Never Say Never

Published on May 10, 2003


I almost didn't go to school the next day. It wouldn't have been a lie that my stomach hurt. It ached terribly. But if I didn't show up, the bastards would feel they beat me, scared me off. That was out of the question.

Still, it was with great trepidation that I walked into the schoolyard, head down, shuffling. My ears were primed to hear even the lowest whisper about me. My eyes were alert for anyone looking my way. Though I didn't see or hear anything as I crossed to the main door, it still seemed that everyone on the playground was watching me.

Kenny met me inside. He had my T-shirt. He held it out to me. I pushed past him. The undershirt I was wearing was the only one I had left. If mother found out I'd lost the other, she'd raise hell but there was no way I'd accept that evidence of the previous day's disaster.

One thing was quickly certain. They said nothing. Even a whisper about what had happened would have passed through all the upper grades long before I walked through the door. We were at an impasse. I still vowed to wait my chance and get them one by one. They would pay!

The two months after the basement incident were the loneliest of my life. I avoided Kenny and the whole group, watching television in the apartment of a woman who said she was my aunt though I never figured out how, or wandering all over the area, even down to Times Square just a few block away.

It was Thanksgiving weekend the next time I ran into Georgie, the beautiful longhaired blonde who had watched up close at the blowjobs I'd been forced to give a few weeks before. I was in front of a store inside the Port Authority bus terminal on Forty Second Street looking at Swiss penknives I never figured to own.

'Hey, Spic, watcha doin' down here?' His voice was non- threatening, even a bit friendly.

'Fuck you,' I said.

'Hey man, I din't do nothin' to you. It was Ronny and them so don' go gettin' mad at me.'

He was right and I wasn't really angry with him, just angry. It was actually good to see him, to see anyone friendly, but I certainly wasn't about to admit it. I frowned and continued looking at the displayed cutlery.

'So what you doin' here?' he amiably asked again.


He looked at me carefully. 'You ain't down here hustling, are you?'

I had no idea what he was talking about and just stared quizzically.

'You looking to meet somebody?'

I was still puzzled. Georgie stepped close and spoke in a conspiratorial loud whisper. 'I mean trying to make money with a John.'

My silence told him of my ignorance. 'You don't know nothing about Johns do you. Man, you're missin' out. A kid who can suck like you can make a bundle with these guys. They'll give up to five bucks for a good blowjob.'

That angered me but my curiosity overruled. 'What the fuck are you talking about?'

'Jesus H. Christ, Spic. There's men come here and Times Square from New Jersey and Connecticut and all over looking for boys like us for sex. I just let them blow me and get two, three dollars a pop. Sometimes I can make twelve or fifteen dollars on a weekend just getting my rocks off for these faggots. And some of 'em even take you places. I been to Coney Island maybe five times this year. They took me to a shitload of movies. Ain't you never heard of hustling?'

'Yeh, I heard something about it.' I had but didn't know what it meant. 'You do all that here? Where do they do it, in a bathroom or where?'

'Sometimes, but that's dangerous. The cops can get you in there. No, I only go to hotels or in a car or their house but you gotta be careful who you let take you to their house. I heard some kids disappeared, prob'ly murdered when they let some guy they didn't know take them somewhere far. I only go to a guy's house when if I know him good or some other kid says he's okay. You wanna try it? I'm meeting a John here in a copla minutes and he always wants me to bring another kid. He pays two bucks but buys you whatever you wanna eat. Bet he'll pay you double if you blow him. An' I won't tell nobody.'

I didn't really want to blow a man. I wanted to blow Georgie. Maybe, I thought, we could play strip poker at the man's house and I could lose and have to suck off Georgie. 'Where's he gonna take us?'

'He always takes kids to the Holland Hotel, you know, on 42. You gonna do it? C'mon, it's fun and you'll get some spending money.'

I agreed with a nod but couldn't help thinking about how I could get Georgie naked and suck on his pretty pecker.

The man was bigger than I expected and wore a great black overcoat and a broad rimmed hat. He smiled when he saw Georgie and nodded pleasantly at me. 'Who's your friend?'

'We call him Spic 'cuz he's Porto Rican. He wants to come with us.' Georgie leaned in close and whispered, 'He gives blow jobs.'

'Oo, yummy,' replied the man.

I felt trapped and unsure about going into the hotel. But, it was worth it for the money.

'You've got beautiful eyes,' said the man staring at me.

It was the first time a man had ever made that comment.

