune with Georgie. I wondered if Kenny realized this and, if he did, how much it mattered. It was all very confusing for a mixed up ten year old.

Kenny was very enthused about my basement hideout and the privacy it afforded us. He admitted enjoying screwing his sister's and the other boys' asses but told me `It's better just lying naked with you'. Much as I appreciated his sentiment, I had hopes that he would set up a session with at least one of the two eight year olds.

There was a hole in our friendship that I sensed rather than felt. I liked being with him but all we really did together was have sex and talk. With Georgie, there seemed to be so much more. I suppose working together, which included the risks and uncertainties we faced with each new customer, having sex together even though incomplete to a certain extent, and occasionally enjoying the fruits of our labor, be it a movie or a steak dinner, gave my relationship with Georgie more substance, a greater reality. To be sure, between the two of them, the terrible loneliness I'd experienced during so much of my young life just plain evaporated. It might even have been said that, at the time, I was fairly happy. I became far less combative in school and the neighborhood, was less of a distraction in class and was generally more cooperative with the world in which I lived.

Kenny and I bought a blow up mattress and sheets for the basement so we could have sex without Nancy wanting to join in. He inaugurated our air mattress by giving me a wonderful blowjob, his first, he told me, of another boy.

So why didn't you suck on Sonny or Martin? You fucked em both, right?'

They wasn't never gonna tell nobody they got fucked but they might've said something about me sucking em.'

So how come they let you fuck em?'

I talked nice to em and gave `em a dollar.'

So you paid em, that's why.'

Ain't that easy, you gotta know how to talk to a kid. I prolly coulda got em for free but it was easier and faster with money.'

`An' if I wanted to fuck Sonny Pacifico?' I grinned sensing that this wasn't an idea Kenny would be exited about.

`While I fuck you?'

That was exactly what I wanted to try. `Okay.'

He rolled me on my back and laid on me, eye to eye, lips to lips. `I got a better idea. Why don't I just fuck you right now?' He kissed me, pushing his tongue near the back of my mouth, hardening my semi-flaccid cock.

Kenny turned down my customary lubricant, soap and water, for my saliva. He slid up and put his cock to my lips. I sucked it in. He fucked my mouth for a few moments then, `Turn over'.

Once on my stomach, he pulled my rear up until I was on my hands and knees. The air mattress made me unsteady. He gripped my hips and edged in behind me. His hands pulled my ass cheeks apart. I felt his cockhead poke at my pucker then slide easily in right to my sweet spot. I arched my butt toward him and rolled slightly. His pulled my hips to him. It was better than my fucking machine. For a few moments, he just rocked back and forth, moving his cock around inside me. I reached back between my legs and felt his soft balls hanging down over my perineum. He withdrew to the tip of his dick then pushed back inside, hitting my prostate head on and sending a shock of pleasure up through my cock. The fucking was a series of repeat on target hits, each sending tingling through my entire pelvis. If only there was a mouth or asshole around my cock, I wished.

Kenny slowed and leaned over my back.

`I fucked Sonny Pacifico this way a lotta times but I just wanna do it with you now.'

With that, he got back up and started plunging into me hard enough to create a smacking sound each time his flesh met mine and his cock banged into my prostate. He pulled so hard with each thrust that I began to fall backward. Then I did. He held me hard to him. I felt the throbbing and knew I was receiving a little boy juice inside.

`Want me to blow you again?' he asked, breathing like he'd just run a marathon.

It took only seconds for me to reach orgasm.

Georgie and I continued our weekend hustling earning an average of thirty plus dollars less the five to eight we spent on movies and food. With Kenny buying me subs, pizzas and more, I spent very little during the week and was developing quite a cash stash. There were temptations to buy things but there was no practical way to explain to my mother the origin of money. Even the watch that Kenny bought me had to be hidden, as I wasn't allowed to be with any Irish, meaning non-latino, kids.

My relationship with Georgie didn't improve or deteriorate. As our show of lovemaking was a good earner, he allowed me to do most anything I wanted with him in front of a paying customer except, of course, fuck or kiss him more than briefly. And it remained strictly a weekend thing. He was, at best, civil in school and generally wanted nothing to do with me when his friends were around. It was very frustrating.

The week before Thanksgiving, Georgie informed me that we had a lucrative overnighter with a john if I could convince my mother to let me go. The man, one Georgie claimed to have known for a couple of years, wanted to take us to a cabin in the mountains Friday afternoon and return Sunday. He'd pay fifty dollars each. While in the well- heated cabin, we were expected to be naked. However, the man would be taking us to a small river where we could fish. It sounded great to me, but try as I could; there was no plausible story that seemed workable with my suspicious mother. She'd have wanted to meet any adult I was going overnight with and probably expected him to be Latino, unless he was my father. Tuesday evening, I found Ray Hoolihan partially drunk in a bar on Tenth Avenue. It took nearly fifteen minutes of showing my muscles to his friends before I could get him alone and ask.

`Georgie Shannon and me want to go to the mountains with this friend of Georgie's Friday an' Saturday but I know mother ain't gonna let me unless you say it's you goin' too.'

Hoolihan looked at me suspiciously. `You ain't hustlin' with that kid, are ya?'

I hid my surprise at his knowledge. `What's that?'

It worked. `Nothin'. Who else is goin'? Kenny goin'?'

`Nah, just the three a us.'

`If Kenny goes, so I know you ain't up to no shit, I'll tell your mom it's with me.'

Would Georgie or the man accept a third person? Kenny had hustled and probably wouldn't have minded it. And maybe he could loosen up Georgie and get him to do more with me. But, that didn't matter.

Wait,' interrupted my father, Kenny's already doin' sumpin' else. Okay, I'll go see your mother in the morning.'

`Why not now, she's gonna be home by now.'

`Shit, boy, I'm with my friends now.'

`But you'll forget.'

`No I won't, now beat it.'

I pressed him a bit more but had to hope he'd do what he promised.

Wednesday afternoon, Kenny and I went back to his apartment after school. Curly blonde haired Sonny Pacifico was on the stoop waiting for us. I noticed him well before Kenny identified him. Cute kids always caught my eye, had as long as I could remember. Kenny had arranged Sonny as a `gift'. Since he didn't go to my school and didn't live on my block, I only knew him from sight maybe a couple of times. If it hadn't been for his blonde hair, I probably wouldn't have noticed him at all but blondes always turned me on. Up close, I could see why Kenny liked him. He had large light brown eyes, a small nose and a wide mouth that invited a long, wet kiss. He ran ahead of us up the stairs and inside. Baggy clothes hid any form I'd have enjoyed from behind. I remembered Kenny's sister Nancy.

`You sure your sister ain't gonna be here?'

`Nah, gonna be a birthday party at the center. It's also why I asked Sonny.'

So what was Kenny up to? I had expressed an interest in having one of his young friends, but when he said he only wanted to have sex with me, that seemed impossible. My friend was hard to understand. All this talk of just me and he brings on his sister and. now, Sonny. I did enjoy the lovemaking with Kenny certainly as much as he but it was nice to have new experiences, other friends. Would this boy be someone I saw regularly? What did he like to do?

Sonny, full of the energy of an eight year old, beat us to the apartment door by a full floor. Inside, he immediately began taking off his clothes. `Two dollars each, right?' he asked pointing first at one then the other of us.

`Four, like I said,' reassured Kenny.

It amused me that I was now paying someone, even indirectly, to do what I normally got paid to do, and for less than I would have charged. This also made it unlikely this new boy was going to be more than an occasional sex partner. He was certainly nice enough looking that I'd have been willing to pay for that occasional sex if he was as fun to fuck as Kenny had indicated.

