Never Know What You Had

By moc.loa@neerGAassiL

Published on Aug 11, 2000


Title Series: Never Know What You Had Pairing: Lance and Nick Carter (of the Backstreet Boys) Maybe? Author: Melissa LissaAGreen Disclaimer: This is just fiction. I am not implying anything about the actual members of *NSYNC or BSB in real life. I have no idea if they're gay or not. but if they were I would support their lifstyle. I've never met them. Feedback is greatly appreciated.

Back in Lance's room Lance's Thoughts.

Chris and I made it to my room. I had been wondering what he has planned in there. I was suddenly getting the feeling that I wasn't going to like what I was going to see.

Before opening the door Chris started to kiss, but I pulled back. He looked up at me with those sad brown puppydog-like eyes.

"What is it Lance? what's wrong?"

I couldn't look at him anymore. I just turned away. I could feel the tears start coming.

"Please Chris, just tell me what behind that door."

"Well, that's part of the surprise Lance, I can't tell you, Why are you crying?"

"It just seems like everytime I tell someone how much I care for them something jumps up and ruins it. it's happened to me too many times."

Chris stood by me and put his arms around me.

"No body can spoil what we have Lance. You more then just a fantasy now, Do you trust me?"

"Yes, I'm sorry Chris, it's just that,"

"No need to explian. Just one thing though, close your eyes."

I smiled at him. I used one hand to cover my eyes.

I herd Chris fumble with the keys, he then pulled inside and closed the door behind him.

"Okay Lance you can open now."

My hand left my face and my eyes were opened. I had to blink a couple times, i thought I was dreaming.

"When did you do this?" I asked.

"This afternoon, that's why I came to pick you up."

I went over to the bed silky satin sheets. He gave me a delish smile. I noticed there was a stuffed teddy bear on the pillows.

"Chris, this is all, so romantic and I thought; well I guess it don't matter what I thought."

I went over to him and gave him a hug. I never felt so happy in my life. I felt his strong arms wrap tightly around my waist.

"I just wanted to show you how much you mean to me, Will you read the letter I stuck there?"

Chris was pointing to the bear on the pillow. I took the letter sticking out of his arms. I alsmot cried at the site. it was a poem. No one ever written me a poem before.

Dear Lance;

Words can not discribe how I feel about you

What has happened so far has been a dream come true.

Before you were only a fantasy in my mind.

That was before it was love I could not find.

But now it's easy to see.

Now that I have you in front of me.

Seeing you smile makes my heart melt.

You have no idea how I really felt.

I would want nothing in the world but to make you smile.

If it's all right I would like to be in your life for even a little while.

Holding you in my arms is the best feeling.

Having you with me is helping my heart healing.

Before I end this poem of thought.

There's just one more question I wish to brought,

I know this may be moving to fast

But I would love this night to last.

That's when they started to fall. Once again I started to cry. But not becuase I was unhappy. they we're happy tears.

"Does this letter mean what I hope it means?" I asked nervously hoping I was reading right.

"I know the poem is kinda bad, but I was trying to ask you if I could spend the night with you. I just want to hold you I my arms all night long. I want to wake up next to you. I promise not to pull anything, I just want to be here with you, is this okay with you Lance?"

"It's more then okay Chris."

I was still crying a little, but Chris made the tears disappear as hie kissed my cheek.

"Please Lance, please don't cry."

"Well, I'm happy, I can't help it."

Chris picked me up and carried me to my bed. I felt so much love for him. I know it's only been days since I met him, but he prooven to me that he cares. No one ever went through so much trouble for me before. No one.

Chris laid me on the bed and started to kiss me. He left a trial of kisses from the top of my head to my lips. I could taste the sauce he had o his veal at dinner. His tounge enterted my mouth and I let it without hesitation.

he then started to kiss down to my neck and he pulled up my sweater. his tounge snuck out licked my chest. not missing one spot. His tounge traveled over to my right nipple and his immediately began to suck on it. The sensation I was feeling when his teeth bit down gently on my hard nipple was incredible! he repeated his actions to my left nipple.

His tounge then licked down to my belly button. he playfully licked around my stomach and inside my belly butten. It felt so good, so sexy.

I thought he was going to go on longer but he sat up and crawled up next to me.

"You taste so good Lance."

I laughed. "Thank you, what's in the basket?"

"Uh uh, not yet nosey, that's for desert. We have all night, we can do what ever you want."

"Would you mind if I paid you back for that show you just put on for me?"

"I never said I was done with you yet Lance."

I just smiled at him. I knew I would let him do just about anything he wanted to me at that moment.

Chris' Thoughts

I looked down at my new boyfriend. I loved him so much, more then I ever admited loving anyone before.

His eyes we're just so beautiful, they looked so much better when he was happy.

I leaned forward and licked his neck some more

"You know what I like about you Lance?"

"What's that?"


"Aww Chris cut it out."

"No seriously. Your one of the sweetest people I've ever met."

"Well, I think your pretty sweet yourself. I mean I never expected anything like this."

"Your worth every bit of it Lance, you still interested in what's in that basket?"

"Yeah, what can I say? I'm nosey."

I laughed at his little remark and reach over to grab the basket which held a blanket over it. I lifted it up. There where a bowl of strawberries two glasses and a bottle of champian.