First, we ate at a hamburger booth in the bus terminal. It was the first commercial burger I'd had in a long time, since the previous summer when Ray Hoolihan bought me one at a bar on 8th Avenue. The man chatted amiably with Georgie and tried to do so with me. He asked my real name and told Georgie that he shouldn't call me Spic any more, to use Ray. He asked about school and sports. Georgie lied about being on a football team and said I was on it too and really good. I liked hearing Georgie talk about me like I was a friend even if it was all bullshit. I lied that I was getting good marks in school even though Georgie and I both knew I was failing in about everything but gym.

Finally, it was time to earn our money. All I could think about was the possibility of seeing Georgie naked. Blowing the dick of a big hairy man was well worth it especially if I got to suck Georgie too.

Georgie guided me to the stairs as the man paid for the room. 'He always gets a room on the second floor.'

'Don't that hotel man want to know how come he's got us?'

`Sure but he don't give a shit long's he gets paid.'

It seemed okay then. I wondered how many kids came to the hotel for sex. I wondered how many kids from my neighborhood and school came there with a man and wondered what they'd think or say if they saw me here. But they couldn't say anything if they were doing the same as us.

The room was shadowy with the curtain drawn and smelled dirty but not like an apartment on 48th Street, just different. Neither Georgie nor the man turned on the light. They both started to get undressed. I couldn't take my eyes off my new friend, anticipating each new view of bare skin. I took my clothes off hardly thinking about what I was doing. Once down to his underpants, Georgie jumped up on the bed, wiggled his hips like he was dancing and slowly slid his red underwear down and off. He was beautiful, his beauty enhanced by the dim light. I walked around the bed trying not to show my interest in his body while not taking my eyes off it. His hairless boycock was still soft but mine was hard as steel. His ass was small but round enough to invite touch.

The man interrupted my reverie. 'That's quite a body you've got, Ray. I can see why you're so good at football. Let me feel that muscle.'

I grinned at Georgie and flexed my arm. Georgie looked on approvingly. The man pulled me onto the bed, close to him, his abundant body hair tickling my side. His cock was as hard as mine and really big.

'Go ahead, suck him off, Spic, I mean Ray.'

'Not so fast, I'm gonna do you guys first.' He rolled me back along side Georgie and pushed us both flat. Georgie put his hands behind his head and winked at me. The man fondled our cocks with his beefy fingers. It felt nice.

'You've got a nice pecker too, Ray.' Mine was as long as Georgie's, maybe longer, with him older. I felt a surge of pride.

The man leaned over and took my dick into his mouth. It felt good. His tongue was hot and wet all over my balls. Georgie got hard. I couldn't stop myself from reaching over and holding it. Georgie looked pleasantly surprised. I pulled myself closer to him wondering what he was going to think when I put my mouth on him. There was no way I could stop myself at that point. Georgie knew what I was thinking.

'Go ahead,' he whispered. Suck me.' He slid closer and turned on his side placing his stiff peter right where it needed to be.

I put my arm around his waist and pulled him close. His dick was incredibly delicious. I sucked and tongued his rod and wonderfully soft, round balls all over, not noticing that the man had stopped to watch me.

Georgie gently hugged my head and began pumping in time to my head bobs. I started pumping too but realized that I was no longer being ministered to. It didn't really matter. I was in heaven; Georgie's penis was the sweetest thing I'd ever tasted. My body seemed to float over the bed. The work I was doing was effortlessly ecstatic. I felt good all over, tingling with pleasure.

I rolled Georgie onto his back and ran my hands up and down his torso, feeling every curve, bone and muscle. I only faintly felt the man rubbing my back, buns and legs. Georgie tensed, his smooth stomach muscles hardening. I caressed his abdomen. His legs stiffened. His toes rubbed my legs. He grabbed my head and held it tight to him as his dick swelled and began throbbing. I wrapped my arms around him, hugging as hard as I could.

The man pushed his hand under me and felt my cock. It set off my orgasm. Pleasure rocketed through my body. I held Georgie even more tightly trying to get more of his crotch into my mouth.

The man must have known that we were temporarily spent. He caressed us both and talked for quite a while about school and football. I was embarrassed at my uncontrolled passion. Would Georgie now tell kids at school? He said he wouldn't but would he keep his word? The John didn't mention it.

When he finally was able to get Georgie's cock rigid again, the John sucked him, rolling his head every which way then going fast. Georgie had a second orgasm but I felt sure it couldn't have been as strong as the one he had with me. I was jealous but satisfied myself by lying tightly along side, face against Georgie's side, smelling the delicious boy odor, my arm over his chest. As he calmed down, he whispered in my ear.

'You gotta do him now.'

The man sat up. I saw his huge cock with its big fat head. Georgie pushed me from behind. The man lay back, extending an arm in my direction. He wanted to do me. His technique was the same as with Georgie, and it worked. I came in just a few minutes.