Sonny's body was as nice as Kenny had said: nearly as well built as me and with a very hard, short fat cock over round, tucked in balls. He commented amiably about me not wearing underwear then jumped on the floor to help me pull off my pants. I would have liked to suck him off.

`You go first,' said Kenny.

Sonny hopped up on the bed and got on his hands and knees, his pucker peeking invitingly from between his buns. Kenny sat beside him, his finger in his mouth. I got hard immediately. As I approached, he pulled out his saliva covered finger and ran it across Sonny's hole. In almost the same motion, he darted his head between Sonny's rear and my dick and ran his mouth quickly up and down my shaft, leaving me as slick as his finger. Kenny pushed Sonny's hips down so my target was lined up. Sonny dropped his head to the bed and spread his ass with his hands. Either he knew what was expected or liked it. Naturally, I hoped the latter. Was his dick hard?

Kenny guided my cockhead to the pucker and pushed my ass forward. The little furnace engulfed me and sent a stream of pleasure through my shaft and into my groin. I grabbed the small hips and revolved mine moving my dick all around inside his surprisingly loose hole.

`Fuck him', encouraged Kenny pulling and pushing one of my ass cheeks meanwhile keeping his eyes focused on the point of entry. I watched too.

I pulled out until only the tip of my dick was in Sonny's hole the pushed slowly back in. It was nearly as great a turn on seeing my cock move in and out of the soft pink pucker as feeling it.

`Good', said Kenny, probably unconsciously.

Sonny's fingers dug deeper into his fat little buns as he spread them as wide as he could. I reached under to feel his cock. The fat little nub was now two plus inches long, thicker and bone hard. As I took my hand away, he let got of one cheek and pulled my hand back. Resting my palm just inside his hipbone, I took his boner and began massaging it gently. It blocked Kenny's view so he quickly switched sides, all the while nudging my ass back and forth to control the tempo of my fucking. I was getting close.

`Stop for a minute,' instructed Kenny.

My body was on autopilot and didn't want to. Kenny pushed his hand in between Sonny's rear and me. I poked rhythmically. Kenny pulled his hand out.

`Go ahead and cum but keep fucking so you can cum again. I'm gonna fuck you while you're fucking him.'

He didn't have to ask for an orgasm. I was almost there and didn't comprehend what he was suggesting until the first throes were over. It was so strong my knees weakened, nearly causing me to fall down. I had to concentrate on staying on my feet while thinking about how Kenny was going to accomplish his goal. Kenny solved the mystery.

`Push him up on the bed and lay on him.'

Sonny was sure to figure out what was going on once he felt the weight of Kenny on top of me and pumping away. I turned to Kenny and pointed to the Sonny while mouthing `he'll know'.

`Don' worry,' whispered Kenny then leaned over and whispered something in Sonny's ear. The eight year old though for a moment then nodded agreement.

`G'wan, push him up on the bed. Then get on your side, an' keep fuckin'.'

I pushed forward trying to keep my cock inside but it popped out. Sonny didn't say a word, just moved where I guided him up onto the bed and on his side then arched his ass and pulled open one bun so I could get back inside. I moved in behind him, slid my wet dick up his crack until I felt the soft depression of his hole and pushed back inside. It was almost as good as the first entry except for the slight hypersensitivity of my cockhead after just having an orgasm. I pulled back to see but couldn't. Anyhow, the feel of his soft flesh on mine as we pressed together heightened my pleasure. He felt even nicer than Georgie. I pushed an arm underneath him so I could hold him more completely.

Kenny laid in front of him head to toe, mouths to dicks, set for sixty-nine. Neither hesitated to suck in the other, both using their arms and hands to embrace. Sonny was running his head back and forth hard and fast appearing unpracticed but somehow knowledgeable. I had to hold my head back so he wouldn't butt into my chin. I felt an increasing desire to have this little boy alone somewhere.

Kenny reached over and yanked on my ass reminding me to get back to work. My hips responded slowly pushing for maximum depth. Sonny arched his ass toward me, then, feeling himself lose depth in Kenny's mouth, pushed back forward again. Kenny raised one of Sonny's knees and pushed his head forward allowing Sonny to press back toward me. Kenny knew what he was doing.

I wondered when Kenny was going to stick his cock up my ass. At that point, the paid boy was having all the fun. Then it occurred to me what was going on. By having Sonny suck him, Kenny was putting the boy into a position in which he'd have to keep his mouth shut. And, he would get off allowing himself to fuck me longer when he finally did. He knew I could come three times. I figured I might as well go for it and rammed in harder and faster.

It still took another few minutes and a growing wetness between our bodies. It was as great as my first orgasm, maybe a bit longer. I slipped my hands over his shoulders to tugged him to me, keeping my cock buried deep inside. Kenny's head was moving fast. I felt Sonny's pucker grip my cock hard then the pulsing as he reached his climax. It probably wasn't his first but well might have been his initial from a blowjob.

I don't know whether Kenny got off but he pulled loose from Sonny's arms and mouth and crawled behind me.

`You ready?' he asked.

`Wait a minute,' I plead fully enjoying the closeness and the lingering good feeling in my cock.

Kenny climbed back over and put his cock up to Sonny's lips. The eight year old had just cum and wasn't into it at the time. He pushed Kenny back.

`You already did that once. Is he finished?' he asked pointing his thumb back at me.

`I ain't gonna fuck you but he's gonna do it twice.'

From what I could see of the expression on Sonny's face, he wasn't happy about the arrangement.

`How come you're not gonna do it? He asked Kenny.

`Cuz I'm gonna fuck him while he fucks you. It'll be cool.'

`Why don't you have him fuck you and you do it to me?'

Look.' Kenny struggled to find a solution. After this, I'll fuck you and Spic can suck you same time.'

Sonny took too much time to think that over. Kenny rolled us over and knelt behind me dripping spit into my crack. I kissed Sonny on the cheek. He pushed me away.

`That's a other dollar,' insisted the frustrated eight year old business kid.

Kenny didn't respond. He was wrapped up sticking his pole up my hole, right to my prostate. A feeling of ecstasy shot through middle into my buried cock and back up into my gut. I gripped Sonny tightly.

`Fuck,' whispered Kenny into me ear.

It was automatic. I ran my middle back and forth the heat of Sonny's ass greeting me one way and Kenny poking my prostate the other. I'd never even imagined anything like this. I'd already gotten off twice or orgasm would have been nearly instantaneous. This was like a continuous climax. My entire body felt warm, involved.

Kenny began running his lips and tongue over my left shoulder then up to my ear. He sucked the lobe into his mouth. I was drifting into some other low gravity world that put my head into a slow spin.

`Go back and front longer,' strained Kenny into the ear he held with his lips.

I extended length of my movements, pulling out to the tip of my cock the pushing Sonny into the bed on the return. Kenny's cock seemed to both hit and pass over my sweet spot. Sonny pulled his buns open. I was far too absorbed in the pleasure roaring through my groin to think about anyone else. Climax engulfed me. Lights flashed in my closed eyes. I stopped breathing and pressed my head into Sonny's shoulder. I think I groaned or shouted or something in between. Kenny thrust into me, fucking fast and furious, bloating each pulse of my orgasm. Every muscle of my body alternately tensed then let Kenny's thrust push me deep into Sonny. Kenny lifted up on his arms and banged into me. I couldn't feel the pulsing but knew he was cumming.

That experience has to be classified as the most pleasurable of my young life. No one moved for the longest time until Sonny insisted on his needs too. I felt his dick. It was rock hard. I wished there were some way to keep me in him and Kenny in me and still suck on the fat little cock but it was impossible. But Kenny could stay inside me. Grabbing his ass and pressing it to me, I lifted up and pulled reluctantly out of Sonny.

`Turn around, your cock up here,' I told Sonny nodding my chin to the bed beneath it.

