Never Say Never

Published on May 10, 2003


Cholito and I met Bill at nine thirty at the south end of the lake. He brought along some of the prints of my pictures.

`You made these?' Cholito asked me excitedly.

I nodded yes.

`Wow, can I do some?'

I looked at Bill. Cholito's eyes followed mine.

`Why not. The more the merrier,' said Bill a bit unconvincingly.

I worried that bringing Cholito into our little world may have been a mistake for everyone, including Cholito. If Bill just wanted to be with me as it appeared, Cholito would sense it soon enough. That would make him feel less important to me. Bill would think I was taking advantage of our friendship. Even an eleven year old could figure all this out. I had messed up.

We took pictures of people by the lake, sitting on benches, strolling along the walkways and sitting in the sun. Cholito shot a set of rocks by the water. Bill thought that was creative so I did too. Bill was right. They were interesting. I moved a couple to change their appearance, create a greater difference between light and dark areas. Cholito had some other ideas and found some pieces of wood and dead leaves. Bill sat back and watched. After he'd taken the pictures, I rearranged Cholito's composition - I'd learned what that meant - and shot it my way. Cholito found a different angle. We were on our last roll. I sat with Bill.

`It wasn't a good idea to bring Cholito, was it?'

Bill took a few moments to answer me. `The fact that you asked the question means you wished you hadn't.' He left the unasked question hanging in the air.

`I can take him home and meet you later,' I offered.

Bill put his hand around my shoulder. `Why did you bring him?' The question carried no judgment, gave me no expected direction to go but the truth.

Well, cause mom didn't want me to come with some man alone and my sister didn't want to go. And I want you to be able to meet my mother so we can do more together.'

`That all?'

He knew. My questions in bed after sex told him. He knew that I loved Cholito. His last simple leading question forced me to say it, as much as I could. `'Cause I like him, a lot.' The word love was in my mind right up to the base of my tongue but I still couldn't come out and say it. Bill asked the question that most needed to be asked.

`Do you love him?'

I leaned my head into his chest. `Mmm hmm,' was all I could get out.

`Then I think he should come with us today and other times too and you let me know how I should act toward him.'

I looked Bill in the eyes, searching for any sign of discontent with such a situation and saw none.

`He doesn't know about what we do. I never told him about the Square and all.'

`Then we mustn't say anything about that around him, unless you decide you really want to.'

That forced the next question. `Do you want to do it with him? He's stand up, won't say anything to anybody.' I dropped my face asking myself did I really want to offer him to someone else, even Bill.

That's not a question for me. You love him. He obviously thinks a lot about you. Is that something you share or is that something just for the two of you. You think about that, no quick answer you might regret later. I love you and will handle it as you like.' He hugged me. I'll bet he's about out of film.'

He must have been counting. One shot later, Cholito reached the end of the fifth and last roll Bill had brought along. I was still thinking about Bill saying he loved me. Did he really love me like I loved Cholito? Like a father is supposed to love his son? This whole thing was very confusing, but exciting.

`If you like, Cholito can come with us to develop the film.' That broke the reverie.

Cholito,' I called out, wanna go and develop the film at Bill's house?'

`Ain't you got more? I wanna take a picture of Ray.'

Sorry,' said Bill, all out.'

`Okay, let's go make pictures.'

The apartment was way beyond anything Cholito had ever seen outside a television or movie. He wandered around touching things with his dirty hands. The always patient Bill didn't say a thing. I took Cholito to a bathroom to wash his hands. The bathroom blew Cholito's mind. It was three times as big as his living room with a huge tub with showers at both ends, all on a ceramic tiled platform raised off the marble floor.

We developed the film and hung it up to dry. The forever-perverse side of me wanted to show off Cholito's huge dong so I suggested a shower while we waited. I knew Cholito would want to try out that enormous bath.

Bill watched as we undressed, obviously appreciating Cholito's fine body. When he dropped his pants and exposed that big cock, Bill's eyes opened wide. His lips said wow. I grinned and held my hand up, thumb and index finger indicating the three and a half inches it grew to. His lips repeated wow.

Bill washed me without touching my cock or ass. Cholito requested equal time.

`Wash me too.'

Bill was equally thorough though equally avoiding of crotch and rear. I don't think Cholito had any idea what was going through Bill's mind.

We stayed in the shower quite a while longer, at opposite ends of the tub, enjoying the wonderfully hot water massaging our necks, shoulders and backs. Twice, I started getting a hard on looking at Cholito's body with water streaming over it, rivulets following his chest lines, spreading out over his abdomen, coming together again in the soft grooves that made up the V that led to his cock, then coursing down its length and rushing off like he was peeing. I couldn't think of any nice way to ask Bill to let us use his bedroom alone. I just looked at him hoping he'd understand.