Then it truly was my turn. I pulled Georgie with me so he'd be along side as I did it. He obliged.

The mancock wasn't nearly as wonderful tasting as Georgie's, not nearly as good as Kenny's in the basement a few weeks earlier, not very good at all. And it filled my mouth, stretched my lips. I could only get it halfway in before gagging. I sucked on the massive head.

Georgie put his hand on top of my head and moved me up and down. 'Use your tongue, they like that', he informed encouragingly.

I did what I could with that big hunk of meat stretching me every which way.

'Now, move your head back and forth too', Georgie instructed.

It didn't take long. The head bloated, pushing my tongue down. I wasn't ready for the foul taste of the huge amount of cum that shot into my mouth. I snapped my head up, spiting it out all over the man's crotch. Georgie laughed. The man apologized.

'I'm sorry, I didn't know you didn't like it, I'm sorry. Go wash your mouth out in the bathroom.'

The water only diluted the taste.

He gave us five dollars each and told me to buy some chewing gum.

I did and it helped.

'Let's get another one', suggested Georgie enthusiastically.

It was only one thirty. We walked up the north side of 42nd street toward Broadway making only as far as Jack's Porn Parlor before a decent looking man in his thirties crossed the street watching us all the way. Georgie's experienced eye caught him before he was half way across. He grabbed my arm and we waited.

'Hi,' he said when he got to us. 'Haven't I seen you here before?' he asked Georgie.

We went to the Holiday Inn and did the whole scene again, less cum in my mouth, for another ten bucks. After a double feature at a Times Square theater, we went home with plans to meet the following morning at nine to do it again.

Sunday, we went three times. The first guy took us to a hotel on Forty Third Street where I had the first shower of my young life. In the two apartments I'd lived in, there'd only been bathtubs. Our last pickup was with two men who did us on both sides of the same bed at a small hotel in lower Manhattan we had reached by subway. Then, I did each of them while Georgie and the other man watched. One had wanted to fuck me but I refused. Sunday netted me seventeen dollars. We had to negotiate for the extra with the duo and pay our own subway fare. I didn't get a chance to suck Georgie though I'd have given up some of my earnings to do so.

The following Wednesday before school, Kenny was waiting for me on the stoop when I came out on my way to school. He had my undershirt balled up in his hand. I tried to ignore him.

`Hey, Spic, look, man, I'm sorry about what happened.'

That caught my attention but I walked quickly up the street anyway. Kenny caught up to me.

`Look, man, hey, I said I'm fuckened sorry. I just got all horny is all. Nobody meant nothing by.'

I turned on him, fire in my eyes. `Fuck you din't mean nothin! Shit.' There was a look of genuine contriteness on Kenny's face. It completely wiped my mind of any more words. I turned away and continued on toward the corner, but not as fast as before.

`Look, take your shirt an' after school lemme buy you some pizza or somethin' to make up for what happened. Just you an' me. None a them big guys. Okay, Spic?'

He pushed the balled up T-shirt at me. The anger was still in me but somewhat muted by Kenny's seemingly sincere apology, something no one had ever offered me. I accepted the T-shirt without looking at Kenny and started across Ninth Avenue.

`So, we get something to eat after school?' he asked again.

`I dunno.'

`I'll wait for you down at Tony's, after school.'

I didn't reply nor plan to meet him.

I was even more distracted than usual in class. Why had Kenny tried to make up? Was my father behind it? That was the only reason that made sense. Kenny had never shown any real friendship during our month and a half acquaintainship. Kids like him never apologized for anything. And if the bigger kids from the basement group saw him with me, especially buying me something, they would make remarks. By midmorning, my mind was consumed with vivid, erotic memories of sucking Kenny's chunky, smooth cock. That's when another reason for his renewed interest in me popped into my head. Did he want to get sucked again? Screw him! After all the shit he put me through. He was one of those urging on Ronny to jam that big, ugly cock down my throat. I ought to kick his ass just for thinking I'd do anything with him after all that!

But my mid afternoon, the possibility of having his peter back between my lips was overcoming my pride. I even got a hard on thinking about it. I wondered what his cock, now probably a bit larger, would feel like up my ass. By the time the bell rang at two forty-five, all my inhibitions had crumbled. I got to the pizzeria before Kenny. He smiled when he saw me in front.

Conflicting needs kept me from looking him in the eye: machismo versus curiosity about his motives but prevented me from pushing off the arm he dropped over my shoulder as he led me through Tony's old wood and glass door, setting off the bell hanging above it.