He understood and flipped around, propping himself up on his elbows to trying to see where Kenny was penetrating me. I dropped down and took his little morsel into my mouth. If it had been any harder it would have burst. He immediately pumped into my mouth, his desire to be screwed simultaneously temporarily forgotten. I felt him push his way under me. Was he going to suck me too? My cock was in need of a rest, not further stimulation. No problem, his intent was to see where Kenny's cock disappeared into me. He only stayed there a moment before poking Kenny in the rear.

`Do it now!' he insisted in a loud whisper.

I felt Kenny's cock slip out of me, feeling somewhat empty without it. He pushed us onto our sides and slipped in behind Sonny. His reddened cock had to be as sensitive as mine at that point. He dripped saliva onto his hand and into Sonny's crease. The little boy stiffened and Kenny's four inches pushed inside him. I reached over and caressed his buns as he dutifully fucked Sonny's soft hole. Sonny put his hand on mine and pressed, pushing Kenny deeper. His already fat little cock grew thicker, harder. His other hand pulled my head farther into his crotch. His body stiffened. He buried his face in my pelvis. His orgasm was strong, forceful.

Sonny went home with a fistful of dollars. Much as he had obviously enjoyed the sex, he showed no emotion afterward. My attempted arm on his shoulder was nonchalantly pushed off.

`How come you pay him? He likes it as much as us.'

Had to pay im to try it first time and he's always askin' since. Anyhow, ain't that much `cept today. Wild, huh?'

I needed to hug someone so I grabbed Kenny.

When mother got home at seven thirty, I waited to hear that my biological father had been to see her and arranged permission for the weekend stay at the john's mountain cabin. After a few minutes of silence, I said `Hoolihan said he was gonna tell you about taking us camping this weekend for the holidays. Din't he say nothin'?'

She just shook her head and went about preparing dinner.

`Well, can I go?'

My mother turned from the sink where she was washing rice. `Boy, I know your shit father and I know you and sometimes you are just like him. You are not going anywhere until that son-of-a-bitch comes to me and asks. You understand that?'

I slammed the door when I walked out. An hour long broad search of the entire area including a couple of bars on Eighth Avenue failed to turn up anyone who had even seen my biological father that day. I went straight to my room on my return to the apartment and dropped on the bed. Fifty bucks and a trip to the mountains looked lost. I knew mountains from pictures and movies but had never seen the real thing. It wasn't fair that my mother should take this opportunity from me just because she hated my father. I hated him too. So what?

The next day was Thanksgiving, a school holiday. Would I seek out Kenny or go hustling with Georgie? Sleep found me still dressed and depressed.

My younger sister, Delia, woke me up at dawn. `You better get outta your clothes before mom sees you.' She really looked after me. Watching her get back into her bed I imagined how lucky some kid was going to be to have her as a mother.

I went to the window and looked up at the sky. The sun was lighting the top of the building across from ours. Where was my shit biological father? Probably at his house in New Jersey. So what was it to be, Kenny or Georgie. Georgie was going to be pissed off that I couldn't arrange permission to go. He'd be loosing fifty dollars too unless he could find some other kid to go. Still, I had to tell him. We were partners.

Georgie didn't come out of his building until after nine keeping me waiting down the street for nearly an hour, catching many a nasty look from both kids and mothers. Fathers, if they knew who I was, didn't seem to mind me unless I was picking on their kid at the time.

`Shit, now who'm I gonna get who can get permission so fast.'

`Whattabout Kenny?' I immediately regretted the suggestion. It was an admission that I knew he had been a hustler, information that could only have come either hustling with him or a very close relationship.

Georgie pursed his lips and looked off to one side. `Nah, he wants you or somebody like you. He wants blowjobs. Let's go see who's on Forty Two.'

In the silence that accompanied our walk to Times Square, I speculated over what Georgie was thinking about what kind of relationship I had with Kenny. Did he think we were hustling together, leaving Georgie out? Was he concerned I was looking to change partners? He didn't think Kenny sucked cock so he couldn't have guessed how intimate we'd become. He knew I liked sucking him and had been in the basement and saw me voluntarily suck Kenny. Did he think I was servicing Kenny?

We reached Forty Second Street with no resolution to my doubts. There was hardly anyone around, zero hustlers, no johns. We checked out the Port Authority Bus Terminal then walked up to Herman's Playland. Two unfamiliar Bronx latino kids about twelve were firing electronic rifles. Everyone else there seemed to be tourists. Georgie muttered `shit' twice. We went back to Forty Second Street and walked back and forth from Seventh to Eighth Avenues several times before spotting two New Jersey blondes looking for business. Georgie knew them both.

Bobby there sucks damn near good as you. Let's go talk to em.'

The one he called Bobby was a nice looking slim thirteen year old with the body and looks of an eleven year old and blond hair almost as long as Georgie's. He was plenty streetwise.

`This ain't the tall guy that wears the funny cap? Gots a Buick?'

Nyah uh. That guy's a freak,' answered Georgie. Nah, this guy's kinda new, from Connecticut, I think. I been with him twice to Sloan. He's decent. No bullshit an' pays what he says. Sammy knows him and did the same trip last summer. Says the guy likes sex about three times a day. No fuckin', just gotta be blowed.'

`How much?'

`Thirty-five an' the trip an' all.'

Georgie had told me fifty. Bobby wasn't as slick as I thought, should have known the price for such a trip and his specialty.

`Can I take Billy here?'

Billy was a pretty boy about twelve with blue eyes and freckles on his cheeks and nose. I'd have liked to see them both naked, maybe have sex.

He don't get no money less the guy wants to give im somethin'.

Billy shrugged shoulders.

The deal was made, time set, hands shaken. We went our separate ways looking for business. I couldn't think of a viable excuse for us to hustle together. Nobody was going to pick up four kids.

They scored first with a fat guy who took them down into the subway terminal. `Tourist' said Georgie.

We had to wait until nearly one to find our first. We begged for and got lunch in the bus terminal. The john was new, from someplace in Maryland. Georgie took us to the Holland where the man had to pay for an expensive room since the rest were full. He was a real novice and we got him for seventeen dollars offering one service after another right to our little show. The man wanted us to spend the night with him. Georgie explained we couldn't but for ten dollars he might be able to find someone else for him. He was to wait in the hotel, watch TV or something and we'd be back in a few hours.

`Let's wait for Bobby and Billy. They can always stay out.'

The afternoon was only moderately cold but the chill soon seeped inside. A john approached. It was a man I'd done for six at the Holiday Inn a couple of months back. Georgie told him we were waiting for someone and couldn't go but that I could meet him the next day. We agreed to nine-thirty down the street from the hotel. Georgie still saw us a partners. It calmed my concerns regarding how he figured I knew about Kenny's hustling.

The New Jersey blondes reappeared a little after four. Their mark had been a tourist all right. They had scored fifteen each, better than us. Georgie didn't say anything. We both knew that, even with tourist, one of them had been screwed for that amount. It just made me want to get it on with them even more.

Bobby made a phone call and arranged not to go home until Sunday. I sure wished I could do it that easy. Georgie and I went back to the Holland and led the mark back to Herman's where the others waited. Georgie collected his ten. I tried desperately to think of a reason why we should go back to the hotel with them but found nothing I had the courage to propose. When the others walked out, I turned to Georgie.

`Whatta you think that guy'd pay to see four kids havin' sex?'

`Shit, you're crazy. He's already paid us twenty-seven, about thirty to the hotel an' gots to pay them two. He ain't that rich. Anyway, you just wanna suck them two. Let's go find another score.'

Georgie knew me better than anyone except possibly Kenny and had to be sure that I was doing him.

We made twelve when I sucked and swallowed for another tourist we took to one of the expensive rooms at the Holland, down the hall from the Maryland man's. I insisted on knocking when we were finished.