Amazingly, he did.

`You guys go dry off in the bedroom. I'm going to fix us something to eat. It'll take about twenty minutes.'

I flashed him a kiss and turned off my water. My dick was completely hard before I got to the towel.

Cholito said, `You're lucky that didn't happen when he was still in here.'

I threw a towel to him and grabbed his arm. `C'mon, we got twenty minutes.'

Cholito understood immediately. `Not in this guy's house. What if..'

`He's gonna be in the kitchen for twenty minutes, Din't you hear him?'

`You're crazy. That don't mean he ain't gonna walk back to see what we're doin'.'

`He won't. I promise.'

I dragged him into the bedroom and pulled the door closed. He stood there, still dripping. The direct light from the windows and the softer light reflected by the almost white walls and ceiling caressed the curves and valleys of his body making him appear even more beautifully formed. His flesh seemed to have depth under the wet sheen. I did a quick dry of his body and mine and pushed him to the bed. He looked around. `Man, this is really big.'

I grabbed his cock and said, `Man, this is really big.'

He laughed and wrapped his arms around me, rolling me one my back and sitting on my chest. He looked me in the eye. `Does that guy know what we're gonna do in here?

`How's he gonna know?'

He put his hands to my throat in a mock strangling. `No bullshit, Gato. No way you're gonna have sex in some man's house and you just met him once. And he ain't got no wife. He's gay, right?'

I caught his use of gay' rather than the old familiar fag'.

`I promise you he won't come in.'

'You're into sumpin', ain't cha,' he grinned then flattened out on top of me.

We rubbed groins for a while. Cholito was silent. I knew he was trying to sort this whole thing out and hoped it worked okay for him. The sex was good. While I was thoroughly re-cleaning the inside of his rectum with my tongue, Cholito pushed his hand between my legs. I opened wide. A wet finger poked inside my pucker, the fingernail scratching enough for me to wince. He pulled it out and let saliva drip down my perineum. I raised my legs over his head, reached down and pushed his arms inside them so my thighs were by his armpits. He nudged his finger inside me, slowly, right to the knuckle. His finger barely reached my special spot, titillating it briefly then roaming all over inside, exploring as far in each direction as it could like some small person who had climbed inside and was stretching his limbs every which way. I loved it. I ran my arms between his legs and gripped his buns. My tongue pushed deeper and moved it around inside him as his finger was doing in me. He started sliding his finger in and out, pushing hard at the end forcing a bit of knuckle inside each time. I heard him say, `Ray, let me fuck you. You can do me after.'

I removed my tongue and kissed both his ass cheeks as he got up. A double whammy, half of it my first real fuck. I'd screwed a number of hairy men's asses with holes so loose I could only recall reaching orgasm once. My experience with tight boys asses was zero. And for the first to be my beloved Cholito, now more beloved than before? I was not just going to heaven; I had arrived!

I rolled on my stomach and arched my ass upward. He crawled in behind me, legs outside mine. He dripped more saliva on my opening. His cock slipped between my cheeks but couldn't find the hole. He stood on his knees and pulled my rear higher. That didn't work either. He tucked his legs inside mine allowing me to open up for him. I raised my buns higher and pulled them open with my hands. He still couldn't get into the right place. I released a cheek and guided the tip home. He must have felt the warmth because he immediately pushed right in. Simultaneously, I felt his flesh against my buns and his cockhead poked my special spot. It was like he injected a thousand fireflies of joy.

`Oh, Cholito, I panted.

He moved laterally, forcing his cock side to side inside me before starting to fuck. I arched my back so I could hold his thighs and feel the muscles as he thrust again and again, harder and harder. He was slamming into me as Sammy had in the movie but this time there was no pain, all pleasure, other worldly ecstasy. My head swam. He stopped with just the head inside then pushed slowly back into me, holding it there. I worried he was reaching orgasm. He wasn't. He was prolonging his pleasure. Cholito was a fast learner.

Seconds later, he was moving again, slower this time but just as hard at the end, hitting my spot each time, sending pleasure the length of my body. I wished I could hold him.

`Cholito, let me turn over. Do it from the front.'

He slipped out. I rolled over and raised my legs up over his shoulders. He put it back in first try and went deeper than before. I shivered in delight. Reaching out, I pulled him to me, pulling my legs up and apart to permit our torsos to touch. I kissed his head and face. I wanted his lips so bad. I tried pulling his chin up to me but he resisted. I wrapped my arms around him and held on with all I had. He rammed harder and faster. Then I felt the explosion of his snapping throbs. He made a muffled squeal and pressed tight against me, his legs quivering with each throb of his cock.