Kenny ordered us both a slice and Cokes then we retreated to a small table by the wall. Man, I'm really sorry about what happened in the basement. I don't hang with them guys, Ronny an' Jerry, any more cuz a it.' He paused. I still hadn't looked him in the eye but could feel him looking at me.

Tony's pimpled teenage son called Kenny over to get his order. The pizza was good. It occurred to me that with the money I was making on the Square with Georgie, pizza was finally very affordable. Then another thought struck me. What if Georgie had told Kenny about what we'd done the previous weekend? Was this about getting sucked off again? I allowed myself a look at his face. He was watching me and smiled.

`We square, Spic?'

I ignored his plea. `You still hang with Georgie an' Lester?'

He seemed unprepared for that question. `Yeh, sometimes.'

It was in his eyes. Georgie had told him. He leaned back in the chair and cracked a smile. Shit, Spic, don' worry, you know I ain't gonna say nothin'. I go to Forty Two sometimes too. Wanna go to my place? Ain't nobody there til almost five.'

That cleared the air. He wanted a blowjob. Much as I tried to deny it to myself, I really did want his cock in my mouth. There was a raging doubt in my mind about what this would entail long term. Was this going to be an everyday expectation? What would happen if I said no? Was this just a sex thing or were we going to hanging around together again? He read my mind.

`Jus' try it today is all.'

I stared at him over my pizza. He bit into his. The horniness was all over him. I couldn't have turned him down no matter what concerns entered my worried mind.

`Don't say nothin' to Georgie.'

Kenny ran his finger over his lips.

Kenny lived in a rear fourth floor apartment on Ninth Avenue between Forty Sixth and Forty Seventh Streets, a mere forty yards from Tony's. He let us in with a key on a string under his shirt. On the way over, he told me that his younger sister and brother were in the day care center on Forty Fifth Street and his fourteen year old brother was at a friend's house where he went just about everyday until dinnertime at seven. His mother got home from work at six. Two older brothers worked in Brooklyn and got home after six. It was only three fifteen so had the apartment to ourselves for nearly two hours. We went straight to his bedroom. Kenny closed the door and tossed his coat on the bed. He started stripping off his pants without taking off his shoes. His cock was stiff as board and a bit larger than before, nearing four inches in length. His balls had dropped and hung invitingly. He pushed off his shoes when his pants refused to slide over them. I wanted him naked.

`Take off your shirt too,' I ordered.

He obeyed, almost tearing off buttons, then flopped back on the bed wearing only his green socks, a hole in the toe of one. I untied my tenners.

`Hey, Spic, I ain't doin' you. Nothin' against.'

I'm just taking off my shoes.' But I really wanted to be naked too and feel his flesh against mine. I wanna be naked too. You don't gotta do nothin'.' I ran my hand over his crotch. It was very warm.

Kenny pursed his lips and shrugged. Being without underpants or socks, I was nude in seconds. He accepted my nudge and moved further up on the bed. I pulled his legs together and lay on them, my hard peter against his ankle. His cock was hot and delicious. I held it still in my mouth for a few seconds. Kenny pushed upward. I felt the soft skin of his ball sack and reached in to caress it. Kenny lifted and spread one knee to allow my hand in but didn't pull his other foot away from my cock. I pushed the balls up and into my mouth with his dick. They felt wonderful to my tongue. Kenny arched his hips higher and gently pushed my head down with one hand. I moved my head back and forth making his dick slide side to side inside my mouth. Kenny began short thrusts, both of his hands holding my head by the ears.

I let his balls slip out and into my hand. They were wet and slippery between my fingers. His breathing became audible. I ran my mouth up and down his shaft in time to his hip movements. His cock grew thicker and harder. I humped mine against his foot. He flexed his toes against it. I let go of his balls and wrapped my arms under his thighs and hands up under his flexing ass cheeks. His hands tightened around my head. His cock began a sharp pumping. Kenny moaned and pushed my head hard into his crotch. Something with a sweet taste rolled over the back of my tongue. I savored it without swallowing and humped harder into his foot, quickly reaching my own orgasm.

We lay like that for what seemed like five minutes but was probably only one.

`Spic, you get off?'

`Mmmhmmm,' I answered.

`Spic, I'll beat you off if you'll do it again,' said Kenny in a half whisper.

Keeping his cock in my mouth, I raised myself off his legs and changed direction placing my crotch beside his shoulder.

`Wait a copla minutes. Keep it in your mouth.'

I felt his hand softly take hold of my cock and balls. Eventually, he started pushing into my mouth. I wanted to slide on top of him and feel his body pressed against mine. He didn't resist when I pushed in closer to him; rather, he rolled onto his side and let his upper arm embrace my hips. He rested his head on my thigh and ran his fingers up and down my dick. His hips moved back and forth slowly. It took him longer the second time. I got off first. I pressed my abdomen into him so he'd stop masturbating me. He didn't let go but wrapped his hand around my cock and pumped harder into my face. There was no sweet taste the second time but the throbbing was just as hard.

