Never Say Never

Published on May 10, 2003


Sunday, I was preparing, out of habit, to go to the Square, but, on reflection, I realized that it didn't need to be part of my life any more. I had a great friend, a man who cared about me as much as any father and gave me spending cash. I had well over two hundred dollars stashed and the Square was always an option if I needed more. There was John. I liked him a lot and wanted to see him. But I had Cholito.

I sought out my best friend on Forty-Ninth and played on his street for a while with his friends, kids who only a few months earlier had been enemies. Tired of tag, we walked to the park, talking about school, problems with our parents, Mary Santos looking at Cholito nice or so he thought, and the mysteries of photography. We rented a rowboat at the lake and looked for fish, which we didn't find. Then, we walked farther north and climbed trees and rocks. By late afternoon, we took a subway on Eighty-Fourth Street back to our area.

Monday, with only two months to final exams, Mr. Martinson put us on a three times a week after school schedule. He gave each of us some new textbooks and notebooks to work with. My English was of particular concern.

`Good students know how to properly use the mother tongue of our country,' explained Martinson.

That night, Bill was at the apartment when mother arrived. He'd already charmed Brenda with comments about her sense of responsibility taking such good care of us. We had cleaned up the apartment in preparation for his visit. Other than real estate agents and cops, we'd never had any outside visitors.

`Buenas noches, Sra. Molina.'

Mother and all of us smiled at his use of Spanish.

`Mucho gusto, Senior Bill,' replied my mother.

Then Bill surprised us all. He continued on in perfect Spanish. `Here are some pictures your son took the past two weekends in the park. He has an excellent talent for photography.'

Mother was dutifully flattered. She invited Bill in and offered Coca Cola. He accepted. Over the next hour, mother thanked him for showing me how to use a camera then asked his line of work, real estate, his marital status, divorced. It all went quite well. Mother seemed both impressed and not suspicious which, of course, was my main concern. He asked her permission to take Cholito and me to The Cloisters and other areas of upper Manhattan where he was planning to take pictures the following weekend. We'd leave early and get back by six. She was very happy to agree and would speak to Cholito's mother.

Saturday, Cholito waited with me at my house. Bill took us up the Westside Highway to Fort Tryon Park and the Cloisters where we photographed trees, bushes, people and the buildings of The Cloisters. And, naturally, we took photos of each other alone, in pairs and finally, using the camera's timer, Bill shot us all sitting on a stone wall.

Twice, while Cholito was taking his pictures, Bill spoke to me of my friend.

`Have you thought about our discussion last week concerning Cholito?'

I lied and said I hadn't. Cholito was my special friend. I didn't want our relationship to end up like the one I had with Georgie. Cholito was mine. Sharing was not something I was willing to do, even with Bill. But the problem was obvious. With Cholito around, Bill couldn't have sex with me. I knew he wanted it.

No rush,' said Bill, but do think about it. If you'd like, we could meet during the week after school, just the two of us. We could have dinner and I could help you with your homework.'

That worked for me. I wondered what excuse I would give Cholito. `What about Thursdays?'

Cholito and I had already made Tuesdays basement day. Bill would have me Thursdays. Cholito and I would certainly do it other times too, maybe even that afternoon on Bill's great round bed.

We finished the last roll quickly. Bill looked at his watch and said, `Hey, it's early yet, I've got baseball gear in the car. You guys want to play some before we go back?'

We played for an hour. Cholito wanted to be the batter all the time. I let him and was very proud of myself for it. Mr. Martinson had talked to me a number of times about sharing. And it was fun watching Cholito gritting his teeth trying to hit the balls. I enjoyed running to catch. It felt great to stretch out my legs and run across the carpet of grass even if I didn't actually catch many balls. Eventually, though, I got to thinking about how Cholito would look naked swinging that bat and running after balls he missed, his great cock flapping back and forth. I wanted to get back and spend some time with him in the shower and on top the bed.