`Yes,' answered the man from inside after a pause.

`Ray and Georgie,' I answered in a loud whisper.

`Wait a minute,' he said. I heard the chain being removed. The door opened a crack for the man to peer out. He backed up and let us in.

He was wearing his boxers over an obvious hardon. Bobby and Billy were under the covers of the double bed. I walked swiftly in. Georgie strolled behind.

`We just had a john down the hall,' I explained as I lay beside the boys.

`Bullshit,' said Bobby smiling.

`Nah, we did, another tourist din't have no place to go,' said Georgie.

I was on remote control and had to see. I lifted up the covers. Both were naked and hard. Bobby may have looked eleven but his dick was thirteen, better than four inches with balls that provided plenty of juice. Billy was still a boy with a skinny three inches. Bobby kicked off the sheets.

`C'mon, you guys get naked too. Let's have a party.' That's the first time I noticed the slight effeminate lilt to Bobby's speech.

I looked to Georgie. He shook his head, a stern look on his face. `We gotta go. C'mon, Spic.'

Panic gripped me. I really wanted to get in bed with these two. Georgie pulled me off the bed and began pushing me toward the door.

Shit, Georgie! Just cuz you don't like it don't mean I can't stay.'

`I'm leavin'. You stay an' we don' hustle together no more. I don' fuck with nobody else's scores and they don' fuck wi' mine. You comin'?

My panic turned to angry frustration. But I couldn't lose Georgie. I didn't say a word to him until we were outside. `I'm going home.'

`Fuck you. I'm gonna score again.'

I walked back to the neighborhood, Kenny and some good sex on my mind, trying not to think about the two boys back at the hotel and the temptation to return there. I was nervous about going inside his all Irish building but my need for some intimate sex overrode any inhibitions. I saw no one in front or inside. No one answered my knock on his door. Back outside, I looked for a familiar face that may have seen Kenny. Nobody.

Friday morning I made my morning date, scored twice more and set up a ten o'clock date at the apartment of a john from the Lower East Side. I went back by Kenny's building but learned from Lester Shannon that Kenny wasn't around.

`You wanna suck on Kenny's worm again, Spic?' he whispered derisively. I walked away but worried he might be referring to my current relationship rather than the basement disaster.

The next morning, I went by his house on the way to my morning date and found Nancy sitting on the front stoop. She gave me some devastating news: `He ain't here. He's busted.'

She told me he'd been caught alone inside a Long Island warehouse. Her eldest brother was trying to find out more. Since Kenny was on probation, he'd probably end up in a reformatory for at least a year if not until he was eighteen. Then, `Nobody's home. Wanna come up?' which I ignored.

`When.' I didn't know what to ask. This couldn't be happening. I didn't want Kenny to be out of my life. He had to get out.

Nancy yanked me back to reality. She grabbed my hand. `C'mon. Let's go up.'

`Wait, don't he got to go to court?'

`Shit, Spic, they got him inside somebody's place. Stupid jerk's gone. C'mon, let's go.'

`I can't now. Maybe later.' I'd remembered my date.

`Everybody's gonna be here later. Just fifteen minutes. C'mon.' She still had my hand and pulled on it. I let her drag me upstairs. We undressed frantically. She climbed onto the bed. Her white ass and soft legs caught my attention. I waited for her to turn over to look at her naked body. The light from the single window emphasized the gentle lines of her torso and the slight mound above her vagina. She held out her arms for me to come to her. The moment I was on top she began furious French kissing. That cleared my mind of all other thoughts. Her warm skin felt wonderful against mine. My cock poked at her crack but was too dry to enter. I reached to help it. Nancy rolled us over, slid down my body and sucked in my cock briefly, leaving it dripping with saliva. Quickly, she jumped up, her knees to either side, her little slit wide open, and sat on my pole that slipped right inside her, sending that wonderful thrill up into my groin.. After pushing her hips forward and back a few times, running my cock back and forth in what felt like hot pudding, she laid on me and rolled me back on top.

`Fuck me like you mean it,' she ordered then hugged me tight with both arms.

I pumped in and out hard as I could, my passion rising fast even though she was looser inside than even Sonny Pacifico's soft rectum. She nudged her mouth back to mine and pushed her tongue all around inside. I realized I was enjoying this nearly as much as screwing Sonny. That was proof that one day I'd like women. The thought distracted me enough to hold back my fast rising orgasm. I extended my strokes so my cock head actually came out to her lips each time. She slid her hands up and down my back then to my ass cheeks where she pushed me to go in harder.

I dug my toes into the bed covers and rose up on my arms to allow for more leverage. I looked down, watching my slick cock appear and disappear inside her. It looked a little strange to see only her flesh and not another cock.

My cock missed her hole and poked her below it, redirecting it down between her legs. Her hand darted in between us and pulled it back to her opening. I rammed back inside and continued fucking. She tugged on my ass, pulling me higher on her.

`Harder,' she insisted.

I obliged, taking myself back to the edge of climax.

She pulled me back down on top of her and resumed kissing, sucking my tongue into her mouth until it hurt. Her fingernails dug into my ass. My orgasm came on suddenly. I kept pumping until it tickled, something that was not normally a problem during my first time. I had to stop. She held me inside her with her hands but let my tongue go.

I recalled my date.

`Nancy, I whispered. I gotta go or I'm gonna be in deep shit.'

She dropped her arms to her side. I pulled out and got dressed, all the while looking at her lying there.

`Like what you see, Spic?'

`Yeh, but I still gotta go.' I didn't really want to. I'd have liked to try it in her ass but I had a date and was going to be late for the first time in my hustling career.

As I rode the subway south, I went over my thoughts about Kenny being arrested and probably taken out of my life for a long time. I still had Nancy and might be able to connect a few times with Sonny Pacifico. He did it for money and I had plenty. Suddenly, I remembered what my biological father had said when he insisted on Kenny going with Georgie and me on the overnight date. He knew Kenny would be unable to make it. Did Ray Hoolihan send Kenny and the others out. Then he'd have to get them out. I almost skipped my date and went back uptown but professional pride got in the way.

With a stomach coated with cum and a fresh six dollars in my pocket, I went back to Hell's Kitchen to look for my biological father. He was nowhere to be found, probably hiding out in case Kenny or one of the others snitched.

Sunday morning, Lester told me that Kenny was in the Bronx Juvenile Center but I could suck him if I wanted. I looked at him to see if he was serious but quickly realized what a mistake that would have been. Any indication of interest would be broadcast to the entire neighborhood. Don't get me wrong. I would have loved to suck off Lester but the destruction of my reputation wasn't worth it.

I walked down to the Square not so much to hustle but to look for Bobby and Billy from New Jersey. I really wanted sex with another boy but ended up sucking off a couple of men.

In school Monday, Georgie ignored me as usual. I listened for any news about Kenny but all I heard were versions of what little I already knew. No one expected to see Kenny for a long time.

I went looking for Nancy in the afternoon but couldn't find her and was afraid to ask anyone. A search for Sonny Pacifico had the same result. I settled for my fucking machine. It took longer than usual to get off. I wanted warm flesh in me, not a plastic rod.

Tuesday went the same. Wednesday, I was so frustrated I went to the Square hoping to find a boy, ready to pay for his favors no matter how embarrassing that might have been. A middle teen eyed me but he wasn't what I really wanted. I was so horny on the way home that I actually considered Lester. Common sense won out.

Thursday, I went straight to Forty Second after dropping my books off at home. The same teen was there but none of the boys I saw were doing more than passing through. Friday on the way down the street after school, Georgie told me to meet him at Forty Third and Tenth. It was a date with man in a camper which he parked near the Westside Highway. The guy apparently lived inside the thing and didn't bathe very often. He smelled and his cock tasted like sewage. If he hadn't of had Georgie fuck me while I was sucking him, I doubt I could have done it. Georgie had the decency to beat me off during the tryst. We used part of the ten he paid us to buy some Tasty Kakes and sodas in a not very successful attempt to get the awful taste out of my mouth. I finally bought a small bottle of Listerine that did the trick.