After a few minutes, he said, `you are really good at this, Spic. Wanna do it again tomorrow?'

Sensing the possibility of a friendship, I readily agreed. My hopes were raised even more when he suggested we watch TV together until his mother came home. The next day after sex, we went back to Tony's for pizza. He left me there with some bullshit about having to do homework. Kenny paid other kids to do his homework.

Saturday when I met Georgie to go hustling, he made no mention of Kenny. By Sunday evening when I got home, I'd sucked off Georgie four times, men six times swallowing their nasty tasting cum in all but one case and been fucked between the legs by a cock too big for my mouth. Due to some sharp negotiating by Georgie, we carried forty-six dollars each.

Kenny waited until Tuesday to again seek out my services. I'd planned to go the basement and use my fucking machine. Once again, he was ahead of me. After our first orgasm, he fingered my asshole.

`Let me fuck you, Spic.'

My first impulse was to agree but began to feel used. I felt certain he'd never suck me or let me screw him but he might go for my dick between his legs like some of the men had done with me.

`You gotta let me get off too, between your legs.'

Before or after?' He laughed. Do it before an' you can fuck me.'

I sat up and looked him in the eye to see if he was serious. He seemed slightly embarrassed, perhaps regretting his invitation. I lay on top of him and gave him a hug, which he returned. I felt him relax and kiss my cheek. I returned the favor. His hands gently pulled my head up and my lips to his. He opened his mouth and began kissing, pushing his tongue deep into my mouth, wrapping it around mine. I'd never considered doing this and hadn't much of an idea what to do. Many of my customers had tried, sometimes a bit forcefully, to kiss my on the mouth but I'd steadfastly refused, equally as forcefully when necessary. Whiskers, even fine stubble, was a strong turnoff for me. But Kenny's face was smooth as mine. For a while, I just enjoyed the feel and intimacy of his lips and tongue. His one arm held me tight to him while the other caressed my hair. He was nearly as frantic as I felt. Gradually, I copied what he was doing until I was fully into the action. I found myself short of breath a couple of times. I grabbed Kenny's head and pulled it tightly to mine. Our teeth clicked together as our tongues darted in and out of each other's mouths.

Twice, Kenny let saliva drip out of our mouths on his fingers and transferred it to my cock.

`Fuck me now,' he grunted as he raised his knees to my ribs.

His fingers guided my cockhead to his hole then his other hand pressed my ass down. I felt the soft, liquid warmth as my cock slid full inside him. Legs flexed, my toes dug into the sheets as I pressed forward trying to push my crotch as tight to him as possible. Ecstasy spread through my middle and up into my chest. It took my breath away. I had to pull my mouth off his to fill my emptied lungs with air. His hand reached between my ass cheeks and pulled me partially out then pushed me back inside again. No further instruction was needed. I fucked slowly trying not to cum too quickly. Kenny slid his mouth from mine and back to my right ear, which he sucked in.

`Go in harder, more,' he pled into my ear while pulling his knees higher.

I obeyed, raised my middle and banged into him deeply as I could. On the third hard thrust I felt his hole tighten suddenly as though a drawstring had been yanked hard. His hands urged me to go faster. I lifted up on my hands and thrust hard and fast. I came seconds later. I looked down toward where my dick disappeared inside my new friend and saw a couple of clear drops of liquid on Kenny's gut just above his still throbbing cock. When I looked at his face he was smiling. I grinned back and dropped on top of him. He embraced me and let his knees fall back, pulling my very slick cock out of his hole. One hand slid behind my head and held it tightly against his shoulder. He was breathing very hard, almost like he was crying.

I began to grapple with what had just happened. Kenny almost certainly liked boys just as I did. I pushed my hands under his shoulders and hugged him as hard as he was holding me. His breathing became longer but deeper. Then I felt the dripping on my hand. The drops were tears. He was crying. Had I hurt him? There was no way. I was much smaller than him and could shove the sweeper handle nearly a foot up my own ass. Was he upset that he'd let me do this to him; maybe afraid I'd say something? Should I tell him that I'd never say anything, never? I tugged harder on his shoulders. I couldn't get any words out of my mouth.

I've no idea how long we lay on his bed locked together. Finally, though, with no thought to do it, I raised my head and kissed him long on the cheek. I saw the tracks of the tears that had run over the bridge of his nose and down the side of his face. Without opening his eyes, he turned his head and kissed my lips briefly before puling me close again.