I did. After putting the negatives up to dry, Bill went off the kitchen, leaving us alone again. I was slow to join Cholito on the bed, relishing the view of his stiff, full three and a half inches pointing at the ceiling and the hump it created down between his legs. I never ceased to be amazed by its size. Only Roy might have had something similar. His four incher still had relatively small balls, an indication that it had just recently begun to grow. When, I thought, would I see him again?

We made slow love for half an hour then chased each other back to the shower. The room had been warm and we were dripping with sweat.

Bill stuck his head in and called me.

`I'm wet,' I answered.

`That's why the floor has tiles. Come here a minute.'

Michael was there and Bill said he was crazy about long cocks. He would really appreciate seeing Cholito nude.

`No sex,' I said as a condition.

`No sex.'

Michael came in like he was going to use the bathroom. Cholito turned around to hide his manhood. Michael washed his hands then came to the side of the platform and held out his hand. `Hi, I'm Michael.'

Cholito covered his cock with free hand and shook with the other. I laughed.

`Don't worry, Cholito, he's a guy too.'

He let his hand slide away and uncover the snake dangling between his thighs. Michael tried to just glance but, as Bill and I before him, couldn't take his eyes off it.

`Big, huh?' bragged Cholito, his shyness gone.

Michael made small talk trying to at least occasionally look at Cholito's face. We continued washing, rinsed off and went for our towels. Michael helped Cholito dry off then went back to Bill in the kitchen. Cholito and I dressed and joined them. The pancakes were on the grill. Michael looked frustrated. I was sure I knew why.

We made prints and went off to another movie, Michael joining us.

Bill picked me up the following Thursday afternoon at four and took me to his apartment. We made love in the shower. That's where I wanted to do it with Cholito next chance we got. Soap had been my original lubricant though I had to be careful beating off. If too much of it got in the tip, it stung.

Bill didn't go all the way when I blew him. He wanted to slip it between my soapy thighs, tight against my perineum. He sat me on him and masturbated me with KY while slowly fucking between my legs. It felt good. I closed my eyes and thought of fucking Cholito.

`Tell me when you're close so we can come together.'

`Now,' I informed moments later.

He pumped faster. I squeezed. White globs shot into the air and fell over my gut. I throbbed into his hand.

We showered and went out for dinner, me wearing the suit he'd bought me. I had steak. He ate something French that I didn't like the looks of.

As I was changing clothes back at the apartment, Bill invited me to spend Saturday night with him, Michael, Roy and Adrian at the apartment. `Roy and Adrian liked you and asked if you could join us.'

It was an indication to me that Bill was still seeing the other boys, that maybe Cholito and I were Saturday and Roy and Adrian were Sunday. Did it matter? I wasn't sure. Bill had said I was the only one.

Bill came with me up to my apartment. He told mother he had tickets to a show and one of their foursome couldn't make it. As they'd be getting in late, I could stay in his spare bedroom. He'd have me back by midday Sunday. Mother's attitude was just a bit suspicious but she really couldn't say no. Bill was a charmer.

Saturday, Bill, Cholito and I went to the New York City Museum before taking pictures of people on Fifth Avenue. The day was cloudy with occasional drizzle. I loved what I saw in the viewfinder. The shadows were less pronounced and the air was very clear. I wished I could take the photos in color to capture the freshness.

I hurried us along to make sure there would be sufficient time to have relaxed sex with Cholito in the shower tub. I'd been planning what we'd do since Thursday. As we finished the sixth roll of film, I pulled Bill close and asked, `We going to the apartment now?'

`Don't worry, you'll have plenty of time,' he replied with a wink and a hug.

Once we'd developed the film, Bill announced that he had an errand to run that would take about an hour and for us to entertain ourselves until he got back. Cholito went straight to the large television console. I suggested, `Let's take a shower. I wanna show you something new.'

'New' was the magic word. The ever-adventurous Cholito dropped his clothes as he headed for the huge marble bathroom. The KY tube lay prominently along side the soap bar. Cholito stopped at the tub then went back to the door and twisted the lock.

I turned on the water and adjusted the gold knobs to just the right temperature. I washed him, cleaning out his rectum as usual. He washed me, sticking his index finger in me up to the knuckle then, laughing, pulled upward, almost knocking me over. We wrestled for a moment until I was sitting on his gut. `I oughta fuck you in your ombligo (navel),' I threatened then flattened on top of him and humped his stomach.