Georgie didn't mention our unpleasantness of the previous weekend. We hustled Saturday and Sunday never coming across the New Jersey blondes. However, Georgie and I did our show three times greatly relieving my needs.

December was cold but generally lucrative though not very satisfying. I yearned more and more for Kenny and his sweet loving. Nancy and I got together a couple of times but the one time I found Sonny Pacifico, the eight year old told me to `go away'.

There were a couple of significant incidents. The first occurred on a Saturday afternoon when I was hustling alone when Georgie had an all day date with some regular. The john picked me up in Hermann's and took me to a motel across the river in New Jersey. He seemed nice enough, gave a decent blowjob then wanted to screw me between the legs from behind, something I allowed regularly for a buck over the minimum three dollars. However, once on top of me, he applied KY to his fat dick and tried to fuck my hole.

`Uh uh,' I said trying to pull away. I don't do that.'

He held me under him with one big arm and tried to push his dick in my squirming ass with the other. `Sure you do. You're a hustler. So how much?'

I was getting worried I couldn't get the guy off me. He was very strong but wasn't going to get his dick in me as long as I kept moving. `Ain't no how much. I don't do that. I'll blow you for six.'

That's not what he wanted. He stopped trying to force it. `Okay, I'll give you ten.'

`No, not for a hundred. Get offa me!' I was getting angry.

`Look little boy, I came here to fuck. Now just lie still so it don't hurt so much and I'll go in easy and give you ten dollars.'

His arm was too far away to bite it. I had to try something else. `All right but I gotta put it in. You don't push or nothin'.'

I reached back with my hand toward his cock. He took his hand away from his dick and loosened his hold to let me in. I doubled over to extend my reach a little further. He loosened a bit more. I grabbed his balls and squeezed for all I was worth. He dropped the arm that held me to stop the pain. I wrenched free and rolled off the bed. He dove for me but I continued rolling until I hit the chair at the room's desk. He grabbed for my clothes on the small table beside the bed.

`You little bastard. Where you going without these?'

I picked up the chair and ran at him. He tried to protect himself with his hands but I pulled it away, did a three hundred and sixty degree turn and slammed it into his upper body and head. I grabbed the lamp in the small table and hit him in the head, breaking it in two. He fell back on the bed. I snatched up my clothes, shoes and coat and ran for and out the door. Luckily, the hallway was empty. I ran to the end and around the corner at the stairs before pulling on my pants, all the while listening to see if the man would come after me. It didn't seem likely since he was naked too. A cleaning woman came up the stairway and noticed me.

`What are you up to, boy? How come you're out here like that?'

I kept dressing fast as I could. I wanted to shout out the man's room number but didn't know what it was. She approached like she was going to grab me. I darted around her still shoeless and with my shirt unbuttoned and fly open.

`Come back here boy before I call the police.'

There was no of knowing who would be at the foot of the stairs or outside. The woman didn't chase, just looked after me from the railing above. At the exit door, I stopped, put on my coat and stuffed my shirt into my pants. The woman still didn't come. I dropped to the floor and put on my shoes. A man and woman approached the door. I held it open for them and walked swiftly out the front to the street, looking back over my shoulder at about where the room was. The john was peering out a slightly open curtain. I gave him the finger. As I had no idea where I was, I took a taxi to the Path station for six dollars and seventy-five cents, over half of what I was carrying.

Sunday morning when I told Georgie about the incident, he just said I had to be more careful about who I let take me out of the area.

`Ever happen to you?'

`Just once.'

`So what happened?'


`Shit, man, he fuck you?'

`Don' worry about it. Let's go hustle.'

That, I figured, was why Georgie would let even a kid like me fuck him. I wondered what his ass hole looked like. Was it damaged? Torn? Did it hurt when he shit? I wanted to ask but my knowledge of Georgie's demeanor told me he wouldn't discuss it.

The second event was word of Kenny's sort of trial. A few days before Christmas, Nancy told me that he was being sent to some reformatory upstate with an undetermined sentence which meant he could be out in eight months or not until he was eighteen depending on how he improved. That was also the day I tried to get Nancy to let me screw her in the rear.

No fuckened way, Jose,' she answered. She did let me fuck her little pussy from behind, something she'd seen in a porn movie at a place she wouldn't describe. First, though, she taught me how to eat her out' which meant sticking my tongue inside her but mostly sucking her tiny clitoris. The back door fucking only lasted a couple of minutes. She liked it much better with me lying on top of her, face to face. To be honest, so did I.

During the two week Christmas holidays, with Georgie's blonde hair and my sweet lips, we earned $108 each, transistor radios and 3 steak dinners with chocolate pudding deserts at Tad's. I'd never tasted chocolate pudding before. I told Georgie it was almost as sweet as his cock.

I don't know what he thought about my desires. I didn't understand them myself at the time. I knew I wanted to be with him as much as possible. I also understood we were different in that he had no desire to do to me what I did to him. I tried kissing him once. He allowed it for a few seconds but then turned his head away.

Nancy gave me hope that, in the end, I'd like women and probably get married. The thought of my own boy children was exciting. I, of course, would be a far better father than Ray Hoolihan. And I'd be able to see them naked and touch their cute little bodies though I didn't expect to want sex with them.

Kenny's desires and how I felt about them were worrisome. I had, to a certain extent, accepted being some kind of fag after being with him. So what the hell was I?

At that point in time, my understanding of homosexuality related it to effeminate, easily frightened men who had sex with each other and sometimes serviced other men. I didn't see myself in any way effeminate. I was much too tough to be a fag. I didn't suck off men because I wanted to. That was business. Why I liked other boys sexually was a mystery but the desire would probably go away in time. My enjoyment of sex with Nancy continued to be my hope of eventual heterosexuality.

With our pre-Christmas earnings, Georgie and I bought gifts for our mothers. I explained the purse and perfume costs came from chores I did off and on for a couple of supers so I could surprise her. She was grateful and gave me a kiss, a sadly infrequent happening. Ray Hoolihan, who reappeared mid December, gave me a new, slightly small coat and mother, a hundred dollars. We had no tree. The girls decorated the house with newspaper cutouts and empty beer and soda bottles that were cashed in during the first week of January.

With after the greater Christmas earnings, Georgie and I saw a few movies and bought watches for each other. We explained to our mothers that the watches were gifts from our best friends. My mother was pleased I had one though she'd have preferred another Latino.

Georgie spent the rest of his holiday income on beer, cigarettes and snack food. I added sixty-eight dollars in my basement hideout stash giving me a total of two hundred six dollars.

What I really wanted as a Christmas present from

Georgie was a private session in a bed, just the two of us, no spectators. The problem was where to find a bed and privacy. Georgie was one of seven kids who lived with their mother, grandmother, an aunt and uncle. At least two of my sisters were always in our apartment.

The guy at the Holland Hotel charged $6.00 for two hours. I wasn't sure what Georgie would think of me spending that kind of money to do something that we regularly got paid to do several times a week. My eleventh birthday was coming up in two weeks. I tried to think of a way to let Georgie know without making it obvious then claim it was a way of celebrating my birthday. Ten-year-old minds aren't always very logical. But fate intervened, for once on my side.

The weekend of my birthday, January sixteenth, which fell on a Saturday that year, we were picked up Friday evening by a young man in a van equipped with most of the comforts of home. There was a bed, toilet, kitchen and an eight track stereo system.

'Let's see if the guy will let us sleep in here tonight,' I suggested.