`We better get dressed before somebody comes home,' he whispered.

I wanted to tell him he could still fuck me if he wanted but his demeanor said sex was over for the afternoon.

We went to a sub shop on Ninth Avenue and split a cheeseburger sub and a quart of Seven Up.

My house is all crazy as shit,' he commented at one point. You think your mother'd let me stay some nights at your house?'

I doubted it. `I dunno. I'll ask her but she don't like Irish people. She thinks they're all crooks.' As I said it I remembered that Kenny had a brother working with my crooked father, another in a reformatory and that he was on probation.

Kenny grinned. `Like your old man, an' me.' The grin became a laugh. I joined him.

`How come you're on probation?' I asked.

Shit. My brother got me with these guys rob stores like groceries. We only do it far away like after Fourteen Street an' near subways where we can get away fast. This guy's got all the train schedules so there's one the minute we run into the station. Trouble is the trains get late sometimes. Fuckened transit cops saw him get all pissed off when one wasn't there and hit this bag a money against a pole an' it broke and the money went all over. All a us had guns but never got a chance to pull em out they was on us so quick.'

`You'd a shot a cop?'

`Shit, not me. I never took mine out for nothin'. Anyway, I was just the lookout.'

`You ain't still doin' that, are you?'

Kenny lowered his head and shrugged his shoulders.

`You get caught again and they'll put you in the reformatory with your brother.'

`Don' worry, I'll be okay. You gonna talk to your mother?'

I did and she told me I was crazy hanging around with Irish trash, that she better not catch me with one of those criminals. What, I wondered, would she say or do if she knew I was hustling my body with one and having sex with two. I considered my basement hideout. Kenny and I both had enough money between us to buy a mattress and sleep there together.

On the playground the next morning, Kenny was with older boys and nodded that I shouldn't come up to him. In the hall as we went in, he told me to meet him in the boys' room at nine fifteen. Since I didn't have a watch and no one near me in class did either I kept trying to catch a look at my teacher's wristwatch. I even went up to his desk and asked a stupid question, how much were seven times seven, in an attempt to see the time. Finally, I acted anxious and asked to go pee. Mr. Martinson sighed and let me go. `You've got three minutes,' he told me and looked at his watch.

`What time is it,' I asked.

`Nine twenty-two,' he replied.

I rushed out. Kenny was waiting impatiently.

`I ain't got no watch and don't nobody else neither.'

`So what'd your mother say,' he asked.

`No way. She don't even want me near no Irish kids.'

Kenny pulled me by the sleeve into a toilet stall and

closed the door. He wrapped me in his arms and gave me

a deep tongue kiss then, `Don' worry, we'll figger

somethin' out. Wanna go to my place tomorrow after

school. I can't today.'


`We better get back to class.' He kissed me again and pushed us both out to the hall.

Kenny didn't eat lunch with me but sat where we could look at each other. Several times he grinned and winked. As usual, I was alone so could concentrate just on him.

The following afternoon, we met at his stoop and went right up, stripping the minute he closed the apartment door, naked but for his socks by the time we reached his bed. He rushed back and kicked the door closed. He slipped and fell while trying to take his sock off on the way back to the bed but rebounded off the floor and jumped on top of me. For a moment, he just gazed at my lips then slowly dropped his face to mine and began kissing.

`Kenny?' came a girl's voice from outside the door.

Kenny jumped up and stared at the door. `Shit, Nancy's home,' he whispered.

`Kenny, who's in there? Open the door.'

Kenny went for his pants. I followed suit. Nancy began knocking.

`Kenny, c'mon, let me in. It's just me here. I wanna watch.'

That shocked me. She knew at least something about what we were doing. `Kenny, what's she wanna watch?'

Kenny stopped dressing and sat on the bed, still staring at the door. I stopped too and looked at him. `She know what we're doin'?'

Shit!' he whispered harshly. She knows I been blowed before an' fucked this other kid. Kid was little an' told her. I had to let her watch a couple times.'

So I wasn't Kenny's first. How many had he brought up here? Did he make out with them all, let them fuck him too?

The knocking began anew, harder. `Kenny! You better let me in!' She was becoming agitated.

Shit, shit!' he muttered. Just a minute.' He turned to me and kissed me on the mouth, pushing his tongue full in. `We can't do none of that with her in here. She don't know anything, well, about that. Don' worry though. She ain't gonna say nothing.'

I nodded.

There was a loud bang on the door. `Kenny!'

I'm comin'. Calm down.' He walked to the door and opened it. Nancy pushed in looking to see who was with him. She was obviously surprised it was me. Spic? Shit. Well I never. You suck cock?'