We gradually got back to washing. Once the soap had disappeared down the drain, I switched the water from the showerheads to the faucets. Cholito sat in the warm water and fiddled with his semi-hard wong. Mine was fully stiff in anticipation. With about three inches of water in the tub, I shut the faucets and floated over to Cholito. I soaped up our fronts, placed us across the short length of the giant tub, and pulled him on top of me for a leisurely body to body rub. We slipped back and forth over each other. His flesh was super smooth. It was almost like sliding up and down inside his ass. He arched and tugged.

`Don't cum yet,' I said.

`Don' worry. I gotta fuck you yet.' He giggled again.

That was part of my plan.

First, I lifted my knees so he was sliding between my thighs. I breathed heavily to avoid cumming myself. Gradually, I lifted my legs so his cock was slipping over my perineum the right above my asshole.

`Now,' I told him.

He raised up, spotted his target and moved in. Penetration was fast and complete, right to my prostate, right to my special spot. I reached for his soapy buns and pulled him tight. He lay forward and pushed his toes against the far side of the tub.

This was the part I was looking forward to. As usual, he lifted up on his arms while he was fucking me. His gleaming wet tummy moved and rolled with each thrust. His long wet cock pulled so nearly completely out that I saw the flange of the head each time. The view was incredible. He started ramming in hard.

`Stop for a minute so it lasts longer,' I requested.

He pushed in and lay down on me. `You really like this, don' cha.'

I didn't answer.

`Next time, you go first.'

Cholito was afraid he was missing something.

He lifted up and looked down at his buried cock and slowly pulled it out to the head. He was blocking my view watching himself. I was hesitant to say anything. His head stayed down. I had to see.

`I wanna watch too.'

He looked up smiling and rammed in hard. I had to start breathing again to stop my own passion. Cholito banged away, our wet bodies making a sharp slapping sound each time they met. I saw his thigh muscles harden. The muscles in his groin became more pronounced. He rammed in hard then stopped, pushing up on his fingers. I felt those familiar snapping throbs as he got off. He went into the short thrusts that accompanied his strong orgasms. Three, four, five times he pumped then collapsed on me. As always, I wanted to kiss his lips but that just wasn't something he would allow.

`Let's stay like this for a while and my fuck'll be better for you.'

His head was lying on my right shoulder. He nodded assent.

The water had cooled off so I reached over and pushed the drain lever up. Once the tub was empty, I turned on the water, adjusting the temperature. Cholito was sliding out of me. His breathing was heavy. He had fallen asleep. I didn't know whether to wake him up. His cock head popped out of my hole. I missed the feel of its presence. I wondered why he was so tired. A terrible thought crossed my mind. Was someone using him like my biological father used me? I didn't think he knew people like that, but his father was shot and he'd never explained why. He had been a baby when it happened but you would think he would have heard. His father had not been white so he would not have been a Westie. They were holier than thou about not getting involved in drugs but racist bastards with non-whites. Their fathers' sons called me `Spic' and my father was one of their bosses.

If the bathtub hadn't been so hard, I would happily have let Cholito sleep on me until Bill came home but it wasn't. The base of my spine began to ache. Slowly, I rolled us to one side, keeping my arm under his head. He stirred. His eyes opened lazily.

`Your turn? He asked with a smile.

I was too horny to say no.

I used KY. It was cold but warmed up fast once I was inside him. Again, there were his lips below mine. I accepted reality and put my head on his shoulder.

`Stay up like I was. I wanna watch.'

I complied and got to fucking. The KY was more slippery than soap. It didn't feel any better, just different.

`Do it same as I did.'

I pulled out to the tip of my dick and thrust hard back inside, making the same smacking sound he had. Again and again, I slipped out and jammed back inside. Twice I looked and his cock stayed soft. The thought dulled my passion but just a little.

He raised his legs a bit higher. `Go in harder,' he requested.