'And what do we tell our mother's tomorrow when they're getting ready to kick our asses? No way, man.'

'I'll tell mine I'm staying at your place and you tell yours you're staying at mine.'

Georgie mulled it over. 'They ain't gonna believe that shit.'

'We can try it. It's my birthday tomorrow. I don't wanna listen to all that shit in my house tonight.'

He understood that. Nobody ever showed him any slack on his birthday either, much less celebrated it. 'Fuck it, let's try.'

We put it to the man. He had a house with a garage in Elizabeth, New Jersey, the same city where my biological father lived. The john was enthusiastic until he understood that we wanted to sleep alone with him in his house and us in the van.

'I'll give you the greatest blowjob in the world before you go in, promise.'

We had him leave us on Tenth Avenue and wait while we ran to our apartments and played our little con. My mother was suspicious. She didn't know Georgie or his family and considered all Irish to be criminals and racists.

'How come he wants you to stay at his house?' she asked me in Spanish, the language of our home. 'Por favor, mami, el es mi £nico buen amigo,' I begged. I told her his father, which he didn't have, was a cop and really strict with him so we couldn't do anything wrong if we wanted. With a frown, she agreed and threatened a hell of a beating if I got into any trouble.

Georgie's mother, according to him, was fighting with her sister when he arrived and just waved him off. So we were free.

We had dinner at a diner and went to the guy's house where I gave him a head twirling blowjob I was sure no other kid could possibly duplicate. He provided extra blankets against the January cold and kissed us both goodnight.

Georgie took off his shoes and got under the blankets.

'C'mon, Georgie, let's get naked, and put your socks outside, they stink.'

'Shit, Spic, I knew you was gonna want this. Why can't we just go to sleep and do it tomorrow?'

'Cause it's my birthday and I want a present.'

I could feel him looking at me in the dark. 'Shit,' he said under his breath and got undressed. He put his socks on the floor in front and crawled under the covers with my hardon and me. 'I ain't gonna blow you,' he declared.

I pulled him to me and started licking him on his neck as I had been dreaming of doing for weeks. He lay still as I nibbled my way across his chest from tit to tit then down to his stomach savoring the crests and valleys created by his growing muscles. I knew he was enjoying it because his hands on my shoulders were pressing me into him instead of pushing me toward his stiff cock. I licked back and forth over his entire gut, stopping at his navel to dig my tongue in. At his crotch, instead of chomping down on his dick, I spread his legs and licked up and down his inner thighs and over the humped place between them. I sucked his balls into my mouth and moved them around like a pair of marbles.

'C'mon, Spic, do me now,' he almost pleaded while pulling my head up to his rod. He moaned when I took it into my mouth and clamped my wet lips and tongue around it. He began humping but I wanted this to take a while so I just held on. Georgie wrapped his legs around my back and moved his hips side to side. He moved my head back and forth but didn't try to force me to go up and down. Maybe, I hoped, he understood that we should take out time and enjoy this.

I opened my mouth and, with his dick still inside, licked his balls. Pushing my arms under him, I rolled us over so he was on top. I hugged him trying to force more of his crotch into my mouth. After a few more minutes of gentle hip motions, I nudged him to fuck my mouth. He pushed himself up on his elbows, raising his torso and pulled back, taking all but the tip of his dick out to my lips. Arching his back, he slowly thrust back into me, holding it for a second then repeating, in and out, in and out, each time with just a bit more force. I gripped his hips to urge him on. I heard him grunt with each thrust. Had anyone had touched my dick at that time; I would have gotten off immediately.

'Ray', he said. 'Ray.' I almost cried that he used my name.

He slowed his thrusts, perhaps prolonging his passion, but was too close. He banged into me twice and grabbed my head, falling over on his side.

'Shit, shit!' he muttered. 'Oh man, Ray,' he gasped as his cock throbbed with greatest force I'd ever felt.

I grabbed his top leg and pulled it quickly between mine. I locked my legs around his and humped my cock against it twice before orgasm rocked my body and sent me into that special place. As the tension eased in both of us, I slid up until my head was by his chest. We pulled the blankets over us and fell asleep in that position.

In the morning, Georgie made no comments about the previous night's sex. There seemed not even the slightest change in his attitude toward me; none of the affection I had hoped had been generated. He rushed out of my attempted embrace to 'get something to eat'. The first time he used my name it was still 'Spic'. I was very disenchanted.

We ate and were sucked off. At one point while he was being fellated, I tried to hold Georgie's hand but he used it to scratch his chin then put both hands behind his head. The man rolled me over and got off between my legs. I didn't charge him the extra dollar that act usually cost.

We were dropped off on 10th Avenue with five dollars each and agreed to meet on 42nd Street at one.

At home, my mother was waiting. 'C'mere boy!' she demanded and went through my pockets. Holding the five dollar bill we'd received that morning plus three ones from the same pocket, she asked angrily, 'Where you get this from? I asked a kid who knows this Georgie where he lived and if he saw you with him and he says he didn't see you last night and that he lives in the same building as Georgie. Then I go to Georgie's house and you aren't there and he isn't there. Where'd you get this fucking money? You carrying drugs or something.' By that time she was yelling and mixing English and Spanish.

She grabbed me by the hair and dragged me toward her bedroom. 'I told you to stay away from that Mick trash now you gonna learn I mean it!'

She slammed the door shut behind us and snatched a metal hangar off her dresser. 'Pull your pants down, boy!'

'We didn't do nothing wrong! I insisted. We worked with some men cleaning at a apartment, that they had to do at night. You don't give me no money!'

She pushed me down on the bed and yanked at my belt. 'If you was working all night then how come you're so fuckened clean. Get your pants off boy!'

I jerked loose and rolled backward off the bed. She knew where I was headed and got between the door and me. I looked to see if her window by the fire escape was open but it was January, no chance. She charged me and wrapped me in her arms. I fought her hands away from my pants. She threw the hangar across the room and started slapping me everywhere but mostly in the head. I couldn't get away from those hands. I began to cry, not from the pain but the anger and frustration. I couldn't escape the beating and screaming.

'You little bastard! Fuckened liar! You always into shit! Every week I gotta go to the school for something!' She stopped the flailing and stared at me with fury in her eyes. I was crying so hard I could barely breathe. 'You just like that fucking Mick father of yours. I know you're stealing or doing something with drugs! I'm a good Catholic or you shoulda been an abortion!' She slapped me hard twice in the head. 'I just hope they lock you up in some reformatory real soon, get you the fuck outta my life! She kicked me in the leg, knocking me backward into the window that broke into a mass of shards.

My oldest sister, Brenda, burst into the room followed by Delia and the others. 'Mama, stop now. Stop now.' She stood terrified in the doorway, her arms tight over her belly. Then she saw the blood. 'Mami! He's bleeding.'

My mother turned back to me. The other three girls pushed past her to me.

The glass had cut me on the shoulder and back. A piece of glass was imbedded between my neck and shoulder. I was crying too hard and was far too upset to notice. Brenda and Delia started crying too.

'Now, see what you done?' mother yelled at me. She pulled the piece of glass out of my skin and unbuttoned my shirt to pull it back and look at the wound. I couldn't see it as it was under my chin when I turned my head. I did see the blood. 'Damn you boy, see what you done getting me all angry. Shit!' she pushed me toward the bathroom. I tried to see in the mirror but the silver backing had peeled off the bottom half. I couldn't see a thing. I was still whimpering and very angry.

'Shit, boy. You gonna need stitches and that's gonna cost me money. At least I got eight dollars.'