Kenny pushed in front of her. `Shit, Nancy, we're just beatin' off. He ain't like that.

She stood, feet apart and looked me over with her big blue eyes. I'm sure my face was no help in convincing her.

`You hustle with Georgie, don't you? Sharon seen you two together goin' down Ninth a couple weeks ago.'

I had no idea how to respond. Kenny tried to save me.

`Shit, he don't even know what it is. Shuttup, Nancy. You wanna watch us beat off, you gotta get naked too.'

Still staring at me, she immediately pushed off her shorts. Kenny unbuttoned his jeans and let them drop. I took off my T-shirt. Nancy took off hers. She had little nubs for tits. Other than that, she had a boyish body with a flat tummy but no lump where a cock would be. She stuck her thumbs in the elastic of her panties and cocked her head, eyes on my middle. I slid down my pants, my semi-hard cock bouncing out. Nancy smiled and pushed her panties to her knees. Lifting on leg and exposing a sliver of warm pink vagina, she let them fall to the floor and stepped out. Naked, her soft hips gave her more of a feminine figure. Kenny pulled my arm and motioned me to the bed.

He crawled up to the backboard and began playing with himself. I sat beside him. Nancy slid in beside me, her warm bare leg touching mine.

That's a nice cock you got, Spic. Can you cum yet? Nah, your balls r' too little. Want me to beat you off?'

I looked to Kenny for guidance. He shrugged his shoulders. I pulled my hand away from my crotch. Nancy reached in and took hold of my fully stiff dick. She fiddled with my balls then began masturbating me. Kenny didn't seem bothered with the situation so I lay back a bit more to allow for greater enjoyment.

`You wanna feel mine?' Nancy asked me spreading her legs.

That hardened my dick even more. I put my hand between her legs and pressed gently into the soft little slit. She shoved her hand in, spread the lips and pushed my fingers inward. It was damp and hot inside. I was unsure what to do so stuck a finger up in her. Nancy grabbed my hand and yanked it up to her mouth, sticking my index and middle finger into her mouth where she sucked them in, covering them with saliva. She took them out dripping wet and replaced them in her slit.

`Now, go all the way in,' she whispered in my ear.

I pushed my two wetted fingers up in as far as I could. There was plenty of space in there. I opened and closed the fingers, moving around the warm flesh I felt inside.

I glanced at Kenny. He was watching, a blank expression on his face, his right hand slowly masturbating himself as I'd seen him do in the basement months before.

Nancy held my now fully hard cock tighter. `Go in and out,' she ordered.

I obeyed.

`Higher,' she insisted.

I didn't understand and tried to push deeper. She pulled my hand against her clitoris, an organ I'd heard of but knew nothing about, and guided me to back and forth across it as I fucked her with my fingers.

At one point, she wet her own fingers, applying saliva to my cock, allowing her to slide her hand up and down my shaft. Each time I got close to getting off, she'd stop, get some more spit from her mouth and rub my perineum and testicles before going back to my cock.

Kenny looked across me at his sister. Seeing her eyes closed, he pulled my chin to him and kissed me deeply. I returned his passion and reached over, nudging his hand out of the way so I could take over manipulating his cock.

Then, Kenny said in my ear, `you wanna fuck her? She's ready.'

I looked at Nancy's face. Her eyes were closed, mouth open.

`Go ahead. Ask her. She let the other kid do it.' he whispered.

I pushed in deeper. `Nancy.' was all I could get out.

Nothing more was needed. Nancy let go of my cock and said, `Get flat.'

I didn't understand for a moment. Kenny said, `Slide down on the bed and get flat.' My concept of heterosexual fucking had the male on top. I wasn't sure how she was going to accomplish it.

I pulled myself down with my feet and lay flat. Nancy crawled on top of me, her hot body covering mine perfectly. Reaching back between her thighs, she guided my cock into her slit. It was warm and wet but not nearly as tight as Kenny's hole. I pushed in far as I could. Nancy slid down a little, forcing my shaft against the top of her vagina. I pushed. Nancy dropped her mouth on mine and began French kissing just as Kenny had done, tongue wrapping around mine, pushing in and out. Her eyes were closed. She pushed her hands under my ass cheeks and yanked repeatedly.

Another hand slipped between our legs and pressed gently against my thrusting cock and balls. Kenny slowly sat up then got on his knees behind his sister. I watched him dribbling saliva into his hand then dropping it presumably to his cock. He stretched out over us and moved in tight behind her. I suddenly occurred to me he was going to fuck her too. There was plenty of room inside her. His face was above her head, eyes staring at mine. I felt his weight added but not his cock. Nancy sucked hard on my tongue. That's when I realized he pushing into her ass. His thrusts moved me in and out of her. The thought of it brought me to orgasm.