Gradually, he eased his hold on me until he pushed his shoulders up and gave me a wonderful peck on the lips.

'Toca tuya', he said, 'your turn' in Spanish.

He rolled us over, tugging me on top and lifted his legs to his chest as I done with mine. I sat back and examined my target. It was, as the rest of his body, covered with sweat. I dribbled saliva into my hand and rubbed it onto my dick. I was sensitive enough to cum just from the entry. I breathed heavily a couple of times. That often reduced the tension in my cock. Tugging myself forward, I put my cockhead at his pucker and gently pressed. It slipped in, immediately engulfed by a furnacelike wet heat that ran up my shaft as it slid inside. I saw my groin run against his perineum, my cock hidden inside him. Orgasm was ready to burst out of my balls. I held absolutely still, my eyes still on where our bodies joined.

'Feels great, don't it?' commented Cholito, hands gripping his thighs to his body.

I looked at his smiling face. He'd just gotten off. He couldn't be enjoying the fucking yet. He just liked the action.

I continued to breath deeply, trying to lower my passion so I could get in a few decent thrusts before it was over. Cholito kept smiling. My orgasm had receded a little. Time to go.

I lay forward and slid my hands under Cholito's shoulders. I could feel the strain in his muscles. I lifted back up, leaned over, careful not to slip out, grabbed a pillow and pushed it under his raised buns. I lay on him again and put my hands back under his shoulders. He was much more relaxed. Any my cock was too. I began fucking, out to the tip, back in, my crotch to his perineum. My passion rose fast. The walls of his canal held my cock like a hot greased fist. I opened my mouth and sucked on his shoulder. I was high enough on him to have kissed his lips but knew he wouldn't want to. I turned my head and kissed his cheek with wet lips. I tried for deeper penetration, hitting hard into him as he had into me, understanding why he and Sammy had done it that way. I grunted because it felt better doing it. My toes dug into the sheets to give leverage for each thrust. My head swam like I was losing consciousness. My cock began bloating. I slowed to prolong but it was far too late. I could feel the orgasm start deep inside me where his cock had been minutes before. It traveled out and around my perineum, slowing on the outward pull then roared up my shaft, bursting the pleasure barrier as I plunged back into him. 'Mmmmmmm', I moaned then pulled out to ram back in and moan again, then again, and again. Every muscle in my body was tense. My lips were planted on Cholito's clavicle. Cholito embraced me with his arms and knees.

'I wanna stay like this forever,' I said.

Cholito said nothing, just lay relaxed.

Forever only lasted a couple of minutes. Neither of our cocks, however, softened until we were in the shower, washing off the sweat. I considered it an excellent sign that Cholito stayed hard while I fucked him. My first boy fuck!

Cholito had wanted to just dry the sweat off with our towels, certain that a second shower would be the final definitive clue to Bill about what we'd been doing.

'If he asks, I'll say we were wrestling.'

'For all that time? Not even a burro's gonna b'lieve that.'

Bill was in the kitchen making pancakes when we entered. A half dozen books were spread out on a table.

'I hope you like these. I couldn't find the recipe I wanted so I'm doing it from memory.'

They had bits of fruit and a taste of cinnamon. The syrup had a mild fruit taste to it too. They were delicious.

At no time did Bill question or even mention the second shower.

Cholito was as amazed as I had been when the prints came to life in the developer. He started critiquing his the moment they came off the dryer.

'Next time, we gotta get bigger rocks.' 'I shoulda got lower.'

My thoughts ran more to doing it where there was more shade so the differences in light wouldn't have been so dramatic. Bill thought that was very 'astute', a word I at first related with stupid. He explained and I felt better.

`Can we take these home?' I asked.

`Sure. Better still, why don't I take them to your house tomorrow night. Your mother gets home about eight, right?'

That was good news. Bill meeting mother would make everything easier. And it was dark at eight so not many if any people would see him and ask a lot of questions. I suggested he wear something that didn't look rich.

Cholito wanted to go to the movies so we went to a fancy first run theater on Seventh Avenue near the Square and saw The Apaloosa starring Marlon Brando. We finished the day with pizza, which we carried back to Bill's apartment.

Although he didn't say a thing one way or the other, I got the impression Bill at least didn't mind Cholito's presence. We ate the pizza sitting on either side of him. When we finished, Bill wiped off Cholito's mouth and gave him a hug. Those simple gestures were very reassuring, especially when he hugged me as we were leaving, lifting me clean off the floor and planting a wet kiss on my forehead.

That night, when I found a twenty dollar bill in my back pants pocket, I was sure Cholito was an okay addition to our little family. He would have to be brought in on the sex at some time or poor Bill wouldn't be getting much of my sweet pecker.

Next: Chapter 15

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