It only required three stitches which didn't hurt nearly as much as the beating I had endured and, worse, what my mother had said to me about getting put away and being an abortion, not being born. If she didn't want me that was the way it would be. I didn't say a word the whole time to, at or from St. Claire's Hospital three and a half blocks from our apartment. I was consumed with developing a plan to run away, find a better place where I could have friends and not have everybody pissed off at me all the time. I wondered what was happening to Georgie whose mother knew what mine did. I also wanted to find out who ratted us and kick his ass.

Back in the apartment, I was told to just stay in my room until Monday and then I could only leave the apartment for school until mother decided different. I fell asleep crying but still trying to figure out an escape plan.

No one mentioned my birthday.

Cold awakened me. It was night. I'd rolled out of my blanket. Everyone else was asleep. Delia and Maria were in their bed across the room. I sat up and wrapped myself in the blanket, pulling the fresh stitches in my shoulder, reminding myself what had happened. It was a chance to get away. I went to the closet and pulled out my box of clothes. I took off the bloody shirt and put on two T-shirts, two button shirts, the only clean underpants, and a second pair of pants. I took off my shoes and pulled on two pairs of socks. After emptying my book bag. I filled it with spare clothing and a pair of sneakers. With my heavy coat and an old baseball cap, I peeked out the door to see if anyone was awake. I had no idea what time it was.

In an overwhelming rush, I realized I had nowhere to go.

There was no friend's house to consider. Other than a couple of trips to New Jersey with johns, I'd never been far away from Hell's Kitchen. It was probably too late to find one of them on the Square. I went back to my bed and cried myself to sleep.

My little sisters called my mother when they woke and saw me with all those clothes on. She came in and yelled some more. That afternoon, when she went out, she jammed a chair under the knob of my lockless bedroom door. I kicked it for a while but it didn't budge. Monday morning, I doubled my clothes again and hid my books in the closet to use the book bag for additional clothing. My plan was to go to school with my sisters then go right back out. It was really cold outside so I stayed in the hallway for a few minutes to warm up before leaving. The school counselor found me and made me go to my classroom. My teacher was skeptical about my story of forgetting to put my school things back in my book bag after staying over at a friend's house. He either didn't notice or chose to ignore the clean extra clothing.

I tried to talk to Georgie during recess but he gave me a dirty look and walked away. When I pursued him, he turned angrily and said, 'Get outta my face!'

My mother was waiting for me after school. She'd been called.

'You wanna run away? Fine! I'll just call the social workers to put you in a fucking foster home or maybe a fucking reformatory and see how you like that.'

I'd heard about foster homes and reformatories and wanted nothing to do with either. I felt completely and hopelessly trapped.

My punishment only lasted three days. It was too much trouble for my mother to come get me at school each day. She was a barmaid again and worked from eleven in the morning until seven-thirty at night. Saturday, after coyly looking unsuccessfully for Georgie in his neighborhood, I walked down to Times Square. There were johns on the street but they wanted older kids who could cum. In Herman's Playland, I spotted a john I knew but he said he had a date. It was a lie. He was the type who only took a kid once. He wanted new all the time.

I slipped coins into a pinball machine and began working the flippers and bumping. A boy slightly taller than me came along side to watch. He knew not to lean on the machine. His eyes followed the shiny metal balls. His body language urging the ball into pockets showed he was a player. When I finished he commented, 'Three thousand two sixty. I beat you by two hundred, uh, thirty.' His smile kept the boast from offending me as it normally would have.

He was slim with wavy brown hair and adventurous eyes that widened when he spoke. 'You come here a lot, don' cha.' he stated. 'To the Square, I mean.'

I had seen him before and was sure he was a hustler like me. 'Some.'

'You get any tricks today?'

I wasn't sure whether to play ignorant or accept that he knew. 'You?'

'Yeh, got a regular Saturdays at seven at the Port Authority. Guy on his way to work. Always gotta do it the john. John in a john.' He laughed at his joke.

He squinted at my eyes. 'Man, I'll bet the johns love your peepers. What color are they? Green? Grayish green?'

'Sorta green,' I answered self-consciously. 'What's your name?'

'John, really. What's yours?'


'Wanna try to score together?'

That request concerned me. What if he was an informer or set up kids for guys who forced things or didn't pay? 'Nah, I never do it with other kids.'

'Never say never, nothing is forever.' He laughed again. 'That's bullshit. I seen you with that blonde haired kid Georgie from up Ninth somewhere.'

'You callin' me a liar,' I said angrily though feeling ridiculous at the same time for trying to pass off something most of the kids and johns on the street knew wasn't true.

'Wow, you sure get excited easy.' He was smiling broadly. 'You don't gotta cover yourself with me.'

'Well, I just don't feel like it now.' I was still angry with him but then for putting me in such a difficult position where I felt I had to tell a stupid lie.

'Wanna play Roadrace? My quarter.'

The kid was persistent, his smile infectious. We played Roadrace. I beat him but had the feeling he let me. We played again with the same result and the same feeling. We moved to Skeeball and played three leisurely games. He won two with really smooth throws. All the while, he was asking questions about my age, where I lived, did I have a father, did my mother hassle me about being away so much, and school: did I go all the time, what grade, did I fail any grades. With each question, he gave his answer after I gave mine. He was twelve and lived in Queens with his grandfather. His parents had split apart six years before and dumped him there. He made it to school about three times a week and was still in fourth grade from failing so much.

'I don't know what's gonna happen now since my grandfather died last week. My aunt says I'm goin' to a foster home on Monday. You ever been in a foster home?'

He turned his head like he was looking at a pistol shooting game but I could tell he was hiding his face. His voice was almost hushed when he asked if I'd been in a home. Was he crying? 'No,' I answered, completely empty of any other words.

'It'll probly be okay. If it ain't, I got plenty of money.' He leaned over as if to tie his shoe and wiped his face on his sleeve. It was wet when he rose.

'Don't you got other relations you can stay with?'

'Shit, lots, but they all say they can't. They all got reasons why they can't. So I try it. Never say never, nothing is forever.'

That was the second time he had said that. He was hurting and I just wanted to get away from him and his pain, and felt guilty that I did.

'Wanna burger? My treat,' he offered.

He gave me a way to get rid of some of my feeling of guilt. 'Nah, let's go to Tad's and I pay this time.'

John, my new friend, put his arm over my shoulder. We walked briskly like long time pals down to Forty-Second, across Broadway and Seventh Ave and up the street to the steakhouse. His stories about his grandfather told of a complicated love / hate relationship. He loved him minimally because the old man was the only person willing to take him in. But he hated the uneven discipline, his grandfather's occasional drunken binges during which he became violent, often hitting John hard enough to draw blood. It was that side of his grandfather that sent him out away from the neighborhood as often as possible. Johns could be good friends; some were good listeners and let him spend the night when his grandfather was too drunk to notice.

He convinced me to look for a trick with him.

Kids from Harrison, New Jersey were on Forty Second when we got back, six of them, blonds or light brown haired. They'd probably get picked up before us. That had been the main advantage of hustling with Georgie. All that blond hair attracted immediate attention from johns on the hunt.

John and I checked out the Port Authority Bus Terminal then, finding it lacking any business potential, walked back up toward the Square. A man John knew pulled him inside a store entry and asked about me. John shrugged his shoulders and pointed my way with his chin. The man hesitated then made an offer that John relayed to me.

'He wants to have us together like that's some new thing. I know him; he's just weird is all. We do him and he pays ten.'




We walked about thirty feet behind him. John said that's what he wanted. In the hotel, we went straight to the stairs and the second floor. We were sitting on the steps when he came up and shooed us down the hall.

The john called my new friend Johnny. John rolled his eyes at me when he did. `It's because he says his name is John which is bullshit. I seen this one's driver's license. It's Horace. How'd you like to be called Horace? My name's John, just plain old John.'

The man was a 'shower first' type so we crowded into the tub and washed each other. He had a strange body, all skinny with a huge belly. John washed the man's cock, opening the tip and holding it under the spray to be sure it was clean.