Was his cock lying? I pushed off from my toes, thrusting hard enough to bang him backward partly up the side of the tub. I pulled him back down against the tub bottom, slipped my arms under his knees and gripped his shoulders up against his neck. I thrust again as hard as before. We both grunted. I felt the base of my cock enter his warmth. I continued, passion increasing my speed. I felt the force of my thrusts in my arms and hands as his smaller body bounced backward with each hit. I wanted flesh in my mouth but all I found was hair. His head was doubled under me watching the action. I looked around him and saw his cock growing, and also his ear. I put my lips on it and felt the bloating coming up from inside, then the first pulse went roaring up my dick to fire inside him. I imitated his short thrusts timed with the throbs in my cock. He was hard when I looked again.

I half expected a request to fuck me again but it didn't come. We washed off, dried and dressed. I asked him why he was so sleepy.

`I dunno. You were just so comfortable,' he grinned. He didn't seem to be hiding anything. I hoped it was nothing.

Bill had good timing, coming back just as we flopped down on the sofa.

`So what have you two been up to?' he asked pleasantly.

Cholito looked at me with a raised eyebrows. `We took a shower,' I answered.

Bill had to pick up Michael in New Jersey. Cholito seemed satisfied with the ride instead of the movie he usually requested. I could take him Sunday afternoon if he wanted.

Michael was waiting outside a large school. Junior high age boys waved at him as they passed. Bill explained that there had been a swimming competition and Michael was a judge. I was sure he enjoyed the view.

After sitting in the front on the way out, we sat in the back of the car on the return. Michael was very friendly with Cholito until Bill gave him a look of disapproval.

Bill dropped us off on Tenth. I motioned for Bill to go around the block. After telling Cholito that I had to get home early, I started down Forty-Eighth then stopped. I waited a couple of minutes, poked my head around the corner to be sure he had gone up Forty Ninth and raced toward Eleventh Avenue to meet Bill.

We picked up Roy and Adrian in Queens in front of Adrian's two storey row house. His mother waved from the porch. Both boys wore suits. They shook my hand enthusiastically. We returned to the apartment where I put on my suit. We went to a Second Avenue Restaurant and the Broadway show, Auntie Mame. It was very different from anything I'd ever seen. I thought the boy was cute and enjoyed the story and some of the music and dancing. Beatrice Arthur was fun. I became her fan that day and still am. Roy and Adrian seemed to like it.

Back at the apartment, we all stripped to sleep in the same huge round bed. Roy was the first to come to me, turned head to toe for sixty-nine. He sucked me in. I felt his wonderful long cock and dangling balls before doing the same. He was slow and gentle, revolving his head so my cock flopped from side to side in his mouth. I enjoyed the taste and feel of his shaft in my mouth, running my tongue round and round it, sucking gently.

There was movement near us. I saw Adrian planted on top of Michael sucking pretty much as I with Roy. Adrian's crotch lay on Michael's face. Michael fondled his buns.

Bill lay apart observing quietly.

Adrian began fucking Michael's mouth. Roy pulled away from me and spoke in Adrian's ear. Adrian let go of Michael's cock and looked at me.

`You know what a Daisy Chain is?'

I didn't have a clue.

`Let's show him,' suggested Roy.

`Hmmm?' said Michael as Adrian rolled off him.

`Let's do a Daisy Chain. Bill can sixty-nine with the end,' said Roy.

`What's a Daisy Chain?' I asked, frustration building.

`One person fucks the next who fucks the next until the last person does sixty-nine with somebody, in this case, Bill.'

It took me a moment to understand. What a great idea, I thought. My machismo somewhere back on Forty-Eighth, I requested, `Can Roy do me and me do Adrian?' That kept me with boys on both sides. I didn't want a man's cock up my ass and didn't enjoy their loose asses. Adrian frowned but didn't protest.

Michael got the KY and greased up himself, Roy, and me. After wiping his hands with a towel, he lay back and Roy carefully sat on his stiff six. I lay beside them and watched Michael's cockhead slowly pinch and push inside Roy's rectum. Just as slowly, Roy lifted off. Michael applied more KY. Roy sat back down. Michael's cock slipped in farther. With a wiggle left and right, Roy slid gradually down until he sat on pubic hair. It seemed they'd done this before.