"I was hoping you saved a little room for desert." I said.

"If I didn't know you better I'd say you were trying to get me drunk."

"No, I want your full attention tonight Lance, with what ever happens, I want your full body to be present."

He smiled at me, those beautiful blue eyes just sparkled, I couldn't help but lean over and kiss it.

I opened the Champaign bottle and poured us each an inch of Champaign. I then pealed off the stem of one of the strawberries and fed it to my boyfriend. He greedily excepted the fuit and then we shared a kiss.

His tounge snuck in my mouth and his lips departed. I had Lance's full tounge in my mouth and I sucking it happily, tasting the strawberry I had just fed him.

Lance sat up on my stomach and sexily took off his shirt. I just laid there and watched him.

My heands reach up and I massaged his chest. His two pink nipples were sticking straight up. He then leaned forward and we shared another kiss.

"God your so sexy Lance."

"Your not so bad yourself Chris. Hay how about another strawberry?"

"Aww you only love me cuase I feed you."

I said smiling. I reached over and grabed a strawberry from the basket, this time I teased him, I took the first bite and then let him have a bite, then we kissed.

"Hay I can taste your strawberry." He smiled at me.

I just laughed and started to feel around his pelvic area., but he slapped my hand away.

"I think it's time I pay you back for that lttle favor you done for me this morning."

Of course I didn't not refuse him of this request. In fact I made it easier for him. I spread my legs and him continue his task.

Lance fumbled with my blet and took it off slowly, not skipping on glance at me. He had this huge grin on as he was slipping the belt off from my jean. Then he played with the button and zipper.

"I don't know, I think I change my mind." he said and laid next to me.

I was in shock. but I could tell by the smile on his face he was teasing me. I felt his warm tounge licking across my neck. I could just picture how it felt along my dick.

"Maybe If I butter you up a little? how about another strawberry?" I asked.

"Maybe, hand one to me, please."

I gladly reached over for the red fruit and gave it to him. He leaned forward to my chest, I thought he was going to feed it to me, but instead he just let the end of the fruit and draged it along my stomach.

"Oh Chris, how can I thank you?"

"Thank me? Lance, baby, you don't have to thank me at all."

"I've never been like this with anyone before, I mean I just met you, but I think I'm falling in love, I guess what am I'm getting at is, is it too early to call you my boyfriend?"

I looked deep into his eyes. those beautiful green dots stared back at me. I could tell they were filled with hope and fear of my answer.

"Lance, I'm not going to lay here and say I don't love you, becuase it will be a bold face lie, but your right when you say this relationship is moving very fast in just amount of two days, but asside from meeting you, I always known I love you. I know you hear that a lot from your fans, but I truely do and just meeting you, spending these past two days with you as prooven my love is growing stronger for you every moment we shared, from the moment I saw you in that building to the end of this sentace, I know my love will grow ten times more for you. But, the answer to your question is no, it's not too late, but I want you to be absolute sure you want to be with me. I know how you feel for JC even though he has hurt you you still love him don't you?"

"I can't help it Chris, it's how I am."

"I can understand Lance, tha mean you have beautiful chracter. I would love to be your boyfriend, I would be honored, but I want you to be sure, if you want to think about this I understand."

"There's nothing to think about Chris, I know I love you. My heart tells me to."

I couldn't help but shed a few tears when he announced that. Lance'shand came p to my face and whiped them away.

"One thing both of us needs to stop doing is crying." he said.

I smiled at him and noticed he had tears in his own eyes as well.

"Maybe someone needs to listen to their own advice."

I put my arms around him and laid him my chest. I kissed his eye. Nothing in the world could make me happier then I was at moment. I held him tight to my heart. I soon herd the low breathing coming from his nose. I just smiled at him.

'Oh Well' I thought to myself. 'Maybe we can continue this another time.'

My eyelids soon closed and I feel asleep, keping Lance in my arms.

JC and Justin's room Justin's dream....

I couldn't moove, I tried to scream but no words escaped my mouth My hands were held by a tight grip and I saw his face. The face I would remember for the rest of my life, The face I feared and hated. He pulled my body close to his I herd the sound of a loud slap. As his hand flew across my face. it was then I herd my voice, but it wasn't mine, It was the voice of a little child. "No! No Stop! Please don't hurt me! "Nooo! Get off of me! Please!" I felt his hot breath breathing heavily on my young skin. The monster was full of hate, full of anger, full of rage. I felt his hands all over my body, ripping at my clothes, Pulling at my hair. But it wasn't me, it was my inner child. I herd him speak out, a cry for help. "Please, please help me!" What Could I do? I was just a child as well? That's when I saw my attackers face. It looked very familar, It was a face that haunt me for the rest of my life. it was my father's.

Well what do you think of that? I think I will have Justin's past haunt him some more. as Punnishment for a while, but what shoudl I do about JC? Do you think realizing Lance doesn't love him any more is punnishment enough for what he's done? and How should Chris (Kirkpatrick I mean) handle his little fling with Abby? And we can't forget about Nicky as well hehe, looks like I'm giving you something for you guys to think about. I also need Joey to pop up soon, something should happen to everyone hehe, feel free to E-mail me anytime, or IM me, I'll most likely to be on.

Next: Chapter 9

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