The john was a kisser. Much as I thrilled at the idea of kissing Georgie and enjoyed it with Nancy and Kenny, sucking face with facial hair stubble and tobacco breath was a total turn off. I let him kiss my cheeks but turned away every time he got close to my lips. John, however, frenched with the man. But his dick stayed soft while doing it.

What the john wanted next was for us to suck him simultaneously, one over the top, the other on the sides. He had to lie flat on his back or it would have been impossible with that gut of his. Meanwhile, he alternated looking at us working his dick and sucking each of ours. He didn't stay on me long enough to get me remotely close to orgasm.

'We s'posed to take it in the mouth when he cums?' I asked John in a whisper while the man worked on him.

'Yeh, that's what he wants but just follow my lead.'

After about fifteen minutes, the man fingering our asses, his cock was stiffened. John touched me on the shoulder and motioned that we should work the sides of the head to the hairs. Our lips touched as we slid up and down together. It was a turn on for me. I couldn't see John's cock to see how he felt about it.

The man gripped my ass cheek and shot into the air. John had aimed his cock so the scum went up on his stomach and not on us. A real pro, I thought.

We didn't get off but we did get ten to split. It was nearing one o'clock.

The Harrison crew was nowhere to be seen when we returned. There was a threesome of Spanish kids from the South Bronx. John knew them and nodded their way as we passed.

'The kid in the middle had the clap just a few weeks ago' said John. 'This man nurse give him and them others needles but I wouldn't wanna go with nobody they been out with for a while.'

A tall man with a van parked on Eleventh Avenue picked us up next. He looked clean and John had seen him on the street before. We went to a motel in New Jersey not far from the Holland Tunnel. He wanted to fuck one of us. I said no way. The offer went from five each to five for the one who didn't and ten for the one who did.

'Ten and fifteen and you gotta deal,' offered John.

I hoped he wasn't offering me because that was something I wasn't about to do.

'That's twenty-five dollars', protested the john.

'It's gonna hurt', retorted John.

The man looked us over. 'Who?'

'Me,' answered John. Although a bit taller, John was thinner and definitely lighter than me. I could not imagine the man's at least seven inches fitting inside that small body.

The man sighed and said, 'Okay.'

'Not that we don't trust you but this is gonna hurt a lot so I want the money up front.'

We were too far from the city to scam this guy. Maybe John had been stiffed before. The man laid twenty-five dollars on the nightstand. Fiddling in his pants pocket, he then came up with a tube of KY.

John turned to me. 'Don't worry, I know how to do this.'

We watched the man grease up.

'Okay, now get on your back an' I'll put it in,' said John.

'Twenty-five dollars and we do it my way', insisted the man.

'I know how to get it in without me getting killed. Soon as it's all the way in, we can do whatever you want.'

The man sighed again and laid back, his legs over the side of the bed.

John stood on the bed and stepped across the hairy body, straddling it, face toward the man's. He squatted, reaching back to get hold of that huge cock. I sat on the floor between the man's feet and watched up close. John placed the cockhead against his little pucker. I didn't see any way it was going to fit without ripping him open. John settled down on the head then stood back up.

'Better give me some of your grease', he told the man.

It was supplied. John took off the cap, stuck the end in his hole and gave the tube a squeeze. A blob came out around the opening. John pulled the tube out, put the cap back on and handed it to the impatient customer. He lowered himself again, guiding the huge dong to its destination. Again, he settled on it. I watched the skin spread wider and wider until the head was in to its rim. John moved his ass back and forth slightly, leaned a bit forward so he could put his fingertips on the man's gut. John's rectum stretched wider as the cockhead disappeared inside. I was stiff as a board.

John raised himself upright and started down. I watched in amazement as half the seven inches slipped inside. John stopped and leaned forward again, pulling his ass and the man's cock forward. He moved his hips a bit to the right and slid down the greased pole until he was sitting on the man's pubic hair, the huge cock completely inside him. I looked quickly in front. John's cock was soft. His eyes were closed, his face relaxed.

'Okay, how do you want to do it?' asked John.

'Let's just stay like this for a while,' answered the man, obviously no longer impatient.

I got back down on the floor. John sat up, his ass now further down on the man's crotch. I was very curious to know what it felt like for John, and the man.

'Go up and down on it,' requested the john.

John leaned forward and raised himself. A ring of stretched flesh surrounded the cock as it slipped out, clean and shiny with KY and the John's own juices. The ring popped back in when John lowered himself again from halfway up the shaft. He repeated it several times.

'Go higher,' said the man.

John went right to the top. I could see the bottom of the cockhead pushing out before John slid back down. He kept doing it, sliding up and down. I wanted to touch the manshaft and feel John's soft flesh. I moved in close enough to hear the greasy sound of flesh sliding against flesh. I put my hands lightly on John's ass cheeks, following the movement. I let one of my fingers slip in and feel the extending skin of John's hole as he rose. It was ever so smooth, like the inside of my cheek.

I reached around and felt john's cock. It was hard. I massaged it. It got harder.

The man grabbed John's hips and stopped him. 'Turn around.'

John sat upright and revolved on the axle. The john pushed himself higher on the bed and pulled John flat on top of him. I moved to maintain the view.

The john began fucking. Watching the huge wong slide in and out of John's stretched hole was becoming too much to bear. I had to do something for my cock. I held my fingers on the manshaft and as it slid in and out, greasing them up and getting more excited. Eyes affixed on the action, I began to slowly masturbate myself. It wasn't enough. I took John's cock in my other hand and worked it too. The man was grunting softly. He rolled to his side and increased the length and force of each thrust. The grunts became louder groans then muffled growls. John grabbed my hand with both of his, holding it tight against his crotch. I was close. The man jammed in. I let go of my cock and felt the base of the man's. He was cumming. I could feel the globs of sperm fire up his shaft and into John's gut.

The man rolled over, pinning John and our hands beneath him. John's body all but disappeared. The man's buttocks flexed as he made several final short thrusts. Finally, he rolled back to his side. John's cock was soft. Gradually, the man's cock softened too and slipped out to the head, which seemed stuck inside. John pulled hips forward and it popped out like a soft turd, falling lifeless onto the bed.

I looked at John's stretched hole expecting to see pieces of torn tissue or at least some blood. There was none, not even redness.

John sat up and grinned. Softly he repeated, 'Never say never, nothing is forever.'

The john offered to suck us off but John said he had to take a shit. My friend picked up the money and went into the bathroom with me close behind.

'How bad did it hurt?' I asked once the door was closed.

'Not that bad 'cept at the end. He got really big when he came.'

He sat on the toilet. 'This might take a while but if I don't, sometimes it's like diarrhea and comes out later in my underwear.'

'Shit,' I said looking at his torso trying to gauge where the cock head must have been when it shot its load, 'had to be dam near up in your stomach when he came.'

'Nah, you gotta learn about your insides. He was in my colon and large intestine. Goes like this.' He ran his finger from his crotch up toward the left side of his gut. 'Just look in your science book where it shows the digestive system.'

'Where'd you get that 'never say never, nothing is forever' from?' I asked.

'My grandfather always said that no matter how hard something looks, you can handle it and whatever it is, it can't last forever. Never say never, nothing is forever.'

It took about five minutes but John let off some nasty wet farts and brown goo dripped out of his asshole.

We showered, dressed and had the john take us to Tenth Avenue and Forty-Second Street. He wanted a date the next week. He wanted to fuck me. I declined. John said he'd be on the Square but made no commitment. I figured he'd have to wait a month for his ass to recover.

After eating three pieces of pizza each, we parted with a promise to try and find each other the next day or the next week. I felt a great loss when he disappeared into the Time Square subway station.

Next: Chapter 4

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