It was my turn. Roy's penis was half again as wide as Cholito's but still not nearly as fat as Sammy's that I took in the movie. I sat. Roy's pole slid right in, up to and past my prostate, filling me wonderfully. It was better than Cholito's. I couldn't wait for the action to begin. It took three attempts to get mine inside Adrian, every one made enjoyable by the movement of Roy's pole inside me. The feeling on entry was instantaneous and incredible. The pleasure spread throughout my entire middle like water filling a sponge.

`Lock arms,' ordered Michael now under three boys. I didn't know what it meant until Roy wrapped his arms around my waist. I gripped Adrian. He reached back and tugged on my hips.

`Now, slowly.'

We rolled over onto the bed, one behind the other. Bill lay in front of Adrian. I heard him slurp in his cock. I couldn't hold still and gently rolled my hips. The feeling took my breath away.

Wait,' said Roy. Michael operates the chain. You just go where it takes you.'

I felt Roy come partly out, pulling me with him. The pile moved forward. Roy went full in as I did to Adrian. This was the most exciting pleasure I'd ever felt. The movement became more pronounced. My penis and anus were one in feeling. The pleasure ran right through me. I lost touch with my surroundings, whom I was with. We were all one big pleasure vehicle, one joint fuck. The back and forth became steady, rolling like a wave. With no effort on my part, I slipped and out of Adrian. Fortunately, he wasn't as tight as Cholito or, for me, it would have been over quickly. The cock inside me slipped back and forth across my pleasure spot, producing spikes of intense feeling that now reached into my chest and down my thighs.

Someone said, `Hold', and the movement halted. I heard heavy breathing. It was good they stopped as I was right at my point of no return. I heard Adrian continue sucking on Bill.

`Now?' Michael asked.

`Not yet,' answered Roy.

I was content to stay as we were for a while. A voice said, `Okay.'

The motion slowly started up, gradually returning to where it had been. The feeling was just as intense. I had to have something in my mouth. I sucked on Adrian's shoulder. Roy tugged on me with each forward movement. I embraced Adrian and Bill. Roy let go a muffled mmmh' each time he reached full depth inside me. I tightened my grip on Adrian. Michael said, Stopping'. The motion stopped. My head was floating again. I didn't want to stop so rolled my hips back and forth for my cock and the one inside me side to side. The feeling was less powerful but kept my level of excitement on high.

Michael started again without saying anything. The flow was greater this time. Roy's cock slipped farther out then had farther to go on the return. It nearly pulled me completely out. I held tight to Adrian's middle. Michael went, Aaahhh, aaahhh,' Roy pushed hard into me, banging me deep into Adrian. Then again, and again, and, mmmmhhh!' Roy shook. I felt his pulse inside and thrilled at the thought of his young sperm squirting into me. I was close enough and Adrian was squeezing so tightly that only two more thrusts set me off. Roy throbbed along with me. Adrian stiffened then his rectal muscle flexed repeatedly, intensifying the feeling running through my groin. No one tried to pull free.

Roy whispered in my ear, `That's a Daisy Chain.' Bill flipped a sheet over us. I fell asleep.

That became my Saturday night. Life had settled into a fairly regular schedule. There were my three afternoons of classes with Mr. Martinson. Tuesday afternoon, Cholito and I went to the basement. I don't think he had an inkling of the deep emotional feelings I had for him. Sex for Cholito was a series of very pleasant physical sensations.

Thursday evenings, I went with Bill. Cholito and I spent Saturdays during the day with Bill playing baseball, taking and developing pictures and, of course, we two boys found time to enjoy each other. My photographic skills improved. I developed and printed my own pictures and learned to improve the results. Bill had some of my photos framed, hanging some on his wall and sending copies, also framed, to my mother.

Saturday evenings, I went back to Bill's with Michael, Roy and Adrian.

My life was predictable, sexy and full of companionship.

On the first Friday in May, as I left school with Cholito, Lester was waiting for me at the playground wall to tell me my biological father wanted to see me.

Next: Chapter 16

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