Nancy didn't notice, just kept pulling on my ass to fuck her deeper. Kenny lifted up on his arms and fucked harder, banging her upward and increasing the length of my thrusts. I grabbed her ass and pulled the cheeks apart so Kenny could go deeper into her. He caressed my left cheek. Nancy's hair falling over my face blocked my view of Kenny. Nancy let her mouth slide down my cheek until she was able to suck on my shoulder. Kenny lowered himself immediately and put his mouth where hers had been. That lit his fuse. Seconds later rammed into her and grunted, then repeated it several times complete with the grunts. Nancy let go of one of my ass cheeks and grabbed Kenny's, pulling her to him as she had me. She hadn't cum yet and wanted everybody to keep going. I was already to head for my second orgasm so pumped away. Kenny fucked slowly and maintained his kissing.

Nancy began pulling my ass harder. I wished Kenny were inside me. The thought hardened my cock. I sucked on Kenny tongue, let go of one of Nancy's ass cheeks to run my fingers through Kenny's hair and pull to me. Kenny screwed harder, further increasing my passion. It worked on Nancy too. She began what sounded like humming in time to Kenny's thrusts and sucked harder on my shoulder. Gradually, I felt her muscles stiffen. Her fingers dug into my ass flesh. Kenny rose up on his arms again and banged into her hard enough to almost pop my dick out of her, rubbing her hard against the tip of my dick each time it slid out. Orgasm was close but stayed just short of fruition. I really wished Kenny had been fucking me. Kenny slammed into his sister so hard my cock came out. Nancy didn't seem to notice though her mouth relaxed and released my shoulder. Kenny rammed in three more times then rose up completely and grabbed Nancy's hips holding himself tightly inside.

Nancy turned her head to me and put her lips to my ear. I can't wait til you get bigger.' With that, she reached back, pushed Kenny's hand off her hip and sat up on my crotch. `How many times you get off?' she asked me.

`Almost two.'

`Next time you can do me back there,' she said pointing at her butt.

I was still horny after getting so close and watching Kenny and Nancy get off. But Kenny was getting dressed and Nancy said she was going to shower. She didn't invite me to join her.

Kenny and I went to Tony's for another cheeseburger sub. Even though I was full of questions, on our way we'd only discussed what we were going to order. Once seated with our food, I had to ask.

`How many kids you had up there with your sister?'

`You don't gotta be jealous. I ain't never done what we do with nobody else, just you.'

`I ain't jealous. But, how many?'

`You know Marty Moriarty, in third grade?'

I nodded no.

`Little, kinda reddish blonde haired kid, kinda skinny, wears a giants baseball hat sideways.'

I'd seen him around but never had any contact with him.

`An' Sonny Pacifico, cute curly blonde haired kid with muscles lives on my block, goes to St. Claire's.'

How many times?

`An' Billy Conner but you don' know him cuz he ain't in school yet, only four first time but sucks almost good as you. He's almost six now.'

`Jesus, four. Ain't you afraid he's gonna say somethin'?'

Nah, he knows he'll catch shit if he talks about sex. His mother smacks him for just saying shit'.'

Your sister fuck all of em?'

Nah, just Sonny n' Marty. Marty's got one almost long as yours but real skinny.'

`An' always like we did it?'

`With me screwin' her ass?'


`Yeh, she won't let me fuck her in front. Say we're brother an' sister so it ain't right.'

I leaned over the table and whispered. `I wished you was fuckin' me while I was fuckin' her.'

He smiled. `Me too but she can't get off with just a kid dick in her, needs somethin' bigger or me in her ass.'

`She been fucked by big kids?'

`Shit, she's been fucked by men. They pay her fifty dollars to do it.'

`Jesus, where's she do that?'

Hotels just like you an' Georgie. She's got a pimp who picks her up and takes her to em. I figure he's chargin' a shitload more than fifty. But he don't come more four, five times a month and she wants it more than that.'

`Georgie ever been up to your place for what we do?'

`Just once but all he wanted to do was beat off. I wanted him so bad but he might've said something to Lester and then, well, you know.'

`You know Nancy was in the house when we went in?'

`Nah, I just wanted you an' me.'

That made me feel warm, want to hug him. I took the first bite of my sub so I more for some time to think than from hunger.

`I got a place we can go if you want.'

Kenny looked at me thoughtfully. `Where?'

We took our subs to my basement and got naked on the cardboard. It wasn't as comfortable as Kenny's bed but his dick up my ass made me forget the lack of cushioning.

Next: Chapter 3

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